Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 07, 1949, Page 19, Image 19

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    v 146 Degrees in
Sun Registered
Lisbon, Portugal, July 7 W)
Twenty persons lost their lives
and scores of others received in
juries in a series of heat waves
and violent thunder storms
which have swept over Portugal
in the past week. The erratic
weather is continuing.
A temperature of 146 in the
sun was recorded at Coimbra
. , the highest reading in the na
tion. Crops in all parts of the
country have been damaged by
cyclonic winds, rain, hail, floods
and heat. Some streams are
flooded. Others have dried up.
Thirteen persons have been
killed by lightning, six have
drowned and one has died of
sunstroke. Many persons have
been overcome by the heat.
Escaped Con
Caught by FBI
Seattle, July 7 (IP) An ex
convict described as one of the
nation's 10 "most wanted men,'
who escaped from the Washing
ton state reformatory at Monroe
. two years ago, was captured yes
terday at San Diego, Calif., the
federal bureau of investigation
He was identified by the Se
attle FBI office as James Ed
ward Burns, 26.
He was found working under
an assumed name, the FBI said.
He escaped from the Monroe in
stitution Aug. 12, 1947, after
slugging a guard and stealing
his gun and automobile.
A resident of Seattle most of
his life, he was reported to have
an identifying tattoo on his left
forearm showing a beribboned
dagger and the inscription,
"Death Before Dishonor."
His criminal record dates
back to the age of 16, the FBI
said. He was serving a sentence
for robbery when he escaped
from Monroe. A companion in
the escape, Nathan Vernon Mc
Gloflin, was captured in Arkan
sas Oct. 8, 1947, and has been
returned to the reformatory.
Baptism Death
Leads to Arrests
Kingsport, Tenn., July 7 M"
The drowning of a 14-year-old
girl while she was being bap
tised in the Holston river near
, l .. A Tut l ii .1
jicic idst iviay i lias resulted in
the arrest nf thri nprsnnn nn
. uitarges oi muraer.
)l Margaret Chapman drowned
her grandfather, Franklin W.
Lewis, 53, a Holiness preacher.
Arrested and arraigned yester
day besides Lewis were How
ard Lee Smith, 38, of Bristol
and Edna Earl King, 34, of
Kingsport. A preliminary hear
ing was set for Wednesday.
The warrant for Lewis arrest
charged felonious, wilful and
unlawful drowning "while in
the act of baptism in the Holston
river under dangerous condi
tions x x x."
At the time of the tragedy,
rivermen said river -currents
were treacherous, following
heavy spring rains.
Lewis reported after the
drowning that he, the girl and
Smith were standing in the river
when all three suddenly went
down, ne saia uie gin was last
seen alive floating downstream.
ijewis is a uieuuuer 111 iue
Pnmnn F.arlv Phtirnh nf HnH nnH
iunsi, cuiiiijiuuiy caueu uie
Holinpsa phnrnh
Slight Slump Noted
In Postal Receipts
Lebanon Postal receipts at
the Lebanon post office slumped
slightly during June, according
to Clarence Roy, assistant post
master, with total sales amount
ine? tn $4319. 81 as enmriared to
i June ox lasi year wnen ine ng-
ure was $4834.99.
An overall gain for the first
six months was noted over the
same period last year, however,
' amounting to $28,624.85 this
year compared to 1948's figure
of $27,865.03.
Smoky says-
Miss Chinatown 1949
That's what Fanny Don
(above), 19, was crowned in
Pleasanton, Calif. The Uni
versity of California coed of
Casa Grande, Ariz., was chos
en on basis of being a typical
Chinese-American girl. (Ac
me Telephoto.)
Farmers Seek
Water Control
Jefferson Farmers in Linn
and Marion counties met with
the Marion and Linn County
Agents to see what can be done
about the control of water from
the river during high water,
which has damaged much of the
ground by washing away the
soil and also by covering the
fertile sou with gravel.
Frank Weddle, Leonard Mc
Caw, Mike Helms, Doug Brad
ley, Harvey Mitchell and O. D.
