14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday July 6, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES IFOR SALE HOUSES WANTED REAL ESTATE I WANTED REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Par Lint I6e Par Line tlmu .....40c Per Una 6 times 0c Per Line 1 month (2.00 Outside of Salem 15c per line pet day Min. 80c; time min 80c 6 time min 11.20 No Refund READERS Id Local News Col Only. Par line . jOo To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Two-Bedroom NEW HOUSE ID 76 No. 20th St. $8500, $1500 Down, 4 Ker at 1990 No. 20lb. aieo OWNED LEAVING. Sacrifice 3 bdrm. home. j Falrmount H1U close to Leslie. Bu to ! Bush. Basement, fireplace, oil floor fur nace. Corner lot. 16950. Ph. 3-9605. 1595 Bailnaw St. 172 f 1.INGWOOD UTS. 2 txrrm. home, baae ment, rumpus room, oil heat, two lire place. New carpeting. F.H.A Call own er 3-BMi. t If br. home all on one floor, oil piped fur., 2 car ga., big bath all Colo tlle nice din. rm., nook, lota of closet space, oversize utility rm., lot 80x125, pvd at., well located. Ph. 2-0080. BO. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. a!59' BY OWNKB! a do. mu. vvutwuw .. house, including electric stove, refrlg. St water heater. Bus service. J4200. 148 lhrom 'u BY OWNERi it DIOCKS WCBi, Ul ouicm eral HoBpltal, 2 bdrm., late built, piped .I i . ntni.n.i .,nniuA hurriwood floors, full basement. 035 Catterlln Ave. rn. joiiow or rfoii. iiimicui m. ulBO' houBe. Hardwood floors, utility room, ome furnlturer ior saie. ao -iuuc. Ph. 28037. alflQ BY OWNER: Large nouse, 6 rm. down, S up. 4 lot, fruit St nut trees. Could be made Into apt. Price $4B00. Mr. 7..lr Kc.hell. P. O Box 225. Gervai. rOB SALE BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm homo F.H.A. term. J600 down. Phone fl.QBflfl. R42 BUlU. BlCO OANDALARIA, 3 bdrm. name. By owner 220 Candalarla Blvd. Ph. 31241. alOl WALNUT PARK BY OWNER 'Nearly new home. Full basement. Fire place In basement St living rm. Large lot. Plenty shrubs St flower Over 1.400 ft floor space. Besides garage. Immcd. Poas. Price low. For appointment Ph. 3-S734. ENGLEWOOD $10,300 Builder will do well to make wage cn this new 3-br. home all on one floor, la. llv. rm.. din. rm.. fplc, lull .plaat., sa., pvd. it. and walk, close to ,h. Ph. 2-0U80. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th SI, nl59 OPEN HOUSE Dally until 9 P.m. By owner-builder. New 2 bdrm. F.H.A. built home Willi built-in Thermador Elec. range. Bcndtx, fireplace, picture window, V. blinds, hardwood firs., copper tube plumbing. ' lrutJlated, weather-stripped, aulo. oil heat, patio, city water, )gc. lot, nice view. A sacrifice at $10,900. Comu south on 99E to 99 Cafe. Turn right up Ewnld Ave. to Welty Ave. (Flrat street lelt). ' Second house on right. a 01 SMALL NEW house, bath, garage, paved atreet. oome lruit, tiu.uu. iv v Iiidepcnnenca, ure HAKE US AN OFFER: 3 Bdrm house on ft acre. Kingwood Heights. Ph. 2-7241. n 101 BY OWNER Excellent 6 rm. mod. home, att. gor utll rm. Lge. lot, garden. $8,000. 48 Abram. Ph. 2-2270. OlOl iY OWNER: 2 Bd. rm. home. Centrally located. Poas. m 2 wks. nag a. nm. ami FOUR BEDROOMS. Large L.R., fireplace, . n a rn.ntinn hull- all hdwd. lira.',' excellent location. A bargain at 113,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. - Exclusive Listing Personal Service 164 S. Com'l Phone 3-B3B9 Eve. 3-7440 al6' BY OWNER: For sale or trndo for Salem property, 1 bedroom modern home, less than 1 year old, landscnped, fireplace, oil heat utility room with automatic washer, in choice location near par. Phone Sllverton. 3303 or write Mr. M. McMlllin, 236 Jerome St., Sllverton, Ore. nl59 rOR BALE: 3 Bd. Rm. House, fireplace hardwood floor, furnace. 1'4 garage. Fenced back yard with fireplace, pool and lights, 425 S. 33rd Ph. 3-5754. by owner. $10,800 Very nice 2 bedroom home, fireplace St full basement, convenient location, Will consider trnde for good home on acre. G. A. VICARY ' REAL ESTATE "BIS N. Com'l St. Phone Day or Kve. 2-0431 al61 FOR SALE B room modern cottage, 13250. 670 Ratcllff Dr. al59 ; NEW 2-BEDROOM Close to Catholic School In nice district. LR with fireplace, Dlt, kitchen, separ ' ate utility room, hdwd. floors, oil heat, attached garage, corner lot. $0750. FH.A. term. For appointment call Len Orion. ' Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Cliemeketa St. Ph. 39271, Eve. 23983. a 11)0 tuna for Saie: New-type, six room, ranch style homes under 13000. See Harrison Supply Ad, Page 2. al58 ifw 8 B. R. home, large shade trees, bun by door, hardwood floors, flreplacr, plenty of closet space, elec. heat, equip ped with new Zenith range A refrig erator. See this at 2435 D St. Open re. i to 8:30 of phone 3-7809. alfll Will Take 1 yr. old 25' or longer trailer bout as down payment on new 6 rnm modern home. 1145 James St. al6t This well built 3 B. R. home on north th street has large L. R. and din ing room, fire place, full basmt . aut o heat, double plumbing, Nice yard lot of shrubs and priced under Il2,ooo.oo. