Local Paragraphs Mta Your Paper? If the Capital Journal carrier fails to leave your copy please phone 22406 BEFORE 6 P.M. and a copy will be delivered to you. Bus Concern Listed Dalton W. Hershey, Salem, route 9, has filed certificate of assumed bu siness name with the county cleric for North Santiam Trans portation company with offices in Salem. Arraigned In Court Arrested Friday by Marion county depu ty sheriffs on charges of contri buting to the delinquency of a minor, Wilbur Alvin Tennes, Monitor, and Forrest Carring ton, Silverton, were arraigned in Silverton justice court and hejd on $1000 bail each for pre liminary hearing. Law Change Noted County Clerk Harlan Judd has been no tified by the state health de partment that after July 15 un der a new law of the last legis lature it will be unnecessary to have medical certificates for marriage licenses notarized and he stated also such certificates must be within 10 days after ap plication for a marriage license is made. Registered Jerseys Purchased Purchase of two registered Jerseys females from the herd of Russell K. Woodruff, Alsea, by Lenthal and Lyman Kaup, both of Gervais, is announced from national headquarters of the American Jersey Cattle club, Columbus, Ohio. Lenthal Kaup acquired Forward Ashburn Net tie and Lyman Kaup Sybil St. Mawes June. Central Club to Meet Cen tral Townsend Club No. 6 will meet Monday night, July 11, at 259 Court street. To Camp Magruder F our couples and their families, rep resenting the young adult group of the First Methodist church left Friday for Camp Magruder for a week's outing. The group included Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tag gert, Mr. and Mrs. Steve An derson, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Don Darby. Edwards Buy Home Pur chase of the ten acres and resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bur rell on the Boone road has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Edwards, Salem. The Burrells are building a new place on their 60-acre tract east of Four Corners. Speaking at Talbot Mary Clark, sponsored by the Youth Some Mission, will speak at the tnlhrif Pnmmnnitv rhiirph at 1 1 o'clock Sunday. In the evening Rev. Roger Irwin will speak. Camp Reunion Calls In con nection with the annual picnic of former residents of the Camp Adair area to be held Sunday at Helmick park, the Lehman and Rutschman families of Am ity and Fairview will attend. Licensed to Marry Obtaining marriage licenses at Vancouver, Wash, were Edward E. Smith, Kinzua and Harryette N. Kinzer, of Salem; Charles H. Alley and Lelita G. Rogers, both of Salem and George A. Crawford, Cot tage Grove and Mary E. South wick, Albany. Dedicating Airport Formal dedication of the multi-million dollar Seattle-Tacoma airport NSaturday called many Oregon aviation enthusiasts north in cluding W. M. (Jack) Bartlett, staffe director of aeronautics and Lee Eyerly, of Salem, member of the state board. The airport is located halfway between Se attle and Tacoma and in addi tion to providing space for air lines will house immigration and health officials and a wide variety of services. Health Program The activity schedule of the Marion county health department for next week '?ludes: Immunizations for chil cfren, 10-12 a.m. and 3-5 p.m. Monday; parent-nurse confer ence at Woodburn public library, 1:30-2:30 p.m., Tuesday; fluor- oscope cnest clinic at Salem Me morial hospital, by appointment, 1-2 p.m., Wednesday; well baby conference at health department, by appointment, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Thursday; immunization for ad ults and children, foodhandleri, milkhandleri exams and blood tests, 8:30 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p m., Friday; immunizations for aduts, children at health depart ment, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Saturday, Mrs. Ryali Home Mrs. Oren Ryals, Jr., 5090 Chehalis avenue and infant daughter, have been dismissed from the Salem Me morial hospital. BORN The Capital Journal Welcomes the Followlnr New CHUenit:' SCHRADKR TO Mr. Bnd MM. Prank aVhrader, Maple Court, Lebanon, a bor, July a, at Balem Memorial hoapltal. HUBBR To Mr. and Mr.. Donald Huber. Lyon, a elrl, July 8. at Salem Memorial Hospital. BOARDROW To Mr. and Mra. Ralph Boardrow. Route a. Box 180, a Blrl, July , at Salem Memorial hoapltal. LBS To Mr. and Mra. Arthur Lee. 1231 Bth. Wait Salem, at the Salem Oeneral boepltal. a Blrl. July 8. EL3ER To Mr. and Mra. Leo Etaer. Rt. 4 box 716. at the Salem Oeaeral hoa a tlrl. July 8. hXhlow To Mr. ad Mra. Oarroll Har low, 1803 N. winter, at tha Salem Gen eral boepltal, a boy. July 8. HAMANN To Mr. and Mra. Harvey Hamann. 