Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 05, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 5, 1949
West Salem Branch Bank to
Open for Business July 11
West Salem's first bank, the West Salem branch of the United National bank, will open Monday, July 11, according to an
announcement received today from E. C. Sammons, president of
the state-wide banking organization.
Sammons at the same time announced the appointment of a
- Salem man, Hex uiDson, as man
ager of the new branch.
Air Force Chief
Asks Big Bombers
Chicago U.R The air force
chief of staff told American air
men Saturday in their biggest re
union since the war that the na
tion must have heavy, long
range bombers ready for action
in the first stages ol any con
Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, air
force chief of staff, told mem
bers of the air force association
at a luncheon meeting that the
"strength we allot our various
type of forces in peace does not
necessarily reflect their relat
ive importance in winning i
The association is sponsoring
the national air fair, featuring
hundreds of war planes of all
types at nearby O'Hare field.
"In order to win eventually,
we must be ready at the outset
effective that its results will as
effective that lits results will as
sist us throughout the struggle,"
Vandenberg said.
"This requires a long-range
force ready for action, and oth
er forces ready both for action
and expansion."
Vandenberg said the air force
"does not believe or maintain
that all international problems
can be solved by air power
alone, and we are aware that
the maintenance of the over
whelming force for many years
would bankrupt the economy of
the nation."
Margaret Truman
Will Tour Country
Buffalo, N.Y., July 5 V
Margaret Truman ,will Inaugu
rate her first cross-country tour
with singing engagements here
Nov. 13 and 15, it was announc
ed today.
Frank N. Farrar, president of
Gibson has been associated
with banking in Salem since
1922. He rose from his first em
ployment as a messenger with
the old Ladd & Bush bank to
his present position of an assist
ant manager, serving in various
capacities within the Ladd &
Bush bank and later with the
Ladd & Bush-Salem branch of
the United States National bank
when that institution purchased
Ladd & Bush in 1940.
Diploma From ABA
Gibson is a product of Salem
schools. He graduated from Sa
lem High school, Capital Busi
ness college in Salem and has
continued banking studies
throughout his career. Only this
past week, he received his diplo
ma from the three-year course
in graduate banking studies con
ducted by the American Bankers
association at Rutgers university
In New Jersey
Located at 1117 Edgewater
street in West Salem, the new
branch, according to Sammons,
Is designed to bring West Salem
complete banking facilities.
"It will be staffed with person
nel from the Salem area who
are familiar with the industrial
and agricultural conditions of the
community and who will be in
a position to work Intelligently
with the residents in further de
veloping the West Salem dis
trict," he said.
In Remodeled Building
The establishment of the new
branch, 39th of the branches in
the banking organization, is in
line with the bank's policy of
providing banking facilities for
the continued growth and expan
sion of Industrial and agricultur
al activities within the state, said
K.f - I,
I-1 ' i .
Rex Gibson, who will be
manager of West Salem branch
of United States National
Bank of Portland, opening
July 11.
Mrs. Mariette Welter
Dies in Lincoln
Word has been received from
Lincoln, Nebr., of the death
there June 29 of Mrs. Mariette
Weller, sister of Mrs. Emma
Gemmel, of Salem. Funeral ser
vices and interment were at
Wray, Colorado, July 3.
Mrs. Weller, who since 1942
had resided with a son in Lin
coln, was born at Corning, Iowa,
March 30, 1856 and for about
58 years lived near Wray, Colo
rado, where the family home
steaded. After her husband's
death 27 years ago she went to
Independence, Mo., to live with
a daughter, Mrs. Maymie Bul
lard and following the death of
Mrs. Bullard moved to Lincoln
Surviving besides the sister
in Salem are four sons, George
Weller of Lincoln, and William
H. Weller and Henry Weller all
the Buffalo Philharmonic Soci
ety, said the president's daugh-l
ter will open the orchestra's!
season with those appearances.
Once Lost
Is Seldom
725 Court St.
Ph. 2-4469
Dr. Scott A. Wheatley
RIDE! WALK! RUN! But get here early, while stocks are,
For Clearance !
IMPORTANTI We selected a limited number of discontinued
(but very distinctive) patterns to clear. Every one was made to sell at
a much higher price! And this same high quality shirt will continue
to sell for far more. Act now ... get your share of these Cash &
Carry values!.
Absolutely First
1 1 jj3
Every shirt is from our regular stock and carries our first quality
label. No seconds no irregulars!
Superb Men's Dress
Every pattern woven In. Every shirt
Sanforizedt. Alt have ISu-Craft non
wilt collars. All are full cut and color
fast. All were made to sell for much,
much morel
WHITE BROADCLOTH High 136 x 60 cloth
count NuCrafl Collars ,
'tSbrinkage will not exceed 1
Re U. S. Pal. Off.
1 175
Quiet Celebrations Feature
Fourth of July in Salem
State Institutions in Salem celebrated the Fourth of July in a
variety of ways.
At Oregon state prison che usual Independence day boxing
events and field day were the program.
Oregon state hospital had a ball game and races. Boys at Ore
gon state training school at
Woodburn, defeated the school
staff in a Softball game 34 to
17. The boys also had a pro
gram of races and other contests.
At Hillcrest school for girls
comedy contests were featured.
