Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 06, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    Four Corners Garden Club
Will Hear Talk on Roses
Four Corners, July 6 The Rickey Garden club will meet July
7 at 8 o'clock at the Community hall. Raymond Warren, presi
dent of the Salem Men's Garden club will speak on "Roses". The
program will be first. Hostesses are Mrs. Oliver Rickman, Mrs. L.
J. Stewart, Mrs. E. M. White, Mrs. Everett Smith and Mrs. Harold
. Snook.
Census Starts
Office Located
Representatives from the Unit
ed States department of com
merce, bureau of census, arrived
in Salem Tuesday and began
taking this city's business cen
In charge is Carl Gilson of:
Portland, who Tuesday set up
the census office at the Marion
hotel, which is to be open from
3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through
Friday, during the time that the
census bureau representatives
are in Salem.
In charge of the office is Mrs.
Maxine Kent of Salem, and
working as interviewers will be
John Oberby of Portland and
Mrs. Harriett Smithson of Sa
lem. The census was started Tues
. day morning and it is estimated
J that it will require two weeks
.lo complete the job. During this
time all business places engaged
in wholesale, retail or service
business will be contacted.
Purpose of the census is to
take an inventory of the nation's
business and compare Salem's
figures this year with those of
the last business census taken
here in 1939. . Noted will be the
increase or decrease in business
and the number of new busi
nesses started since this time.
Information collected by the
census takers during their stay
here will be made available by
districts between June 1, 1950,
and April 1, 1950.
Former Resident
Dies at Covena
Bethel, July 6 Mrs. Anna
Aschenbrenner Matter has re
ceived a message from Covena,
Calif., informing her of the
death from stroke on last Fri
day, of her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Olive Curran Aschenbrenner.
The funeral was held Tuesday.
She was the widow of the late
George W. Aschenbrenner.
Mr. and Mrs. Aschenbrenner
were former residents of Salem,
both graduating from Willam
ette university in about 1902.
They spent the next three years
in the Philippines as teachers
in the schools there. Returning
' to the states they purchased an
orange grove near Covena
where both lived until the times
of their death.
Surviving them are a son, a
daughter and three grandchil
dren. They were members of the
Methodist church in Salem and
later in Covena.
Fighter Plan With Robot
Co-Pilot Wanted by Air Force
Washington, July UP) The air force is looking for a one-man
fighter plane with a "robot co-pilot" to help hit bombers flying
at ultra high altitudes and speed.
If planners can make their present ideas come true, the pilot of
such a plane may never even see the enemy bomber his radar
framed assistant discovers and"
. shoots down.
The newly-announced XF-94
radar-equipped jet fighter, a
two-man plane in its present
version, is viewed as a first step
toward this goal, it was learned
The Lockheed XF-94 is con
sidered a "24-hour fighter"
which means that by the use of
its radar eyes it can battle either
day or night, or in any weather,
at extreme altitudes which place
a severe strain on a pilot.
Although basically an F-80
ViHandard jet fighter, the XF-94
has two features which convert
it into a specialized interceptor
, type:"
Weight Limits Performance
A radar operator to locate an
enemy bomber and help the
fighter pilot close in on it; and
an "afterburner" device to boost
the normal power of the Jet
engine and thus enable the air
plane to climb rapidly to the
altitude of the attacking bomb
er. But an extra man and extra
radar equipment aboard a fight
er plane already overstuffed
with weighty equipment limits
the performance of the aircraft
So designers are working on
a one-package job, an entirely
new model in which automatic
All Metal "NU-FRAME"
Window Screens
Require no fitting . come
ready to install are of
permanent all-steel con'
struction . need no paint
ing or upkeep will not
rot nor separate at the
corners . made to fit any
standard window they
are the finest flat screen
that money can buy yet
Cost No More Than
Wood Frame Screens
Lumber Company
25 Lana Ave. Phone 3-4939
2 blocks north, I block
east of underpass
Mrs. Willard Pederson and
Mrs. Jess Mcllnay drove to the
Y.M.C.A. camp at Silver Creek
Falls on Sunday taking Gary
Mcllnay, Eric and Gary Peder
son, Craig Scott and Ronald
Russell. The boys will remain at
the camp for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bashford
of Jefferson were visitors in the
A. J. Batterton and G. M. Deen
homes on Durbin ave. The fam
ilies are friends of many years
ago in Bushnell, Neb.
