10 Capital Journal, Salem, Church Events Oiler Variety Silverton Church activities , for the ensuing week include the ' Monday evening meeting of the Methodist board of Christian ed ucation when officers will be elected and plans for the com Ing year's work will be made. Rev. Ben F. Browning was re turned to the Silverton pastorate by the recent conference. The annual camp meeting for the Christian and Missionary Alliance at Canby, is announced ior July 14 through 24. A large attendance from the Silverton congregation, led by Rev. Gor don T. Bratvold will attend. .: Alliance senior young people meet at the Lief Barthold Rock jrtreet home Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Wednesday eve ning prayer meeting is to be held at the church with Estel Owen directing the study and worship hour. Saturday evening at the Sil verton city park, the annual Al liance congregational picnic will be held during the late after noon and evening, supper at 6:30 o'clock, and games and other recreational events for the pleasure of the younger folks will be features with awards for winners given. Trinity Lutheran quarterly congregational , meeting is an nounced for July 12, at 8 o'clock in the evening. Luther League Bible camp at Colton begins July 16 and continues to July 23. Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Nrrd ling were added to the Trinity membership Sunday. Immanuel Lutheran regular Sunday services for July 10 are outdoors on Butte Creek, an all day picnic featured, and Lu ther League in the evening, transportation furnished from the church leaving at 10:30 a.m. Bethany circle Is to meet at the Eric Walon home Wednesday, July 13, with Mrs. John Lah ners as co-hostess. Immanuel congregation business meeting, July 13, at 8 o'clock in the eve ning. Mizpah circle meets Thursday evening in the fire side room with hostesses, Mrs. Max Holland and Mrs. Ole Ice land. Mrs. Albert Overlund is to present the study topic. The Calvary Lutheran quar terly business meeting is to be held at the church Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock, July 12. The Ladies Aid of Calvary is to meet Wednesday afternoon at 2 'clock. Rev. James A. Tofte returned from his four weeks' vacation and is in personal charge of the pastorate. The First Christian church missionary society will meet Thursday afternoon. Several members from the congregation plan (o attend the dedicatory ceremonials of the church at Liberty south of Salem, Sun day afternoon, when Rev. Arth ur Charles Bates of the local pastorate will speak on the theme: "The Victorious Church." Life of Christ To Be Portrayed Rev. Clark Robb will bring the message in the morning ser vice on Sunday at the First Ev angelical United Brethren church, on the subject, "Does It Matter What I Believe?" The evening service at 8 o'clock will be a special service, entitled "The Song of Salvation." The life of Christ will be portrayed through scripture, narration and special music, together with fa m o u s religious paintings pro jected on the screen. Mrs. Robb will sing, with Rev. Robb accompanying her at the piano. The Bible study classes con ducted for the past 16 weeks by Norman Olson will conclude Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, on the book of Revelation. Barber's Decoy Ray Chivis, Union City, Mich., barber, summons "Skipper" when small boys balk at a haircut. "Skip per" takes his place, youngsters ore amused, and they follow. Oregon, Friday, July 8, 1949 Saiem A C liurcli ed First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win ter, unesier w. wamDiin, pastor, jonn L. Ooodenbergcr, assistant pastor. 9:45 a.m., church school. 10:65 a.m., com munion service. "The Hidden Enemy." Communion meditation by the pastor. First Church of Christ. Solent 1st Lib erty and Chemeketa Sts. Sunday school at ii a.m. Morning service at u. er mon subject: "Sacrament." Nursery pro vided during; the morning service for children up to three years of aire. No Sunday evening service during July or August. St. John's Lutheran (Mo. Synod) North 10th and A 8U. Rev. H. W. dross, pastor. No Sunday school or Bible class. Special observation of Mission Sunday. Services at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at Wendland's grove, worning services win nave Her. Richard Weil and of Albany as speaker. Afternoon service will have Rev. John Werth of Mt. Angel as speaker. Central Lutheran Churoh Gaines and North Capital. O. B. Rundstrom. pas- Junior service. 