Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHEB 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 8, 1949 Spinsters Party Draws Large Group More than 100 are expected to attend the basket social and square dance party to be given at the Salem Golf club this eve . ning by the Spinsters club mem bers. The event is set for 6:30 o'clock. Among those planning to at tend are Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brown, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Col lins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Need- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, Mr and Mrs. Jack Price, Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kanz, Mr and Mrs. William R. Shinn, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Geiser, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bower, Mr. and Mrs, Hubert L. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barnick, Mr. and .Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Peery T. Buren,' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Mennis, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Edgerton, Mr. and Mrs James Armpriest, Mr. and Mrs, P. Brandt, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ev erett de Weese, Miss Edith Fair- ham, Peter Gunnar, Miss Mar- jorie Tate, Larry Christian, Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, John P. Mauiaing, Miss June Young Ralph Underwood, Mr. and Mrs George Arbuckle, Mr. and Mrs Richard Grabenhorst, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgin, Mr. and Mrs Roger Schnell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward O. Stadter, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Renner, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Preiss, Mr. and Mrs, Carlton McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. John bteelhammer, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Stu art McElhlnny, Miss Marylou McKay, Lester D. Green, Miss Patricia Vandeneynde, Miss Bet ty Jean Manoles, Miss Jane Car son, Miss Patricia Larson, Miss Esther Baird, Miss Charlotte Al exander, Gordon Walker, Miss Margaret Lovell, . Lt. and Mrs, Stuart Nelson, Miss Irene Mc Leod, Miss Janet Lindley, Wil liam Paxson, Delwin Kleen. ; .... CONGRATULATIONS are being extended to Sgt. and Mrs. Ielvln Edward Haines upon the "birth of a son, Melvin Edward Haines, Jr., at Salem Memorial hospital, June 30. There are two older sisters to greet the new arrival, Kathryn Louise and Mildred Rae. Mrs. Leona Brown of Salem is the grand mother, ... IN PORTLAND, Friday, were the Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift to attend the ceremonies of ordination for Evan Williams in the Episcopal church. Mr. Williams, a former Willamette university student, will spend next year In study at Oxford university. Never wash eggs before re frigerating them; if you do so you remove the "bloom" or pro tective mucous coating on the shell that is there when the egg Is laid. Just before the eggs are to be broken out of the shell and used, however, they should bt washed under cold running water. Leave for Convention Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wynkoop leave by plane tomorrow for Cleveland, Ohio, to attend the national Elks convention to be held there starting Monday. The Wynkoops will be gone a week, planning to stop in Chi cago en route home. Mr. Wyn koop has been exalted ruled of the local Elks lodge the past year. Supper Group To Be Feted Hosts Saturday evening for their Sunday night supper club will be Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ow ens. In the group are Mr. and Mrs. C. Lester Newman, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Prime, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Owens. Party for Miss Hjort Miss Margaret Moritz has in vitations out for a buffet sup per and kitchen shower for which she will entertain next Tuesday evening to honor Miss Marilyn Hjort, bride-elect of Raymond H. Crumme of Berke ley, Calif. The party will be at the Mor itz home. Miss Hjort and Mr. Crumme are to be married Sep tember 4. ... LIBERTY Miss Bonita Fries! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fries of Rt. fl, and Gail Drawson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Draw- son, were married on Saturday, July 2, at an informal ceremony at Stevenson, Wash. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Scar- void of Salem. Mrs. Drawson is employed with the Metro politan stores, and Mr. Draw- son is employed with the Doug las McKay Chevrolet co. They make their home at the Vet erans Housing project. LOCAL folk have received no tice of a Dakota picnic for all former residents of the Dakotas, the event to be Sunday at noon at Jantzen beach, Portland. The no-host dinner will be at noon. ' )M"----..Vft&: Recently Wed Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Kidner were married recently in Eugene. The bride is the former Blanche Pirkl, daughter of Anthony Bren of Salem. Vandelaar-Nordeen Wedding Recent Event Amity A garden wedding took place Friday evening, July 1 at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hockema, north of Amity, when Miss Marilyn Nordeen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nordeen, Amity, and Jack Vandelaar Jr., only son of Mayor and Mrs. Jack Vandelaar Sr., also of Amity, exchanged their wedding vows. The serv ice was solemnized