. Fireworks Did It Wilfred Dowell, 20, Seattle, Wash., re ceives first aid for injuries received when fireworks ex ploded in the rear seat of his car, ripping off a door and mangling the car's interior. The fireworks apparently were set off, police said, by youthful hitchhikers riding in the car. (AP Wirephoto) Moving Service ACROSS TOWN OR ACROSS THI NATION . Whtthsr you're moving In town or to a distant city, we offer the finest in worry-free moving serv ice. Our local storage and mov ing facilities are unexcelled. And as representatives for Allied Van Lines we can place at your disposal the know-bow of the world's largest long-distance moving organization. Allied'a zpert packers, handlers and driven safeguard your posses lions every step of the way. Call us for estimates. Red Star Transfer Liberty Belmont Ph. Mill 'Jffll aoint rot 5T3 "Ju$t fhe Ticket " for Thrilling Vacations t Budworm Fight Spurred by Intensive Research Effort Started this year with the spraying of infested forests, the bat tle against the spruce budworm infesting more than a million acres of Oregon's forests is to be intensified through a cooperative research project. Authorization of the project by the state board of forestry was announced this week by George- Spaur, deputy state forester, who stated that research plans would be placed in effect July 15 in an attempt to control the defoliating insect before tree damage is done. At present the vicious tree killer can be sprayed only dur ing a limited 10-15 day larval period and after the damage has been done. The research project to be started this month will deter mine whether this spraying for the budworm can be extended from spring to mid-summer. Such a program, if effective, would increase materially the forest land acreage that could be sprayed and treated annually- According to general estimates by local foresters this insect if allowed to go unchecked can damage more, trees annually in Lane county than all ':; forest fires in the past 10 years. Three toxic spray solutions are to be tested for this control measure and nine test areas, 330 acres each, have been estab lished and to be treated by so lutions of DDT, toxaphene and benzene hexachloride. All prays under test will be ap plied by helicopter with effec tiveness of the different sprays to be determined by a study next spring of the budworm popula tion and the degree of damage to trees after the spray treat ments. Supervisory work ' will be handled by John B. Woods, Jr., assistant state forester, and Dick Berry, research director. The research project is a coopera tive undertaking by the state board of forestry, the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quar antine and the U. S. forest service. Exhibition of Artists at Delake to Close July 9th The first annual exhibition of Oregon artists, including many who have exhibited in Salem, will close at Delake July 9. The display is being presented by the Lincoln County Art Center. Heading the list of exhibitors is Clyde Leon Keller, known as the dean of Oregon artists, who was born in Salem. He has paintings in every state of the union and several foreign coun- coma beach and was born in Os wego and Kenneth L. King, Ore gon resident for 25 years and who has assisted several seasons as an instructor at the center. tries and has painted for two presidents, Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Other artists include Arthur A C?l J In Inarch IaU I in December, 1884. He has heldhftlir Fniinfl fllll.tv M one-man shows in pencil ren- 1 VMllu vuiiij vi dering and oil paintings here, Portland and in Virginia. The group' which has been represented or held one-man shows at the Elfstrom art gal leries here also includes Fay Hoffman Church, Oswego; Col ista Dowlihg, Portland; Bob Voight, who came to Oregon in 1937 and completed his school ing in Salem, later majoring in art and education at Willamette university and now teaching art at Parrish junior high school; E. B. Quigley, known for west ern scenes; F. Loren Boulier, watercolorist and director for three years of the Elfstrom gal leries and Albert Patecky, Port land. Other succesful artists with work on display are Mildrer Warner, Ruth D. Grover, who is also an agate collector of au thority and a member of the Volunteer staff of the Lincoln art center; Helen Trayle Kreps, Portland-born and instructor in portrait and ' life sketching at the center; Menalkas Selander Portland; Maude Walling Wan ker, who has a studio at We- Selling Young Yeal Portland, July 6 W District Judge Frank E. Day has found four meat dealers guilty of sell ing under-aged veal, but ob served that the legislature had arbitrarily set the age limit at four weeks. His ruling upheld the validity of the act, but noted that au thorities had advised him veal may be mature between five and 21 days. Meat dealers Morris Goldfoot and Warren Oster, Portland, were fined $500 each and given suspended jail sentences of 180 days. N.