Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 09, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Constance Louise (Connie) Cocking, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Cocking:, to James Paul Woodroffe, son of Mrs. F. N. Woodroffe and
the late Mr. Woodroffe, was announced recently (Jesten-Miller studio photo.)
Dates Announced
Each week brings new romantic an
nouncements and the August and Sep
tember calendars vie with the June one
for the number of weddings.
Interesting to the college group is an
nouncement this week-end of the en
gagement and approaching marriage of
Miss Marjorie Tate, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Tate of Sublimity, to
Lawrence E. Christian, son of Mr, and
Mrs. L. R. Christian of Lebanon.
The wedding is planned for the eve
ning of Saturday, September 10, the
ceremony to be solemnized at 8 o'clock
In the First Congregational church in
Miss Tate, a member of Delta Delta
Delta sorority, was graduated from the
University of Oregon in June. Mr. Chris
tian will return to the Oregon campus
to complete his studies in the fall. He
is affiliated with Phi Kappa Sigma fra
ternity. Hudd-Balley
Announcement Is made by Mr, and
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WED THE afttrnoon of June 46 were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flvnn Caught, Jr. The
bride la the former Leta Jran Evans, daUKhlrr of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Evans, and
Mr. Faufht It Um son of Mr. and Mra, Thomas F. Fauifit. (David U Scott photo.)
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Mrs. William E. Bailey of Hood River
of the approaching marriage of their
daughter, Miss Laura Yuvonne Bailey,
to Jack E. Mudd, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Mudd of Salem.
The wedding is to be an event of
August 14 in the First Baptist church
in Hood River.
Mr. Mudd is a graduate of Willamette
university, where he is a member of
Sigma Chi fraternity, and now holds a
position as physical education and sci
ence instructor at the Capt. Robert Gray
junior high school in Astoria.
Miss Bailey recently resigned from
her position at the Orcgonian Publishing
company in Portland where she has been
employed for the past year. Previous to
that she was a student at Linfieid col
lege in McMinnville.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schramm are to
entertain at a dinner next Friday eve
ning honoring Miss Margaret Jane
Cooley and John Philip Maulding, who
are to be married August 6. Fourteen
will be in the group, the party to be at
the Schramm summer home on the Little
North Fork of the Santiam.
HONORING Mrs. Hugh Earle, who
is moving to Portland, Mrs. Ther
on Hoover and her mother, Mrs.
John H. Wharton, will be hostesses at
an informal tea next Wednesday after
noon. The tea will be at the Hoover home,
guests being invited to call between 3
and 5 o'clock.
Assisting at the affair will be Mrs.
Jack Eyerly, Mrs. Clarence J. Hamilton,
Mrs. Ward Davis, Mrs. Edwin Keech.
By Marian Lowry Fischer
TIT ATE July will be featured by a
III rj number of weddings, and brides-
elect are announcing members of
their wedding parties and plans for their
On July 22, Miss Josephine Haury,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E.
Haury, is to be wed to Lyle A. Knower,
son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Knower,
the ceremony to be solemnized at 8:30
o'clock in the evening in the Emmanuel
Mennonite church at Pratum with the
Rev. Wiibert E. Regier officiating.
Miss Adeline Haury is to be maid of
honor for her sister and the bridesmaids
will be Mrs. Roy Herr, Mrs. Robert War
ren and Miss Betty Gregg. Carol Lou
and Shirley Kay Clarke, nieces of Mr,
Knower, are to be the flower girls.
Harvey Fox will be best man for Mr.
Knower, the groomsmen will be Lloyd
Crabb Milton Southwick and Philip
Jackson, and ushers will be Donald
Rowland and Howard Mader. Soloist
for the service will be Grover Welty.
The reception following is to be in
the church also,
Plans for her wedding are being told
by Miss Cleo Scheidel, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Scheidel, who is to be
married July 23 to Curtis Coe, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Coe.
