p. 22 Capital Journal, Salem, Cl-ASSIFIED ADVERTISING, P Una 15a Per Una I time. 4oe Par Una time 0o P.r Lint 1 month 13.00 Outalda f Balem 15o per Una pet 4a. Min. loci I time mm. 800 I time mill 11.20. No Refund. In Local Now CoL Oolri P.r uno To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 IFOR SALE HOUSES ' . Two-Bedroom . NEW HOUSE H75 No. 30th Bt. $8500, $1500 Down, 4 Kir io No. aoih. . 6WKED LEAVING. Sacrifice bdrm. home. Jalrmount HIU close 10 Leslie. Bus to Bush. Basement, fireplace, oil floor fur. nice. Corner lot. 16050. Ph. 3-3605. 1595 Saginaw St. 1 klNGWOOD 1IT9. 3 Bonn, home, base ment rumpus room, oil heat, two fire places. New oarpetlng. F.H.A. OaU own er 0-8543. aome ' furniture tor aal. 32B6 Claude ph aarm. aioo" ..FOR SALE BV OWNEIt: New S home F.H.A. terme. 3600 lown. 3-3880. 642 Blllu. bdrm. Phone al60 . kti i inTi hrirm. noma. Br owner. - tin n.nrialarla Blvd. Ph. 31341. olSl" V- WALNUT PARK BY OWNER : ' n. hnmi. Pull basement. Fire- ' place in basement & living rm. Large i lot. r.i .hn.hi Ar flower. Over 1.400 It flaw MDftfifl. Besides It BIBB B. ItTimed. pom. Price, low. For appointment Ph. - 3-3734. , OPEN HOUSE -J: Dally until P.m. By owner-builder. New 3 bdrm. P.H.A. built home w u " m.i ranae. Bendlk ......i.,.. nictura windows. V. blinds. ' ' hardwood flra., copper tube Plumbing, " 1-...i.. w.nther-StrlDOCd. aUtO. Ol. heat, pailo. city water, le lot, nice V. view: A sacrifice at 110,900. Come aouth , on 9BB to tf tiaie. lurii ...... ... Ave. to Welty Ave. (Flrat atreet loft). aannnH fcn,,.. nn rUht. al61 ' SMALL NEW house, bath, ; J"d atreet. some iruit, ,.uuu.w. - Independence, Ore. " fcAKE US AN OFFER: 8 Bdrm y, aore. mniwooa n........ .... - " BY OWNEIt Excellent 8 rm. mod. home, ... ..hi .m T..e. lot. aarden, "M 18.000 48 Abrams. Ph. 3-3319. alBl '.'"lil OWNER: 1 Bd. rm. home. Centrally ri located, ross. in wj. ... - Jour bedrooms. Lane l.r, '" 11,. nn .....ntinn hal -. all hdwd. .i sr.ei'ient location. A bargain at 113,800. Larsen Home & Loan Lo. "' Bkoluslve Llstlnaa Personal Service ' 184 8. Oom'l Phone 3-8380 Eva. ' 0 salEi I Bd. Rm. House, fireplace hardwood floora, furnaces. 114 garage. Tenceo back yard with fireplace .Pool . and ll.hu, 438 . 3Srd Ph. 3-5164, by owner. $10,800 Very nice I bedroom home, fireplace At full basement, convenient location. Will consider trade lor good home on acre. G. A. VICARY REAL ESTATE 118 N. Com'l St. Phone Day or Eve 3-0431 IBI NEW 2-BEDROOM Close to cathollo School In nice district. la with flreplaoe, DR, kitchen, separ '" ate utility room, hdwd. floors, oil heat. " attached aaraae, corner lot. 19750. P.H.A. terms. Por appointment call Len r' Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. eennna 841 Chemeketa tn l Ph. 39311. Eves. 33983. BlOO' ''''hEW 3 B. R. home, large shade trees, bus '" by door, hardwood floors, fireplace. '" plenty of closet space, elec. heat, eau p ,'1 ped with new Zenith range at refrig erator. See thla at 3455 D St. Open tn eve. 7 to 8:30 or phone 3-1809 a!62 . fvill Take 1 yr. old 25 or longer trailer " house as down payment on new 6 room ' modern home, 1145 James Bt. a 101 ' .: ThU well built 8 B. R. home on norlh 14th atreet haa largo L. R. and dhy -"" ln room, fireplace, full bnsmt. onto heat, double plumbing. Nice yard lots ' "" of ahruba and priced under 312.000.00. '-Goodwin and McMillin .'"V. REALTORS m. J-4707 484 Court Eve. I-477S 1-WM "llEW t Bdrm., living rm. & dlnlnn comb. '" Kitchen, nook, utility, garane u"f; Lot 73xlfSO with peach trea. 4P40 Wolf " 8t. 8 blocka Irom Keltrr echool. 1 block to Btore & bus. Ph. 27520. 161- BY OWNER. NORWAY BT. 1030 If you can pay 13600 cash you can' buy thla comfortable small home lor only $6500 in the neit lew days. Ideal lor elderly couple. , Living room, dinette, lame brd , room, imall room aultttble for den or tew Inn rm. or child's bedroom. Well equipped kitchen wired for el. range, el. hot water. Lnrge arase with room for shop. There la a lovely room tn the ftitniu done In knotty pine that rould be rented out. Utility room with Ren dlx washer. The rear yard Is fenced. Do no disturb occupants. Call for appointment to Inspect. Dial 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213. alfllt' IB 400 S bd. rm. llv. rm. din. rm. 3 yrs. old. Lane lot. Call Harvey Hufr. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. 1 Ph. J-S371 Evei. 3-9441 . alBO- Snap Furnished $4760. Owner leaving. Nearly new. L.R., SC., D. Rm., one bdrm. down, room tor 1 ip, Utility rm. Bn. W. system. Oar irtn In. Near store and city bus. North. C. W. Reeve, Realtor t a. Commercial, Ph. 34890. Eve. 39536 - a 161 ' ' fts,WrO Beautiful new 1-rm. home with double plumbing on M acre view lot. Oil ' pipe f urnaoe, fireplace, large lovely klt ohen and utility. ''Geo. A. Walters, Realtor .V: &60 S. Commercial 1 Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260 a 160 WHY PAY RENT $36 per month payments are cheaper. Take over this 4 OI lonn of $4500. 