12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, July 6, 1949 Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN (Chapter 24) Connie had backed away iroi. him and now stood staring, on. hand grasping the door frame a. though lor supporc. ';You say 1 was a broken calk?" "Yes. On the left hind fool Why?" She straightened with somethln: of an effort. "Nothing. Nothing at all. As yoi ay, Slug was careless; so careles; that" "That what?" i "Never mind. It was jast a crazy .2 Idea. Good night. Jeff. Goot. - luck!" The search was resumed and went doggedly on. The Crown crew Join ed them and together with Jeb and Jeff and Glenn and the guards and deputies movea merany 1001 by foot toward Cougar until fully half the distance had been covered without a sign of the missing box or its thief. And to Jeff came the growing conviction that they were on the wrong trail entirely. No man could have transported that box this distance in broad daylight without being seen by somebody. He rode swiftly toward Briscoe, then cut away to the west until he found himself on the edge of the steep bank by the creek where the thief had turned the wagon in search of a crossing. It was ouite dark by this time, so he goi off his horse, dropped the rein and souatted on his heels to roll and light a cigarette. Where, he asked himself for the thousandth time could the thief have hidden that box if he hadn't transported It to the Cougar road? Suddenly he heard the slow thump of hoofs. He put tobacco and papers back into his pocket and sat there listening. The sounds came closer and he finally decided that the horseman was riding di rectly toward the ford. Presently he saw him a vague figure a hundred yards off ihen lost him as he descended the slope to the .stream. Curious. Jeff not im and started l along the bank, following Its slam toward tne lord, jrmy yards lar n ther on he caught sight of the fcman. The horse stood on the shore 'and the man was wading out into ;tne water. He waacd to tne mid dle of the stream, the water com ing up to ins armpiis; men ne turned at a right angle and fol lowed the creek in Jell's direction. The man stopped, seemed to be feeling about with his foet, then deliberately sumberged himself, remaining below the surface so long that Jetf wondered what had become of him. The water rippled and his head oame Into sight. He erected himself slowly and Jeff law that he had some very heavy object in his arms. This man was the gold thief. and the heavy object In his arms was the specie Doxl It was clever, devilishly clever and yet very simple. The wagon had been halted in the middle of the stream where there would be no betraying marks, and the man had taken tne box and let it sink some yards away from the cross ing. Its weight would hold It there and the grit filled stream would hide it from view. And now he had come for the treasure Jeff put on his hat, drew his gun and began inching toward the lord on Ills stomach. Jeff heard the harsh rasp of a naoksaw made, He crept sun closer trusting to the fellow's concentra tion on his task and the scrapping aound of the blade to cover his movements. He leaped forward, his gun coming up 10 a level, "Hold it, Biugi" ne said sharply "Don't move or I'll drop voul With a startled gasp the other nun around. "Get your hands up where I can aee tnem. ' Slowly the hands of the other rept up and Jast as slowlv he rose to his feet. In the moonlight ne loomed tan ana bulky. He was standing with the moon behind lilm and Jeff could not distinguish his features. A sudden doubt seized Jeff. Something about the