29 Local Men Aspire To Bar Of 138 applicants slated to take the state bar examinations to be held next Tuesday and Wednesday in the state capitol 27 are from Salem and two from West Salem. Forty-nine of the candidates are from Portland, 19 from Eu gene, and a number of students from various cities of Oregon as well as other parts of the country, including Cambridge, Mass., Chicago, Champaign, 111., Boulder, Colo., Berkeley, Calif., Ithaca, N. Y., Buffalo, N. Y., Dubuque, Iowa, Nampa Ida., and Camas, Wash. The Salem candidates are Harold W. Adams, Jr., 883 Bellevue street; Donald L. Al derton, 940 D street; Walter J. ADley, 815 Ford street; Martin A. Barstad, 2376 Fairgrounds road; Kenneth E. Brown, 736 North Cottage; Vernon L. Bur da, 570 North Winter; James V. Collins, 625 North 15th street; George E. Fell, 1036 Howard; Orval O. Hager, Jr., 1335 Lee street; Russell M. Helterline, 1582 Court; Loren D. Hicks route 8, Box 358; Allen C. Lunt, 1605 South Summer; Frank C McKinney, 1810 Mill; Henry C Mattson, 4085 Cherry avenue; InVin n TVMfhnls rnntp fl Rnv X20.7; Clifford B. Olsen, route 3, Box hbja; ijeraia u. wuuun, 1192 South 16th; Robert E. Rat cliffe, 910 Oak; William E Ryar 144 West Miller; George MacLennan Sennatt, 1720 Cross street; Val Dare Sloper, 241 North Liberty; Richard H. Spooner, 1739 Market; Jack W Stanley, 2170 North 34th; John W. Stortz, 2376 Fairgrounds road; Clarence R. Wicks, 227 South Winter; and Stuart F. Wylde, 1310 North Summer. From West Salem the two candidates are: Richard H Allen, 519 Kingwood Drive and Alex Leon Parks, 773 Gerth avenue. Independence Stars Take Summer Rest Independence I nitiatory ceremonies were conferred up on Mr. and Mrs. John Holechek at the final meeting until fall of Adah chapter, No. 34, OES. Mr, and Mrs. Holechek are for mer residents of Independence and are now living at Phoenix Ariz. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ralph Ev ans presented Mr. Holechek with an Eastern Star pin. Escorted to the East were Mrs Paul Robinson, grand conduct ress, and Mrs. Hazel Lambert, past matron of Ojai, Calif., and cousin of Mrs. Ben Johnson, worthy matron. The birthday anniversary of AI Koch, worthy patron, was ob served with a clever degree by the Star points, and he was pre sented with t. gift from the of ficers of the chapter and from the worthy matron. -Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Housley of Chatanoo ga, Tenn. Refreshments were served following chapter by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Day, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Evans and Mr. and Mrs, Francis Newton. Oil Barrels Bum Salt Lake City, July 7 W) A fire at the Utah oil refinery plant on the outskirts of Salt Lake City destroyed 30,000 bar rels of oil early today. Early estimates of damage were $50.- 000. -and you'll never go back to old fashioned "flat tops Testing the seal is the most vital step in home canning. The new BALL DOME LID makes it easyl To test, touch lid; if Dome is down, jar is sealed. Only Ball Dome Lids have thit amazing "Touch-Test" Seal. In buying jars insist on Ball, only jars that come with Dome Lids! 1949 Ball f ffifll5Sll Fine" Home C,B nine ana freezing Guide ever inuedl 56 pages, hundreds of recipes. Youra at bif saving oner. ' Send too from 1 box of Dome Lids ! and Bands with only 10c, for your new , 25c Ball Blue Book. If dealer is out I I of Dome Lids ask htm to get some. I You must enclose, box top to get in I on this offer 1 ! I ALL BROTHERS COMPANY, ! Dept. K, Muncit, Indiana Nam 1 Liberty People Offer Picnics Liberty, July 7 A family re union picnic for the Herman family was held on the fourth of July at Leslie park. Present were Mr. and Mrs. William Har rison, Billy and Jeannette, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sikel, Betty, Billy, Shirley, Dick, Judy and Ray, Ben Herman, Mr. and Mrs. Traugot Herman, Lavada and Stella, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Herman, Lonnie, Herbert, Ken neth, and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker, Ronnie and Ralph, Dianne and Gloria Jean, of Mis soula, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. Art Winkle and family of Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Strong and Elsie of Salem Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney VanDyke and Judy, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Theil, David Warren, and Mickey, met H. A. Theil and Gaylord, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rhodes and Terry, and Joyce Trueax of Pedee at Rickreall for a family picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wishart, Norman and James returned from their vacation when they visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wis hart in Weizer, Idaho. Then drove to Kansas, where they visited relatives in Garnet, Kin caid, and Lawrence, and Kansas City, Missouri. They attended a family reunion while they were in Kansas. They returned through The Black Hills, Yel lowstone Park, and Krater of the Moon in Idaho. A. B. Browning of Nev'P'jrt who has been under medical treatment at a local hospital has been taken to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Roland Seeg- er, on Rt, 9. His condition is reported good. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dent had as Fourth of July guests, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, Mari lyn and Ronnie, of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Williams, Allen and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dupuis and Margaret of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Menear of Portland, and Frank Pack of Riddle, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies and family of Rosedale called in the afternoon to visit the out of town guest. College Male Singers Appear at Wood burn . Woodburn The Westmont male quartet of Santa Barbara Calif, will appear in concert at ami MAKES K BIG COLD DRINKS Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 1,1 the Presbyterian church Thurs day night, July 8, at 8 o'clock. Members of the singing group are all students at Westmont college and are on a several weeks tour of the northwest. Their offerings include sacred Nothing Down Pay Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS , And Shades Wi all wash, ret ape, palnl and resist tout old Venetian blinds. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Pre Estimates Phone 3-7328 145.1 Runt St. West Salem We give S&H Green Stamps numbers, Negro spirituals and classical numbers. No charge it made. r'piMBINcTl ! CONTRACTING $ :: ;j J Featuring Crane $ : and Standard Fixtures A Call 3-8555 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 3 ; 1085 Broadway ;j $ FREE ESTIMATES 9 MOM-MIHG VALOes all over fn0 Calling all thrifty homemakers! Hurry to Safeway! There's a real, old- fashioned sale now going on. It means big savings for you. Not just a few A-m $ lw prices DUt worth-while values in every section of the store. Check the lists below. Then come along to your nearby Safeway and save! READY TO COOK WASTE FREE 46-ei. Can JUOC TOWN HOUSE GRAPEFRUIT 21 5 $1 00 COUM CREAM STYLE GOLDEN BANTAM Cardenside Brand Cast of 24 Cant Kc..l10c ';J115 '2.25 CHOC IIC TOMATO JUICE - 5 Jl Sunny Dawn Naturally rich, naturally ript, fresher tomato juice. Guaranteed quality. Truly a fine, plump meaty fowl. Given the iimc ipecial care that we five our pan-ready fryers. For grand "chicken and noodles" thit. it the chicken you want. No clean ing to do these are disjointed and ready-for-the-pan. Be sure to get yours this is a most outstanding July sale value. LB. 00 SWEET PEAS No. 303 can Gardenside Brand New pack Selected for palatable flavor, good eolor end absence of defects. 3-25 MARGARINE a f Dalewood Brand A real good buy on a real good spread. Recommended for all your cooling, too! PECHES Juicy FREESTONES can ' Raycroft Brand Fine quality fruit buy several cans. Serve in a cooling cottage cheese salad. CANE SUGAR io m -t $219 CH Brand Pure cane sugar Here's your chance to save on canning sugar. Can while you can-save I Best Foods Mayonnaise Pint Jar 35c Fresh Milk Campbell's Tomato Soup White Star Tuna, Mayflower or Curlys -t19c 3 cant 25 35c Save with these rtct- Whole-bean Coffees! NOB Mb. if, 2 AA( 0913 07 4079' HILL Bo AIR- Mb, WAY Fancy Pack, No. Vi can Tea Timer Crackers n.rLP, . 29c American Cheese Dutch Mm, v,.,.. Pk9. 25c Velveeta Cheese Food .i. 79c Wesson Salad Oil bi9 qu.rt ,1,. 53' POrterS FrilletS Egg Noodles, H-oi. pkg. 25 Certo Liquid Pectin ,...b.,. 19 BEEF RIB ROAST LB. 69 For a real tender juicy roast one that's easy to carve serve one of these quality standing rib roasts. Trimmed waste-free before weighing. So you save! PURE GROUND BEEF LB. 35' Pure lean beef ground fresh daily. Uniform high quality guaranteed to please or your money back. Try It in a meat loaf combined with our Pure Pork Sausage. Pork Liver i, 29' Tender, flavorful Pork Sausage Lfc. 49' Country style Bologna AND Lk 45e Skinless Wieners Cq0U j . ROCK COD jK' u, 29' SALMON 69' Firm steaks Lb. HALIBUT Nice Mfc slices Lb. I? BUTTER Meadow Wood Grade "A" , 69c ...65c MARGARINE ?Qc Sunnybank Sweet and fresh LI. Em Jf Staley's Sweetose Syrup S-lb. can 47' Juicy ORANGES Just arrived from California! Those sweet, juicy, flavorful Valencia - . Jf A""?V I Oranaes. Serve a alax of their tnav J'Ltf. 11 ' W juice each day a healthful habit.. An- p A f other outstanding July sale value. Dw Cantaloupes lb. c Santa Rosa Plums Ib. 15c Green Cabbage Ib. 5c Firm Cucumbers Ib. 9c io..b 49c lack New Potatoes Yellow Crook Neck lb.7c Crisp Lettuce lb. 5C Tomatoes, 2 lbs., 25c Fresh EGGS Breakfast Gems Grade "A" Large I) V'.iWii'iij'.':viir,;)iTiiiriiiiJ CiiC I T T tl1 'I 1 f T T Sweet Corn Plump, sweet Golden ears. lb. 13c and be sure to look for the JULY FAMILY CIRCLE Choekful of Interest Ce for the whole familyl Copy Enriched Flour HARYEST BLOSSOM $159 Sack I Mrs. Wright's Bread Tender White or Wheat Loaf I Loaf lVC Addf) on h u.5 dr. faf 1 .