14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 8, 1949 I FOR SALE HOUSES IFOR SALE HOUSES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTOMOBILES IAUTOMOBILES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Pat Lin 1H Per Line I times ,.. 40o Per Um t timet too Par Lint 1 month 13.00 Outside of Salem 15o per lint pet day. kiln. lOet times mln. 8te times mln II JO. No Refunds READERS Ib Local Newi CoL Onlyi Par una Me To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES OWNED LEAVING. Sacrifice 3 bdnn. home. Palrmount Hill close to Leslie. Bus to Bush. Basement, fireplace, oil floor fur nace. Corner lot. 16950. Pb. 3-8605. 1596 Saginaw St. "2' CANDALARIA, 3 bdrm. name. By owner. 330 Oandalarla Blvd. Ph. 31241. a!61 WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Nearly new home. Pull basement. Fire place In basement Sz living rm. Large lot. Plenty shrubs St flowers. Over 1,400 ft. floor space. Besides garage. Immed. ' poss. Price low. For appointment Ph. 1-3734. J. OPEN HOUSE Daily until fl P.m. By owner-builder. New 2 bdrm. F.H.A. built home with built-in Thermador Elec. range. Bendlx, llreplace, picture windows, V. blinds, hardwood firs., copper tube plumbing, insulated, weather-stripped, auto, oil heat, patio, city water, ge. lot, nice lew. A sacrifice at $10,900. Come south on 99E to 99 Cafe. Turn right up Ewald Ave. to Welty Ave. (First street lefti. Second house on right. lMALL NEW houae, bath, Baraze, paved .treet. Soma fruit, 12900.00. B84 1th St.. Independence, Ore. a!67 ifAKB US AN OFFER: 8 Bdrm houae on A acre King wood HelshU. Ph. 2-1341. BI OWNER Excellent 6 rm. mod. home, Btt r. utll rm. Lse. lot. Earden, SB.O00. 48 Abrama. Ph. 2-2219. alfil RY OWNER: 2 Bd. rm. home. Centrally located. Poss. in 2 wits. 622 N. 17th. a!61 FOUB BEDROOMS. Large L.R., fireplace, n.B.. den. reception hall; all hdwd, firs., excellent location. A bargain at 112,600. Larsen Home & Loan Co, Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l Phone 3-8389 Eve. 3-1440 a 166 FOR BALE: 3 Bd. Rm. House, fireplace hardwood floors, furnaces, l'A garage. Fenced back yard with fireplace, pool and lights, 425 S. 23rd Ph. 3-5754, by owner. alfll $10,800 Very nice 2 bedroom home, fireplace St full basement, convenient location. Will consider trade for good homt on teres. G. A. VICARY REAL ESTATE (18 N. Com'l St. Phone Day or Eve. 2-0421 al61 h'EW 2 B. R. home, large shade trees, bus by door, hardwood floors, fireplace, plenty of closet space, elec. hent, equip ped with new Zenith range St refrig erator. See this at 2455 D St. Open eve. 7 to 8:30 or phone 3-7809 a 162 Will Take 1 yr. old 25 or lonaer trailer house as down payment on new t room modern home, 1145 James St. alQI This well built 3 B. R. home on north 24th street lias large L. R. and din ing room, fireplace, full basmt. auto heat, double plumbing. Nice yard lots of shrubs and priced under $12,000.00. Goodwin and McMillih REALTORS NEW B Bdrm., living rm. St dining comb. Kitchen, nook, utility. garage, fireplace Lot 73x150 with pi-ach trees. 4040 WoU fit. 2 blocks from Keistcr school. I block to Stores St bus. Ph. 27520; alOl BY OWNER. NORWAY ST. 1030 If you can puy $3500 cash you can buy this comfortable- smnll home for only $6500 in the next few days. Ideal for elderly couple. Living room, dinette, large bed room, small room suitable for den or sewing rm. or child's bedroom. Well equipped kitchen wired for el. range, el. hot water. Large garage with room for shop. There is a lovely room in the garage done In knotty pine that could lie rented out. Utility room with Ben dlx washer. The rear yard Is fenced. Do no disturb occupants. Call for appointment to inspect. Dial 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213. a!62 Snap Furnished 4750. Owner leaving. Nearly new. L.R.. K. D. Rm., one bdrm. down, room for 3 iip. Utility rm. Elec. W. system. Oar den in. Near store and city bus. North. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 145 fl. Commercial, Ph. 34500, Eve. 30536 a 161 I BEDROOM late built plontercd hoime, Close to Salem Heights school. Lot 70 X 170. Price $4700. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 163 B. High St. Phone 34121. Eves. 25206 BY OWNER 2 bedroom modern home In West Salem. Electric throuahout. 