498 S. 34th. at the Balem General boepltal. t flrl, July 8. Church Session Closing ThelBigler, to build a garage at 1630 13th annual camp meeting of the Assemblies of God, Oregon district, will be brought to a close at Bethel Gospel park at Brooks Sunday vith three ser vices, the last at 7:30 o'clock, with Rev. Arthur Arnold, camp meeting evangelist, to speak at the morning and evening hours and Rev. Harold Horton, Bible teacher, in tlje afternoon at 2:30 o clock. The biennial national convention of the Assemblies of God will be held in Seattle Sep tember 7 to 15. Gerasch Rites Held Funeral services for Paul Oswald Ger asch, 58, formerly of Salem and Nashville, were held at Newport this week with burial in Eureka cemetery. He had been ill about six months. Gerasch was born in Germany and came to this country in 1912, later being na turalized. He was a member of the Sons of Herman and the Nashville Grange. Surviving are his widow, Malanle Gerasch; a step-son, Harold Farr, Newport and five brothers and two sis ters in Germany. Cleaners Make Change Cer tificate of assumed business name for Standard Cleaners & Dyers, 382 N. Commercial street, has been filed with the county clerk by Jos. H. and Nellie E O'Shea and certificate of retire ment from the same business by Gordon P. and Barbara Jean Keith. Tax Levies Filed Tax levies filed with the county clerk for rural fire protection districts show a levy of $5922 for the Brooks district filed by Ronald E. Jones, president, and Romeo W. Gouley, secretary; $3760 for Silverton district filed by Anton Dahl, president, and W. J. King, secretary, and $3100 for the St. Paul district filed by Peter J Kirk, president, and Claude Smith, secretary. Permits Given Permits to move combines have been grant ed by the county court to G. A. McNcff, Brooks, and A. 1. Eoff 290 W. Superior, Salem, and to move logs has been issued to Tom R. Burton, route 5, Salem Hamanns Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hamann, of the Hayesville district, announce their first granddaughter, Marie Esther, born July 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hamann, of Salem, who have three sons. Baylisses Make Call Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Bayliss of Sheri dan, and son, Edwin; Jr., were in Salem Friday night en route to San Francisco, Calif., to at tend a wedding. Bayliss is a for mer resident of Salem and for many years was mayor of Sheri dan. He is in the creamery busi ness. Lumberjacks Play The West Salem Lumberjacks, members of the Salem junior baseball league will play the Albany juniors at Olinger field Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock. The Lum berjacks are requested to be at the field at 1 o'clock for a prac- tice period. Beautiful suburban creek building site consisting of 7 acres, 300 ft. of Croisan, rich soil, scattered trees, 2 miles S. of city center, Vi mile S.E. of Salem golf course. Subd. possi bilities. Price $5800. Phone owner 3-6196. 162 Woman or girl to take care of two children and do light house work. Phone 26162. 162 Do your home canning . of fruits and vegetables at Blum- dell Kanning Kitchen, 1305 S. 13th or Phone 33582. 162 Drawing hse. plans. Ph. 3-9621 162 Fire - Auto - Liability - Burg lary. Ken Potts Insurance Agen cy, 229 N. Liberty. 162 Don't be satisfied with any thing but the best in Venetian blinds. See them at Reinholdt & Lewis or ask their salesman to call and give you free estimates Ph. 2-3639. 162 Salem Beauticians' meeting 7:30 Tuesday. Modern Beauty College. 