1 2 Capital Journal, Salem, Fires Chief Aide Portland, July 8 (IP) Reports of more discord in the Multno mah county sheriff's office broke Into the open today as Sheriff Marion L. (Mike) Elliott and his chief criminologist feuded pub licly. The criminologist, Stanley G. MacDonald, was suspended by Elliott on a charge that he mis used county materials and pho tographic equipment. MacDonald asserted that poli tics was behind Elliott's action. The crux came, he said, when Elliott insisted that he take as an assistant one of Elliott's campaign workers. MacDonald said his files showed this man had been arrested several times, but the files disappeared after the man went to work in his office. MacDonald made his asser tion after being angered by an order to turn over keys to his confidential files to the sheriff. Elliott's jmarges were based on MacDonald's testimony in the past as sV criminologist for cases in other counties. MacDon aid said his pay for such testi mony had been taken with per mission of county officials. It was a way of augmenting his county salary of $355 monthly he said, adding that he once had offered to turn over all such checks to the county if his salary were raised. The officials dccid ed the going arrangement was best, MacDonald said. He added that most of the photographic . material he used in such testi mony was paid for by himself. Condemned Man Cheats Gallows Baltimore, July 8 (IP) A 23 year-old murderer cheated the noose by killing himself less than 90 minutes before he was to have gone to the gallows early today at the Maryland peniten tiary. He was Roy Arnold Wood, bricklayer turned holdup man. Wood killed a Baltimore police man last year and was sentenced to death. The Rev. Joseph J. Ayd, S. J., penitentiary chaplain, was in toning Catholic prayers for the dying outside Wood's cell late last night. The priest noted that the con demned man failed to give the proper responses. Father Ayd called Warden Edward T. Swensen, They found Wood lying on the floor, limp and bleeding, but still alive. He died a few minutes later from what Dr. Earl Royer, act ing medical examiner, described as a hemorrhage due to an incise wound of the neck. "Wood cut his juglar vein," Dr. Royer said. The weapon he used was halt of a safety-razor blade. It was found lying in a hole in the blood-soaked mattress in Wood's cell. Alberta Passes Law For Exporting Gas Edmonton, Alia., July 8 VP) The Alberta provincial legisla ture has passed its gas export law, which may make it possible for natural gas to be exported to the Pacific northwest. The complicated laws give the government control over export of gas. The government can sanction the piping of gas to the United States if all local needs are satisfied first. Piping of gas into the Oregon Washington area has been pro posed by private firms. Under the new legislation, ap plications for pipe lines will be approved by a conservation board, and then by the cabinet of Alberta. The government could shut off export of fuel at any time that Alberta itself needs the fuel. SAMBA RUMBA FOX TROT, SWING WALTZ, TWO-STEP FREE "Get acquainted" one hour ballroom lesson. Come ond bring your friends to our special 10 lessons for $10. Friday, July 8 FREE LESSON 7:30 Advanced Class 8:30 Beginners Class Vacationists Why not be prepared to join the fun and be able to dance with anyone? m i a I aul ArrnislroiHj -cltool of- 1990 Mission St. Oregon, Friday, July 8, 1949 Fast Time Petitions Almost Completed Portland, July 8 VP) Daylight saving sponsors were close to success today in their campaign to keep "fast time" in Port land and other northwest Ore gon cities. They reported they needed only 4,100 more names to com plete petitions that must have i total of 15,926 valid signatures by July 16 in order to forestall a state law banning daylight saving time. E. B. Bond Sales Show Increase Washington, July 8 (IP) The American people bought more of the government's series E bonds during the first half of this year than in any similar period since the war. Purchases of these bonds to taled $2,250,000,000 for the six months that ended June 30. This topped lB48's previous postwar record by 2V4 per cent, treas ury officials said today. At the same time that they were saving more in E bonds, people were spending less in de partment stores. The dollar volume of depart ment store sales across the country was shown in a federal reserve board report for the first half of 1949 to have fallen four per cent under the first half of last year. Lower prices were a considerable factor in the decline. The treasury-federal reserve data confirmed commerce de partment findings that, although their income shrank somewhat in 1949, Americans saved more than they had when they were taking in a larger total. Furthermore, treasury offic ials said, people hung on to their savings more