16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, July 6, 1949 Old Barrett Laughs Again; Bevos Divide Solon Series a veteran of 24 years on the dia Lwslmr pitcher: Rase. Pitcher: Ip Ab R H Er Bb So Rose 3 1M H 2 2 Freltna iVa 8 0 1 0 0 1 Htiser 7 3ft 1 7 1 1 6 i-- j , . . , I Runs: Ratio, Marque. Mullen, Oladd, ctiau spin, a QOUDieneaaer,' Alwtin. Errors: Ratio. Marque. Runs bnt- PCL Standings (By the Associated Press) W L Pel. W L Pet Hollywood u 40 12 Sacramnto 49 50.(95 Seattle aft 48 .543 Portland 46 53 .465 San Diego 12 49 .515 SnFrncsco 45 56 .446 Oakland 51 60 .605 LosAnfel 43 58 .426 Reiulti Monday Oakland 3-6. Hollywood 1-5. San Oleso 6-5, Seattle 1-3. Los Anaelea 4-4. San Francisco 1-6. Sacramento 1-11. Portland 4-3. (Br tht Associated Press) Old Kewpie Dick Barrett is laughing up both sleeves at his pals, the Rainiers of Seattle. The Rainiers relegated Barrett mond, to relief roles this sea son and recently he obtained his release, going to the San Diego Padres. Over the week-end the rug ged righthander got full re venge. He held Seattle to five hits yesterday, setting them down 5 to 3 in the night-cap of a doubleheader. It was Kewpie's fourth win in five starts for San Diego, with two of the triumphs at the expense of his former teammates. The Padres easily won the twin bill opener behind young Bob Savage, 6 to 1. San Diego took six of nine games in the series to give the Rainiers their worst setback in weeks. The ' league leading Holly wood Stars are glad to be rid of Oakland for a while. The Acorns invaded Gilmore field and departed with the series won, five games to four. Two homers won both ends of a dou bleheader for the Acorns yes terday. Frank Kerr clouted one in the seventh inning of the opener to break a tie and win 2 to 1. Pinch-hitter Lloyd Chris topher got the other in the fifth inning of the second game for the winning margin of a 6-9 vic tory. If second-place Seattle hadn't lost both of its games the Holly wood lead of eight games would have been cut. Portland and Sacramento split their July 4th twin bill, and their series, five games apiece. Luis Marquez' bases packed triple helped the Beaver's fourth inning spurt that led to a 4 to 1 win in the opener. Walt Dropo homered in the ninth with the bases loaded to spark Sacramen to to a 11 to 3 win in the sec ond game. San Francisco and Los Ange- with the Angels taking the se ries, four games to three. By winning one of the games the Seals kept themselves from dropping into a last place tie with Los Angeles. The Angels took the opener 4 to 3. Los Angeles' Eooker T. (Cannonball) McDaniel was the victim of the second game which the Seals won 6 to 4, his first loss after four straight vic tories since he went to the An gels. Harry Feldman, getting back into organized baseball aftar jumping to the Mexican league three seasons ago, was the winner in his first start for San Francisco. Official Box First time 7 Innings: B era men to B H O A 1 Mamuei.If Portland 3 0 Ratto, ss Coscarart,2 White. 1 Marty, rf Tabor, S Dropo, 1 Wilson, el Plumbo, e Rose, p Freltas, p Outlaw Total Outlaw h Freltas In 7th. Sacramento Hits Portland .... Hits 0 2 fihupe. 