figure was wrong; the size, or the shape "Step away from the box down to the edge of the oreek so I can see you." The man obeyed slowly, Jeff followed him step by step. The other took one final step sideways and the moonlight fell full on his Jace. "Glenn I" pen. The gun dropped slowly ntii its muzzle was pointed at tne round. "Glenn! What in the world I" He stepped forward, overcome ith shock and bewilderment and ilsbelief. And quite suddenly iienn uieason leaped to meet mm nd the right hand which he had owered came up again in a sav- ige arc. The rock-hard fist caught jell sauarely on tne point oi the :hin and he went over backwards is though driven by a battering ram. His head struck a corner of the iron bound box and the moon light abruptly vanished in a pall of darkness. (To Be Continued) Rodent Control Plan Covers Many Acres Aurora A total of 7,681.75 acres of farmland in southwest Clackamas county were treated for moles and pocket gophers up to May 31 In the program organized by the Clackamas county farm bureau, with the cooperation of the county exten sion service, according to a re port made public by Howard Smith and Don Gardner of the farm bureau committee. The cost varied widely, from 10 cents to $2.04 per acre, with an average of 54 V4 cents per acre. Tests showed that using poisoned earthworms for moles and poisoned alfalfa or clover tips for gophers, planting the bait directly in their runways, resulted in a kill of 77 per cent of the moles and 00 per cent of the gophers. The farm bureau and its co operators are making their pest control service available to farm ers in the county at actual cost and invite Inquiries either to Howard Smith or Donald Gard ner of Canby, or through Don Walrod of the county extension office. Pemberrons Welcome Guests for Holiday Auburn The Fourth of July was celebrated at the Frank Pemberton home, Route 3, Sa lem. A picnic dinner was served ut noon. Those attending were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cook and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cook and family of Cornelius, Ore., Mr. and Mrs, Pote Meshelle of Turner, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Pemberton, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Pemberton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Willmschen and family and Mrs, Lucille Henshaw and son, all of Stay ton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Reed and son, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Dar land and son and Mr. and Mrs. George Weigart and family, all of Salem, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pemberton. Studies for Degree Woodburn Morris Beers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. Beers of Woodburn has received his bachelor's degree from Rcod college and is continuing nis work at Reed for his master's degree. Mr. and Mrs. Beers at tended the graduating exer- Jeff stood there staring, mouth clses, held recently. gim'Assl VN iIhmsx ilk, R2845 XlV.w;iA PATTERN No. R284S Favorite Flowers Here are four of the daintiest and most feminine handkerchief decorations ever de signed. The colorful pansy, delicate sweet pea, Irish rose and demure daisy are easily and quickly cro cheted of variegated cotton which matches the sweet edgings. Pattern Envelope No. R2845 con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions, mnterlal requirements, actual size picture of each Insert; and fin ishing directions. To obtain tne pattern send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number, your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3. Calif. I IJ . 