10 a.m. Morning service, 11 a.m. Senior League, 7:46 p.m. United Pentecostal 445 Ferry St. Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school, 8:45 a.m. Morning service II a.m. Ser mon subject: "Tarry." Evening service 7:45 p.m. Sermon subject: "Eyes Open." Institute of Rellf-ious Science Salem Woman's Club, 460 North Cottage St. Rev. William Byron Charles. 11 a.m.. is rrayer roree or Farce?" B p.m.. How to Use the Science of Mind." (Part 21 "God Is All There Is." Is a conviction. Truth Center 262 North CoUane. Eve ning service Tuesday, July 12 "Prosper ity." Knight Memorial Conireialional 10th and Ferry Sts. Louis E. White, minister. 0:45 a.m., Sunday school. 11 a.m., morn ing worsnip and communion service. Ser mon: "The Forgotten Door." Church-time nursery. Salftm Heights Communltr (Non-Dc nomln.itlonal Liberty Road at Madrona Ave. Rev. T. C. Drown, pastor. Sunday acuuui, iu a.m. rreacning at 11 a.m. Calvary Chanel Pull nonni-l 1 141 N Liberty St.. .tear Belmont St. Pastors: Rev. and Mrs. Claude C. Hull. Runrlav tiiuui, iu k.m. Morning service. 11 a. evening service, p.m. Central Church of Chrlat N. anUmr at Shipping St. M. C. Cuthbertson, min ister, uioie classes. :4S. Preach nc and woranip, iu;tD a.m. ana 9 p.m. Grace Lutheran (FIX)) Luther 8. Bor- sen, pastor. WorshlnnliiK In Enslewnnd school, North 10th and Nebraska itreeU. uivine worsnip at ll. First Kvancrlleal United Brethren onurch Where Marlon crowis Summer, llev. Wllmr N. Brown, pastor. Sundos school 9:45. Morning service U. Mcuasr by Rev. Clark Robb.' Eermon, "Does It Matter Whitt I Believe?" evening service, Song of Salvation, service of pic ture, music and narration: life of Christ In word and song, by Rev. and Mrs. Olark Robb. Faith Tabernacle 1305 North 5th. (5th and Oalnes). Rev. Max Wyatt, pastor. Sun day school 10. Morning worship ll. Ser mon by Rev. wyatt. Evangelistic service B p.m. First Baptist Marlon and Liberty. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderaon, pastor. Rev. C. E. Brickwedel, assistant pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, with classes for all ages. Morning worship, 11. "There Were Nine ty and Nine." Youth meetings, 6:45. Eve ning Evanscllstlc service, 8. "Parable of Tares and Wheat." H albert Memorial Baptist Located one mile north of underpass on Highway flQ-E. Rev. C. E. Brickwedel, pnstor. Sunday school. 0:45, with classes or all ages. Morning worship. 11, "Israel and the Day of Jehovah." Young people's league, 6:30. Kvenlng Evangelistic service, 7:30. "Jesus, the Son of God." The Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Comer N. 17 and Chemeketa. Elder Ob a. H. Asher, pastor. Church ichool, 10, Preaching services 11 a.m. Zlon'a league 1:30 p.m. Bible study. 7:30. Leslie Methodist South Commercial at Myers. O. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday school, 0:45. Morning service, 11. Sermon subject, "When Christ Enters In." Youth Fellowship, 7. Evening service, S. Sermon, raging a uuy. The Bethel Baptist North Cottage and D. Rev. Rudolph Woyke. pastor. Sunday school at 0:46 a.m. Morning worship at 11. The pastor preaches on the subject, od'a Wise Reserve of Blessings." Serv ice conducted by the young people at 7:30. Court Street Christian 17th and Court. W. H. Lymnn, pastor. Bible scl.ool assein nly, B:45. Morning worship and commun ion 10:50 o'clock. Sermon by W. H. Lyman. 'The Indlspenslble Christ." Christian En deavor Hour, 7. Evening service, 8. W. II. Lyman, "Recognizing God." St Mark Kvangfllcal Lutheran 343 N. Ohurch. Rev M. A. Clettenrtaner, D. ., and Rv. John Bnilien, pastors. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning service, 11. Sermon, "Children of Qod." Holy communion will be administered at this service. First Spiritualist 348 North Commercial Service at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Allan Bob bins, speaker. .Tftiion Lee Memorial Mrthodht North Winter at Jefferson. Louis C. Klrby, D. D.. pastor. Sunday school, 11. Sermon subject, "The Believer's Hope." Following the ser mon the pastor will administer the Holy nommunlon. Evening service, 7:30. Ser mon, "The Believer's Right to the Tree of Lite." Mlddte drove Community drove. Sunday school, 10. Middle First MethndUt Church and State. Rev. Brooks H. Moore, pastor. Church irhool 0:45. Morning worship 11. Sermon, 'My Father's World." Brooks H. MooreB