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS r. t-1707 414 Court Eve. 2.1773-3-12113 161' UNFINISHED HOME W have an unfinished S B. R. modem home with a larxe lot on Browning Ave. The home can be completed at a very smalt expense. It's a bargain at 14000 And 13000. will handle. BURT PICHA Realtors 111 N. Hleh St. Ofttce 2-3rt4f Eve. 3-7451 or 2-5390 al5tt rtRW t Bdrm., living rm. dining comb! Xltchrn. nook, utility. Raragr, flrrnlnre. Lot 73x150 with prarh trees. 4940 Woll St. 3 blocks from Kclrer school. 1 block to atnrei St bus. Ph. 27520, alrtl' BY OWNER. NORWAY" ST. 1030 ' If you can pay 13500 rash you ' can buy this comfortable small home for only $6500 in the next I few days. Ideal for elderly couple. I Living room, dinette. larRr bed , room, urn all room suitable for den or tewing rm. or child bedroom. . Well equipped kitchen wired for tl. range, el. hot water. Large tirage with room for shop. There i a lovely room In the garage ' done In knotty pine that rould be 1 rented out. Utility room with Ben ' dlx wahcr. The rear yard ta fenced. Do no disturb occupants. Call for appointment to tutpert. Dial 3-4016. Ere. 3-8313. Win a Guest Ticket to See "Life of Riley" Plus "Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend" AT WARNERS CAPITOL THEATRE HERE ARB THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture cominR soon to Salem. Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be judRed on sincerity and originality'. The THREE best statements received each day will each re ceive a pair of guest tickets to see "Life or Riley" plus "Beauti ful Blonde from Bashful Bend" coming soon to the Capitol thea ter. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the Judges is final FOR SALE HOUSES IB400 3 bd. rm. llv, rm. din. rm. 3 yrs. old. Large lot. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemekcta St. Ph. 3-0271 Eves. 3-0441 SELL OR TRADE! 3 -bod room older type home In very excellent condition, New roof, new p nlnt, excellent location. 95,800 will trade for 2 -bed room southeast. No. 333 SELL OR TRADE! Suburban ranch style 2-bcdroom home. All hardwood floor, fireplace, large 72x 135 lot. Attached garage. Nice garden Will trade for trailor house. No. 259 SELL OR TRADE! 2-brdroom home with full basement on corner lot located north. Will trade for city or suburban property,' No, 220 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Eve. St Sun. 3-9712. 2-8241, 2-3738, 2-2532 a 159 Snap Furnished $4750. Owner leaving. Nearly new. L.R.. K. D. Rm one bdrm. down, room for 2 up. Utility rm. Elec. W. system. Gar den In. Near store and city bus. North. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial, Ph. 34590, Eve. 39536 alOl SIH.IHm Beautiful new 7-rm. home with double plumbing on '4 acre view lot. Oil pipe furnace, fireplace, largo lovely kit chen and utility. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 0bO S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-52(i0 WHY PAY RENT !3B per month payments are cheaper. Take over this 4 OI loan of 14500', Owner will lake stood car. truck or house trailer in on ccmlty. Full price on i in nent a or. Jiome J7500. See Wnmuerg or Phono 3-8518 eves. REDUCED PRICE $4250 2 Br. Living mom, nice large kitchen. double gamut, lot Is 05x103. Plenty of garden space. An Oregon State Vet can handle this with a very small down payment. See Mac. or Ph. 3-847 eves. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1M0 N. Ciu'ltol St. Ph. 3-Mn Eve... 3-8518 or 2-3476 nl60 Leo N. Chikls, Inc., Realtors 't VKAIl Ol.ll 5 room modem home. Price Jtiooo. i;N(il.KHOOII llltiTRKT, Neat 2 bedrm. home. Large garage. Prtre onlv $8000. I'l'KNISliKU PRACTICALLY NHW 5 room nou.se. i,arge living, room. Elec. heal. Att. Rnraae. 2 large lots. Price furnished 18750. 1B300 O.I. loan payable 150 per mo. cau be assumed. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2-3863 Evenings call: 3-6789 or 2-4007 11161 THREE BEDROOMS Large living room, dining room, fire place, hdwd. floors throughout, lovely kitchen fc nook, nut trees and land arnperi. 630 Illinois St. off Center. al64 S.VJ.Vl. S Bedroom one-story house. Loratecl u a. uin. uaraire. Lot 75x300. Fruit ireeo una uiirtien space. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High St. Phone 34121. Eves. 25200 HERE'S SOME BUYS FOR YOU .OVELY Home between Summer St Capi tol, close in. Llvlnpr room, dining room, kitchen, ut. room room up. Large lot, S.MHl DOWN. New a bdrm. horn with ga- LARfiE COR. lot so. Cottage with older 'Jl iwunc. ileum 910 mo. SOD.tll. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 460 N. Church St. Ph. 2-7642. Res. 2-0126 al69 $6250 4 rm. house, partly furn. Immed. poas. Terms. Call Allen C. Jones and Mabel A. Needham REALTORS 341 State St., Rm. 4. Ph. 3-8201 a 159 S IIKIlltnOM late built plastered house. n'w in omrm iieigms school. Lot 70 x 170. Price 700. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 8. High St. Phone 34131. Kvei. 25206 al61' Hll.MMi. MODERN 5 room home with 2 rm. in upstairs. Locaieo in UuMiies Zone. Itooni on lot for business blita, This Is first time otlered for sale. Call .o. