V AUTOMOBILES TRUCK SALE New and Used We Have Them ALL PRICE TO SELL , DUMP TRUCKS 1948 Ford 4-5 yard, 2 speed 8.25x20 tires. 1941 Chevrolet 4 yard, 2 speed, 8.25x20 tires. 1940 Chevrolet 4 yard, 2 speed, 8.25x20 tires. CHASSIS AND CAB 1946 Ford 2 speed, 8.25x20 tires 1946 Chevrolet 2 speed, 5 speed Clark", 8.25x20 tires. 1942 Ford with stock' rack. PICKUPS 1947 Chevrolet 4 speed transmission, y ton. 1946 Ford y2 ton. 1948 International Panel TRAILERS 1-19 ft. semi-trailer, 5th wheel landing gear, lumber roll and apron. Make us an offer. Valley Motor Truck Dept. Union at Liberty ' Ph. 3-3147 v .PONTIACS '47 Olds "76" Sdn. Hydro., R & H $1495 '41 Sport Coupe . . , 845 '40 Pontiac 595 '37 Pontiac Sedan ; 395 '47 Ford D.L. Sport Coupe , 1295 '42 Olds Sedan 995 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 245 Herrall - Owens Co 860 N. LIBERTY BUICKS 1947 ROADMASTER SEDAN $1995 1947 SUPER SEDAN 1995 1946 SUPER SEDAN 1695 1946 ROADMASTER SEDANET 1695 1941 SUPER SEDAN '. ;'. . 1095 1941 SPECIAL SEDAN 1095 All the Above Cars Are Fully Equipped ORVAL'S -. (THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE) Center & Church St. ' Ph. 3-4702 qlfll" .'RODUCE RASPBERRIES, Frlgaard's Fruit SUnd, H mi. N. Keizer School. Ph. 24282. ff!71 Raspberries 12.00 crate. Rt. 2, Box 3B0, north Chemaw. Ph. 2-1386. 11169 D-P1CK. Raspberries, loganberries and Boysenberrles. Bring own container. Fred Bennett Rt. 2 Box 44B. 1 mile East of Kelzer school on Chemawa rd. ff 161 riLTON APRICOTS from The Dalles $1.49 a lug. Green Apple Market, 2 miles H. on 99. Ifl 66' IECTARBERRIES for Jelly, Jam and locker. Bring containers, leave orders. 1245 Clearvlew Ave. oft Cherry. ffl62 HELP WANTED l-l AUTO Mach. steady work. 809 Edge water St., West Salem. glB2 lfANAGER (or garage business must be A-l mach. Know how to handle help. Reference At exper. Capital Journal Box 2B6. fl62 Bookkeeper. Exper. gome typing, no shorthand. Underwood billing machine. Box No. 2S9 Capital Journal. (163 IEAN PICKERS 50 acres register now at Sunset Farms. 2H miles North of In dependence on Salem highway near Oak Point school. Cabins, store, wash room oerajialngJulj 1J'SS HELP WANTED FEMALE JIRLS for outside home owner survey work. Best season starting. Personality and ability to meet people will net good earnings. See Mr. Stevens. Builders In sulating Co. 980 8 Commercial 9:30 to 11:30 a. m. gb!62 (PANTED: Experienced office girl with knowledge of acct. rec. and accts. pay able. Capital Journal, box No. 288 gb!63 I WILL SHARE my home with kind, re- fined unencumbered middle aged lady In good health In exchange for care of 2 jr.-old girl. Inquire any day be fore noon. 2S55 Brooks St., Salem, Ore. gbl62 V ANTED Sales lady In ladles ready to ware dept. Experienced preferred but not necessary. Good salary plus com mission Apply Montgomery Wards St Co. gb ,ADY SOLICITOR 8 days a week 8 hrs. day. No experience or car necessary. Apply in person 9 a. m. to 11:00 a. m. Willamette alley Roofing 30 Lana Ave. gb FOMAN OR GIRL for housework. 89 N. Liberty. Call mornings. gbl63 WANTED SALESMEN MEN READ CAREFULLY . Friday evening, at 7:30 P. M. only. 1 want to talk to 28 men Who are really ambitious In securing a position that will give them an opportunity of malt ing money IT DOESN'T MATTER what your past work has been: all we ask is that you will be willing to study and learn as we teach you our work It will be necessary that you be willing to get along on 150 to 160 per week for the first 4-6 weeks while learning. YOU MUST BE ABLE to give the names of three people who will vouch for your honesty and Integrity, rnd you must be bomiable. We prefer men who are married or those with some responsibility I would like to talk to men who are mechanically Inclined and whc know ft. good thing when they see It. A car is essential. If you are honest and of good charac ter a willing worker and neat Id ap pearance and can think on your feet, come to Rm. 2 at the Marlon Motel Frl- day evening at 7:30 d. m. only, or