My Father's World." l ' rrt , f-jf -JA - ,! ' ' t jLM"'ll Miff! , '"! - r rl ' v X ' Life kf' New Liberty Christian Church to Be Dedicated Sunday , First services in this new Liberty church will be tne dedi catory ceremony Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. E. A. Parrish, pastor. The structure of pumice block construction is 28 by 60 feet and contains five rooms besides the large auditorium and a full basement. Oregon Players to Present 3 Act Play The Oregon Players will pre sent "If the Light Be Darkness," a three act religious play, at the First Presbyterian church on Wednesday, July 13, at 8 o'clock, This play, written by Phyllis Benbow Beardsley, is produced by a group of Oregon young people under the personal direc tion of Henry Duffy, who has been known for years to theatre goers on the Pacific coast for the high quality of his work. The play makes use of the technique of audience participa tion, the audience becoming the congregation of the play, mem- L, ;rs of the church take part as off stage voices. The public is invited. Woodburn Churches Christian E. Lincoln and Doud Sts Don Priest, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Servcie 11 a.m. CE 7 nlng service 8 p.m. Eve- Assembly of God Second and Lincoln Sts. Lester Gibson, pastor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Y.P. 6:45 p.m. Free Methodist Young and Oaten Sts. Mrs. Rosella B. Douglas, pastor. Sunday School 0:45 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Foursquare 1197 thur Oohle. pastor a.m. Worship 11 Y.P. 0:45 p.m. E. Lincoln St. Ar Bunday school 9:45 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. First Presbyterian Oarflotd and Third Sts. Enrl K. Fenton, pastor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m. Divine worship 11 a.m. rind 7:30 p.m. Y.P. 6:30 p.m. Church of Jesus Christ of LJI.S. IOOF Hall. Sinidny school, 10 a.m. Sac rament meeting 11:30. The Reorganlirt! Churoh of Jesus Christ of Lattrr Bay Saints Corner of Second and Garfield. George Omana, pastor. Church srhoil. 10 a.m. preaching 11 Zlona League 7 P.m. Lecture study 8 p.m. Belhel Presbyterian 3 miles east on Union School Road Earl K. Fenton, pas- Worship 10 a.m. Sunday school 10:45 a.m. Church of God Third and Grant Sts. Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school, 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. and 0 p.m. Y.P., 7 p.m. I. Mary's Mission (KnlseonnD E. Lin coln St. at Cupid's Court. William Van Meter, vicar. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. , j Bible Baptist Grange Hall. Settlemter and Harrison. Earl Baker, castor. Sun day school 9:45 a.m. Worship service a.m. and 7:40 p.m. Y.P. 6:45 p.m. Immanuel Lutheran Doud and Oswald Is. Harvln N. Chrlstensen. Dastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship service u a.m. Luther League at 7:30 p.m. nervals Presbyterian Ernest Tremblav. pastor. Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship a.m. C.E. 7:30 p.m. Methodist High school auditorium. Ormal B. Trick, pastor. Church school 10 a.m. worsnip ii a.m. St. Luke's Catholic V. L. Moffenbeler, pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th. Sunday services 6 a.m.. 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Benediction after 10:30 mass Sundays. Nldaros Lutheran (Monttnrl. Rnrvlr. 0:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Reception Planned For Lyons Minister Lyons Mrs. George Clip- feu was hostess for the WSCS at her home. Mrs. Lawrence Walworth was in charge of the business meeting. Plans were made for the reception for the new minister and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. O. A. Jewell, to be held Friday evening, July 15 A report was given from the father and son banquet.. , Present were Mrs. Lawrence Walwoiith, Mrs. Glen Julian, Mrs. Albert Julian, Mrs. Sid Thomson. Mrs. Minnie Smith, Mrs. Jim Lande, Mrs. Alex Bod eker, Mrs. Anna Johnson, and Mrs. George C 1 1 p fe 1 1. Mrs. Thomson of Seattle was guest ot the afternoon. Evans Family Makes Trips Over Holiday Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans, Mrs. Evans' sister, Mrs. Frank Edwards and Myrna and Dclbert and Dale, of Logsdon, their mother, Mrs. Maude Tlmm of Brooks, Don Evans and Arth Inia and Lila May Evans, spent the Fourth holiday In a four day trip, returning to St. Paul (or the rodoo. A son of the Evcnses, Dwaine, was a truck-travel guest of rela tives, Evans Jones and Darrel Jones of Salem, on a business and social trip to Salt Lake City, over the Fourth, returning Thursday with a load of materi al for the Spudnut comDanv. Silverton Churches Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Sainta (Mormon) K. P. Hall, Oak and Mill . Sunday school, 10. Evening service, 7. Science Sunday school, 0:45. St. Paul's Catholic Father John J. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses. 8 and 10. Weekdays, 8. Assembly of God Berrel H. Scott, pas tor. Sunday school. 9:45. Divine Wor ship, 11. Young People's society, 8:45. Evangelistic. 8. Church of God Rev. E. E. Nix. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Worship hour, 11. Evening service, 8. Pilgrim Holiness Carl Mansfield, pas tor. Sunday school, 10. Worship hour. 11. Evening service, 8. Seventh Day Ad rent 1st Elder A. D. Chilson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, local elder. In charge. Sabbath school. Satur day, 9:30. Morning worship, 11, Satur day. Sunday evening evangelistic service. Christian and Missionary Alliance Gordon T. Bratvold. minister. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Divine worship, u. Speaker, Rev. R. F. C. Schwcdler of Se attle. C & MA northwestern district sup erintendent, in the absence of the regular minister. Junior young people, 7 p.m. Evangelistic service, o p.m.. pastor In charge. Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr. pas tor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10 a.m. Divine worship, 11 a.m. Charles Christian, pulpit guest. Luther league at Claus Moen larm; icave euuiui p.m. Immanuel Lutheran S. L. Almlle. pas tor Annual outdoor picnic and worship service at Butte Creek, seven miles north east of town on Monitor road. Worship, 11 a.m., followed by no-host dinner. Meet at church at 10:30 a.m. for trans portation. Luther league at the grounds early evening, followed by program and wiener roast. Calvary Lutheran James A. Tofte, pas tor, Sunday school and Bible class, 10 a m. Morning worship with communion, U, Theme: -The Path to Glory." First Christian Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible school, 9:45 a.m. Morn ing worship, 11. Sermon sublect: "The Apostles' Teaching." C.E.. Junior and senior, 7 p.m. Instructional service. S p.m.. pastor in charge. Theme: "Ques tions Answered." At 3 p.m. Sunday. Rev. Bates will speak on "Victorious Church" at the dedication of the church at Lib erty, south of Salem. Methodist Ben F. Browning, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Classes for all age groups. nursery, t-teiierui wuimnu, 11 a.m. Subject; "A Faith That Saves," pastor speaking. Youth Fellowship. Mam u am and Molalla Congregations, Methodist Joint pastorate. Forenoon services at Marquam, afternoon at Mo- imia. Stay ton Churches Mntui Rev. Willnrd Buckner. pa.uor Sunday school, 10. Morning worship. 11 Tralnint hour, 7:15. Evening service, 8. Church of Christ Clyde Freeman, pas te Bible school, 10. Worship service, 11. Youth Fellowship, 6:30. Evening worship. Church of Christ L. M. Seld, minister. Bible study, 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve ning worship, 5. Mthatiit John Moranse. pastor. Bible school. 10. Worship service. 11. Youth Fel lowship, 6:30. Evening worsnip, a. Assembly of God Rev. Melvln Stock w ll, pastor Sunday school, 10. Morning service. 11. Young people's meeting, 8:45 Evening evangelistic service 7:45. Immaculate Conception Catholic Rev. Vath. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services: Masses 8, 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. St. Partick's Catholfe (Lyons) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule. 1st. 2nd and 5th Sundays, ma&s to. JO a.m.! Ird and 4th Sundays mass at :30 a.m. Our Lady of Lourdes (Jordan) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule, 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays, maju 8:30 a.m.: 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30 nmniut nrucA Wftkcmtn. Ddstor. Sun day school 10, morning worship 11, Youth Fellowship 7, evening service 8. Church of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min ister. Bible school 10. morning worship 11. Junior meeting 7. Young People meet ing 7, evening services 8. Methodist church Rev. Fremont Paul. pastor. Sunday school 10, morning wor- hin ll. Junior Fellowship o. Youtn Fel lowship 7. Assembly of God William