Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 5, 1949 9 Dwight Maddox Top Hand At Annual St. Paul Rodeo St. Paul, July 5 Dwight Maddox, 31, Weiser, Ida., was top hand among the 100 outstanding cowboys competing in the 14th annual St. Paul rodeo. Ike Thommason, Tuscon, Ariz., wai runner-up. Gross attendance for the three-day event which closed Monday night is estimated in excess of I! Lebanon Cherry canning at the Lebanon Packing com pany approaches Its end this week. Shown along the belt lines are left to right, Mary Goold, Bertha Irvine, Vesta Clark, Ella Board, Pearl Daily, Erma Schmidt and Ida Brannon. Rains of the early week hastened the decline of the cherry crop. Processing of cane berries will begin next week In spite of a dispute over prices between packers and growers. Until a settlement is reached, the Lebanon Pack ing company is paying five cents and will immediately pay the difference upon agreement of a price acceptable to both, announces Bingham Powell, company president. The company will receive all types of cane berries from any grower wishing to sell to the local cannery. No previous con- i tract is needed, Powell said. Steps Taken to Prevent 'Coplon From Leaving U. S. New York, July 5 U.PJ The government was disclosed today to have taken steps to see that Judith Coplon, convicted spy, does not try to flee the country. Airlines officials at LaGuardia field said they had been asked to be on the alert for any attempt by Miss Coplon to book passage out of the United States. The officials, who declined to be named or have their com panies identified, said the re quest came from Washington. Miss Coplon meanwhile was In seclusion with hometown friends "to relax and rest up" for her next trial. That will be July 11 when she and her Rus sion sweetheart, Valentine Gub itchev, will be tried for con spiracy to commit espionage. In her second trial, Miss Cop lon will be tried on three counts charging that she and Gubit chev conspired to transmit vit al . srovernment documents to Russia. If convicted she faces a mixlmum sentence of 35 years in Jail and fines totaling $25, 000. Miss Coplon arrived at La Guardia field last Friday night from Washington after spend ing three hours in a capital jail, while her bail was being ar ranged. Dressed in black, she appeared haggard and much thinner than when her espion age trial began nine weeks ago. The former justice depart ment employe was sentenced to 40 months to 10 years in prison for stealing government docu ments to give Gubltchev,, a sov iet engineer. She Is free in $20, 000 bail pending an appeal. The 28-year-old brunette was pale and unsmiling as she met reporters at the airport. She let her attorney, Archibald Palmer, do most of the talking. Asked if she would see Gubitchev be fore the trial she answered sharply: "No." Newbry Declines Foreign Assignment Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry said today he had de clined an appointment as a rep resentative of the United States state department at an interna tional conference to be held in Geneva, Switzerland. On recommendation of motor vehicle administrators of the United States, Newbry was ask- ed to join the American delega- CHAPCO BOARD NATURE'S wood IMPROVED 100 rou. INTERIOR STRONG YET WORKABLE AND BEAUTIFUL COMPAM QUALITY ' v3 V"' PjY tion on the United Nations' con ference of road and motor trans port. It will be held in Geneva in August and September. The American delegation will be headed by Thomas H. MacDon ald, U.S. commissioner of pub lic roads, and H. H. Kelly of the state department. School District No. 5 Making Call for Bids School district No. 5, Marlon county, with offices at the Crawford grade school building, is calling for bonds for miscel laneous supplies and installa tions connected