Miss Millard y Wed July 2 Rev. D. E. Millard of Gold Hill, Ore., officiated at the mar riage of his daughter, Miss Bet ty Joan Millard, to Eugene E. Olson of Portland, son of Mr. ana Mrs. josepn a. uison, on July 2 at the Community Metlv odist church in Gold Hill. Ben G. Fleischman of Port land gave the bride in marriage for her father. The bride wore a white wool ult with navy blue horsehair hat trimmed with pink roses and navy blue shoes. She carried a white prayer book and white orchid. Miss June Hershberger of Klamath Falls, maid of honor, wore a pale aqua suit with navy horsehair hat and navy shoes, She carried a nosegay of vari ous pastel Esther Reed daisies. Ben G. Flei s c h m a n , Jr., of Hollywood, Calif., was best man, Jack Bray of Portland was usher. Miss Marion Sexton of Kla math Falls was soloist and sang the "Lord's Prayer" and "Be cause." The reception was held at the country home of the bride's par ents near Gold Hill. Both of the couple are gradu ates of the University of Oregon. f The bride was president of Al- bha Gamma Delta sorority and is a member or uamma Alpha Chi advertising honorary. The bridegroom, who also attended Willamette university, is a mem ber of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. After a short honeymoon on the Oregon coast, Mr. and Mrs. Olson will be at home at 1094 Kingwood Drive, Salem. Club Entertains For Bride-elect Oak Point Honoring Miss La Verne Harnsberger, who is to be married in late August to Leo Thoness, the Independence Ru ral Woman's club entertained at a party and miscellaneous shower at the Oak Point school house. The evening was spent in formally with a musical pro gram as follows: vocal solo by Clara Brown, accompanied by Mrs. Orley Brown; violin solo, by Barbara Peterson and piano solo by Leila Beach. A scrap book was compiled by the guests and presented to Miss Harnsberger. The lace covered serving table was dec orated with a crystal bowl of sweet peas and white candles in crystal. Invited were Mrs. Hugh Van Loan, Mrs. Zella Koch, Mrs. Jonas Graber, Mrs. T. J, Primus, Mrs. Byron Ruddle, Mrs. A. Tey ,f irson, Mrs. Flavia Branch, Mrs. E. Taggert, Mrs. Ruth Ebbert, Leila Taylor, Irene Evans, Thelma Kaufman, Jerry Peter son, Mildred Worthington, Bar bara Martin, Mrs. La Vaunt Pease, Mrs. Don Webb, Mrs. El lis Lauderbach, Mrs. Joe Rogers, Mrs. T. C. Muller, Elizabeth Comstock, Alma and Delores Hultman, Mrs. Alice Robinson, Mrs. Grove Peterson, Mrs. Orley Brown, Mrs. Ed Harnsberger, Leila Beach, Barbara, Shirley and Beverly Peterson, Ronna Hardman, Barbara Muller. Sara K. Lauderbach, Patty Hardman Jeanne Leth, Mrs. Clarence Ruddell and Jimmie, Theresa R Munog, Mrs. R. Hardman, Mrs, Rose Peterson, Mrs. Laura John son, Mrs. Viola Swope, Mrs. John Pfaff, Mrs. Dorothy Klet- zing, Mrs. Lester Ingrim, Mrs, Clarence . Primus, Mrs. Clyde Chapman, Mrs. Z, Bartel, Mrs. Dick Taylor and Hazel Hughes. When you make chicken stew brown the chicken parts slowly and for a long time before add' lng the liquid. The browning should take from 20 to 30 min utes at least and will make the gravy an attractive, rich color, Parsley dumplings are delicious served with a chicken stew. 1 . , . - , y ,"'.'-. 1' fill I Miss Hackett Is Wed At Lebanon T.Vinnnn Miss Louella Hack ett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. was wed to Alvin J. Cray at a ten o'clock nuptial mass in St. Edward's Catholic cnurcn on June 30. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott J. Cray of Lebanon. Th nnntlal mass was Der- fnrmert hv Rev. Carl Watcher pastor of St. Edwards. TVi hrlrie trivpn in marriaee Hv father wore a Gfown Of white satin and lace. She wore a fingertip length veil and car ried a bouquet of white gladi oluses and carnations. Miss Donella Hackett of Mt. Angel, cousin of the bride' and moM nt Knnnr wnrp lavendar marquisette with white raised design, and a matching wnite hnnnpt She parried n heart chnneH flnrnl arrangement of white and lavendar flowers. Miss Ruth Cray and Miss Rose r.pv listers of the brideEroom. were bridesmaids. They wore tf entlcally fashioned gowns with raised floral patterns, one in yellow and the other in green. Matching bonnets and white lace mitts completed their costumes and both carried heart shaped bouquets. Frank Cray, brother of the bridegroom was best man and ushers were Raymond Joyce and Merrill Murphy. A reception was held In the church social rooms after the weHrilntf. Miss Louise Tekamne of Bend, and Miss Winifred Fleskes of Portland served, as sisted by Misses Marie and Bet ty Cray. Aftfr m trtn which will take them to parts of California, Nev ada. Idaho and Montana, the young couple will be at home on east Rose street in Lebanon. r WANT WHITER DUDS? Rain Dropi guarantees em. In any water, any washing method, rain or shine, dried indoors or out! No soap-film. RAJ MOPS fitMrantiarf bvA 1)1 Don't Be FAT! R.D.X. helps you reduce Tike R.DX Tablet, be- your appetite for nanecded foods. Between