162 Phone, 22406 before 6 p.m. If you miss your Capital Journal ' Win a guest ticket to the El sinore theatre. Rad the Capital Journal want ada. Road oiling. Call Tweedie 2-4151 days and 3-5769 eves. 167' Federally insured Savings Current dividend 2V4. See FIRST Federal Savings FIRST 142 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-4944. Office space for rent. Stens loff bldg. Corner of Liberty & Court. Ph. 33711. Inquire Sally's, 162 Chin up store has rummage ON SALE every Friday and Saturday. 1275 N. Church St. Ph. 3-3018. Salem. 166' Win a guest ticket to the El- sinore theatre. Read the Capital Journal want ads. 2(4 current rate on your savings. Salem Federal, 580 State St. Salem's largest Having' association. Building Permits H. C. Fed dern, to build a garage at 1435 North Summer, $700. W. E. Dur bin, to wreck a woodshed at 1570 North Winter, $50. C. E. Grant, $740. Harvey Mitchell, to alter a one-story dwelling at 2270 Claude, $1900. E. T. Arm strong, to repair a two-story dwelling at 575 North 14th, $1000. F. M. Guerin, to build a lMt-story dwelling at 440 Ben Vista drive, $10,000. J. Larson, to repair a store at 172 South Liberty, $500. George Orey, to alter store at 137 South Com mercial, $300. Mrs. A. B. Wil son, to alter a one-story dwell ing and garage at 2560 South Summer, $250. - Carter Lands In Jail Again Richard Roy (Dlckerin' Dick) Carter, South 12th street used car operator, was lodged i n Marion county jail again Satur day in lieu of $5,000 bail on a charge to be investigated by the grand jury. Carter was nabbed Friday night by a state police officer on a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The arrest took place along Mill Creek in the vicinity of the state penitentiary annex. The officer reported that he stopped to check on a parked car for the possibility of illegal ang ling. The arrest took place when he surprised Carter. Carter was taken before Wal ter H. Bell of the Stayton justice court, where he waived a pre liminary examination. He was ordered held for the Marion county grand Jury under $5,- 000 bail. - The new charge represented the fifth in recent months for Carter. He has been arrested for driving without a license, receiving and concealing stolen property, illegal operation of a water craft, and larceny. On June 10th he was received by the county jail on the larceny charge after city detectives se cured a confession to a series of thefts from Salem, Dallas and another community. At that time he was accused in a con fession by an 18-year-old who was also charged with larceny of suggesting methods of strip ping cars and purchasing the stolen property. Picnic Set Sunday Former residents of Aumsville now liv ing in Portland will hold their annual picnic at the west ent rance of Peninsula park Sun day, starting at noon. Leave Salem General Dis missed from the Salem General hospital with recently born in fants are Mrs. Frank L. Beck- with and daughter, 565 Vista avenue; Mrs. Roy Foster and daughter, 1395 Park avenue; Mrs. Clarence Wichman and son 1690 North 17th and Mrs. Don ald Coon and son, 530 Fairview. Grocers File Certificates of assumed business name have been filed with the county clerk for M & M Dlstr. Co., wholesale grocer, by Palmer Myhre, 3159 Portland road, and for K. Wood Distr., wholesale grocer, by K. Wood, 3159 Portland road. Dance tonight, 259 Court. 162 Wanted! Young people at the First Baptist church. Marion at Liberty, Sunday evening in the Cottage room at 6:45. 162 Ralph Maddy, formerly con nected with the Stewart Realty Co., now with Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors, 477 Court St., Salem, Oregon. 164 Beautiful suburban creek building site consisting of 7 acres, 300 ft. of Croisan, rich soil, scattered trees, 2 miles S. of city center, 4 mile S.E. of Salem golf course. Subd. possi bilities. Price $5800. Phone owner 3-6196. 162 Ralph Maddy, formerly con nected with the Stewart Realty Co., now with Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors, 477 Court St., Salem. Oregon. 164 Ralph Maddy, formerly con nected with the Stewart Realty Co., now with Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors, 477 Court St., Salem, Oregon. 164 Dance Cottonwood every Sat. Nite. "Urs" Wolfer and his or chestra. Dancing 9:30 to 1:00. . 163 Place your order now for this season's canned fruits and vege tables, Aufranc's Custom Can nery. Ph. 3-8487. 