Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 08, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    111' If II
Knight Stars in
Highlight Game
Of Softie Loop
Bob Knight pitched a three
hitter and poled a long home
run with a mate aboard as Paper
Mill downed Mootry's 7-S in a
hard fought City league Softball
game Thursday night. The result
tied the two teams for leader
ship of the circuit.
The Pheasants downed
Knights of Columbus, 8-1, as
Warren held the losers to four
blows. The game was called at
the end of the fifth because of
the seven-run margin enjoyed
by the Pheasants at that stage.
In the Industrial division
Warner's beat Post Office, 7 to 2
Friday night's schedule: In
dustrial league, Paper Mill vs.
Naval Reserve at 6:30; City
league, 12th Street vs. Marine
Reserves at 8, Randle Oil vs.
Rock Wool at 9.
Warner's 104 110 07 10 3
Post Office 000 110 0 a 7 4
Mlckenham and H. Conutock.
Pheasants 012 338 8 7
K of C 000 000 4 3
MUler and Waters; Parton and Alley.
Mootry's 000 Oil 35 3 3
Paper Mill .. . .010 340 X 7 5 3
Rawlins. Hoffert (8) and Henery; Knight
and Woodruff.
Salem Drops Finale
Chiefs, 7-0, Spokes
F it
kr.IIV.10K Winflia Ken Raffcnsberger, seated left,
' ""- wh0 has been pitching in tough
luck for Reds most of season, was the beneficiarly of a wind
fall when his teammates scored 23 runs on 26 hits in game
between Cincinnati and Chicago Cubs, at Cincinnati, who
hit three home runs, batted in 10 runs and got 6 hits out of
7 trys. Back row, left to right, are: Bobby Adams, who had
three hits, Grady Hatton, who had 4 for 6, and Ted Kluszew
skl, who had 3 for 6, one of them a towering homer over
the center field fence, (AP Wirephoto)
Cleveland Hits Warpath,
Fails to Cain on Yanks
New York, July 8 (U.B The Cleveland Indians continued their
comeback charge in the American league pennant race today, but
they weren't gaining much ground.
The trouble seems to be that although the Indians are winning
ball games, so are the New York Yankees. The world champions
never will be able to overhaul
the front-runners this way.
Apparently snapping out
the losing lethargy
Salem, Oregm, Friday, July 8, 1949
plagued them last month, Cleve-
Major Standings
(By United Press)
W L Pot. W L Pet.
Brooklyn 45 30 .800 New York 37 36 .507
Bt. Louis 43 33 .573 Pittsburgh 33 40 .452
nhiiaHinhl 41 as .532 Cincinnati 31 41 .431
Boston 41 36 .533 Chicago 38 48 .366
W L Pet. W L Pet.
New York 40 36 .653 Boston SB 36 .514
Fhlldlphta 44-31 .687 Washlnatn 32 41 .43B
Cleveland 42 32 .568 Chicago 31 46 .403
Detroit 40 37 .610 St. Louis 34 51 .320
jUsnJta Thursday
Bt. Louis 0, Pittsburgh 2.
Chicago 6, Cincinnati 7.
Brooklyn 5. Boston 2.
Philadelphia 3, New York 11.
Cleveland 8, Chicago 3.
Boston 8, Washington 3. (Called end
th: allow Boston to catch train.)
New York 6, Philadelphia 3.
Detroit 9, St. Louis 2.
land's prides have won six of
their last seven games. But tne
Yankees have won 10 of their
last 12. Consequently, that In
dian victory streak has just
gained one game in the chase.
On July 1 Cleveland was 7
games out of first. Today they
are 6V4 games out.
Both teams won yesterday.
Cleveland beat the White Sox,
8 to 2, at Chicago and the Ynnk
ees snapped Philadelphia's five
game winning streak at Phila
delphia, 6 to 2.
Boston's five runs in the first
inning beat the Senators, 8 to 3,
In a game halted after the sixth
to allow the Red Sox to catch a
Detroit hit Red Embree for
iix runs in the first inning to
beat the Browns, 9 to 2, at St.
Pitching has been the bane
cf the Brooklyn Dodgers all
aeason, but there was nothing
wrong with Joe Hatten's seven
hit performance as the Dodgers
licked the Braves, 5 to 2. Pitts
burgh, meanwhile, licked St.
Louis, 2 to 0, on Dino Restelli's
two-run double to make the
Brooklyn National league lead
two full games.
