, 80 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN : Chanter 25 1 Jeff opened his eyes and blinked. !He pushed himself to an elbow, ' .only to fall back with a groan of .paln. His head was splitting. Then memory returned and he groaned again; and the agony this time was jnental rather than physical. ' Glenn! Glenn, the boy he had r aworn by the memory 01 nis aeaa mother to guard and cherish and help, had stolen the gold. Glenn, not Slug, had doped the coffee. It was Glenn who had followed them, knowing approximately where they ' would camp and in what condition lie would find them. Jeff rolled over, getting his hands beneath him. He started to push himself erect only to be arrested cd no further explanation. He one who had stolen the gold had ridden the horse with the broken calk. And the man who rode that horse had killed John Stover! Shakily he got to his feet and went over to wnere oienns norse had stood. He struck a match and by its light examined the prints In the soft earth. They were quite distinct and perrect in every de tail. There was no broken calk. He felt an Instant great relief. Glenn was not a murderer; no matter what else he had done, he had not killer. A new tneory Be gan to form in his mind. Glenn and Slug had worked together in the gold theft; Glenn had planned it and had left its execution to the bolder and more experienced Slug. Glenn had doped the coffee, but Slug had made off with the wagon while they slept, lie nad dumped the box in the creek, ditched the wagon, then gone on to the rocky flat where Glenn had met him. Assured by Slug ,that tne goia was saie, twenn naa cir cled to the Cougar trail and him. self had awakened Jeff and called his attention to the theft. That had alibied him completely. This was the only logical ex planation that Jeff could find, and although it absolved Glenn of the greater crime of murder, the bit ter fact remained that the boy he had helped rear and support and for whom he had made so many uncomplaining sacrifices had re paid his trust and confidences by this stab in the back. Jeff walked over to the box and picked ud the hacksaw blade Glenn had dropped. He turned it over in his hands, oreed nad driven Glenn to this; greed and, Indirectly, love. He wanted wealth; he was proud end did not want to go to Connie empty handed. Connie! How would this hit her? If she loved Glenn as the boy had given Jeff reason to be lleve, it would break her heart. "Get 'em up. vou!" Jeff stiffened. The voice came from behind him, and In an in stant he knew he hadn't a chance. His gun was lying somewhere on the ground. He dropped the blade and slowly raised his hands. He heard the tramp of approaching :eet, tnen a nana ieit nis empty holster, and ran lightly over the rest of him in search of weapons. He felt steel on his wrists. The handcuffs snapped shut with a click. "Now turn around and let's have a look at you." Jeff turned and looked Into his lace. Bill was so startled that he took A backward step. "So vou're the bird that swlDed the gold! By Jacks, I said it was an insiae job. iiey, tzu Hurry down here and see what I cot!" Ed 'Wade returned leading Jeff's horse. "Holy cowl" he cried. "The doss, Jen uyier." "And now," said Jeff coldly, since you've had your little Joke, you might unlock these cuffs and give me back my gun." It didn't work. "I might," answered Bill grim ly, "after you've evplained the meanin' of all this." "It's plain enough, Isn't It? I had a hunch the box had been cached in the creek and" He broke off abruptly, recognising the