Mayor Lee Believes Anti-vice Campaign to Be Permanent Portland, Ore., July 5 U.R Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee be lieves that the people of Portland regard her anti-vice campaign as a permanent fixture and believe that law enforcement is here to stay. She is not interested in the possible political implications of her crusade against slot machines,' punchboards and other media of gambling ana vice. "It is a constant, continual program which will go on as long as I am in office." Mrs. Lee said. She prefers the word "pro gram" to ."campaign" because she said, it was merely a part of her "Desire to give' the city good, sensible government. "I do not have any way of knowing what the policical im plications might be, nor am I Interested," she said. Mrs. Lee's "fan mail" from the public showed general ap proval of her policies in the early stages of her administra tion. Now, she says, she receives1 virtually no public coment on down on gambling did not affect the subject. Mayor Lee said the crack the city revenue to any appre ciable extent, although it cut down on punchboard revenue slightly. "Punchboards" revenue of $125,000 amounted to nothing when the city needed $3,000, 000," she said. She commented that the city made no revenue whatever from the millions of dollars amassed by gamblers. While she considers the anti- vice program an important part of Portland's administration, she believes that housing and city finance are of more current in terest. "Lack of sufficient housing, especially as a result of the Van- port flood disaster, and the nec- sources of revenue for the city are greatly overshadowing the law enforcement program,!' she said. Mayor Lee also has financial problems of her own. She re ceives a salary set by the city ot Portland in 1913 "which probably was quite adequate at tnat time, but doesn t leave any leeway at the present time." Teachers Oppose Loyally Test Boston, July 5 W) Represen tatives of approximately 350,000 of the nation's school teachers adopted a resolution last night opposing loyalty oaths for teach ers. The unanimous action of 800 delegates members of the de partment of classroom teachers was taken at a meeting held in conjunction with the 87th an nual convention of the National Education association. The resolution said the de partment "deplores the growing practice of enacting discrimina tory legislation that singles out teachers." Speaking for the resolution, Miss Hilda Maehling of Wash mgton, a. c, executive secre tary of the classroom group, said: "If we are going to have !.!. "jj,.. """J' ""umn additional should have them." m our 1? Bird Dog Patty, a cocker spaniel, keeps a protective mat ernal eye on the newly-hatched pheasants at the state game farm, Wapato, Wash., where her master, Dale Chinn, is superintendent. Drill Team Award to Eagle Team Closes 1949 Festival Salem's 1949 Cherryland festival ended Saturday night with a drill team and drum and bugle corps contest at the Oregon state Fair grounds and awarded the Governor's cup for the unit giving the best exhibit was the women's drill team from Portland Eagles aerie No. 4. Presentation of the cup, a- perpetual trophy that must be won by the same unit for three consecutive years to become its permament property, was made by Gov. Douglas McKay, who was escorted by a group of Cherrians. In the afternoon contest held These awards, along with others, were made at the Sat urday night show. Other awards were first place in men s drill teams to the Medford Eagles and special awards to the Rodeo- ettes - from Sheridan and the Northwest Drum Majorettes from Portland. During the evening a trophy donated by Salem business men was also presented as a spe cial award to the Eagles junior drum and bugle corps from Sa lem, which had just returned at the Fair grounds first place also went to the Portland group with 92 points. In second place was the Elks ladies' drill team from Portland with 88.3 points and a close third was the Sher idan women's drill team from the Sheridan Eagles, 88.2 points. New Party for Townsendites Columbus, O., July 5 OI.PJ The first steps in the creation of a new political party were taken by followers of Dr. Frances E. Townsend, originator of the "Townsend Plan" during the de pression years. Organization of the party was given a green light here yester day in a brief but biting resolu tion passed by the Townsend Clubs of America convention, which berated the republican and democratic parties for their "do- nothing attitudes" toward a na tional insurance program. Townsend's plan would give from state competition in Port land. The Saturday night show was opened with the entry parade just following the arrival of Queen Patricia and her court. Leading the parade was a color guard from the marine corps and naval reserves here with massed colors from patriotic and fra ternal organizations from Salem and surrounding area following Making their first public ap pearance at the show was the newly organized drum and bugle corps from