1500 down or will trade for property in Sa lem. Ph. 3-7128 alter 6 p.m al03 SV OWNER. Because employed in Dallas will sacrifice our equity in this nice home. 14000. Could give good terms on equity. Some balance, payable Just twice yearly. Could get F.H.A. 5 rms. Hard wood floors, nice fire place, beautiful Tlew. Attached garage. Fenced In yd. flowers and shrubs. Close to school and buses. King wood Hts. Dist. Ph. 3-5059. a 162 Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors t TEAR OLD ft room modern home. Price $6000. IN OLE WOOD DISTRICT. Neat 2 heilrm. home. Large garage. Prtre onlv $8000. FURNISHED PRACTICALLY NEW 5 room house. Large living room. Elec heat. Att. garage. 2 large lots. Trice furnished 18750. $6300 CI. I. loan payable $50 per mo. can be assumed. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS ti BUt. St. rh 2-5(1(11 evening, call: 3-6789 or 2-4007 aldl THREE BEDROOMS Large living room, dining room, fire place, hdwd. floors thrmiKhout, lovely kitchen Ar nook, nut trees and land scaped. 630 Illinois St. off Center. al64 (fiJM. 3 Bedroom nne-atorv house. Located on B. 13th. Garage. Lot 75x300. Fruit Trees and Garden Spare. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors IBS 8. High St. Phone 34121. Eves. 25206 alfll hl.fWM. toortF.HN 6 room home with 2 rrn. apt, upstairs. Located in Itustnetts Zone. Room on lot for business bldg. This it first time offered for sale. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 183 8. High St. Phone 34121. Eves. 35206 1161 BY OWNER $8500 Nearly new mod. 2 bdrm home nice St clean, lots of bullt-ins. Rubber tile in klttchen Si bath, carpeted thru out. Im mediate possession. Terms. Garden Road Rt. 6 Box 115 Ph. 2-1119. al62 BY OWNKR Two houses. Take your Pick. Low down payments. Full price $7500. Ph. 2-6832 or 2-8301. al62 i Bd! RM. modern home $8200, down pay ment $1450. Balance on UI loan. 1435 Wrge St., Woodburn Blue 252. al7l itr.VV MODERN 4 room house, garage, chicken house St. W acrei. Also furni ture for sale. On highway 7 miles east of Btayton. Contact Mrs. J. Llngass, Mehama, or write Ella Key, 2422 BE Yamhill, Portland. Ore. al5 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Neptune's Daughter" AT WARNERS ELSINORE THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Head the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of thla picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want ad in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality. The THREE best statements received each day will each re ceive a pair of guest tickets to see "Neptunes Daughter" com ing soon to the Elsinore theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges Is final. FOR SALE HOUSES SI2.HU0 3 bdrm. home, oil pipe furnace, double garaxe, close to school and bus. $7,oo SUI1IJ Itn AN 2 bdrm. home on acre of good sol), close to school 6c city bus. Call Ivan Slvers, Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 3-7012. 4 Bedrooms Nice clean l'A story all modern home. Lve. gar. St utility rm. 76x100 ft. lot. Close to school, bus St store. Attractive terms to responsible parties. Price $6500. Garage House Vt acre of ground, elec. St city water, and an extra 10x16 bid, for laundry or storage. Price $1600. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave, R'ltors BY OWNKR: 3 bdrm. house In Walnut Park. Large living room St dining room Full basement, auto, oil heat. Corner lot. 2275 Hayden. a 162 ATTRACTIVE! 2-bedroom modern new home. Oak floors throughout, attached garage. Close to school. Good sized attic. 17,500. with $2,000 down. No, 257 CIRCLE THIS! 2-bedroom pumice stone modern at tractive home on our- 6 acres of land on 99-E. Large, deep well. Price 19,000 with $2,000, down. SEE THIS! 3-bedroom home with K basement auto, oil furnace, fireplace, extra util ity room, Ideal yard for children. Pri vate drive. Clood terms to right party. No. 304 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High St. Ph. 3-0203 2-8241,2-2532 Sun. St Eves 2-3738,3-9712, al62' $750 DOWN! Less than $45 per month Including taxes and inKurance, New 2-bcdroom plastered homee with auto, heat, paved street, l block to bus and store $6750, No. 290. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 2-8241,2-2532 alfl2 Sun. St Eves 2-3738, 3-9712, HIGHLAND DISTRICT This one B. It, homo was designed for comfort for a couple, clean St neat, well const, Si close to bus St store. You can't miss on this buy nt 16.300. MADE FOR CHILDREN Three B. R. elaht year old North .suburb mi home on one acre of dandy soil. Excellent dist, lovely yard, family rrult St berries, The owner would like you to see this home St no reasonable offer will be refused. Sullivan Realty Co. 336S Portland Rd. Ph. 3-3255 Eves.3-1778 alfll REALLY SCRUMPTIOUS One of the finer 3 B. R. homes In the Ennlewood District oil on one fir, cir culating fireplace, hwd firs thru out, nationally trimmed llv. rm. auto oil heat with alr-coudlt toning unit, fine In side utility rm St cooler, lota of closet space, Insulated St wentlier-strlpped. large beautifully landscaped lot top pre-war construction, priced under re placement cost of f. 12, 500. Crawford. BURT PICHA Realtors 379 N. HI ah St. Office 2-3649 Eve: 2-5390 or 3-7451 alfll A REM. IIOMK I DR. oil furnace, full oaseinenl. 2 baths. Newly painted all In terior, On busline. Close to school. 19500. Only $1200 cash. flat, like rent. M. D. StfBJicr. IBS? N. Cntlittte. 34002. a 163 POK SAI.F ltV OWNKR: New 2 home. FI1. terms, $600 down. 2-2880. 542 Dlller. bdrm. Phone a 186 TWO SALEM HOUSES to be moved or wrecked. 945 and 975 Chemek eta St. Bidding form available 603 Slate Office Bldi., Oregon State Hlway Dept. al61' Owner Living in California SACRIFICE NKW 4 BEDROOM HOME Tile k II r lien, bath upstnlrs and down Hardwood floors thrmitt limit. Full plas tered baneinent St plastered garage. Lots of storage space. Terraced back yard. Cost over $16,000 to build. Will sell for $14,900. Terms. Would consider cheaper house or car In trade. For more Infor mation Inquire at Stevens Used Cars, 618 S. lath St.. Salrm. alHO t.,um-bRRAIiK TorTor 3 A. St 3 bdrmT Mod. house near Salem. 51 A. 3 ml. out of Shertdan. 18 A, prunes, 1 A. orchard, 7 rm.mod. house, barn, farm etiutpt. School bus at door. Creek crosses prop. J. W. Wright Rt. 1, Box 146 Red Prairie Rd. Sheridan, Ore. alfl3 Modern new home nort lirast of Salem. Lnriir lot east front, Price $0050. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'l Pll S-41JH alej' LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS MISSION BOTTOM 36 aera farm. Good 6 room plastered modern house. Family or chard. Tractor, etc, Included In price. $15,000. A HOVE THE AVKBAGK. 3 rm. home. Flre Plnce; full cement basement; furnace. Larue floored attic. Large frnced bark yard; lots of ahruhs. Rnglewood district. Price $15,500. Consider trading for Portland home. LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St. PM. 1-3663 Evenings call: 3-4007 or S-6789. al63 HERE'S VALUE " NEW 2 nnilM.. living ,V dining rms. Oar- age. Envlewotirl. 1 10.il AO. 1450 DOWN buys new 2 bdrm. Hdwd. firs. Lame garanr. 17850. THINK'wf this! Only 16950. 3 bdrm. home. Very rlose In. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church St. Ph. 2-7642. Res. 3-0176 aiei KINGWOOD HEIGHTS. t $8900 4 Bedroom modern home in a beautiful setting of firs. Fireplace, living room St dining room carpeted, bath, kitchen, oil heat, barbecue, all kinds fruit. Large lot could be divided. If you are in search of a home don't fall to let us show this one. You can make a good buy. ' CHAS, HUDKINS & SON, REALTORS Over 27 Years in Salem 250 N. High St. DOWN PAYMENT TROUBLE? ? ? If you are of good character, really want a home of your own and can pay $70 mo. on prin., int., taxes and ins., you can name your own down payment on this modern suburban 2 bdrm. home we will have available this week end. It has hdwd. firs., ven. bids., unf. upstairs, fireplace and large lot. Drive out to 3705 Sunnyview Ave., and we'll show it to you. REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS DRIVE IN RESAURANT & FILLING STATION Sacrifice immediate possession, best of location on corner highway location close in valley town. Completely equipped. 5 ACRE BARGAIN Paved road, elec. lights, amall house, with surrounding oak irove. Price $1,500, $650 down bal, $20 per mo. 6l4 miles out. Call O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. CLOSE IN SUBURBAN 2 bdrm. liv. rm, din. rm, hall Si bath. Inside utility, breeze way, attached go rase, built In 1941, Ige. lot with creek 97850. Call Roy Ferris, GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Office Phone 2-2471 Sundays and Evenings Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter H. Gelser 3-9968 Earl West 2-1232 el61 FOR SALE HOUSES SIKfHI WILL HANDLE nice little $6950.00 highway busines, one acre with build ings. Inquire 1 mile No. Hubbard on 99E L. Brink. al63 BY OWNER: Price $5000, $1500 down. 2 beurm. house witn lull Basement, wouia rent. Located at 860 N. Front St. If Interested see Vandy Hooley at Ford Garage. a!63 $6500 Modern 2 bdrm. home with utility St garage at 540 Norway, inquire at 771 No. Winter after 7 p.m. Ph. 2-4835 af ter 7 p.m. al66 THIS 'A bdrm. house with iage Llv. and Din. Rooms. All insulated, wcatnerstnp ped and screened may be bought for $6500. $750 down. Both a good value and easy terms. E. A. McGlauflln Loans EDW. A. DYCK REALTOR 32B N. Com'l. St. Phone 2-5211 al61- $2500 FULL' PRICE Lot 54x128. Old 2 BR hse. Wired for range. McKlnley district. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862. Eves, 2-2147 or 2-8R36 al62 CLONE TO Englewooo scaool, a 3 bdrm. home with btilli, living room, dining room, kitchen, automatic heat, base ment, attached garage. 1mm. pass. Price $6350. 3 HHDROOMS, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, utility room, garage. Near Enylewood school. 1mm poss. Jfl.000. k A. WITH plenty of garden space, some fruit, and a nice 2 bdrm. home with batli, living room, kitchen, nook. taclied Karaite, oil heat, insulated and weather stripped. Bus service. Price $8500 or will trade for city property. NEAT suburban 2 bedroom home with bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, attached garage, unfinished attic, oil floor furnace, fireplace, block to bus. Price $7950. P. II. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. 2-1545 Eves. 2-6686. 3-7565. al63 Wallace Road Home LOVELY, DIGNIFIED, OLD 3 MANSE ON 4 HIGH St DRY ROLLING ACRES1 OREAT BEARING NUTS, CHERRIES, St FRUIT! FLOWERS. SHRUBS, GARDEN! NICE VIEW OF SALEM! SALEM CITY WATER I ELEC TRIC PUMP ON GOOD WELL! FULL BASEMENT St FURNACE IN HOUSE! 3 CAR GARAGE AND NOBLE OLD BARN READILY CONVERTED TO 2ND HOUSE. STUDIO OR WHATEVER! UL TRA EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT! CLOSE! FIRST TIME OFFERED IN CEN TURY! ONLY $10,000! C. W. Stuller, Excl. Agt. flnlem. Ore. WALLACE ROAD, "4 Ml. N. ot BRIDGE alftt FOR SALE LOTS Looking For a Lot? 60x90 Across from 730 Waldo Ave. (Only) $450 2 tots below 535 Waldo (Vlecw) each $450 50x100 Hillside lot Wild Wind Dr. $850 2 lots corner Cross St Davidson (Both fori 1900 75x100 South of 2750 S Htnh $1450 85x100 Corner S. High St Wild Wind Dr $1500 50 x 164 N. 17th Past Roosevelt $1600 75x100 Corner S. High A- Waldo J 1650 THESE ARE GOOD BUYS St MERIT YOUR ATTENTION CALL Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5R30 331 N. High Ee. Ph. 3-75342-7433 aal61 CHOICE VIEW LOTS ON FAIRMOUNT HILL In the Fairmount View Addition Priced at Only $2500 Ench These choice view lots are all restricted and within the city limits with city facilities. Come in and let us show you the most exclusive building sites in Salem. LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l Phone 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440 aa!66' LOT on Mill creek, in city limits, Phonr 35606 aaiei ROSEMARY LANK Lola 60x112 City water; on Bus; De sirable restrictions: 1800. Your own terms. Located N. of Ratcliff Dr. EDW. A. DYCK, REALTOR 338 N. Commercial Street Phones 2-52U 2-6056 2-3203 aaiei Suburban Lots 125 Down. $10 Per Month. acre. Beat of garden soil. Near store and bus. As low as $500. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial Ph. 3-4590 aal61 Eve. 3-9538 EXTRA NICE lots on Shady Lane. The fastest rowing community around Salem (2nd right turn N. ot Aluminum plant on Cherry. Why pay $50 commis sion? Buy direct from owner St save $50 bucks. Price $350 and up. Terms? Sure! X. J. Reed. 3160 Pleasant View Dr. aal3 AN ACRE In city. Suitable lor subdivision. Agent, 1-7113. aalll Phone 2-4129 REAL ESTATF FOR SALE LOTS LOTS SOUTH 12th St. 60x100. Bldg. 20x20. Lltes St water. $3250. NEAR Mission St. 60x125. $475, WEST SALEM, l'i lots $1200. CAPITOL A. 62x150. Lge. oak trees. $2500. KINGWOOD. Lge. view lot, $2000. KEIZER dist. 73x184. $750. CANDELERIA HOTS. 100x100. $1000. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capital St. Office Ph. 2-3662. Eves, 2-2147 or 2-8836 aa!62 FOR SALE FARMS 10 ACRE SPECIAL $12,85010 A. just at the edge of city. Nice 3 yr. old 3 bdrm. home, basement, 4 acres nuts St fruit, 2 A. strawberries, trout stream, Irrigation, barn, chicken house, rabbit equipment. $4000 down. bal. terms. 3 ml, out. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 900 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-8858. b!62 3 GOOD FARMS 200 acres Wll. St beaver dam soli. Excel, bldgs., with or without crop. North. 