listened with tears in their eyes.! Powder, Paint Test Drivers Gunpowder and paint will be used to show Salem automobile drivers how much time and space they need to stop their cars when driving at normal speed. will be North Church between another cartridge which makes Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 5, 1949- -17 Wittsche said the "biggest" problem of his life was how to tell Imogene she had lost her feet. But after Sunday's meeting, Marion and Union streets. Lynn Clark of the taxi com pany tells how it works. A mechanical device is at The distance between paint Land now combined as the Spain, France, England, land and Sweden. Hoi- spots In feet show the reaction United States once belonged to time for the driver. The dis tance between the second paint spot and the front tire show distance necessary to stop the car after brakes are applied. The demonstration was used last week in Vancouver, and will go from here to Coos Bay. he said "I guess we face the big tached to the front bumper of In Dad's time a person that saved money was a "MISER" ...In our time, he is a "WONDER" Social Security will not pay you enough for a decent retire ment. A few dollars saved now will pay you an additional $30 to $50 per month when you are unable to produce. See C. W. "TOBE" BOBBINS, Dist. Mgr. Business Men's Assurance Company 229 North Commercial Dial 2-1900 gest one of all, but we've made a good start." Norma's mother said that her the car. In the rear seat is man who pulls a string. That shoots a ,22-calibre cartridge in daughters school friends had the device and makes a spatter just about forgotten the fact that her legs aren't her own. "She does everything and she's not afraid of anything. I don't understand how she can be so happy. But she is." Cacoa beans were used by the Aztecs of Mexico for money, for taxes, debts, and soldiers' pay. of paint on the pavement. and walk and dance and ride a bicycle, too. Norma Carrothers, 14, oi Tope ka, Kan., visited Imogene at her hospital bed as living proof that an almost-normal life is possible with artificial limbs. Norma lost her feet two years ago in an auto accident. She cut short a vacation in Long Beach, Cal., to come here "for as long ' at I'm naeded" to show Imogene the things she has learned to do despite her misfortune. ming with her artificial feet. When the driver hears the shell explode he slams his And can you even ride a bi Pi cycle?" brakes. The brakes discharge The demonstration will be on Thursday of t his week and will be sponsored by the "I sure can," said Norma. &EVER PAY MORE? -Stop itching, dry "up blisters quick ly, safely. 59 IVY-DRY They talked for a half-hour Salem Taxi Service. City of ficials will be invited to witness the tests. The place probably ACCfPI as Imogene's parents, Mr. and LESS? Mrs. Fred Wittsche watched and SPEEDBOAT ACCIDENT VICTIM Girl Who Lost Her Legs Finds She Will Swim Again " Reno, July S (U.R) Pretty Imogene Wittsche, 13, who lost her Jegs when a speedboat ran over her while swimming a week ago, learned from another legless girl today that someday she will be able to swim again Imogene wasn't told until Sat urday that her feet were gone. Then her parents gave her news paper clippings telling about Norma. Imogene read and re read the clippings and then .fretted for fear her hair might pot look "just right" when Nor ina arrived. Mrs. J. W. Carrothers, Norma's mother, said Norma herself was ;ijold she had lost her feet by a iine-year-old girl who suffered ; )6 similar accident. ' Dressed in a pretty green print dress and white bobby sox Norma walked firmly into Imo gene's hospital room Sunday and stood by her bed. Imogene's Sun 'flay school teacher, the Rev. 