-Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 5, 1949. Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN ' TOO BAD! CANT WIRE CHARLIE HARRIS WHERE TO FIND HIS JILTING JILL -BUT, SOMETHING TELLS ME I HAVEN i StiN THE LAST OF HER (ChaDter 23) Tb wagon was gone; the wagon and twenty-live thousand dollars In gold. It had vanished while Jeff and his men sieoi ana nc juiew now that the sleep was not a na tural one. Ha itrnd to where the wagon had stood, his face white and old. Here were none iracu, 01 course And h noticed almost automatlcal- . ly that the left hind print showed a DroKen cam. He came back to where Glenn arswvl WRtchlnir. "Slug Benjamin," he announced tersely. "That broken shoe's a dead giveaway, Glenn." He spoke wearily. "I'm going to trail the wgaon. You get these fel lows awake. Then ride to CouRar end get both my deputies ana some horses for these four men. I'll be camping here by the time you get back. If I'm not here, wait until .daylight and then have the boys follow the wagon tracks." His brain was rapidly clearing but his throat and mouth were hot and dry and his head ached. He laughed a bitter, mirthless laugh. They had been tricked like so many children. Drugged; heavily drugged. And while they lay in helpless slumber Slug had ridden up, calmly hitched the horses to the wagon, and had driven away. The narcotic nad Deen supped in the food of course. Probably the coffee. But when had Slug found the chance to do this? It had been taken directly from the cabin; Glenn had ground it while Jeff was gathering together the plates and cups and forks. Slug couldn't have got into the cabin without their knowledge. Or could he? He re membered the hour or so he and Glenn had spent walking about town. They had left the cabin un locked, and Slug could have slipped In then. The wagon tracks led straight west and the prints of the horse were between them. Slug had evidently tied his mount to trie tailgate while he drove. The trail crossed a ridge several miles from the camp and dipped down to the steep bank of a creek. Here It swung to the south for several hun dred yards until the bank leveled off and showed a flat shoreline on the opposite side. At this place the creek had been forded; Jefl could see where the wagon had emerged. At last In a shallow gully choked with brush he found the wagon with the team still in the traces. By dint of much labor and some skillful maneuvering, he succeeded in getting the wagon out of the gully, and, tying his horse behind It, drove back to the camp. He found his men awake and grimly quiet. It was pitch dark by now ana mey naa omit a lire to warm me remaining Deans. Jeff reported briefly. "It was Slug " he concluded. "Those tracks ten me story, somehow he supped something in the coffee and fol lowed us at a distance. Where's ine conee pot?" "Gleason took It back with him," answered a sober Wilks. "It had boiled dry and wns burned black." He groaned. "And me, I thought that coffee was so good." Jeff walked to the basket and peered into it. The bag with the rest of the coffee was still there. "This Is Just as good," . he said. I'll take it to