133 ACRES POLK COUNTY 110 cult., good bldgs., part Irrigated. Crop goes. 84 ACRES, HOWELL PRAIRIE All Wll. soli. Fair bldgs. Crop goes. Phone 2-6080. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 4-10 N. 14th St. bl66 CONSIDER INCOME PROPERTY 307 A. ranch 4 ml. Silverton. 150 A. tillable. Balance sprg. St creek watered pasture. Mod. 5 rm. home. Excellent 24 steel stanchion barn. Nearly new 20x130 poultry hse. Includes 1941 Cletrac craw ler St machinery, milking mach., pltry. equip., j or crops, etc. at $30,000 or will split farm and sell part. STROUT REALTY 959 S. 12th St. Phone 2-3323. bl61 BUY NOW GET PROFITABLE CROPS. 133 Acres, North, all cult., rolling and level loam. Main crops are corn, clover us A.) and grain. Very good 4 BR. mod. home, 8 stanch, barn, built-in silo, new mach. shed, granary, pltry. and hog hse., new 2-car garage. Well loc. for school and mkt. Only $15,900. Terms. Full line new tractor equlpmt.. plus all milk cows and pltry. extra at bargain STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 112 ACRES, near Estncada. Good rolling land, 40 A. cult., some strawberries, bal. cut-over grazing land, yr. stream and springs. Attractive 7-rm. home, basmt., elec. kitchen, lge. barn, 250 cap. pltry. hse. Mall milk, grade arid high school rts. by door. AH cows, pltry. and tractor equlpmt. Incl. at SUPER BARGAIN. $8500 If you have some cash you'll nev er drive a better bargain. CHOICE SUBURBAN FARM QUALITY. 3BR. plast. home, with L. and D. rms., wired for elec. rge. Good small barn. Pltry. hse., IS Aces, all culut., some trawberrles. 2'i A. perm, pasture. This Is well loc, close to Salem. Priced down to sell $10,500. 10 adj. Acres at VERY SMALL cost. PUDDING RIVER FARM. 31 Acres ol Willamette Valley's best silt loam, high ly prod. In ANY KIND of crop you want. Unlimited water for trrlg. 4 A. finest Boysen berries. Attractive 6-rm. hse., basmt., furnace heat. Dairy type barn, built-in silo, Rood pltry. hse. and gran ary, 2-car garage SEE THIS TODAY! $13,000, with crops $13,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St., Ph. 3-S389, Eve. 3-7440 bl6l CORVALLIS PEACH ORCHARD 6 Acres Heavy Bearing Peaches St 2 Acres Walnuts St Farmstead, Nice Modern Home with 6 rooms. New Poultry House will accom modate 750 Hens. Beautiful Sel ling on Bank of Willamette Riv er. This place will provide a good living and la a grand place to live. One of the best diversified Income Properties In the Valley. Prire Includes Bumper Crop If pure has ed now. Improvements are worth more than the sacrifice price of only $16,750. C. S. Rondeau, Realtor Ray E. Herman, Salesman 131 N. 2nd. Corvallls, Phone 991 ATTRACTIVE BUY Pine 60 acre tract that could be subdiv ided. Few miles out on paved highway. About 40 acres In fruit; balance In tim ber and pasture. Creek on corner. This year's crop will help pay for place. Price only $7500. Part terms. For more infor mation call Oscar Sederstrom 3-6769 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 stai, m. Ph. 3-sm. biej Journal Want Ads Pay OWN A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN GROCERY MARKET Finest of locations, not a single slow Item In the stock, walk-in cooler,, good fixtures St equipment, long lease. $6500 A real income is here for you the very day you buy this established -business. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON, REALTORS 250 N. Hight St. Phone 2-4129 Over 27 Years in Salem AUTOMOBILES Bonesteele's 1947 Studebaker Regal Tudor (Looks like new) . . $1550 1947 Studebaker Sedan $1495 1946 Plymouth Sedan $1495 1940 Stude Commander 4-Door $895 1936 Plymouth Sedan (new motor) sasn 1940 Studebaker Coupe 1946 Studebaker 1-Ton 1947 Studebaker te-Ton 1941 Chev. -Ton Pickup Bonesteele Sales & Service 370 N. CHURCH FOR SALE FARMS 55 ACRE Dairy Ranch. AU under Irriga tion. Grade A barn. Large house. 25 cows. Income over $1,000 per month. Price complete $39,500. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 133 8. High St., Ph. 3-4121, Eves. 2-5206 b-161 FOR SALE ACREAGE 21 ACRES NORTH All Willamette Silt St Beaverdam, will grow anything. 10 A. Just being cleared nice all year creek, lots of timber St wood, smalt house, barn, check en house St workshop. Full price $6,000. Terms. 8 ACRES NORTH Located Just North of Salem and all Wlllameette Soil. About one acre of Bart let t pears St balance all cleared and In grain crop with Va crop to purchaser. You can't miss on land like this priced at only $3,500. and terms to suit you. Sullivan Realty Co. 