12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 8, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN (Chapter 26) A swift shadow of Daln crossed "I don't like this, Bill," said Bwhis lace, then once more his lea WariR as thev ascended the stairsi""-?' hardened. He set his Jaw t.ho spmnnri lloor. "We better wear In some special deputies." They put Jeff into the cell which was once occupied -by Slug Ben jamin, and he made one request before they left him. "Get word to Glenn Gleason "I'll thlnlc It over." said Froth Ingham coldly. "Rememberln' what mat i must wuc wiui mm. happened when he called on Slug I ain't so sure I want him here." Jeff went over and sat down on the Iron bunk. qonnie rode into Cougar shortly Before dusk. Her iatner naa re turned to the Crown with the crew, and she would give him no rest until she had heard the whole story. She heard of Jeff's arrest with dis mav and anner and Indignation. "Dad.1 I'm surprised at you, to think Jeff would do a thing like thatl It Isn't so; you know It." '' Jeb King sighed. "That's what I told myself over and over. I almost begged him to tell me that he was Innocent. He didn't. I don't understand it: I sure don't." She started for the door, stopped suddenly and turned to him. "Where was Glenn Gleason when all this happened?" He tsared at her dumbly. "Glca ' ion? I sure don't know." "You didn't sec him?" "No." Tight lipped, she had gone to the corral and saddled her horse. She went into the hotel and sat r down in the lobby, trying desper ately to decide what was best to . do. She could hear men all around her saying: "It was Tyler all the ' time. He murdered Sam Tolson. "That's right." agreed anothed. "And John Stover went to ask ' Tyler about it." "How about Wolfanner's store?" asked somebody. "Bluff I I'll bet a stack of blues me piace." 1 "Shut up that cackle t The words came like the crack of a whip. Connie looked up. start- led. Chuck Gale stood against the . wail, his lace cold, but with bias , ine eves. Chuck went on. "I got no love lor Jen .Tyler, but he s a man, and ; that's more than any of you can nay I Seems to me you're might v , smart thinking up all those things now. You're a pack of gos lpin' old women; a passel of fools!1 "Now. Chuck " one of them began, but Chuck cut him short. , "Shut up. I'll do the talkin'. You're a bunch of blind nanny goats If you can't see the truth. Yeah, the truth. The truth about ' Tolson's murder and Stover's murder, and wolfanger's store, and the gold robbery. What Is It? I ain't tellln'. Get In a huddle and talk It over. But get yore mind. and yore tongues, off Jeff Tyler. . If I hear another word against film, i I'll slap the feller's face as pink as a. spanked baby." He withered them with another of those hnrd glances, then turned ' and walked out of the hotel. Con nie sprang to her feet and ran alter mm. "Chuck I" He turned swiftly to regard her "Hello, Connie." His voice was no i longer sharp: It was toneless flat. "Thanks for what you said to mem. unucK. inanKs a million!' "Whether he's irullt.v nr nnr. I.Viov Will hang him. That mob at the lown Hairs gonna bust up soon. and fellers II start flrin' up their courage with liquor. Come night uiey n wain ngnt over mil Toth ingham and Ed Wade and the rest of 'em and tnke him out of there and string him up." She shrank away from him in horror. "No, Chuck, no! They mustn't! We can't let them!" "Nothin' doin'." "Please. Chuck!" 