Stephenson were heavy losers.
The dam which would be nec
essary would have to be one
and a half miles long in order
to do any good and would cost
around $40,000.
An easement for right of way
has been signed by . Frank
Weddle, George McCoy, W. J.
Looney, Gilbert Looney, G. M.
Gorman, Paul VanScoy, Walter
Glasgow, Leland and Gladys
Wells, Roy Tilly, E. C. , Hart,
Charles Hart Jr., O. D. Stephen
son, L. H. Marcum and Robert
At the Marion-Linn county
meeting in Albany with the
County Agents were Doug Brad
ley, Harvey Mitchell, . Frank
Weddle, George McCoy . and
Walter Glasgow.
Portland Bridge Tied Up
By Truck-Auto Wreck
Portland. Julv 7 MP) Morri
son street bridge traffic was
tied up for hours late yesterday
after a truck-auto wreck in
which police separated the driv
ers involved.
The tmpk nvprtlirnori nftpr
smashing into a pillar on the
span. The car plowed into the
dumped cargo.
Successor to
Maclean Named
Toledo, Ore., July 7 W) Jack
D. Patterson, Depot Bay sports
fishing fleet operator and young
democrat, has been sworn into
office as Lincoln county com
missioner. He succeeds Robert
The new commissioner's term
expires December 31, 1950. Mc
lean resigned to accept a state
tax commissioner's position.
Patterson has been active in
development of Depoe Bay. He
recently headed a delegation to
Washington, D.C., where the
Oregon coast town asked for
federal funds to improve the
Two Democrats
Fight Solomon
Portland, July 7 (IP) Two
democrats have announced op
position to appointment of Port
land Attorney Gus J. Solomon
to the proposed third federal dis
trict bench in Oregon.
Edward C. Foss, Portland
party precinct committeeman,
and State Senator T. R. Mahoney
said they would oppose his nom-
mination. Solomon was endors
ed by National Committeeman
Monroe Sweetland and the party
committeewoman, Nancy Hon
eyman Robinson.
Meanwhile, Mahoney said he
had joined other democrats in
working to get the job for Cir
cuit Judge Earl C. Latourette,
Oregon City.
State Chairman William L.
will express his choice after a
poll of the state committee.
New Grade Made
For Yellow Globes
After July 8, Oregon growers
and packers of yellow globe
Danver type onions may market
their onions under a new grade,
to be known as Oregon fancy
This new grade is in addition
to grades already existing, and
has been established by the state
department of agriculture fol
lowing a recent hearing request
ed by Willamette valley growers.
This new grade conforms to
the requirements of U.S. No. 1
grade for northern grown on
ions, with additional require
ments on size, appearance and
Frank McKennon, chief of the
division of plant industry for
the department, said the new
grade will apply chiefly to the
commercial production of onions
in the .Willamette valley, as most
of the onions produced in other
sections of the state are of a
different type than the yellow
globe Danver.
Prison Break Fails
Walla Walla, Wash., July 7
(U.R) Two convicts who attempt
ed to tunnel out of Walla Walla
state penitentiary to freedom
were in solitary confinement to
day. Superintendent Tom Smith
identified the prisoners as Ed
ward Griffis, 30, serving a life
term for the murder of a Seat
tle policeman, and Jack Tom
lin, 34, convicted on burglary
charges in Yakima, Wash.
Wreckage of Fishing
Boat Zarembo Found
Astoria, July 7 (P) Wreck
age of the fishing boat Zarembo
III has been dragged from the
ocean offshore here to end a
two-year mystery surrounding
the craft and Its crew of six.
Dragboat Skipper Vincent
Fresh at N
your grocergn
EliSSiSilji J
Distributing Co
80 Bellevue
Ph. 3-3608
Re-Roof NOW
With Asphalt Shingles
your home is a valuable
, investment protect it with
Fire Resistant ,
Longer Protection
We arrange for installation
Phone 3-9191
For Free
e je mauy toot'
Phone 3-9191
484 Stat St.
'Flaming Sign' Sen. Tom Connally (left), chairman of the
Foreign Relations committee who made the opening appeal
for approval of the North Atlantic defense pact, confers with
Sen. Arthur Vandenberg (R., Mich.), as the senate opened
debate on the 12-nation treaty in Washington. Sen. Connally
asked ratification of the pact as a "flaming sign" to commu
nism that it can advance only at the risk of war. (Acme
Zankich reported plates found
in his nets were identified by
the Tacoma builder of the Za
rembo III as from that vessel.