The Four Corners Home Ex
tension Unit and the Rickey
Garden Club will have the food
concession at the third annual
benefit carnival sponsored by
the Four Corners Community
Center. Association on July 15
to 17.
The Four Corners Beauty
shop will be closed July 11 to
Mr. and Mrs. Milo R. Klie-
wer 4204 Glenwood drive are
receiving congratulations upon
the birth of a son Bill Milo,
June 29 at Salem Memorial
hospital. The little boy weighed
seven pounds and nine ounces.
There is an older sister, Patty.
He is the grandchild of Mr. and
Mrs. William Schiach 609 S.
Elma ave. and Mr and Mrs. B.
G. Kliewer of Salem.
Many out of state visitors en
joy Four Corners hospitality:
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Shrake of
East State street were hosts
last week to Mr. and Mrs. Henry
May and children Bobbie and
Jack of Greeley, Colorado.
Mrs.. Anna Ruhle 4030 Mahrt
ave. has as her house guest her
daughter Hazel Ruhle of Chic
ago. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis
of Kansas City, Mo., are visit
ing the Ernest. Walker and
Charles Walker families on
Mahrt ave. Also other relatives
in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Meyer
and daughters Donna, Carolyn
and Joyce spent the week end
at Clear Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker
entertained the Krazy Kard
Klub on Saturday. Pinochle was
the diversion and dessert re
freshments were served to Mr.
and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Osborn, Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Bales, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Fiester, Mr. and Mrs. Phil
Merriam, Mr. and Mrs. S. H
Cable. Honors went to Mr. and
Mrs. Merriam.
McKay to Fly to S. F.
Gov. Douglas McKay will fly
to San Francisco Wednesday to
attend a meeting of the Pacific
board of intergovernmental re
lations. He plans to be back at
his executive desk here early
electronic equipment would re
place the radar operator.
Air fighting at altitudes 40,000
feet or more above the earth
confronts jet pilots with new,
tough problems: the extra-high
speech, the loss of contact with
the ground, and disappearance
of the horizon, which a pilot
sights on to maneuver his plane.
These problems keep a pilot so
busy he hasn't time to let his
glance shift to a radar screen.
Various Plans Offered
To meet this situation, several
plans are being made or con
sidered, including:
1. A radar set which will show
the pilot at a glance (a) the posi
tion of the bomber he is attack
ing; (b) whether his plane is in
the correct flying position; (c)
the horizon, even though it is
obscured by underlying clouds
or darkness.
.2. The possibility of linking
the interceptor's radar 'eyes to
the plane's controls and guns
so that it "homes in" on the
bomber target and opens fire
when in range, all automatically
Should this ultimate objec
tive be attained, a fighter pilot
may find he is Just going along
for the ride, except for the job
of taking off and landing his
Receives Catholic Layman ' Medal Screen Actress Irene
Dunne who received the University of Notre Dame's laetare
medal, awarded annually to the outstanding Catholic layman,
displays medal following the presentation. (Left' to right)
Most Rev. J. Francis A. Mclntyre, archbishop of Los Angeles;
Dr. Francis Griffin, Miss Dunne's husband; Miss Dunne; her
daughter, Mary Frances Griffin; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J.
Sheen and Rev. John J. Cavaruiugh, C.S.C., president of
Notre Dame. (AP Wirephoto) i
Error in McNary Landings
May Bring ILS Sooner
True figures tell the truth. But some place along the line the
count of the number of instrument
Nary field had been greatly reduced, and the correct count may
bring the instrument landing system here a year closer.
