Capital Edited by MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 5, 1949 Salemites Wed at Reno Announcement is made by Er nest Aeschlimann of the marri age of his daughter, Miss Mar- della Aeschlimann, to James i. Loder, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Loder, all of Salem. The wedding was an event of Sunday evening, July 3, in Reno, Nev. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyle of Klamath Falls attend ed the couple. The newlyweds will be at Carmel, Calif., this week, plan ning to return to Salem next Sunday. They will make their home here. Dickman-Thiessen Wedding Recently Smithjield The Evangelical Mennonite Brethren church was decorated with royal lillies, pale blue delphiniums, pink cluster roses, greenery and candles for the wedding of Miss Evelyn Thiessen and Harold Dickman, the Rev. A. P. Toews, pastor, of ficating at the double ring cere mony. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Thies sen of Dallas, Mr. Dickman the on of Mr. and Mrs. John Dick man of Saskatoon, Sask., Can ada. Nels Friesen sang. Mrs. Har lan Ratzlaff of Salem presided at the organ. The bride wore a wedding gown of pale eggshell satin fashioned with a bertha collar and long sleeves coming to a point at the wrist. The train was full length. The bodice had Inserts of illussions net, the same as the veil which was em broidered . and was fingertip length. It was held in place with a pearl edged halo. The bride carried a white Bible and a single orchid with streamers and rosebuds. She wore a neck lace, a gift of the bridegroom. Her only attendant was Mrs Clarence Hildebrand, who wore a pink sheer formal and carried a colonial nosegay of pink and g weet peas. The candle lighters were the Misses Beryl Pope and Alvina Frey. They both wore pink sheer gowns and gardenia cor sages. Arnold Dickman was best man for his brother. The ushers were Donald Thiessen, brother of the bride and Gladwyn Schmidt. Mrs. ' Thiessen, the bride's mother, wore navy blue with white accesories. Mrs. Dickman the bridegroom's mother, wore a powder blue dress and gold accessories. Their corsages were of gardenias and rosebuds. The social rooms of the church were decorated in gold and acqua. The bride's table was centered with a three tiered wed ding cake topped with a min iature bridal couple. Miss Hulda Ens, aunt of the bride, cut the cake. Mrs. Peter Teichrow and Mr. and Mrs. John Frisen served the bridegroom's cake. Mrs. John Isaac was in charge of the coffee urns. Jack Thiessen, Jake N. Thiessen, John Isaac, and Peter Brandt served. The bride's associates of the church choir assisted about the rooms. Misses Lavina Harder, Florence Frey, and Aganetha Wall were in charge of the gift tables. . Mr. Dickman received his schooling in Canada. He is em ployed in Dallas. Mrs. Dick man attended Dallas schools and Beacon Bible school. She is employed at the Dallas bank. They will reside in Dallas after a short honeymoon. CREDIT Women's Breakfast club held its regular meeting Tuesday morning at Nohlgren's restaurant. Mrs. D. E. Walker led the flag alute. This was an educational meeting with Charles Schmilz of the Credit bureau as speaker on "Problems of Collection and How to Meet Them." It was announced the losing lide in the Christmas card sale will entertain for the winners at a party the evening of July IB In the Mayflower hall. T$OV0L. TO BE DISCONTINUE! EFFECTIVE JULY 10 EfTeetivt with inauguration of Sbaslt Daylight, new streamlined trains between Portland and San Francisco, Sunday, July 10, Trains Not. 13 and 14, Tb Bmt, between Portland and San Francisco, will be DISCONTINUED. The, trains now de part southbound from Portland at 5:10 P.M. and northbound from Sao Frandico at 4 .00 ?M, Tfit friendly Southern Pacific Women 1 LOWRI FISCHEB Art Association To Stage Sale The Salem Art association is sponsoring a sale of miscellane ous articles in the Bush house basement next Friday, July 8, between the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock. Among those assisting in con ducting the sale are Mrs. Clif ford Taylor, Mrs. W. E. Ander son, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Les ter F. Barr, Mrs. W. jr. Foorman Miss Elizabeth Lord, Clifford Gleason and David C. Duniway DAV Auxiliary Notes Events On Thursday, July 7, at 8 p.m., the Disabled Americon Veterans auxiliary will meet for a busi ness meeting at the Salem Wom an's club house, 460 North Cot tage, with Mrs. Eva Bennet pre siding. Yearly unit reports will be given, state