- W. Andrews, Tigard Meat company, also was senten ced and fined $400, but both were suspended. Dealer Carl Ru deen, Portland, was dealt a $500 suspended fine. Veal under four weeks of age is defined in the act as unfit for human consumption. Compltis! Tf'OTi?dt,,4; transport""" side trips. bibw go tuerywnemi ' Carefree I "TaUor-made" ...(.omenta in advance. You have um""' ..... rl You'll oe amazed at now tonrs cost. There " . r.Mil are no "f',' folder) See local write: uraynu".; - Taylor St., 1-oruaui". 450 No. Church St. Phone 2-242S CSon't let your faucets Fail this summer Cell m -well send A perfect plumber. Ctaplumbing J 550 N. Winter Swimmers Fight Flames Volunteers, many of them wear ing bathing suits, try to bring a water hose to bear as a cottage bursts into flames at height of Revere Beach, Mass. Thousands of people seeking relief from 100-degree heat in nearby Bos ton jammed area around fire and hampered fire-fighters responding to the general alarm. More than a dozen cottages and two hotels were destroyed. (AP Wirephoto) Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, July 5, 19499 Added Pounds of Ex-Willamette Player too Much for Ballast Keith L. Jones, former Willamette university football player and now chief of police at Eugene, Is too heavy for the Goodyear blimp "Volunteer." Jones was among Eugene city officials Invited for a courtesy flight during a visit of the blimp to that city this week. But it took' two tries. The first time he was the last man in the gondola, and, when load tests showed the blimp was overloaded, he was asked to wait the next trip. He made it that time. Jones, a lineman with the Bearcats, admits that he has gained since his college days when football programs listed him as 196 pounds. Give your eyes the benefit of expert core. Examination by a thoroughly trained specialist. Modern frame styles. 4 iibjiii'H. Dr. E. E. Boring 383 Court Plenty to See With Clear Vision The first world's champion ship yachting race was sailed Aug. 22, 1851, around the Isle of Wight and was won by the New York Yacht Club's entry, the America. jllly ARDEN DEALERS llr (M5 ICE CREAM ARDEN'S "FLAVOR. FRESH" treat - of -the - month Enjoy this delicious ice cream, gen crously filled with lusciom tree ripened cherries. Enjoy iis superb "hand-dipped" quality, line tex ture and down-right goodness. Ask for it by name..,,, .., -FLAVOR .FRESH' m UAEUUIV COMDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION JUNE 30, 1949 RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks. $ 118,597,023.20 United States Government Bonds 242,956,778.05 Municipal and Other Bonds 36.671.658.J2 Loans and Discounts 132,834,251.90 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 600.000.00 Bank Premises (Including Branches) 7,384,078.29 Customers' Liability on Acceptances. 144,048.45 Interest Earned , 1,690,306.21 Other Resources 276,660.04 $ 541,154,804.26 LIABILITIES Capital 10,000,000.00 Surplus 10,000.000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserves 11,708,007.35 31,708.007.35 Reserves for Interest, Taxes, etc. 2,337,081 .86 Acceptances 144,048.45 , Dividends Declared 250,000.00 Deposits , 505,591,699.34 Interest Collected Not Earned. 1,092,729.38 Other Liabilities..... 31,337.88 $ 541,154,804.26 ThU rtntemen' 'ncLudm 38 bmnrhea n Oregon HmnOrnci I'ORTIANU ORi GON LADD & BUSH-SALEM DiaiCT BRANCH Of THI UHITIO BTATIS NATIONAL SANK OP OUTI.ANI MssmW Fsssrsf Psawr) Istarnw CsrpwoMas Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Dr. Sam Hughes Dignified Credit Phone 3-6506 trnnmtt.iiJi.iMitatw..iii.HuajjiiiHiiMBsiisa DON'T MISS GETTING QEHEIMJLS Qualify AT THIS SALE PRICE FULL SIZE FULL WEIGHT FULL STRENGTH 85 MO TOM MB TM' LOS I U PIUS HI FAMOUS ffi(fi(fap w Ik, - " ImmMrrA " sssaaH V rfe Come In Compare All these General Tire Quality Features LONG MILEAGE EXTRA STRENGTH DOUBLE GRIP TREAD SAFETY TRACTION EASY RIDING COMFORT ! FAMOUS MAKES i NEW CAR TAKE OFFS Traded in on newGenaral Super Squeegee. Some driven a few blocks, tome afewmiles. Yours now at sensational savings. Alto guaranteed used tire. UP rQ OFF NEW TO 50 TIRE PRICES 1Mb (HEDGE!! TAKE 'TILL FALL TO PAY M'!it,i:Jti:t-!xJ:t:i:':!??f,:t:tj BARGAIN SPARES f: : and used tube: Juit what you need in an emergency. Plenty of them here with plenty of mile left In them. FROM 3 STATE TIRE SERVICE Phone 2-2459 State and Cottage Sts; V