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S, High Bt. Phone 34121. Kvei, 25206 nlfU FOR SALE LOTS LOT on Mill creek, in city nmit. Phone '30" aal61 ROSFMARY LANE Lois 60x112 City water; on Bus; De sirable rest rlct tnna; S8000 Your own teim. Located N. of Ratclttr Dr. IJDW. A. DYCK. REALTOR 328 N. Commercial Street Phone 2-3311 3-6056 2-3203 aal61 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 GRABENHORST SPECIALS 4 BDRM. SPECIAL Liv. rm. din. rm.. large kitchen, hall. bath, lge, bdrm. St closet, wall to wall carpet, fireplace, full basmt, beautiful yard, 12 yrs. old, 112,000, Call ROY FERRIS SEE THIS HOME If cliool are a point with your family, you can't afford to miss thi home, both Jr. High and grade school very close. Le. liv. rm, with fireplace, din. rm, kitchen with nook, 2 lge. bdrm, full basmt, lge lot with back yard fenced. See this home at 2020 South High Street and then call EARL WEST CHECK THESE BEFORE YOU BUY 2 bdrm. new, 840 qs ft., inside utility lot 90 X :30 ft. TERMS $7,000. 2 bdrm, 2 yr. old. all electric, Inside utility, insulated acre (round Double garage. $7,000. Call PETER OEISER GRABENHORST 134 South Liberty Street Sundays and Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter H. Oelser 3-9908 Earl West 2-1232 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS v $8900 4 Bedroom modern home In a beautiful setting of firs. Fireplace, living room St dining room carpeted, bath, kitchen, oil heat, barbecue, all kinds fruit. Large lot could be divided. If you are in search of a home don't fail to let us show this one. You can make a .good buy. CHAS, HUDKINS & SON, REALTORS Over 27 Years in Salem ' 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Under $7000 Just reduced to 1B950. This home located past the Swegle school, ha 2 bedroom with room upstair for additional 3 rooms, nearly A acre land. We may show you thru any time. You Can't Beat This for Real Value Be sure and aee this new 2 bedroom home, you will Immediately notice the top grade construction, the basement is full and deep, the furnace Is oil and piped, the garage Is double and the corner lot 1 large and the price Is only 110,200 with excellent FHA term available. North Summer Street Very spacious bedroom home, 15x24 llvlngroom and 14x16 dlnlngroom, double Plumbing, huge basement with play room, auto, oil heat. If you need more room thi home should please you Surrounded by Giant Oaks This chorming 3 bedroom home Is set back In a huge oak grove with a lovely large yard, attractive patio and outdoor fireplace. This home is unusual with It's open beam livlngroom, open stairway and balcony, the price Is far below replacement cost. Don't be sorry you missed seeing this home. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eves. Phone 28053 - FOR SALE LOTS CHOICE VIEW LOTS ON FAIRMOUNT HILL In the Fair-mount View Addition Priced at Only $2500 Each . These choice view lots are all restricted and within the city limits with city facilities. Come in and let us show you the most exclusive building sites in Salem. LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO Excliiotve Llstlnns Personal Service 164 S. Com'l Phono 3-8388 Eve. 3-7446 nal68 Suburban Lots t25 Down, $10 Per Month, 'n acre. BPflt of rnirden Roll. Near store And bus. As low bs J500. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590 Eve. 3-9536 aal61' FOR SALE FARMS HOWELL PRAIRIE 46 A. Will. Clay loam and Amity Silt lonm, all In crop, some stock, milking machine, tractor and all machinery, ranch type home, all furnished, at tached 2 cur nrnne, on school bus and milk route. Pudding river water right, all goes with farm. 3 miles west of Sll verton on old Stlvcrton-Salem highway. Turn north on Pudding River bridge. l3 mile In. Imm. Pass. Owner. Rt. 2. ' Box 175, Sllverton, Orecon. blfiO i& ACHE Dairy Ranch. All under Irriga tion. Clrade A barn. Large house. 25 caws. Income over $1,000 per. month. Price complete 139.500. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 8. High St., Ph. 3-4131, Eves. 2-5206 blfil m A 100 A. UNDER CULTIVATION. 10 A. new cerliried Marshall strawber ries, family orchard, year round creek Irrigation right from Luckiamute. Grav ity water system from large spring. 2 houses. Oarage, barn, several other bldg. Price $19,050. Reasonable term. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State St., Rm. 4 Phone 3-920L, Res. 3-4335, 3-6033 i bl59 IH'Y NOW GET PROKITAM.EHOR6P87 133 Acres, North, all cult., rolling and level loam. Main crops are corn, clover 4 16 A.I olid grain. Very good 4 RR. mod. home, 8 stanch, barn, built-in silo, new mach. shed, granary, pltry. and hog hse new 3-car garage. Well lor, lor school and mkt. Only 115.900. Terms. Full line new tractor enulptnt., plus all milk cows and pltry. extra at bnritatn STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 112 ACRES, near Estacada. Good rolling land, 40 A. cult., some strawberries, bnl. cut-over grazing laud. yr. stream and springs. Attractive 7-rm. home. ba.smt., elec. kitchen, lge. barn. 250 cap. pltry. h.se. Mail. milk, grade and high school rt. by door. All cow, pltry. and tractor equlpmt. incl. at SUPER DARGAIN, S8500 U you have some cash you'll nev er drive a better bargain. CHOICE SUBURBAN FARM QUALITY. 3UR. plnst. home, with L. and D. rms.. wired for elec. me. Good small barn, pltry. hse 18 Aces, all culm., some trawberrles. 2' A. perm, pasture. This ts well loc, close to Salem. Priced down to sell f 10,500. 