Capital post No. 9 American Legion. Fiery, Smarting Itch off Common Skin Rashes Don't stand such torment another hour) Just smooth Resinol Ointment on your irritated skin at once. See how quickly its medically proven ingredients in lan olin bring blissful, long-lasting relief 'Vince's Electric' Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 5, 1949 19 persons over 80, disabled per sons, and those unable to make a living a varying amount based on the cost-of-living index. Re cipient would receive between $150 and $200 a month, all of which must be spent within 30 days in the "stimulated econo my" plan. Dr. Townsend said the party would run a full slate of candi dates for congressional offices open in 1950. Gubernatorial posts will not be actively sought but some candidates may be en dorsed, he said, but the party will run a candidate for presi dent in 1952 if the results of the 1950 elections warrant. Frances Lang ford, Husband Are Sued Hollywood, July 5 (U.R) Sing er Frances Langford and her husband, Actor Jon Hall, today faced a superior court suit brought by an advertising man who says they owe him $4,510. William G. Chamberlain charged he performed work and advanced money for advertising in connection with the Hall's Clover Leaf Aviation Company Only $87 of a $4,597 bill was paid, he said. Vacuum Cleaner SERVICE RENTALS SALES REPAIRS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 Why Suffer Any Longer When others tail use out Chinese remedies Arnazlni success lor 600li rears in Chin No matter with hsi ailments ?ou are afflicted disorder sinusitis bean, lungs, liver kidneys tas, constipation ulcers, diabetes rheumatism, tall and bladder, fever tain, itmai complaints. CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB CO. Office Hours 9 to 6 Tues and Sat. Only 28 N Commercial Phone ttfWO SALEM, QBE. Silverfon Pastor Submits Resignation Silverton, July S Resignation of Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr, announced to the congregation of the Trin ity Lutheran church Sunday, came as a complete surprise. Ha has accepted a call to Arlington, Wash., in the Puget Sound area and his successor is expected to be named at the quarterly con ference of the congregation July 13. Rev. Fuhr has been pastor of the church for 13 years, coming here with his family from San Diego, Calif. While church rules require a notice of three months. Rev, Fuhr asked that this be short ened if possible as he is anxiou to locate in his new home in time for his youngest daughter to enter school in the fall. Senator William Blount of Tennessee was named In the first impeachment proceedings before the senate in 1798 and the charges were dismissed for want of jurisdiction. MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain In your blood, it may cause nafnrinp; backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, geU ting up nights, swelling, pufllness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong With your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait I Ask your druggist for Do&n'l Pills, n stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 60 years. Doan's give . happy relief and will help the 15 miles ot ' kidney tubes flush out poisonous waatoron vour blood. Get Doan's Fills. ELFSTROM'S Presents Three "VALUE-PLUS" Buys in BUDGET PRICED rn ELFSTROMS is first again! The 3 range models shown here incorporate the luxury of General Electric "speed cooking" at BUDGET PRICES! But Elfstroms is offering more value YET. Extra luxuries have been added but at NO INCREASE in the REGULAR PRICE ! Everyone has a right to get the most for their money. That is why we say Hurry to ELFSTROMS at once and see for yourself. . 1 iini The G-E SPEEDSTER Automatic timer enables your dinner to cook itself, huge G-E triple oven super broiler, Tel-a-Cook colored switches tell you at a glance what's cooking and at what speed, new high style control panel. BUT LOOK WHAT'S BEEN ADDED! An extra raisable calrod unit in the thrift cooker! G-E Speedster Range 274.95 Raisable Calrod Unit 16.00 TOTAL 20.95 iMA bfoRh 27495 27'95 D0Wn' n'53 tmm:i.3-- . x S"' : . i 4-i -j- sisss ! The G-E LEADER All the essentials of "Speed-Cooking" ot G-E's lowest price. You get the same master oven for all types of oven cooking, waist-high super broiler, oven indicator light which tells you when oven is heating, high speed calrod units give five exact heats for just-right dishes. Economical 6-quart deep-well thrift cooker. No-stain oven vent for cleanliness. BUT LOOK WHAT'S BEEN ADDED! A lamp and minute minder assembly like those on higher priced models. G-E LEADER Range, 179.00 Lamp and Minute Minder, 1 8.00 Total 197.95 BOTH FOR 17995 18.00 WOW! What A Bargain! The G-E AIRLINER LOOK! Bis Master Oven, Electrle Minute Timer Clock, Hi-Speed Calrod Units, Thrift Cooker all plui the Deluxe Aluminum Set. Airliner Range 229.95 West Bend Aluminum Set 17.50 TOTAL 247.95 BOTH FOR 229.95 23.00 Down, 9.66 Par Month MODEL CP1-F1 MODEL DD1-F1 YOU CAN ALWAYS SAVE MONEY at ELFSTROMS