12 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 West Salem City Council j Sets Merger Election Day j West Salem, July 7 July 26 was set Wednesday night by the ' city council as the dale for a special election to vote upon merger i with the city of Salem. The emergency ordinance adopted by the council provided for balloting between the hours of 8 a.m. and; 8 p.m. Pacific standard time or 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. daylight saving! time, with all voting to be at City hall. Appointed to serve on the election board were Mrs Eunice Burk and Mrs, A. N. Copenhaver, judges; and Mrs. Hazel Newgent, Mrs. Mary Kuhn and Mrs. Wava McCor mack, clerks. Petitions requesting a merger election were presented to the council with 138 names with bl of the names certified. Com plete certification of the names by the county clerk was not nec essary as the 61 names checked by the county clerk's office rep resented more than 5 per cent of the registered voters in West Salem. Citizens of West Salem will be informed of the advantages of merger at a public meeting to be held at City hall at 7:30 p.m. Friday night, July 8. Ac cording to Mayor Walter Mus grave, Mayor Robert Elfstrom, City Manager J. L. Franzen and City Attorney Chris Cowitz of Salem will be present to an swer inquiries. Members of the Salem city council have also been invited to attend. An increase in bus fares was requested by Robert Covert, owner of the West Salem Bus company. Covert's proposed schedule of fares, which was ap proved by the council, will in crease the adult fare from 8 cents to 10 cents per one way trip; with tokens selling at 4 for 35 cents. Children between the ages of 5 and 11 years will continue to ride for 5 cents. Covert stated that he planned to continue the same bus sched ules but increased operational costs made it impossible to con tinue at the old fares. Permis sion from the PUC mus be re ceived before change in lares can become effective. Burton Bennett was appoint ed to act as city recorder from July 11 through July 27 while City Recorder Robert E. Pattl son Is on vacation. Upon the motion of Council man L. F. Sheridan, City Attor ney Steve Anderson was In structed to investigate the pos sibility of placement by the Southern Pacific railroad of safety lights at all railroad crossings in the city. The council approved place ment of a street light at Bonnie way and Cascade drive; author ized the broadcast of a ball game from the MKN Furniture company on Saturday night, the date of the firm's first anniver sary celebration; and granted permission to the street and sewer committee to proceed with tile installations to correct drainage problems in the King wood drive area. Boy Shows Up As Search Continues Gallup, N. M., July 7 U.B Eight-year-old Skippy Miller walked into the El Navajo hotel here today and announced that he was "pretty tired." The ISO firemen and volun teers who spent the night look ing for him in desolate country south of Gallup were pretty tired too. The boy wandered away from the camp of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Miller of Chicago, at about 9:30 p. m. The Millers summoned help and scores of searchers set forth through the pinon-covered hills. Palmistry Readings Will tell your past present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business Answers all questions. Are you worried? Whv hi In doubt? Special Rcndlnp'j fc. Open 9 a.m. WnoiAs i0 !-m' Moved from 156 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial Am AVING ( (It ENTER MEAT DEPARTMENT FREE - F RE E - FREE - FREE FREE . OurMON ARK Meat Days Meat Company Did you know that all the meat In the Saving Center store, if not otherwise marked, Is manufactured right in Salem, with Salem labor, at the New Mon Ark Meat Co. Plant on South 25th St. It's what we call Good Old-fashioned "HOME-MADE" FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY July 8-9-10 Store No. II 1st PRIZE Mon Ark Sugar Cured Ham 2nd PRIZE Mon Ark Sugar Cured Ham 3rd PRIZE $2.50 Credit on Purchase of Mon Ark Meat 4th PRIZE $2.00 Credit on Purchase of Mon Ark Meat I Store No. I MON ARK HOG Fresh killed, top grade hog. You can have it fresh, cured, cut up, or any way you desire. There Is No Cure