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 33255 bbl61 NELSON NEWS GARDEN ROAD i ACRE Good as new 2 bdr. home, large LR. dinnette, att. garage. LR St DR have hardwd. firs. For sale at FHA apprai sal 18500. CREEK FARM $9250 3ft A. in cult. 5 A. pasture, family orch ard St homeslte with all year creek, on pvd. rd., elec. pump, 8 rm. mod. home with fire pi., barn St chicken hse. Let us show you this. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622 bb!61 5 ACRES St SHACK Located near Prlngle School on pave ment. Good bldg. site. Shade trees. Small bldg. Price $1500, Small down payment. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552 bbl61 $195 ACRE 26 Acres bearing fruit trees. Young cherry and prunes, good crop. Located about 2 miles west of King wood Heights 3 miles from Marlon-Polk county bridge. No buildings but several good building site overlooking river and valley. Deep drilled well. Phone 2-8053 evening. bbl62 i ACHE, strictly modern new 2 bedroom house, elec. heat, elec, water heater, elec. pump, deep well, large lawn, new power mover, bearing walnuts and cherries. House fully insulated, wall to wall carpet, attached garage. Bus by or, new uapnoia ecnoot uist. v3 bik. to store. Built by owner. Evenings after 6 o'clork. 149 Fisher Road. bbl61 REAL ESTATE Sale or Trade Beaut, new $15,000 beach home all utll. Also 160 acre ranch fam ily orchard, 40 cleared, fenced, bm. crised timber. Ph. 2-7071. cl64 BEST BUYS . $600 DOWN 2 bdrm. home. Very close In. H acre. Modern. Immediate possession. Total price only $4500. Ev. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. UNFINISHED HOUSE 2 bdrm. house In Kelzer dist. Room for 2 rooms upstairs, garage. Total price only $3150. Ev. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3559. KEIZER Almost new 2 bdrms. with unfinished up stairs. Attached garage, hardwood floors. Owners leaving city. Only $1300 down. Total price $7400. Needs some touching up but is worth the money. Ev. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FOUR CORNERS Almost new 2 bdrms, extra sleeping room over garage. Very cvlean. Extra lot, prlv. well. Total price $6950. Ev. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. WE HAVE SEVERAL CLIENTS with 2 or 3 bdrms. homes who would be willing to trade for other properties. What have you? FARMS 10 ACRES 5 rm. mod home. Buhrling In good con dition. Family orchard. Price reduced (or quick sale. S7700. Ev. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 33 ACRES 4 rm. mod. house. 3 acres In berries. Amity soil. Good out buildings. Every thing goes including stock St equipment for $8400. Ev. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3553. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4596 cl63 i-OR VOIR SAVINGS investment buy a first mortgage on real estate. Salem & vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts $500 to several thousand dou lars, net investors 5 We make all col lections for you if desired STATE FINANCE CO- 163 8 Blgh Small Down Payment TO OREGON STATE VETERAN New 3 B R. house, large kitchen, plenty of bullt-ins and extra space for table. Well arranged L.R.. detached garage. Private well, electric pump. Close in off llverton Hwy. Immediate possession. Full price $3,150.00. Or Maybe Two acres in orchard and berry with older type house but modern. Private well electric pump. Good view 4 miles North Just off Wallace Road. Full price $6,600.00. Easy terms to Oregon State Vfteran. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 41 1 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9317 Real Estate - insurance Mtg. Loans cl61 By Owner: Small unfinished hse. ' acre $3350. 1200 On. Ph. 2-3303, e!61 WANTED REAL ESTATE WI ARK in oeed oi good bouses to sell to or near Salem If you wish to list your property Tor aale ee GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 13 A. Ubert j BL Pboot 1-2471 IAUTOMOBILES $645 $1245 $1195 ',' . $795 PHONE 3-9277 WANTED REAL ESTATE WHAT HAVE YOU to trade on this fine 16 unit apt. bldg. Very best of equlpm't St location. Garages. A good investment - t $82,000. VERY CHOICE corner, close In S. Com'J. 125x133. Has 3 hses. $22,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440. cal62- NEW 5 rm. house by July 1. Will pay $7000 cash. Ph. 24091. cal63 WANT APT. HSE.. COTTAGE COURT and Business Bldg. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 3-7113. cal61 NOTICE! If your property la for aale, rent or exchange, list It with ua We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 HI Kb St. ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADES Lovely court on beach; 1 units, strictly modern, fully furnished trade for ren tal houses in Salem. Neat two bedroom house In Delake to iraae ior nouse in saiem, pay some dif ference. Good 80 acre dairy farm near Coquille to trade for Salem or suburban. 5 acres at edge of Mt. Angel to trade for house In Salem. Business building on coast to trade for eaiem or smau vauey farm. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 cbl6I' EXCHANGE modern 3 bd. rm, house on Fairmont Hill for home near Catholic school. Ph. 3-4963. cbl65 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES We have some good buys In Apt. houses. A nice Gro. business at only $6850. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 3-9441 cdl63' Phone 3-9271 COURT APT! 12 units hardwood floors, permanent construction. Each unit pays own utili ties. Good return on investment $65, 000. No. 777 GARAGE! with living quarters. Large lot on main thorofare. Price Includes stock, equipment, building and lot. $17.5000 will trade for house. M. L. No. 712. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 south High st. Sun. St Eves 2-3738,3-9712, Ph. 3-9203 2-8241,2-2532 Cdl62 SERVICE station for lease with Inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district United Petroleum. Call EAst 1106, Port land. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. Sykes cd SERVICE Station, good location In Salem, pumping around 10,000 per month, to responsible party at Inventory. Write Box 341, Capital Journal, cd!62 WE HAVE A BUYER FOR A GROCERY. STORE WITH LIV TNG QUARTERS. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l Bt. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 edl62 ON THE HIGHWAY Dandy modern home with Income on 99E north, for further particulars Call or See G. A. VICARY REAL ESTATE 818 N. Comi St. Phone Day or Eve 2-0421 cdl61a OUT OP TOWN PROPERTY Albany Investment Property. By Owner. Building 1 block long, Vt block wide. Concrete and Brick Construction. k block from center business district. railroad sidings adjacent. 3 year lease 3355 a month. Write PO Box 63. Phone 3-F-5 Shedd. Ore. cdl65 TAVERN Club privileges, restaurant, draught and pacxage oeer, wine; line location in neighboring city. Long lease with re newal privilege; low rent. Call Mr. Bean. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 cdl61a 10 UNIT apartment court conveniently lo cated for steady rentals. Net income per year over $4000. better than 13 interest on investment. C. W. Reeve, Realtor APT. HOUSE, COTTAGE COURT Auto court, also large 10 rm. hse. would make apts. $9500. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 3-7113. cdl61 TRADES TRADES SERVICE station and good living quar ters will trade for small grocery with living quarters. See Mr. Ross. DINE and dance cafe for acreage In or around Salem. GOING business In Woodburn for around a forty acre farm in or about the north of Salem. SMALL cafe located on 99E with living quarters for a grocery and service sta tion combined or as separate units. IF YOU have a place to sell or trade con tact us. See Mr. Ross with COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS 1683 Center St. Ph. 2-4552. cdl62 RETIREMENT INCOME Well located 15 rm. apt. tue. 8 ren tals plus Ige. owners apt. High net re turn on Investment. Well furnished and price reduced. Must Inspect to appreciate. No phone Information, Please. Shown anytime by Strout Realty, 959 8. 12th St. Cdl63 GROCERY STORES $6850 Walk-In Cooler, well equl., for cutting meat, good fixt., pkg. beer lies, located In Salem on busy st. Down town location $25,000 good clean stock dandy fixtures, cash busi. gross $200,000 yr. Owner retiring Ph. 266B0 for appt. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14 St. cd!66 FOR SALE New garage St station with living quarters. Sell at Inventory, Cliff Stevens, A u mi v tile. Ore., Phong 10S1 dl63 FOR A BETTER BUY BETTER TRY Stan B aker Mo tors Dodge-Plymouth Dodge Job Rated Truck Dealer Dependable Used Cars And Trucks Guaranteed Terms-Trade 1947 DODGE CUT TOWN SED. R&H 1T4B 1947 DODGE CUPT. 4 DR. SED. R&H $1695 1947 DODGE CUST. 4-DR. SED. HTR $1845 1947 MERCURY 4 DR. TWN. SED. R&H $1495 1946 DODGE CUST. 4 DR. SED. R&H $1845 1946 FORD DELUXE 2 DR. SED R&H $1195 1942 PLYMOUTH SPEC. 4 DR. HTR $895 1941 DODGE CLUB COUPE. R&H $845 1948 DODGE TON PICKUP $1400 1947 DODGE ?i TON PICKUP $1150 V"i 1939 G. M. C. 