with the build ing of the new high school in the district. The following items are in vited: Program clock system; kitchen equipment; steel lock ers, pump installation for pres sure water system; and a well for domestic water supply. Bids will be received at the office of the district until 8 p.m. July 18. Proposals submitted previous to 7 p.m. on that date may be sent to Margaret Riches, clerk, Box 64, Route 2, Turner. ' Forms for bidding can be ob tained at the office of Frederick H. Eley, 588 North 15lh street, Salem. Plane Crashes But Three Uninjured Seattle, July v 5 (U.R)A light single-engined plane crash landed In a large berry patch here last night but the three oc cupants escaped injury. The plane was destroyed. The pilot and owner, Marl Wyatt, 34, said the engine quit as he ap proached Boeing Field after a short pleasure flight. Two pas sengers were his daughter, Shir ley Wyatt, 7, and James Mincy, 39. Meteor crater just west of Winslow, Ariz., is big enough to provide playing space for 20 football games at one time, while 2,000,000 watch from the sloping sides. HARVBOARD EXTERIOR Sheathing, concrete form linen, for farm build ing!, garage doora, and for exterior una when painted. Wall board, partition, flooring and subfloors, fixture!, furniture, cab inet!, table topa, ahelvea. CHAPCO IOAKD OI UJA1IIITY, AND NIC! IINSIKT IOCAI MICH, J. w. Copeland Wert Salem Yard 520 Wallace Rd. Phone 3-6627 32,000 with gross ticket receipts $40,000. Maddox took first In bull rid ing, bulldogging and placed in several other events to clinch his title and an extra $250 in prize money. Thommason received a gold and silver belt buckle after winning first in bareback bronc riding and second in bulldogging the last day in addition to places won during previous days. Pinal ILotin.a wen; Bullridlng Jim ShouWera. Tula, Okla., st; Maddor, aecond; Marry Tompkins, Ardmore, Okla,, 3rd, and Pete Gordon. Lebanon, 4th. Call ro pint Pat Parker, Fawhuska, Okla., lat; Jim Snivel, Pawhtuka, 2nd; Prank Alyry, Wetumka, Okla., 3rd. and Buck fiorreLs, Tuscon, 4th. Bulldozing Gene R&mbo, Shandon, Calif., 1st; Tihommuon, 2nd; Maddox, 3rd; Merle Hansen, Riverside, Calif., 4th. Bareback brone rldlni Thommason, 1st; Don Boar, Lakeside, and; Bud Spealman, Daly City, Calif., 3rd, and Chuck Haw, Portersville, Calif.. 4th. Prank Bamblt was first and Homer Slmmj second In the pony express; Jane Paine was first and Barbara. Hitter, stc ond, in cowslrls' race; Teddy Peall first ai:d A. M. Klokatad second, boys' pony race; Al Coyla first; Dwight Maddox sec ond and Bill Smith, third, in wild horse race. Homer Slmmj won the St. Paul der by with Johnny Baker second. Special event winners were the Oregon Mounted posse, Salem, headed by Gover nor Douglas. McKay, sweepstakes; with Uie Portland mounted posse first In its division and Oregon Ranch Olrls, Port land, second. Yamhill majorettes of Sher idan placed first tn marching units with Marks Prairie Silver Spinners, Can by. second. Most comical were Robin Hood and his Merry Men, Sherwood, first, and Lynn HUdebrand, Mission Bottom, second. First for outside entries were the Seaside Oull-ooU and the Stayton Bean festival group, second. Glfford Williamson, Newbers, was best dressed senior cowboy, with Tommy Oregg, Newberg, seoond. Best-dressed junior was Dick Smith with John Davidson second. Both were from Newberg. Pat and Betty Dwlck, Dayton Buckeroos, were the best dressed senior cowgirls with Janice Mil ler, Milwaukee, best-dressed Junior. Salem parade winners Included Rose Marie Pranke, best-dressed senior cow girl and Rosalie Kerr best Junior. Lyle Cobb and Harley Copson too, top honors for St. Paul entries In the parade. The Kaibab National forest in northern Arizona comprises ap proximately 750,000 acres and contains the largest stand of vir gin timber in the world. local Agent ror VAN LINES CO. LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE - At Your Service! FOR YOUR ... Storage J Hauling J Fuel ... NEEDS 3 3131 DIAL OR SEE US AT . . . 