tenaciously. Cash-ins of E bonds, totaling $1,702,000,000 for the first six months of this year, dropped a solid 10 'A per cent under the record for the first half of 1948. For the first half of 1949, new purchases of E bonds exceeded cash-ins by $548,000,000, pro viding a "net" to the govern ment that topped the mark for the same part of last year by 86 per cent. Forest Fire Menace Increasing in State Portland, Ore., July ' 8 (U.R) Falling humidity coupled with rising temperatures increased, the fire hazard in Oregon today. Fire fighting personnel of the district fire warden's office at Forest Grove was alerted for the week-end. One fire was burning in the Siskiyou forest area of south western Oregon. It apparently started from logging operations on private land west of the Red wood highway, south of the town of O'Brien near the Cali fornia border. The Mount Hood national for est closed certain areas today because of fire danger. These areas are the Bull Run, Sandy river, Three-Six, Oregon City watershed, Fish creek, Pup creek, Big creek, and Johns Creek regions. Britain to Purchase . Grain from Russia London, July 8 (IP) Dollar- short Britain has secretly agreed to buy nearly 1,000,000 tons of coarse grains from Russia in the next year, official sources dis closed today. The informants added that part of a barter deal agreement was installed in private in Mos cow last week a few days be fore Britain's economic planners announced a three-nionth stand still on dollar spending. oUancing. Ask Action in Hawaiian Strike Washington, July 8 VP) The senate labor committee will meet Monday to discuss a bill au thorizing presidential interven tion' in the Hawaiian shipping tie-up. The bill was introduced yes terday by Senators Knowland (R) and Downey (D) of Califor nia, Morse (R, Ore.), and Ives (R., N.Y.) A companion bill was intro duced in the house today by delegate Farrington (R., Ha waii). Chairman Elbert p. Thomas (D., Utah), of the labor commit tee, told a reporter he would like to hear from both sides in the labor dispute. Senator Morse (K., ore.), one of the sponsors ot the bill, voiced the same idea. "I should like," he said, "to see Harry Bridges (head of the striking CIO Longshoremen's union), and a representative of the employers brought here to testify." Both senators said a public hearing in itself might serve to bring about a settlement of the strike. Morse said he would expect the hearings to be limited to the union's demands for changes in hours, wages and working con ditions. "The issue is not the political philosophy of Harry Bridges or the economic policies of the em ployers," Morse said. Manhunt On for Jail Escapee Albuquerque, N. M., July 8 UP) Fifty city, state, county, federal and' military officers combed the rugged Manzano mountains east and south of here today for a man believed in volved in a Corvallis. Ore., Jail- break on June 4. The manhunt followed an all- night "cops and robbers" chase through the streets of Albuquer que during which police fired 15 to 20 shots in an effort to stop the fugitive. City police identified the man as William (Billy) Haynes, alias Bill Brady. The search was first launched when a second man, Marshall E. Huff, 47, was arrested at Moun tainair last Saturday and charged with car theft and bo gus checks. A man known as Richard Howard Hall, alias Richard Brady, escaped from the Ben ton county jail in Oregon a month ago, aided by two men who broke in from outside. Justice of the Peace John H. Garrison, Mountalnair, who ar rested Huff when he asked him to cash a check, said Huff gave him the alias of Richard How ard Hall. Deputy Sheriff Ed Jackson, Albuquerque, said today Haynes was first seen last night by two deputies driving a black 1941 Cadillac sedan with California license 4B995. The deputies, joined by other patrol cars, pursued Haynes off and on throughout the night. He gave them the slip toward mid night. Soviet Zone Police Double Patrols Berlin, July 8 (IP) The British-licensed socialist newspaper, Sozialdemokrat, said today Sov iet zone police have douf ed their patrols at Russian-operated uranium mines in Saxonv to prevent German workmen from fleeing. The newspaper said the new Saxon minister of interior, Ar thur Hoffman, had ordered po lice to "shoot to kill" whenever conscripted laborers escaping from the mine area refused to halt, yi 2nd Mighty Feature! uHivctsu imimAiiONAi ,ntMt v .Tin rrv .dm.ii r For Your Added Enjoyment! i ui i uui nuucu nuymeni: Color Cartoon Riot "Foghorn Leghorn" - Warner News 1 Building Front Collapse Kills Four Firemen and rescue, workers clear the rubble of bricks that crashed to the street In Pittsburgh, Pa., killing four persons and injuring eight, four critically. A large neon sign weakened and collapsed the brick parapet atop the qne-story building, showering the bricks onto the street below. (Acme