Wheat Loses As High As 2 Cents Chicago, July 8 m Wheat which has been gaining on the board of trade for three days was marked down today. Losses ran to more than 2 cents at times. Distant deliveries declin ed most. Price changes in other grains also were on the downward side. Oats met profit-taking while corn slumped on receipt of wide spread rains overnight and today in the mid-western corn belt. Traders said hot weather, ac companied by rains, was ideal for corn growth. Lard sank for relatively small losses, but they were enough to send all contracts to new sea sonal lows. Loose lard, offered at $9.62 "A, a hundred pounds, reached a new eight-year low. Wheat closed to 2 cents lower'. July $2.01-y4, corn was unchanged to lower, July $1.37-1.37, oats were un changed to lower, July 63, rye was IV lower to Vi higher, July $1.40, soybeans wereyi 194 higher, July $2.46V4-, and lard was 8 to 13 cents a hundred pounds lower, July $10.20. Truman Plan to RetireTaft Jolted Washington, July 8 U.t The plans of President Truman and organized labor leaders to retire Sen. Robert A. Taft to private life have been jolted somewhat by failure of any strong Ohio democrat so far to demand the right to oppose him in next year's election. Taft's political prospects def initely are looking up. He won a great personal victory last week when the senate passed a labor-management bill which he practically dictated. He has be come the principal policy spokesman for the republican party and will continue to shape its general policy right through the 1950 congressional election campaign. If Taft is returned to the sen ate by a substantial margin, only the worst kind of subsequent political breaks could prevent him being a formidable contes tant for the 1952 republican presidential nomination. If he is defeated next year he will be politically finished. The repub lican party will swing to new policies and new leaders and, es pecially, toward major modifi cation of the labor-management act. Gov. Frank J. Lausche of Ohio has told associates he would not run against Taft next year. That is a good break for Taft. Lausche plans to run again for governor. As governor of Ohio, he would be well placed strategically to get a spot on the 1952 democrat ic presidential ticket. He is Ohio's best democratic vote get ter. Portuguese Pray for Relief from Storms Lisbon, Portugal, July 8 VP Portuguese crowded into churh- es today to pray for an end to the erratice weather which has afflicted the country for a week. There was panic in Vila Real when a tempest struck the town. Forest trees were uprooted by a landslide and cattle were drowned in flooded streams. The Paulos river burst Its banks and swept through fields, causing an estimated $400,000 property damage. Portugal has had a series of heat waves, thun der storms, cyclonic winds and hail storms. More than a score of persons have lost their lives as a result of the freak wea ther. STOCKS IB? lh AjioeUWI frw American Can i ltt Am Pow At Lt 104 Am Tel Tl HI Anaconda 2Vk Bendlx A ration 29 Beth Steel ,. 35 Boeing Airplane. Mtt Calif Packing Canadian Paclfio Utt Cm i I 334 Caterpillar 30 Ohrnler Comwlth Soo 3 Com Vuttee 9H Continental Ctn 32 Crown Zellerbach 33 Curtlu Wright 8ft Douglaa Aircraft 00 Dupont de Nom 45 General Electric 3ft General Pood 434 General Motor 58 Goodyear Tlrt 38 Int Harvester 35 Int Paper 47 Kennecott , Ubbj McN A L 7 Lon Bll "A Montgomery Ward 50 Nat Dairir 15 Naab Kelrlntaor 31 x uentrai . . Northern Paclfle Pac Am Flab ... Pae Gu & Eles Pac Tel Tal .. Pennej J C .... Radio Corp ...... Raronier ........ Raronier PId .... Reynold UetaJ .. Rtehfleld .... Bate way Stores .. Sear Roebuck ... Southern Pacific Standard Oil Co , 0 13 48 10 33 19 35 33 38 35! 