162 We have some more fryer turkeys at 45c per lb- C. S. Or wig, 4375 Silverton rd. Ph. 26178 VA Beautiful - suburban creek building site consisting of 7 acres, 300 ft. of Croisan, rich soil, scattered trees, 2 miles S. of city center, Vi mile S.E. of Salem golf course. Subd. possi bilities. Price $5800. Phone owner 3-6196. ' 162 Get your frozen food locker now at the Marvin Lewis Cold Storage. West end of the bridge 165 FUCHSIAS: See them In bloom. 180 varieties. Mrs. F E Ward, 4380 Cherry Ave. 168 Win a guest ticket to the El sinore theatre Read the Capita I Journal want ad. ' Public Health Students on Staii Miss Margaret Couper and Mrs. Elithe S. Kell, of the Uni versity of Oregon Medical school have joined the Marion county health department for three months field experience in pub lic health nursing. Miss Couper of Forest Grove, took the three year cadet nurs ing course at Emanuel hospital, Portland and then attended Uni versity of Oregon at Eugene for two years and the medical school in Portland for one year. Upon completion of her field experi ence she will receive her BS de gree ana putuic neann nursing certificate. Mrs. Kell of San Francisco took her nurses training at St. Francis hospital in that city. For the past five years she has worked for the National Red Cross in such capacities as con sultant on recruitment, teacher of home nursing, mother and baby care and family health. She was director of nursing ser vice for the Long Beach chapter the last two years of her Red Cross experience. Mrs. Kell has been president of the San Fran cisco County Nurses association, secretary of the board of direc tors of the California Nurses as sociation and a member of the San Francisco health council. She will return to California upon completion of her field training. Benny Beaver Outwits Police In a game of whs with Bennv the Beaver on one side, and on the other Gardner Knapp, Fred Eley and others, including the state police, the edge is decided ly in favor of Benny. Benny the Beaver showed himself first several weeks ago along the creek near Knapp's home at 1525 Chemeketa street. "He's a big fella." is Knapp's description. "I saw him several times defiantly chewing on wil lows, and at other times compla cently scratching his belly. I don't mind so much person ally about the willows, but when Benny picked on the wife's pet pussywillows that was something else, and back of Eley's place he chewed down a tree six inches in diameter." Knapp said he tried to get a camera shot of the beaver, but didn't succeed. Benny hasn t been seen on the premises for some time, but is evidently about because he leaves his sign The game division of the state police sent a man to help in the hunt for the beaver, but Benny eluded them all. Three others were live-trapped at other places along the creek and released near Aumsville, but worked back downstream to places they like better. The beaver is strictly protect ed by the game laws. Perle Mesta Sworn In Washington, July ?. OT Mrs. Perle Mesta, Washington s No. 1 party-giver, was sworn in today as minister to Luxembourg. Conways Coming West Mr. and Mrs. Grant Conway, who live on the Maryland shore of the Potomac river, will spend their vacation in August in Ore gon. Mrs. Conway is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. War ren, of Stayton. They will also visit Mr. and Mrs. Luther Cook of Salem. Conway is a graduate of the University of Oregon, and is an associate economist in the office of international finance with the government at Washing ton, D. C. Oregon's first telegraph com pany started operation in 1855 COURT NEWS Circuit Court Anna M. Hanaen v Paclfle Greyhound llnea and othera, motion of plaintiff tot new trial afalnit Journal Oaraie com pany baaed on aueaeo inauiuciency oi the evidence to luatlfy portion of the ver dict In favor of Journal xaraae company, errora at law and a number of additional particular srounda apeclflcally act forth H. Kampatra va Joaeph L. Newport, com plaint for 1313.14 and Intereet alleaed due on a note. r. Baker va Monlaomery Ward At Co.. and Wayne Parlter. formal entry or ludament for