The wedding is to be at 8 o'clock in
the evening that date in the First Bap
tist church, the Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson
Mrs. Allen Hayek of Cherokee, Iowa,
sister of Miss Scheidel, is to be the
matron of honor. Bridesmaids will be
another sister of the bride-elect, Mrs.
Maurice E. Farrell of Medford, and Miss
Margery Coe, sister of Mr. Coe.
Attending Mr. Coe as best man will
be his brother, Douglas E. Coe. Grooms
men are to be Maurice E. Farrell and
Loren Lottis.
John Schmidt, Jr. and Miss Diane
Riggs will be soloists for the wedding
and Mrs. Schmidt will be at the organ.
The reception following is to be In
the church parlors.
Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, one of
the summer's widely feted brides-elect,
will be honored at two affairs the first
of the week.
On Monday, Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard
and Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr., will
entertain at the Shepard residence at a
luncheon. During the afternoon the
guests will embroider tea towels for the
bride-elect. A group of 24 will attend
the party.
A group of about 30 has been bidden
to a luncheon for which Mrs. E. J. Scel
lars, Mrs. W. I. Needham and Mrs. U.
Scott Page will entertain on Tuesday
for Miss Cooley. The party will be at
Silver Creek Falls lodge.
Miss Cooley is to be wed August 8
to John Philip Maulding of Tillamook.
Mrs. H. E. Faherty of Phoenix, Ari
zona, is expected to arrive this week
end to spend a few weeks with her
daughter, Miss Susan Faherty. Mrs.
Faherty has been visiting in California.
Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers will
entertain at a luncheon next Saturday
at their Eola country home honoring
their daughter. Miss Janice Myers, and
her fiance, Lloyd V. Lewis of Eugene,
the luncheon to follow the wedding re
hearsal. The guests will include mem
bers of the wedding party and those
a.ssising at the reception. The Lewis
Myers wedding will be the afternoon of
Sunday, June 17, at the Myers residence.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Land, Mrs. Land's
sister, Mrs. Gladys Christensen of San
Francisco, and Miss Florence Johnson of
Portland will be leaving next Friday
for a 10-day trip to Victoria, B. C. Mrs.
Christensen arrives the first of the week
to spend a month in the northwest.
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BRinE ON June II was Mrs. John R. Jennings, the former Elaine Schwartz, the
daughter of Mrs. Lucy E Schwarta of Salem. Mr. Jennings is the son of Mr. and Mn.
Ooorg Jcnningi of Loa Ancolaa, (McEwaa atadio fhoto.)
Miss McKay Tells
Calendared as the mid - summer's
prominent social event in the capital is
the wedding of Miss Marylou McKay,
younger daughter of Governor and Mrs.
Douglas McKay, her marriage to Lester
D. Green of Eugene to take place Satur
day, July 23. Mr. Green is the son of
Lester M. Green of Eugene.
Miss McKay is announcing members
of the wedding party this week-end.
The service will be solemnized at 8
o'clock in the evening, July 23, in the
First Presbyterian church. Dr. Chester
W. Hamblin, pastor of the church, will
officiate at the rites, assisted by the
Rev. George H. Swift, rector of St. Paul's
Episcopal church. The governor will
give his daughter in marriage.
Mrs. Wayne Hadley will be matron
of honor for her sister, and Eileen Had
ley. young niece of the bride-to-be, is
to be flower girl.
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ANNOUNCED last week-end was the engagement of Miss Joan Kathlyn Schneider,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Schneider, Sr., to Jim H. Davis, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Chaunor Davis of South Bend, Wash, (KenneU-Ellis studio photo.)
A wedding of interest to many friends
on Sunday afternoon will be that of
Miss Dessa Lee Holmes and Donald F.
Scheelar, the service to take place at
4:30 o'clock in St. Mark Evangelical
Lutheran church, the Rev. M. A. Getzen
daner officiating. Miss Holmes is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Holmes; Mr. Scheelar the son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Scheelar.