Hal Sweeney, Salem United
ceived word that on June 29,
Ed Post of the UAL communica
tions department in Denver in
Conferring with E. J. Wild of
Seventh region of the CAA of
fice in Seattle learned that the
ILS priority on Salem was based
on an estimated 20 instrument
approaches a year. This low
figure was the reason that no
encouragement was given the
city in getting the complete
UAL since has collected the
proper figures and forwarded
them to Wild to assist him in
preparing a letter to Washing
ton requesting that the Salem
ILS priority be raised.
The infomation forwarded to
Wild July 1 showed air control
tower figures from July 1, 1948
to June 30, 1949 were 196 in
strument approaches with an
estimate 25 of these due to the
Portland flood conditions.
Records from September 1
1947, to August 31, 1948 were
unavailable, but, based on the
number of schedules operated
the estimated figure of 178 was
given for that period, assuming
that equivalent weather con
ditions existed.
Sweeney was further inform
ed that the material forwarded
to the CAA might permit the
lLb priority to be raised suf
ficiently to permit installation
during the fiscal year of 1950
if this is the case. Seventh re
gion would proceed to install
the outer marker compass lo-
cater at once and it should be
available prior to October of
this year.
Detroit People Hear
About Condemnation
A public meeting will be held
in the new public school audi
torium at Camp Mongold, Thurs
day, July 7 at 8 p.m., daylight
saving time, to inform the gen
eral public concerning proposed
condemnation action, and to ex
plain the policies of fhe district
office, in the acquisition and
leasing back to owners and occu
pants of property within the De
troit reservoir area.
Opportunity will be given to
all concerned to be heard on
matters pertinent to the subject
to be discussed.
Covington, Kentucky claims
the smallest church in the world
Monte Casino Roman Catho
lic church with a seating capa
city of three.
Hurry... Hurry
To the Four
Corners Carnival
July 15, 16, and 17!
Lots of FREE PRIZES . . . lots of concessions ... A FREE SHOW lots of
rip-roaring rides! Everybody's going there'll be fun for all! See you there!
State St., Four Corners
landings made at Salem's Mc
Air Lines manager, this week re
Miner Killed, One
Injured in Blast
Nezpelem, Wash., July 6 U.R
A charge of dynamite that ex
ploded prematurely killed a
Nezpelem miner and maimed
another two miles southwest of
here Tuesday.
The dead man was identified
as George Hunter Beggs. Wil
liam Barnard, 68, Nezpelem,
lost his left erye and suffered
broken bones in his face and in
juries of the head, shoulders and
Authorities said Barnard
dragged himself several hundred
feet from the mine to seek help
for Beggs and himself.
Ottawa Journal Head
Dies at Age of 91
Ottawa, July 6 W) P. D. Ross,
president of the Ottawa Journal,
died at his home here Tuesday,
He was 91.
For more than 60 years Ross
was president of the journal
which he bought a few months
after it was started in 1886.
Last March he disposed of the
paper to a group of his editori
al associates but remained as
Ross was one of the flounders
of the Canadian Press.
He started his newspaper ca
reer m 1879 as a $5-a-week re
porter on the Montreal Star and
in six months was city editor
8cabi) li falKhly con
Urious and would con
tinue for life If not
stopped. Itt sole eause In
the Itch - mite wh I o b
li Immune to ordinary treatment. EX
SORA kills tbe Itch-mite almost instantly.
Only three days EXSORA treatment Is
"Mail orders riven prompt attention.
At all Fred Meyer Drur Sections and oth
er GOOD Drug Stores."
When you find out how much there is to do at our resort,
without high prices. Hot mineral water for drinking and
bath treatments, excellent massages.