mealf .R.D.X. Tablet! help you naff ofi hunger that caujc yoa to overiodalg ia fiaeaiaft tucks. Reducing become, more pleasant, a mora e ioyable way eating. , , If yoor doctor baa (old you to rake off weight, aik him about the wonderful B rt V T.KI and Rih duciog Plao. R.D.X. Tabtea iconuia mo btrmful 4rV ' Let The Scales Show Yew. You do want to lose weight, don't you? Then bur pack age of R.D.X. Table and follow t&eK.L.A. Reducing f ua. IT5UMWelM I fWamty-lacfc I At Taw aSfcJ Dallas A popular young Dallas couple, Miss Kathleen Huntley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Huntley, and Donald Jesse Yeager, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Yeager, were married in a candlelight ceremony at Trinity Lutheran church, Dallas, on Saturday, June 11. (Able photo) Betrothal 1 Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rocka- fellow are announcing the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Shirley Rockafellow, to Ray Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wolf of Circle, Mont. Miss Rockafellow made the an nouncement to a group of friends at an informal party last week. The guests learned of the news when bursting ballons re vealed notes inside. Cookies served at dessert had the names of the couple written on them. Guests at the party were Misses Delores Lehman, Dar- lene Scharff, Betty Bergner, Doris Lappin, Peggy Meyers, Mrs. Nick Weiss, Mrs. Carl Goldsby, Mrs. Armond Mc Dowell, Miss Janice Norton, Miss Betty Norton, Mrs. La Verne Norton. No date is announced for the wedding. A SON, William Harris, was born Wednesday at Salem Gen eral hospital to Mr. and Mrs, Robert K. Powell. There is an other son in the family, Robert, and a sister, Penelope. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shay and Keith Powell. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 7 HOSTESS this evening , will be Mrs. Harrison W. Elgin, Jr., who is to give a shower for Mrs. William Howser. Following an informal evening late refresh ments will be served. In the group will be Mrs. Howser and her mother, Mrs. A. E. Gilmore of Freeborn, Minn., visitor at her daughter's home for a few months; Mrs. Janet Howser, Mrs. John How ser, Mrs. L. R. Tweedie, Mrs. Arthur Dennisen, Mrs. Alvah Brown, Mrs. Henry Wiensz and the hostess. SEVERAL members of Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi and their husbands will be at the beach this coming Sunday, the group to be at Pine Crest, the beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Warner at Neskowin. TO BE CERTAIN far WHITE SSBKmlSHB Hemorrhoids (Piles) Fistula. Fissure.. Prolapse and oth er Rectal Disor ders corrected the easy, convenient way. No hospitaliz ation, quick relief. Dr. E. Reynolds Clinic Nkturo-RectEl Specialist 1144 Center St., Salem, Ore, ' Ph. 30460 FREE PARKING IT'S QUALITY FOR LESS" 0 uJ II STRAWS . . For Summer At-ntfUjit ofj Ckristian Di $298 These smart new straw handbags are cool . . . delectable . . . for your summer outfits . . . wash frocks . . . a bit of color for your white costumes etc. See these in the main aisle tomorrow . . . red lipstick, maize, sunshine, green, etc. MAIN FLOOR MILLER'S ior - is expressed in two exquisite new perfumes destined to capture the imagination of those same women who adore his clothes.. Miss Dior ... light, delicate, exciting Diorama . . . rich, heady, subtle From $4 to $17.50 plus tax Imported from France and presented In the United Slalsi by CHASIM Of THI MTZ CANDLELIGHT A New Summer Hosiery Shade THEME Thin as air and nearly as invisible! This new nylon hosiery shade being introduced by Theme answers every hosiery need for summer. Superb for evening! Smart for daytime! Theme nylons are especially treated to wear longer ... if you are a Theme fan . . . you'll want this new shade . . . CANDLE-LIGHT! NEW PRICE ... $1.65 or 3 Pairs for $4.75 MAIN FLOOR MILLER'S 1 V1 1 U J gy: POR ' A UTHi. FAMILY 'M x:fl-.. VIW-MA$T1R j VIEW-MASTER NOW AT MILLER'S STEREOSCOPE . . . $2.00 REELS, 35c EACH.... 3 for $1.00 PLASTIC LIBRARY BOX... 1.85 Miller's are now a Salem representative for VIEW MASTER Stereoscopes and reels for your summer's enjoyment. Colored stereoscopic views of your fav orite vacation places are here at only 35c per reel. Shop tomorrow and get your choice of over 200 reels and viewers! Camera supplies . . . cameras . . . movie cameras and equipment . . . daily film development service. Van Heusen! Manhattan! Town Topic! We, Too, Are Cleaning Up Our Shirt Stocks . . . mm mile CAMERA DEPT., MAIN FLOOR ALL ODDS . . . broken ranges of sizes and patterns in VAN HEUSEN and MANHATTAN shirts must go! Come get your choice of these fine dress shirts at half or less than half pricel TOWN TOPICS . . . $2.95 and $3.95 dress shirts in this sale at only $1,751 Choose the smartest of styles with built-in fit . . . long wearing laminated collars, special fabrics in shirting madras, etc. SHOP EARLY1 $95 75 MAIN FLOOR MILLER'S