7-; Owner will take good car, truck or house trailer In on equity. Full price ' 11 en this neat 3 br. home $"500. See ";' Wamberg or Phone 3-B518 eves. REDUCED PRICE $1250 3 Br. Living room, nice large kitchen, 'double garage, lot Is 95x103. Plenty or garden space. An Oregon State Yet an handle this with a vrry smalt ' down payment. See Mac. or Ph. 3-8476 " eve. . Joe L. Bourne, Realtor "1 1140 If. Capitol St. Ph. 3-8218 Eve. 3-6518 or 2-3476 a 1 60 I BEDROOM late built" plastered house. alose to Balem Heights school. Lot 70 x , 170. Price $4700. , call O. V. Bum with State Finance Co., Realtors IM I, High St. Phone 34131. Xvet. 15306 101- Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Life of Riley" Plus "Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend" AT WARNERS CAPITOL THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want ad in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be judged on sincerity and originality. The THREE best statements received each day will each re ceive a pair of guest tickets to see "Life or Riley" plus "Beauti ful Blonde from Bashful Bend" coming soon to the Capitol thea ter. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges is final. FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER 2 bedroom modern home In Wext Salem. Electric throughout. 1500 down or will trade for property In Sa lem. Ph. 3-7128 alter 6 p.m. aiez BY OWNER. Because employed In Dallas will sacrifice our equity in this nice home. (4000. Could give good terms on equity. Some balance, payable Just twice yearly. Could get P.H.A. 5 rms. Hard wood floors, nice fire place, beautliul view. Attached garage. Fenced In yd. flowers and shrubs. Close to school and buses. King wood Hts. DLst. Ph. 3-5050. al62 Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors YEAR OLD 6 room modest) home. Price $6000. ENULEWOOO DISTRICT. Neat 2 hedrm. me. Larue Karaite, Price only $B0OO. FURNISHED PRACTICALLY NEW 6 room house. Large living room. Elec. heat. Att. garage. 2 large lots. Price furnlRhed J8750. 90300 O.I. loan payable $50 per mo. can be assumed. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3063 Evenings call: 3-6780 or 2-4007 ami THREE BEDROOMS Large living room, dining room, fire place, hdwd. floors throughout, lovely kitchen ft nook, nut trees and land scaped. 530 Illinois St. off Center, a!64 (ftaso. S Bedroom one-story house. Located on h. uin. oarage. Lot 75x300. Fruit Trees and Oarden Space. Call O. V. Hume .with State Finance Co., Realtors 163 8. High St. Phone 34121. Ives. 25206 al6l $11,500. MODERN 6 room home with 2 rm. apt. upstairs. Located In Business Zone. Room on lot for business bldg. This Is first time ofrcrcd for sale. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 8. High St. Phone 34121. Eves, 25206 at6l BY OWNER $8500 Nearly new mod. 2 bdrm home nice & cleun, lots of biillt-hui. Rubber tile in ktttchen & bath, carpeted thru out. Im mediate possession. Terms. Garden Road Rt. S Box 116 Ph. 2-1119. al62 BY OWNER Two houses. Take your pick. isow oown payment, run price $7500. PI). 2-6832 or 2-8301. a 162 3 BD. RM. modern home 16200, down pay- mrm n;u. uaiancee on ai loan. 1435 leorne St.. Woodburn Blue 252. a!71 NEW MODERN 4 room house, aaraae. chicken house A li acres. Also furni ture for sale. On highway 7 miles east of Staylon. Contact Mrs. J. Llngass, Mehama, or write Ella Key, 3422 B.E. Yamhill, Portland, Ore. a 165 REDUCED Prom 19,500 to $7,500 this week. Leaving town. 3 bdrin. Dining rm., nook. Jiv ing rm., basement, acre. Terms. 3 bdrms. Centrally located. Just 16960. DellBhtwul 6 rm. house, nicely land sanpcd. Also garden. Basement and aaraae. Terms. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N, Church St. Ph. 2-7643. Res. 2-0126 al60 ClV.HtHI 3 bdrm. home, oil pipe furnace, double garnae, close to school and bus. 7.l0O Sl ill ItllAN 2 bdrm, home on !t acre or aoon soil, close to school A city bus. Call Ivan Slven. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 B. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 3-7012. a 162' BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. house In Walnut paric. Large living room A dining room. Full btuetnent, auto, oil heat. Corner lot. 2275 Hayden. a 162 4 Bedrooms Nice clean Utj story all modern home. Lae. gar. & utility rm. 75x100 ft. lot. Close to school, bus A store. Attractive terms to responsible parties. Price $6500. Garage House 4 acre of ground, elec. Si city water, and an extra 10x16 bldn. for laundry or storane. Price $1800. Call Bon Clenrv. Walter Musgrave, R'ltors 1211 Edge water. Ph. 3-5109. Eves. 3-B939 al63 FOR SALE LOTS SACRIFICE LOT on Spruce St. near Hlahland school. Must sell by Friday p.m. Call $-5584 for Information. 160 Looking For a Lot? 60x90 Across from 730 Waldo Ave. (Only. $450 3 lots brlow 565 Waldo (Vtrrwt earn $450 50x100 H libido lot Wild Wind Dr. $860 3 lots corner Cross & Davidson (Both fort $onn 75x100 South of 2750 8 High $1450 85x100 Comer 8. High & Wild Wind Dr $1500 50 x 164 N. 17th Past Roosevelt $1600 75x100 Corner 8. Hlih A Waldo $1650 THESE ARE GOOD BUYS & MERIT YOUR ATTENTION CALL Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Ph. 3-5B39 231 N. High HveL Ph. 3-7534 2-7423 aalfll C H O i C E V I E WTOTS ON FAIRMOUNT HILL In the Fairniount View Addition Priced at Only $2500 Each These choice view lots are all restricted and within the city limits with city facilities. Come In and let us show you the most exclusive building Sites in Salem. LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO Exclusive Listings Personal Bervlce 164 a. Com'l Phone 3-8389 Eve. 3-1440 aaies LOT on MlU greek. In city trmtt. Phone 25606 aaUl Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Under $7000 Just reduced to 16950. ThU home located past the Swegie school, has 3 bedrooms witn room upstairs for addtJlonal 2 rooms, nearly acre land. We may snow you wiru any time. You Can't Beat Be sure and see this new a bedroom home, you will Immediately notice the top grade construction, the basement is full and deep, the furnace is oil and piped, the garace Is double and the corner lot is large and the price Is only 110,200 with excellent rttA terms available. North Summer Street . Very spacious 4 bedroom home, 16x24 living room and 14x16 dinlngroom, double plumbing, huge basement with play room, auto, oil heat. Jf you need mora room this home should please you Surrounded by Giant Oaks This charming 1 bedroom home Is set back in a huge oak grove with a lovely large yard, attractive patio and outdoor fireplace. This home is unusual with It's open beam llvlngroom, open stairway and balcony, the price Is far below replacement cost. Don't be sorry you missed seeing this home. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 24115 or 24116 Eves. Phone 2805S - $3633 - 23488 al60' KlNGWOOD HEIGHTS $8900 4 Bedroom modern home In a beautiful setting of firs. Fireplace, living room & dining room carpeted, bath, kitchen, oil heat, barbecue, all kinds fruit. Lame lot could be divided. If you are in search of home don't fall to let us show this one. You can make a good buy. CHAS, HUDKINS & SON, REALTORS Over 27 Years in Salem 250 N. High St. DOWN PAYMENT TROUBLE? ? ? If you are of good character, really want a home of your own and can pay $70 mo. on prin., int.. taxes and ins., you can name your own down payment on this modern suburban 2 bdrm. home we will have available this week end. It has hdwd. firs., ven. bids., unf. upstairs, fireplace and large lot. Drive out to 3705 Sunnyview Ave., and well show it to you. FOR SALE LOTS ROSEMARY LANE Lots 60x112 City water; on Bus; De sirable restrictions; S8000 Your own terms. Located N. of Ratcllff Dr. EDW. A. DYCK, REALTOR 328 N. Commercial Street Phones 2-5211 2-6056 2-3203 aal61 Suburban Lots 125 'Down, $10 Per Month. Vs acre. Best of garden soil. Near store and bus. A low as 1500. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590 Eve. 3-9536 aa!61 EXTRA NICE lots on Shady Lane. The fastest growing community around Salem (2nd right turn N, of Aluminum plant on Cherry. Why pay $60 commis sion? Buy direct from owner Sc save S50 bucks. Price $350 and up. Terms? Sure! E. J. Reed, 3760 Pleasant View Dr. aal62 FOR SALE FARMS Far Above Average 44 acres all tillable near Independence. Excellent 8 rm. modern home. Attractive white barn. All crops In. Partly equipped at 114,500. STROUT REALTY 959 8. 12th St. Ph. 2-5323. bl60 Owner Says Sell Choice 39 acres West of Mt. Angel. 3 bdrm. home, good out buildings. All till able with crops In. Furniture, tractors, machinery, cows & chickens Included at $30,000 or farm alone $15,000. STROUT REALTY 959 S. 12th St. Ph. 2-6323. b!60 10 ACRE SPECIAL 113,85010 A. Just at the edge of city. Nice 8 yr. old 3 bdrm. home, basement, 4 acres nut & fruit, 2 A. strawberries, trout stream. Irrigation, barn, chicken house, rabbit equipment. $4000 down, bal. terms. 3 ml. out. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 8. Commercial Eve. 2-6658. bl62 HOWELL PRAIRIE 46 A. Will. Clay loam and Amity Silt loam, all in crop, some stock, milking machine, tractor and all machinery, ranch type home, all furnished, at tached 3 car garage, on school bus and milk route. Pudding river water right, all goes with farm. 3. miles west of Sil ver ton on old 811 vert on -Salem hlnhway. Turn north on Pudding River bridge. k mile In, I mm. Poss, Owner. Rt, Box 176, Sllverton, Oregon. bl60 55 ACRE Dairy Ranch. All under Irriga tion. Grade A barn. Large house. 26 cows. Income over $1,000 per month. Price complete S39.500. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 8. High St., Ph. 3-4121, Eves. 3-5206 biei BUY NOW GET PROFITABLE CROPS. 133 Acres, North, all cult., rolling and level loam. Main crops are corn, clover (16 A.) and grain. Very good 4 BR. mod. home, 8 stanch, barn, bull t -In silo, new mach. shed, granary, pltry. and hog lue., new 2-car garage. Well loc. for school and mkt. Only S15.900. Terms. Full line new tractor equlpmt., plus all mi ik cows ana pitry. extra at Dnranin STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 112 ACRES, near Estacada. Oood rolling land, 40 A. cult., some strawberries, bal. cut-over grazing land. yr. stream and springs. Attractive 7-rm, home, bnsmt,, elec. kitchen, Ige. burn, 350 cap. pltry. lue. Mall milk, grade and high school rt. by door. All cows, pltry. and tractor equlpmt. hid. at SUPER BARGAIN. $8500 If you have some cash you'll nev er drive a better bargnln. CHOICE SUBURBAN FARM QUALITY. 3BR. plast. home, with L. and D. rms., wired for elec. rge. Oood small barn, pltry. hse., 18 Aces, all culut., some trawberrlcj, 24 A. perm, pasture. This Is well loc, close to Salem. Priced down to sell $10,500. 10 adj. Acres at VERY SMALL cost. PUDDING RIVER FARM. 31 Acres of Willamette Valley's best slit loam, high ly prod, in ANY KIND of crop you want. Unlimited water for Irrlg. 