trap Into which he had al most walked. Bill picked him up. "And so you waded into the creek and fished It out. And you did it with out gettln' wet. Or did you use a flshin" pole?" Jeff didn't answer, and Bill went bn. "And after you fished it out you Just couldn't believe It was the same box, and even it it was still locked you couldn't be sure the gold was still In it. So you got a hacksaw blade that you Just hap pened to have along and sawed it open. That's a lulu, that isi Try tellln' it to twelve good men and true. . . Get on your horse." Bill nicked uo his hat and slap ped it on his head, then helped him into the saddle. Jeff attempt ly, "after you've explained the couldn't clear himself without tell ing the whole truth, and that wouia nurt com uienn ana tannic Their arrival at camp created a stir. Men awoke at Bill's shout and gathered to hear his storv Their eyes, fixed on Jeff, reflected iirst surprise and then contempt. Theft is one thing, disloyalty an other; theft combined with dis loyalty is lower than low. Jeb King came and looked hard into Jell's eyes. "Tell me it ain't so, Jeff. Tell me ii you can." Jeff said nothing and Jeb turned away. He seemed suddenly weary. "Hitch up the team," he . told Jake Wheeler. "You and the guards go after the gold. Take -It on to Briscoe. , . Get what rest you can, boys; we'll break camp and start for home come dawn." It was late in the afternoon when Jeff rode into Cougar with Bill Frothlngham and Ed Wade. Word of their coming had preceded them. A crowd met them at the end of Main street and followed them along the sidewalks to the iall. Threats of lynching were openly maae. (To be continued) Ton Frodtlnr Such an easy dress to Dut togetner. ana so verv wear able. For a cool Summer look, mav- be the yoke of peek-a-boo evelet. This pattern Is also effective in stripes, used uo and down in the aress; crosswise in tne yoke. ino. zmo is out in sizes 12. 14. m. 18. 20. 36. 38. 40 and 42. Size 18 requires 3Ti yds. 35-ln. fabric with ',4 yd, 30-in. contrast, Send 25c for PATTERN with Nnmo, Address and Style Number. state aize aesirea. SUMMER Is the time for nrettv styles the Fashion Book the place to find them. Everything you need ior tnat wonaenui two weeks with pay, plus plenty of charming and wearable fashions for town, country Home. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK brings you over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions, and all designed for easy sewing. fries just 2U cents, uroer your copy now. Address Capital Journal. 552 Mis sion St.. San Francisco 6, Calif. jtS. iSfc.aiEiBaB'''a, Decent With Doe-mod It'i fun easy and inexpensive to make your uwji norm decorations, urepe pa per flowers give your home year- round color and beauty and last a long time. The beautiful dogwood blossoms illustrated were made of pale pink and white oarjer. each separate petal twisted to a natural oare Dranoh. Pattern Envelope No. R2644 eon tains step-by-step Instructions for making flowers, leaves and stems: material requirements and illustra tions. To obtain the pattern send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number, your name, address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberta, Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street, San Fran cisco 3. Calif, r.H"7:.?n?ANGER I MAVBE- M f DONT BE TOUCHY I I T MV BOSS COULD USE A IT HEY NOW GET THIS BUD -IF VDII nn Lim,ui!M urv; Jnr -rag KtKAiNNiztu 1 HAT GOOD MAN CCH-LECTIN' I WHAT DON'T WANTA GO AROUND iussl mh jrc k tvt utrzzr rs? - into this burg r ' I n rn i i n n 1 1 cv 1 1 -. , ,1 j . I... ... f W. ml ?j!Ttk'fii O s V Taxes? how muoj taxes ?7" they dont ST so they"7whl not exactlv.