'William McCalmont of Roseville, pal., introduced them, i The two girls exchanged quiet J'hellos.1"" Then Imogene asked: 1 1 "Will I be able to swim again?" . Norma said she would, and added that she often went swim- Greater Comfort, Convenience and Economy. .. Less Oil. low Upkeep.. H. C. Little -the ONLY oil floor furnace with 100 electric, ther mostatic control! No pilot light. No constant low fire stage to waste fuel. Burns oil only when you need heat! H. C. Litttle-the oil floor furnace that is nothing less than a modern heating marvel. The design of the furnace is unusually compact; the efficiency of the H. C Little oil burner is amazing; they combine to give delightful comfort at sur prisingly low cost. Do you have an antiquated oil stove or circulating heater, with hand control or pilot fire? Then you are paying for comfort you . are not getting, and wasting oil that is precious. Let us give you the facts and figures on an H. C. Little oil floor furnace installation in YOUR home. Easy terms. Up to three years to pay: other features I. Low First Cost 2. Eaiy, Installation in Floor 3. Burnt Low Coit Furnace Oil 4. No Moving Part to Wear 5. Can't Overheat 6. No Smoke; No Soot 7. No Duit, No Ashei 8. Safe; Lilted by Underwriters' Laboratories , 9. Factory Guaranteed 1 lwin CwwMiwy M Your Authorized Dealer ffucl&on TWPl UMBING -HE A TING the store! VUOtS nil over Calling all thrifty homemakers! Hurry to Safeway! There's a real, old fashioned sale now going on. It means big savings for you. Not just a few low prices, but worth-while values in every section of the store. Check the lists below. Then come along to your nearby Safeway and save! STARTS TODAi . 1 Ps READY TO COOK WASTE FREE JUOC TOWN HOUSE GRAPEFRUIT 46-oi. Can 21 5 $100 CREAM STYLE GOLDEN BANTAM Gardenside Brand Case of 24 Cans No. 2 Can 10c & JT '2.25 cm Truly a fine, plump meaty fowl. Given the same special care that we give our pan-ready fryers. For grand "chicken and noodles" this is the chicken you want.- No clean ing to do these are disjointed and ready-for-the-pan. Be sure to get yours this is a most outstanding July ale value. CCENIS TOMATO JUICE - Sunny Dawn Naturally rich, naturally ripe, fresher tomato juice. Guaranteed quality. SWEET PEAS for No. 303 can Gardenside Brand New pack Selected for palatable flavor, good color and absence of defects, 25' MARGARINE Sl9c Dalewood Brand A real good buy on a real good spread. Recommended for all your coolcing, too! PEEiGHES Juicy FREESTONES can ' Raycroft Brand Fine quality fruit buy several cans. Serve in a cooling cottage cheese salad. CANE SUGAR 87c $219 C&H Brand Pure cane sugar Here's your chance to save on canning sugar. Can while you can-save! Best Foods Mayonnaise Pint Jar 35 Save with these ricl- ' Whole-bean Coffees! NOB Mb. - EC 2 OQC HILL Bag 3 lbs. 07 WAY AIR-Mb. 1A, 2 Bog4U lbs. 7 Fresh Milk . 2Xrt0,9c Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 can, 25c White Star Tuna, Fancy pack, n0. v, can 35c Tea Timer Crackers 1, ,.Ib. Bo 29 American Cheese Dutch Mm. vb. Pkg. 25c Velveeta Cheese Food Kraft, 2..b. 79c Wesson Salad Oil Big quart 53c POrter S FrilletS Egg Noodles, 16-oz. pkg. 25 Certo Liquid Pectin 8.o,bott.e19 Staley's Sweetose Syrup 5..b. eaB 47 BEEF RIB ROAST LB. 69' For a real tender juicy roast one that's easy to carve serve one of these quality standing rib roasts. Trimmed waste-free before weighing. So you save! PURE GROUND BEEF LB. Pure lean beef ground fresh daily. Uniform high quality guaranteed to pleas or your money back. Try it in a meat loaf combined with our Pure Pork Sausage. Pork Liver Lb 29c Tender, flavorful Pork Sausage Lb 49' Country style Bologna and 45' Skinless Wieners Lb. ROCK COD 29c Fillet Lb. SALMON 69' Firm steaks Lb. HALIBUT 49' Nice slices Lb. QZffld Juicy O Just arrived from California! Those sweet, juicy, flavorful Valencia q Oranges. Serve a glass of their tangy 3"LD juice each day a healthful habit. An- p ! other outstanding July sale value. Dw Cantaloupes lb. 8c Santa Rosa Plums lb. 15c Green Cabbage lb. 5c Firm Cucumbers lb. 9c 10., 49c Kick New Potatoes Yellow Crook Neck lb.7c Crisp Lettuce lb. 5C Tomatoes, 2 lbs., 25c BUTTER Meadow Wood Grade "A" , 69c oo, 63c MARGARINE ?Qc Sunnybank Sweet and fresh LB. Em M Fresh EGGS Breakfast Gems Grade "A" Large Sweet Corn Plump, sweet Golden ears. lb. 13c and be sure to look for ihe JULY FAMILY CIRCLE 5' Chockful of interest for the whole family! Copy Enriched Flour HARVEST BLOSSOM 25-lb. $4 59 Sack I Mrs. Wright's Bread Tender White or Wheat 1 IL MM- II. IC . W Loaf" 19C Loaf 35' 279m COMMERCIAL pot3-4l4t