10 adj. Acre at VERY SMALL cast. PUDDING RIVER FARM. 31 Acres of Willamette Valley best silt loam, high ly prod. In ANY KIND of crop you want. Unlimited water tor irrlg. 4 A. finest Boysenberrle. Attractive 6-rm. he basmt., furnace heat. Dairy type barn, built-in silo, good pltry. hse. and gran ary. 2-car aarage. SEE THIS TODAY I 113,000. with crop (13.000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St.. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 blfll REDUCED TO $14,000.00 34 acres cultivated and cleared. 10 arres oats. U acres nuts. acres ber ries, garden, pasture. Very nice 5 rm. home, bams, chicken coop. machine shed, hog house. All machinery, live stock, and furniture goes. For appoint ment call Len Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS - :U1 rh.,.,.i. at Ph. 39371. Kvrj 33983, M0. FOR SALE ACREAGE LAND BARGAINS Government At State ranch St timber land in Calif., Oregon, Wa.thinKton $1.75 to $5 acre. FREE LITERATURE Pacific Lands, Box 2350-CT, Hollywood 26. Calif. bbjt9 HIGHWAY KRONTAt.K 99K south 2t milea to Salem. 4i acrr. 1 bedroom home, other bldg. Garden, nice trees. 16500 Terms. Owner. Pb. 3-1110. Rt. 4 boa . bbiw BROS., REALTORS Office Phone 2-2471 Evenings Call 33632 - 23488 FOR SALE ACREAGE '.i ACRE, strictly modern new 2 bedroom nouse, ciec. neai, eiec. wuirr neaier, elec. pump, deep well, large lawn, new power mover, bearing walnuts and cherries. House fully Insulated, wall to wall carpet, attached garage. Bus by door, new Capltola School Dlst. 'a Blk. to store. Built by owner. Evenings after 6 o'clork. 149 Fisher Road. bbl61 REAL ESTATE North Nr. Brooks 1 acre Si 2 BR home. S2950. Consider trniler hsc. or late model car. Also ' 3 BR Vise. St ',i acre. North. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3802. Eve. 2-2147 or 2-8830 C160- BEST BUYS BUSINESS OPP. 7 UNIT APTS. Completely Turn., .select location, walk ing dist. from State house, shopping di.-U. it schools. Basement, auto. heat. Gross income per mo. 1405. Total price IJ&,UtlU, Term. Ev. 2-0473 or 3-3558. AUTO COURT Deluxe unit St home. Lots of room for expansion. Almost new. Choice location. Income showing consistent Increase Shown by appointment only. No phone Information please. Liberal terms. May consider trade as part payment. Total price S77.500. Ev. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. TRAILER SITE 4 acre tract In location close In, select Tor trailer park. 3 rm. very mod. trail er. 18x39 building, welt. elec. pump. Ev erything goes for $10,000. Will consider 1 or 2 bdrm. home for 16.000 equity. Ev. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. BRAND NEW HOME Move rlnlit Into this extra well built home with full basement, elec. ht., at tached garage. Has extra large lot. Bus at front door. F.H.A. terms available. We believe this Is under priced at 18500. Ev. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. 5 ACRES Close in . east. Barn, machine shed, choice building site for home. Price $5250. Ev. ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. 20 ACRES Suburban building site. Rolling land in fruit. Select view. About Vi mile from school. Paved oad. Total price J8000. Ev. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland. Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4596. cl60 SViiM. NICE 3-BR. house, loc. on 1 A. of gooa son, norm, oasm., ipic, nice trees and garden. $7200 NORTHEAST New 3 br. home on "4 A. good soil. Drilled well. House fully Insulated. $9500 3 MILES EAST i'a A. 3 br. house, barn, chix house, pump mid fruit house, nice fruit and nut tree Wll. soil, all cult. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. C159 REAL ESTATE For Sale by R. A. McFarlane Nice 5 room nearly new house close in price $(.500 or will trade for small acreage. 2 houses on our lot both rented $50. per mo. each. For both J9000 i terms), A flue buy 5l acres Walnuts St Fil berts a nice home 7 rooms tile bath St kitchen. Close In. Some term. Price $13,000. I have a bunch of nice listings both country St City if interested please call R. A. McFARLANE 2115 State St. Ph. 3-6732 C160 Small Down Payment TO OREGON STATE VETERAN New 2 B R, house, large kitchen, plenty of built-in and extra space for table. Well arranged L.R., detached garage. Private well, electric pump. Close In off :ilverton Hwy. Immediate possession. Full price $5,750.00. Or Maybe Two acres In orchard and berry with older type house but modern. Private well electric pump. Good view 4 miles North just off Wallace Road. Pull price $6,800 00. Easy term to Oregon State Veteran. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg, Ph. 3-0217 Real Estate Insurance - Mis. Loans cl61' LOT Mtxi'jiv 1950 Broadway. $1000. It) ACRES laud, all In cult., near Cottage Farm, Good build, site. $3000, low down payment. I' A. Oft Center St., lovely 8 rm. house, basement. 2 fireplaces, partv rm.. elect, water syMem bus at door. $12,650, sin r11 down payment. INCOME property with S yr. lease at sioo per mouth. Excellent location. 19350. $4250 will handle. R. E. MEREDITH. RLT. or B M. MASON 176 S Commercial Ph. 3-6841 c!60 Sal or Trade Beaut, new 315.000 beach home all utll. Also 160 acre ranch fam ily orchard. 