- T" f BUT THEYVE CALLED OUT J ER.-THSY sen I I IF WE owe TAXES ON . KN0W-TH6 LAWS I I JUCT-6RAB M IT SEEMS A T7W LJEN I R I TH'ARMV-THEYVE JUST IT'S BECAUSE Of I DOUGH WE FOWD. WELL, ARE VERY VAGUE I f TH WHOLE t INVOLVED I I MOVED IN AMD GRABBED THE QUESTION I I WE'LL FW TH' TAXES- ON ANYTWNQ I 1 THING. EH? J. JBB "WWEll 1 ( lOOMT ALLTHE PEOPLE'. Y NeL.iey,WIL6L)R TOLD YOU HE'D M " ME REK1TED THE EXCAVATOR fiTIS-ll J Jj SP 2SSw DOUBLE. TME VALUE OF WIS PROPERTY AMD IS SONS TO BUILD aTV , ff WRURSfitJD HE'S KEEPING MIS JI1V- f VMOUSE ALL Byr-T--Vj " J'J l... ;''- 1 1 -mi wffir I if-'nif v 1 ILniafY ' fYOUR HAPPINESS, AT NOT A I lAND THE OWNER OF THE '" I -AND MILLIONS OF SIMPLE, I I -ARE VCU WIULINS YyASSUH'.'I TURNING TO STONE., SHOWS 1 1 BUILDING THE KINDLIEST II INNOCENT NEW YORKERS. At I I TO DISAPPOINT ALL - AH X WHAT A SELFISH CI 1R VOL! II niLLirikl AIRE YOU FurR S I Iwurur BTFM I rv-iMIKIrt .A iBfl l-LJAB- DrnDi f-imW b ic: cl L fARE.r-TWNK OF MLI' S I I MET-HE'LL BE HEART- L I I FORWARD TO SEEING rJH I BECAUSE fOO rrt WILLIN' ) I I IF THERE'S Un rtathf A-n-o II RDnuPM.rr -s' I l-njKTcranur ATnBTut Alll I ..Lrr m I iu I tr,arrJ I THE BUILDING TOMORRCW S I . . ' Z&ik BUILDING THtY'U. BE. ) , , ( GOO'BVE b m'fKTJn ii syi3& fin) -tcj i I ? l ccuLrfrrfn Mil vw&-w i j h : N CV) II 1 rrrPI'1" Jl Ml I SF5S J .,..r- It t twjV I .,. l . I A L-H tllllA bsl m f, L"3 m H L-J I '.. 1113 WHAT KG I j.npl?- i BADltS J J THOSE DOKN 1WK1ISWUT l(l loilffllM dm . S THEIR r r-W ABOUT THREE WEEKS bvrr-rM TrrrTS, -TlWS7i ,. r W ?S5lwSlimS SH-H-H WATCH RELAX 6 LAMP'S TALKING V I FOUND THOSE PO OU THINK THOSE T "lu, -oirrr UM W VVHATX3USAV TOTHE BLAKE 6IRL. ANP I HOUSES TIED AT THE K'PS SAWANTHIN6 "T "Jj y R J'fPn&ytFQSX & WRE NOT SvPPCSEP THE OTHERS HAVE 60NE. CAVE ENTRANCE ANP SUSPICIOUS IN THEJT fSZVT 12y "li 1 0 ITnTfT ffSs 7 i f DECOS5AMJ1S I I I lf 1 r.MLiH'"3PiW WB ftnij' f , ViM' 1 I X. I i- a iyfl . . . I V X! V I I I 1 1. . . 1 I LtlsAndiu f V STOP YXNOW, KITTEN TODOTHAT 1 i! ' If ZjklT EIo"AAV HE'lL HAVE XT FOB rWU?A52?iETOAW"l5PERING) THEORIENT.WHEnwouldmAKeJ BEBE....DARLIN60 J BAD, JTO5TAYINBED atof' 7 tEV0U, )mR5 UORTH1 J VOU SAVE A MAN'S 7 ME A05T t5vJ "" -. 4J M JUNIORypQR. yjg J -j ' MR,ljREENW000yjQyjJt UFE -VOU'RE HONOR 'pp5-f If y 7 i Af jrSTRA'INOMHI5HtARTJlfc5 rTwKrC--(.omw, J RTO,IA,"AREjaREeNwooo! y:J, jr V 'U RADIO PROGRAMS 'KSLM J'i0KGW THURSDAY P.M. IKOCO 'ir'KOIN OBI r:M Foltoo Uwli, Jr.. Wma'i Bcrl Rhythm Baneh Cart Mftuej :U Frok Heminrww Ssnnr Bldi Bhythm Boeb Little Show I JJ : PiHiai Psd Newi Bint Croihy Columbia FeHtr Newt Richard Hmrknen Sport Fkkb Larry LcSemr 6(00 B-Bar-B Ranch Strlns Serenade Candle LUbt and Kuox Man nine ilfl B-BarB Ranch Strlni Serenada Sliver Columbia Fealara : Adv. of Champ. Mnileal Cocktalli New Chet Huntley I to Muilo Elmer Petereon Bill Stern N'ewa 7:00 Gabriel Reatter Nelson Eddy Pat O'Brien Suspense ill Northwest News Nelson Eddy Tune Time Suspense ISO Westeoast Dorothy Lamonr Top Band Crime Photo. :i& Ramblers Dorothy Lamonr Top Band Crime Photos'. 