'Nothin' rioln'." He said it more firmly tills time. His face twLsted. "Why should I risk mv hide to help him the one who took you from me?" "But he didn't take me from youl I never would have married you, Chuck. I don't love you. But I do like you. Chuck, and I thought you were my friend." She was almost sobbing. He said gruffly. "You don't know what you are askln'." "I do! My only mistake was In asking you." She turned and stumbled bllnd-Jyawav. and stared after her. He caught her filtv feet beyond the store, grasped her rudely by a shoulder and swung her about. He tore her hands from before her face and held them tightly while he spoke. His voice was low but harsh. Til get Jeff Tyler out of that Jail for a price." "And the price?" "Marry me. and 111 save him." Her face was a white blur be fore him. Her voice was low and bitter. "All right. Chuck: you win. save Jen and 1 11 marry you. That's a promise." "Keno. Now listen. Go Into Wolf anger's and buy some stuff for a blanket roll canned goods, bacon, beans, coffee. I'll be there too but don't pay no attention to me. Meet me in tne stable Deflind the Town Han." She turned back toward the store He watched her, and a satisfied grin twisted his lius momentarilv. The nhe followed her as she en tered the store. When Connie entered, the store was empty save for Hank Wolfan ger. 8he went to the counter and began naming the things she want ed. She saw Chuck enter and from the corner of her eye watched as he sprawled over the counter. An end of the string which Hank used to tie bundles protruding through a hole: she saw Chuck take it and begin to twist it about two fingers. Presently she saw him break it off and turn away. (To be continued) wfm. y j 1 10 jr i I'ii Two Pattern" in One A pattern! that can be used twice, In different fabrics ... a sturdy one for play) in LIU sun n fin in! v nnn (nr rhn nrc.ss-up with butterfly sleeves. Both -yes am very simple to sew. No. 3052 Is cut In sizes 2. 4. fl ft I 10, Size 8 sundress 2'1 yds. 35-ln.: ei wun Sleeves reouire 2' vri.vi .iD-in. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number. mate size desired. SUMMER Li the tin... fnr niPtt.v styles the Fashion Book the place to find them. Everything you need for that wonderful two weeks with pay. plus plenty of charmine and wearable fashions for town, country,! uumc 1 lie OUMMUK r'ASHlUN BOOK brillCS VOll nvnr 1M1 rm. tf.rn I designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy sewinR. rncc just .w cents, uraer your copyl Address Canltnl .Ton slon St.. San Francisco 5.' Calif. R 2525 PATTERS' Xb.'rM Tulip Apron You'll need no coax ing to come out of the kitchen If you are wearing this pert and pretty apron. Use the same color and ma terial for the appliqued tulips and crisp ruffled edging. Pattern Envelop No. R2525 con tains tissue pattern for apron, small, medium and large sizes included; tracing of tulip motif, material re quirements and sewing instructions. To obtain trie pattern send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number your mime, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberta. Capital Jour nal. 82ft Mission Street. San Fran euro 3 Calif, WHO DVA THINK VARE ?. I A SHOULDA SAID-- A GUY WITmmOTOGMPrlEIJ? A KISSER STILL PRISON PALE --FRESH OUTA GETTIN' SOPE WHEN I OFFER HIM A JOB -SIMPLY BECAUSE (TAINT TAKIN PITCHERS -ii JhMM.'