before an altar formed of an arch, tall white candelabrums and baskets of white gladioluses and del phinium in the patio. The bride's father gave her in mar riage. Rev. A. M. Granville of Oregon City, retired Evangeli cal minister, and grandfather of the bride, read the service. For her wedding the bride wore a white pique wedding dress, fashioned with a full skirt, bodice with lace yoke, round neckline, wide shoulder bertha trimmed in lace, and tiny buttons from neck to hemline in back. She wore elbow length net mitts. The fingertip net veil, lace edged, was held in place by a lace halo, fastened with orange blossoms. The bride car ried a white Bible, centered with an orchid, and from it fell a cascade of white satin ribbons and white rosebuds. Matron of honor was Miss Carol Bennett of McMinnville, wearing a dress of pale green pique, green net halo, green net elbow length mitts. She car ried a nosegay of pink roses and sweet peas. J. M. Hockema was best man. Miss Phyllis Meeker of Amity sang. For her daughter s wedding, Mrs. Nordeen wore an orchid voile dress. Mrs. Vandelaar chose an all-over print, and both wore identical baby orchid. cor sages. Mrs. J. M. Hockema cut the wedding cake for the reception that followed. Mrs. Sid Rising of Salem poured; Miss Ethel Vandelaar, sister of the bride groom, served the punch; Miss Ruth Davis passed the guest book and Mrs. George DeReave (Lucille Vanderlaar) received the gifts. For going away the bride wore a navy blue suit, white hat, navy accessories and orchid corsage. After their wedding trip the young couple will live in Am ity, where he is associated with his father in business. The bride is a graduate of McMinn ville high school, class of 1049. The bridegroom was educated in Washington schools. 1 I ?, Frar Famous Panama CORONATION MILADY MORNING STAB LADY HAMILTON u 1 .est "- m a For keep it's erery bride's dream come troe gracious, treasured Community CiVrerplate with its famous long-life "Overlay." And, still so low in price . . . 52-Piece Service for 8 ... $69.7 J. No extra charge for ano-tarnish chest. No Federal Tax. CREDIT GLADLY! As Low As IS Down 5 Monthly Other Nationally Advertised Silverware As Low As 119.95 Garden Wedding Lyons Miss Betty Mae Mas on, daughter of Mrs. Grant Smith, was wed to Gilbert Wag ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wagner, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at a garden wedding at the home of his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor The ceremony was read by Rev Willard Buckner of Stayton, be fore a bower of greenery and pink Dorothy Perkins roses. The bride wore a luggage tan suit, with green and tan ac cessories and carried a bouquet of white carnations with an or chid. She was attended by her twin sisters, Misses Dorothy and Deloris Mason, who wore black and white dressmaker suits, with pink corsages. Duane Wag ner acted as best man for his brother. Mrs. Smith chose for her daughter's wedding a two piece gray dress with green ac cessories. The bridegroom's mo ther was attired in a dark red taf feta suit with white accessories. Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the Me- hama club house. Those assist ing with the serving were Mrs. Maude Zimmerman, grand mother of the bridegroom, Mrs. Smith, Miss Patsy Mason, sis ter of the bride, and Miss Gloria Luke. After a wedding trip through Nevada, Arizona, and California they will be at home in one of the HIeneck apart ments in Lyons. Wedding Date Is Announced The date for the wedding of Miss Betty Thompson and Ray N. Fedje, whose engagement was announced last summer at Sun Valley, Idaho, has been set for August 31. The ceremony will take place at the First Me thodist church of Buhl, Idaho. The bride-elect Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gan I. Thomp son of Buhl. Idaho and her fiance is the son of Dr. and Mrs Roy A. Fedje of Salem, Oregon, Following the wedding the couple will leave for Boston, Mass., where Miss Thompson, former Willamette student, will be a senior in Boston university school of music and Mr. Fedje, a graduate of Willamette univer sity, will pursue graduate stud ies in Boston university school of theology. LYONS Mrs. Chris McDon ald and daughter, Aladean, Mrs, Elton Brown and Mrs. Harold Longfellow were hostesses for a bridal shower honoring Miss Ella Mae White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, Rt. 1, Lyons at the Mehama clubhouse Present were the honored guest, Miss White, Mabel Smith, Doro thy Bilyeu, Rosa Coffman, Mrs. Redding, Pearl Dake, Elizabeth Haghs, Rosella Kirkland, Del oris Mason, Eileen Wilson, Wini fred Branch, Dorothy Mason, Gayle Brown, Violet Wallen, Patsy Mason, Alma Kirsch, Merle Teeters, Dorothy Draper, Bernice Boring, Blanche Wag ner, Louise Erickson, Donna Lee Dunbar, Judy McCarley, Lillie Wolfkeil, Edith Smith, Theryl Zimmerman, Mrs. Virginia Lln demann of Stayton, Mrs. Dahl- enburg, Lois White, Mary Ellen White, Mrs. Vivian White and Dortheen Wilson. MR. AND MRS. Hollis D. Bea- sley (Kathryn Rowe) of Long view are attending University of Washington this summer, working for advanced degrees. Over the Fourth of July holi- TRIPLE TREAT ' ' irr . o trio of UTTIE IA0Y Toiletries for fun end good grooming both. Cltan-ioaking, billion-bubble bubble balh. . lutciout-imtlling toilet water... and a sweetly scented coililt soap-doll of LITTLE LADY herself. All in