1 - ' -mm I lin the bock yerdcl IS HASNT CHANGED SINCE I OODCED I lrT9kEJRlWrt-endmthebssaimntolihoiixstthtfdsUdtown . tarouimdnafxclabl-n GANGSTERS' TOM- GUN SLUGS IN d I l "TJ""Jlfl I I K mi,,innr,,u rmJ no ' hiding behind Us El M 0 jflfFTJ I I BnJ U MERCHANTS WE BE BACK IN E mother skirts is IwE'iilOk T Jfl VjBTXx L I JfiTT? 1 L" MUST SOMETIMESBUSINESS BIG6ERN u ahstmng suburb r SV UBtIi I Y7jLmlV$&f "BE0UCE OURn-K EVER-WHEN WE v dmrmiSh ntimd LS-US' A WSffl WbAM' KrrTl&ffifi M HP INVENTOR V H GET SOME NEW E LINCOLN CITY-T NtY dH fjrffi itTPWl ! E5-fl I p bmJH' VTES MADEI H Q i' 1111 1 ll '" Iirm-Miwrw. r YEflH? Wa7IHCWjFORa LAWSTSIJRIHRrH EH?THOSg GUVS GAVE IT'S NO U65, CJPJJ6- 1 ASKEO VOU TO GUARD I THERE ARE LAWB I WHY rVE QOT A PINO rPB NOT QUITE I R TUB ORDERS? WHO I THERE'S A VAST FORTUNE IT? ITS MY DOUGH" GOVERMN5 SUCH 1 lAWVER'-TP PROTECT I AS SIMPt-6 flSTHAT- I ARE THEY TO ORDER I IN A CAVE UP THERE I FOUND IT. HWnBW- I ME. BY lAWl S IT NEVER IS'" A r QiB ARMY TO GRAB (lT MUST BE GUARDED- DIDhy-rl? . J I dARM THW RUDVl WQK1DER VJUiT VJILBUR)! f IP HE CANT MAKE MIS vv V I'LL JEST SO OVER "fjyjirss I . I NEBB. CAM'T 11 IS DOM' WITH THAT r y PAMENTS ME SURE CAN'T" YAND SNEAK A P.EEK I I EVEN TAKE A DAV QFFV VACAMT LOTTy AFFORD TO BUILD-SO HOW'S AT WHAT WILBUR'S i 1 H WUOUTMERUNSITBV alf i? iSSSSLSSCtW ' :4Piia ?Mh mp,. granite: ah that calu me a Xtmat RIGHT.?'-just' tmtatT-!MJiH0' my HtMtrYo&r& GOT GOOD NEWS HEL CALLS SEDIMENTAU ) THINK OF YOUR TIRED OLD SCULPTOR, WHO .SORRY 4 fT'S GOING BACK V PITIFUL FO' YO'. AH (SOOOB FOOL, EF YO' ROTTEN SELFr-DOMT IS WILLING TO GIVE YOUR 'BOUT 1 ON MEI'-THIS THING AH 1 I HAIN'T TURNIN' ) I NEWSI' WILL-BOT CONSIDER Mt.T-DOlT LIFE TO Hit APtr.''- AND ) THET DISAPPOINTMENT EVER J T'STONE.Ar .Vhn- IT'S MIGHTY MIND MV HUMILIATION YOU VOU MAKE! A HOLLOW I MIGHT BE WWALffJ HEERD J I tt- S VvM'l GOOD NEWS J WHEK1 I HAVEN'T ANY HOLLOW MOCKERY OF Y MOCKERY, ) WOULDN'T THAT deff-tPm-'fl NV I TO MEWTATUt TO ONVUL r( IT ALL BY NOT GOO'BYE- BE. PITIFUL? i 7GO0'B,YE-l II 5 ) J HETQyfc TOMORROW TURNINQ TO TiONEffJ B-wW. ) lmPmmm DON'T THAT CAKE J I BAKED THAT LKE Ll THAT I f NOPE ITS L.SSErj (0 .K-O X T AINT . r- u SELL, MUTT? IT'S AySELF! I KEEP J AIN 'T AW, VANILL A! m j U GOT TIME TO " D0ST IT M BEEN AROUND A0 IT IM THE eH0ATEUoeOLATe- GWaN-V MT J B TO " AHD SgE FOR W U EVER SlMflE YOU HfeX WINDOW TL; IT'S THAT'S NVJ-chocolATE 1 VA1 - HERE- S VOORSBLFI j, VmmllliMlllillMll ves,mss.they WfflBUilljMh Kjust a moment, ralmei?, that'll havs to po66ohe it what a sap i Vt ,A,.i, ,.,,.,,- V JUSTCOMSIN HOW ABOUT SBTTLINo THE WAIT, MISTER.' WAS, NOT TO TIE UP THOSB B aM D ,ATItlALIS JtfSAOOLZWAKMHSAWI .SALE OF THAT PROPERTY? ( THIS IS MORE KIPS' HORSES INSTEAP OF a8 I JORCEl-THt EVE-LEEDS P: . count I lM Ju 'MALL IA C'MON, BtBt!- fF I ATaHF ' CjFr-i ; ip RADIO PROGRAMS WEl)NISDAY P.M. IKSLM .,5 KGW KOCO "." 'KOIN 5:00. Fulton Lcwii. Jr. Woman's Secret Rhythm Rinoh Curt Maney .10 Frank Heminfwy On Banav Sid Eblhm Rineb Mr. Informillon : Passim Parade Ch'ek F'ster. New Blni Crtnbf Columbia Feature tea Carmen CaralUlr H. V Kaltenborn iport Pat Larry LeSuer i0 Ted- Drake Oreheatra Candle Light and Knox Mannlnf :li red Drake Orcht.tra SllTar Columbia Featurt :M Adv. of Champ. Mueelal Cooktalli Newi Chet Huntley 4 Muilc , Elmer Petcreon Troplcana Newa 7i0ii aabrle! Hetter Henry Morran Pat' O'Brien Lewliohn Concert i)6 Northweet Newe Henry Monan Tunc Time Lewisohn Concert 1 30 Musie Ronald Colman Top Band Lewisohn. Concert :45 Muilc ' Ronald Colman Top Band Lewliohn Concert :00 3oait Survey