Youngsters at Fairview home
participated in a parade, comic
and serious. Each of the cot
tages had a part. There was a
picnic dinner at noon.
of Denver; a brolner, sanfora
Uasklll of Corning, Iowa; IS
granacnildren and 21 great
The Salem area In general had
a quiet holiday, without acci
dents or fires of serious nature,
First aid was given Gloria
Knapke, 4, of 1070 East Rural
and Robert Howard, 13, of 40
Duncan avenue, who got minor
burns on the hands from fire
Several minor fire alarms
were answered by the fire de
partment. A tree was set afire
in Marion square from a fire
cracker. West Salem had
brush fire on Wallace road and
a stack of cedar posts caught
fire at Owens street and the SP
Thousands of men havt voted in favor of
Recommended by
physician, and sur
geons for three
decadei, these scientific sup
ports have helped thousands
of men. Widely used In the
treatment of sprain. They are
a blessing in helping to take
strain off muscles. Improve
appearance, too I Available
In all sizes, these famous belts
are comfortable, easy to put
on and ore moderately
priced. Ask your doctor about
them. We have expertly
trained fitters In attendance.
Capital Drug Store
State & Liberty
"On the Corner"
tracks. A brush fire on Mill
creek just east of 12th street
was extinguished by firemen.
Highways were alive with
traffic, beaches and cities in the
valley where celebrations were
held were crowded, but many
Salem people remained at home.
Attendance was good at baseball
games on the home grounds.
Balloon Stolen
Seattle, Wash., July 1 (U.R)
Police today were looking for a
da-toot barrage balloon report
ed stolen from a war surplus
store here.
The balloon was -Inflated.
Fire Wrecks Hotels
Revere, Mass., July S CT) A
fieirce fire wrecked two hotels.
24 waterfront cottages and 19
automobiles at Revere beach ,
the Coney Island of New Eng
land last night. Fire Chiet;
Thomas J. McCarrack estimated
damage at $125,000. J
Nothing Down Pay Monthlj
And Shades
root old Vcnolias blind
ELMER, The Blind Man
Call anytime for Fre Estimate
Phone 3-732s
1453 Huge St Heat Salem
We give S&H Green Stamps
Double action for one price
this dry compound destroys
broad-leaved weeds as it
feeds the grass to richer color
and thicker growth. Harmless
to lawnt, including bentgrass,
when put on at economical
rate specified. Easily applied
with a Scotts Spreader.
Handy Shaker Box $1.00
terse lea, keels 2500 ie.fl. 13 JO
ScfP SPIIADHS - provide ' Pill m velds left by dying wtodt, my lawn applications, rub- with ScttCX triple sliontd d.
ber tired - I10.M and St. I lb . 1,000,000 snd . Jl.-U.
F. A. Doerf ler & Sons
ISO N. Lancaster Drive at 4 Corners
Phone M32$
Handy, bigSl tube
now yjj
No other shampoo can leave
your hair more beautifully
clean I And onlyTussy Cream
Shampoo contains Steractol.
This exclusive Tusay ingredient
more effective than lanolin
leaves your hair soft, lustrous,
easy to manage. And Tuasy
Cream Shampoo now comes in
a convenient tube can't leak,
can't spill. You'll want several
tubes at this get-acquainted
sale price. Get them today 1
405 State Street
Will ilcfowall tlrw, ai llliHlratid, ovallobU at Mtro
FRIENDS gather, look over that long bonnet and
wish they had as much Fireball life as you.
have here.
They size up the broad windshield and narrow
corner posts and don't have to be told how these
things step up "see-power."
They appraise the smart styling, the roomy interiors,
the usability of luggage space and agree you've
made a buy.
But don't stop, please, with letting them look. Invite
them in and introduce them to some of the special
pleasures you'll know as a Buick owner.
Show them, for instance, how completely different
Dynaflow Drivet is, with every mile cushioned by
flowing oil and none of the rigid harshness of direct
drive cars. .-
Let them sample the matchless Buick ride, with all
four wheels cradled on soft, coil springs and low
pressure tires made still easier-riding by extra-wide
Point out how solid this Buick feels. That's what
you get from husky frames, low-swung weight, and
f Standard an Rojdmjstkm. tptitnal at extra nit n Svnn mtdtlt.
at aw
power delivered through a torque -tube instead of
the rear springs.
For the truth is, this Buick's a bargain on much,
much more than you can see.
It's a big buy on the solid goodness a demonstration
quickly makes plain. On increasingly favorable de-.
livery dates. On attractive price. On the kind of
."deal" your Buick dealer makes.
That's why we keep saying "Better see your Buick
dealer and get that order in promptly!"
IiUMCK alone Asm nil theum feature DYNA'lOW DftfVT VU-VliW VISON Iron, enlarged
glass area IWNO-MSV DOOM end easy ocara If VINO If Ad"
imaiOKS with Dup-Cradle aunreni koranl-riding QtAMIMUX
rait SMIWUNO lively NMMU (nOUOHT-ffOMT OWtK villi
low-pressure tirts on lAITY-KIDI KIMS Cato-tfne VtNTIFOKTt
0USIX MAKINGS, main and connecting rods lOOy Sy HIM
Slanders off ROADMASTER, oprlonat at txtra colt M SUrER noaalt.
rou key to
' Greater VAirji
Whim m-rtfr mntnm sl Ire r kails' Ht lCK Till kSffM IDrm
'AQrez tux
sjr w
t... I HfNy 1. TAVIOH, JC Ntlwort, nrf HWo, tvcnlffo.
Phone 2-3621
Salem, Ore;
l 3.8.8. No. Commercial St.