convention re ports heard and election of dele gates to national convention in Indianapolis will be some of the business. Plans are being made to hold installation in Portland, July 11 at which time Salem unit will be guests of Portland Unit No. 1 and the installing of ficer will be Mrs. Josephine Jeths, national DAV auxiliary commander, Chicago, 111. Mrs. Pauline Richard will be installed as Salem unit's new commander. Mrs. Josephine Ostrander, na tional VAVS chairman, will join the national commander to visit the hospital and luncheon ap pointment with her. Members of the Salem chap ter auxiliary, No. 6, Disabled American Veterans, will have the opportunity to greet their chief in Portland on July 10, 11 and 12. Mrs. Josephine Jeths of Chicago will be in Portland on July 10 when she will arrive from the department of Washing ton convention at Wenatchee. Portland chapter No. 1, Disa bled American Veterans, will furnish cars to transport the na tional commander and her party to the different scenic points within the city. The commander will visit the Portland Veterans hospital on Monday, dine with Dr. Paul I. Carter and his staff at noon and speak over KEX at 1:30 p.m. There will be a banquet at 6.30 p.m. at the Chamber of Com merce building, S.W. Sth and Taylor street, and a special meet ing at the Portland Post No. 1 American Legion hall, 1139 S.W. 13th avenue at 8:00 p.m., De partment of Oregon, Department of Washington, local auxiliary and chapter officers, the nation al service officers, Lyle Dailey, Gerald Kelsey and Jimmy Hud son, will be guest speakers at this meeting. Mrs. Lois Huddleston and Fred Larson, commanders of Portland chapter and Unit No. 1 Silva Foster, executive commit teeman of chapter No. 1, invite all disabled veterans and their dependents to attend this meet ing. Surprise Event A group of friends gave a surprise housewarming for Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Foreman Sun day evening at the couple's new home on Market street. A picnic supper was served and the group presented the Forcmans with a gift. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drager, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Perry, Dr. and Mrs Harold M. Olinger, Mr. and Mrs Leon Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Gar Ion Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilbur, Mrs. Chandler Brown, Loring Schmidt, Donald Wood- ry. AT THE beach at Nelscott for two weeks are Mr. and Mrs Charles Claggett and two daugh ters. AMONG those away over the Fourth were Mr.' and Mrs. C. W. Parker who visited at Bend with Mr. and Mrs. William E. Chandler. Board Asked For Supper Mrs. John Versteeg, newly in stalled president of the Salem Business and Professional Wom en's club, has invited her board of officers and all committee' chairmen to a buffet suoper at her home, Friday evening, at 6:30 o'clock. Following the supper the group will go over organization of committees for the new year's work in the club. WSCS Program On Wednesday ihe woman's Society of Christian Service of the Leslie Methodist church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the church parlors. Circle No. 1 members will act as hostesses for a dessert lunch eon. Mrs. A. W. Metzger is in charge of the devotional service. Cars will be at the church to take the group to the migrant labor camp where they will ob serve the nursery school con ducted by the Salem Council of Church Women in cooperation with the Home .Missions council Miss Zelpha Henderson, who is in charge of the project, will tell of their work at the camp. Women are requested to bring cookies, and either new or used toys which will be presented to the nursery at the camp. Any women wishing to make the trip to the camp are welcome. Mr., Mrs. Feskens Hosts at Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Fes kens were hosts at a dinner and reception recently in honor of their son, Pfc. Robert Feskens and his bride, the former Alyce Amell of Silverton. The couple were wed April 2 in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Those present for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Amell, Julie, Anita, Benny, Bernice and Carolyn, all of Silverton; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Masquart, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Lnykr, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Feskens and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Feskens and Mary Lou, Abbert and