Dave Koslo hit two homers
and pitched to his fourth victory
for the Giants, 11 to 3, over
Philadelphia, and Cincinnati
beat the Cubs, 7 to 6, on Bobby,
Adams' triple and Ted Kluszew-
ski's ensuing single.
Red Hot Fielder
Paralyzes Homer
Oakland, Calif., July 8 U.R
Thirteen-year-old Norman
Lawrence is a very hot right
When Elmhurst junior high
hit a home run ball out Nor
man's way with the bases
loaded, he started to run. As
he ran the friction lighted
matches and firecrackers in
his right hip pocket.
As he frantically fanned his
own personal right field, the
Elmhurst players collapsed on
their bases with laughter,
scoring nary a run. The game
was called on a technicality.
OC Legion Walks
To Woodburn Win
Woodburn, Ore. Four walks
and a hit batter were responsi
ble for two runs as the Wood
burn American Legion juniors
dropped a 3 to 2 game to Ore
gon City Thursday night at Ore
gon City. Hall, Woodburn chuck
er, held Oregon City to two
hits, but his wildness in the sec
ond brought about his defeat.
The locals entertain Salem
Friday evening at 6:30 and Sil
verton at 2:30 Sunday afternoon.
The final game is slated for
Tuesday next week.
Woodburn 3 3 0
Oregon City 3 2 1
Hall and Henderson; Hopp and Combs.
Takes Dim
WIL Standings
(By the Associated Pressl
W. h. FCt.
Yakima ..
.55 27 .671
.48 31 .608
Spokane 44 38 .537
Wenatchee 40 43 .482
47 .434
Salem 37 44
Bremerton 36
Victoria 35 46
Tacoma 33 52
Results Thursday
Victoria 18. Tacoma 2.
Wenatchee 7. Salem 0.
Spokane 12, Yakima 7.
Bremerton 10, Vancouver 2.
Wenatchee, Wash., July 8 Lou McCollum isn't the Western'
International league's No. 1 moundsman by several notches but
he is sufficiently proficient at the art of propelling a DaseDau to
beat the Salem Senators. He did this very neatly xnursaay nigm
when he held the visiting Solons to a very meager four hits.
The result was a 7 to 0 white
washing applied by the home
town Chiefs who picked up 11
solid smashes including horn
runs by Clint Cameron and
Dick Faber. Faber's four master
came in the fifth with two on
board. Dick Sciarra was charg
ed with the loss, although he
was relieved by Jim Foster in
the fifth.
The game, last of a series of
three, enabled the Chiefs to
maintain their fourth place po
sition while keeping Salem ir
the second division. Wenatchee
will entertain the Yakima Bears
through Sunday while the Sen
ators move into Spokane for
four games with the Indians. Sa
lem took the local series, two
games to one.
McCollum retired the Sena
tors in order through three in
nings and a walk to Hal Zur-
cher in the fourth was the first
time a Salem player reached
first safely. A walk to Bob He-
dington and a single by Hank
Sciarra placed Salem's third
baseman on third in the fifth but
he died there.
Again in the sixth Bud Peter
son and Bob Cherry hit succes
sive singles but nothing happen
ed as Marty Krug lofted out to
Jim Warner in center field
while Roy Carlson fanned to nip
a possible rally.
The Chiefs, after picking up
single runs in the second and
third went to work in earnest
on Sciarra in the fifth as they
batted around. The Salem
chucker walked Myers and Has
kell with a sacrifice bunt by
McCollum in between. Faber
promptly drove them home with
his circuit blow. Jim Warner was
hit in the ribs by a pitched ball
and Camerson drew a base on
balls. Hal Rhyne,' back in the
game as a starter for the first
time in several days, was out on
long fly to Zurcher but the
left fielder's throw in was wide
and Warner advanced to third.
Nick Pesut singled to left center
to drive Warner home for the
fourth run of the session.
A double by Faber to the left
field fence scored Myers with a
run in the seventh. Foster held
the Chiefs scoreless thereafter.