-IF THAT BLONDE HAD )tMMM- IF BALDY BLACK HAIR ID SWEAR Ones P WaV I JO WAS CHARLIES EX . NEAR. MY HEART D And, o block tyfay I JJM ZSwi iim WASH YOUR -n I INCLUDE YOUR NECK AND J I ' I I L , T I FACE -AND I'LL ) EARS -AND I'LL MAKE IT PO V-i SCKEL! 0 wKHBMMMMMMMKaH, W A LtmJE WEUH6WnW T SEVERAL 'tlQBS'l D VJ SV A LIEN IS INVOLVED- I'M AFRAID WHILE? HOW TOKS SEVERAL tSBBS 0ME II 1 1 LEAPIN' LlZAPDS ! I !5Cj I IVLSAVrre!iigS-WHAT VCU1.L HAVE LONG? A TIMES -IN THE MEANTIME, V" J I f ABOUT OUR ORPHAN CITY? HOW TO WAIT A COUPLE, '?'TJ If H . m 'f". -4 H CAN I P TH'CONTRACTORS hnv WU M l-WM li ML AV g amd be- a statue.- i-m ,gip" BACK ON THAT) $r . ?j Tj,lrA 1 Nr R I I7T' l ': 'm T 1 tt 1 1'S II WV-XOL iWM 9 l I 7 : 1 1 7 7 1 V ? 7 COSH. 1 LIKE TO PATROMIZE M MUTT. I'LL. ) i A J A VI HOW IS IT Y WELL VATAKE TWO ) SOOD YEH THAT S " O M MUTT'S NEW RESTAURANT HAVE A WHAT ? )Voftn V) MADE? J SLICES OF BREAD GOSH" I WHAT EVERVONEf ) iri(VWATTUFI)D1lv VAAnncu" 1 v ' 4M' TIOK ANOTHFO L CC7 I . Tv U ' .'. r...-rV, ryBB GOSH" V 7 S MB 1 ; J TU T 3a" 't1 upsL B?55 &D 4r T7T-"'I - ' urn us hiXT v r y on yf.'v pi t VV 7 ,. I,rw 1 xX. M UV 11,"., SZSSi:-rMyM ftnriPMPgel 1 OH, BOV.' ARE WE 1J$ HQgSES CAMS , 60LLV.' WE ALMOST WERE Hf HUH? MAN? A . . A THEY'RE OKAY- 1 6LAP TO SEE yOUtSpl BACK. WE IN TROUBLEWAIT'LL WE WHATMAN? THSRmEY ARETONY 1 Hl THERE ' L Sl VOU MlfiHT 8E y TELL YOU ABOUT THE yft WHAT CAVE ? y R RlgHT UP AHEAP VsT ft XWO OH HAPPEN . W Tg0UBd CMe! - JW&K I u-ljj-vVtJ I in . c huey, oewey " 1 1 .A , II t7T, 1 YA&WY7 tni WOULDN'T EXPECT A HARD T put ntrnnoet I B II RADIO PROGRAMS :kslm KRIDAt P.M. KM KOIN oBa 5:00 Fallia Ltwii, Jr. Wonin't Stall! Bhrtba Bneh Curt " U iFr.Bk Remlniwr Sonnr Sid, EliFth tb Th. Ill " ! P...ID, nr.d. New. Bloi CmbF C.mmbl. Fulin . I Crmen Ctllr H. V. K.lltnborn porl rt Lrr KSatf M T.d Dr.k. Al O.rl. Orcb. sllr.r Si . Sil! Adr. .1 Ch.mp. P.I.II. .1 rl.n. New. Ehet : Mu.lc Elmer felron Flsbe.iler "ewa 7"M G.brlel Re.tler Web.t.r S.M P.t 0Brl.n JS"!l! !, IS! ill l Norlb..l N.w Web.ler S.. Tun. Tim. J?"!" Vi ih! Ii. Fllblni, Honllni Mr Clood Wlf. T.p B.nd 15"!" V, !5! i L :46 Fllblni, Hnmlni Mr Oe.d Wll. T.p B.nd The.lre .1 lb. Air 8":t Old B.rber Rbop Pr. I Q Frogdlr W. H.ll Pl.rb.iu. 16 Thli 1, Mull. Dr. I Q Pr.adlr W B.ll M Cite. Kid Bill Sl.r Tim. WM F.T.rtl. H,b.. lift CUe. Kid Bbrlbm Tim. B.ndil.nd F.v.rll. Hmb.m ioi Slr.libl Arr.w Sppr Cl.b B.nd.l.nd . T"llb l Slr.lrbl Arr.w New. .f K.rld New. 5obbl 0,eh it Mail. T B A Duioil D.p. Orcbe.lr. 4 Mu.l. T B A B.nbll Orch.ilr. W:00 N.wi New. B.l.b.11 Fllf0 8tr 'Ib.l 15 Select L.e.l New. Spgrla Pan final Bai.ball Sp.rt. Sp.lllrtl New. Bit Tew- Ba.eb.ll M Ma.l. Bl. Tew. B.itb.ll '' ' '" n:00 Fall.n Lewi,, Jr. s.m H.rM Ba..b.ll Sercnad. :IS Bob P..I. Show W.x Maieam Ba.cb.ll Tea Jl lb. ff.rll :S0 Bob Pe.1. Sb.w Wax Museum Track 1400 Orcbeatra ! Mu,le Wax Muieam Track 1490 Orcheilra H:0" Sim Off Sim Off 1:00 A.M., Him silent SATURDAY o A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. 