the druggist at Briscoe and have it examined, but I'm sure that's what knocked us out. It has to be." When it was daylight thev rode to the ford and crossed to the far bank to begin their search. When they gathered at the gully where Jeff had found the wagon, 11 reported that the teraln they had covered had not been disturbed by the passage of a man or a horse. "It's a big Job, and we'll need help. You boys ride back to the camp; I'll scoot over to the Crown and break the news to Jeb. I'll letch the Crown crew back with me." He started at once. It was a humiliating Job he had to do, but he faced it with his usual courage. He rode last and by cutting across the country reached the Crown by midnight. The house was dark, but his knock brought Jcb with a light ed lamp. At sight of Jeff the Crown owner spoke quietly. "Trouble?" "Plenty," said Jeff, and entered the house. He sat down in the chair Jeb Indicated and told the whole story . "It's a hard blow." he said quiet lv. "and it ain't easv to laugh off: but I don't want you to believe for a minute tnat I blame you. Borne thin' like that Just couldn't be an tlcipated. Never gave Slug credit for havln so much brains. As you say, the only thing to do is to keep huntin'. He can't go runnln' around the country with that box on his saddle, and if he hides it we'll find it or nail him some dark night wnen ne pays it a visit, now you better bed down in a SDare room and in the mornln' we'll start out with the crew." But Jeff would not hear of this. He got another horse from the corral and was changing rigs when tne ranch house floor opened and uonnie came out. "Jeff. I've lust heard about It. she said. "You aren't a bit to blame. Fiease don t think you are." "I'm sure glad to hear vou sav that," he told her gratefully, "but the fact remains that the gold was in my charge. I aim to get it back. The big thing is that we know who took it." "How are you so sure it was Slug?" "For a man who knows horses Slug was mlghtly careless. After John Stover was shot I found horse tracks in the alley, and I found Lhe same tracks behind Wolfaneer's the night somebody tried to break into his safe. Both sets of tracks showed a broken calk on the left hind shoe. In the store I found a glove with Slug's initials on the linln.' That tied him up with both the robbery and the killing. This time he didn't leave a glove, but he did leave those same tracks . . . What's the matter, Connie?" (To Be Continued) Woodburn Rofarian Officers Installed Woodburn New officers of the Woodburn Rotary club were installed and the retiring presi dent, Winton J. Hunt, handed i over the gavel to the new presi dent. Dr. John M. Hanrahan, at I the close of the meeting. Other I officers are P. C. McLaughlin, secretary (re-elected), William E. Dunn, Jr., assistant secretary; Fnlllp LaBarr, Dr. Delbert Reed, William Merriott and Pat DeJardin, directors. Reports of the yearawork were given by President Hunt and Secretary McLaughlin. Attendance plna for 11 years' perfect I nuenonnce wre presented to Dr. Gerald I B. 8m lth nnd Clyde Smith, who have I mnda a perfect record since the organiz ation oi tne duo 