i I Sunshine Girls fVill Visit Lake I Independence Friendship council No. 3 of Pythian Sun thine Girls met with the council billed to order by Yvonne jfcranton, royal princess, t Clair Corwin, Juanita Watts, Carol Pippin, Phyllis Nelson nd Joyce Katter were admitt ed into the order by initiation ith a beautiful candlelight Ceremony. Mary Wade was re instated. The choir, dressed in the new choir robes, sang dur tyig the initiation, and the candi dates were dressed in floor tngth pastel dresses. Mae Ellen Harmon and Betty foster gave a report on the leek spent at "Girl's State" in Calem two weeks ago. Miss Har- Bion, sponsored by the Ameri can Legion, and Miss foster, irjonsored by the Pythian Sister, iere delegates to the annual ifcieeting of outstanding high school senior girls at the state iaDitol to learn the functions hi the government. I Ruby Gleason, royal advisor, laiel Beckner. royal princess, and 14 other girls from Diane louncil No. 4 of McMinnville Vere guests. Knights of Dallas lisiting the order were T. J. Primus, John Brown, Kermit fcourter, John Johnson, and Mr. Tones. (Betty Wade Lenhair was pre ented with a wedding gift by the council. 1 The council is making plans to charter a bus for a three-day trip to Crater lake. Thirty-seven leirls and counsellors plan to Snake the trip the first week in lAugust. 1 After closing, Barbara House lof Diane council gave two fniano solos and Betty Wade jsang two numbers. .Mrs. Roth Winner Of Bridge Series Mrs. Edward E. Roth was an nounced as the winner of a six week series of duplicate tourna ments just concluded by the Sa lem Elks Bridge club. Paired with C. W. Frasier of Albany, Mrs. Roth also was high in the last of the series, Chairman W. E. Kimsey said. Other weekly winners lnclud-1 ed Mrs. Ward Graham and Mrs. Charles F. Foulger, Mrs. C. B.' Bentson and Mrs. Arthur W. Binegar, Mrs. Mabel (Jones) Gannon and Mrs. C. F. McCosk rie of Corvallis. Other series winners to get extra rating points were Mr. Frasier, Wil liam F. Leary, Mrs. Walter M. Cline and Mrs. Paul F. Burris. The July master point play is scheduled for Friday evening, July 8, while other tournaments will be continued on Monday evenings. Bridges to Go To Honolulu San Francisco, July 7 U. Federal Judge Michael J. Roche today refused Harry Bridges' bid to attend a world federation of trade unions convention in France. But Bridges won a partial vic tory, when government attor neys said they had no objection to his making a trip, within the next three weeks, to Hawaii in connection with the current longshore strike there. Ten days ago Bridges, under indictment for perjury and con spiracy, was refused permission to leave the country, but Roche granted a new hearing for today. The union offered to post $100,000 bail to guarantee Bridges' return here for trial. Government attorneys said this was meaningless and that "un foreseen circumstances" might keep him in France even if the bond posted were a million dol lars. Union to Dedicate Hall Portland, July 7 tfP) AFL teamsters- will dedicate a new $220,000 union hall here Friday. Sight Once Lost Is Seldom Regained New Location 725 Court St. Ph. 2-4469 Dr. Scott A. Wheatley OPTOMETRIST L KEGS and BUCKETS from KEITH BROWN makes work easier, pleasanter, more efficient for Cherry Crews, Berry Crews, All Crop Crews Water Kegs 10-Gallon. . $4.45 Water Kegs lscoiion 4.90 Bung Faucets 25 Buckets 8-Quort, Galvanized . 65 Buckets 10-Quart, Galvanized .70 Buckets 12-Quart, Galvanized . 