Dorothy: Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lichtenberry and Kathy from Camas, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Feskens and Mary, Corky and Chris. Joe Luykx of Seattle, Wash. Those calling late in the aft ernoon were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Marcy, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Marcy and son, Bruce, Corvallis; Dan Marcy, Miss Joyce Woods, Jim Lannigan, Miss Muriel Ingel due, Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Lucas, Aumsville; Mr. and Mrs. Make Lucas, Mrs. John Olsen and Al len Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Van Houten. VISITOR here for tlio sum mer is Mrs. Herbert Swasey of Lincoln. Maine, who arrived hv plane last week to be guest of ner daughter, Mrs. Robert Ho well on North Cottage street. Mrs. Howell teaches in the West Salem junior high school, TO DR. AND MRS. RlVharrl Springer go congratulations upon the birth of a son, Saturday, July 2, at Salem General hospital. Grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Springer of Salem and Fred Miller of Moscow, Idaho. Altruistic Project Alpha Chi Omeea. in Its 27th national convention in session at the Huntineton hotel. Pnsnrfrnn Calif, in June voted to continue and augment its national altru istic project for cerebral palsied children, reports the Salem Alumnae association. In addi tion to $15,000 previously given for scholarships enabling quali fied physicians, therapists and educators to carrv nn Ktwpinl- ized studies in cerebral palsy, ?iu,uuu was set aside for a con tinuation of the nrneram in rn. operation with the National So ciety for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc., and its affiliated state and local organizations. Mrs. Matthew H. Scott, of Bcr- Be safe! Store your furs now. Guard them against moth and warm wea ther damage. Store them in the air tight vaults at To Speak Here Speaker here July 12 for the meeting of the Christian Business and Professional Women's group will be Miss Mary Clark, a national officer of the group. keley, Calif., was elected na tional president for a two year term, succeeding Mrs. Harry H. Power of Austin, Texas, who has served since 1943. Other national officers elected were Mrs. Ivan L. Willis, Flossmoor, 111., vice-president; Mrs. Paul D Dodds, Los Angeles, secretary; Mrs. Raymond L. Suppes, Chevy Chase, Maryland, treasurer; Mrs. James M. McDonald, Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. Thomas M, Leslie, Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Junior A. B. Peak, Salt Lake City, Utah, counsellors; and Mrs. Ina G. Bonney, Kansas City, Mo., editor. LIBERTY Miss Alvis Pick is a house guest for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. John VanLoh, on R. 9. She arrived here from Japan this week, where she was working on the economic and scientific section of general headquarters of the army in Tokyo. She spent two and one half years there. At first, after arriving in Japan, she served as a Japanese interpreter. She is a graduate of the Salem high school and Willamette univer sity. While in Salem she will visit her sister, Mrs. Charles Peters, in Keizer. Then she will go to Toledo to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Pick. She will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Pick, Jr., at Washington, D.C. Mrs. Pick is the former Dorothy Cogswell of Liberty. Mrs. VanLoh honored Miss Pick Friday at a dinner party at her home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peters of Kei zer, Mr. and Mrs. Oness Whaley of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. John Van Loh and Jacqueline. Miss Pick is a former Liberty resi dent. LADIES of the Grand Army of the Republic are to meet Wednesday at 2 p. m. in the Sa lem YWCA. Palmisrry Readings Will tell your past, present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business. Answers all questions. Are you worried? Whv be in doubt? Special Headings. Open 8 a.