Selander Show , At Art Center The G a 1 1 e r y-by-the-Sea of the Lincoln county Art Center, Delake, is opening its first of a series of one-man shows begin ning Sunday with an exhibition of the work of Manalkas Selan der, Portland artist who grew to manhood in Salem. He is the younger of an artist team of which the older is his 1 father, Arthur A. Selander, also a well known Oregon artist. A collection of 30 watercolors and drawings will be shown de picting scenes of the northwest. Menalkas graduated from Sa lem high school and continued his art studies at the Art Insti tute of Chicago. For several years he was connected with a large advertising agency in Ban Francisco. During the war, he served as a top gunner on a B-29 and par ticipated in several missions ov er Japan. After the war, he be came associated with a com mercial art firm in Portland. He is considered as one of the top pencil artists in the country and lately has been creating water colors as well. m He has shown at the New York Academy of Design, the San Francisco Art Museum, Portland Art Museum and has had several one-man shows on the coast. The exhibition of paintings by Oregon artists ends Saturday af ternoon after a successful show ing in which over 2000 attend ed. F. Loren Boulier, formerly of Salem, is the director of the gallery and instructs in water color. He has a class of 40 stu dents who come every Friday night irom as radius of 100 miles, Acreage Purchased Jefferson Frank Weddle has purchased a 32 acre tract of land of the old Donohue donation land claim, on the Talhnf rniH He has divided it into tracts varying from one fourth acre to one acre, and has laid out three streets namplv Tin Elder and Oak. A bulldozer will begin on the streets immediate ly. The trees will be left on the tracts. Hiss' Fate Near Alger Hiss and his wife arrive at federal court in New York to hear Defense Attorney Lloyd Paul Stryker make his final appeal to the jury in Hiss' perjury trial. The jury will begin deliberating Hiss' fate after the prosecution's summation. (Acme Telephoto.) ME0lNlES" CHARACTER. Sagamore To Be Shrine Oyster Bay, N.Y., July 7 Plans were nearing completion today to make Sagamore Hill, the home of the late President Theodore Roosevelt, a shrine. The Roosevelt Memorial as sociation of New York disclosed it had made arrangements to ac quire the three-story frame structure and 20 of its 83 acres of rolling land from the heirs of the late president. Mrs. Roosevelt, 87-year-old widow of the former president. died last September. Since then. Sagamore Hill has been unoccir- pied except for caretakers. The house was used as a sum mer White House by President Roosevelt. Afghanistan became a politi cal entity in 1747, previously having been a cluster of small states under various rules. Bed-Ridden Woman Without Food 4 Days Arlington, Wash., July 7 (U.R) A bed-ridden, 88-year-old woman, who was without food or water for four days after her husband had collapsed and died on the floor beside her, was in "very serious" condition today. An unidentified mail carrier found Mrs. Jacob Gust Johnson weak and helpless in bed yester day. The body of her 86-year- old husband was nearby. Cor oner Ken Baker said Johnson died from natural causes. Boy's Body Found Stuffed in Sack . Chicago, July 7 U.R) The body of four-year-old Thomas Laux, who had been missing for more than 12 hours, was found today stuffed in a sack in the base ment of his home on Chicago's south side, police reported. He had been hunted through out the night. His parents, po lice