40 cleared, fenced, 'jm crlsed timber. Ph. 3-7071. cl64 By Owner: Small unfinished hst. V am 13250, $200 Dn. Ph. 1-3201. 11- NELSON NEWS 1000 ACRES WANTED Through our contact with the Northern Pacific Railway Company, we fre quently get request to help find various' kinds of properties for people who ' want to locate In our community. Now we have a request which reads as follows: "I am Interested In acquiring anywhere from several hundred to one thousand acres of mostly level, Irrigable fetrile land, with abundance of In expensive water, and adapted to raising anything from bulb, berries, vege tables, potatoes, corn, pasture grasses, alfalfa, ots and barley. In addition to raising things, I would want to run some cattle and feeder. Would not be adverse to having some of It virgin, If clearing and leveling not too expen sive X X X." We will greatly appreciate It if you will help find a suitable piece of land for the project that this man ha In mind. SELECT COUNTRY HOME NOW City dwellers who are thinking of getting some acreage from which to get at least a part of their living In the future should look around now. The crop growing will tell you what the soil will produce. After harvesting Is finished It will be more dlficult to select suitable property. Tell us what you would like to see. We probably have It listed. NELSON & NELSON . Multiple Listing Realtors Personal service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622 cal59 REAL ESTATE fOR YOUR SAVINGS investment buy a first mortgage on real estate. Salem St vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 1500 to several thousand dou tars, net investor 5 We make all col lections for you lr ceairec. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 8 High. HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS 1 ACRE, close In, 6 room and bath, wired for range, electric water heater, oil circulator. Lot of fruit and fine walnut grove. Price $3800.00 4 ROOM and bath, completely remoa eled. new wiring, plumbing, etc. Very attractive and nice location. . .$4000.00 'i ACRE in city limits. 5 room and bath. Cement foundation, wired for range, etc. New plumbing. remodeled. $5000.00. $500.00 down. Easy terms on the balance. HERE'S A DANDY. 5 room and bath and utility on one floor. Large corner lot. Cement foundation, plastered, double constructed. Nice lawn and trees. Near high school and St. Paul's church $6500.00. si ACRE, close In. New 2 bedroom, modern. Never been lived In. Qood construction. Double garage. Chicken house. A dandy at... $5500.00 40 ACRES, on fishing stream. About 5 acres cultivated, 5 room modern home, bisement, fireplace, etc. A beautiful spot $6500.00 46 ACRE valley farm. 40 acre culti vated. Irrigation rights on entire prop erty from adjoining stream. Best of soil. 3 Va acre strawberries. 10 acres ladlno. etc. New 5 room modern home. Best of construction. Large chicken house and set of farm building. This 1 a dandy $24,000.00 200 ACRES, about 75 cultivated. 6 room house, elec. pressure water system. Sev eral strong springs. Barn and other buildings. A buy at. ..$12,000.00. Terms We have many other list ings. Write for our sale list. Before you sell, rent or buy, contact HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SILVERTON, OREGON C1591 WANTED REAL ESTATE DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR STORE OR BUSINESS? WE HAVE BUYERS FOR GROCERIES AND COMBINATION STORES. WE WILL HANDLE YOUR TRANSAC TIONS IN A CONFIDENTIAL St BUSI NESS LIKE MANNER. CALL US. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 3-8389 ca!59 WE ARE In need oi good houses to sell In or near Salem ir you wtsn to dsi your property for sale see CRAIIENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ca VOTICE! H your property la for sale, rent or exchange list it with us We have all kind ot cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S High St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE " TRADES Lovely court on beach; 7 units, strictly modern, fully furnished trade for ren tal houses In Salem. Neat two bedroom house In Delake to trade for house In Salem, pay some dif ference. Good 80 acre dairy farm near Coquille to trade for Salem or suburban. 5 acres at edge of Mt. Angel to trade for house In Salem. Business building on coast to trade for Salem or small valley farm. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 cbl61 8USINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS building for sale, heart of Hol lywood, with 5-year lease. 1545 N. 16th. edieo BARKER SHOP, good location, reasonable rent, long lease. 1997 Fairgrounds Rd cdl60' SERVICE station for lease with Inven tory and equipment Hollywood dtstrict United Petroleum. Call EAst 1106. Port land. Ask for Mr Moore or Mr Sykes. cd FOR RENT an almost new building in the center or Hollywood business district, 2045 Folrgrouncls Road. Attractive living apartment in rear. Excellent business location. Ph. 3-1181. cdl60 BY OWNER Want a home and business combination? We have that location. Phone 39395 cdl62 SERVICE Station, good location In Salem. pumping around 10,000 per month, to responsible party nt inventory. Write Box 341, Capital Journal. . cd!62 CONVALESCENT HOME for sale or lease. Fully equipped. Inquire 1144 Center St. cdl59 Business Opportunities: Low-cost housinc! six-room homes, $3000 per unit. See Harrison Supply Ad, page 2. cdl58 J55O0 SERVICE STATION Rum Ping over 13.000 gal. mo., down town location, long ae. $25,000 GROCERY STORE Downtown loc., meat mkt., good fix tures, clean stock, gross $200,000 yr.. cash business. Ph. 2-6680 for appoint. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N 14th St. Cdl59 ON THE HIGHWAY- Dandy modern home with Income on 99E north, for further particulars Call or See G. A. VICARY REAL ESTATE 818 N. Com'l St. Phone Day or Eve 3-0421 cdl61 AUTO COURT! 6 cabins and 5 room home. 2't acres of ground. loLs of possibilities located in Woodburn. Income $300 per month. Full price only $15,000. No. 720 No. 3 ZONE! ' Small apartment house (3 units) with unusual possibilities. Large 75x150 lot. Close in. Very good return on $10,000. No. 734 BEER TAVERNS! 4 aood taverns, ranging In price from $8,500 to $30,000. If you want a tavern l.err's your chance. No. 774 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE aoi south High st. Ph. 3-9:03 Eve. St Sun. 3-9712. 2-8241. 2-3738, 2-3533 Cdl59' OIHI K ROOMS downtown. $30 per mo. ALLEN C. JONES AND MABEL A. NEEDHAM REALTORS 341 SUte $M Rm. 4 Pb. 1-0301 Cdlftl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAVERN Club privileges, restaurant, draught and package beer, wine; fine location in neighboring city. Long lease with re newal privilege; low rent. Call Mr. Bean. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 cdl61 10 I'NIT apartment court conveniently lo cated for steady rentals. Net Income per year over mjw. Better tnan ij interest on Investment. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial. Ph. 34590. Eve. 39536 cd!61 GROCERY St MEAT MKT. Excellent location inSalem. Price $3800. Doing good business. Room for living quarters. On phone Information. See Ben Colbath. COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS ' 1683 Center St. Phone 2-4552 cdleo NELSON NEWS MAKE $15,000 IN ONE YEAR Sounds too good to be true, but the owner of thi business , ha a large enough turnover St large enough mar gin to do that very thing. It can't be bought on a shoestring because the owner needs immediate cash for other purposes. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622 cdl6i $10,500 HOME St INCOME Very good 6 rm. home with extra one rm. apt. St bath. Only 6 block from down town. No. 3 zone, excellent location for bus iness In your home. Nice basement, new oil furnace, fireplace, hdwd. firs. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260 edieo S";im GROCERY St STATION with 3 rm. living quarters, price includes lease, stock St equipment, rent Is only S40 mo. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260 cdl60 COMBINATION business and living quar ter, excellent location, suitable "as Is" for home and office. Can be cheaply remodleed for most any small business. 50 ft highway frontage. Full price $8500. Easy terms. Ph. 3-5109. cdl59 FURNITURE FOR SALE UNPAINTED furniture, closeout WOODROW'S, 450 Center St. WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 3-5110. da AUCTIONS FURNITURE Auction tonight. 7 p.m. Lane Sudtell's Auction Sales Yard, located l'i miles cast of Fairgrounds on Sll verton Rd. Ph. 3-6098. . ddl59 Hubbard Appliance Co. Going Out of Business Everything Goes at AUCTION Thursday, July 7th 7:30 P. M. Sharp Sale Inside GLEN WOOD BALLROOM 4'a Mile N. of Salem on 99E 200 Yds. N. of Drive in Theatre ft Owner Leaving State Selling Every Item No Reserve nonce) ncrc s a cnance to get tnose long wanted appliances and electrical item at a fraction of their regular prices Attend!! 2 Electromaster Electric Ranges Strictly Deluxe 0 Deluxe Kelvinntor Refrigerator H 2 Trior Glndiron Electric I rone r 0 Oil Circulators Thor Automatic Washer Thor Dishwasher 0 Hoffman Console Radio-Phono 2 Table Radio-Phonos 0 5 C hi Ids Scooters G. E. Vacuum Cleaner Electric Clocks 0 Electric Heaters Chime Clocks 'j" Electric Drill h" Electric Drill Metal Trailer Apt, Electric Range aa Roll top Desk 9 Swivel Chair Table Lamps Pressure Cooker A Coffee Maker 0 Electric Irons tiectnc roaster It Lanterns A Flashlights Florescent Fixtures corn poppers Maytag Washer 9 Electric Fence Control B) Large lot new Washer Repairs, wringer rons, eic. 0 Bed Lamp El Range Parts 0 Casting Rod A Hot Plates Webster Record Player Used Vac Cleaner 254 New Phono Record 0 Record Albums Pyrex 9 Huge Lot El wiring switch boxes piugs conauit nippies, sieei tUDe cable. 5,000 ft. wiring etc. 9 Loom wire L,arge lot electricians, carpenters tools Furniture 9 Many Other Items k. u. fniuips, owner GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER Ph. 3-5110 Goods on Display Thursday afternoon. Furniture Auction Every Tuesday dd!59' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. K C. MeCandlUh. 1127 S. 29. Pb. 3-8147 179' RABBITS WINK'S RAB1TRY need., fryer rabblu Top price... 