write Sox 284 Capital Journal. gglSl f ATED experienced salesman hard ware dept. Salary plus commission. Good opportunity - for advancement. Apply Montgomery Ward At Co. gg Journal Want Ads Pay IAUTOMOBILES PH. 24113 HELP WANTED MALE Part time service station help. Exp. In lubrication Ac sales. Write box 428 Capt tal Journal. gal61 GROCERY CLERK state age, experience As references. Write Box 285 Capital Journal. gal62 RESERVE LIFE Insurance Co. needs three hustlers with car to fill out their sales organization. Experience helpful but not necessary. We train you and furnish leads when you are ready. Contact Mr. Tabor, 248 N. Commercial. Rm. 23 be tween 9 Ac 12 a.m. Thurs. or Friday. No phone calls please. gal62 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICB AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 890 State St Ph 1-1488. tf WANTED POSITIONS PRACTICAL NURSE Well recommended. Wants day or night work. Ph. 2-4469. hl61 EXPERIENCED Switchboard operator needs work. Beverly Berry, Ph. 2-9213. M62 ("Neptunes Daughter") Bulldozing & Grubbing Contract or by the hour. L. C. Mitchell. Ph. 3-5337. hl66 CHILD CARE S1.75 per day. Any age. Room Ac board If desired 13.30 per day. 1180 N 24th St. Ph. 2-8685. hl62 CARPENTER, A-l, fast. Ph. 2-8825. hl77a PUMICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 2-8825. 1)177' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. U. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 hl75 LAWN CARE it Landscaping:. Reas. Call after 5. Ph. 23074. hlBO Housekeeping job for widow or bachelor over 50. Write Nettle Richardson, Qen. Del. Salem, Ore. h!61 WE PAINT, repair and build houses. Ph. 2-0341 Eve or morn! nit. ' hl61 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 M75 HOUSE WORK by hr. Ph. 29001 before 8 a.m. h!79 BABY SITTER. PH. 35535., CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph 2-6876. hl71 TYPING In my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eves. hl70 WILL CARE for children In my home. Prom 8 to 8 dally. Ph. 2-0515. hl78 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 hiai- TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph 3-5072. hl78" BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580. PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonizing. Ph. 3-7552. hl66 CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph 3-9924 h!66 CUSTOM HAY balelng. rake with job also win mow Ph. 27103 M62. WANT HR, WORK. Ph. 2-4767 after 5. hl74 PLASTERING. PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 24389 Free estimates hl61 CARPENTER WK. New. repair Ph 2-2093 hl61- PAINTING, repair work. Price reasonable Work euaranteed. No Jobs too smalt. Ph. 27546, h!6 Exp. Cashier, receptionist and gen. office work. Miss Clarke. Ph. 2-0631. hl61 To Place Classified Ads Sone 2-2406 AUTOMOBILES . AUTOMOBILES 10 to 1 YOU KNOW" . . . BUT WE'RE. GOING TO TELL YOU AGAIN ANYWAY ... Few Others Compete When You Compare Quality . . . Selections We Think You Will Be Interested In One These Real Bargains 1940 FORD CUSTOM PORDOR SEDAN. RADIO, HEATER. UNDERCOAT, WHITE SIDEWALL TIRES. LOW PRESSURE ONLY 7.260 MILES. LIKE NEW. . 1948 FORD SUPER DELUXE FORDOR SEDAN, RADIO, HEATER, OVER DRIVE 11,495. 1947 FORD DELUXE TUDOR A DANDY .....J 11,145 1048 PREFECT ENGLISH FORD SEDAN, HEATER, 5.620 MILES 11,195 1946 FORD STATION WAQON, HEATER , 11,495 1947 MERCURY SEDAN A REAL GOOD CAR 1 1.395 1047 LINCOLN CLUB COUPE, RADIO, HEATER, OVERDRIVE 11.695 1946 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN, HEATER 11,395 1946 HUDSON UUPER 8 SEDAN, RADIO, HEATER, OVERDRIVE $1,225 1941 DODGE CLUB COUPE, HEATER. NEW MOTOR OVERHAUL 1685 1940 CHEVROLET CABRIOLET. HEATER $695 1941 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER SEDAN S56S 1941 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN 1745 1940 FORD DELUXE TUDOR 'SEDAN 1695 1938 CHEVROLET COUPE 6396 1941 PACKARD 110 SPECIAL COUPE . 1645 . 