The craft vanished in a storm
off the Oregon coast late in Sep
tember, 1947. It was owned and
operated by Howard Brondson,
U.S. Vice Consul
Held by Commie
Shanghai, July 7 Vice
Consul William B. Olive, 32, of
Ironton, Mo., was held incom
municado by communist Shang
hai police today following his
arrest as a result of a traffic jam
during a parade.
An American consulate spokes
man said he had learn Olive was
beaten seriously by police in a
"wayside" station following his
All efforts by the consulate to
obtain Olive's release have been
ignored by police who refuse to
stipulate the charge against the
American official. Consulate of
ficials expressed anxiety that
Olive may be in a serious condition.
Waters of Great Salt Lake are
about six times as salty as the
On exhibition
Sec it-go through it!
At S. P. Ponenger Station,
13th ond Oak Streets, Friday,
July 8, 12 Noon to 4 P.M.
We don't have all the
answers but we have
solved over 143,700
business problems.
George S.Aay Company
Eitabliched 1925
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 19
Curl and Murphy
Families At Coast
Grand Ronde The annual
Get-Together of the Curl-Murphy
families was held at Sand
Lake. .
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. El
lis Gunther of Folsom, Calif.,
her sons, Mr. and Mrs. Winter
Curl and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Billie Curl and Stevie, Mr. and
Mrs. Lauren Curl of near Tilla
mook,' Mr.- and Mrs. John Curl
and Jimmie of Grand Ronde,
Mary Gay Johnson, Folsom,
Calif., Ernie Newberg, Hem
lock, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dem-
ming and family of Sutherlin,
Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Don Totem
and Donnie of Sheridan, Mari
lyn Magers of Willamina, Mr.
and Mrs. Oral Singleton and
daughters, Mrs. Albert Johnson
and family, Mrs. Zella Mur
phy and Willard, Mrs. Ada Curl,
Morris Cook, Clyde Bice, John
Witt, Don Curl, Ranny Rob
erts, Johnny Reis, Mr. and Mrs.
Riley Murphy and family, Rose
Lodge, Ore., and Miss Minerva
Albania, less than 11,000
square miles in size, has a pop
ulation whose racial stock (Al
banian) is 99.8 percent pure.
Journal Want Ads Pay
For sheer enjoyment o( the
West's finest ice cream,
scrveArdcn 'FLAVOR
FRESH'. Youll agree it's
the finest you've ever tasted.
(ME iMlMilMHr
"IB ,kt 1 Mr
Dtf's true!
(plus tax)
if $m taOMESI
From Portland
.FT,"Mq!!l. 1 " ...'linn HI iliUfliMI'Tlinilf'"- 'i
TN friendly Southern Paclflfl
hi Billy Service July 10
You'll sight-see like this
Yes, it's true only $12 one way, $21.60 roundtrip (plus tax)'
to San Francisco on the new daily Shasta Daylight.
This beautiful streamliner is brand new from stem to stern: New chair
cars, with huge "Skyview" picture windows and seats cushioned with
foam rubber. New, exciting Timberline Tavern. New triple-unit dining
car-kitchen-GofTee shop. And it shows you magnificentscenery all the way.
The Shasta Daylight operating on STANDARD time, leaves Portland
t 7:45 A.M., Salem 9:00 A.M., Albany 9:31 A.M., Eugene 10:16 A.M.
and Klamath Falls at 2:23 P.M., arrives San Francisco 11:15 that even
ing the fastest train schedule in history between these cities.
All 420 chair car seats on the Shasta Daylight art
reserved, but there is no charge for reservation.
Space available make reservations early, please.
The friendly Southern Pacific