60", 18 6tude baker Corp Sunah'.ne Mining 9 Tranaamerica 10 Onion Oil Cal 29 Union Paclfio 40 United Airline 13 0 S Steel 31 Warner Bros Pie - 11 Woolworth 48 v 'Little Butch Dead -........ l n- - t. . l .. a n. wiwica, 1CAH3., uiy o l" i Little Butch, billed as the small est elephant in captivity, is dead. He was only three feet high. His favorite diet was baby food. MARKET QUOTATIONS Salem Ltveitook Market B? Vallej Hacking Company) Spring lamb 120.00 to 131.00 Feeder lamb 116.00 to 118.00 awe 12.00 to 15.00 Cutter cow ta.00 to 1 11.00 Fat dairy cow 110.00 to 313.00 Bull 315.00 to 119.00 Calves, food (300-450 lb.) 117.00 to S19.00 Veal (150-300 ltu.) good ..120.00 to 124.00 Ti price paid within 35c ol Port nd price for each type. Top. 170-335 ib Portland Eaatalde Market TUton apricot old for 95 cent a 13- 1b box on the Portland East-side Farmer Wholesale Produce market today with ap ple boxas of Moorpacka and Rlland bring in 12.35 to 33.50. Transparent apple were 32.50 to $3.00 a box. Current sold for $2.00 to 12.25 a 12- b&sket crate. YounKberrles and faoysenberrle were $1.75 to $2.00 a flat. White rose No. 1 potatoes brought $3.25 a 100-lb Jiack. Portland Produce Bntterfat Teuiatlfe. ruttject to Imrae diate change Premium quality maximum to .J6 to l percent acidity aeiiverea in Portland 61 -64c ib. first quality 59-G2c Ib second quality 55-58c. Valley route ind country points 3o lese than first. Batter Wholesale FOB bulk cube to wholesaler grade AA, 93 score, flic; A. 92 score. 60c; B, 90 score, 57c lb.; C, 89 score, 55c. Above price are strict ly nominal Cheese Selling orlee to Purtlanu whole- ale Oregon smglea, 36H-48MiC- Oregon b ID loai. m-DUo; triplet w leaf (nan iingiea Eggi ITa Wholesalers) A grade large 59&-60ttc; A medium, 51.4-54.4ci grade B, large. 49-51Mtc. Portland Dairy Market Batter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints 66c; AA carton 67c; A prints Iflc, A cartons, 87c; B print, 63c. Etc Prlt to retailor: AA large 64c; certified A large; 62c; A large 59c; AA medium, 59c: certified A me dium 59c; A medium, 58c; carton 2c additional Cheese Pries to retailers; Portlaoa Oreuon singles 0l-50lac Oregon loal, l b 43-52c; triplet lo leaf than aln gles. Poultry- Live Chickens No. 1 quality FOB plants. No. 1 broiler under 2V lbs 27-28o ID fryers ava-a ids, a i-a.se: a- ids. jac roasters 4 lb and over 33c lb; fowl, .leghorns 4 lb, and under, 21-23c, over 4 Ibj 23c; colored fowl, all weights, 2Sc; roosters, all weights, 18-19c. Rabbits Average to growers; live white, t-o lbs.. 19-21c lb.; 5-6 lbs. 17-19c lb.; col ored 2 cents lower; old or heavy doe. 8 14c; dressed fryer to butcher. 55-57c. Turkey (Prices quoted are lot to the producer on a dressed weignt basis) U 8 grade A young toms. 11 52c lb.: No i young hen, nominally 60c Dreased turkeys to retallcm: Uiade A young hena, 70-71c New for style, dress ed A grade young torn 68-59o Portland Miscellaneous L'ascara Bark Pry 12MiC ib green 4c Ib. Wool Valley coarss and medium grades 460 lb. Mohair 35o lb. on 12-month growth, nominally. Hides Calves, 30c Ib.. according to weight, kips 20c lb., beef 8-9c lb. bulls 4-5c lb. Country buyers pay 2c less. Nut Quotations Wain u I sFr enqueues first quallt) Jum oo, 34.7c; large, 32.7c: medium, 27.2o; sec ond ouallty lumbos. 30.2c: large 28.2c; medium, 26.2c; baby 23.2c; aoft thel. first quality large, 3B.ic; medium ao.zc. sec ond quality large. 37.2c: medium 24.79: baby 32.2c Filberts Jumbo, 30o Ib.j large. 