11 years seo. Others who received cerfeet . t ten dance pin were: P. C. McLnuiihlln, nine years; J, Meivin Rlnso, seven yearn; Perry Williams, five years; H. P. Butter field and Lew la Paulson, four years: H. M. Austin, Al Beck ford, Glenn Ooulet ana t-nwp iauarr, tnret years: oiar-1 ence Ahrena, Ed Ooman, Winton J. Hunt, I Pat DeJardin, Dr. John M. Hanrahan, I Dr. Robert E. Lantz, William Merriott I and Mayor Elmer MaUson, two year; Charles Cornwcll. Dr. James Deanen, Rev. Arthur Goble, Dr. Delbert Reed ana Eugene Bt oiler, one year. Books Presented Library at Amity Amity The Amity city lib rary has been presented with six new novels, a gift from Mrs. Charles H. Law: "Lydia Bailey" by Kenneth Roberts, "B. F's Daughter," by John P. Margu- and, "Earth and High Heaven," by Gwethalyn Graham, "Hard Facts," by Howard Spring. "The way of All Flesh," Samuel But ler, and "Great Son," by Edna Ferber. The library will be onen July 5 Instead of Monday next weeK. Amity Final tabulation of the census takers for Amity shows lhat there are 709 residents in the city, a gain of 164 over the 1940 tabulation, which was 545. -1 MAIItls 4 i v -t R2813 PATTERN N. Haail Rfw-F.a.j Pinafore Embroider the cute nursery rhyme finure in simple stitches on the bodice of this versatile pinafore-sundress. Ruffled shoulder winus match tne delight ful skirt and the two. pieces come apart for easy ironing. Pattern Envelope No. R2813 con tains tissue pattern, sites 1, 3 and 3 years included; material require ments: sewing instructions; hot iron transfer for embroidery and completed embroidering directions. To obtain trie pattern send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number, your name, address and sone num ber to PeRgy Roberta. Capital Jour nal, 828 Mission Street. San Fran cisco 3. Calif, ft MPHV ( THE LADV DROPPED T YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY I Wa TEABSOAI'ED HANKYWITH T S THIS -PERHAPS I J SIR SHE GETS OFF AT THE INITIALS. "R.K."- A WHITE L, , SHOULD RISK LINCOLN CITY-AND WE'RE BANP BLEACHED IN THE TAN ON T T ANOTHER VOLLEY PULLING INTO THE STATION HER ENGAGEMENT RING FINGER S e Uf " " ' - THERE RIGHT . NOW WHY IS ROBBIE KAVNt I Srfr, B AND aX NOW yj0 HEADING FOP iiNrm n rirv? A r- V RETURN r -.-TfSBfA .A -wj- J r L XfSSJBSSESl i w i II a w iw m- r ft, r i i a a- lit :- w m ' m ia- w . r I Ml t-nj i I l yH iv I . N I IV) K 111 V 1 BI lllll i rwi 'mj liaiiii ill bmi i 1 1 ' ' i ke-4-& m i u 1x2 l 1 1 cr rr-i 1 7rx 1 1 1 1 s 1 INL jru ? U EMPLOYMENT) ggfg flM. f 1 I ! UlL. I nlilwi THE flRMVS TIKEMX l"LL S8E ABOUT V( SORRV10RD6RS! OROS?S! ORDERS! SfflOB K Wf HOLD IT, KIDS- WHADOMJH MEAN, Vi. OVER THAT'S ALU 1 THAT-CMON- W? THIS AREA IS ORDERS? WHOSE QUARRY A p I THIS IS AS FAR FAR AS WE CAN GO? tr 1 KNOW-ORDERS- 1 WHERE'S THAT H UNDER GUARD- g THIS, ANYWAY f WHO 1 1 ASYOUCANGO-l WE GOT BUSINESS NOBOW GETS BY COLONEL? THAT'S AU. THAT HAS A BETTER RIGHT IN H IC0NTBJLM3U" J , iVOOVESOTTO WNELL HE A1KTTSO -TMATS NHATVOU tTironrTSi 1 , HAND IT lOWILBUK. Ht IWNK-WT.UWl TOUM 533 m vWrM,tcm fssjsslpi nsi mope vbo 3 ga tm k&' V?LW nil 1 1 zs-nmr.ir jwag ir J OH-OH! JEFF'S WyA SHOULDN'T AROUSE M right OUT 'F'lAH! THERE HE tj WHyl-HE LOOKED V MUTT? WHAT V ? fl l5LE,:KT6riMT JA SLEEPWALKER BECAUSE I me gAOK GOES! BACK IN Ig-g ME OUT Ht ARE VOO TJOIN' II VjflJlT's A SHOCK TO THE f- V BOORI Jw, AGAIN ! JiM JEFF' WAKE UP I ( OUT HERE AT U T S 3iW"lB NERVOUS SVSTEM! rf-W-. WlgWfM LET ME IN A THIS HOuR V M I -T-r-T JYfUj--mm I'LL WATCH JEFF- r WPSmtS W$&iimKLUZ "J OF THE HI6HT?fi5rX rid m-m.