Telephoto) Sydney Police Raid Commies Sydney, July 8 (IP) Police raided Marx House, headquar ters of the Australian commu nist party, today and took away two truck loads of documents and files. There were 50 police in the raiding party. The raid lasted nearly three hours. Uniformed state police and plainclothes commonwealth invest igators waited until communist em ployes were at work before en tering the building. Thousands of people watched the raid from the street: Several communists tried-to make phone calls as the raid began, but a police guard was placed on ev ery telephone in the building. Police said no large sum of money was found. In Canberra a government source said the raid was made in a search for 54,000 (approximately $174 400), drawn from the banking accounts of unions last week. The government has frozen all union funds to prevent fi nancial -aid to Australia's 24,- 000 coal miners who have been on strike for two weeks. An arbitration court ordered unions to pay their funds into court but thus far none has done so. Lucky Luciano to . Be Exiled to Sicily Rome, July 8 (IP) Charles Lucky" Luciano, onetime New York vice king, will be "exiled" to a village in Sicily "because his presence in Rome is a crime threat," Italian authorities an nounced today. The 51-year-old Sicilian was picked up yesterday in his fash ionable Rome apartment. He was questioned in connection with an international drive -on drug traffic, but "no evidence was found against him," police said. Nevertheless, they said, he will be sent to the tiny village of Lereara Friddi, near Paler mo. The village was his home once before. When Luciano was de ported from the United States in 1947 and arrived here, he was restricted to Sicily. Later, how ever, he was permitted to circu late freely. Jurors Drawn for District Court County Clerk Harlan Judd and Sheriff Denver Young Fri day afternoon drew 15 names to serve as jurors in district court to report in that court at 9:30 New Today! i'm . -tLn 2 Great Hits on One Big Super Program! Radio's Riotous Riley Now The Funnlt "iimli WIIWAM BENDK Af nyi-EYi a.m. Wednesday, July 13. . Names selected 'are: Jess F. Fikan, East Woodburn; Dorothy G. Wolf, East Mt. Angel; Dow H. Lovell, Salem 8; Charles F. Pel land, St. Paul; Jean M. Graben- horst, Salem 12; Margaret E. Wright, Salem 16; Glenn L. Rice, Salem 9; James A. Kapphahn, Hayesville; Louise Van Loh, En- glewood; George E. Smith, Jr., Salem 29; Mary E. Wampler, C. Howell; John W. Bowman, West Silverton; Mary A. Seely, Mc- Kee; Ed Robert Viesko, Salem 13; Harley O. White, Salem 12. Syrian Nationalist Faced Firing Squad Beirut, Lebanon, July 8 (IP) Anton Saadeh, president of the outlawed Syrian national party, was executed by a firing squad this morning, after being sen tenced last night in a secret court martial. Saadeh was arrested early yes terday even as Syrian and Leb anon troops intensified their drive to stamp out guerillas of the national party who have terrorized outlying areas for more than a month. . The party has been accused of attempting to incite revolt against both the Syrian and Leb anese governments. Its ultimate aim was said to be a "greater Syria" under Saadeh s leader- Ship, , incorporating Lebanon, Syria, Trans-Jordan and Arab Palestine. Memorial Board Not to Be Moved Portland, July 8 (IP) The World War II memorial board will continue to stand in Port land's park blocks. An appeal by the Gold Star mothers caused the city council to vote yesterday to maintain the memorial, reversing an ear lier decision to tear it down. The memorial is a large sign board listing the city's dead from the last war. The mothers pleaded that though the "board is not suit able, it's all we have and we're afraid that our war dead might be forgotten." nri wren . m n n New Woodburn PIX Theatre! Oregon; O-SO-EASY SEATS FRI. - SAT., JULY 8-9 Down to the Sea in Ships see OPENS 6:45 P.M. Now Showing! THE MOST TALKED ABOUT DRAMA OF OUR TIME I I ay REPUBLIC STuMOS ha MllywMCH. THRILL CO-HIT! 1 ! zLSdi 99 Years Prison For 16 Year Old Roanoke, Va., July 8 (U.R) Eagle Scout Lee Goode Scott, 16, today was formally senten ced to 99 years in prison for the parish house murder of pretty 16-year-old Dana Marie Wea ver. The handsome, husky choir boy and high school wrestler who admitted he killed the girl May 8, heard the sentence calm ly in the chambers of hustings (municipal) court Judge Dirk A. Kuyk. Scott was convicted of first degree murder Saturday and the jury set his punishment at 99 years. Judge Kuyk today formally passed sentence as the Jury re commended. Under Virginia law, Scott can apply for parole after 12 years Thus he would have a chance to be free at the age of 28. The dark-haired wrestler claimed he slugged Dana Marie with a pop bottle and strangled her in the Episcopal church par ish house after she said his ath letic hero, another schoolboy wrestler, was "no good.". "Something swept over me," he said. The ' state claimed, however, that lie tried to attack the high school beauty and she died fight ing for her honor. 