defendanta, baaed on Jury verdict. Haaaeman va White, damaee action aeheduled for trial by Jury next Monday haa been poatponed to Tuesday. Caaale J. va Charlea A. Harwood. dt- fault order entered. Probata Court Jeaale L. Looney eatate. order approvlnx final account of Ohrlatlne Hand, cxeeu trlx, and cloalnx eatate. Thomaj Wataon Steevea. minor, order allowlnx Mary Bteevea Paulaon, xuardlan to modify certain terme of a leaaa. Charlea C. Hopklna eatate. Pioneer Truat company, adminletrator, xranted to Au xuat 1 to- file Inventory. Policaj Court Reekteae drlvtnx. liquor Involved: Walter Haneon, Rt. 8, fined 1150, committed. Marriage Licensei Bill Purvlne, 18, navy, Independence, and Elale Plcha, 17, route 8, Salem. Marvin Goodman, 31, teacher, Salem, and Phyllla Freree, 31, atudent, Stayton. Leander E. Keck. 31, caae worker, 8a. lem, and dinar B. Tlrrc, caae worker, Dal. Lyle Aah Knower, 35, atudent, Weal Se em, and Joeephlne Ruth Haury. 31, awltch oard operator, route 8, Salem. Jamea O. Theodore. 47, xrocer, route 7, and Xmma a. KUnibell, 51, aaleewoman, both Salem. Orvtlle B. Lular. 35. lumberman, ant Druailla MincVen, 18, at home, bota Sublimity. LATE SPORTS Locke Scores British Golf Victory on 135 Sandwich. England, July 9 M Bobby Locke of South Africa shot a brilliant 67-68 135 to win the British open golf chain pionship by 12 strokes over Har ry Bradshaw of Ireland in their 36-hole playoff today. Locke, who played erratic golf in the early stages of the tournament, but pulled his game together to tie for the lead yes terday, had a nine under par for the two rounds over the long, tricky Royal St. George s course. Bradshaw had rounds of 74 and 73 for a 147 total. Caterpillars Invade Lebanon Lebanon, Ore., July 9 (If) A horde of caterpillars appeared without warning in Lebanon to day, and housewives turned out with brooms, hoses and DDT to give battle. The caterpillars ap peared to be winning. At mid-day the caterpillars covered a three-acre area. They still were advancing slowly. One observer estimated they were moving at about the rate of a block every eight hours. A call for help was sent to County Agent O. E. Mikesell at Albany, who in turn called in Oregon State college specialists. They were expected to arrive in the afternoon. Housewives awoke to find them in the gardens this morn ing in Ihe southeast section of town. Those in the vanguard were about 1 14 inches long. black with gray fuzz. Those in the rear were smaller, apparent ly hatching out from millions of eggs found on Canadian this tles there. Housewives set their children to blasting the caterpillars with water from hoses. They also spread DDT across the road in front of the advance. When nei ther stemmed the advance, many husbands were called home to help. Residents said there never be fore had been such an invasion of Lebanon, and where the horde originated had not been deter mined. Miss Ella Deyoe Ex-Teacher. Dies Miss Ella Deyoe, teacher in the Salem schools for a number of years and at Grant school un til her retirement died early Sat urday morning at the Salem Memorial hospital. Miss Deyoe, late resident of 806 North Cottage street, had been ill for a long time but hos pitalized only 11 days. Born at Fenlmore, Wise, October 18, 1879, she was the daughter of Daniel B. and Clarissa Deyoe. Miss Deyoe came to Oregon 40 years ago and to Salem 30 years ago from Eugene, where she had resided for 10 years. For two years the former Sa lem school teacher was in China as a missionary teacher at the Hawa Nan college. Ill health forced her to return to this country and she returned to Sa lem to teach. She was a member of the First Methodist church. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. W. C. Winslow of Salem, and Mrs. Carl Joy and Mrs. Wen dell Bartholomew, both of Eu gene; a nephew, Norman Wins low of Salem; two nieces, Ger trude Winslow Ayers and Gen evieve Winslow Mickenham, both of Salem; a grand niece and five grand nephews. Private services are to be held at Mt. Crest Abbey Mauso leum Monday morning at 10 o'clock with Rev. Brooks Moore officiating and memorial serv ices will be held at the W. T. Rigdon chapel Monday after noon at 4 o'clock with Rev. Brooks Moore and Rev. Fred Taylor officiating. Interment is to be in Eugene Wednesday. Lane County Trio Fined $500 for Deer Klamath Falls. Julv 9 (VP) inree Lane county men were fined $500 each In Gilchrist jus tice court yesterday on a charge of killing two does and wanton waste of deer meat. They were Joseph John Hil ger, 42, of Route 2 Box 372, Eu gene; Peter Ritthaler, 46, 255 S. 47th, Springfield, and Norman Leon Sage, 32, of 257 S. 47th Springfield. Judge Ray Oehlerich fined each $500 and suspended 15 day jail sentences. The men, ar rested by the state police, plead ed guilty to killing the deer at Bear Flat and leaving the car casses there. Palmer Hoyt Divorced Denver, July 9 UP) Mrs. Cecile D. Hoyt was granted an inter locutory decree of divorce from Palmer Hoyt, editor and publish er of the Denver Post, in dis trict court yesterday. District Judge Henry S. Lindslcy ap proved a settlement whereby Mrs. Hoyt will receive $750 per month in addition to an automo bile and furniture valued at $11,-000. Swim Classes Start Monday A big turnout is expected for the annual swimming and life saving campaign to open here Monday under auspices of Ma rion county chapter, American Red Cross, reports Vernon Gil more, water safety chairman for the chapter. Classes will be held at Leslie pool in the mornings and at Ol inger pool in the afternoons, the course to run July 11-22. Pools will be closed to the public dur ing the time the classes are scheduled, affecting Leslie in the morning and evening and Olinger in the afternoon. TI.e life saving class is to be between 7 and 9 D.m. The classes for children, intermediates and swimmers will be in the morn ing and afternoon. The classes will run five days a week dur ing the period of the course. John D. Fairbairn of Aber deen,. Wash., widely known swim coach, is to conduct the classes here. Life guards will be on duty throughout the campaign. No record on the number of registrants will be obtainable until Monday morning. New Blockade Berlin Trucks Berlin, July 9 UP) Soviet troops at three frontier crossings irom western Germany imposed a new "little blockade" today on Berlin-bound trucks. British zone officials accused the Soviets of violating the Big Four Paris agreement on raising the Berlin blockade. German police reported fruit and vegetable trucks were turn ed back at Hof-Gutenfuerst and Coburg-Falkensitein, near t h e Baltic coast. The crossing point at Herrenburg. also in the Brit. ish zone, was closed yesterday to ucnin consignments. In all three cases, Soviet guards said they were acting on telegraphic orders from their zo nal headquarters at Karlshorst, a Berlin suburb. The new Soviet restrictions were not applied to passenger cars or empty trucks heading for Berlin. Nor was truck traffic to aovlet zone destinations inter rupted. Tarem Family (Continued from Page 1) When the Tarems arrived at their new home they found that a vegetable garden had been planted at their new home by Henry A. Toelle, a neighbor, and mat Mrs. uarl Ureider and Mrs. M. E. Moore had a warm and well prepared dinner awaitine ineir arrival. When thev open ed a cupboard they found 17 quarts of cherries canned bv a neignDor. During the early part of the war under Russian occupation Mr. 'larem and his family re mained in Estonia where he served both as a teacher and YMCA secretary. When the Germans entered the land he was deported into Germany without even so much as an op- jortunily to bid his family goodby. Here he was placed m charge of 80 deported Eston ian boys who served as slave laborers in German agricultural production. After about four weeks he was joined by his fam ily and had the singular expert ence of meeting his wife on a village street without knowing of her presence in the commun ity. When Gcrrhanv collapsed Mr. Tarem acted as an Interpreter for American soldiers near Jena and later became an interpreter for the military government established at Augsburg. - Later he became a district manager for the American Red Cross with 30 German assist ants under his direction. Dur ing war years in Germany the living standard for the Tarem family and Estonian boys under his supervision was lower than