J 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 Liberty Christian Church Dedication Event Sunday Liberty, July 7 The dedication services of the Liberty Chris tian Church of Christ will be held Sunday aiternoon ai o ciock Julv 10. On the oroeram will be song leader, Rev. George Richardson of the Jefferson Christian Church of Christ. Invocation by Rev. -John Hash of the Monmouth Christian Church of Christ Truck Driver Hit by Train Albany, July 7 Trapped in the crumpled cab of a dump truck loaded with gravel, Grant Merle Gillaspie, 22, Corvallis, was critically injured Wednes day when his truck was struck by a west-bound Southern Paci fic freight train near the inter section of the Scenic Drive road and U.S. highway No. 20 two miles west of Albany. According to information pro cured by State Police Officer Everett Hockema, Gillaspie was employed by Benton county hauling gravel for distribution on roads in the area and had just turned from the highway into the Scenic Drive road, ap proaching a steep hill. The train, No. 706, struck the truck at the driver a seat and hurled the vehicle 44 feet. The fireman, Norrii Ander son, Salem, told Officer Hocke ma that he did not see the truck until the engine was 15 or 20 feet away. He and the engineer, John Stahl, Albany, immediate ly braked down and the train stopped within 630 feet. The impact damaged but did not dis able the engine. Dr. W. W. Ball, Corvallis, chanced to be near the scene and he helped to extricate Gil laspie from the cab while An derson, armed with a fire ex tinguisher, put out a fire that had started under the vehicle. Gillaspie was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital at Cor vallis in an Albany ambulance. Salvation Army Children's Camp Applications for a week's out ing at the Salvation Army camp for crippled children and moth ers will be received at the Salem corps office, 241 State street, until Tuesday, July 12, accord ing to Captain R. B. Lesher. The camp is being devoted to handicapped children for the first time and more than SO ap plications have already been re ceived, Lesher said. CaDacitv is limited to 75 with every indi cation that this number will be reached shortly. The camp is free to mothers accompanying their children as well as for the children them selves. A trained staff is being furnished by The Oregon So ciety for Crippled Children who will be in attendance augment ing the regular camp staff. Greetings from Rev. Ed De Wees, president of the 99 Brotherhood of the Christian Church of the State. Rev. Dud ley Strain of the First Christian Church of Christ of Salem, and Rev. Charles Alderman, secre tary of Oregon Christian Mis sionary convention. Reports will be given by Charles Gil bert Jr., contractor, and the keys will be turned over to the local building committee. Fred Robertson will report for the local building committee. In charge of the offering will be Rev. Kenneth Johnson of the Dallas Christian Church of Christ, Spiritual will be read by Rev. Lynton Elwell of Lebanon Christian Church of Christ. The address will be delivered by Rev. A. C. Bates of Silverton Christian Church of Christ, and the Dedication response by Rev Orvllle Mick of Albany Chris tian Church of Christ; Dedica tion prayer by Rev. Harold Ly man, of the Court St. Christian Church of Christ, benediction by Rev. Clyde Freeman of Stay- ton Christian Church of Christ, Sunday School will open in the new building at 10 o'clock with Mrs. Luther Billings In charge, Church services will be gin at 11 o'clock when Rev. El lery Parrish will deliver the sermon. There will be Sunday evening services with Rev Daryl Hunt in charge. . The Liberty Christian Church of Christ has been under con struction for the past two years Christian Churches of Christ contributing to its completion were First Christian, Court St Christian, of Salem, Dallas Christian, at Dallas, Albany Christian, at Albany, Lebanon Christian, at Lebanon, Wood- burn Christian, at Woodburn, Silverton Christian, at Silverton. Stayton Christian, at Stayton. Jefferson Christian, at Jeffer son, Mill City Christian, at Mill City, and Monmouth Christian, at Monmouth. These churches are members of the Willamette district of Christian Churches of Christ. $$ MONEY $$ IA 4V4 Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State finance Co. 15S 8. High