80 Buckets 14-Quart, Galvanized . .95 And All Available Right Now at That Convenient Location . . browS ElTH LUMBER PHONE Q YARD- Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 11 on' forget iht molt "week-tnd .fVV. 1 W J rf'Wl Iff W f I r--" pecil" rcgardleii of how Krac VJVt1LS V ,mmull yN "I if 1 M If P ' 11 ' th' may "front" for jWi y7 I VF?T1I I yyyyvSwl m i7A3k5 -" p,ic" " u"dvr,i"'' Hm- Bul wnn y p ''Ss'r faAir) V 1 Hl W ,SA where prices r low on EVERY ITEM . DAY IN end DAY K j$ . ' yWII 1 1 Ik ' ' Jffi o-- OUT ... you ere eertein of teving money eonsfsfoiiHy. So we repeet . fak. i r""-- I Jf jjm'Swt Mt TmJ jT advantag at our everyday low price policy end THEN wetch your xvingi edd upl .tC y jt JLOOK AT THESE EVERY-DAY LOW PRICES ' YWmM'i 'T&W T P v T 6 j Utt, wTlWgag ? f Tasty Pa k Tomato Sauce can 6c 1 0 JCA t Enriched ib. 85c LIPTON 33c Va Ib. pkg. Black . . . A refreshing summer, drink at a low, low cost. a- THESE EVERY-DAY LOW PRICES - That Save You More Money Tasty Pa k Tomato Sauce l; 6c Franco American Spaghetti caoz: 15c Van Camp Pork & Beans can8 19c Tasty Pak Catsup Bottle 17c Certo Pectin 8Bouie 22c Softasilk Cake Flour t 39c Pillsbury Pie Crust Mix j 19c Hersheys Chocolate pigb; 39c Powdered Sugar pkg 12c Brown Sugar pbkg 12c Hungryjack Pancake Flour 4, 49c Skippy Peanut Butter lm 39c IGA Salad Dressing 29c IGA Jell-It Assorted Flavors 3 pkgs. 20c Special Introductory Price ELSINORE OVEN BAKED BEANS REAL NEW ENGLAND STYLE WITH PORK Really oven-baked to a rich mellow flavor that comes after thorough baking in hot ovens and drenched with a sweet molasses sauce. Buy 6 cans and save money for your complete satisfaction is guaranteed. Large 28-oz. can 6 Cans for $J45 reT.7.'TT7 IllJV JIWiJlsU You just can't afford to miss reading "FABU LOUS FAMILY" and "THE GRUMBLER" . . . two outstanding features in the big July issue of this great national maga- une of family life. i IVORY FLAKES ST. 27c DUZ Large pkg. 26c FIRST AWARD $1000 CASH SOAP Reg. Size 25c WO rlnA SH AWARDS ' EACH loot tin cam AWARDS EACH for HIGHLAND SYRUP 30c 12 oz. Bottle 24 oz. Bottle 57 e Real maple flavor from Old Vermont. LAKE SHORE HONEY .... 31c Pound Jar ........ 2 lb. jar 59 C With a no drip spout on each Waxtex WAX PAPER 125 Foot Roll 25c EVERYDAY LOW PRICE It's pressure waxed. It's a better lood saver. It has a cutter edge. jar. SPECIAL PRICES FOR ADDED SAVINGS These are in addition to Everyday Low Prices on all your other food needs. JUNKET FREEZING MIX 10 Ib. bnq Sprecklei Fine Granulated . . . . SHORTENING SUGAR PAROWAX M. CP. PECTIN FRUIT JARS TUNA FISH 3 Ib. Can Snowdrift It's Imulsorized This Coupon Worth 10c toward th purchait of 1 pkg. KRNZ I'ie tat Mix 35c Sealing Wax Full Pound Package Today's Favorite -With Home Makers Case 12 Pints Good Housekeeper 7Vi oz. can IGA Light Meat Kerr Jar Lids pRkeBg 12 12c KerrJarCapsRpekg1227c Jar Rubbers ft 2 , 9e Jell-E-Seals3pkgs 29c bleemfp Delicious Coffee 2 oz. Al MeSCUie quick as a wink jar... ,IC vv H.i,.i..rj.i,i,n4t iugrmMJ For making Delicious Ice II Mlr f A T A ft Cream at home. I1 " OC IS Z.I 7 3 29c VS, 69c Specials For Friday & Saturday My ib. 9C J 7 Oft EXTRA LARGE SIZE V3 "ofeo f OLD DUTCH I These ore beautiful vine ripened cantaloupe. Sweet, J z'sht lo J CLEANSER I delieiou and priced ,o ,ave you money' jfl 'ocai jatciies':ro,, can 2 fr 25c I SEEDLESS GRAPES PUna 29C Sweet and delicious, fine for salads or snacks. rj .c'ianc 'Mm I m BEG MORE DOG FOOD can L for 27c Your pets need Beg More for a balanced diet and good health. For cleaning and scouring the easy way. Spic &Span Cleans twice as OC fast with no rinsing C THERE IS AN IGA STORE NEAR YOU Pearson's Food Mkt. Broadway Grocery Brdwy. & Mkt.-Open Sunday Tide Jr"h 26c Model Food Market Krueger Kash & Karry 275 North High St. E, Center at 40th Open Sun. Dreft c,p?dglsheswUh0Ut 26c Orcutt's Market Ronner's Grocery 4200 North River Road Gervais, Oregon Gold Seal wif Pint 59c Central Cash Market Equall's Grocery Monmouth, Oregon Woodburn, Oregon Independence Food Market Independence, Oregon Scio Food Market Scio, Oregon Highland Market 800 Highland Ave. Ken Golliet Mehama, Ore. Open Sunday Lemmon's Market 598 N. Commercial St Quality Food Mkt. 17th and Center Carter's Market 17th and Market St. State Street Market 1230 State St Vuli Quaker 1111 PUFFED W RICE 'AtAshol from gum pkg. IJC SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS Box ... 27c BEN GEE CHINESE DINNER Eoch ... 53c A Complete Dinner SUNSHINE MINT PILLOWS J!," 29c Armour Star DEVILED HAM teg 3W OZ.1Q MM can 1 Armour Star VIENNA rSSI lb. .V I 4 oz. in ean '