14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 Ashland Folk Get Ready for Annual Shakespeare Festival ! Ashland, Ore., July 7 This small Siskiyou mountain town entertained 20,000 visitors during Its traditional Fourth of July Celebration and is now preparing for the main event of the sum mer the annual Oregon Shakespearean Festival. - Folks who helped build floats and boarded up rodeo corals are now repairing the outdoor Eliza bethan stage and erecting signs of welcome to theater-goers ex pected here for the ninth annual drama program. Ashland is the only comma nity in the country which boasts an operating civic Elizabethan theater organization. While stu dent actors from no less than 10 different states are rehears ing for the August 2 opening, the technical details of the pro gram are being directed by i large corps of volunteer Ash land workers. Marshall Woodcll, dean of men at Southern Oregon col lege, is treasurer of the festival association and keeps close tab of expenditures for costumes and properties. The manager of one of the town's largest sawmills, John Cotton, is chairman of the building committee which this year is concentrating on con struction of cement terraces for the audience seating area. Attorney Harry Skerry, secre tary of the association, is con tacting celebrities for opening night festivities and answering hundreds of inquiries from play goers. Properties and stage equipment is in charge of a committee s headed by Otto Wilda, professor of art at South ern Oregon. Ashland residents are Justly proud of their Elizabethan theat er, for it is the only authentic replica of the famous Globe stage of Shakespeare's day in M.C.P. Jam Jelly PECTIN use as a community activity. Located in the shell of the old Chautauqua building, the audi ence sits under the stars and watches the plays produced ex actly as the Bard saw them in his day. ' Special Elizabethan pageantry is being planned during the August 2 to 24 festival season in beautiful 100-acre Lithia park. Ceremonies will, be held in the new $25,000 Butler Mem orial band shell with the color of period costumes accented by backdrop of evergreens and snow-capped Mount Ashland. Five plays will be produced in repertoire this season so that visitors may see the entire pro gram In five evenings, or at the most, six. "Romeo and Juliet will open the program, followed by the second of the historical sequence, "Richard II." A troupe of youngsters will assist in the presentation of the fanciful "Midsummer Night's Dream and a revival of the successful showing of "Othello" will be seen. The program will be com pleted with "The Taming of the Shrew" which delighted audi ences at the San Francisco World Fair in 1939. Mrs. Cooper Hostess Independence Mrs. Erma Cooper opened her home foi the regular meeting of the Past Noble Grands club of the Rebe kah lodge No. 58. Leta Wunder vice president, presided during the business meeting and the re mainder of the . evening was spent informally. Mrs. Cooper, assisted by Mrs. Etta Welch, served refreshments to the 14 members at the close of the evening. Your Prescription Store WHEN VOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pay - to Trade at Schae'er t" 1899 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1949 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have a comp'ete line ot medical needs foi babies. Let js fill your prescription. - , Pecan Nut Sundae 30c Fresh Roasted Pecan Nuts in Special Made Flavor SCMAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Ye. low Front Drug And Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Com'l. St. Phone 3-5 IS 7 or 2-9123 iGXIQ!JW 4200 NORTH RIVER ROAD -SALEM NEAR BEAUTIFUL MANBRIN GARDEN DISTRICT Day in & Day Out Prices are Lower at ORCUTT'S MARKET Save With These Specials Friday & Saturday PINEAPPLE l33c PEARS ;.i:":,.s:7.... .N-f 19c ASPARAGUS it i'15c PORK & BEANS 1 STRING BEANS -15' M.C.P. PECTIN rs? 10' FRUIT JARS , 83c 99c PEANUT BUTTER sks 29c BONELESS P10llg. s;s 53c YOUNG RABBITS,.,,... 55c Playful Act Ends In Death Burley, Ida., July ?VJ.R What was intended to be a joke re sulted in the death here last night of a man and woman who have been only tentatively iden tified. Police and volunteer search ers were patrolling Snake river near here today for the bodies of the man and woman who drowned last night after the woman plunged into the river and her companion made a futile effort to save her, A witness said the man play fully seized the woman by her ankles and held her head down over the side of Overland bridge, threatening to drop her His hands slipped. The woman was tentatively identified as Mrs. Jean Dean, Dallas, Tex., and the man was identified as Jack O'Brien Hara from a prescription and initials in his clothing, papers left in a late model yellow convertible parked nearby served to iden tify the woman. Gilbert Jennings, 13, Vry burn, Ida., was fishing nearly and witnessed the deaths. He said the man and woman had been throwing objects in the river from the highway bridge. During a tussle, the man grabbed - the . woman by her ankles and held her over the side of the bridge, young Jen nings related. He said the man playfully threatened to drop her, then his hands slipped and the woman plunged into the river. Pausing only to kick off his shoes, the man made an at tempt to save the woman, Jen nings said. Both disappeared in the choppy water below the bridge. Leather or Composition HALF SOLES $1.00 FRIDAY ONLY Miller's Shoe Repair "Fast While You Wait or Shop Service" Use Capital Journal Want Adt. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. M 6 Quality Meats 170 N. Com'l. PEERLESS MARKET Store Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. At the New Bus Stop Courteous Service Phone 35704 T-Bone Steak, Grade A Steer Beef 69c ib SPARE RIBS FRESH MEATY Lb. . , 49c LINK SAUSAGE 49c LITTLE PIG Lb. ... PICNIC HAMS 49c SWIFT'S PRE MIUM, LB. . SIDE BACON 39c Any Size Piece, Ib. BACON LEAN SLICED Sugar Cured Lb 49c PICNICS SWIFT'S PRE MIUM, Ready to Eat, Lb 59c Bologna, Liver Sausage and Frankfurters 39c b FRESH DRESSED FRYERS, HENS and RABBITS . vi' ttYU'UL NEVER " i of n n Tf c v It's been true over 40 years . . . it's fru today... it will be true in the future: YOU'lX NEVER BUY A BETTER BREAD THAN FRANZ. Finest ingredients, baking skill and every modern technical improvement are used at all times to make FRANZ the 000. fresh bread it is. &MVYG 0?SMYr, TOO I