The Victorias blasted the Ta
coma Tigers, 18-2 for the Ath
letics' seventh win in eight
starts. At Spokane, the Indians
whacked the Yakima Bears for
a 12 to 7 victory while the Bre
merton Bluejackets staged a 10-
2 uprising at the expense of the
Official Box
Salem (0)
Cherry, cl
Krug, 1
Olsen, rf
Sclarro, p
Foster, p
4 0 2 3 Haskell, 3
0 Paber.rf
0 Oamern.lf
2 Rhyne, 1
1 Pesut, c
2 Bryant, 3
0 Myers, ss
2 McCollm,p
3 0 3
4 1
4 0 S
3 0 2
2 11
(7) Wenatchee
4 113
1 2
2 7
3 7
0 3
1 5
1 0
0 0 0 0
33 11 27
33 4 34 13 Total
Struck out for Foster In ninth.
Salem 000 000 000 0
Wenatchee 010 141 oox 7
Winning pitcher: McCollum. Losing
pitcher: Sciarra.
Pitcher: Ip Ab H R Er So Bb
Sciarra 4 ID 8 6 5 3 3
McCollum S 33 4 0 0 7 4
Foster 3ft 13 3 1 1 1 1
Hit by pitcher: Warner by Sciarra. Er
rors: Myers. Zurcher, Krug. Left on bases:
Salem 9: Wenatchee 6. Home runs: Cam
eron, Aber. Two base hits: Pesut, Faber.
Runs batted In: Cameron, Pesut 3, Faber
Sacrifice: McCollum. Double plays: B.
Peterson, W. Peterson and Krug. Time
1:53. Umpires: Mounger and Young.
Tacoma 100 000 100 2 8 4
Victoria 024 210 45X 18 19 2
Kerrigan. McCord (7) and Warren; vu-
curevlch and Day.
Yakima 001 105 000 7 12 2
Spokane 053 001 03112 17 3
Sporer. Swelger (3), Bradford (7) and
Tornay; Babbit, Werbowskl (7) and Rossi.
Bremerton 000 511 00310 13 1
Vancouver 030 000 000 3 6 3
Dahle nd Neal; Ounnarson. Anderson
(5) and Brenner.
New York, July 8 U.R) An
overstuffed Billy Conn, finger
ing a nose shaped like a saddle.
took a dim view today of the
Heavyweight situation and fieur-
ed that Lee Savold might be the
Dest of a poor lot because of his
punching power.
.riusDurgn amy. who as a
two-time challenger gave Joe
Louis his best and worst fifihts
isn i ininKing of taking a crack
at me crown again himself.
lm through." the handsome
irishman said regretfully. "I'm
loo old and I'm wackv inowsh
You could tell that Billv. fill
laDonng under the disgrace of
nis second bout with Louis, be
lieves that he could lick any of
tne current Heavies. But nt SI
he flinches from tll Vianr'c
training it would reauire. Hn
would have to take off 20 of
those 200 pounds, and, then,
there's that broken nose.
Billy started a comeback last
year, winning two fights by
knockouts, but his nose was
smashed in the process.
1 can hardly breathe now,"
e explained. "I'm going to have
an operation on it. Maybe I can
get Milton Berlc's old nose."
ills last start was nn wl,ii,;
tion in Chicago with Louis and
that may have been the real
clincher. It opened im the three-
year-old wound of a lost fieht
ind, more precious, lost prcs
ige. For they never wore the
same after thev fou Phi T.nuic a
second time. In Conn's case it
was even worse.
For Billy in the old days was
a brash, cocky man who would
have laughed in the face of the
devil. The first lime he met Lou
is he was a happy hellion who
fought with the reckless fury
which is the glory of the Gaels.
Then came the second time.
But now Billy was cautious,sa
man in retreat from the awful
certainty of those tearing brown
fists. The light was gone from
his tight-lipped face and later,
after they brought him to, the
Irish in him was ashamed of the
fight he failed to make.
It's still a burden he bears,
and probably always will, and
his face tightens and his eyes
darken when he thinks about it.
"People keep bringing it up,"
he snaps with a defensive, apolo
getic set to his shoulders. "I
fought 80 good fights and all
they remember, or want to talk
about, is that bad one."
Conn made more than a mil
lion dollars with his fists and
he estimated that he kept about
$400,000. Horses, when he had
his own stable of six, took a lot
of it. But he insisted that he still
was "heeled" and currently is
"doing all right," in a partner
ship drilling for oil in Oklaho
To the Music of
Lee and the
I 1 I I Bh
Melody Kam biers
Sat., July 9 and 16
(Formerly playing at Moose t
Halt in Albany)
Admission 65c. inc. tax.