said, had reported that he last was seen about 5:30 p.m. near his home. Cause of death was not ascer tained immediately. Two Dayton Youths Wreck Motorcycle Dayton-Walter Holliday and Fenton Galer left two weeks ago on a motorcycle trip through California, Idaho and eastern Oregon. Coming home and just outside of Bend they had an ac cident. Holliday was driving the cycle and fell asleep. Galer no ticed he had slowed up but was unable to control the cycle be fore they left the road and up set. Holliday sustained two bro ken vcrtcbraes in his neck and was unconscious for possibly one-half hour. Galer, who own ed the cycle, was unhurt. Holliday went to the St. Jo seph hospital at Bend where he remained for one week. His fa ther, Owen Holliday. of Port Or- ford, went to Bend for him and stopped by Dayton overnight Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 9 Farm Labor Office Opening For Beans Stayton A farm labor em ployment office will be opened in Stayton on the second floor of the city hall some time be tween July 15 and 20. For the first few days the office will be open daily from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. and later it is planned to open the office earlier if need be, six days a week through the harvest period, approximately six weeks, Claude Litchfield of the Farm Labor division of the Oregon State Employment service in Salem, was in Stayton making arrangements for opening the Friday with a daughter, Mrs. Wendell Willard, Jr. Walter has his neck in a brace, which he will wear for two more months. Galer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Galer of Dayton. The Hollidays are former residents of Pleasantdale. office here. The acreage in beans this year will be 25 per cent larger than in the past, Litchfield sald. Steele Clan Holds Picnic On. Holiday North Howell More than 50 of the Robert L. Steele clan met at the North Howell Grange hall for a July 4 picnic. Present were Andrew Steele of Albany and Mrs. Zeb Downey of Greshani, son and daughter, Mrs. Carl Downey of Stayton, Mrs. Arthur Dickman of Silver ton, Mrs. Louie Sawyer and Mrs. A. T. Cline of North Howell, granddaughter of Robert Steele. Others from San Francisco, Portland, Mt. Angel, Silverton, Salem, Brooks, Stayton, Gres ham, Albany, Woodburn, La blsh and North Howell were present. Oldest person present was Mrs. Andrew Steele of Albany and youngest was 3 -mo .-old granddaughter of Mrs. Louie Sawyer. MAKE 'CMlcT FUNW FOR Y0OI Six funny Walt Disney charac ters Goofy, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Pluto, Mickey Mouse and Funny Bunny. 4 to 5 inches, lull colon Collect au sixj CwrifH Kill Diwiy fntttbm Alio IN XfUOGG'S MISIN IRAN Nourishing? Yesl Good? Yesl Made the arenulna KeUoe? war. with bran for extra "bulk" what many people need to help prevent constlpatlonl For that "bran-new" feeling (and a "Jolnie") get Kellogg's new. Improved 40 Bran Flakes. ssssb. y 4990 N. River Road Phone 2-8230 mm mm market Save Every Day - Shop the Easy Way These Prices Effective Friday -Saturday -Monday YOU GET MORE for rowor wfc LJ --v ...... . rajt, BLUE BELL Shoe String Potatoes Mm cans . . . . 35c SWIFT'S PREM LUNCHEON MEAT 35c 12 oz. can. SWIFT'S STRAINED AA. BABY MEATS 2CanSo9C JELLO Flavors 3 pkgs. 19c HERSHEY'S Aft-. CHOC SYRUP 2,an.Z9C NALLET'S Jf TANG Quarts ! 49C CANNED 1ft-. SHAD FISH can IOC CAMPBELL'S ft P tomato juice;; 25c SWIFTNING 3 LBS. 79c 4 Beautiful Glasses for 29c with Purchase DEL RICH MARGARINE In the Bag Oft Easy to Mix LB. XC HI -HO CRACKERS MB. PKG. 27c KERR QUART FRUIT JARS Jo 9C ALL KIND OF JAR TRIMMINGS LIDS - CAPS - RUBBERS - ETC. GIANT PACKAGE Pkg. 77' Garden Fresh Vegetables NO. 1 B NEW SPUDS 10 lbs. . . 