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial Now Available NEW CATALOG COLUMBIA LONG PLAY RECORDS Get Your Free Copy Downstairs Oregon Bldg. State and High 3-8632 . mSsp 135 North Liberty JVUj Miss Clark Due for Talk Miss Mary Clark, national as sociate director for the Christian Business and Professional Wo men, will speak at the local CB & PW dinner meeting Tuesday, July 12, 6:15 p.m. at the Golden Pheasant restaurant. Miss Clark, who for years did missionary work in the state of Maine, is now traveling through out the United States speaking to groups in the interests of youth home missions. In addi tion to her talk at the dinner meeting there will be special music by the Nyack Bible col lege male quartet from New York. Women from all denomina tions are invited to attend this meeting. Reservations should be tele phoned to 35223 by Saturday, July 9. ' Club Leaders Go On Special Trips The story of organized wom en will be carried to many countries of the world this sum mer by officers of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, it is reported in letters to local federated clubs. GFWC member ship overseas totals 2,700,000 in 32 countries and possessions, in addition to the 5,000,000 mem bers in the United States. Mrs. J. L. Blair Buck, GFWC president, left on June 25 from New York as a member of the Town Hall World seminar which will visit 13 world capitals on a trip which terminates in early September. Mrs. Hiram C. Houghton of Red Oak, Iowa, first vice-president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, will repre sent this organization at a meet- Auto or Personal CASH LOANS $100t.'100(ho.. COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN INCORPORATED. Salem Agency: 460 N. Church St. Tel. Anklets! Platforms! Sandalsl Pumps! Spectators! Middlin' heels! High-soaring heels! White! Black! White with brown and other colors! Colors! All in fine genuine leathers. Sizes 3 to 10, AAAA to C . An W : . I V m X'.. ?-"Vy A li I - i Is June Bride Mrs. Ira Winfield Jones, the former Ethel May Larson, was mar ried in June. She is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Larson of Bend and Mr. Jones is the son of Mrs. Fred Jones of Gresham. The couple taught here last year and they will be at home on route 2, Junc tion City, after July 10. (Mc Ewan studio picture) ing of the Pan-Pacific Women's association in Honolulu, July 20-August 4. Mrs. Buck is one of 25 repre sentatives of national organiza tions of both men and women who comprise the Town Hall World seminar. The group will visit London, Paris, Berlin, Vi enna, Rome, Ankara, Tel Aviv, Cairo, Beirut, Karachi, New Del hi, Manila and Tokyo. THE LADIES Aid society of Central Lutheran church is meeting Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. T. F. Hegstad. 1135 North 18th. 34168) I ' 7l '4 and more! ...but no sale! casuals! were U.99 & '3.99 More than half offl All styles ... in fine genuine leathers, wanted colors! Salem's Newest Shoe Store for Women 170 N. Liberty Wedding Is Tuesday Eve Miss Joy Wise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wise of Eola community, and John W. Hall, son of Mrs. Pearl Hall of Salem, will be married this evening at a garden ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Pierce in the Eola community. The service will take place at 8:30 o'clock with Bishop John Salisbury of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of ficiating. Mrs. Gerald Hall of Salem will be matron of honor and Miss Jean Hammond of Independence, bridesmaid. Gerald Hall will attend his brother as best man. About 30 will be present for the wedding and the reception following at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hall. SILVERTON Mrs. Irene Roubal, president of the Busi ness and Professional Women's club, is opening her 325 Church street home to the members for an evening social Tuesday, July 5, 8 o'clock. Each member is welcome to bring a guest. Pineapple ambrosia is a quick ly made and delectable dessert. Peel, core and cube a fresh pine apple; sprinkle with sugar and mix well. Just before serving place a layer of the pineapple Buy . . . MlElSMMlSISEIS M IIADtMAIK IHL ILL PAT. Of HOME FREEZER! IT'S A FACT... You save food, time, money & work! For Further Information See YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Your Deepfreeze Dealer 255 N. Liberty St. Phone 3-43 1 1 of) l W were J ... so 1 99 I j HI "FyS-fH r ; Wed in June Wed June 12 was Mrs. Donald Maddux, the former Pauline Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sey mour Stewart. Mr. Maddux is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maddux. (McEwan studio in individual sauce dishes or sherbet glasses, then sprinkle with coconut and repeat the lay ers once more. Garnish with fresh or maraschino cherries. . j Pike's Peak was discovered in 1806 by Gen. Zebulon M. Pike, and was first ascended success fully in 1819 by Major S. H. Long. and Save WITH RA0lMAIK MO.UL1 PAT. Of hurry t A) handbags were '4.98 Aft Favorite colors! JJf 13 Fine materials! . For now and fall!