10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, July 7, 1949 'NOT ME THREE OTHER GUYS' . Modest Soldier Described As Hero in Hotel Fire Aberdeen, Wash., July 3 UKl An 19-year-old soldier who res 1 cued seven persons from the burning Lafayette hotel drew high praise from firemen today but he modestly disclaimed credit. Pfc Gerold Harney of Olympia. Wash., badly burned in his re peated trips into the flaming building, spurned the role of a hero, saying "It wasn't me. It was three other guys." Deposits Near $6 Grow Million In answer to the June 30 call nf the comptroller of the cur rency, the Salem branch of the First National Bank of Portland reports deposits of f 17,od R22.40 and loans of $7,277 676.38. In charge of the local bank is Guy N. Hickok, mana ger. A year ago the figures were, deDosits. $11,680,928.18, and loans, $7,024,408.14, Hickok said. President T. N. Belgrano, Jr., stated that for the First Nation al group of 61 banking offices, as a whole, the June 30 state ment shows loans of $181,397,- 739.97, and deposit of $584,- 856,546.94. A year ago, with SB banking offices in the group, the figures were, deposits, $572, 979,049.71, and loans, $163,875, 890.13. President Belgrano pointed out that the decrease in deposits since June 30, 1948, reflects the readjustment of business to a more normal level and the slackening of the post-war surge of consumer buying and are in line with a nation-wide trend. Bock Transferred fo State Headquarters Fred Bok, for the past three years state horticultural inspec- tor in Clackamas and eastern Multnomah county, has been transferred to state department of agriculture headquarters at Salem. The transfer has already been made and Bock is now handling nursery inspections in Marion, Polk, Linn, Benton, Lincoln, Douglas and Lane counties. This announcement was made today by Frank McKennon, chief of the division of plant in dustry for the department. Bock served as county horticultural inspector in Clackamas county from March 1931 until 1946. McKennon also said Bock's work in Clackamas and Mult nomah counties has been taken over by Floyd Markham, who has been doing produce inspec tion work for the department since 1936 with the exception of war service in the air corps. Bock expects to move his fa mily to Salem shortly from Ore gon City, where he has resided many years. Markham will con tinue to reside in Portland but will make his headquarters at the office of the county agent in Oregon City for the horticultu ral Inspection work In Clacka mas county. Furriers Name Findlay . Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Findlay returned home re cently from a three weeks motor trip to Milwaukie, Wis., where Findley attended a meeting of the directors of the Fur associa tion and was elected vice presi dent. They also visited cousins at Brady, Fifi and Elderado, Texas, the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, north Denver, Colo, and Salt Lake City and home. But Aberdeen firemen told the soldier's father that "never before have we seen anyone work so hard and keep his head so well under such trying cir cumstances." Seven persons died and six were injured in the fire that de stroyed the old building early Sunday. But Ramey wasn't told that for fear he might suffer a relapse because his condition was "only fair.'" On one trip, Ramey hauled out two women, one on each shoulder. He also had to carry another woman on another trip Decause ner feet were burned. One woman lost her life for exactly $48.77. She crawled back into the fire to retrieve her purse. Her body was found near the purse, which contained the money. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS H!p 18 MtUi of Kldn.y Tub Flush Out Poisonous Waiti When disorder of lddnty function ptnnlta twlsonoui matter to rtroftln In your blood. It may cauae tuunrlnff backache, rheumatla rami, las palni, low of pap tmd tnargr, (U tins up nifthta, aweUtnff, pufflnna under the eyei, headache! and dUitneit. Frequent or canty pamsea with unartiaf and burning omettmea ihowi there la aomethlns wren rith your kldneyi or bladder. E Don't wait I Aek your druralft for Down a stimulant diuretic, need euoceufully y millions for over SO years, Doan'a aive nappy relief and will help tl 16 miles of kidney tubas flush out poisonous wast from your blood, Get Doss's nil. f WE DO OUR BEST AND CHECK ( rr twice, VFAtmen wear v2T 2yroi.K6 cay Mr r very Grass Fires Alarm Sublimity The Sublimitv fire department was called to fight two grass fires Mondav. The fires evidently started from firecracker or cigarette thrown from a passing car. One fire was on the Hannah Weidner place just north of Sublimity and the other on the Matt Schmldd place. There was no serious damage at either place. Job's Daughters Plan Calendar Independence Plans for a covered dish dinner, summer swim parties, and picnic suppers were made when Bethel No. 34, International Order of Job's Daughters met in the Masonic hall in Independence. Margaret Mix, honored queen, presided. Escorted and honored in the east were past honored queens, Ann Baker, Ann Thompson and Margaret Aynes, all of Bethel No. 34; past guardians, Evelyn Rogers and Clara Van Loan, and past associate guardian, Joe Rog ers, all of Bethel No. 34. The honored queen announc ed that a covered dish dinner would precede the next regu lar meeting on September 28. Committees for the dinner are Jean and Joan Davis, Molly Ed wards and Carlene Evans. During the summer months swim parties with picnic sup pers will be held alternate Wed nesday nights at 6:30 in the Dal las park. Mrs. Hugh Van Loan present ed gifts of personalized white Job's Daughters Bibles to Ann Thompson and Margaret Aynes who served as honored queens during her year as guardian of Bethel No. 34. Refreshments were served following the meeting by Marg aret Aynes, Louise Bennett, Ann Baker, Earlene Conkey and Mrs. Conkey, Roller Skatinq Rink Opening at Lebanon Lebanon Formal opening of the new Roll-A-Rena skating rink this Friday evening at 1300 South Main street was announc- "Vince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 Why Suffer Any Longer mien oMien fall uss out Chinese remedied Amazlne euceeu (or 600C reara In China No matter with whai allmenta fou are afUlcteddlaorderf nlnualtla heart, lunffa. liver. Icldneja aa, tonatlpatlon. ulcera, dlabetea rheumatism, Kail and bladder, fever oefn. remale oomplalnu. CHARLIE CHAN CniNESE HERB CO. Orriee Hour 9 to fl Tues and Sal. Only 284 N Commercial Phone tlRM MALUM, ORB. ed by Mr. and Mrs. Blake Hol brook, proprietors. The $30,000 rink has a skat ing surface Of 10,000 square feet. The skate and check room will be ready for opening but a foun tain will not be completed until later this summer. - The rink will be available for private parties on Tuesday and Thursday. Dallas School Board Seeking Contracts Dallas Contractors' bids on the construction of the new eight-unit Lyle elementary school here will be opened at a meeting of the board of direc tors for school district No. 2 Thursday night at 8 o'clock, ac cording to S. E. Whitworth, city school superintendent. Nine contractors have taken out sets of plans, but none of them are Dallas firms. Some had expressed interest in the project, but in each case they de cided not to bid on the job. Final decision on letting the contract may not be made Thursday night, awaiting inves tigation of the bidder and allow ing time for the potential con tractor to qualify. The school will be located on Army Post Calling Family of Captain Aurora Preparing to leave July 8 for Georgia are Mrs, N. E. Manock, her daughter, Mrs. Werner (Lois Manock) Dinte man, and her two small grand daughters, Patricia and Merrie Dinteman. Mrs. Manock will be away about six weeks, stopping en route home from the south to visit her birthplace in London Mills, near Peoria, 111., and rela tives and friends in Peoria, Galesburg and Augusta, 111., and Gary, Ind. Mrs. Manock came west as a child of eight and this will be her first trip east, i Mrs. Dinteman and children who came to Canby from Ger many where Capt. Dinteman, an army ordnance officer, was sta tioned