6:00 News Hodtt Pod Newt Dawn Patrol Bodrc rdo KOIN ! ;30 NW r.rm Ntvs Newi KOOO K1ok KOIN Kloek M March Tlnit Hodf r KOCO KUtifc KOIN KUcfc 7:00 Dawn Patrol Now Hear Thli Toz RltUr Kola Kloek :10 Dawn Patrol Now Hear Tola Ncwa Nowi :30 Dawn Patrol Tha Oil Sean Farm Hkl. B. Ncwa : Nawa Newa Kztcnaioa lartiea Ooniamtr Wawa 8:00 Nowi Mind Manaora ScUnot Bxonnlon Mnila for Yob :1ft Broakfaat Gan Mind Manaora Popaiar Varlotloa Maalo for Toa :S0 Breakfast Gaai Jerry Mar Iowa Woittra Melodlea Groaa Lana 18 Top Tradoo Bam Barea Waatora Melodlai Groan Laaia 9' :00 Barrala Coaolor Frank MorrlwoU Havoa of Root Nowi :1 Nawa Frank MorrlwaU Havea of Seat Lot'a Pratoai ;0 Son. of Pionoora Ed MeConnell Mnno Wlthoai Junior Mtsa ' , :it Maalo Ed MeConnell Worda Junior Mlaa WiOO Nortbweat Now Nawa Cycle of lone Theatre of todar 1ft Maalo Pabllo Affaln Cycle of Ion Thoatro of Veday 80 Po.ter'i Call Oreheatra Khaviodr la Grand Central ! Moile Q reheat ra Bhythai atatloa n: Newi Farm-Homo Hoar Satardair Serenade Start Om :18 Garden Gal do Farm-Homo Hoar Satardair Seronado Hollywood :80 Klwanli Choir Mary Loo Taylor Saturday Scranado GIto and Tako Klwanla Choir Mary Lea Taylor Saturday Seronado GIto and Tako mg 'M ToB Tradet Tonng Oreconlani At tho Oatra Newa mM:lb Newa Yoaag Oroioalaai At tho Opera Drlrer'a Plarhoaaa I A:M Doc. Plattor Jock Newa Jl Saorta Meet tho Mleear Poo, Platter Jock Report on Enrope Ted Palo Proienti Moot tho Mlaeaa 1:00 Doc, Platter Jock TBA Review la County Fair ' 1ft Doe, Plattor Joek TBA Rhythm County Fair : Nortbweat Newe TBA Review In Rhythm County Fair M Bob Eberly Show TBA RotIow la Rhythm Oyeraeaa Report 2:00 Smokoy MU Your Health Sat. Matinee Newepapor of Air ;18 Hayrldo Bite of Hlta Sat. Matin e. Newapaper of Alt :3ft Newa Coatraata Rat. Matinee Sat, at Cbaao L4R Bn Blnaa Contraata Sat. Matinee s.i, ,t Chaaa 3:00 Proudly Wo Hall Mualeana Chln-Up Corner " 18 Proudly Wo Hall Musleana Chln-IIp Corner Adv In Science 80 Airforco Orcheatra Chfn-Up Corner W, f rf,uth L AWterc Orcheatra Cbln-Up Corner Way for Youth 4:00 Bob Poole Show Newa Little Bit of Jaax Griffin Barrnft' 16 Rob Pool. Show Gueet Star Llttla Bit of J... SrcheTtr. 3! N TinB Theatre Spotlit, on Mu.lc Orcheetra Wew' Unlrcralty Theatre Spotllte on Muilc John Daly 1 FY Fr,0 M. 8:00, Souirrol Caret IXUX 5:30, Yukon Challenaei 8:00, Keeplns up With Bportsi 6:18, Homo Edi tion Newet 6:80, Modern Romance., 7; 00, Edwin C. HI1I( 7:18, Elmer Davie, 1:80, The Sheriff) 1:00, Bernle Greem 8:30, Your FBIi 8:00, Fat Mant 0:80. 'Neath Weatern Skle.i 10:00, Richfield Reporter, 10:11, Intermeazo: 10:30, Concert Hour: 11:30. Memos to Tomorrow) 12:00, Xlra Hourt u, Sign Off, It FY Saturday A.M. 6:00. Dawa Down IIA beati 7:00, Round-up Bora: 1:16. no Tempo I 7:48, Adventure. In Re search, 8:00, Peep River Boyst 8:15, Mar- I I In Acronskyi 8:30, Home Demonstration Arenti 8:45, Frankle Carl: 0:00, Johnny Olsen Get Toaelheri 0:30, Toyland Tunei: 00, Star, of Tomorrowi 11:00, Girl.' I Corpst 11:30, American Farmer, 13:00, I Treasury Band Showt 19:30, Faielnatin. Rhythm, 1:00, Ballad Box, 1:16, Uorar Raceit 1:30, Rand Box: 9:00, Tea and Crumpet., 8:00, 101 Ranch Boy.t 3:30. Meet the Band) 4:00, Junior Junction t 4:30, (airy Concert. (KOAC Standard Time) ISWMV. Uabcatl 8:80, I Guests Holt Home Unionvale Picnic guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt were Mr. and Mrs. Marion John Sloutenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gisler, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cotner all of Salem. Sunday after- On M 1UO Rnnrta flirt M 0:00, New. i 6:15, Dinner Melodle.i i80. MmJo of Oxechoalovaklai 7:15, Evening Farm Honrt 8:00, Reiearoh Report! 