The Big Story Lest We Forget Uwlsohn Concert :15 Coail Survey The Big Story Time Was Lewisohn Concert iM Cisco Kid Curtain Tlma Naval Reserve Music Hal 9 Cisco Kid Curtain Time Bandstand Muilc Hall 9;00 What's the Namt Supper Clob . Bandstand World Tonight 16 of (bat Song News of World Newt Orchestra :S0 Variety Time Archie Andrews Dugout Dope Dr. Christian : Variety Time Archie Andrewe Baaebhll pr. Christian m a :(I0 News jh'ck F'ster Newa Baseball Five Star Final VIA Select Local News 4porta Page Final Baseball Night Editor lf:30 News Mr. Dfst. Attorney Baseball Seminar J "lift Music Mr. Diet. Attorney Baseball You Security n:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. Sam Hayes, Sep. Baseball ' Serenade IA Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Baseball Columbia Featurt :Sv Bob Poole Show Wax Museum Track leflo Orchestra : Music Wax Museum Track 1480 News 12:00 Sign OH Sign Off Sign Off Silent THURSDAY 6 AM. TO 4:45 P.M. - ,00 News Hodge Podge News M.tit Dawn Patrol Hodge Podge KOIN Ktock f ':30 Northwest Newa Kneasa, Newa KOCO Klock KOIN Ktock N r i4fi March Time Hodge Podge KOCO Klock KOIN Klock 7:0 Dawn Patrol Farm Time ' Tei Bitter KOIN Klook 15 Dawn Patrol Farm Time News & Sports News ! Dawn Patrol The Old Songs Top O Morning News ;46 stwt Kncasg w. News News Fred Beck 8 Fred waring Western Melodies Consumer News 1 Breakfal Hint Fred Waring Western Melodies Art Baket M Brkft Gana R'd'rs P'rp. Sage The Stare Sing Robert Q. Lewis l At, "i I"di Sam Hayes Chrcb In Wlldwd Robert Q. Lewis I 9:00 nrtn nrnintM Tnt Second Cup Haven of Rest Feature Story 1 Morning Special The tenA Cu H8ven of Best News ;IW son. . P.ofur Bb Without Words Grand Slam il6 Muiio Kneass w. News John Ch. Thomas Rosemary Nortbwcet News Tommy Dorsey Coffee Cup Wendy Warren 1,6 Kate Smith Tommy Dorsey Northwest Report Aunt Jenny Pastn ( al Tommy Dorsey Rhapaod In Helen Trent idfl Charlie Splvak Tommy Dorsey Rhythm Our Gal Sunday oj gw (00 " Lopes Orch. Glass Wax Big Sister Tr:l6 Rennle Walket Lopes Orch, Glass Wax Ma Perkins J t 30 wiles Organallttes Today's Children Glass Wax Vouna Dr. Malono M wBitt serenade The Brighter Day Glass Wax Guiding Light m MfHx : Top Tradeg " Double 'r Nothing Hollywood Music News l ift News Double rr Nothing Hollywood Music Come Get II I ;30 Queen for a Day Kneasa w. News Norah Drake mjm ,4ft Quest, for a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents Makes Vou Tleh 1100 Ladles Plrst Life Cn Be Butlfl Mac's Melodies 2nd Mrs. Burton 16 Ladles First Ma Perkins Mac's Melodies Perry Maon i80 Northwest News Pep. Young Fam. Mao's Melodies Pat O'Brien Show 145 Bob Eberly Show Right to Ha'p'ncsa Mac's Melodies Alr-flo ? Tell' Neighbors Backstage Wife Mac's Melodies Newspaper of Aly :10 Johnson Family Stella Dallas Mao's Melodies Newspaper of Air (80 Organ Reveries Lorenso Jones Mac's Melodies Winner Take All : Blng Sings Yng Widder Brwn Mac's Melodies Tunefully Yours 100 Against the Storm When Glr' Mar'leg Mac's Melodies News jft Agalnat tha Stern Portia Faces Lire Mac's Melodies Meet the Mlssua .30 Music Juat Plain Bill Mao's Melodies Meet ths Missus :46 Musje Front Pg. Farrell Mac's Melodies Arthur Godfrey 4:00 say It With Music Road of Life Women's Page Arthur Godfrey In Say It With Music Lora Lawtoa Philosopher Arthur Godfrey ;30 Songs of Times Aunt Mary Rpotllte en Music Arthur Godfrey i4B News We Love A Learn PQtHte on Music Arthur Godfrey DIAL, LISTINGS! REX, 1190; KOAO.550 lCV Wednesday P.M. B:00, Squirrel i C A caget 5)30, Sky Kinri 6)00, Keap Inr Up With Sports; 8:15, Home Edition Newst 6:80. Modern Romances! 