White gladioluses, greenery and light
ed tapers will decorate the church for
the service. Miss Gladys Quesseth is to
be soloist with Maurice Brennen at the
organ. Lawrence Scheelar, Jr., brother
of Mr. Scheelar, and Ferrel Covalt, Jr.,
will light the tapers.
The green and white theme will be
carried out in the dresses of the bridal
The bride's dress is of white slipper
satin, designed with net yoke, a scal
loped bertha collar, long sleeves, a pep
lum extending into a bow for a bustle
in back, and a train. The fingertip veil
of illusion is arranged from a corded
cap with orange blossoms at either side.
The bride is to carry a Bible with a
white orchid, stephanotis and streamers.
Wedding Plans
There will be four bridesmaids, Mrs.
Richard Green of Corvallis, Mrs. George
C. Alexander (Helen Shepard) of Eu
gene, Miss Valda Wold of Vancouver,
ancJ Miss Patty DeLateur of Hoquiam,
Lighting the candles will be Misses
Margaret Jane Cooley and Mariann
Croisan. Closing the aisle will be Miss
Jean Claire Swift and Mrs. Oscar C.
Christensen, Jr. (Mary Reimann).
William H. Green of Eugene is to be
best man for his brother.
The ushers will be Richard Green of
Corvallis, Oscar C. Christensen, Jr.,
Wayne Hadley, John Wachter of Port
land, Kenneth Hansen and Howard Har
pole, both of Cottage Grove.
The reception following will be at
the Jerris avenue residence of the Mc
Kays. Wedding Sunday
Mr. Holmes is to give his daughter in
Attendants in Green
Mrs. Donald Sommer (Jacqueline Tor
gerson) will be the honor attendant,
and the two bridesmaids will be
Miss DeeLores Schulmerich of Portland
and Miss Shirley Lukins.
Nile green marquisette gowns will
be worn by the matron of honor and
the two bridesmaids. The dresses are
fashioned with tucked waists, and taf
feta sashes form bows in back for bustle
effects. Each of the attendants will wear
lace mitts matching her dress and each
is to wear a halo of daisies. The matron
of honor's bouquet is a French colonial
one of daisies, the bridesmaids to carry
bouquets of daisies.
Wearing a floor-length dress of white
organdy, young Miss Diane Smith of
Portland will be flower' girl for her cous
in. She is to carry a miniature bouquet
of daisies.
Serving as best man for his brother
will be Elmer Scheelar, and the ushers
will be Joe Healy of Portland, Robert
Strebig, Don Farnum and Harold Mc
Cauley. The bride's mother is to wear an
aqua green two-piece faille dress with
sandalwood accessories and feathered
hat, and a corsage of orchids. The bride
groom's mother is to wear navy blue
sheer with navy and white accessories
and corsage of orchids.
Reception Planned
At the reception following, also at the
church, white blooms and greenery will
be featured in (he decorations. Mrs. A.
J. Torgerson and Mrs. J. A. Sholseth
will serve the cake. Mrs. Arnold Olson
is to preside at the coffee urn and Mrs,
Ralph Johnson at the punch bowl. Mrs.
Oscar Liudahl and Mrs. C. E. Jaqua are
in charge of the dining room. Assisting
with the serving will be Miss Janet
Rilea, Miss Phyllis Schnell, Mrs. James
R. Kern of Albany, Mrs. Weston La
Munyon of Bruning. Neb., Miss Barbara
Maloney of Portland, Miss Joan
O'Keeffe of Silver Lake. Miss Donna
Mae Liudahl is to pass the guest book
and in charge of gifts will be Miss
Patricia Jones of Hood River, Miss Mary
Ann Smith of Portland, Miss Betty Lou
Sommer of Portland.
For her traveling costume, the bride
will wear a light gray, light wool suit
with Kelly green accessories and corsage
of orchids. v
Following a trip to the Oregon beaches
the couple will be at home in Salem.