Swimming - Dancing - Hiking Fishing - Horses
Big Bonfire and Radio Every Evening
Open Until October 1st
Road from Detroit to Bruckman's
Open 1:00 to 2:00 p. m. and 5:00 i. m. to 7:45 a. m., DST
Monday thru Saturdays and all day Sunday and Holidays
For Reservations and Price List
Phone Detroit 871 Write:
Breitenbush, Oregon
Pilot and Girl
Killed in Crash
Colville, Wash., July 6 U.B
A young pilot and his teen-age
girl companion were killed in
stantly last night when their
rented light plane struck a pow
er pole and smashed into the
ground only a few feet from the
home of the girl s grandparents,
The state patrol identified the
dead pair as Warren Hoech, 22,
and Patsy Waters, 15, both of
A civil aeronautics adminis
tration inspector from Spokane
was en route to investigate the
possibility the pilot had been
"buzzing" the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. C. Heberling, four and
one-half miles northwest of
Commies Must Lie
Witness Testifies
Seattle, July 6 (U.R) A former
communist leader testified at a
deportation hearing yesterday
that party members "must" lie
under oath if directed to do so
John L. Leech, a former alter
nate member of the communist
party's national committee and
former executive secretary of
the party in southern California,
testified at the deportation hear
ing of James J. Cryan as an ex
pert witness for the government.
Pins Are Presented
Woodburn Charles and Har
lan Henkes and William Cush-
ing of the local Birds Eye-Snider
plant were presented 10
year service pins recently at a
banquet held in Portland. The
awards were presented by A. R.
Reiling, western division super
visor. Also attending were W. A
Verboort, superintendent of the
Woodburn plant, and Mrs. Her-
lan Henkes, who was presented
with a corsage.
Supply Ku.h.d H.r. Suffer. R.l.lca
New i-ellel ' for gallbladder sufferers luck
ing healthy bile la seen today In announce
ment of a wonderful preparation which acta
, . -- cuevi. ounerera with
agonising colic, stomach and gallbladder
o, neauny one now tell
of remarkable results after using this medi
cine which has amazing power to stimulate
flow of healthy bile. CALLUSIN Is a very
expensive medicine, but considering results
riiniem" C0,U. U 0"ly Wimies per dose.
6ALLUSIN (caution, use only aa directed)
la sold with full money back guarantee bw
Schaefer Drui, 13ft No. Commercial Mall
Dial 3-8515
Apricots Make
Bumper Crop
One of the lnrffpst rmi-iprir
crops in recent years will en-
ame tne nousewife to purchase
this fruit at prices as low or
lower than they were in 1943,
reports Sid McNeil of the Pa
cific Fruit as he announces big
shipments from the Yakima val
ley will be distributed through
out wesiern uregon late this
The neak of shinmpnf Irnm
the lower Yakima valley where
75 Der cent, nf ihr pntir Wash
ington production is harvested,
will occur next week-end, fol
lowed by the crop from the
UDDer ValloV JinH lnror ffnm
around Wenatchee. The Wash
ington crop is largely of the
"Moorpark" varietv nnnsirWpri
excellent for canning.
A large crop of Tiltons will be
harvested around the Dalles and
shiDment will hp mnH. in tua
Willamette valley.
Usually the price of peaches
at the opening of the season is
higher than being charged for
apricots. This year the situa
tion is just reversed.
While the apricot is related
to the peach, plum, nectarine,
cherry and prune, its origin is
something of a mystery. Cali
fornia produces about 90 per
cent of all the 'cots grown with
tne state of Washington lead
in tonnage Of frpsh chinmnnt
Oregon is next in this connec
tion ana utan third.