6,219,000 on V. S. Payroll Washington, July 8 VP) The number of government employes federal, state and local -reached a three-year high in April, the census bureau reported today. The total was 6,219,000. Public payrolls rose to an unprecedent ed level of $1,375,000,000 in that monthv reflecting higher pay as well as more employes. Nebraska has a larger percent age of land area in farms than any other state. MAT. DAILY FROM 1 P.M. NOW SHOWING! Will Jiam' Cieat Outdoor Story Mak STEVENS CelMa CRAY CO-FEATURE! tlOIEII MMSTRONG MAE CLARKE l NOW! OPENS 6:45 P.M. Robert Cllmminirs "THE SABOTEUR" John Wayne "I COVER THE WAR" KARTOON KARNTVAL Tomorrow at 11: JO with Bat. Show! WTmMe & Saturday! Frea Shetland Pony Ml I I Rldni for the Kiddict I I I I Startlnc Dally at 8 p.m. I I I Susan Hayward I 1 1 Robert Preston I r n 1 In Technicolor J H ill ''HERE COMES HI TROUBLE" III Si Salmon Catch Reported Light Astoria. Ore.. July 8 (IP) Ex tremely light catches of salmon were reported again today as the Columbia river summer fishfng season went into its third day. Only half the 1200-boat fleet fished at all, and these had only light catches to show when they docked yesterday. The top boat had 200 pounds. When catches are good, the top boat brings In about 2000 pounds. The average then is 500 pounds, compared with the av erage of 100 pounds weighed yesterday. Taft to Oppose Atlantic Pad Washington, July 8 (IP) Sena tor Taft (R-Ohio) said today he may vote against the North At lantic security treaty, because he thinks it probably cannot be separated from the proposed foreign arms program. Taft made this statement to reporters after he had told the senate that he is "absolutely opposed to providing arms for Europe." The administration expects to send to congress soon a propo sal to authorize a $1,450,000,000 foreign arms program. Of this amount $1,130,000,000 would be spent to help rearm European pact signers. "I may vote against the pact but I have not finally decided," Taft said. "At one time, I thought it could be separated from the arms program, but now I am beginning to think It cannot." A final decision by Taft to oppose the pact would likely build up other opposition to the treaty. As chairman of the GOP senate policy committee, thed Ohio senator wields strong in fluence among his party's mem bers. Fire Hits Streamliner Afton, Calif., July 8 UP) Fire swept through two cars of the east-bound Union Pacific streamliner City of Los Angeles DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Aumsville Pavilion Music by Tommy and . His West Coast Ramblers In Aumsville 9:30-12:30 DST 10 Miles South of Salem ENDS TONIGHT New M-Tfe WITH sots Bn'dift MGMi deep-sht diving! Tim 'BROTHERS RED SKELTON MfjJ wmmcm un n KEEWTO a J 'M MMGAT 1 : ADD HIS ORCHESTRA - M-.-M L fj ' W ..yT queen OF V I I V VLoa'-nd Treat! i I EXTRA COLOR CARTOON SPORT WARNER ' "Meet Kln- Joe" "Fairway Champions" NEWS lf nloM hut the 25 oasseneer Luc-aned iniurv. One car was de- stroyed and flames badly dam aged the other. Union Pacific of ficials in Salt Lake City report ed. Cause of the fire was not determined. 'Glacier Priest' Off for Alaska Seattle. July 8 U The Rev. Bernard Hubbard, the "Glacier Priest," was scheduled to leave here today for Alaska aboard the coast guard cutter Citrus. Father Hubbard has 10,000 feet of color film which he will show to service men in isolated bases throughout Alaska. . The globe-trotting priest hoped to fly over the north pole during one of the air force's weather flights. The Citrus will stop in Ketchi- -kan. From there, the Alaska air command will fly Father Hub bard northward. He planned to return to Seattle in mid-September. Commenting on China, the priest said the fall of north China made Alaska's strategic position more important than ever, Dulles Sworn In Washington, July 8 (IP) John Foster Dulles was sworn in as . New York's second republi-an senator today. He said he would serve only until Dec. 1. i NOW SHOWING - Open 6:45 TWO BIG FEATURES! ? TYRONE POWER - GENE TIERNET (l SECOND BIG HIT StQfrlnO VltTIR RICIAII MATURE CQNTE ?ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in ii 1 1 ii irj HOLLYWOOD KIDS CLUB TOMORROW. Doors Open 1:00 P.M. for Special Kids' Matinee State Program - Prizes Cartoons - Serial Special Matinee Feature: "ADVENTURES OF RUSTY" Also BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE for Keith Boyer Jimmy Justls Richard Smart Bernell Flicker Philip Worden Suzanne Wilson Janet MoAlpine Eve, Show Cont. After 5:30 P.M. Spencer Tracy - Deborah Kerr in "EDWARD MY SON" and - "HIGH FURY" Tomorrow! 8K TECHNICOLOR MUSICAL. TH 010 NftW SOHQ HIT. . . Halt IN THE SADDLE"