7:00, Ed win C. Hill) H15, Elmer Davlsi ?80 Stars in the Nlghtl 81OA, Lane Ranien St0, Amateur Hour! One for the Book) 10:00. Richfield Reporter! 10:1(1, Intermex- sot lOiBU, Concert Hourt lliOO. Concert Hour! ll:3(), Memos to Tomorrow! ixiuu, Xtra Houri 1:00, Sign Off. ICV Thursday A.M. 6:00, Early Bird; NL.A 7:00, Newsi 7:15, Band Boxi 1:80, Bob Haaen Showi 1:4fl, Time Tempos! Si 00, The Stars Sinti 8:16. Martin Asronskyj 8:30, Zeke Manners; (1:45, Troploanai OfOfl, Breakfast Clubi lOtOO, News! 10:16, Btara of Todayi IO18O, Kay Kyser's Kollegai 11:00, Ted Malonet 11:16, Galen Drake; lliSO, My True Story. AAr Wednesday P.M. B:00, On the lwnx Upbeat) 6:60, AM Sports Club! OiOO.Newsi fl:tS, Dinner Melodlesi SiSO, Headlines In Chemlstryi fli45, Guest Start 7 1 00, Far mars' Unloni 7:16, Evening Farm Houri S:00, Artistry In Classics! SiSO, Vet erans' News Revlewt 8:46. Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast 1 0:00, Muslo That En dures! 0:45, Lift UP Thy Voice! 10:00. Adventures In Research! 10:15, Serenade) 10:46, News! 11:00, Sign Off. lAAf Thurg, A.M. 10, News! 10tI5, V WMVrf f-or Women! 11:00, Concert Hallt 12:00, Newai 12:10, Noon Farm Honri 1:00, Rlde'em Cowboy 1 1:15, Variety Timet 1;1I0, Melody Lines 2:00, Cavalcade of . Dramai 2:15, Memory Book of Musloi w SiOfl, Newa. f Woodburn Library Given Lantz Books Woodburn Dr. Robert E. Lantz, who is moving soon to Concoran, Calif,, where he will take over the position of super intendent of schools, has pre sented a collection of 180 books, of which 150 are for adults and 30 for children, to the Wood burn library. The books are be ing catalogued and will be avail able to the public soon. B A Pfl ABlOPi u t eUp oIwje U ACROSS 1. Dlfflcultiea I. Extended over ' II. Mohammedan scriptures 14. Work 15. Pronoun 16. Draft oontrole 18, Morning: abbr, 19. Be situated 31. Pigment 22. Copy 2a. Not to be found SB, Those In office 26, Crusted dlshei 27. Following 29. Wolframite) 30. African fly SI. Proofreader's marks 4 34. de plume SS. Pertaining to the shoulder Support (or a coffin Gaelic sea god Garment Existence Heaps Feminine nickname For examples . abbr. Passes State whose capital is Pierre: abbr. Luck Serenity Cooking vessel Drift DOWN Frying pan Ideas English letter Roam about idly R E PiaI 8 TI B ATf BPpgHT CE W ft ApfMPTu N1AN KL III TBD R gw A NDT OIyH Alp E S NA P DfpE NfflJ- Bglg MT1tuE TWubl A N E plATUTRlorN EjIJ e33 Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle) I. Break suddenly 8. Everything t. Top layer of a wall T. Renders accessible 7 12 13 4 17 Q r & ff a , dfa H 7f " so " B 34 23 34 8 To H3 n 33 p4 4Z Wl 44 fI 52 9 7. SB that ffrowe and bears leaf In a forest 9. Plant of the vetch family 10. Sun god 11. Day's march 12. Divisions of ancient Greece 17. Hfstorio battleship 20. Ancient Jewish sect S3. Part of an airplane 24. Private f Km teacher ' 26. Peeler 28, Doctrine !9. Nonclrcular rotating psrtAf ' SI. Makes well V 2. State In Mexico .13. Slim 3fi, Assistant 38, Complains) . slang 17. Bar of cast metal IS. Any-cllmbtnf woody perennial 41, Kind of fruit 42. Month of the year: abbr, tli. Greek tetter 46. Understand 49. Note of the scale 61. One indefinitely ROOM AND BOARD Bv Gene Ahern i$y HEY, JUDGED I SOLD ALL $75- ULP yT Ct MUNNERT CORING GADGGJS VfW J back THE X VUH SENT AAE OUT WIT''-" AN J AMOUNT I LOANED rft Y'KNOW WHAT SOLD 'EM ? DA UtJCLE WOLGANG ' vk SAMPLE PERTATO WIT A 1 " 2 STiLL HAVE phL FRANKFURTER. IN DA CORED- A 900 0s THE 1W OUT PART- ALL LADIES COR ER 5 TO fT "a SAID DA 'WEENEE-PO VSELL J 1 7 1 CTtK 15 A GREAT IDEA-' J