- t c -KGfWVrS? It'll S ltt....Wy.l d.' -7 If Mil. -,.K,A' JfliagSiJ , rM I , J,,X - J: I I JL .J...tu.,B,J' I TO CHIP AMV LABSE. PIECE.S OFfF-) -"CSS U 1 1 I I I HIMSE.U; TURNS TO t',1 U77S"- pi- 1 I I THE. HEAD ALTHO, LAST TIME. I " rl STOME-WHY BOTHER . , I T ZTjVJrS' , W J A. T i 1 1 ii ii ii 1 1 inni i in i i i ii 1 1 n i i, in I i i carvims a ! KF.1'',"i.u . I I BE. SOLID ROCK ALBEACr.7--P5a I STATUE. !-V I MQ$2i -.. N'TN -' I c i vxu r LAJ'ssaui cra rTrtTST- i a kWvn" i SSsssSgB'rcOLLV I'M SURE SORRy, WE'LL DRIVE OVER TO FIWE , M E. PALMER. I WMATS VP, ARKANSAW? CURE T AM, TOW I . 7 WTTy. THAT WAS SURE CACTUS KHOB IN MY CAR I I'M ANXIOUS TO J VOU'RE ALL HET UP THEM TWO HORSES p lV6 60T TO REST A A MEAN TRICK, STEALING AND PRAW UP THE PEEP A. AT THIS SETTLEP OVER SOMETHING ' THE KIDS TOOK OUT K MINUTE, RUSTY. THESE W OUR HORSES . TO THE CANVON, LZlli(i V JUST COME BACI B i - NO? WELL fcVMUN, MACK, yOU'RE ) I fSTILL YaH.1 THINK lVE SOtJI I .."VJCWt. ' " CWE HAVE HUNDREDS AAISSIN' AAY i 'WAY VgfciV'T.' 1- ' - O IPHOOIEOLMOE. TO CHOOSE PERSON- r-fc OFF.' J ilV MAY 1 tf'fS MWSJ MiM O. l- lvm A VsTV TTu Eft r" t It1 tnium 5fiM)K I JORGE 1 5EN0RITA-) I I' 'A MOMENTOf WAITING, WHEN SECONDSl I -FOUOWED ByONEOFSILVER! i tiZfiH RUSHES I LACR045E--' SEEM LIKE HOURi!- -5U0DENLY A - """S DOWN TO DARK HEAD BREAKS THE SURFACE- RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. ! IKSLM JjE'KGW olKOCO "r'K0IN g imm :t Faltoa Lewis Jr. Woman'i Sacral Rhythm Ranch flnrt Hataty t(18 Frank HemlntTray Snnnr Slda Rhythm Ranch Llttla Show j :W PaailDg Farada Newa Bing Croaby Colombia Featara :4 Newa Richard Barkncaa Sport Paga Larry LeSuer m B-Bar Brand Mmleal Cocktail Candlelight and Knoi ttsnntng : r JL :1ft B-Bar Brand Mntlcal Cocktail Silver Colnmbla Featan pi :M Adv. or Champ. Alas Vnni Show Newa Chet Huntlay 'M Curly Bradley Ala IToang Shew liaaA Walton Newa ' mm ! Gabriel Heatter Martin Lewis Pat O'Brien Lynn Colo " :1 Northwest News Martin Lewis Movto Time Bob fonns Shew I tSO Mailt Klnr's Men Top Band Colnmbla Featar i Mnsle King's Men Top Band Colombia Featora I gf r0 Medicine Drama Hollywood Theatre Here's to Vets Hit the Jackpot W til Mnsle Hellywoed Theatre Time rVms Hit the Jackpot ! fyi1 Blders In the Sky In 7oar Hands Gnest Star Orchestra ' Riders In the Sky In Toor Hands Bandstand Orchestra 9100 Monte tomts Sapper Clnb Bandstand World Tonight ' ' :lo MonU Crista News at World News Orchestra iW Favorite Story Hogan'g Daaghter Dngoot Dop Mr. Mrs, Narttt Favorite Htorr Hogan's Daoghter Baseball Mr. Mrs. Nort 1 ef 'W Newi Newt Baseball Five Star Final III'15 New Sports Fags Final Baseball Mystery Tnealra 1 1 Q ISO Select Local News Banda al Land Baseball Jet'a Danea too Mnaic Band Wagea Baseball Serenade