N. Beachy. pastor. Sunday school 9:45, morning wor- mn u. children's service t:ju. evening service 8. Pastors Make Plans Woodburn The monthly meeting of the Woodburn Min istcrial association was held at the Woodburn Coffee Shop. Plans were made and commit tees appointed to plan for the Youth for Christ evangelistic campaign to be held this fall and reports were read of the vacation Bible school. Rev. E Kay Fenton, vice president presided. The next meeting will be held September 6. China Film Offered Hopewell "China of Today or the Challenge of China" moving picture will be given a the Hopewell United Breth ren church at 8 o'clock (DST) Sunday July 10. The Union vale church expects to attend in a group and everyone is cordially invited to attend. A frea offering will ba taken. Methodist Youth Go to Barview A number of young people will represent the junior depart ment of the First Methodist church during a week's confer ence at the Christian Adventure camp at Barview beginning Sun day. Ray N. Fedje, director of youth for the church, will accom pany the group. Leaving to represent the First Methodist church at the United Uhristian youth movement re gional planning conference at Seabeck, Wash., is Richard Scott, president of the local MYF group. Those going to Barview are: Mac Baker, Alan Brunk, Carol DeMetz, Ruth Ann Fedje, Glenn Hall, Karen Hall, Bob Hamilton Carl Haynes, David Hunt, Anne Jones, Bill Karsten, Gladys1 Kirchmann, Carol Klepp, Jimmy Langdon, Anna Me Lockenour, Ann Meeker, Donald Patton, Milton McDaniel, Judy Phipps, Beth bcharbach, Margaret Seeck Jimmy Swanson, Howard Sal ing, Marvin Taylor. Camp Meeting to Close Sunday The 13th annual camp meet ing of the Assemblies of God, Oregon district, being held at Bethel Gospel park near Brooks, will close Sunday with services at 11 a.m., 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Rev. Arthur Arnold, evangelist will speak at the first two serv ices and Rev. Harold Horton, Bi ble teacher at the third. The Oregon district of the de nomination comprises some 150 churches in 10 sub districts. Dls trict officers are Rev. Atwood Foster, superintendent, Rev. N. D. Davidson, secretary and Kes ter C. Young, treasurer. The bi annual convention will be held in Seattle Sept. 7-12. Senior Young Folk At Bethel Baptist The Senior Young People's society of the Bethel Baptist church will have charge of the service at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening. The college group is planning the program with Miss Marian Giese as chairman. Be sides arranging for musical numbers, they have invited a guest speaker who himself is a student. He is Leander Keck, who was graduated from the Baptist college at McMinnville a month ago. Keck is a ministerial student and plans to enter a se minary in the east this fall. The public is invited to this service. Valley Churches Monitor Communltr Full flour, el Moni tor, Oregon. Pastors: Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Schilling. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Young People, p.m. svening service, 8 p.m. Oregon's first territorial legis lature met in 1849 in Oregon City. Auto or Personal CASH LOANS 400 1. '1000 ". COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN alNCORPOflATKDM Salem Afency: 480 N. Church St. Christian Missionary Alliance N. 5th at Gaines 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11.00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 6:30 p.m. Young People's 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker) Miss Clark National Associate Director Christian Business and Professional Women TUESDAY, JULY 12, 8:00 p.m MALE QUARTETTE From NYACK MISSIONARY TRAINING INSTITUTE, Nyack, N. Y. THURSDAY, JULY 14th C. M. A. CAMP MEETING STARTS One mile north of 99 on the Molalla river A unique and picturesque camp some of the nation'! better evangelists and Bible teachers Dallas Churches Evangelical Mennonltt Brethren A. . Toewi. pastor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon. A New Campaign." Evening service ay juu.i, Fw pie, 7:30. Message by Jake Wlens. rh.l..m v.nnnth Johnston. PBS- tor. Bible school. 9:45. Morning worship, n. Messace. "The Church at Work." Fel lowship hour, 6:30. Christian Endeavor, evening evangeiisuc St. Philips Catholle Father H. Herman, pastor. Mass, 8:16. Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolf, pas r. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor ship 11. Evening service, a. v...h..i.n p.rl William Ben- bow, D.D., minister. Sunday ichool. 9:45. Morning worship, 11. nniiai united Brethren R- Wil liam Klmer. pastor. Bible study, 0:45. Mor ning worship. 11. Message by Rev. D. P. Schultz. Youth fellowship study group. 7. Evangelistic hour. 7:45. Rev. Schults will bring the address. First Methodist Clark S. Eni. pastor. Combined family service, 10. sunaay ichool ana morning worsnip wm ducted together with young people going to class at 10:30. Sermon. "Developing Personal Controls.' tvhu i.theran Karl A. Ufer. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Divine service. 11. vi-.t R.ntiai sunda.v school. 9:45. Mor ning worship, 11. Training union 7. Eve ning worship, 8. a i w.ith Lovce C. Carver, pas tor. No services during annual camp meet ing. fh.-i.Haii Rfitnen Sunday school. 9:45. Service, 11. Subject of the lesson-sermon Is "Sacrament." Seventh Day Advent 1st Sabbath school. 9:45. Sermon, 11. Assembly of God L. Otis Triplett, pas t. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning wor ship. 11. Vesper service. Christ s Amoas sadors. Junior church, 8:45. Evangelistic meeting. 7:45. Grace Mennonlte Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11. Evening service, 7:30. Falls City Methodist James H. Royer pastor. Sunday school, iu. Morning wor ship, 11. Oak Grove Chapel Fremont Paul, pas tor. Sunday school. 11. Morning worship 0'45. Youth fellowship Sunday evening. Free Methodist R. W. McCormlclc. pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching, 11. Evening service, 7:45. St. Thomas Episcopal Cyril P. Hanney, vicar. Morning prayer, 11. Holy baptism, 13:30. Church school, 10. Falls City Christian Charles Knox, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor ship, 11. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Elder Miller. Sunday school, 10. Sacrament meeting 11:45. Brldieoort Sundar School H. Schmidt, supt. Sunday school, 10. Falls City Free Methodist OUbert John son, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning service, 11. Young people's meeting, 7:30. Evangelistic service, 8. RlckrMll Sunday School J. N. Thiessen, supt. Sunday school, 9:30. F.llt City 8eToitth Day Adventlst Ralph Oladden, pastor. Preaching, 11. Sabbath school, 9:30. Church of Christ Bible study, 10. Com munion, 11. Sunday evening study. 6:30. Cola Sunday Sehool Sunday school, 9:45.. Morning worship, 11, Union Missionary Baptist Harmony community. W. A. Heard pastor. Sunday school, 10. Sermon, 11. Church of God Henry Loggan, pastor. Sunday school, 8:45. Morning worship, 11. Young people's meeting, 6:45. Evangel istic service, 7:46. Mill City Churches Presbyterian Dr. David J. Ferguson, minister. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morn ing services 11 o'clock. First Christian Rev. Thomas Courtney, Jr., pastor. Sunday school 9:46 a.m. Morning services 11 o'clock. Santlam district convention 1:45 p.m. Evenina services 7:30 o'clock. Christian Endeavor 8:30 o'clock. Catholle Rev. Mai, pastor. Mornins. services, S o'clock. Free Methodist Donald Htnkle, pastor Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morning services 11 o'clock. Evening services 7:30 o'clock Community Rev, Wayne Watklns, pas tor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Evening services 7:45 O CiOCK. Amity Churches Baptist Bruce Wake man, pastor. 8un day school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Sermon topic: A Model Sermon." Youth Fellowship. 7 p.m. Evening serv Ice, S p.m. Sermon topic; "Desire and Duty." Church of Christ William F. Morse, minister. Bible school, 10 a.m. Morning worship, ll a.m. junior meeting, 7 p.m. Young people's meeting, 1 p.m. Evening service a p.m. Methodist Rev. Fremont Paul, pastor, Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship ii a.m. junior reuowsnip. o p.m. xouin Fellowship 7 p.m. Assembly of God William N. Beachy, pastor. Sunday school 0:45 a.m. Morn ing worship, 11 a.m. Children's meeting. i:ju p.m. .evening service, o p.m. Church Changes Name Mill City Mill City church goers have taken the first steps in renaming the church by vot ing to change the name Mill ity church of Christ to First Christian Church. In 1926 the Church of Christ was built and organized under that name and has remained so ever since. Tel. S416S si -"Nr ooTr I "tT s7T-r--!2?'l " -'"J ;Jo i9s, O 'sM i2U3, 3o raa n tmh . s New Hormone Sprays