18o medium. He; small, 13o. Chicago Livestock Chicago, July 8 flj.R Livestock market: Hotts salable 8,000; moderately active; steady to 25 cents higher on butchers; most advance on weights under 270 ids: sows uneven, steady to 50 cents lower; mostly 25 cent lower; practical top 21.75; one load 22.25 considered out of line; most good and choice 170-240 lbs 21.00 to 21.75; 250-270 lbs 20.25 to 21.00; a few 280-300 lbs 19.00 to 20.00; odd lots up to 350 lbs as low as 17.00; good and choice sows under 350 lbs 16.00 to 17.50; a few choice under 300 lbs as high as 18.25; 360-375 lbs 15.25 to 10.25; 376-400 lbs 14.25 to 15.50; 400-450 lbs 13.00 to 14.25; 475-550 lbs 11.00 to 12.75; odd head heavier, as low 10.00: good clearance. Sheep salable 400; market steady on small lots native spring Iambs and ewes; good and choice spring lambs 25.50 to 2S.00; top 26.00; common to medium 20.00 to 2S.O0; bulk slaughter ewes 6.00 to B.00 with good light weights under 140 lbs, Quotable to 9.50. Cattle salable 1,000; calves 300; slaughter cattle and calves moderately active, stea dy to strong;; stock cattle nominally steady; most high medium and good steers and "yearlings. 1250 lbs down, 25.00 to 36.75; three loads of 1238 lb Mont an as 24.75: a few good to low choice 1100- 1225 lb steers 26.SO to 27.25; few loads of sood fed hellers 25.75 to 26.25; com mon and medium beef cows 15.50 to 18.50; canners and cutters 12.00 to 16.00: medium and good sausage bulls 21.00 to zz.ao; common to choice vealers 20.00 to 25.50. Portland, July 8 W) No Wheat futures quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2, 38-lb white Rfl.OO. Barley No. 2. 45-lb B.W. 50.50. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.13; soft white (excluding rex) 2.14; wnite ciuo 2.11; western red 2.14. ard red winter: Ordinary 1.13; 10 per cent 2.13; 11 per cent 2.14; 12 per cent 2.10. Today's car receipts: Wheat 14: barley 3; flour 5; corn 8: oats 3; mlllfeed 7. Snyder in Britain On Dollar Crisis London. July 8 m V. S. Sec retary of the Treasury John W. Snyder met the chiefs of Brit ain's labor eovernment today to talk over the United Kingdom's dollar crisis. Also nresent were the ton nlanners of Britain's economy. They Included Prime Minister Attlee, Chancellor of the Exeche quer Sir Stafford Cripps, For eign Secretary Ernest Bevin, Harold Wilson, president of the board of trade, and Philip Noel Baker, secretary of comnvv wealth relations. U. S. Ambassador Lewis W. Douglas also attended, as did Douglas Abbott, finance minister of Canada, another dollar coun try. The meeting of the three fi nance ministers and their advis ers broke up for lunch . after nhnnt two hours. Asked by news men if he had any comment Cripps replied: "Nothing noth ing to say at all." Douglas said the erouD would resume discus sions later in the day. Salem Markets Completed frem reports mt Salem deal ers lor flit gwidaace an npiiaj Journal Readers. (ReTlsed dally). Retail Feed Price Ess- Masb J5.10. Rabbit Pellets 14.30. Dairy Feed 13.85. Paallry; h'm oriees Grade A color ed hens. 24-37c; grade A Leghorn hens. 22 cents; Grade A colored fryers, three lbs and up. 32-33c. Grade A old roosters 15 cents. tggi Buying; Prices Extra large An, 68c, large AA. 57ci laree A, 55-59c; med'um AA, 52c: medium A. 50-5sc; pullets 3J-3SC. Wholesale Price i Egc wholesale pricei 5 to 7 cent above these prices above Grade A generally quoted at 64c, me dium 60c. Bntterfat Premium. 63c, No- L let No. 3. 55- '9c fbuylng prices! Bolter Wholesale grade A, 66c, re all lie. Stock Market Marks Time New York, July 8 (ff) The stock market hewed to a nar row price line today. Price changes either way were mostly in minor fractions, with numerous stocks seesaw ing between the plus and minus columns. The market's under tone was steady. At the opening of trade pro nounced signs of an upward trend appeared. Demand soon petered out, though, and the market settled into a groove for the rest of the day. Trading slowed considerably after two sessions of compara tively lively business. Turnover was at the rate of only 650,000 shares for the full day, in con trast with 890,000 yesterday and 1,410,000 