Like Mon Ark Cure p CP Any person entering our Meat Department lLfciJ wj)i receive a chance on the merchandise. Leave your name, address and phone number at the meat counter. You do not have to be there to get your prize if you win. Same Every Day Prices, and Remember They Still Have Not Been Matched. We got sick and tired of the same old way of advertising. We want to have a little fun while we are in business. We have been trying a little of this and that and now we have this. Don't miss it! Try your luck! The lucky winners will be called by phone or notified by mail. Their names will appear In this ad next week. The drawing will be made by the last person in the store at closing hours on Sunday, July 10th. Their name also will appear in next week's ad. DRAWINGS aving Center Vt Mile North oi Hi Underpass Al lhi Tool of the Brldga SALEM WEST SALEM Both Stores Open Every Day, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. v 'Is . s ' I-5! t; ' ;l ' , . y ilS j i i n ft i i , t, 4 I 1 I I .if t' We Have Two of the Nicest Displays and the Largest Volume Fruit and Vegetable Departments in the Willamette Valley Vine ripened 2 Ibi 15c 15c 5c 39c WATERMELONS TOMATOES LETTUCE CELERY CUCUMBRES PEACHES Freih solid headi, each Local, fresh from garden , , Local (for slicing) ea, Local Large boiket NEW SPUDS ORANGES LEMONS CABBAGE 10 lbs. Full of Juice 7 doien , . . Sunklit Per'doien Freih, crisp local, lb. . . Per Crate 2.75 RADISHES or . GREEN ONIONS 29c 1.00 29c 3V2c 5C U. S.No. 1 Watermelons 'We Guarantee Them. In our Watermelon Department we have Persian Melons, Honey Dews, Krenshaws, Honey Balls, Cantaloupes, Casabas and many many more money saving items. Come out and see. Attention, budget-watchers I top-quality brand, or other 4'' r This summer's small oranges good grades from the same Cal- fx are sweet, juicy and crammed ifornia and'Arizona growers. ffifcf "Ijf full of vitamins C. A and B and ji mUl mW'$$ ) important minerals. And a fSv . a V"tia f 44tW glass of juice from these small KvTtv, (v'HKxt. v''fcV -1 itfjyr, I oranges costs you lest than a xla rvl tv- " 'jS H glass from large oranges! XjAy7 uy ( J Be thrifty I .Choose small As shown here, small oranges ' , oranges for juice, salads, des- provide more freih juice for the . ' 1 jtr-ntti. serts. Get Sunkist, the famous - same money a big saving I jtfff "f"""T1 ' ' ' '' mpz M?Mfkr' A;; 'rh ;$ REMEMBER -orange tp4A ' mm - juice eomes only m hese ".fih L. ir I SALM0N DERBY f- BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE Quarts HUNT'S CATSUP 14 ox. Bottle 2 - 23c FRENCH'S MUSTARD 9 ox, Bottle 12c HUNT'S WHOLE KERNEL Picnie ' 'ins CORN S 10' ELSINORE PEAS Tin. 10c HUNT'S HOT SAUCE 6 25c V cans Hunt's Tomatoes Buffets . . . 10c Devil's Fudge White Golden Spice vtfrnJhQimmA 33c ADD ONLY WATER YOU GET MORE for YOUR MONEY with CLOROX I SANIFLUSH on 39c ar.., 17c sos 1 Scouring Pods SOAP POWDER sr 19c 10c ntI 1-19 -FRUIT JUICES - 46"25c Bluebird GRAPEFRUIT (Sweetened) Standby ORANGE (Sweetened). 46 " 35c Standby Blended ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT. 46 . 31c RED LABEL KARO 5L 49c HUNGRY JACK PANCAKE FLOUR No. 10 Bag . . . 89c HOODY PEANUT BUTTER 31 ox. Jar ... 49c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES Giant Slie . . 16c PRODUCE DEPARTMENT GARDEN FRESH GREEN BEANS, 11c VINE RIPENED TOMATOES 3,b. SUNKIST M ORANGES 3.. 4ic FANCY RIPE CANTS ... 23c IQc SALMON DERBY SALMON No. i T n BUTTER-NUT COFFEE From Nebraska 1 lb. 2 lbs. 56c $1.11 OLD GOLDEN COFFEE Ground Fresh As You Buy It. 1 lb. 2 lbs. 49c 97c Dole's Crushed PINEAPPLE Buy Now Stock Limited KRAFT'S DINNERS O OC- For Hurry Up Meals Cooks in 7 Minutes for PORTER'S . MACARONI 25c Large Package 9 lb, Bag ALBER'S OATS 69c DON'T FORGET AT 4:30 P. M. Hot Master Bread Monday through Friday Open Friday and Saturday 'till 8 o'clock HERSHEX'S mm MR. GOODBAR s"F 15c MEAT DEPARTMENT All Our Meat Is U. S. Inspected All at New Low Prices SWIFT'S ENDS AND 1'ltUtS mm SLICED BACON iuS lC SWIFTS TINDER SIRLOIN STEAK, SWIFT'S U. S. INSPECTED GROUND BEEF lb. 35c GRADE "A" r em BUTTER u OJC 45c ARMOUR'S SLICED BACON u. NOTICE! .N MARKET COFFEE SHOP FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TILL 8 HOT BISCUITS WITH EVENING MEALS