3985 8tme St. 109F5. ebl77 PETS Kittens to give away. Ph. 3-8164. .ecl61 For Sale by Owner Exceptionally fine Rer. Male Chow 16 Mo. See him it LeGray Boarding and Training Ken nels Rt. 3 Ph. 3-1398. ecl61 To place classified ads Phone 2-2406 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN GROCERY MARKET Finest of location, not a single slow Item in the stock, walk-In cooler, good fixtures Si equipment, long lease. $6500 A real Income Is here for you the very day you buy this established business, CHAS. HUDKINS & SON, REALTORS 250 N. Hight St. Phone 2-4129 Over 27 Years in Salem FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edcewater St.. West Salem e Summer Special Buy your winter fuel now and save, Good screneed sawdust $4.00 unit Good clean block wood 88.00 load Dry slab for furnace $8.50 load ury edging lor cook stove sb.od load Oregon Fuel Co. - Phone 35533 ee!69 FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. Summer rates. ce!60 Oak Wood 3 size. Phone .'udd 2-2129 nights. eel64 PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak. Ph. 68F22. ee TRI-CITY FUEL Presh eut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 27442. We give S St H Green Stamps. Oreen 16 In. mill wood ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH OUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End St Block Wood, Ph. 36444 FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 3-1298 RED FRYERS for sale. Reasonable. Ph. 454 Jefferson, Ore. Rt, 1, Box 35. f!61 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Ph. 2-2861. Lee' Hatchery. f PRODUCE LARGE MONTMORENCY cherries. U pick. J. C. Savage at Waconda. Ph. 3-1344, ff 163" LOGANBERRIES and boysenberrles, U pick. 3445 Sunnyvlew Ave. Ray Bates. Ph. 2-5705. ff!59 FRESH RASPBERRIES. Delivered In city for $2. M. L. Cherry. Ph. 2-1532. ffl62 LGE, DARK red raspberries $3 a crate, 3745 Brooks St. Ph. 24379. ffl61 RASPBERRIES, Frigaard's Fruit Stand, ml. N. Kelzer School. Ph. 24262. ffl71 RASPBERRIES $2.00 crate. Rt. 2, Box 390, north Chemawa. Ph. 3-1366. ff!69 U-PICK. Raspberries, loganberries and Boysenberrles. Bring own containers. Fred Bennett Rt. 2 Box 44B. 1 mile East of Kelzer school on Chemawa rd. ff!61 STRAWBERRIES, U Pick. 10c lb. Still lots of nice berries left Stanley Sneed, Rt. 2. Box 450, 'a mile west of Portland highway on Chemawa cutoff Rd. ffl60 HELP WANTED WANTED Bean pickers. Register now. uiear lbkc uean farm, miles N. Keller school, Rt. 2, Box 274, Salem. Ph. 3-1850. gl63 BEAN PICKERS register. Picking about July 13 Heavy yield. 4 miles to Keizer, turn left 4 miles on paved road to farm. H. L, Pearcy Nursery Co., Phone 3-1355. gl63 HELP WANTED MALE Part time service station help. Exp. in lubrication St sale. Write box 428 Capi tal Journal. gal61 RESERVE LIFE Insurance Co needs three hustlers with car to fill out their sales organization. Experience helpful but not necessary. We train you and furnish leads when you are ready. Contact Mr. Tabor, 248 N. Commercial, Rm. 23 be tween 9 & 12 A.m. Thurs. or Friday. No phone calls please. gal62" Wanted a foreman over two small ranches must be single, around SO with car. Call Iva Green before 12 a. m. Stayton 13F8 or at Rt. 1 Box 19 Stayton. Please apply In person. gal60 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN OR GIRL for housework. 695 N. Liberty. Call mornings. gbl63 ("Lire ol Riley" plus Beautiful Blonde From Bashful Bend.") WANTED: Experienced waitress at once. aaiem tiome uaxery, 1380 N. Church. gbl59 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph 3-1488 gl- WANTED POSITIONS CARPENTER, A-l, fast. Ph. 2-8825. hl77 PUMICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 2-8825. hl77 TREE WORK, topping,, trimming, remov ing. In, op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 hl75" LAWN CARE St Landscaping, Reas. Call , after 5. Ph. 23074. hl80 Housekeeping Job for widow or bachelor over 50. Write Louise Dutton, Gen. de livery, Salem, Oregon. hl59 Housekeeping Job for widow or bachelor over 50. Write Nettle Richardson, Gen. Del. Salem. Ore. hl61 WE PAINT, repair and build houses. Ph. 2-0341 Eve or morning. -rtlSl INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796. hl75 HOUSE WORK by hr. Ph. 29901 before 8 a.m. hl79 Cr.MENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h' CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. hl71 TYPING In my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eves. hl70 WILL CARE for children In my home. From 8 to 5 daily. Ph. 2-0515. h!78" Mimeographing-Typing POE'S 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643. BABY SITTING. Call 3-1211. 450 Morgan. hl59 RFLIABLE woman with 4 yr. boy wishes housekeeping position. Rt. 1, Box 276. Salem. hl59 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hl78 BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580. PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonizing. Ph. 3-7553. hl66 CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924 h!66 CUSTOM HAY baleing. rake with Job also will mow. Ph. 27103 hi 63 WANT HR. WORK. Ph. 3-4767 after 5. hl74 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney bunding Ph 2-43B9 Free estimate hlSi CARPENTER WK. New. repair Ph 2-2093 h!61- PAINTING, repair work. Pr.ce reasonable. Work guaranteed. No Job too small Ph. 27546. hl61 Exp. Cashier, receptionist and gen. office worn. Mts ciarxe. pm. 2-0631. hlC FOR RENT ROOMS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Also sleep ing room. rn. wu n. cnurcn. Jk 1 60 CoRiferlabely furn. sleeping rm. kitchen Ss laundryy privilege II desired. Close to Capitol St Willamette University $22.50 With lirui Ph. S-30M. JUBV FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOMS, hot and cold water. 