8:00 Medlelne Drama Fred Warlnr Hera's to Vets First Nlrhler :1S Masie Hons Fred VTarins Time Was First Nlfbter :S0 Morsan Manner TBA ' Guest Star Tell It Asain iitt Morsan Manner TBA Gnest Star Tell It Again 9iM Hop Alons Cassidy Supper Clab Bandstand World Tonlfht lift Hop Alonr Cassidy News of World News Orchestra :S0 Coast Survey TBA Dusout Dope Mr. Keen tft Coast Survey TBA Baseball Mr. Keen 4ft- 0 News News Baseball Five Star Final I ( :1ft Select Loeal News Sports Paso Final Baseball Columbia Featuro 1U:S0 Newt Bands o( Land Baseball Let's Danes ' lift Music ' Band Waron Baseball Let's Dance 00 Fulton Lewis. Jr. Sam Hayes " Baseball Serenade I 1 :1ft Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Baseball You A the World I 1:80 Bob Pool Show Wax Museum Track 1400 Orchestra -' ft Music Wax Mnsenm Track U'M Orchestra 1:00 Sim Off Sirn OK Slsn Q Silent FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. m :00 News Hodse Podso " '. News Jktlft Dawn Patrol - Hodre Podn KOIN Kloek fn):30 Northwest News News KOCO Klock KOIN Klook Vl45 March Time Hodge Podso KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7:00 Dawn Patrol Farm Tims Tex Rltter KOIN Klock lift Dawn Patrol Farm Time flews A Sports News :S0 Dawn Patrol Tht Old Songs Top o Morntns News M News News News Fred Beck 8:00 News Fred Waring Western Melodies Consumer News :10 Breakfast Gang Fred War Ins Western Melodies Art Baker .80 Muslo Riders of Sags Stars Sing Robert Lewis : Top Trades Sam Hayes . Church In Wild Robert Lewis 9:M Bargain Counter Second Cup Melody Time Vooal Varieties ' :lfi vtetor Llndlabr Second Cup Melody Time News :S0 Sons of Pioneers' Jack Berch Without Words Grand Slam - : Music News J. Chas. Thomas Rosemary jfft 100 Northwest News Hostess House Coffee Cup' Wendy Warren ll'jiW Kate Smith Sings Hostess House Northwest Reports Aunt Jenny 'wr:8 pa,t'r'i CaO Tommy Dorsey Rhapsody In Helen Trent -!r Wiles Walts Tommy Dorsey Rhythm Our Oal Sunday mm :W News Lopez Orch. Glass Wax Big Sister I 1 :1 Gospel Singers Lopes Orch. Glass Wax Ma Perkins J R :30 Perry Como Today's Children Glass Wax Young Dr. Malono M " Walts Serenade Brighter Day Glass Wax Guiding Light I A :0 Top Trades Double or Nothing Hollywood Music News " 11:16 News . Double or Nothing Hollywood Muslo Come Si Get II I 'M Queen for a Day News News Norah Drake ;4ft Haeen for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents Makes Yon Tlek Ladles First LIfs beautiful Mac's Melodies 2nd Mrs Burton :lft Ladles First Ma Perkins Mao's Melodies SJry Mason :S0 Northwest News Pepper Young Mac's Melodies p. o'lirlen Shaw 115 Bob Eberly Show Happiness Mac's Melodies Ali-.flo ?!" Tell Neighbors Baokstase Wife Mae's Melodies NcwsDaner or Air :1ft Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mao's Melodies Newspaper of Air :30 Organ Reveries Lorenio Jones Mac's Melodies winner Take All ! Blng Sings Wlddor Brawn Mac's Melodies Tuncfuily "ours 44. Against the Storm A Girl Marries Mac's Melodies Ncim ' aff :16 Against the Storm Portia Faees Life Mao's Melodies Meet thm Mi..na 7) i30 Music Just Plain tsill Mac's Melodies Heal the MIssm , tB Novelties on Par. Front Pare Farrell Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey 4:00 Say It With Mnsie Roaa of Life Women's Page A.'hor Godfm :16 Say It With Muslo Lorn Lawton Philosopher .rthor Godfre :M Songs of Our Aunt Mary Spotlito on Muslo Arthur Godfrey i : News Wo Love A Learn Spotlito on Music Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: K.EX, 1190; KOAC, 550 KFX Tha""y P.M. 5:00, Squirrel Cage; :S0, Johhny Lujackt 6:00, Keeping Up with Sports; 6:16, Home Edi tion News) 6:30, Modern Romances t 1:00, Edwin C. Hilli 7:I, Elmer Davis; 7:30, Name the Movlet 8:00, Counterspyt 8:30, Treasury Band Showt 9:00, Theatre U.S.A.! Damon Runyon Theatret 10:00. Richfield Reporter; 10:1ft, Intermezzo) 10:30, Concert Hourt 11:30. Memos to To morrow! 