1939 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 1745 Valley Motor Mart "USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY" CENTER AT HIGH PHONE 3-3147 Dreamy Bargains For Wide-Awake BUYERS 1946 LINCOLN SEDAN. LIKE NEW HAS EVERYTHING $1695.00 1949 MERCURY SEDAN CPE , RADIO. HEATER. OVERDRIVE .... $2095.00 1046 MERCURY SEDAN, RADIO Ss HEATER $1295.00 1942 DODGE CPE., NEW PAINT $895.00 1942 PLY. SEDAN. RADIO As HEATER 1895.00 1941 FORD TUDOR. RADIO, HEATER $845.00 1041 OLDS SEDAN ETTE, RADIO, HEATER Ac HYDROMATIC $995.00 1941 BUICK SEDANETTE. RADIO Ac HEATER AS IS 1695.00 1940 FORD CPE., HEATER $505.00 1939 FORD TUDOR. RADIO 1495.00 19.19 LINCOLN SEDAN, RADIO is HEATER 1795.00 1931 DODGE CPE $75.00 Warner Motor Co. YOUR LINCOLN 545 CENTER ST. m i RESORTS Spend Your Vacation At Breeze Hill Apts. Ocean front, plate glass windows. Strictly modern, elec tric refrigerators, etc. You'll enjoy your vacation Just a little more at Breeze Hill. Write Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogue Box 56 Tnft, Ore. hal65 FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOMS, 461 N. High. HOLLYWOOD rma. 2035 McCoy. Phone 3-6093. . Jkl73 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4335. SLEEPING ROOM (or 1 or 3 employed gentlemen. 638 N. Church. Jkl62 SLEEPING ROOMS for gentlemen. Ph. 35764. Jkl82' Clean llghthousekceplng room accomo date two. 1810 Trade. JW161 FURN. SLEEPING room. Prlv. toilet St shower. Hollywood dlst. Ph. 3-9698. After 5:30 p.m. 2-6064. Jkl61 WELL FURN. sleeping room, clbse In, H & C water, men only. 737 Center. J It 161 SLEEPING rooms for men. 385 N. ' 14th. Jkl66 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 RM. FURN. Apt. Adults. Phone 2-5372. 1935 Center. IP2 RM. apt. Prlv. bath. Emp. couple. 633 Ferry. jplOl' FURN. DOWNSTAIRS Apt. 2310 N. 4th Bt. jpl62 : CLOSE IN. Modern 2 rm. Electric range. reirig. ijaunary mcntuca. jj . iyiii NICELY FUNRN. Apt. All elec. Utilities Turn. 365 S. 16th. Jpl64 2 RM. At Kitchenette furn. Apt. Ph. 2-7540. Jf' Pleasant furn. apt. Close In 3-0185. Jpl61 ROOM 4 APT. for rent. Don Hatfield. 360 N. Capitol. jpioi- MOD. FURN. Apt. for 2 adults only. Lights, garbage service, hot Ac cold wa ter. $35 per month. Inquire rear apt. 824 N. Front St. Jpl65 Small furn. court apt. 883 Bellevue ave. Jplfll- New Apt. Hollywood Dlst. 2 rm At bath partly turn. rn. z-buo auer a p. m. Jpl61 MODERN 3 rm. apt. Adults, Electric heat. prl. bath. Call 2-1073. 1P163 CLEAN small furnished apt. for 1 emp. lady. 250 S. Cottage. Jp163 UN FURN. Apt. 2 rms. At bath $45. 4 rm. At bath 160. RefrlK., range. As utili ties furn. 450 8. Capitol St. Ph. 2-9221. JP163 2 ROOM ptly. furn. apt., bus at door 135 per mo. Phone 3-8598. Jpl61 t BDRM. large unfurn. apt. Plv. bath, elec. range At auto, heat Included. Will take children. - Inquire at 1437 N. 4th. JP182 NEW APT. 2 rms. As bath. Partly furn. 1047 Madhon. Jplfl3 FOR RENT HOUSES WHY RENT YOU CAN BUY New homes. Terms like rent. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church. 2-7642; eves. 2-0126 LARGE HOUSE, Work out part rent, re pairing same. Inquire 1135 Spruce St. Jml62 MODERN 1 bedroom house. Apply J. C. Henry on Liberty Rd. Rt. 9 Box 764. Jml62 FURN. COTTAGE. 3215 Portland Rd. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE, exrellent location, espe cially desirable lor doctor or aeniist. 218 North Lioertr. Phone2-3923 J 164 RENT Singer electric sewing machine b month in your home. No extra char fr-t delivery Ac pickup of machine $6.00 per mo. Ph. 33513. J166' OFFICE spaces and deik spate. Ph. JMftt. TRAILER SPACE 110 a month with all modern eonvelnces across the street. South Id? of Paulus Cannery. Rom Trailer Park. Ph. 3-818. J162 MERCURY DEALER PHONE 3-3012 qlfll' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FORRE NT Location for physician, chlro praetor, optometrist and denlst In new Past Office building in Delake, Oregon A permanent population of 10,000 to be served, call at 627 E 14th St., McMlnn vllle for appointment Phone 135. J16G GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of- lice or stores. Also alley warehouse with elevator. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 U DRIVE trucks cars Ph 2-910S POWER TOOL rentals tor bomt & In dustriai use Howset Bros Ph 1-3646 r TRAILERS. $2.00 per day Howser Bros 1410 8. 12th, West Salem J BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. 1 GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER far rent. Montgomery Ward. J' TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand er. Wa sell everything to com pie tt the job. HOWSER BROS. Ph 1-3646. 1 SKIL-TOOL rental service. Vally Farm Store. 4345 Eilverton Rd. J178 WANTED TO RENT Working- Couple desires furn. home. Rea sonable rent. Ph. 3-4606 after 5:30 p. m. JalBl WANTED to rent an office space 1400 sq. ft. Ph. Mr. Johnson 1-4145. Jain WANTED nice unfurn. house with 1 or 2 bdrms. Ph. 2-0504. Jal63 Wanted 1 or 2 bd. rm. furn. house. By couple with a J'A yr. old girl. Reference. Mr. William manager of the Vista Meat Market Ph. 2-3253. Jal61 BDRM. house. Ph. 2-8516 morning or alter b:jq p.m. jaioi LADY ALONE wishes unfurn, apt. by Aug. 1st in vicinity St. Joseph church. Ph. 3-5535. Jal63 2 BR HOUSE by July 15th. No children. Local business man wishes to lease for one year or longer 6 or 6 rm. mod. unfurn. home. Must be south side of city. Ad ults. Might consider option to buy during lease If desirable. Call 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213. Ja166 2 BDRM. house or apt. by July 15 by cou- pie expecting second cnua aui. jo. in. 2-6587. Jmiet QUIET, responsible couple with 2 girls aged 6 mas. and 30 mos., wish to rent unfurnished, modern, one story, 3 bedroom house. If you have hesitated to rent through fear of damage to your home by destrlcllve tenants, we'd like yoi to meet us and. If you wish, to Inspect the house we have rented for the past year. Ph. 3-9709. Jal61 WANTED Christian couple to rent or buy house, with basement. Must be close in on a main St. C. L, Dexter, 966 Center Ph. 3-6833. Jal63 CHRISTIAN man tt wire want furn. house or apt. No children. Ph. 3-3690 or 3-6920. JalftD LOST AND FOUND LOST! Black Cocker Spaniel wearing black harness. Answer to name of "Boots". Ph. 3-4814. kl62 LOST Lady's Bulova wrist watch down town. Keepsake, reward. Ph. 3-3308. kl2 MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR . 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. State At Commarelal SU SALEM Phone 3-3311 n' RAVE VOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen ts" e Ph 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on at makes of ma chines. Pre- est l mat given before work ts started Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'l ra WE WILL have our trfe ripe Tilton apri cots from The Dalles on or about July 18. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court We close Saturdays 12:30. mil J NEED 3 nice playmates for my two chil dren between 2-5. Under constant sup ervision. 11.35 per day. further informa tion 2-4630. ml65 Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES SHROCK "SEZ" SELL 'EM CUT THEM DOWN SLASH THE PRICES GET THEM ROLLING We, the Salesmen are here to do the job and You, as the buying public, will get the advan tage of the tremendous savings. Take note of these outstanding Used Car Values: 1948 HUDSON 8 SEDAN R&H, airfoam seats, gas saving overdrive, Hudson drive master, the finest in auto, transmissions, new paint and seat covers. Priced at only $2245 1947. CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE CLUB CPE New Ruby red paint, leather seats, R&H, loads of extras plus white wall tires. Better see this one at only . .