4 A. finest Boyjienberrles, Attractive 6-rm. hse.. basmt., furnace heat. Dairy type barn, bullt-ln silo, good pltry. hsr. and gran ary. 2-car garage. SEE THIS TODAY) $13,000, With crops $13,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 8. Com'l. St., Ph. 3-8369. Eve. 3-7440 b!61- REDUCED TO $14,000.00 34 acres cultivated and cleared. 10 acres oats, 11 acres nuts, 4'fc acres ber ries, garden, pasture. Very nice 6 rm. home, barns, chlckrn coop. machine shed, hog house. All machinery, live stock, and furniture goes. For appoint ment call Len Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS - 14 1 Chemeketa fit. Ph. 36271, Eves. 23983. bl60 May We Show You One of the finest 46 Acre farms In the Willamette Valley? Modern. 2 B. R. Home, furnished. Price also Includes the crop and all machinery. Owner ill and forced to retire. This is an ex ceptionally fine place tand we are sure you will like It. Appointment only. Kli- BURT PICHA, Realtors 37 N. Hlah St. Offlca Malt Ev: 3-33W or 3-H31 bl60' To place classified ads Phone 2-2406 IFOR SALE HOUSES This for Real Value Phone 2-4129 FOR SALE FARMS CORVALLIS PEACH ORCHARD 6 Acres Heavy Wearing Peaches 3 Acres Walnuts fc Farmstead. Nice Modern Home with 6 rooms. New Poultry House will accom modate 750 Hens. Beautiful Set ting on Bank of Willamette Rlv- ' er. This place will provide a good living and Is a grand place to live. One of the best diversified Income Properties In the Valley. Price Includes Bumper Crop If purchas ed now. Improvements are worth more than the sacrifice price of only $15,760. C. S. Rondeau, Realtor Ray E. Herman, Salesman 131 N. 2nd. Corvallts, Phone S99 FOR SALE ACREAGE HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 99E south 2h miles to Salem, 4 V. acres. 1 bedroom home, other bldgs. Garden, nice trees, $6500. Terms. Owner. Ph. 2-8110. Rt. 4, box 498, bbl60 6 ACRES & SHACK Located near Prlngle School on pave ment. Oood bldg. site. Shade trees. Small bldg. Price $1600. Small down payment. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24652 bbl61 $195 ACRE 26 Acres bearing fruit trees. Young cherry and prunes, good crop. Located about 2 miles west of Kingwood Heights 3 miles from Marion-Polk county bridge. No buildings but several good building site overlooking river and valley. Deep drilled well. Phone 2-8053 evening. bbl62 M ACRE strictly modern new 3 bedroom house, elec. heat, elec. water heater, elec. pump, deep well, large lawn, new power mover, bearing walnuts and cherries. House fully insulated, wall to wall carpet, attached garage. Bus by door, new Capltola School Dint. Blk. to store. Built by owner. Evenings after 6 o'clock. 149 Fisher Road. bbl61 REAL ESTATE North Nr. Brooks 1 acre St 3 BR home. 13950. Conaider trailer hse. or late model car. Also 1 BR hse. & i acre. North. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 3-3883. Uvea. 3-3H7 or 3-8838 eieo BEST BUYS BUSINESS OPP. 7 UNIT APTS. Completely furn.. select location, walk ing dlst. from State house, shopping dlst. Se schools. Basement, auto. heat. Gross Income per mo. 1405. Total price $35,000. Terms. Ev. 2-0473 or 3-3558. AUTO COURT Deluxe unit At home. Lots of room for expansion. Almost new. Choice location. Income showing consistent Increase. Shown by appointment only. No phone Information please. Liberal terms. May consldci trade as part payment. Total price $77,500. Ev. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. TRAILER SITE 4 acre tract In location close In, select for trailer park. 3 rm. very mod. trail er. 18x29 building, well, elec. pump. Ev. erythlng goes for $10,000. Will consider 1 or 2 bdrm. home for $6,000 equity. Ev. ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. BRAND NEW HOME Move right Into this extra well built home with full basement, elec. ht., at tached garage. Has extra large lot. Bus at front door. F.H.A. terms available. We believe this Is under priced at $8500. Ev. Ph. 3-0473 or 3-3558. 5 ACRES Close tn east. Barn, machine shed, choice building site for home. Price $5250, Ev. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 20 ACRES Suburban building site. Rolling land in fruit. Select view. About H mile from school. Paved oad. Total price $8000. Ev. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland. Ph. 3-7820 or 3-4596. C160 REAL ESTATE For Sale by R. A. McParlana Nice I room nearly new house close In price $5500 or will trade for small acreage. 3 houses on one lot both rented $50 per mo. each. For both $9000 (terms). A fine buy 64 acres Walnuts fc Fil berts a ntce home 7 rooms tile bath A kitchen. Close In. Some terms. Price $13,000. I have a bunch of nice listings both country A City If Interested please call R. A. McFARLANE 311$ State 8t. Ph. $-6732 C160 Sale er Trad Beaut, new 115.000 beach home all utll. Also 160 acre ranch fam ily orchard, 40 cleared, fenced, 4m, crlsed timber. Ph. 2-7071. C164 rOR Ol1E SAVINGS mresfment buy a first mortgage on real estate, 8lem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts $500 to several thousand dou lars, net investors 5 We make all col lections for you It desired STATE FINANCE CO, 153 tv High FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS DRIVE IN RESTAURANT A MONEY MAKER shows hlah net return, class A location, main arterial, paved parltlna lot, excellent equipment, offered at a sacrifice. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. ENGLEWOOD I bdrnu. llv. rm, din. rm, nook, bath, full basmt, new paint, nice yard, ex cellent 110,000.00. Call Roy Ferris. S. 12th STREET Corner lot No. 3 business zone, lot 46x152, a 3 bdrms. home with basmt, auto oil heat, wired for range. Great possibilities. Price only 16,000. Call Richard X. Grabenhorst. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street office Phone 3-3471 Sundays and Evenings Call Roy Ferrla 3-8010 Peter H. Oelser 3-9968 Earl West 3-1333 ale REAL ESTATE Small Down Payment TO OREGON STATE VETERAN New 3 B.R. house, large kitchen, plenty of bullt-ins and extra space tor table. Well arranged L.R., detached garage. Private well, electric pump. Close In off Mllverton Hwy. Immediate possession. Full price $5,750.00. Or Maybe Two acres in orchard and berry with older type house but modern. Private well electric pump. Good view 4 miles North Just off Wallace Road. Full price $6,800.00. Easy terms to Oregon State Veteran. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9217 Real Estate - Insurance - Mtg. Loans C161" LOT 60x1201950 Broadway. $1000. 10 ACRES land, all In cult., near Cottage Farm. Good build, site. $3000, low down payment. llx A. off Center St., lovely 5 rm. house, basement, 2 fireplaces, party rm., elect, water system bus at door. $12,650, small down payment. INCOME property with S yr. lease at $100 per month. Excellent location. $9250. $4250 will handle. R. E. MEREDITH. RLT. or B. M. MASON 176 8. Commercial Ph. 3-8841 c!60 By Owner: Small unfinished hse. ft acre $2250, $200 Dn. Ph. 2-3203. Cl61' WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ABE In need oi good houses to sell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ca WHAT HAVE YOU to trade on this fine 16 unit apt. bldg. Very best of equlpm't St location. Garages, A good Investment a $82,000. VERY CHOICE corner, close In 8. Com'l. 126x132. Has 3 hses. $22,500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Oom'l St. Ph. 3-6389. Eve. 3-7440. cal62 NOTICE! If your property Is for sale. rent or exchange, list it with us We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8. High St EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADES Lovely court on beach; 7 units, strictly moaern, lutiy iurnisnea traae ior ren tal houses in Salem. Neat two bedroom house in Detake to trade for house in Balem, pay some dif ference. Good 80 acre dairy farm near Coquille to trade for Salem or suburban. 5 acres at edge of Mt. Angel to trade ior nouse in saiem. Business building on coast to trade for omen, or amau vaney jarm. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N. High St. Phone 37660 cbl61 EXCHANGE modern 3 bd. rm. house on Fairmont Hill for home near Catholic school. Ph. 3-4963. cb!65 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS building for sale, heart of Hol lywood, with 5-year lease. 1545 N. 16th. cdl60 BARBER SHOP, good location, reasonable rent, long lease, 1997 Fairgrounds Rd. cdl60 SERVICE station for lease with inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district United Petroleum. Call EAst 1106. Port land, Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr. Sykes. cd' FOR RENT an almost new building In the center of Hollywood business aim, net, 2045 Fairgrounds Road. Attractive living apartment in rear. Excellent business location. Ph. 3-1181. cd!60 BY OWNER Want a home and business combination? We have that location. Phone 39395 cdl62 ("Life of Riley" plus (Beautiful Blonde From Bashful Bend") .SERVICE Station, good location In Snlem. pumping around 10.000 per month, to responsible party at Inventory. Write Box 341, Capital Journal. cdl82 WE HAVE A BUYER FOR A GROCERY STORE WITH LIVTNG QUARTERS. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 Cdl62 ON THE HIGHWAY Dandy modern home with Income on 99E north, for further particulars Call or See G. A. VICARY REAL ESTATE 818 N. Com') St. Phone Day or Eve 2-0421 cd!61 OUT OF TOWN PROPERTY Albany Investment Property. By Owner. Building 1 block long, Mi block wide. Concrete and Brick Construction. ,a block from center business district. 3 railroad sidings adjacent. 3 year lease $355 a month. Write PO Box 53. Phone 5-F-5 Shedd, Ore. cdl65 TAVERN ' Club privileges, restaurant, draught and package beer, wine; fine location in neighboring city. Long lease with re newal privilege; low rent. Call Mr. Bean. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 cd!61" 10 t'NlT apartment court conveniently lo cated tor steady rentals, iset income per year over $4000. better than 137 Interest on investment. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 8. Commercial. Ph. 34590. Eve. 39536 cd!61 FOR SALE New garage & station with living quarters, sell at Inventory, Cliff Steven-, AumsvHle, Ore., Phone 1081 Cdl62 GROCERY St MEAT MKT. Excellent location InSalrm. Price $3800. Doing good business. Room for living quarters. On phone Information. See Ben Colbath. COLBATH LAND CO.. REALTORS 1683 Center St. Phone 3-4553 Cdl60 NELSON NEWS MAKE $15,000 IN ONE YEAR Sounds too good to be true, but the owner of this business has a large enough turnover A large enough mar gin to do that very thing. It can't be bought on a shoestring because the owner needs Immediate cash for other purposes. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Sen-tee by Men Who Specialise 702 N. High Ph. 3-4633 cdiet SKO0 GROCERY STATION with 3 rm. living quarters, price includes lease, slock A equipment, rent Is only $40 mo. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260 ediw IFOR SALE HOUSES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $10,500 HOME A INCOME Very good 6 rm. home with extra one rm. apt. Ai bath. Only 6 blocks from down town. No. 3 zone, excellent location for bus iness in your home. Nice basement, new oil furnace fireplace, hdwd. firs. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260 ffi-firffji-fjjjjfff.ffjjwiilfj FURNITURE FOR SALE UNPAINTED furniture, closeout prices WOODROW'S, 450 Center St. d SAVE $60 Mod. 4 Piece bleached oak bedroom suite plus a guaranteed 210 coll inner spring mattress 6z matching box spring. Reg, $199.50 value. Only $139.50. $14 down, $2 wk. Free delivery. OPEN FRI. EVE. UNTIL 9 P.M. WE GIVE F. H. GREEN STAMPS H.&H. FURNITURE CO. 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-3797. dl61 MODERN TWO Toned club style sectional Fireside and Club Chair with Otto. Call Webb at 35663. dl62 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn ai Woodry Auction Market. Ph. 3-5110. da for sale l.vestock GOLDEN PALOMINO Stallion. Arab, thor. Grandson Man-of-War. Gentle, excellent disposition and conformation. Saddle and Harness broke, Reg. PHBA. $1600. Also green broke, 1 black gelding. Palomino filly, 3 sorrel fillies, flaxen mane and tall. Half thor. Reasonable. Phone Lebanon 2824. e!62 FAMILY COW for sale. Ph. 2-3061. el63' LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer L C. McCandllsh, 1127 8. 25. Ph, 3-8147. RABBITS WING'S RABITRY needs fryer rabbits, Top prices. 3985 State St. 109F6. ebl77 PETS . Kittens to give away. Ph. 3-8164. ecl61 For Sale by Owner Exceptionally fine Reg. Male Chow 16 Mos. See him at LeGray Boarding and Training Ken nels Rt. 3 Ph. 3-139B. ecl61 West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, I6-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK . . SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem ee Summer Special Buy your winter fuel now and save. Good screneed sawdust $4.00 unit uooa clean bioctc wood $8,00 load Dry slab for furnace $8.50 load Dry edging for cook stove S8.00 load Oregon Fuel Co. - Phone 35533 ee!69 FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. Summer rates. eel60 Oak Wood 3 sizes. Phone Judd 2-2129 nights. eel64 PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak Ph. 6BF22. TR1-CITY- FUEL Fresh cut sawdust Prompt delivery. Ph 27442 We give S St H Green Stamps Green 16 In. mill wood ee" CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends At Block Wood, Ph. 36444 FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 3-1298 f 161 RED FRYERS for sale. Reasonable. Ph. 454 Jefferson, Ore. Rt. 1, Box 35. f 161 FRYERS R. I. Reds Jennings Poultry Farm, Glenn Creek Rd. f 161 0 GEESE 2 yr. old Toulouse, F. H. Mott, Gaston, Ore. 1 ml. E., Laurel wood school. 1162 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Tburs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. i PRODUCE LARGE MONTMORENCY cherries, U pick. J. u. bavage ai waconaa. rn. 3-U44. ffl63 FRESH RASPBERRIES. Delivered In city lor 12. M. L. Cherry. Ph. 2-1532. 11162 LGE. DARK red raspberries $2 3745 BrOOKS St. Ptl. 24379. RASPBERRIES, Frlgaard's Fruit Stand, mi. n. K.eizcr Hcnooi. rn. 2426.1. imi RASPBERRIES $2,00 crate. Rt. 390, north Chcmawa. Ph. 2-1386. U-PICK, Raspberries, loganberries and Boysenberries. Bring own containers. Prert Bennett Rt. 2 Box 44B. 1 mile East of Keizcr school on Chcmawa rd. ffl61 NECTARBFRR1ES for Jelly, Jam and lockers. Bring containers, leave orders. 1245 Clearview Ave. off Cherry. ff!62 STRAWBERRIES, U Pick, 10c lb. Still lots ol nice berries left Stanley Sneed, Rt, 2, Box 450. ? mile west of Portland highway on Chemawa cutoff Rd. ff 160 HELP WANTED WANTED Bean pickers. Register now. Clear Lake Bean Farm. 2's? miles N. Keiter school, Rt. 2, Box 274. Salem. Ph. 3-1859. gl63a A-l Al' TO Mach. steady work. 809 Edae- water St.. West Salem. gl62 MANAGER for garage business must be A-l mach. Know how to handle help. Reference St ex per. Capital Journal Box 286. g.62 BEAN PICKERS 50 acres register now at Sunset Farms. 24 miles North of In dependence on Salem highway near Oak Point school. Cabins, store, wash room showers, starting July 18th. gl71 HELP WANTED MALE Part time service station help. Exp. In lubrication At sales. Write box 438 Capi tal Journal. gal61 GROCERY CLERK state age, experience Sz references. Write Box 285 Capital Journal gal62 RESERVE LIFE Insurance Co. needs three hustlers with car to fill out their sales organisation. Experience helpful but not neressary. We t ratal you and furnish leads when you are ready. Contact Mr. Tabor, 248 N. Commercial. Rm. 23 be tween 9 & 12 a.m. Thurs. or Friday. No phone calls please. ga!62 Wanted a foreman over two small ranches must be single, around 50 with car. Call Iva Green before 12 a. tn. St ay ton 13F8 or at Rt. 1 Box 19 Stay ton. Please apply In person. gateo Journal Want Ads Pay BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN GROCERY MARKET Finest of locations, not a single slow item In the stock, walk-In cooler, good fixtures b equipment, long lease. $6500 A real Income is here for you the very day you buy this established business. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON, REALTORS 250 N. Hight St. Phone 2-4129 Over 27 Years in Salem HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRLS for outside home owner survey work. Best season starting. Personality and ability to meet people will net good earnings. See Mr. Stevens. Builders In sulating Co. 980 6. Commercial 9:30 to 11:30 a. m. gbl62 LADY SOLICITOR 5 days a week 6 hrs. day. No experience or car necessary, Apply In person 9 a. m. to 11:00 a. m, Willamette Valley Roofing 30 Lana Ave. gb WANTED girl to do light house work. M47 Fir Ph. 2-7749. g016a EXPERIENCED Comptometer Operator. Min. age 20. Good hrs., pay and work ing conditions. Contact COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 360 State St. . Ph. 21488 gbl60 WOMAN OR GIRL for housework. 695 N. Rbl63 Liberty. Call mornings. WANTED SALESMEN MEN READ CAREFULLY Friday evening, at 7:30 P. M. only, I want to talk to 28 men who are really ambitious In securing a position that will give them an opportunity of mak ing money. IT DOESN'T MATTER what your past work has been; all we ask is that you will be willing to study and learn as we teach you our work It will be necessary that you be willing to get along on $50 to $60 per week for the first 4-6 weeks while learning. YOU MUST BE ABLE to give the names of three people who will vouch for your honesty and Integrity, and you must be bondable. We prefer men who are married or those with some responsibility, I would like to talk to men who are mechanically inclined and who know a good thing when they see It. A car Is essential. If you are honest and of good charac ter a willing worker and neat In ap pearance and can thJnk on your feet, come to Rm, 2 at the Marlon Hotel Fri day evening at 7:30 p. m. only, or write Box 284 Capital Journal. ggl61 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES ' OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS . CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St ph. 3-1488. gf WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED Switchboard operator needs work. Beverly Berry, Ph. 2-9213. hl62a EXP. WOMAN wants general hoiutework At cooking position. Ph. 3-3161 Rm, 146. hi 60 CHILD CARE $1.75 per day. Any rtae. Room At board If desired $2.50 per day. CARPENTER, A-l, fast. Ph. 2-8825. h.1771 PUMICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 2-8826. hl77 FREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar, W, H. McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1496. hl75 LAWN CARE As Landscaping. Reas. Call after 5. Ph. 23074. hI80 Housekeeplnc job for widow or bachelor over 50. Write Nettie Richardson, Gen. Del. Salem, Ore.- hl61 WE PAINT, repair and build houses. Ph. 2-0341 Eve or morning. hl61 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. hl75' HOUSE WORK by hr. Ph. 29901 before 8 a.m. hl79 Cf-.MENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. hl71 TYPING In my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eves. h!70 WILL CARE for children in my home. From 8 to 6 daily. Ph. 2-0515. hl78" Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643. hl81' TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hl78 BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580. PAINTING & DEC, Exprrt color harmonizing. Pb. 3-7853. h!66 CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-3924. hise1 CUSTOM HAY baleina, raka with Job. -also will mow. Ph. 27103 hl62 WANT HR. WORK. Ph. 3-4787 alter 5. h!74 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 3-43S9 Free estimates hlSl' CARPENTER WK. New. repair. Pb. 2-2093. hl61' PAINTING, repair work. Price reasonable. Work guaranteed. No Joba too small. Ph. 27546. hl61 Exp. Cashier, receptionist and gen. office work. Miss Clarke, Ph. 2-0631. hl61 RESORTS Spend Your Vacation At Breeze Hill Apts. Ocean front, plate glass windows. Strictly modern, elec tric refrigerators, etc. You'll enjoy your vacation just a little more at Breeze Hill. Write Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogue Box 56 Taft, Ore. ha 165 FOR RENT ROOMS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Also sleep ing room. pn. j-4jjs, iu n. unurcn. jklOO Comfortabtl furn. sleeping rm. kitchen &z laundryy privilege if desired. Close to Capitol St Willamette University $23.50 with garage $25. Ph. 2-3066. jvl64 SLEEPING ROOMS, hot and cold water. 461 N. High. Jkl63 HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy. Phone 3-6093. jkl73 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4335. NICE SLEEPING room In modern home. Ph. 37558. Jkl60 SLEEPING ROOM for 1 or 2 employed gentlemen. 638 N. Church. jk!62 SLEEPING ROOMS for gentlemen. Ph. 35764. Clean llghthousekeeptng date two. 1810 Trade. FURN. SLEEPING room. Prlv. toilet & shower. Hollywood dlst. Ph. 3-9698. After 5:30 p.m. 2-6964. Jkl61 WELL FURN. sleeping room, close In, nub water, men oniy. at center. jkl61 ATTRACTIVE Sleeping rm. Clean and lignt. private Dam adjoining, un ous line. 180 S. 19th. Jkl60' FOR RENT APARTMENTS COOL. ATTRACTIVE apt. All modern. & min. want irom statenouse at too n. Winter. jpl0 3-RM. FURN. apt. Prlv. bath. elec. re- Jpl6Q frig. 419 S. 19th St. 3 RM. apt. Prlv. bath. Emp. couple. 633 Ferry. jpioi' FURN. DOWNSTAIRS Apt. 3310 H. 4th St. CLOSE IN. Modern 2 rm. Electric range. relrlg. Laundry faculties. 