aw an 00 Fallen Lewis, Jr. Sam Hayes Baseball Columbia Faatara 1 :1S Bob Foole Shew Was Maseasa Baseball Orchestra lOO Bob Psola Shaw Wax M astern Track 1490 Orchestra m Mosle Wax Maaeani Track H&0 News U:0 Sign Off Sign Off Sign Off Silent WEPN E5DAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. ' ' m 100 Newt Hods. Fd(. New. n Dawn Patrol Hodr. Pod.. KOIN Klook 180 N. W. New. New. KOCO Kloek KOIN Rloek iiS March Tim. Hodi. Podr. KOCO Klock KOIN Klook 7100 Dawn Patrol Farm Tim. Tax BIU.r KOIN Kiosk tl5 Dawn Patrol Farm Tlma ' geni A sport. New. ISO Dawn Patr.1 Th. Old Bonn Top O' Morn ID. Now. lfl N.w. N.w. n.w. Fred B.ck f 100 New. Frd W.rlni Weatern Helodle. Container N.w. .; U;lo Braakfart Gan Fred Warln. rVeitern Melodle. Art Baker JVlO Breakfaat Can. Bldera of Bui Weitem Helodle. Robert Lewi. H Top Trade. Sm Haye. Church In Wild Bobert UwU ,r 900 Banaln Onto Second Cup Helodr Tim. Vocal Varletla. ," .15 Hornln. Special Second Cup Melodr Tim. New. , :0 Son. of Pioneer. J.ek Berch Mu,i, Grand Slam 0 its Muilc Ntwt Mmle Bo.em.rr ' 1 ik :0 2e!" . ,.w Tommr Dorur Dollce Cup IVendr Warm lflilS K.t. Smith Tommy Dorw N.W. Report 4nnt Jenny ,h MJ Ei;,,ri ?n,. Jommj D.ti Bhap.edy In Helen Trent J lt6 Wile. Walt. Urn. Tommy Doner Rhythm Our 0.1 Sunday as aj iOO New. Lopea Orch. Olaa. Wax Bl. Sitter ' ,15 ao.pel Sl.. Lope. Orch. 0,, w Perkln." tl I M ' Olaa. Wax youn. Dr. Malon. " n:t Wait. 8erenad. Brl.htcr Day Olaa. W.x Gnldln. Llrhl ' fl :0 1" Tr,de Doubl. or Nothln. Hollywood Hullo Newa J .16 Jj. Doubl. or Nothln. Hollywood Mutle Come 4 Gel II y: I :S0 Ka New. Kew. Sor.h Drake 1 9 Been lor . D.y Ll.ht .1 World Ted D.I. Pretenlt Make, too Tick 1iM Ho!n ?!Ht L" Be:r,"1 2nd Mr.. Barton " :S0 w. Pepper Voon. M.c'. Melodle. Pat O'Brien Bob Eb.rly Show Happlne.. Mac'. Melodle. Alr-flo " 2M Tell Nel.hbor Backet... Wll. Hae'a Melodle. Newepaper of Air .,5 John.onF.mil, st.ll. D.lla. Mae. Melodle. New.p.I AU ,M Orrr.n Ee.erle. loren.. Jonea M.c. Melodic. Winner Take AlTi i "" Wldde, Brow. Mac'. Melodle. Sully iw, 3m Aia'net th. Storm A Girl M.rrlM Mae'a Melodle. TSW. :S0 nJ ...A. I""1 1'lu J"" ,, ""' "'odle. Meet Ih. MllroT 0n f,"J Front P... Fa.rell Mae'. Melodle. Arthur OodtreT 4:00 Say It with Moile Bo.d of Llf. Women'. Far. Arthur Godfm ' 10 Say II with Mmlo Ur. Lawtoa. Friendly Arthir a.dfrar ' J :80 Son.. .1 Timet Aunt M.ry Spolllt. Hail. Arthur Oodfray : New. W. Love U.rn 8p.tU,hl .n irthur OonfrS -.t DIAL LISTINGS! HEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 (Lilted at Poolflo Standard Tim.) Ufkf Tueeday P.M. 5:00, On th. wri. rV Tue.day P.M B:00,Sulrrel Caret l t. s:90, Johnny Lujaeki 6:00, Keep- Inr Up With Sport.; 0:15, Home Edition! 6:30, Modern Romance.! 7:00, Edwin C. Hill t 7:15, Elmer Davlal 7:30, Beport to the Peoplel 7:46, Muale by Boveroi 8:00, Counterspy! 8:30, Town Meetln.i 0:80, Monitor News! 9:45, Book Adventure.! 10:00, Blohfield Reporter! 10:15, Intcrmea. it 10:30. Concert Hour: 11:80. Memo, to Tomorrow; 18:00, Xtra Hour! 1:00, Sltn l-V W.dneedfty A.M. 6:00, Early lCA Bird! 6:45, Dirt Doctor! 