common in his native land. Dis cipline was severe. Ardo Tarem, first YMCA sec retary from Estonia to reach America on a professional basis, will be employed here by the YMCA and Willamette unlver ally. Circuit Court in their entirety. The reason for this is that Judge Kimmell an peared as counsel In all of them in his capacity as assistant at torney general before taking over the judgeship and he has disqualified himself on such cases now pending. This, how ever, will have no effect on those arising in the future with which he has had no connection The jurists made it plain that this division of work Is not hard or fast rule. Each of them said they would handle affairs of the court in such a way as would be most likely to expe dite the business. Judge Kim mell will also sit on jury cases from time to time as the docket requires and in fact was sched uled to hear one next Monday but developments have arisen which caused it to be switched back to Judge Duncan. In all probability Judge Kim mell's first official actions aside from formal signing of papers will got under way with some juvenila matters next Tuesday. i Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Saturday, July 9, 1949 S Four Corners Is Given Talk Four Corners, July 9 Mrs. Rickey Garden club, presided Thursday evening when Raymond Warrent, president of the Salem Men's Garden club, was guest speaker for the evening. The roses was his topic. Mrs. Shrake appointed h e r committees for the year. Social, Mrs. Harold Snook; sunshine, Mrs. Henry Benz; program, Mrs. Oliver Rickman; membership, Mrs. E. A. Snook. Plans for the food concession to be operated jointly by the garden club and the home extension unit at the third annual benefit carnival sponsored by the Community Center association, July 15 16 -17, were discussed and commit tees appointed. There were 14 members present. Miss Dorothy Warren was a guest. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Oliver Rickman, Mrs. L. J. Stewart, Mrs. E. M. White, Mrs. Everett Smith, Mrs. Harold Snook. Hostesses for the August meeting will be; Chairman, Mrs. Louise Hough, Mrs. Doyle Moore, Mrs. Floyd Greene, Mrs. A. E. LaBranche, Mrs. F. W. Daniels Anniversary Observed Many out of state visitors are being entertained in Four Cor ners homes. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Boyington, 3776 E. State St., were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boyington, of Zillah, Wash. On Sunday the Boying- tons entertained for their daugh ter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Wilson, Dana, Kathleen, Russell Floyd and Courtney Wil son of Mehama. It was the 12th wedding anniversary of the Wilsons. Other guests present were Mrs. Vivian Hawley of Portland, Mr. Boyington's fath er C. W. Boyington and the Wayne Boyingtons. On Monday the relatives all drove to Me hama where they celebrated the birthday anniversary of Mrs. F, A. Boyington with a dinner at the Wilson home. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis of Kansas City, Mo., were guests of honor on Thursday evening when Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Walker were hosts at an outdoor picnic supper. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker, Mr. and Mrs Todd Walker. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Mondav. Julv 11 Company B, 162nd Infantry regi ment and headquarters detach ment, Oregon National Guard, at Balem armorv. Organized Marine Corps Reserve Unit at Navy and Marine Corps Re serve tralnini center. Salem post No. 138, American Le cton. Marlon post No. 861, VFW. at VPW hall. 409th quartermasters and 369th enslncers. at Army Reserve quonset hubs. Tuesday, July 1Z Military law class at Willamette rinlvprair.v law school. Subject: Moot trial. Instructor, MaJ. Charles Jens. Th rd batla Ion. 4i3tn miantry regiment, Army Reserves at Army Reserve quonset nut. BUtin Afu-iype-r, Army re serves, at Army Reserve quonset hut. Train at Fort Hueneme Three members of the sa em eea- bee organized reserve unit have re cently completed two weeks of train ing dutv at tne navy construction schools at Port Hueneme, Calif. The trio are Lt. Allison o. P're- man. CECR; chcarp. uiiDert