for three years, will join her husband stationed at Fort Benning. He has purchased a house for his family's occupancy on Benning Hill, Columbus, Ga. The Manock family were for mer Aurora residents. Mr Manock was a druggist here for many years prior to moving to Canby, where he is serving as pharmist for,-the Dedman Drug Co. the corner of Ellendale avenue and Levens street. Construc tion will begin as soon as pos sible after the contract is let. All meat-seasoned just right! l aste ho good, plump tnd Juicy Armoui Frankfurters rel They're mad frb very day in Portland seasoned jusi the way you like 'm bare in Oregon. Armour Frankfurters are mil-meat too nothing but fine beef and pork and seasoning) Portland-made to Oregon's taste U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED 5 Frankfurters a leader in America'! finest line of sausage WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS TIME AND A HALF Cooked Swift's Premium Ready-to-Eat No Fuss, No Muss ROASTS CHEESE I ' flM C 42c , 49c,b STEAK lb J Boneless Round and Loin mJ Leon Tender GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Cantaloupes CELERY CABBAGE ib 9c ib 4C ,b Large Ripe Pride of Labish Medium Solid Heads APRICOTS I String Beans Mayonnaise H,H0 SUN"7 3 ' CRACKERS 2 cant 45C 2 cant 29C 33C Pint aa 1 lb. 29c box No. 2Vi Can No. 2 Can I G A SCOTT I SUGAR I MARGARINE TISSUE 10 1b. Bag 87C 2 rolls fC 25 Ib. Bog. . . $2,19 Pound Spreckeli Mayflower "BieMeaeiHeeeeaeaMeHeiMeaMeiHHeMMeHHiiiMeMmBeaeHenMeiiiM IGA rt! Store roadway tasry BROADWAY AND MARKET STREETS Open Sundays 8 A.M. Till 6:30 P.M. IGA Store Silverton Firemen Called Out Twice Silverton The volunteer fire men answered two calls since the beginning of the Fourth holiday. A barn on the Marvin Reed place was damaged consider ably from a large firecracker being thrown on the roof, con trolled by volunteers after sev eral holes were burned, Tuesday. A pasture fire one mile north of the North Howell school was kept well under control by the firemen on the Jim Jackson farm. Damage wae reported as nominal." Smoky says- Sycip, fer wirN. REAL OIER-TH-FIRE FLAVOR, yO CAN'T BEAT HICKORY SMOKSO J iSjSQ PERFECT FOR VSPOT BAR-B-Q's! esh at jo$yuur grocer The Great Lakes form the, Kansas produces almost twice largest inland body of fresh js much wheat as any other water in the world. 'state in the union. rt Price of riiiUCi as luscious w cm One Bottle makes 6 FULL PINTS! p f Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry Again this week we are privileged to offer the finest meat values to be found. Prices at wholesale quality that can not fail to please you. Shop our market and see for yourself. These Prices Good Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only Freshly Ground Hamburger ib. 33c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF Arm Cut Blade Cut ROAST Rump ......lb. 39c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD SHORT RIBS .b 33c Milk Fed Veal Roast ib. 49c Tender Lean Beef Cubes ib. 49c Tender Skinless WIENERS ib. 39c Fresh Country Sausage lb. 33c RIB STEAK Tender ... .lb. 49c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF , ... Round STEAK T-Bone 59c Milk Fed Veal Steak b. 59c Swift's Sugar Cured Picnic Ham ib. Sugar Cured Sliced Bacon ib. 45c 39c LOCKER BEEF Eastern Oregon Hereford Young Lean Tender The very desirable small sizes. Half or whole Lb.jSt BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street In the University Shopping Center APRICOTS F, :i""i"' lb. 6c Cantaloupe JUmbo 2for 25c Green Onions 3 bunches 13c LETTUCE Solld.He"d,.5c TOMATOES Jj, Ip." ... 10c BEETS E 5c WATERMELONSrI 4c PINEAPPLE Del Monte Crushed No. 1 Flat Cans. . . . - jL cans 29c PEARS 19c BREAPmn, 19c MIRACLE WHIP Qt49c Pork fir Beans $ 2cans 35c White King Psuw.der 59c SARDINES ln0u 2tins25c NUCOA 2,b.57c kill IA Armour's Tall Cans In fVlll-IX Limit 6 Cant each IUC ICE CREAM 5!' JS.?.- 35c EGGS Strictly FARM FRESH Guaranteed Try Them! Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. July 7-8-9 Shop and Save at BASINGER'S 1 3th & STATE STS.