7:00, New.t 7:15. Band Boxi 7:80. Boh Haien Show! 7:45. Farm Newe! 8:00. The Star. Sinn 8:15, Martin A.ron.kyi 8:30, Zeke Manner.! 8:45, Tropleanai 0:00, Breakfast Club! 10:00, News; 10:10, star, or T.aayi 10:30, Kay Kyacr'. Kollexei 11:00, Ted M.lonei litis. Galen Drake! 11:80, My True Storyi 18:00, Betty Crocker! 18:15, Newal 18:80, Baukha.. Talkin.i 12:45, Naney Cralll 1:00, NorthwMtrnerei 1:80, Upbeat! 5:50, 650 Sport. Cluhi 6:00, News! 6:15, Dinner Melodies; 6:80, 'Round th. Oampflrai 7:15, Evening Faro. . noun 8:00, Artistry In Olaaelesi Si 30, Great Son..! 8:40, Lowers' Fir. Weather Foreeasti 0:00, Musi. That Endure.; 8:45. . Lift Up Thy Voleei 10:00, Excursion, la SoLneei 10:15, Semiad.l 10:46, N.W.I 11:00, Sum Off. (Listed aa Faetfle Standard Tim.) 1 ft AS Wed. AM. 10. N.W.I l.!l8, lWAL Especially for Woman! lliOS, Concert HaUi 18:00, Newsi 18:1S, Fan. Hour! 1:00, Bid. 'em Cowboy; 1:16, Va- ' rlety Time! 1:80, Thl. Day! 1:45, Melody Lanei 8:00, Cavalcade of Drama; 8116,. Memory Book of Muslei 8:00, Newa. 8:80 Easy Aeeai 8:46, Myrt and M.rr.1 ' 8:00, Snrprlea F.ek.r.i 8:80, Brld. and Groomt 4:00. Welcome Trav.l.r.1 4:30. . K.y Weati 8:00, Breawfast In Hollywood! Art Llnkletter. Budke State Director Dayton Ernest W. Budke, ot the Dayton pharmacy, was elect ; ed a state director for a three i year periad at a recent conven tion of pharmacists held in Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Budke both ' registered pharmacists, attend--ed the convention after return-, ing from a vacation ipent in; North Dakota. : ; Wmm ..awii..- mJi Wimwf J F A Rfle R RtM A I N I El C R gM APVANTABjs. ACROSS 1. Poor 4. Habitation $, Shoemaker's tool II. American Indian IS. Card gam 14. Golf pas 15. Meal 17. Matched In a contest 19. Employ 20. Kind of cotfe SI. Cleansing proceaa 13. Small round mark 14. Frosted 27. Ballad 28. Paronomasia 29. Body Joint 30. Abraham's birthplace II. Capital of Michigan IS. Connected with 84. Mountain ash 56. Plaything 57. Epoch 88. Crackl 19. Lair 40. Amorous look 41. Mechanical bar 43. Spoil 44. French painter 46. Kind 49. Salutation 60. Hawaiian geese Bl. Black liquid 53. Exactly suitable 54. Scotch weigh ing machine SB. Pool try product Solution of Saturday's Puzzle DOWN 1. Seed container 1. Devoured S. Agent 4. Part of a church 3 itr 9 Zti- 55 Wu ( n I WM I I I I 1 T-r I. Larva of th. j; hor.ofly 8. Approv. . i, 7. Station i 8. Scandinavian 11 navigator 8. Aatl 10. Tiny 11. Guided It. Tra. ' 18. Artlcl. 80. HU8. psrson or tiling : 21. Grow. India I tlnct It. Brother of Mose. 38. Ask payment 25. Funeral oration 26. Po.tpon. 28. Kitchen utensiJ 1 28. Som. 21. Part of a coat 82. Electrin.d particl. SB. Pur.. 87. Charg. wit ga. 88. Restrain 40. Lev.r In a loom 42. Outlet 42. Medltat. 44. Chart 46. Th. hub m 46. Fowl i 47. Hors. 48. Unit of work l 61. Hot anr S ROOM AND BOARD . . . . Bv Gen Ah.rn TO SELL THE CORING GADGET I JT?i I ' ' m FROA HOUSE TO HOUSE, THE ifff TJOrr PRICE FOR IT WAS 3CW - BUT ' yA NOW,JUNlOR,WHErJTHE KA NrLOvVTUH 1 ' ' I HOUSEWIVES SEE HOW THE ' ClNGE - CORER CAN QUICKLY PREPARE S6 CHANGE , S THIS CULINARY DELIGHT, THE i 7 'WEENEE-PO. THEY'LL GLADLY ptr " h WA( BECAUSE OF 1 '-l- VxjMU. . RECIPE LJ VsSli !