'A TON PANEL $685 1946 DODGE TON PANEL $1195 1947 DODGE 1 TON CAB & CHASSIS $1200 1946 FORD 2 TON, 2 SPEED AXLE & BROWNIE $1544 Now on Display at Our New Used Car Location S. W. Corner Union & High Sts. ql61' "McKay's Corner" CHEVR0LETS 1947 CHEVROLET STYLEM ASTER SEDAN $1395 1941 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN R&H.... .... $895 , 1946 CHEVROLET -TON PICKUP $1295 1947 CHEVROLET H-TON PICKUP $1095 1946 CHEVROLET J-TON L.W.B., J-SPEED AXLE..., $1395 CADILLACS 1948 CADILLAC "62" SEDAN, LOW MILEAGE .... $3495 BUICKS 1945 BUICK R OA DM ASTER SEDAN , $1795 FORDS 1942 FORD li,i-TON L.W.B. 2 -SPEED AXLE $795 1936 FORD COUPE , $195 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Cp. 550 No. Commercial BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NELSON NEWS MAKE $15,000 IN ONE YEAR Sounds too good to be true, but the owner of this business has a large enoush turnover St large enough mar gin to do that very thing. It can't be bought on a shoestring because the owner needs immediate cash for other purposes. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 703 N. High Ph. 3-4623 cdlfll' BY OWNER Want a home and business combination? Wa have that location. Phone 39395 Cdl62 FURNITURE FOR SALE UNPAINTED furniture, closeout prices WOODROW'S, 450 Center St. d' SAVE $60 Mod. 4 piece bleached oak bedroom suite plus a guaranteed 210 coil Inner spring mattress & matching box spring. Reg. $199.50 value. Only 1139.50. 114 down. $3 wk. Free delivery. OPEN FRI. EVE. UNTIL 9 P.M. We GIVE S St H GREEN STAMPS H.&H. FURNITURE CO. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3797. dl61 FURNITURE for sale St boy's bicycla. 3480 Liberty Road Qiej MODERN TWO Toned club style sectional Fireside ar.d Club Chair with otto, can Webb at 35663. dl62 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEfT PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GOLDEN PALOMINO Stallion. Arab. thor. Grandson Man-oI-War. oentie. excellent disposition and conformation. Saddle and harness broke. Reg. PHBA. $1500. Also green broke. 1 black gelding. Palomino filly. 3 sorrel fillies, flaxen mane and tall. Half ,thor. Reasonable. el 62 TWO GENTLE pin to saddle horses. One child's pony, one laavs et one man s western saddle. 4310 Silverton Rd. el63 FAMILY COW for sale. Ph. 9-3061. el63 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. fc C. McCandllsh. 1127 8. 25. Ph. 3-8147 al79 RABBITS 5 ANGORA Rabbits 7-unit hutch. 630 Union Street. ebl WING'S RABITRY needs fryer rabbits. Top prices. 3985 State St. 109P3. eb!77 To place classified ads Phone 2-2406 Phone S31T5 ql61 !PETS Kittens to give away. Ph. 3-8164, 161 SYRIAN GOLDEN HAMSTERS Educational Wonder Animals from tht Holyland. Gentle, clean, cunning, apt. site pets. Only $130 for hours of fun. Literatures. For pets with personality. HEART-O-GOLD HAMSTERY 396 S. 31st Cor. M1U Ph. 2-0638. Olover ecll For Sale by Owner Exceptionally flna Reg. Male Chow 16 Mos. See him at LeGray Boarding and Training Ken nels Rt. 1 Ph. 3-1398. Milt FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. It IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee Summer Special Buy your winter fuel now and aatt. Good screneed sawdust 34.00 unit Good clean block wood 16.00 load Dry slab for furnace 88.50 load Dry edging for cook atove 88.00 load Oregon Fuel Co. - Phone 35533 eel 89 Oak Wood 3 sites. Phone Judd 3-2129 nights. c164 PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak. Ph. 68F22. TR1-CTTY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust Prompt delivery. Ph. 27442. We give S A H Orien Stamps. Green 16 in. mill wood re CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends St Block Wood. Ph. 16444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 3-1298 1161 RED FRYERS for sale. Reasonable, Ph. 454 Jefferson, Ore. Rt. 1, Box 39. fI61 FRYERS R. I. Reds Jennings Poultry Farm, Glenn Creek Rd. f 161 9 GEESE 3 yr. old Toulouse. F. H. Mott, Gaston, Ore. 1 ml. 1 Laurel wood school. f 162 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Ph. 3-3861. Lees Hatchery. f PRODUCE LARGE MONTMORENCY cherrlei, U pick. n. ,. oataiv t nicoouK. fa. if 163- FRESH RASPBERRIES. Delivered In elty ior i. st. u. unerrr. fa. z-iwa. HIM" LGE. DARK red raspberries $2 a crate. 37a urooKi at. rn. 24379. ff!61 (Continued on Page 15)