$1695 1946 FORD DELUXE COACH Heater, runs fine. Your chance for a post war car at $995 1935 CHEVROLET SEDAN Good motor and tires. For good cheap transportation, try this one for $95 1934 PONTIAC COACH Excellent body condition and paint. Has smooth motor. See this one for only $195 Come and see these and many more Outstanding Buys in Good Used Cars to fit your Purse and Purpose. Two Lots open evenings for your convenience. This Time Its Hudson Schrock Motor Company Highway Sales Yard Downtown Sales Lot 3020 Portland Road Where Chemeketa goes to Church Phone 2-7023 Phone 3-7922 DRIVE SAFELY TAKE YOUR TIME AND SAVE A LIFE. ql61' 49 Chevrolet '49 FLEETLINE DELUXE 4 DOOR SEDAN '49 STYLELINE DELUXE CLUB COUPE '49 FLEETLINE SPECIAL 2-DOOR TRADE AND TERMS ORVAL'S (THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE) Center & Church St. - Ph. 3-4702 BUILDING MATERIAL SPECIAL: Cedar Sldinit. i"'x8" Random length. C-fradf, $85 thousnnd. KriLh Brown, Front it Court SUt Salem. CEMENT MIXER (or rent. Ph 3-0409. HARDWOOD flooring, nit grades, from $95 thousand hp. Keith Brown, Fronl ie Court faU., Salem, ma SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards glvt you complete IN STALLED price on rout roofing need Wid range of colors Call our outbid? salesman lor free estimate phone J -3 lfll MONTGOMERY WARD Bt OO ALUMINUM ROOF1NO S It width Id the following length) 6 1 7 r a na 10 2 90 IT 3 48 Ask about Installation srrvlce MONTGOMERY WARD Si CO. SALEM. OREGON ma' NEW SHIPMENT Piast board tt" 6Mc. tt' 60 sq ft Rock lathe 46 sq. ft 11.16 MONTGOMERY WARD S.LEM UK' BUILDERS attention. Two 14-It. ladders S10 each. One extension ladder, is it. sections, 125. In good condition. If all are taken, S37.50. Ph. 2-0146. malC2 Cedar Shingles - Shakes May we supply you with Tillamook Coast, Grande Ronde Inland, and Cas cade Hiih mountain No. 1 shinnies. $8.25 aq. No. 2, 15.00. Sldewall 18-ln. shakes painted with undercounie I12.A0 aq., unpainted 19.00 sq. Ted Muller Building Supplies, Ph. Salem 2-1196. IN SHEET Rock. Wall board 4c ft. '.i in. 5'ac ft. la m. rock taine soici sneris 3lc yd. Hard water proof wall board Vhc ft. Used toilets. C. G. LONG Ph. 25821 One Mile North of KrLzer mal66 CEDAR SHAKES, primed and with under count, 112.80 sq. Fiywooa lor caoinein, flooring and walls. Lowest prices. 2 pan el doors 18.50. 3 St S panel doom $5.15. Screen door $6.50. Flrtex 5c per ft. C. a. LONG Ph. 25821 One Mile North of Kelzer mal66 STEEL AND Aluminum Window Frames. Casement. Double Hunx Si Commercial Types. PUMILITE, West Salem, mnlfil FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heat form St Bennett -Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry materials. PUMILITE - wt Salem. mal61 ROCKLATH, PLASTER and Stucco mater ials. Complete line, quality materials. PUMILITE - West Salem. mal61 NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS Sfe thrm In bloom. IRQ varle tle. Mrs. P. E. Ward, 43B0 Cherry Ave. mbm FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOYT ST. SURPLUS " CLOSING SALE Irrigation Pump with Wisconsin motor. Oil circulators, Plumbing supplies, Larue wall safe 145.00, 8,x20' 10 Ton Trailer $200.01 International K S 1'4 Ton Truck 1825.00, 1347 O. M. C. IMi Ton 15 foot bed 11400.00, EIpc, Bnkery oven 8 Bun Pan me. Spud peeler Ifl5.oo. Wards 800 Watt 32 V light plant Jfl&.OO. Hammer mill 140.00. Laundry dryer $80.00, Collins and Seldelhuber dec. water heaters. IS-Ib. C. O. 2 fire ex tinguishers $11.50, Paint locker. Bed side tables. Coffee Table 15.00. Shovels $1.00.Hotel alae Champion dish washer $200.00, 11 Cu. ft. pressure cookers $60.00, House size hot air furnace with blower $43.00, Desk and swivel chair for 135.00, Double cast Iron link with trim 137.50, Buss seats leather $10.00, V Oalv. pipe 17c ft., Daveno Btrdeye mapt 122.50. leather easy chair $15.00, 10 Ton warehouse trailers $12.50 ea.. Ire Bone $7.50. Apt. size elec. refrigerator new $16000, 900' 14 Oalv Pipe In 7' lengths 30c ft. Special clearance on Young DeLux washers, 'i Acre indus trial ilte with RR frontawe and 4000 square feet of buildings. Zone 4 manu facturing, for long term lea.v or sale. Coma South on nth to large Koyt Stzn, Turn E. 1 blk. Ph. 37916. nl82' SALEM SAND St OKAVFL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer At Baserr-nt Equipment Rental IS B 'tj yds 12 00 per hr 10 B yds 9 BO P" hr D-7 Cat A Doer 10 50 per nr D-l Cat St Dozer S 40 per hr D-4 Cal ft Dozei 7 00 per hr Phone Days 1-9408 Eves J-XI'ft or 7-4400 taai& OrcaoD ft" (AUTOMOBILES I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I) FLUNK BABY Burny, new hot plate, 12 cup drlpolator. 