8:15. Hera'a to Veteran.) 8:30, Great Sonni 8:45, Lorrere' Flro Weather Foreca.tt 8:00, Mu.Ie That Endure.) 9:45, Lift Dp Thy Voice; 10:00, Adventure In Reaearchi 10:15, Serenadei 10:46, Newn 11:00, Sin Off. (KOAC Standard Time) KOAC sivry A.M. 10:00, Newer VrtV, 0:l5. Especially for Women) 11:00, The Concert Hall, 12:00. Newa; 11:16, Noon Farm Houu 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy 1:80, Voice of the Army) 1:45, Melody Unet 2:00, Music of the Ma.tersi 3:80, Science Newat 8:45, Spirit of the Vlkinre; 4:00, Driver'. Playhou.et 4:15, Son, of the Weat; 4:45, Children'. Theatre. noon guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gordon of Portland and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith of Long Beach, Cal. Mrs. Gordon was Miss Persus Miller and her home was here before her marriage. ENS II EfffS A TTTTRlK LEAP! .nl I AH'!" ACROSS 1. Slip 6. Flour recep tacle t. Veneration 12. Diminish 13. Fish eKi'i 14. Statute 1E. Peeler 16. Exterior 18. Eskimo canoe 2ti. Guide the helm 21. Sheer fabric 2:t. Encountered 22. Amos'i aide-kick . 16. Early EngJIh money 27. Route for aircraft 29. Pant 21. Follows Ih. Wont bj 37. Also 3S. Thk-kca 41. Bush 42. For Oar that 4::. Fertile spot 45. Tree with ' quivering leaves 47. Motor-driven maehin 49. Demcltsnea 52. Poultry product 53. Sheep E4. SlierpHko 55. Understand 56. Marry ST. Greek letter DOWN 1. Circuit 2. Arabian cloth Solution ef Yesterday's Punk t. Broad thor oughfare) J. Line a well . Weird C. Middleman P a 'A igWggp 5T- gir ' I I I Mm I 1 I I 7-a J. Written ae knowladfla mant ef a debt I. flshine; appt9 tenancea . Porolgn 10. Walked lm water 11. Room for ftltchera an4 Inen It. Remains 19. Among 21. Throw alowby 22. Eist 24. Woolen fabric 27, Literary acrapf 28. Additive con junction SO. Pertaining te j the eye 3L Kitchen Implement ' 13. Goddess of . dawn 14. Toper 36. Rose high 38. Shelters fo; small anii..ls 39. Big 40. American Indian 42. Depart 44. Cook slowly 4fi. Poke 48. Be lndebtfd 50. Inner: comb. form 61. Huge wave MFHHF . A nCXJrVi EEi7AIRGREENWOO0?JONJ,Hy,pf'7R ..Si V A i J ryj wiKy i',iQ f im NOSED BIGNESS MAN TO WRITE POETRY.' ET EES THAT- TO l I ? f j - ZjS 6UT-5CRIBBllHi STUFF LIKE THAT- I 'AVE THE 'OBBY- I 1 jy t-eY df"A) T, IT TAKES ME BACK -GIVES ME THF 1 WEEl KEEP THE MAN iS U rTXSiSSilllY if U SAME WARM FEELING INSIDE -AS LV YOUNG ! NO? i 'SY Al f!?VJpiF M V " .J Hk WHEN WROTE LOVE LYRICS FOR fT7V KW! M 7 -SpH'A SC."? THE GIRL WHOSEICTUREHANGS IJOTT-- S&'V' S'l ) V JT CLLJ ' ROOM AND BOARD W I SOLD V Ul IWNf HT AN TJUPKINY MDRF COR.IN' HICKEYS T' DAY JUDGE AN- IT S Uv SAMPLE 'WEENEE-PO WHAT itLUS tm ru i .nice cc it'c AN fcAbY AAhAL, AN DA BEST SELLIN' TIAAE IS AFTERNOON, WHEN DA LADIES ARE TIRED AFTER. DOIN HOU5EW3K 7 Bv Gene Ahem WU'RE A BORN SALESMAN, A .JUNIOR. H -m-i wish NOW UNCLE VO.FGANG HAD LEFT 5000 CORERS IN THE WAV A.f I,