St. Lie 821 3-522! ATTENTION FARMERS GROWING GRAIN IN FIELD SHOULD BE INSURED NOW. 45c per $100 Covers 'Til Nov. 30th Don't Neglect to Insure Your Hay in Barn; and Also Your Grain in Granary ASK US ABOUT COST OF COMPLETE FARM LIABILITY SCELLARS, FOLEY & RISING, INC. A Progressiva Insurance Office 143 S. Liberty St. Ph. 24143 Rotary Gavel Changes Hands The accomplishments of the Salem Rotary club during the fiscal year ending June 30 were listed by Harry Johnson, re tiring president before transfer ring the gavel to Lou Arenz during Wednesday's luncheon. Johnson listed the hobby show as one of the best of its kind many members had ever seen. It was the second year for this event. Other accom plishments included the presen tation of the Portland Men's Glee club for the benefit of the Willamette university scholar ship fund. Approximately $1400 was realized as a result of this performance. The club sub scribed its full quota of the Rotary Foundation fund which is used to underwrite the ex pense of exchange students. The members conducted its usual participation in the Salvation Army, milk and Scout funds and gave assistance to the Sa lem General hospital. Fishing Season Opens Astoria, July 7 VP) The sum mer commercial salmon season operations are under way in the lower Columbia but fish are scarce and about half the fleet is idle. Wife Of Church Editor Passes Portland, Ore., July 7 (U.R) Mrs. Ernest W. Peterson, wife of the church editor of the Ore gon Journal, died Wednesday at Emanuel hospital. Mrs. Peterson long had been active in church affairs. Dur ing World War II, she worked as a member of the Journal's reportorlal staff. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Peterson is survived by a son, Paul Ernest, and two brothers, J. Harold Oppenlan der, and Herman F. Oppenlan der, both of Portland. Two Polio Cases Reported Portland, July 7 P) The number of communicable dis ease cases in Oregon declined last week, continuing a summer trend in all categories except in fantile paralysis. uUUncfiLia DLENDED WHISKEY 53.35 Wended WMefcef, M Pi"Mf diV 1 'mn, re ai yfrni i (gr.ii i Type KAY writer Co. Agents 11 Rnval Tvnwpltini 1 1 Victor Adding I ' i Machines 0 223 North High St. (Across from Sena cor Hotel) I'H. 3-8095 MEN'S SLACK & TROUSER SALE! SALE! 100 PAIR FOR SELECTION $3.00 - $13.00 Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. Open Saturdays 260 South 12th Street (Slew taige-S?2e tdfeage ! 7&S V&r--'Mito ll popular 5Vi 11. in SSL 45 more In new size! More of (Ail favorite on handl MORE RJrJi New Jiggle movie cutouts for the kids on every box. Crisp and delicious by every test, no wonder nkllHran lftVn Mm Krispies! Now. by popular demand, a new package that holds 45 more of this nourishing energy-food. Get the new, economical large size toaay i MOTHER KNOWS !a BEST! 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 Chambray Sale 58 Off! , Vat-dyed itripes and solids ot a whopping reductionl Sew your vacation wear, summer slipcovers at terrific savingsl Sanforized fabric won't shrink more than 1. Comes in the colors you want! 3534 in. Hurry inl Budget Street Cottons 244 Scoop them up while they last! Nationally known woven fabrics that appear in dresses selling up to 8.98. Expensive-looking with newest fashion details. Buy several at this low price. Misses', women's sizes. Rayon Crepe Slips! Reg. 1.98 A "more for your money" value at its best! 4-gore stylej French-type rayon crepe slips, luxuriously trimmed with lace at these special savings! Cut to. fit smoothly and comfortably. Pink, white or blue. Sizes 32-42. Decorator Fabrics Populor textured cottons at a sensational price I Brilliant tropical-leaf designl lovely, garden-fresh floral pat ternsl All 36 inches wide. Make smart draperies, bed spreads and vanity skirts at big savingsl 2-gal. can Motor Oil, reg. 2.29 -m m Get Wards Vitalized PREMIUM GRADE motor oil at rea savingsl Vitalized cleans off power-robbing carbon gives you longer lasting lubrication. Your motor stays cleaner, longer ... at a price you can't afford to missl i v i 10-Qt. Galvanized Pail Buy severql at this MONEY-SAVING sale pricel Handy for all household cleaning jobs in the laundry and garage! Hoi-Dip galvanized steel won't leak ... re sists rust and corrosion. Strong wire bail handle. SHOP WARDS 'TIL 9 FRIDAY NIGHT TKT rid 7