946 p. 12th. Fh. 2-0403. nl61 H) GALLON steel tank, clean, good for water or fuel $40. Want used window glass. 12x16 or larger. Rt. 6 Box 802, Dallas hiRhwny. nl61 range, 1384 niei FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357 nl82 USED sewing machine. Ph. 33139. nl68' USE!) Washing machines, ranges, refrlg' eratorji, water heatrrs. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. nlflO' NO WAXING required when you use Plnatl Kote, the cellophane -like finish for your floors or linoleum Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. nlflO HOTPLATES, fans, pressure cookers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. nlBO USED C 11 OS LEY refrlg. New finish. A dan dy and a bargain. $89.50. Gevurtx Fur niture Co., 275 N. Llbrrty. nl61 USED NO ROE refrln. A dandy and a bar gain at $09.50. Gevurtz Furniture Co., 275 N. Liberty. nl61 USED SPARK oil heater. Gevurtt Furni ture Co., 275 N. Liberty. USED MONTAG wood circulator, $59.50. Gevurtz Furniture Co., 275 N. Liberty. n!61 FARMERS: Attention-Fence Controllers, milk pasteurizers, close-out prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl80 PORTAI1LE professional model recorder like new $100. Ph. 2-9897. nl62 LATE MODEL Washing machine good condition. 2-4630 nl62 its is ROYAL Blue Wilton Rug St pad. 4771 Clark. Kelzer Dlst. nl62 GENERAL ELECTRIC Console Radio A record player. Reasonable. Baby pi a pen $7.50. 2220 Mill St. nl62 ilEENA-ELECTRICTable Lamp. Blue, 22 enrat gold trim, hand-painted. NEW. Never used. $5. 965 Garnet St. nl65 I'lVE PIECE Walnut Bedroom Suite, Hot Point Electric Range. Best offer. Call after 6:30 P. M. No dealer. 555 Ben VJsta Dr. n!62 L. it II. TABLE Top electric range, auto matic timer, good condition, $50.00 Ph. 3-7378 Bfter 4:30 nl62 ELECTRIC Sewing Machine. Free-Wea-tlnghouse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl80 EXHAUST fans. Close out prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nlB0 DEEPFREEZE Home Freezers $129.95 St up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!80 FENCE POSTS, poles, all types Shingles fertilizer St flatrock. Phillips Bros.. Rt 6. Box 118. Ph. 68F22. n GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslef, Gibson and Montag AppUanca at Gevurtx 14 CU. FT. CHEST treeir New $330 00 Ph 3-4284 n' Hit AND NEW Pacific Apt. sire electric range. $129.50. GevurU Furniture Store, 275 N. Liberty. nl61 LATE MODEL li.E. Range. Like new. Guaranteed. $124.50. GevurU Furniture Store. 275 N. Liberty. n!61 LSEI)Wi:STINOHOURE I Washer. A-l rond. $:0 .50. Gevurtx Furniture Store. 275 N. Liberty. nlfil USE D C ILAWFORD Elex tr I c Range! A benuty. J65.00. Oevurta Furniture Co, 275 N. Liberty. n!61' NEED A cheap battery? Six months guar, rebuilt, Grp. 1 size, 15.05 exchange Retread Tire Service, 320 So. Lancaster n!72 DAVENPORT ic Chair 120. Ph. 38485. . nI67' SMALL BUNGALOW PIANO, Reflnlshed rosewood case. Reconditioned trhough out Si restrUng. An Instrument you will enjoy. $250 cash or terms, Stone Piano Co. 1540 Fairgrounds Rd., Salem, Ore. nl61 PHILCO deep freezer 1150. Used about 1 yr.v 817 Mill St. nl66 PEA T M OSS: FuTlD a lesT 3 95 n7 W '. Poultry. 1505 N. Front. nl70 GLOBE WERNICKE filing cabinet, 4 section.-. $25. Phone 2-0910. nl62 Apt. elec, ranee. Bargain. Still In crate. 1100. Ph. 3-9409. n!61 Portable Brush aoiindmirror tape recorder. Boy's World bicycle, Juvenile size. Phone 3-3951. nlSl BERRY WIRES Ac Posts. 