Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRX FISCHER S Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 parties for Brides-Elect Numerous i" !; Entertaining for brides-elect Continues to make up much of the social activity, fhree to Entertain Hi Mrs. E. J. Scellars, Mrs. W. I. peedham and Mrs. U. Scott Page re inviting guests for a lunch ion to be given next Tuesday, July 12, to honor Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, bride-elect of John $hilip Maulding of Tillamook The luncheon will be at Silver Creek Falls lodge. JPinner Saturday J; Honoring Miss Marylou Mc Say and her fiance, Lester D. Sreen of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard will en tertain Saturday evening at a Vuffet dinner at the Alexander Home. The Green-McKay wed ding will be July 23. In the group at the Saturday evening ijvent will be Miss McKay, Mr. ireen. Governor and Mrs Doug- fes McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Eadley and children, iileen and Alan; Judge and Mrs. E. M Page, Richard Page, Lester M. freen and son, William Green of ugene; Mr. and Mrs. George C. Alexander of Eugene, Mr and Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, Jr and children, Carolyn, Catheryn a"nd Gregory; Miss Charlotte Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Shop drd and family, Susan, Sidney and Robert; and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander. tor Miss Cooley I: Hostesses next Monday for a Bincheon to honor Miss Mar garet Jane Cooley, bride-elect df John Philip Maulding of Til lpmook, will be Mrs. Floyd W SheDard and Mrs. William Mc- (Jilchrist, Jr., the party to be at the Shepard home. During the sjfternoon guests will embroider tea toweis tor tne rjriae-eiect, ii li tyurham-Fields Wedding In June J Lebanon At an afternoon oeremony on June 26 at the Wethodist church, Miss Ruth E. fields, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fields, and Richard L. Ifurham, son of . Mr. and Mrs. Hvan Durham, were wed before ai altar banked with pink and White gladioluses and lighted ehndles. Rev, Carl Mason read the double ring service. I The bride, in a white satin gpwn, was given in marriage by Jier lather. Her llowers were vanda orchids and stephanotis. I Matron of honor for her sis ter was Mrs. Robert J. Thoma in aqua taffeta. Bridesmaids Tere Miss Jonne Warner in an ffrchid frock, and Miss Dclores Durham, sister of the bride groom, who wore yellow. I Miss Nancy Gleason played the wedding marches accompa nied the soloist, Miss Nancy Trigg. I Douglas Myars of Portland was best man and ushers were Richard Vogt, Dyrk Lanfdon and Donald Miller. ! At the reception, Mrs. Glenn Sjlmmons poured, and Mrs. H U. Kason, sister of the bride cut the cake. Assisting were ' Miss Ethel Nelson and Miss Col len Rappe. I For traveling Mrs. Durham Wore a gown of watermelon slk with white top coat and matching accessories. Her cor sige was of vanda orchids. After their return from the Oregon bast and California, Mr. and Mrs. Durham will be at home in the Gabeley apartments. Rebekah Event , Woodburn The regular meeting of Home Rcbckah lodge, No. 58, was held Tues day evening at the IOOF hall wfith Mrs. Sidney Cummings presiding. Routine business was transacted and Mrs. Cummings appointed Mrs. Myrtle Hall, Mrs. Fred Frentz and Ray Shan er as a committee to revise the by-laws. i Mrs. Ray Shaner was receiv ed into membership by transfer from the Gervais Rebekahi. Under good of the order, Mrs. Shaner gave a talk on her early membership in the order. There were also talks by a number of other members. Mrs. Thomas Engle, Mrs. W. S. McClain and Miss Hazel Engle were appointed as the re freshments committee for the next meeting, July ID. ; After the meeting the mem bers enjoyed a Dutch treat at the Woodburn Coffee shop. THE TRINGLE Pleasant Point Social club met last week at the home of Mrs. Martha Yates and honored the hostess on the occasion of her 88th birthday anniversary. A cake and gifts were presented the honoree. At a short business meeting the group made plans for the picnic to be staged next Sunday in Dallas park for all members, families and friends. The club Is to furnish the coffee and ice cream. Home From Trip Miss Dorothy Pederson has returned from a trip to North Dakota. She visited at Willis ton with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. M. M. M illhouse. At Bismarck, Miss Pederson attended the grand assembly for the Order of Rainbow for Girls. She is grand musician for the Oregon assembly, and while attending the North Dakota grand assembly was given special honors and played piano numbers for the group. Upon her return to Williston she was honored at a musicale given by Mrs. John Snyder, mother adviser for Rainbows there. Miss Pederson is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ped erson of