461 N. High. jkl63 HOLLYWOOD rm. 2036 McCoy. Phone 3-6093. Jkl73 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-433B. nice sleeping room In modern, some. Ph. 37558. Jkl60 Clean lighthousekeeplni room accomo date two. 1810 Trade. JklSl FURN. SLEEPING room. Prlr. toilet S shower. Hollywood dlst. Ph. 3-9698. After a:jQ p.m. 2-69H4. jkUla WELL FURN. sleeping room, close In, a men oniy, mi center, Jkiei ATTRACTIVE Sleeping rm. Clean and light. Private bath adjoining. On bus line. 180 S. 19th. JklCO FOR RENT APARTMENTS -RM. FURN. apt.; 1 aleeplnff, rm. 139T n. commercial. Jpio -BDRM. APT. Furn. close In. Ph. 8-1422. JP159' COOL. ATTRACTIVE apt. All modern. 5 mm. wain irom matenouse at 468 N. Winter. Jpl60- 2-RM. FURN. apt. Close hi. Outside ent. ll flnuiti, rn. j-mbh. Jpl59 3-RM. FURN. apt. Prly. bath. elec. re- ing. iu a. ism Bt. Jpleo 2 RM. apt. Prlv. bath. Emp. couple. 633 f c"y- jpiei" CLOSE IN. Modern 2 rm. Electric range, xinuuury mcuiiies. 0J0 pi. winter. jpiei COMPLETE, modern 1 bedrm. court apt. i.coi omio Diutfii, meat ior couple Elect, Wash. mach.. Stov Ar. rnfr fiii-n lshed. $60 per mo. Phone 3-4205. Jpl59 NICELY FUNRN. Apt. AU elec. Utilities' . "tn. Jpl64 3 ROOM deluxe furn. apt. Hot water heat." ut "" water me. in 'iu rent. Close In. Ph. 3-5112 for annt. In- LARGE, COMPLETELY furnished apart ...w., ucuiuuni to suDiec jmy and August. Contact Mr. Harry Scott. 147 S Commercial St. Jnl5fl S FURN. Apt. Prlv. bathi. 245A State. Jpl59 Pleasant furn. apt. Close In 3-9185. Jpl61 Small furn. court apt. 883 Bellevue ave. Jpiei APARTMENT, all modern, nicely furn Ied. Cool, attractive and close in. For or 'oo . Winter. Jpl59 New Apt. Hollywood Dlst. 2 rm & bath " . -guoi nuer o P. m. . JP18I ROOM furnished apt. Clean, comfortable nuoB iu, vi n. vnurcn ot. JP159 I BDRM. lame imf.irn 7Zi m ...... elec. range St auto, heat Included. Will take chUdren. Inquire at 1437 N. 4th. WfWJrrmjjjffMr.jj.-'A'. FOR RENT HOUSES WHY RENT YOU CAN BUY New homes. Term like rent. L. E. KLUMPP, KEALTOR 480 N. Church. 2-7642; eves. 3-0126 Jm FR LEASE or sale on easy terms, 3- "ou V""")B Jml60 FURN. COTTAGE. 3215 Portland Rd. Jmni Houses for Rent: Why rent? Build a six- "U1 "ume unaer jjouu. Bee Harrison Supply Ar, page 2, Jr0l58 New 1 rm. furn. cabin. All utilities pd. mo- eir crest Trailer Park. 3910 W. River Rd. imim 5 RM. MODERN home furn., for lease. "-":rfrrf Jmiw FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS OFflCE SPACE, excellent location, espe- "" i, ior aoctor or dentist. 218 North Liberty. Phone 2-3623. J 163 EXCHANfiK iim nf d.i - I n , hi. onicui uunga- wr o Dearm. nouse in Port land. Phone 3-9766. mo RENT Singer electric sewing machine by j uur nome- o extra charge for delivery St pickup of machine. ru. Man. J168 OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 25692. GROUND FLOOR rooma. suitable for of- uce or siores. aiso alley warehouse with elevator. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 j. O DRfVE trucks cars Ph 2-9103 ) POWER TOOL rentals lor bom ft in- uao nuwner uroa Pd I-S646. TRAip83 ,2 00 per d" How Bros. BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. stiff. l GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgomery TO DO a load Job rent a good floor sand- job "veryming to complete the HOWSER BROS. Ph 3-3646 SKIL-TOOL rental service. Vally Farm Store45 Sllverton Rd. jna WANTED TO RENT - Workinr Couple deslrea lurn. home. Rea sonable rent. Ph. 3-4608 alter 5:30 p. m 11 laiei' ' Wanted 1 or 2 bd. rm. turn, house. By couple with a 3li yr. old .Irl. Reference. Mr. William manager or the Vlata Meat Market Ph. 2-3253. ialfll 2 Bedroom house unfurnished 2 children 7 yrs.. 10 mos. Excel, ret. Irom Port land. Kenneth Ounde!. Senator Hotel. Ph. 3-4151. ,.., 8 ??RaS'.MOU,e' Ph' 2-8518 corning or . f. .i . aifii RDRU A,... ...... T , v"os ' P'- or Juiy iB ny cou ple expecting second child Aug. 10. Ph. 2-6587. tmt 1 OR 2 B.R. house furn. or partly furn. for Aug. 15. Write Box 427, Capital Jl JaI59 LOST AND FOUND PERSON Wlio found watch, please call "B""- r"' kl60" Lost! Black Shepard male dog July 2 "iu w, rri uii- bert. Aumsvllle, Ore. Ph. 85F25. kl60 Lost! Ladies brown leather, purse with orown oinioia. identification cards, important paper. Reward, Ph. 2-4579. . . k!59" MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EM L ER DENT 1ST Adolph Bldg. State St Commercial Sts. oAiaiua rnone a-33ll HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine hkictj uj quai.'i.e singer represen ta" e Ph 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on al- makes of ma chines. Pre- estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Uachlne Co 130 N Com'l m LES SPRINGER, men' hatter. 464 Court. ctwg oaiurosys w:30. ml82 BUILDING MATERIAL CEMENT MIXER tor rent. Ph. 3-9(09. m.169 HARDWOOD tloorlni. U trades, from ... .m up neim Brown. Pront A Court ats.. Salem. ma (Continued on Page 15)