20 rows 400 ft long. $16. Pll. 2-0593. n!63 SEWING Machine, davenport, h. p. elec. motor, phonovranh and violin 1125 N 16th. Ph. 3-8750. nl3 FOR SALE Piano bnrh with space for music. dining room, llaht fixture, tux -co sle 42. All In good condition. Ph. 3-8875 nl62 MOTHERS B.ibee Tenda Free demonstra tion. Phone $-6598, pill Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 8, 1949 15' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I SEA SCOUT uniform. Ph. 3-9688. nl63 ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana ave. nl8l WALLlNO SAND St GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldozing drainage and ditching 4 -yd. shove) and drag Una Ph. 1-9349 n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WANT gtrawberrles Marketprict In cash. Contact Jory Packing Co at Ter minal Ice, 249 D St Phone 3-4890. na WE NEED junk batteriei. Paying $1.10 Retread Tlra Service, 320 So. Lancnster nal72 WANTED furnlturt to glut At repair. Lee ami rurn Kcunismng uo a 3-icoi USED FURNITURS Phnnt 1-9185. OS' PERSONAL STANLEY HOME Products. 555 Cross St. I'n. 3-5446. pl66 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Box 724. 3-5234. p!85 HUSBANDS! WIVES! WANT PEP? Thousands of couples weak, wornout, solely because body lacks Iron, get new vitality taking Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory size only 50c. At all druggists in Salem, at Fred Meyer's pl61 Madam Maria Fortune Teller, Palm and Psychic reader. Tells past, present, fu ture. Advice on all matters, answers all Qursltons. Open every day 10 to 10 lo cated at 3560 Portland Rd. Howards Trailer Court. V block from Capltola bus stop. pt63 AUTOMOBILES 1948 Chevrolet $1595 Fled line Sportmaster 4 door sedan, 24,000 miles. Equipped with new tires, radio, heater, and mny other useful accessories. A beautiful car. 1948 Ford 6-Cyl. Sedan $1395 31.000 miles. Equipped with new air ride tires, heater, seat covers, back up Hunt, and fox lamps. Original Jet black finish. 1940 Chevrolet $795 A 4 door special deluxe sedan In ex cellent condition in every respect. 1939 Mercury $850 A 4 door sedan, Now paint, radio, heat er, and motor Just reconditioned. McCALL'S EASY TERMS 1387 State Dial 3-fllflB q IBM Eisner Motors Fine Cars '42 STUDEBAKER Commander, A-l con dition. $950. ml. N. aalem-Sllverton Hlway. Lancaster Drive. J. H. Jackson. ql62 ALL CARS ARE PRICED AT BOOK OR LOWER 1947 Carillac Sedanelte. Black, low mile age. ThU car has all the extras. Hy dramatlc drive St clean 12650. 1946 Mercury 1 door. Radio St heater really nice. Buy this one for $1200. 1939 Bulck 4 door Sedan. New molor radio St heater. A fine family car St worth $775. 193b Plymouth Coupe. Radio & heater original paint. Just the car for couple. Clean. A real buy at $405. 1939 Oldn mobile 3 door. Good dependable transportation for only $550. 1940 Oldjmoble 4 door Sedan. Like new. One owner. Low actual mileage. FARMERS ATTENTION 1942 Dodge IS ton truck. Stake body, perfert condition. Brownllpe trans mission. 1935 International lM ton truck. SEVERAL OLDER CARS PRICED RIGHT. ANDERSON'S USED CARS 340 Center St., Salem, Oregon Phone 3-3734 qlBI '4RBUU:KSnper 8cdanette, Reasonable. 630 Union Bt. qiiif Ifl STUDE, "j-T. P. II. Sell or Trade. Want '41 Chev. Club Coupe. 4315 Maclcay Hd. Qlfi.'l FORD 48 Pick Up, Radio, Heater, overdrive: new paint, perfect shape. Take 24 months to pay. STATE MOTORS INC. 340 No. High qHJl 11147 Bulrk Sedanette tow mileage call Uarby Sermon. 3-9131 daysonly. fl'8J Will Sell equity or outright, '36 Ford 2 door sdn. HAH. Cheap. Brownies Foun tain Lunch, 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-9344 qlfll USED CARS & PICKUPS ALL MAKES & MODELS Ron's Motor Co. GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR LUBRICATION STEAM CLEAN I NO CHEVRON PRODUCTS 240 8. Hlsh Ph. 3-4598 block below Elslnore Theatre ql62 1911 OLDS club roupe. one owner. Bank terms. 888 N. Liberty Ph. 3-1142. qlfll CLEAN Dodge sedan. $225. Th. 2-4686. ql64 F6RSALE OR f RADESs-Fo7dTudoi rlean for Ha aie. 159A So. High. qlfll 17 Ferd 15 $150. 41$ K. Browning Ave. 1 191 AUTOMOBILES PICK-UPS : 1941 Chev. ,i ton $695.00 1937 Dodge Vz ton .... $zus.uu ORVAL'S (THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE) Center Q Church Bis. Ph. 3-470 GUARANTEED-UlTED TRUCKS 1947 2-Ton Dodge with Logging Trailer $2350.00 2-Ton Studebaker Dump .. 