Wednesday. The approaching long week end helped to smother trading enthusiasm. Many traders, too, took sideline positions while waiting for the president to de liver his mid-year economic re port to congress on Monday. Tending upward were Amer ican Broadcasting, Firestone, U. S. Rubber, Douglas Aircraft, American Telephone, Radio Corp., and American Woolen. A trifle on the wobbly side were Chrysler, Goodyear, Boe ing, United Aircraft, Western Union, American Can. Westine- house Electric, International Pa per, banta Fe, Southern Pacific Union Pacific, and Standard Oil Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., July 8 (U.B Weekly Uv atock: Cattle: Friday salable 150; holdover 350; calves 100; virtually no aalej; .scat tered bids 2.00 lower beef cows, grass steers. Hobs: Friday salable 25; mostly nom inal; odd head steady; top 24.00. Sheep: Friday salable 100; market nom Inal: demand narrow. OBITUARY L. J. Davenport Silver ton Funeral services for L. J. Davenport, 83, native of the Waldo Hills community who died at the Sllverton hos pital Wednesday evening- following a brief Illness, will be held from the memorial chapel of the Ekman funeral home at 2 o'clock Saturday with burial In the Sll verton hospital. Surviving are a son and daughter, William J. Davenport, Scotts Mills and Gladys Opperman, Portland; two brothers, D. O. Davenport, Lebanon and J. H. Davenport, Sllverton and one sister, Mrs. Eunice Ooodnecht, Sllverton. Ernest S. Holbrook Waldport Concluding; services for Er nest K. Holbrook, 82, who died at his home in Yachats July 2, were held at Stayton Wednesday under the direction of the Masonic lodge. He was born at Deborah, la., Apr. 28. 1867, Joining the Masonic order In Michigan and be com- inir a master Mason in mil h n in ferred to the Alsea lodge In 1046. Funeral services were held at Waldport. Surviving mc in. wiuow ana a aaugnter. Harold Wiley Lebanon Funeral services lor Harold Wiley, 24, of Poster, who was drowned near Poster bridge Thursday, will be held here under the direction of the Huston Puneral home. Until reMnt.lv h. h.ri employed by the Santlam Lumber com- f-uj. no is aurvivea oy nis parents, Mr. ...... ... o. miKy. oi roster. HI. grandfather, Andrew Wiley, led the first party of white men over the Cascades through the pass which 1, now U.S. high- DEATHS Mrs. Esther Ann Oliver Mrs. Esther Ann Oliver, late resident of roui i, dox ov, aaiem, at a local hos pital July 7. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Mae Allerton of Portland, and Mrs. Marjorle Wood of Salem; a son, Burl R. Oliver of Salem; one grandchild. Miss Margie Darlene Wood of Salem; al so a number of nieces and nephews. Mem ber of American War Mothers. Services from Clough-Barrlck chapel Saturday, July v, at iv.su a.m.. Rev. Dudley strain or flclatlng and Interment In City View cem etery. William Leonard Whlta In this cltv July 6 William Tanari, White, late resident of Salem, at the age of 76 years. Brother of Margaret Bird and urace eumvan, ooin oi Benton, Wise. Services will be held at the W. T. Rigdon chapel Monday, July 11, at 10 a.m. with concluding services In the Lee Mission cemetery. Pvt. Bobert Russell McAllister Pvt. Robert Russell McAllister, lata l. dent of Pratum, Oregon, May 18, 1945, at Okinawa. Survived by father, Russell Mc Allister of Pratum; mother. Mrs. Walter Jones of Medford; brothers, Oene McAl lister of Medford and Richard McAllister oi Portland; ana a daughter, Carol June McAllister of Medford. Oraveslde services will be held Saturday, July 9, at 3 p.m. at the Mt. Hone cemetery near Pratum under the auspices of the American Le gion, ivirecuon viougn-iiarricK company. Mrs. Marie Hansen Mrs. Marie Hansen, late resident of De. trolt. Ore., at a local hospital July t at tne age oi n. survived by husband. Laur- Its Hansen, a daughter, Mrs. Annie Ketcb- um, ana a son. Klcnard Hansen, all of De troit, and seven grandchildren. Services wui oe new Saturday; July 9, at 1:10 p.m. me uiougn-Harricx cnapei with the Rev. George E. Williams officiating. Tnterment In Belcrest Memorial park. Mrs. Perry Jane Rlcketts Mrs. Pengy Jane Rlcketts. late resident of Brooks, Oregon, at a local Hospital July A, at the age of TO years. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. A. J. Neliton of j Sllverton and Miss Orace Rlcketts of ; Your fur cool ii one of your most valued poisessiont and deserve! the best of car and protection. For very moderate cost you get complete warm weather protection when you store your furs in our vaults. Paul. Valley, Okla.: flv. sons, D.v. and John Rlcketti. both ol Brookj, Ben Rlck etts ol Mansaneta, Ores., and Arthur and Merman Rlcketts, botn ol Salem: two brother, James Stile, of Okemah. okla., and Jacob Stile, ol Fairfield, Calif.; a ilst.r. Mra. Carrie Keck of Vackervllle, Calif.: 37 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Services will be held at th. Clough.BarrIck chapel Saturday, July 9, at I p.m. with M. c. Cuthbertson of ficiating. Interment in th. Claggett cem etery. Patrick M. Carer In this city July 4. Patrick M. Carey, late resident of Salem. Services will be held at the W. T. Rigdon chapel Friday. July 8 at 10 a.m. with concluding services at Bt. Baroara cemetery, rawer A. ue llna. will officiate. Lt. (I s.) Mack C. Malson Lt. 0.g.) Mack o. Malson. 1st. resident of 185 South lath street, at Corpus Chrts tl, Texas, July S at the age of 38 years. Survived by parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Malson of Salem, and a sister, Mrs. Molly Jean Lowery of Jackson, Miss. Announcement of service, later by W. T. Rigdon company. Charles Robert Phelps, Jr. In this city July e, Charles Robert Phelps, Jr., lata resident ol route 1, box sublimity, at the age Ol 3 years. Survived by wife, Frances Elizabeth Phelps ol sublmty; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Phelps of Salem, two brothers, Allred K. Phelps ot Cathlamet, Wash., and Bonner M. Phelps of Denver. Colo., two sisters, Caroline Kuchta of Ingle- wood, Calif., and Rllma Blaer of Modesto, Calif.: and a step-brother, Otto M. Painter of Hubbard. Oreg. Announcement or services later by w. T. Rigdon company. AUTOMOBILES . BARGAINS FOR THE WEEK 19U chev. Sedan 1595.00 1937 Plymouth Sedan 385.00 1937 Chev. Sedan 335.00 1S3 Ford Sedan . 145.00 Truck Sales & Service Co. 555 N. Front Ph. 3-9131 0.161' Acme Motor Co. FRONT & CENTER What a Buy 1938 Chev Master Sedan In fine' shape only 1395.00. 4161 VACATION TIMES ARE HERE. TRADE YOUR TROUBLES FOR ONE OF OUR THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED USED CARS. SOME FINE LATE MODELS TRADED IN BY YOUR NEIGHBORS. 35 CARS TO CHOOSE . FROM. TWO LOCATIONS. TEAGUE MOTOR i COMPANY 352 N. Commercial 2640 Portland Road Phone 2-4173 q!62 Pickups Commercials 194T DODGE M TON, Ilk. new, I owner. 1941 INTERNATIONAL TON. Recc-nd. Ac Guaranteed, nil CHEV. . TON. a barsaln 1B40 FORD Yj TON. A H.n.r. Ouarantced. ml CHEV. A loot) farm rls. OnlT I to 194S JEEP PANEL. Like Dew. Ton can really sav. on this on.. NEW AND USED JEEPS, PICKUP STATION WAOONS WILLYS BALE8 ft SERVICI Eisner Motor Co. Acme Motor Co. FRONT & CENTER Here is a Sweetheart 1940 Ford conv. only 5000 miles, white aide tires life guard tires, fully equipped new car guarantee. qiei' Eisner Motors to Buy U O.M.O. 6x0. Equipped with Baufh man lime spreader. Ph, 3-0594. ql61' Eisner Motors to Sell PONTIAC '48 Torpedo two door sedan, radio, heater, Hydramatle, fog lights, ear like new; ssbb down, uai. 24 montns. STATE MOTOKS INC. Acme Motor Co. FRONT & CENTER 1030 International H ton Pickup heavy duty tires. Just a good little Pickup tt Priced right. ql61 135 North Liberty th AUTOMOBILES Acme Motor Co. FRONT & CENTER Here Is a Real Bargain 1942 Chev Special Delux Sedan new paint, heater. In a-1 ahape only 1845.00. ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL TERMS 333 Fairgrounds Road TRADE Phone I-64S 1937 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, 1350 cash. Good transportation. Call after S p.m. at 510 N. 14th. ql61 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS 194? Harley-Davldion 45 cu. In flight red color, chrome. Apt. 25 291 W. Clay, Monmouth. qal62 FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular sizes, $5.00 and up. Montgomery Ward & Co. Salem. cblfll TRAILERS GOOD EASTERN Built Trailer House cheap. Brown's Trailer Park on Hlway 99 North Hubbard. f ii ft. 1947 HOUSE Trailer for sale. Exc. condition. 500 S. Warren, Monmouth. See after 5 p. m. tlS4 Honsetraller for sale furnished. Ph. 3-9037. tlfl' 1947 MOR1LHOME 3-room trailer, new condition. Reasonable. C. B. Petersen. Detroit, Oregon. tl61 ONE-WHEEL trailer. 13B4 Waller St. tl61 Used Trailer reg. 235.00 now 155.00. Steel frame trailer with tandum wheels. Home made aluminum house mounted trailer. 2 used stoves. See Mr. Suit at Sears, Roebuck de Co. tiai FINANCIAL $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FttRNTTORE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Car loans up to 1500 Come In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Palrgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 37032 Lie. N M 369 -8391 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. FARM AND CTTT LOANS 47. and 6 TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 301 Pioneer Trust Bldg ' Ph. 3-7169 r' Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem & Vicinity. See State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS He 8-138. and U-3 and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 S Commercla St. Tel. 1-9161 r PRIVATE MONET Special rates and term on larger loans " - long and short time payments ROT H SIMMONS 118 8ovh Commercial St Phona 3-D 191 . JGevurtz: & Bern s sa "'X MJ - 17995 M -a-- 1 Vjis. HVSpMd CAUtOO' Htallnt Utilltl No faster cooking unit, on the mar ket. Stay clean UU and boilover. burn away. Fhre asacf beat.. One giant lise. two utilitjr-ffa. tmiu. . 275 N. Liberty FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 1S3 8. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 1-3457 Lie No U-159 S-154 V SEE US fOK ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 3-3663 Personal Finance Co. 518 State Rm. 135 Lie. 8-122-M-165. C. R. Allen. Mirr. TB2 TRANSPORTATION WANTED Passenger, young man preferr ed, going to San Luis L. A. area, share expenses, new Olds car, leaving July 10. Ph. 2-4242 after 8 p. m. ' X162 LEAVING FOR Texas July 16, wish couple to snare expenses and neip drive, con tact Charles V. Holland, M eh am a. xl66 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used msehlnea sold, rented, repaired Roea 4B0 Court Phona 3-0773 ALTERATIONS Dressmaking it alt. 360 State St. o!66 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Free estimates. Trade-Ins accepted on new appliance. Vlnce's Electric Phone 3-9239 157 S Liberty St Spence's Home Appliance Repair. "Noth ing to Sell But Service." Phone 3-4603 Prompt. 0182" AT-UR DOOR GRINDING -.awn mower sharpening . and repairing. Dexter'. Ph 36833 O AUTO RADIOS Authorized Warrant Repair Station for all makes ol Auto Radios Morro Radio Co. 153 S Liberty Ph 3-6955 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 3-9286 Nlgnt 2-1804 33? Center o Mike Panek, 275 S Com'l. Ph. 3-5161. Brake and wheel aligning specialists. ol83" BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment. Phone 3-4B50. o' BUILDING CONTRACTORS Alt Brjs. Also houses raised, foundations. Phone 25909. BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 26537 Light crawler dozing. Ph. 2-3220. Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Fairview Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salem. ol86 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register Al makes sold, rented, re paired Roen 4E6 Court Ph 3-6773 o EMENT CONTRACTOR General cement cont- Honest work at honest prices. Ph. 3-1505 or 3-7487 0164 CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc Call 2-4860. o CniMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley, 771 8. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. o782 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce' Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing 161 8. Liberty Ph 3-9239 o EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross, 1555 Pearl. o!62 Ov.r.lt. Ov.nt Perfect for small meal, or large parry dinner.. Hi speed Calrod unit give even-heat baking results. Waist-high Super Broiler for charcoal-type broiling. r I urennnuDt r ior nuncio uini - TAKE 24 MONTHS TO PAY Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 8, 1949 13 DIRECTORY HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Watklna Co 1717 Center products Free Ph. 3-5395. LANDSCAPr NURSERY P A. Doerfler it Sons, Ornamentals. 150 N. Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph. 3-1323 o LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 So. Com'l St. Ql81 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At rout door lawnmower sharpening Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 36833 o PI replaced. Ph. 35968. chimneys Si block laying MATTRESSES Capital Bedding Phone 3-4069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin. Banjo, etc 1623 Court St. Ph. 3-7569 0162 NURSES REGISTRY Practical Nurses, day-night Ph. 35072. 0173 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief cases Pierce Wire Recorders, Roea. 456 Court Clfatrom's are equipped painting Phone 3-2493 to do youi PAPERHANGING Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-4631. Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 3-5866. Free est. ol75' PAINTING AND PAPERnANGING Call 22608 for your Painting hanging. Attractive ratesj Paper 0171' Painting St paverhanslng Ph. 35522. Don Luctro. ol67 Painting and paperhanglng Free esti mate, h. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. Q162' PICTURE FRAMING Picture framing Phote" 3-6687 Hutcheon Paint Store Fisher. 844 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. Q180' PRUNINO-SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1206. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900. RADIO REPAIR General Elec. home appl. repairing, also radio repairing, uroanway num. Court St. Salem. Ph. 3-1565. Qt63 SAND St GRAVEL Valley Sand A Gravel Co Silk sand A fill dirt Excavating 10B shovel A cats Tractor scoop A trucks tor dirt moving Ph. offlco 24002, res. 37146 o Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603. 1393 N. 5th. 0177 SEWER8 AND BEPTIC TANKS Elec trio Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Razor Sharp Steel Outtlni Blade Clean Sewers or Drains Septic Tankf Cleaned Heaa Ph 3-5327 or 3-9488 SEPTIC TANKS Care taken with lawns. No mileage charge. Call collect Todd's Septic Tank Service. ZDiO Plate, rumig (, o.ni flsn-uio Tnnkt k cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1070 Elm St., W. Salem. Ph. 8-9468. 3-5327 0183" K. F. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143-8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. Q171" TOOLS FOR RENT Howser Bros. Your power too) rental head quarters. New address 1410 8. 12th Ph. 3-3646. 