Semi-Modern I
A genuine UNDERGROUND Lawn Sprinkling System
complete with POP-UP heads and all Copper Pipe. Tailor
made to fit your individual lawn and water problem. One
section will cover over 1000 square feet of lawn area. A
shovel is all you need.
OUR PRICE Starts at $49.50 and Goes DOWN
For full information call or write
734 North High St. Phone 3-4537
It pays to consult experience, for free!
Also complete installations.
Correct for Newport
Hlth Low
Ml 8 13 a m. -1.4
11:40 p.m. I I 5:54 p m. 3.1
7:01 a.m. -1.8
1:30 p.m. 8.8 8:48 p.m. 3 0
Mr 8.37 a m. t t 7:48 a.m. -1.8
3:13 p.m. 8.7 7:37 p.m. 3.0
! It 1:33 am. 87 8:J a.m. .1.4
3:54 p.m. 6 5 8:25 p.m. 3 0 !
9at II 2 (W a.m. 8 4 ( H a.m. l.l
.. 30 p.m. 8 3.10 pm. 3.8 j
Mr U 3:18 a m. 8 0:38 a m. .13.
3:57 p.m. 8 134 p.m. 3 3 I
dT 14 3:01 am. 8.3 10:11 a.m. -0.8 :
4:41 p.m. 6.8 10:16 p.m. 3.4
- Sale Includes Famous
ti AC & nr
Alex Jones
131 N. HIGH
Zernial Starts Long Road
Back After Shoulder Injury
Chicago, July 8 (IP) The big blond guy wasn't mad at all at
he walked shakily away from the hospital bed that possibly
kept him from being the American league's rookie-of-the-year.
"It was a tough break, that's all," grinned Gus Zernial, th
Chicago White Sox outfielder, leaving Mercy hospital yester-
aay alter a jo-aay stay.
Handsome Gus entered the
hospital last May 30, two dayi
after a diving try for a fly ball
shattered his collar bone at
Cleveland stadium.
At the time, Zernial was lead
ing the American league in hit
ting with .355, was tops in two
baggers with 17, and was the big.
get gate attraction the Sox have
had in years.
"Now, I almost have to learn
to walk all over again, much less
bat and throw a ball," said Zer
nial, walking out of the hospital
arm-in-arm with his pretty wife,
Gladys and their one-year-old
daughter, Susan.
The doctor has ordered Gus to
start strengthening his legs nxt
week. Then, he'll begin work
ing his repaired shoulder active
ly in about three weeks, Just
about when he comes off the in
active list July 28.
Zernial figures he may be able
to break into the Sox lineup
again about the first week of
Lakes Preferred
Over Streams in
Fishing Bulletin
Conditions for fishing over
the week-end are reported
"fair" in the weekly bulletin is
sued by the state game com
mission. Reports from the
lakes in the Cascades indicate
that those bodies of water are
to be preferred over streams
In the lower elevations.
Davis and Elk lakes in De
schutes county, the Metolius
and Little and Upper De
schutes near Maupin is low
and clear.
In Tillamook county all
streams are low and clear with
few fish being taken during
the week and prospects for the
week-end are no better than
McKenzie river waters are
reported "excellent" while
Horse creek, Blue river and
the south fork of the McKenzie
are slightly below that desig
nation. Salmon fishing is reported
"extremely poor" In the
There Is No
Pumilite West Salem
Fishermen really go for the Nash Airflyte! They
like the Twin Bed arrangement, huge luggage
compartment, increased road clearance, 500-miles-between-fuelings
economy (in the Nash
"600" at average highway speed). Their wives
like the smart style inside and outside, the lux
urious comfort, the one-piece, curved windshield
on all models, the Weather Eye Conditioned
Air System. Call us to arrange for an Airflyte
ride, soon in "America's most modem motor car."
Business Opportunity!
The Owl Drug Company is opening a new Super Drug Store in
the new Capitol Shopping Center at Center and North Capitol
streets. We want a Salem man to manage this store. He should
have a good background of retail merchandising in drug or
allied lines, be able to organize and train his sales staff,
prepare advertising copy, etc. Salary and participation in store
If you qualify, reply giving full details. Interviewi after July 18th.
Confidential of court.
Reply to Box 287, Capital Journal,
Salem, Oregon
Thrill to new high
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will win your favor for flavor
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Buy-Try-Compare and you'll
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and the handy