1850.00 1945 2-Ton Federal Long Wheel base 1360.00 1944 K 7-S International-Auxiliary Trans 1725.00 1946 Chevrolet 4-5 Yd Dump Very Clean 3160.00 O. M. C. Diesel 6-WheIer. 4-71 Engine Tag-a-long axle Per fect Condition 6500.00 Truck Sales & Service Co. 555 N. Front Ph. 3-9131 1 q161 II NASH Ambassador. Radio heater, OV- erdrlve, spare, under coating. Excellent condition throughout. Low mileage. Will finance. Ph. 2-1358. qiai, II SPECIAL deluxe Chev.' -6 passf "coupe." A-l condition. $200 worth of extras. 47,000 miles. This week only, 2351 Breyman B. q!61- BETTER CARS BETTER PRICES, from your Buick Dealer 1 1941 Olds 76 Sedan $1696 We have reflnlshed this car In beau tiful maroon. 1946 Pontiac Convertible 11691 1947 DeSoto Sedan $159$ 1941 Bulck Sedanet $1195 Premium In every respect recently repainted and overhauled almost new tires and seat covers. 1940 Bulck Special Sedan $850 Just repainted Pine Green and It slitters like a Jewel. 1941 Pontiac Convertible $938 1939 Nash Coupe $491 1937 Pontiac Sedan $3 7ft OTTO J. WILSON CO. ; Commercial at Center qlfll' I93A PLYMOUTH Sedan R&H, fan, good tires, new dlst. See at 234 E. Lincoln St., Woodburn. Phone Blue 74 Best offer takes. ql63 1D41 CHEVROLET Sedan, new covers, good tires, mech. A-l. See at 234 E. Lincoln St. Woodburn, Phone Blue 74, Terms If desired. ql63 i ll STUDE R As H, O'drlve, excellent -condition $650. 449 8. Cottage Ph. 2-1670. ' ql63 EQUITY In clean 1948 Ford Tudor. $100 new reconditioned motor. Ph. 3-7992 or 2010 Nebraska Ave. ql03 - NEW MODEL A. Motor still In crate. Cost 135.00 will sell lor 75.00. Stevens U.scd Cars 618 S. 12th St. qlG3" TRADE for Chevrolet or other small car, small building site on Crolsan Creelc Road complete with year-around creek, native trees and on level with maca damized road. Ideal for summer cabin or permanent house. Less than 4 miles from U. 8. Bank. Ph. 3-6893. q!62 ',W -FORD PANEL r r-b u U tm otor,- g ood rubber $2D5. 3360 Portland Rd. Phone 3-7110. qlfll I94K CHEV F1cet7lne 4 oor"sedan " Ik new sell cheap. 1H87 N. Winter. ql62 '39 1W TON TRUCK dual wheel $450. ima Berry Rt. qiei BUS FOR SALE OR TRADE Must sell 223 passenger twin coach biiies. Good cond. 330 8. Baker. Ph. 6552, McMlnnvlllee. q!63 JULYSPECIALS '47 Ford Super Deluxe club Coupe, one owner, new tires, Only $1195. '42 Packard Clipper Sedan. 4 Dr. R At H New tires, and a dandy motor. $695. These are no trade Specials At are really priced to sell In a hurry. Wa have some real good, extra clean '4A, "47, 48, St '49 Chev's Tor sale and at a real saving to you. We sell for less. Next Time Try Pho. 2-8602 Kannier's Used Cars Arrows Trom MKN Furniture 1395 Edae water. West Salem qlfll Save $1100.00 Beautiful 1948 Gala Brown Metalla Studebaker Commander convert. Equipped with Philco radio. Cllmatl rer, hlh holder, driving light, over drive, chrome bumper tips St wheel dLxca white rubber and undercoated. Sold new for 13300. Our price $2195, WESTERN MOTORS Cor. 12th it Mission Sis. Ph. 3-9623 ' ql62 II CHEV. 2 door. RAH. OooT" condition" " $795. Ph. 3-5905. qlfll IWtl CHEV. 5 pass roupe. May be seen eve nings nr Sat. afternoon at 1490 Fir. Price 1975. q!83 Acme Motor Co. FRONT & CENTER The Popular Chev 1941 Chev 5 I'm. Coupe, heater, near ly new I ires hure Is one that won't 'iflj Inn., qlfll PACKARD '48 Deluxe Sedan, R Sz II. white wall tire, vrry low mileace. Take 24 to pay. STATE MOTORS INC. 340 NO. High qlfll" Acme Motor Co. FRONT & CENTER Have a Look nt This One 1948 ChfV Conv. New tire,, many extriij runs like a clock. runs lite a clock. 5' EXTRA SPECIALS '5' '42 PONTIAC SEDAN '41 DODOE SEDAN '41 CHEVROLET SEDAN 40 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN 40 PACKARD CLUB COUPE The above cars are ready to go have Radios A.- Heaters EASY TERMS. STATE MOTORS INC. 310 No. High Ql6l 193? De.Sitle Sedan, good condition over all. 3100. Rt. 6, Box 370. Ph. 2-3304 qlfll 19M OLDS. Oood condition. $195. Call ql84 30441 after 6 p.m. (Continued on Page 13)