u. Anderson. CECR; ana bh.1 nowara Blankley. All are from Salem. Goinr to Greece Boatswains Mate 3c uaivin Ern est Samuel of 480 South 20th street, Salem, is amonit those navy men scheduled to arrive at the Island of Crete, July 16. as a member of tne crew lor tne aetroyer lenaer. USS Yellowstone. The men will be there for a five-day visit. Mai. Ewalt Returning (o States stavton Returning to tne Biates for duty will be Mai. I. K. (Ikei Ewalt, who with Mrs. Ewalt, the former Jody Fisher, and the couple's daughter. Janice, is to sail from the Philippines July 20. The Mai has been stationed at Clark field In the Philippines and Is to report to Baltimore, Md,. in September, The family, with SO other families from Clark field, is to sail on tne USS Patrick. After 20 days en route the ship is to dock In San Fran cisco. Seabeea Enlist Three Recently enlisted in the organized construction battalion company u- 9 here were CMC Harrv E. Wage- man 'of Woodburn. MM3 Artnur w Amstutz of Silverton and HM3 John O. Stavenau. sr.. of saiem. Radio Artist Suicide London, July 9 (P) Peter Waring, one of Britain's top ra dio comedians only a year ago, hanged himself with a rope off a mail sack in Pentonville pris on today. The 30-year-old War ing was sentenced to nine months yesterday on charges of false pretenses and obtaining credit without disclosing he was an undischarged bankrupt. There were 358,000 more births than deaths in France in 1948, the largest number since the end of the last century. Large Camellias Improved commercial Easter lilies now ready, $1.50. Bring your own containers. We do a thorough Job of fertilizing your lawn. Mr. and Mrs. William Berg LANDSCAPE FLORISTS Nebraska at R.R. Crossing Entrance on Garnet St. Garden Club on Roses Warren Shrake, president of the culture and control of diseases of Takes Over Duties J. M. Mjolsness, recently of Helena, Mont., took over his duties this week as state relations officer and general field representa tive for 16 western Oregon counties in the American Red Cross with headquarters in Salem. (Josten-Miller photo) Streamliner (Continued from Page 1) There are nine chair cars on the train, all decorated in vary ing Oregon color schemes, with murals depicting Oregon and California scenic views. Tho coach scats are of soft foam rub ber and the windows are nearly 30 percent higher and wider than ordinary train windows. Among other features are the "feather touch doors" which with a light touch open automa tically. New type zone heating keeps the cars at the same temperature throughout, and air-conditioning excludes all dirt, dust or drafts. The train carries a dining car, an informal coffee shop, a tavern for refreshments, and in addition to the coaches a par lor observation equipped with comfortable adjustable chain that can be swung in any direc tion. All in all, it's a train with solid comfort together with fea tures that have never been used on trains operated in the north west heretofore. The company's enthusiastic advance announcements con cerning the nature of the stream liner were confirmed by all who were privileged to partici pate in the trial run Friday. Offers fo Pay (Continued front Page 1) to make Roark's bond $10,000 and cut Watson's to $10,000. In an Informal conference, Roark promised not to kill Wat son. The Negro's attorney then asked the Judge to release Roark without bond. After several en treaties the judge complied. They all shook hands. Watson still was in jail to day. Meteor Crater, Just west of Winslow, Ariz., is big enough to provide playing space for 20 football games at one time, while 2,000,000 could watch from the sides. The crater was caused by a comet which crashed into the earth. Card of Thanks We wish to express our appre ciation for the beautiful flowers, cards and other acts of kindness shown us before and after the death of our husband and fath er, Mrs. Blanche Walcher C. N. Stevens and family Mr. and Mrs. Perry Walcher 162 Where DOES Your Money Go? 1 1 III i 3 I ? That's the d.r question. Solve the puzzle put your saving!, to work at Salem Federal! . . . then watch it j?row as the dividends pile up. Savings Federally Insured Iff '- - " " jj jj ls?i