0162' TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables All makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen, oo uourt fecff& GIVES YOU G-E "SPEED COOKING"- AUTOMATICALLY! GENERAL lp ELECTRIC LEADER RANGE Here's a sensational value that gives you all the wonders of G-E "speed cooking," plus an Electric Minute Minder Clock, plus a new low pricei The General Electric "LEADER" Range is equipped with a handy appliance outlet that is handy for your small electric appliances and many, many other wonderful features! See it ... try it .. . it's a "dreom" range at a "dream" of a pricet SEE THIS GENERAL ELECTRIC WONDER RANGE TODAYI AT sig. Thrift Coolwl For economical Roisable Calrod Top Unit meal planning. Cook, entire meal ?P,EE( for two. Forty-five different tasty, economical dishes can be cooked at AT CURRENT PRICES moneysaving low heat. DIRECTORY TRANSFER ft STORAGR 'lOcal it Distance Transfer Horn .it. Burner oils, coal St orlqueu True u Portland dally Agent for Be km Hou.-e-hold goods moved to anywhere in U 8. o. Canada Larmer Tranxfef & St or me Ph 3-3131 o VENETIAN BLINDS Mads ti Salem Free est Elmer the Blind man Salem Venetian Blind" made to ordei ut re finished Rein hoi dt A Lewis 3-3639. WEATHER STRIPPING Free estimates. T. PULLMAN, Ph. 3-SSSS. 0182 WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Made to order 1 Del Relnholdt St Lewis Ph 33639 WINDOW CLEANING Acme V'lndow Cleaners Windows, walls A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 341 Court. Langdoo. Culbertson and Mather. WOODSAWING Atkins A Cross. Ph. 3-8674 or 3-8178. 0168 Wood sawing. Ph. 2-1575. WOOD ft SAWDUST West Saler Fuel Co. Ph 2-4031. LODGES I.O.OJ". meets every Wed nesday night. Visitors wel- Pacific Lodge No. 50, AJ. A X A.M. M.M. Degree Friday July 8, 7 p.m. 161 LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVa HINES STREET FROM FOURTEFNTH STREET TO THIRTEENTH STREET. Notice ncreby is nlven that the commog council of the city of Salem. Oreaon, deems lt necessary and expedient an hereby declares Its purpose and inten tion to improve Hlnes street from thi west line of Fourteenth street to tne easi line of Thirteenth street. In the city ol Salem, Marion county, Oregon, at thi expense of the abutting and adj&rrnl property by br In ulna snld portion oi said street to th eestablished grade, con structing cement concrete curbs, am paving said portion of said street with i 24 Inch asphalt la concrete pavement 3( feet wide In accordance with the plnni and specifications therefor which wen adopted by the common council June 27 1949. which are now on file in the offlci of the city recorder and which by thu reference thereto are made a past hereof The common council hereby declares tti purpose and Intention to make the abov described Improvement by and througl the street ln.provement department. By Order of the Common Council Juni 27, 1949. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is June 29, 1049. June 20,30, July 1,2,5,6.7,8,9.11,12, 19 I NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I hav been appointed by the Circuit Court ol Marlon County, Oregon, Probate Depart ment, aa Administrator of the estate ol INA 6. ADSrr, deceased, and have quail fled as such Administrator. All person! having claims against said estate are no tilled to present the same, duly verified to me at 415 Oregon BulidinR. Salem, Ore son, within six months from the data ol this notice. Dated this 1st day of July, 1949. BRUCE W. WILLIAMS, Administrator of the estate ol INA S. ADSIT, Deceased. BRUCE W. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Salem, Oregon. First publication: July 1, 1049. Final publication: July 20, 1049. July 1. 8. 15. 23. 21 GEVURTZ Other G-E Bonus Offers Model CD1-F1 includes 4 piece Aluminum Cook ing Set FREE. Model DD1-F1 includes 275 N. Liberty mm