Eradicate Brush and Weeds Ben Newell, assistant Marion county agent, sprays a fence row of poison oak with 2-4-D, new hormone spray that kills by stimulating abnormal cell growth in plants. Hormone Sprays Fatal to Poison Oak and Other Pests By BEN MAXWELL New homrone sprays that destroy poison oak, morning glory, Canadian rhistlps nnd other Destiferous vegetation without dan ger of poison or fire are now being extensively used by Wil lamette valley farmers and sub- ' urban dwellers, according to the Marion county agent. Latest of these hormone sprays that stimulate abnormal cell growth within the plant and ultimately kill it is 2-4-4-T, a complex chemical particularly effective in the destruction of blackberries. This spray is a re fanement of the better known plant killer 2-4-D and is some what more expensive to use than the parent compound. Since the war 2-4-D, also working as a hormone killer, has found rather wide usage for destroying troublesome vegeta tion. While it is very effective against poison oak, morning glory and Canadian thistle it does not completely destroy the blackberry. Ben Newell, of the county agent's office, says that two ounces, or about three table spoonfuls, are enough of either 2-4-D or 2-4-5-T to mix a five gallon solution for hand spray ing. Success is dependent upon thorough coverage when the plant comes into full leaf. Poi son oak, troublesome in a fence row, may now be cut off and when new growth starts either in the fall or next spring an ap plication should be made upon foliage fully developed. Some times a second application is necessary for complete eradica tion. Care should be. taken lest spray from these potent killers reach cherished plants. A very little is lethal to flower or vege table growth. As little as two gallon per acre is sufficient to kill some field pests. It is also important to thoroughly clean all equipment used in spraying before adapting it to other us ages. Tanks, hoses and nozzles when filled with an ammonia solution of two teaspoonfuls to a quart of water will neutralize residue left by hormone sprays if allowed to remain in the con tainers 24 hours. Sodium chlorate sprays for merly used first as a dust and later as a spray have lately been surpassed by the new com pounds because the hormone solutions are neither poisonous nor combustible. Church Plans Conference Unionvale Rev. C. P. Gates of Portland will be in charge of quarterly conference at the Unionvale church at 8 p. m. Sunday evening July 10. Our trained optometrists give you the glasses you need for clear vision . . . styled to give you an alert, inter ested appearance. ss?!j(j8sewm5s We s4re Spectacle Specialists Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Dr. E. E. Boring : ' Ml " " - W1,1IUJCU UCUll hi f' oo REDUCTION SPECIAL Do t Bedrooms Powder Room $J CA00 Automatic Washer V0DU Full Price Venetian Blinds i -i i i-i i i Hardwood Floori Liberal FHA Terms Many Extras William T. J. Foster, owner Ph. 2-9853 Pastor and Wife Home From Extended Trip Rev. O. W. Clemens, pastor of the First Church of God, has returned to Salem with his wife after an extended trip to VJfhe east. The couple attended the international conference of the church at Anderson, Ind., and later visited Mrs. Clemens mo ther who is seriously ill in Wash ington, D. C. They were accompanied on the trip by train by Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Kamper of the Holi day Park church in Portland. During their absence, a daugh ter, visiting in North Bend, un derwent surgery. Fellowship Wiil Conduct Service Morning service at the First Congregational church will be presented by the Young Adult Fellowship. Alden Bowes will preside, and speaking on "Work Camps and Religion" will be Miss Ger trude Scovel. She will tell of her experiences in Pennsylvania and Missouri work camps where young people gave their time for comm unity rehabilitation and service. A 20-pound electric ray stores enough voltage to knock a man flat on his face. The electric ray, one of the few salt water fish capable of discharging electrical energy, stores 250 volts in its wing tips, which are used for stunning its opponents and prey. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Invites You Two Worship Services Every Sunday 8:45 a. m. ll a m. Sunday School 9:50 a m. C R. ff T Schulz Pastor State St at 18th Dr. Sam Hughes Phone' 3-6506 crj 1895 Garfield (North End of 19th St.)