pom-pom pretty package. fluise THI QUI I Nil Mr COINM i ma MfOrCAl CfNUI ftftANOt optratt M cm days they were at Harrison Hot Springs hotel in British Colum bia. They will be in Salem in early August to visit Mrs. Beas ley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Rowe. Both Mr. and Mrs. Beasley teach at Longview. Group Fetes Miss Myers Miss Janice Myers, who is to be married July 17 to Lloyd Lewis of Eugene, was honored at a potluck supper and party given as a surprise last evening at the home of Mrs. Henry Mil lie by the women on the staff at the R. L. Elfstrom company The group presented a gift to Miss Myers. Attending were Miss Myers, her mother, Mrs. Burton A. My ers, and her sister. Miss Jeanne Myers; Miss Lucille Satter, Mrs. Mabel Clock, Miss Alcetta Gil bert, Mrs. E. J: Bradley, Mrs. Lynn Hill, Mrs. Frederick Klang, Mrs. Wilma Eastham, Miss Barbara Bates and Mrs. Millie. . PORTLAND (Special) -Miss Lola Mae Windecker of Salem was one of 33 student nurses from University of Portland's college of nursing to be initiat ed into Alpha Tau Delta, a na tional nursing honorary society, following a formal banquet held in Portland last week. Miss Windecker is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Windecker. route 2, box 330. and is a junior in the nursing college. AMONG the travelers return-il r p:rnfr inff (n Salpm recently were Mr. ' llv- and Mrs. E. H. Bingenheimer who left early in June on a combined business and pleasure trip which took them north to Victoria and Vancouver, B. C, and through Canada as far. east as Winnepeg. While in Minne apolis they celebrated their wedding anniversary with rela tives of Mr. Bingenheimer; go ing from there to Chicago for a week. Then the travelers went south, making stops at New Orleans and Houston, re turning by way of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Miller-Mills Woodburn Miss Jeanne Elizabeth Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mills of Wood burn, was married to Lowell Morrison Miller, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell M. Miller, Sr., of Los Angeles, June 28 at the First Congregational church in Salem. Rev. Seth R. Hunting ton officiated at the simple dou ble ring ceremony. After a wedding trip to the Oregon beaches the couple will live in Salem, where they will both attend Willamette univer sity next fall. Mrs. Miller will be a sophomore and Mr. Miller Honors Girts A picnic for this year's girl graduates of high schools in Portland and vicinity will be staged by the University of Ore gon Associated Women Stu dents group in Portland next Tuesday evening, July 12, at 7 o'clock in Laurelhurst park. The program will be educa tional in nature and there will be entertainment. Dr. Harry K. Newburn, university president, and other campus officials, in cluding Mrs. Golda Wickham, dean of women, will attend. Mrs. George H. Swift of Sa lem, president of the University of Oregon Mothers' state organ ization, will be among those at tending. Miss Jeanne Hoffman of. Salem is one of the members of Kwama, sophomore women's honorary, who are assisting in serving ice cream,' cake and soft drinks. ... NEIGHBORS of Woodcraft will hold a regular meeting Fri day evening at the Woman's club house, 240 North Cottage street, with the guardian neighbor, Mrs. Gussie Shaw, in the chair. Of ficers are asked to wear white. There will be a birthday party for April to July and a program at the close of the meeting. I j MmT7 fe Ipi ' II 'iTi I. if I P. Ar-i '! 1 COATS SUITS Here are our finest summer suits and coats at way low prices! The coats are in both longie and shortie length styles with easy flow ing lines and the season's smartest patterns. Homespuns, tweeds, gabardines in the finest textiles imaginable! Rose, rose beige, jade, green beige, rose red, toast, beige and others. Great names you'll recognize in the nation al magazines! Come choose your favorite at half price! The suits are in beige, grey and tan. Soft line styles on the dressmaker order . . . easy to wear ' ... an all-purpose suit. 14 to . 18 . . . HALF PRICE! DONEGAL TWEEDS IN PURE 1 WOOL GREAT .'COATS 22 Here's your best year-around coat! It's a Donegal tweed ... a nubby -colorful mixture on grey or tan back- grounds! It's a must in every wom- an's wardrobe. Come see and try on . . . and you'll like this one for your summer vacation , . . your fall and winter work or town and country wear . . . it's low priced no tf W 85. coats.: COVERTS - GABARDINES -CREPES SUITS.. ALL WOOLS ONE GROUP OF ALL-WOOL COATS $495 Regular $25.50 "Hollywood Fashions" . . . fitted coats of soft, all-wool fabrics in pretty rose or new summer greys . . . double-breasted styles with smartly fitted backs. Fully sat in lined. Sizes 8 to 15. GABARDINES CREPES COVERTS 10 to 20 14 to 18 This large group of women's summer coats and suits will be on sale Saturday morning at 9:30 . . . Garments up as high as $120.00! Our finest in pastels . . . some navy and blacks . . . grey . . . beige . . . just what you want and for later wear! GABARDINES . . . COVERTS . . . CREPES . . . finest of pure wools tailored to perfection! 14 to 18 . . . every garment beautifully satin lined. Fash ionst hat embrace every wanted coat ipr suit design of the season. It's your opportunity to save a lot of money on apparel! Remember ... if it's from Miller's, if must be good. 2nd FLOOR APPAREL SHOPS yt ,.,.r. ,t u ii'i nii ,.' ' ,