Prof. Darby Dies
Chula Vista Pal .Ti.K, A urn
William T. Darby, 72, professor
oi i,ngiisn ana American Liter
ature at the University of Wash
ington from 1907 to 1918, died
Monday. He had lived here
since 1927, when he retired as
neaa oi tne English department
of the University of Redlands,
Free Estimates
Phone 2-5643
Pumilire - West Salem
Notice Fishermen
Under New
Boats - Motors - Crab Nets
Cutler City, Oregon
IVTplvhi f! Flltcnn
Follow Cutler City fish signs
"Sea Hawk" - "Jimco" - "Falcon" - "Therese"
Latest Type Sport Fishing Cruisers
Charters - Deep Sea Fishing Trips Excursions
Phone 590
Newport Manor
On Hiway 101 3 blocks
north of Yaquina Bay
Phone 425-W Box 646
Automatic Electric Heat
Go Deep Sea Fishing
Charter the CYGNET
Diesel Powered - Fed. Insp. and Licensed
ifr" ,w0 "ours isning
S' Four Hours Fishine
All Day Charter (up
OVER NIGHT and LONG TRIPS by Special Arrangements
Radio-Telephone Sleeps 12 for over-night trips
Phone 545 if no answer Phone 90-J
J. Elfving Box 903 Newport, Oregon
Phone for Information - 18
YAQUINA BAY AREA - Newport, Oregon
Post office Box A Newport, Ore.
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, July 6, 1949 S
Triplets Trapped Warren
Wood, Lebanon, route 1, set a
trap for chicken-killing rats
and caught three young ones
at one time, the noses of the
trio all concentrated on the
bait. He is still seeking the
matriarch of the brood, hav
ing first caught the old man
of the tribe who measured 18
inches from nose to tail tip.
Neighborhood Holds
Annual Holiday Event
Salem Heights The Hulsey
Ave. Neighbors held their an
nual Fourth of July picnic at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron
Butler. In the afternoon a
baseball game was held with the
daughters and fathers playing
the mothers and sons. Mr and
Mrs. Eric Butler offered their
yard to the neighbor boys and
girls for displaying their fire
works in the evening.
Twenty-nine states have coun
ties named Washington.
Palmistry Readings
Will tell your past present
and future. Will advise on
love, marriage
and business
Answers al
questions. Are
l.vou worried?
Why be In
doubt? Special
Onen 9 a.m.
'"AnZiif ' 10 p.m.
Moved from 466 Ferry to
173 S. Commercial
Agate Beach, Ore.
Home Cooked Food
Italian Dishes
Ph. Newport 67-J-l-X
for Reservations
Where you can enjoy fish
j ing in Yaquina Bay, go deep
I sea fishing, get a sun-tan
i or go surf bathing. For in
formation Ph. 111-J day or
At Nye Beach
to 45 people) 200.00
Boettiger Sues
For Divorce
Phoenix, Ariz., July 6 u.R
John Boettiger sued Anna Roose
velt for divorce today, charging
the daughter of the late Presi
dent Franklin D. Roosevelt with
mental cruelty.
A complaint filed yesterday
said Mr Boettiger humiliated
her husband "repeatedly and
continually by statement and
actions, making it impossible to
live together." It "impaired his
mental and physical health,"
the complaint said.
Mrs. Boeetiger, who shares a
radio program with her mother,
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, said she
is "not happy about" the suit.
"Any kind of family bust-up
a very sad thing, of course,"
she said.
Boettiger was the White
house reporter for the Chicago
Tribune when he met his wife.
They were married January 18,
1935. They formerly published
the Arizona Times here and the
Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Boettiger now is a magazine
nt gicnv oaib ui a r. e iiuw
covers 1,500 square miles, less
than one-tenth of its original
TKn Cl T 1. -
Years of painstaking research
plus a million-dollar plant-expansion
program have perfect
td this bettcr-than-evr ber.
you'll tike its rich, mellow fla
vor. You'll find it light and
mild, each golden drop full of
thirst-quenching goodness,
made possible by slow, cartful
Age-Mellowing. Now try Lucky
Lager you'll be convince
that it is the most delicious, re
freshing beer you've tasted I
Distributed by
Marshall Distributing Company
347 North Front St.
Salem, Oregon