Rotana club's regular meeting is to
be Monday evening at the home of Mrs.
Herbert Miller. The group is working
on plans for the national Rotana club
convention to be in Salem July 22-24.
Mrs Jack Brown will assist Mrs. Miller
at Monday's meeting.
Salem Zonta club members are meet
ing for a no-host picnic supper next
Thursday evening at the home of Miss
Maxine Buren, at 6:30 o'clock. This is
the regular social meeting fgr the club.
0 ALEM members will entertain for
the Oregon Women's Golf associa
' tion tournament next Wednesday,
large group of women to be here from,l
Portland and from cities throughout 1
Oregon. At a similar event last year,
more than 125 were here for the OWGA
event and that many or more are ex
pected this year.
Play begins at 8:30 o'clock at the Sa
lem Golf club and there will be a lunch
eon. Several committees to officiate in en
tertaining the group have been named
by Mrs. Harold M. dinger, president of
the Salem Women's Golf association.
Mrs. Robert Drager is general social
chairman for the day. Mrs. Fred Ber
nard! is to have charge of the handicaps.
Mrs Robert E. Joseph is chairman for
the scoring and will be assisted by Mrs.
dinger Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mrs. Con
rad Paulson, Mrs. Harry Weidmer.
Chairman for the dining room is Mrs.
Louis Gerlinger and she will be assist
ed by Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. Kate
Bell, Mrs. Charles Campbell and Mrs.
Morris Crothers.
Mrs. Arthur Erickson is chairman fos
flowers and in charge of refreshments
will be Mrs. Clayton Foreman Mrs.
Glenn Wilbur and Mrs. Richard Chase.
Because of the OWGA event on Wed
nesday the local women's regular day
will be staged on Friday at the club.
Visitors arriving the latter part of the
week are Dr. and Mrs. Melvin T. Hurley
and children, Nancy and Arthur, who
are guests of Mrs. Hurley's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. The Hur
leys have been in Boston the past two t
years and will go now to Richmond,'
Calif., to live, Dr. Hurley to be with a
clinic there.
KD club members are staging a dance
this evening in the Four Corners hall,
dancing to be between 9 and 1 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Everitt, Mr. and
Mrs. James Delaney and Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Johnson are on the committee for
the dance.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Schnell will enter
tain for their club this evening at des
sert and bridge. Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Baldock will be additional guests.
Members of the Pringle Pleasant Point
Social club are sponsoring their annual
picnic for members, their families and
friends, tomorrow afternoon at Dallas
city park at 1 p.m. The club is furnish
ing the coffee and ice cream. '
Mrs. Addison Lane and daughter, Miss
Addyse Lane, leave tomorrow by plane
for a few days at Vancouver and Vic
toria, B. C. They will return by boat
to Seattle and by train from there to
An event for Tuesday evening will be
the picnic for the Monday Night Dance
club in the garden at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice.
Officers of the club will be in eharge
for the event.
A wedding for next Saturday, July
16, will be that of Miss Phyllis Freres of
Stayton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.
G. Freres, and Marvin Goodman, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Goodman of Co
quille. The ceremony will be at 3 o'clock in
' the afternoon in St. Joseph's Catholic
church, the Rev. Gerald Lenahen offi-
, For the music, Miss Edith Fairham is
to sing and Wayne Meusey will be or
ganist. 1
Mrs. Floyd Booze, Jr., of Stayton is
to be honor attendant for the bride with
Mrs. John McNiven of Centralia and
Miss Sara Ann Ohling as bridesmaids.
Carol Ann Freres will be flower girl
for her sister.
Henry Ercoline is to be best man.
The reception following is to be at
the bride-elect's sorority, Pi Beta Phi.
MRS. JACOB JANZEN, the former Bar- ,
bara Jean Kent, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1
Rollo D. Kent, Salem, was married July tr "
Mr. Janien Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
P. D. Janien of Dallas. (Jeaten-MiUer
tudlo photo.)
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