29c RED RIFE fl7 TOMATOES t lb. basket RIPE JUMBO 1A CANTALOUPES 2 for 19C NEW GREEN M CABBAGE lb 4C KEIZER ?Swn MARKET Assorted COLD CUTS,. 49c For That Picnic Lunch Roast on a Stick FRANKFURTERS 43c SWIFT'S 1 lb. Sliced Bacon Cell V Ends and Pieces 9- Mmt0 SWIFT'S GOVT. INSPECTED UitikBaBsflaHBMBHM- ii Hill ii i ii " hVf hurTnir '"-film ii'i it " 'i i A ft ' ti n' 1 iV " You will find, day in and day out, that better values are in effect at Erlckson's. Quality is assured, for every single item is sold on a "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" policy. Our goal Is to please you with better quality and lower prices. We speak for "ie quality of our merchandise, our prices will speak for themselves; they say "Lower food costs t or you." STORES OPEN 9 A.M. Portland Road Store Open till 10 P.M., including Sundayi PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI., SAT., SUN. CANNED MILK Armour's . . . 2":,21c SWEET PEAS pTb" Libby303 3con.25c BARRETT PEARS Syrup Here's a real buy . . 19c SMOKED SHAD Washington . 3 - 25c DEVILED MEAT u 3.... 19c ; Smith's No. 300 Butter (baby Lima) Beans Red Kidney Beans Spaghetti in Cheese Sauce tall cam 29c 2 .... 45c LIMA BEANS WITH HAM Dennison 1 lb. can Mm cans RO HO BEANS New and Delicious Red Beans in Chili Gravy Dennison 4 0 1 lb, can Mm cans ZjC SWIFT'S PREM, Spiced luncheon meat, 12 oi. can. . 3dC MUSTARD GREENS or TURNIP GREENS S Mm t apoleon No. 2't SUGAR whror 10.b. 87c lOOP'ESKSf?. 29c 15c Swift Cleanser Deal 2 cant Swift Cleanser 1 Plastic Can Holder In mt vivid colors ALL FOR. . t5C Marshmallows Wonderfood, really fresh J" 1 lb. pkg mi.DC 6 oz. cello 2 pkgs. 19c Chase & Sanborn Coffee 53C 2,b-canl05 Drip or Regular Kraft Caramels Candy 1 lb. cello 35c Parowax 12 ox. carton . , ... 10c Certo Pectin S os. bottle 19c Porto Pectin t os. bottle 10c KERR or DOME LIDS Dos. 1 1 c KERR or DOME CAPS Dox. 25 e LOCKER SUPPLIES 39c 59c LOCKER CARTONS, pints Made by Nestrite, DOZ. . . QUART LOCKER CARTONS, Waxed Round Cartons, Doz VAPO-CANS or LIDS 1'2 pint Square cartons or plastic OA lids, Pkg. of 20 07C PLIOFILM CHICKEN BAGS Hold 1 chicken to A O C C bag . . "1 you GET MORE for row Aiowr wfc COTTAGE HAMS 49c Armours & Swifts PICNIC HAMS 43c l. Armours or Swifts VEAL STEAKS 55c l. VEAL ROASTS 55c u. U. S. Inspected Grade CASCADE LARGE FRANKFURTERS 39c BONELESS STEWING BEEF 45c Lean Tender Cubes. bSEa rk K00L A,D -VTVC!?ik w5 6 Pkrs. for 25 C CROWN'S $d$2 r-m : 1 . . ' SM&V MIRACLE WHIP Kitchen Queen select fruits y&t DRESSING ., , CHOICE VEGETABLES SsaS Quart jar49c Family Flour every item A A REAL VALUE jfrJ KRAFT IU b. bag 0jC 1 1 FRENCH DRESSING OC I 70 ts melon time yTauif 19c J lb. bag l.Y PaperBar I FRENCH'S . IW?RCESTERSHIRE SAUCE , 7. ' J ip lsgsssr ,,.iar 17c Blimmf llc -S I WESSON OIL AiAliAiaiatiiijK kkM ehort and now they're real buys I wvA I l-Sri&fflsWrrr bouie.. 55c I Canning APRICOTS 1 Lnraa mi mi I It I Moorpack ... 30 box 1.98 SWEETHEART POTATOES soap Calif. Shafter A Mf -2SffiSjS5ST 4 bars 2oC U.S. No. 1 ...... lUlb. OVC 1 1 EINPEPPEf i v;, WOODBTOY I Stuffing 4 for jC FACIAL S0AP CANTALOUES sgsjW 2T 23c RIPE THICK MEATED m " UKAISGES r"C" j tissues Sunkist Sweet to Juicy M n V"- TjSisdL- 9C, , 344 si.. J do,. 49C j ssgSgssg 2 pkgg. 35c MUTTON SK5X5... 29c MUTTON WILL BE SOLD AT NO. 1 MARKET ONLY SHORT RIBS BEEF 29c LARGE HEADS LETTUCE 2for 9c Lb. 3720 E. State 3060 Portland Road