12:00, Xtra Hour; 1:00 Sign Off. ICV Frf. A.M. 6, Early Blrdt 6:4S, VE A Dirt Farmer; 7, Lawson MsCalli 7:15, Bob John son i 7:30, Bob Hateni 7:45, Farm Newsi 8:00, Mrrt and Margei 8:15, Martin Agronskyi 8:30, Zeke Manners) 8:45, Easy Aeesi 9:00, Breakfast Clubi 10, News; 10:1ft, Stars of Today) 10:30, Kay Kyser's Kolleget 11, Ted Malonet 11:15, Ga len Drake) 11:30. True Ssoryi 13:00. Bet ty Crookeri 18:15, Newst 12:30. Baukhagei 12 :4S. Nancy Cralgi 1 :00, Northwest- erners; 1:30. Kay Westt 8:00, Breakfast In Hollywood) 8:30, Talk Your Way Out of Hi rAC Tnuo)' P.M. 5:00, On the T Jt Upbeat: 5:50, 650 Sports Clubi 6:00, News) 6:15, Dinner Melodies; 0:39, 'Round the Campflret 7:15, Eveninr Farm Hour) 8:00, Artistry In Classiest 8:15,' Great Songs) 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast, News) 9:00, Music That Endures 9:46, Lift Up Thy Volcet 10:00, Excur sions In Science) 10:1ft, Serenade) 10:45. Newst 11:00, Sign Off. IA Af Friday a.m. to 4:45 .. IVMV 10:00, The Newsi 10:15, k peelally for Women i 11:00, The Concert Hall; 13:00, Newsi 12:15, Noon Farm Hourt 1:00, Ride 'ran Cowboyi 1:15, Variety) 1:30, Melody Lanei 2:00, Caval cade In Dramai 2:15, Memory Book of Music: 8:00, News. O.vu, ourprisc rovnnnst o-ou, uiiui u Groom) 4:00, Welcome Travelers) 4:80, Art Llnkletter. Church People Picnic Wheatland, July 9 Attend ing a 4th of July picnic at the Miss Maud Williamson state park were 25 people of the Hopewell Sunday school: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Joeckel, Mr. and Mrs, John Fuqua, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Marley, Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Smith, Rev. and Mrs. Conrad Rhoads, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Gilchrist, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pearse and their families. ACROSS L Store In a alio 7. Ridicule 13. One who takes the Initiative 14. Machine for smoothing woorl 15. Cut 16. Dock 17. Midwestern state; abbr, IS. Meadow 19. Little pieces 20. Command 21. Fish E2. Country road 23. Festival 14. King: oX Baahan 25. Rage 26. Cooking utensil 27. Despot 19. Gratify 32. Swedish cola 33. Charges 34. Toward 35. Pretense 37. Insect 38. Exile 33. Spread to drj 40. Prophet 41. Upper limb 42. Supported by 43. Peruse 44. Kind or lizard 46. Vegetables 48. More sub missive 49. Forebear 60. Declare DOWN L, Kind of tre i, Use of new words IsiniaIgIsBUcIoIvIeIrIeIdI lL I I E s9 P A I 1 N T Wm A I olsrl L O SjTTN SHpTitB E N S uTiIn eSSr a TjfT T S E flskBCARETj kdjN oTmHTu M E R A L IB I IE RBILIe RBP O B E sl t e a! m eTsj tIeI nI Oi R j 8olutlon of Yesterday'. Puzzl. t. Cut with toothed tool 4. Notion i. Waaflr 7 13' 13 Vt 11 B fflA7 I8 f " 'x ww rn L 35 W ,fl a m s yl I M I mr 11 11 7-7 Syllable of besitatloa Petty malic Liquors Black liquid At home Forgive Wear away Small horse Go swiftly Genus of the beet Movable bed figure) Enemies Agricultural es tablishment Supplication Highway Equal Stutter Age Ran away Veranda Color Sumptuoua repast Device for stopping motion Swiss herdsmaa Seasons Fish eggs Roman bronsa) Skill Biblical character Mother ROOM AND BOARD .... By Gene Ahem TH' JUDGE HIT OIL SAND TO SELL HIS CORING GADGETS. WHEN HE GOT TH' IDEA OF CORING THRU A POTATO, THEN RACKING A WIENER. IN IT TO PRODUCE-TH' BAKED 'WEENEE-P07-HE TELLS TH' RECIPE TO EACH HOUSEWIFE AND HAS ALREADY SOLD HALF HIS STOCK OF TH THOUSAND CORING THE VEEN6E-PO IS GOODrTASTINS, TOO OF COURSE, WHAT SELLS THE HOUSEWIFE ON BUYING A CORER. 15 THE WW IT PREPARES A SIMPLE QUICKIE MEAL J CORING , 1