889 N.Liberty "OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR SECURITY" People of Salem: THE AMAZING REFRIGERATOR Yes, the Huge 7.5 Cubic Foot Size COMPARE! These Feotures . . Entire Cabinet of 20-genre teel. Two eoate of Hlih Glon baked-en enamel. Lock-typo bandit. 0 Glaae-woel laialatlen, loir Incbei thick. 0 10 different tern per atare rangei. Evaporator holds SB ponndt of froien foodi. Aatoni alio Interior llfhtlnr. Kabber (aaket door teal Entire liner baa baked enamel flnlih. Vegetable erlsper made of white porcelain. Hermetically eealed anlt with Static cooled condenser Felly guaranteed. Tee we accept trade-ins! Easy Terms! Put Your Reliance in . . rs Baby Born As Rockets Soar Los Angeles, July 5 (U.R) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall's first baby, born on trie Fourth of July, really came into the world with a bang. The Halls were en route to the hospital last night when caught in a traffic snarl near mammoth Memorial coliseum where the American Legion's annual fireworks display was being held. Hall rushed his wife into the coliseum and police es corted them to a doctor'! office in the athletic building. While the Legion's colorful and earth shaping display went on, two doctors assisted in the delivery of Kathryn Hall, who weighed nearly eight pounds. Mall Carrier Away Amity Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lee have left for Vannice, Calif, for their vacation. He is rural mail carrier for Amity. Rev. Wm. F. Morse will substitute for him. acation of a lifetime Glorious Lake Louis and Banff Play and relax on the top of the world! Every day of your vacation spent in the fabu lous splendor of Banff, in the alpine beauty of Lake 'Lomst'atibolidaytotreasure! Enjoy golf, riding, hiking, swimming, tennis, fishing plus world-famous cuisine, service, hospitality. Make reservations now with your local agent or see . . . here. New Kalamazoo For Only 1 VkCv 207 Amrhon Bank Bldgt W 5 V Portland, Oregon 211950 dV77 I j . f . dks and RAW trim. Was HOGG BROS. IS GIVING AWAY ABSOLUTELY mm A Famous MISSION Brand 30-Gallon $124 Value Water Mealier a ev aer- Only the Maytag Dutch Oven Gas Range wtomatidlly turns off the gas and keeps right on cooking THINK OF IT! ALL FOR JUST $284.95 AND HERE ARE MORE BARGAINS! In Thoroughly Reconditioned Gas Ranges O'Keefe-Merritt GAS RANGE Automatic. White enamel, late model. Clock AA5Q lamp. 129.50, fjf M Western Holly GAS RANGE White and black FfS0 Late model. j fj 89 50. naw. WEDGEWOOD GAS RANGE Combination jfA50 wood and gas. iXm A real value. . . . I WlllANITTt HLLtT'i IEADIXS APFlMIICt t lOMt rOlllUIM I 5ALEM OREGON CITY J Caofclnfl ky rflm -. ymV lighted with th. many umbra tnipnTCaMBti ... tlx ipMdy, H-MTinc 8pinl Flam bam cra . . . tha ana at cUaninc, with tha tap and tha bumtf bowlt all faraad by ana plm of gleaming porcelain. Ceohlnf aatmatlaany, you'll enjoy extia lat aure (you don't even hare to be there)... plui a cooler kitchen and the nerer-eqaalle excellence of famed Dutch Oran cooking I The Dutch Cooker Well, shown at left, la one of many other features you're anre to like. It cook, an entire meal on one top burner. Com in and find out all about It right away, VERY EASY TERMS CALORIC GAS RANGE Combination wood and White enamel, late model. 99.50, now 69 Detroit Jewel GAS RANGE Ivory enamel. Was 69.50, 1 MONTAG GAS RANGE .V3K, 39' Combination wood and gas. A real value. . . . Q gas. 50 050 f SEE CHAPCO BOARD TODAY! Dleen$leni-4'iil' In three MckneMee-l" I'". ' 453 COURT 2-15651 260 State St. Phone 3-914S