Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 06, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, July 6, 1949 13
Dinner In Reno Holiday tourists, some dressed in cowboy
attire, eat dinner on steps of the State building in Reno,
Nev., after securing food from the emergency center set, up
by the Chamber of Commerce when the culinary workers
left their jobs in wage dispute closing most of the city's eating
houses. (AP Wirephoto)
Mack Sennett Frowns on
Today's Bath Suit Beauties
Hollywood (U.B Mack Sennett, the man who created the bathing
beauty, stacked up the 1949 crop alongside his 1918 cuties today
and allowed as how progress hasn't improved his invention any.
The white-haired producer
says you can see more in this.jn 1918 when the first bathing
see of atom bombs and French
bathine suits. But you can't
trust what you see.
"When you looked at my
girls," he snorted, "you know
what you were looking at was
all theirs. Nowadays, with
these falsies and things, a man
doesn't know what to believe
Sennett, who's been a Holly
wood legend ever since he put
Marie Prevost and Phyllis Haver
In bloomers and posed them by
a fake ocean, doesn't think much
of the latest fashion in female
figures anyway.
"My girls," he said with a
isminiscent gleam in his eye,
"hid effeminate shapes. They
wero pleasingly plump and
rounded all over. I mean they
had hips, by golly."
Movie; oers who remember
that far back can relive those
days protty soon now. Eagle
Lion's putting out a "Down
Memory Lane," a collection of
Sennett two-reelers.
"Nowadays," he says, "all
bathing beauties look like boys
until they turn around. And
even then you can't trust 'em.
They might still look like boys
underneath that padding, for all
you know."
Skimpy French bathing suits
Sennett dismisses as "those darn
postage- stamp- and- fig- leaf
things." "I'm no prude, understand,
' he added. "Remember, I was
the one who shocked a nation
when I posed a girl in a one
piece swim suit.
"But I got a good look at a
girl in one of those diaper
things the other day. I jumped
10 feet. They wanted me to
have my picture taken with her,
but I refused."
He had no idea, says the sul
tan of slapstick comedy, what
he was starting that day back
Simply eat this delicious Vita
min and Mineral Candy
called AYDS, before meals as
'directed. AYDS check your
appetite you automatically
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Supply $2.89.
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How ifou Know :
Tnt answers to sverTdar
Insurance problems"
QUESTION: Why do I always have to
kmj fir tnaarance for three year
periods when 1 bay other lnsorsnos
DOTeraia for one year at a time?
ANSWER: It Isn't a question of yoar
beinc forced to bay fire insurance for
three year periods. It's Jnit that the
fin Insurance companies hare worked
oat a plan whereby yoa can obtain
ihrea years' protection at a cost of
approximately twice what yon'd pay
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so that the wisest and most economl
sal way to bay year fire tasaranee la
n the three year plan.
If roa'U address your own Insurance
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wlQ ba na efaatrt or obliration of any
ITI h. Cdttrch rb.M SBllt
ItmmUil Gnml af Aattlu Co'i.
beauty was born. All he had
in mind was getting his comics'
pictures in the papers.
"Nobody wanted to look at
comedians," he said, "but I
noticed that any picture showing
part of a girl's leg shoved Pres
ident Wilson clear over to the
back of the picture.
"So I put my girls in bloom
ers, with their calves peeking
out under the ruffles, and had
my comedians stand close to
them while the pictures were
The editors couldn't cut 'em
out. That's how bathing beau
ties got started.
"Then I said to myself: 'Why
cover up all these delightful
things we like to look at?' So
I shortened the bloomers to the
knee and put the girls in my
pictures. They couldn't swim.
But they made nice scenery
while the keystone kops were
dodging custard pies."
Seek Missing Plane
Fairbanks, Alaska, July 6 (P)
Planes from tenth rescue squad
ron, Ladd Field, and Wien Air
lines, threaded through the Yu-
kon river valley again today in
search of a Louisiana couple and
a Wien pilot missing since late
Saturday. Nothing had - been
heard from Dr. and Mrs. Mel T.
Cook and the pilot, Bill Cur
rington, since they left Fort Yu
kon for Fairbanks in a light
Cessna plane.
FBI Loses Best
Informants '
Washington, July 6 U. Jus
tice department officials said to
day that the FBI has lost "many
of its best informants" since the
Judith Coplon ' spy trial. One
worked in the Russian embassy
These officials would not re
veal Just how many informants
quit their undercover work. But
they left . no doubt the number
is substantial.
The FBI, it was said, now must
begin a long job of finding and
placing new contacts in the
communist party's network of
underground and "front" or
Justice department officials
who are in a position to know.
estimated it will , take the FBI
some years to re-establish its
counter-spy activities to the
point of efficiency that existed
up to a few months ago. The
breakdown in the FBI's infor
mant system stems from two big
federal court cases the Coplon
trial and the New York trial of
11 leaders of the American com
munist party.
In the New York trial, some
of the justice department's chief
witnesses against the top com
munists were . FBI informants
who gathered evidence through
long years of association with
the party and its operations.
The department deliberately
brought these informants in as
witnesses and willingly reveal
ed their clandestine activities in
the hope their testimony would
provide absolute proof that the
communist party in this country
is a master conspiracy trying to
overthrow the government. This
was a calculated sacrifice of fu
ture work by these informants.
The total land area of the
United States is 2,977,128 square
Keep your Furs looking fresh and
glossy. Place them now in our fur
storage vaults.
W 1W JULY 1949
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Plus 50.2 lbs. of Freezer Space
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New beauty of design makes Coldspot the bright spot of your
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Freezer chest stores 50.2-lbs. of frozen
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Meat storage drawer holds 10.4-Ibs.
COLDSPOT Spacemaster
Here is a big 7.1 Cu. Ft. Coldspot that gives you 13.8-sq. ft. of shelf area.
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Handibin a Coldspot exclusive' rolls out to store 1.56 bushels. All
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Reg. 419.95
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It's big stores 740 lbs. but it does the real economy job
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the features! See how the separate freezing and storing com
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