Salem. Teen-Treks All girls registered for the Teen-treks planned by the Sa lem YWCA are to meet at p.m. Thursday at the YWCA. Plans for the treks, supplies to take and routes will be dis cussed. The treks begin July 18. i series being planned in lieu of camping programs. Legion Groups Arrange Picnic Kingwood post, No. 81, Ameri can Legion, and the auxiliary unit will sponsor a picnic next Sunday, July 10, at Paradise Is land. The event is for all mem bers and families. The no-host dinner will be at 1 p. m. with coffee furnished by the aux iliary. Each family is to take its own table service. The auxiliary has planned a short business meeting to elect a secretary-treasurer. GRAND RONDE Mr. and Mrs. J. Trice of Independence announce the marriage of their daughter, Jeanne Rowley, of Salem to Alan Bice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bice. The young couple were married June 25 at the Christian church parson age. They will make their home in Salem, where both are employed. Visitors Entertained Visitors in Salem are Mrs. Lee A. Rose of Los Angeles and Miss Graciela Marca of Lima, Peru. They are guests at the George Keortge home on South Cottage. On Friday afternoon, Mrs. Keortge is to entertain at a des sert luncheon and bridge hon oring the visitors, guests for three tables being bidden. For Miss Freres ) Stayton Honoring Miss Phyllis Freres, whose marriage to Marvin Goodman will take place Saturday, July 16, Mrs. Floyd Booze was hostess for a bridal shower at her home. The evening was spent informally and Mrs. Shirley Bates won the prize. Refreshments were serv ed by the hostess. Present were the honored guest, Miss Freres, and Mes dames T. G. Freres, John My- natte, Robert O'Connor, Donald Lulay, Shirley Bates, Gordon Ullman, Robert Freres, Calvin Hughes, Vincent Pietrok, Lewis Keirsey, William Fair, Robert Lucas, Claude Phillips, Eldon Girtman, Virgil Schuetz, Edith Missler, Misses Bemice Etzel and Lucille Albus, and the host ess, Mrs. Booze. Couple Honored Oak Point Mr. and Mrs. Don Webb were guests at a surprise dinner Friday evening, at the school house, honoring them on their 25th wedding anniversary They were presented with a gift from the community. Mrs. Webb was presented a corsage of rosebuds. The Webbs were married in Illinois and came to this com munity a year ago. Present were Edward Harnsberger, La- Verne Harnsberger, Leo Tho- ness, Donald, Robert, Farrol and Sheron Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Primus and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrence and Ronald, Mrs. Z. Bartel, Marvin and Jerry, Mrs. E. Lauderback, and Sara K., Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hardman, Ronna and Patty K., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rogers, Elizabeth Comstock, John Titus, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Muller, Leo and Barbara Jean, Mr. and Mrs. George Rise, Mrs. Guy Griswold and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bisbee, Mrs. Grove Peterson, Beverly and Leslie Peterson. ' Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gottsacker of Woodburn celebrated the 25th wedding anniversary June 19 with a large reception at their country home. (Alyce studio, Woodburn) Shinkle-Cannon Wedding July 18 Announced for July 18 is the wedding of Miss Elsie Cannon and Theodore Sh inkle. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Cannon, Mr. Shinkle the son of Mr. and Mrs. Solon Shinkle. Honoring the bride-elect a shower will be given this eve ning by Miss Cathy Cooper and Miss Eva McMullen at the Daniel Cooper home. Following an in formal evening a late supper will be served. In the group will be Miss Can non, Mrs. O. A. Cannon, Mrs. Solon Shinkle, Mrs. Daniel Coo per, Mrs. Vern McMullen, Miss Janyce Baker, Miss Marilyn Burris, Miss Gayle Juve, Miss Marian Carson, Miss Virginia Lewis, Miss Joanne Enyeart, Miss Nancy Snyder, Miss Fran ces Baum, Miss Janet Lindley, Miss Beula Arhold, Miss Joan Hoereth, Miss Leona Burgoyne, Miss Dorothy Cannon. GRAND ISLAND Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pilcher who were married recently, a welcoming reception party was held at their home Saturday evening. Games were played and gifts presented. Refresh ments were served. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fow ler, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chand ler, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chand ler, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wiley, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Will, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rockhill, Leroy and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Worthington and Floyd, Mr. and Mr. Howard Steingrube, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Will, Curtis Douglas, Charles Rockhill and Roy E. Will. OWGA Event To Be Here The Oregon Women's Golf as sociation will be entertained at Salem next Wednesday, it was announced at the regular day for the women golfers, yesterday. Because of the OWGA event, the regular women's day next week will be on Friday, July 15. Third round on the Kay tro phy was held yesterday. Prize winners for the day's play were Mrs. Claude Johns in class A; Mrs. Roy H. Simmons, class B; Mrs. W. J. Grant, class C; Mrs. Charles Musser, class D. BEING welcomed home from a trip are Mr. and Mrs. Willard Marshall and daughters, Martha and Julia, and Mrs. Marshall's mother, Mrs. Walter T. Stolz. They went to Sun Valley, Yel lowstone and to Helena, Mont., where Mr. Marshall attended a medical planning meeting. They then went to Glacier National park, Lake Louise and Banff. Martha Marshall remained in Seattle with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mar shall, for a stay of several weeks. eaggiwiw.iHtiit Miss Stephens Home From Trip; Attends AAUW, Library Meets Miss Eleanor Stephens, state librarian, has returned from a trip during which she attended several meetings. First she went to Seattle to attend the national convention of the American Association of University Women, being one of the delegates from the Salem branch and the state historian for the AAUW. From there she flew to Chi cago to attend the meeting of the personnel administration board of the American Library association on which she is serving a five-year term. As vice president of the National Association of State Librarians, Miss Stephens attended a joint meeting of that group with the American Law Librarians in De troit and was re-elected to her national office. Later, several of those at the Detroit meeting went to Lansing. Mich., to spend last Friday there visiting the state library. Miss Stephens flew home from there. On August 21-25, Miss Ste phens will attend the far west ern region meeting of the Amer ican Library association at Van couver, B. C. She is chairman of library extension for the far west region. In the region are California, Oregon, Washington, Navada, Montana, Idaho, and British Columbia and Alberta, in Canada. Oak Knoll Group The Oak Knoll Ladies Golf group held its weekly day, Wed nesday. First' prize went to Mrs. Randolph Hilton with Mrs. Samuel Miller as runner-up. Tournament play starts next week on the Folgham cup. On July 14 the Oak Knoll ladies will be guests at Corvallis for a return match there. MOTORING to Oregon City, Wednesday, for luncheon at the Barclay House and to visit his torical McLoughlin Home were Mrs. Richard F. Smith of Al bany, Mrs. Elmer Nash, Mrs. Roy Smith, Mrs. Virgil Fleet wood, Mrs. Glenn F. Powers and Miss Dolores Hougham, all of Salem. I our BONNIE BRIAR ; AYj f! I Yes . . . now you can have YOUR famous Bonnie Briar Cashmere in your favorite colors! Buy yours now! -"S 1 film t r c. - TV 111 IV Co M WWW .,. WW i uur w. At .... rtcA SELECT YOURS FROM THIS WIDE ASSORTMENT OF COLORS! 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You Will SAVE MONEY And Get SAFETY WHEN YOU BUY a Burglar Proof Solid Brau - Cylinder Type, Mortis LOCK SET Regular Price 11.95 NOW 9.50 Your Choice Only 69 AT OUR PYREX WARE COUNTER PYREX LOAF PAN 1st. you watch breads and meat loaves bakt to perfection. 1 quart size, PYREX UTILITY DISH for roasting, for baking; for serving saladl, Easy-to-wosh, 1 quart size PYREX "Flavor-5avr" the Pit Plate with fluted edges. 1'Y' dept holds juices and flavor. 10"si PYREX SQUARE CAKE DISH for light, golden cakes and brtacji- Qt two for layer cakes, each loot injion vaiiua i 4 5v WAX FREE fit MOHAioiKitiattuM jm a jn aaiiiaioitcioiii;;-i:;i.V:i;ii:JL li K4 A 100 Distilled WAX FREE MOTOR OIL Guaranteed to give proper lubrication under all normal driving conditions. 189 gallons for only SVi Inch Plum ber's Friend Plunger Made with Quality Rubber 39c each ; e 3'2x3'a inch Butt Hinges Finished in dull brass 55c pair TRY COLORTRU The MASONRY PAINT That x Penetrates x Waterproofs x Preserves Comet in Colors appropriate for Concrete - Brick - Stucco or plaster surfaces Was 2.25 NOW 119 I qt Was 6.95 NOW 469 gal. OIL STONES FOR Sharpening Knives and Tools with combination of Coarse and fine surfaces SIZE 8 "x2"x1" Keg. 95c NOW 59c SIZE 6"x2"xl" Keg. 75c - NOW 49c SIZE4"x2"x1" Reg. 55o - NOW 39c Other Sizes At Big Savings Adjustable Brass Hose Nozzles 49c Fuse Plugs ........ 6 for Aerowax AFiooe:fwaxiJhin9 Qt. Air Rifle Shot CosfepeVsSitd Garden Hose braid reinforcing Therm-A-Jug Keeps foods or liquids hot or cold Gal. size 25c 54c 5c 525 298 x Eliminates Stooping x No Hand Wringing x Cleans rugs - woodwork ' and walls efficiently Has DuPont cellulose sponge mophead with rust proof drainer that keeps the hands away from grimy water. Complete 195 Other Sizes 2.49 & 2.98 rT GEORGE 236 N. Commercial St. Salem, Ore.