535 N. Winter. Jpltl' NICELY FUNRN. Apt. All elec. Utilities turn. 363 s. letn. jp." 3 ROOM deluxe furn. apt. Hot water heat. cooking luel and water inc. in 7o rent. Close in. Ph. 3-5112 for appt. Jp RM. fe Kitchenette furn. Apt. Ph. 2-7546. JP162 i ROOM Furn. pt. Adults. Phone 2-5373. 1936 Center. Jp16Q IBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pleasant furn. apt. Close In 3-9185. JpIOl ROOM APT. for rent. Don Hatfield, 360 N. Capitol. jp!61' MOD. FURN. Apt. for 2 adults only. Lights, garbage service, hot At cold wa ter. $35 per month. Inquire rear apt. 824 N. Front St. jpl65 Small furn. court apt. 883 Bellsvue ave. JPlfll- New Apt. Hollywood Dlst. 2 rra At bath partly furn. Ph. 2-8067 after 6 p. m. JP161' BDBM. large unfurn. apt. Plv. bath, elec. range At auto, heat Included. Will take children. Inquire at 1437 N. 4thf. Jpl62 FOR RENT HOUSES WHY RENT YOU CAN BUY New homes. Terms like rent. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church. 2-7642: eves. 2-0126 Jm FOR LEASE or sale on easy terms, 2 bdrm. 2286 Claude Bt. Jml60 LARGE HOUSE, Work out part rent, re pairing same. Inquire 1136 Spruce St. Jml62 FURN. COTTAGE. 3215 Portland Rd. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SPACE, excellent location, espe- ciwiiy atsiraoie ior aocior or aentist. 318 North Liberty. Phone2-3923 J 164 RENT Singer electric sewing machine by month In your home. No extra charge for delivery St pickup of machine. $6.00 per mo. Ph. 33512. J166- OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Pb. ZBOflS. 1 FOR RENT Location for physician, chiro practor, optometrist and denist in new Post Office building In Delake, Oregon. A permanent population of 10,000 to be served, call at 627 E 14th St., McMlnn vllle for appointment Phone 135. J165 TRAILER SPACE $10 a month with all modern conveinces across the street. South side of Paulus Cannery. Ross Trailer Park. Ph. 2-8885. J182 GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of fice or stores. Also alley warehouse with elevator. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 jo U DRIVE trucks cars Ph. 2-9103, J POWER TOOL rentals tor borne St in dustrial use Howser Bros- Ph ' 3-3646. r TRAILERS. $2.00 Per day. Howser Bros. 1410 S. 12th, West Salem J BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. ) GOOD USED PIANOS. H L, Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rent. Montgomery Ward. ) TO DO a good Job rent a good floor Sand er. We sell everything to complete the Job. HOWSER BROS. Pp. 1-3646. SKIL-TOOL rental service. Vally Farm Store. 4345 Sllverton Rd. J178 WANTED TO RENT Working Couple desires furn. home. Rea- aonaoie rent, m, 3-4606 alter 6:30 p. m. Jal61 WANTED to rent an office space 1400 sg. ft. Ph. Mr. Johnson 2-4146. Jal62 Wanted 1 or 2 bd. rm, furn. house. By coupie witn a yr. old girl. Reference. Mr. WLiMiam manager of the Vista Meat Market Ph. 2-3253. JaI61 Bedroom house unfurnished 2 children yrs., it? mos. Excel, ref. from Port land. Kenneth Gunde, Senator Hotel. Ph. 3-4151. jal60 2 BDRM. honse. Ph. 2-8516 morning or -JW P'"- jaim 3 BDRM. house or ant. bv Jniv la hv rnn. t-.t cAiickuui octuuu cnua Aug. iu. rn. g-6587. jniei' LOST AND FOUND PERSON WHO found watch, please call br am. rn. .t-tuoo. K1SO" Lost! Black Shepard male dog July 2 near iairgrounds. Reward $10. Fred Gil bert. Aumsville, Ore. Ph. 85F25. kl60 MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State At Commercial Bts. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE YOUEt SINGEB Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen-ta"-e. Ph 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on al' makes of ma chines Pre- estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N Com'l. m LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. we close Saturdays 12:30. rol82a NEED 3 nice playmates for my two chil dren between 2-5. Under constant sup ervision. $1.25 per day, further Informa tion ?-4b30. ml65 BUILDING MATERIAL SPECIAL: Cedar siding, i"x8". Random lenfttn. c-grade, $85 thousand. Keith Brown, Front St Court 8ts., Salem. CEMENT MIXER for rent. Pb. HARDWOOD flooring, ah grades, from tva tnousand up. Keith Brown, Front At Court bts., Salem, ma SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for fret estimate . Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON ma" AETNA STEEL Door Frames, assembled. one unit. low installation cost, pum ILITE, West Salem. mal60 RE.MNFORCING STEEL! and Blok-Mesh in 4", 6 ", 8" widths. PUMILTTE, West Salem. ma 160 CHIMNEY BLOCKS St Foundation Blocks. PUMILITE, West Salem. ma 160 ALUMINUM ROOFINO 2 ft width is the following lengtbat ' $1.74 8 2.32 10' 2.90 13 S.48 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM. OREGON ma NEW SHIPMENT piast board. H" Mr, V, 6o sq ft Rock lathe 45 so. ft. 11.75 MONTGOMERY WARD SaLEM ma BUILDERS attention. Two 14-ft. ladders $10 each. One extension ladder, 19 ft. sections, $25. In good condition. If all are taken, $37.50. Ph. 2-0146. ma 162 Cedar Shingles - Shakes May we supply you with Tillamook Coast, Grande Ronde Inland, and Cas cade High mountain No. 1 shingles, $8.35 sq. No. 2, $5.00. Stdewall 18-tn. shakes painted with undercourse $12.80 sq., un painted $9.00 sq. Ted Muller Building Supplies, Ph. Salem 2-1196. ma" NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS See them In bloom. 180 varie ties. Mrs. F. E. Ward, 4380 Cherry Ave. nblTI (Continued on Page 23)