2 1 Thomas, 3 0 0 Ruclcer.cf 2 2 Brovla.rf 8 0 Mullrn.3 1 0 Oladd, c 3 1 Austin, as 0 3 HcLser.p 10 0 0 25 7 18 10 Totals Into double H O A 1 1 27 10 21 play fo ,.001 000 0 1 122 010 1 7 ,.000 400 X 4 121 510 X 10 NirltPfl hv Rail Uyd Christopher of the Oakland Oaks,. imrvcu uy uqii i5 nicked on the leg by the throw.ln to Hollywood Stars' catcher, Mike Sandlock, in the 6th inning of their first game at Hollywood, Calif. Christopher was safe on the play, Bill Engel is the umpire. The Oaks won the game 12 to 4. (AP Wirephoto) td in: White, Marquez I, Shupe. Three base hit: Marques. Sacrifice: Mullen. Double plays: Austin to Mullen to 6hupe; Mullen to A out In to Shupe. Left on baa- Sacramento 5. Portland 8.. Umpires: Powell, Dentz and Barbour, Time 1:43. Second rb me: Sacramento B H O A Ratto, ss White, cf Grace, If Marty, rf Tubor, 3 4 Dropo, 1 3 Coscarart.2 4 Ralmondl.c 6 3 4 4 0 10 Shupe, 3 15 0 Thorn aa, 3 5 2 10 Ruclcer.cf 4 2 13 Brovla.rf 3 2 0 1 Mullen, 2 1 2 3 Buraher.c 3 o Austin.ss PortlamJ-1- B H O A arquet.lf 4 0 8 0 1 6 1 4 0 3 1 4 10 0 4 3 3 0 4 0 7 3 3 0 3 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 Holcombe.p 110 2 Dlehl. p Marsh. 3 10 10 PlenilnE.p Lazor 10 0 0 Llalca, p 0 0 0 1 Fernnds' 0 0 0 0 Oladd 0 0 0 0 Total. 34 13 27 13 Totals 33 5 37 13 Lazor walked for Fleming In 7th. FernnndM walked for Liska in 9th. Oladd ran for Fernandes in Slh. Sacramento 101 040 01411 Hits 102 031 02413 Portland 000 101 001 3 Hits 000 201 Oil 5 Losing pitcher: Dlehl. Pit ch r Id Ah R H Er Bo Bb Holcombe 9 33 3 6 2 2 8 Dlehl i'A 17 4 5 5 0 4 Fleming 2'j 8 2 2 0 2 0 Llslca 3 9 5 0 6 1 2 Run..: Ratto 2, White, Grace 2, Marty 2, Tabor 2, Dropo, Ralmondl, Holcomb, Mnrsh, Thomns, Brovla, Burgher. Errors: Tabor 1, Burgher. Runs batted in: White, Rntto, Marty 2, Tabor 2, Brovla, Hol combe, Dropo 4, Sliupe, Three br.se lilts: Ratto. Home Runs: Brovln, Dropo, Stolen bnflf.s: Marquez. Sacrifice: Holcombe 3, Coscarart. Double plays: Austin to Mul len to Shupe, Left on bases: Sacramento 6: Portland 9. Wild pitch: Holcombe. Um pires: Benke, Barbour and Powell. Time 2:25. Attendance 9.857. Short scores: San Diego 000 030 0306 10 3 Seattle 000 001 0001 7 0 Savage and Moore, Rltchey (6) ; Besfie and S. White. San Diego 020 101 15 8 0 Seattle 201 000 03 5 0 Barrett and Rltchey; Fletcher and'Gras- Los Angeles 000 003 0104 4 2 San Francisco 001 000 2003 4 0 McLlsh, Ihde 7i, Wat 1c Ins 8j and Ma lone; Gregg and Partee. San Francisco 201 102 X 8 9 2 McDaniel, Watkins i6 and Burbrlnk, Malone (6j; Feldman and Jarvls. Oakland 100 000 1002 7 0 Hollywood 100 000 0001 3 0 Gassawrty and Kerr; Rnmsdcll, Woods 19) and Unser, Sandlock '81. Oakland 300 120 08 9 1 Hollywood 203 000 05 7 0 Tote, Jones 1, Cecil (3), Thompson (3) and Padgett. Kerr (5t: Roy, Schal lock Mi, Woods 7i and Sandlock. Mixed Doubles Planned in City Tennis Contests A series of mixed double ten nis contests to establish a chal lenge ladder in that department is being sponsored by the city's recreational division. Interest ed couples are asked to regis ft 17 U vr drinks p. FLAVORS' ter at ither the dinger or Les lie courts. Play on the Olinger courts is scheduled for 2 to S p.m. July 9, 6 and 7, and from 2 to 8 p.m. July 8. The schedule at Leslie calls for competition from 7 to 9 p.m. July 5, 6 and 7, and from 9 to 12 a.m. July 8 The courts will be reserved for couples all day Friday, July 8. Easter Reported Okay After Chip Is Cut From Knee Cleveland, July 5 U.H Luke Easter, slugging first baseman for the San Diego Padres of the Pacific Coast league, was re ported as "coming along nicely" today following a knee opera tion Saturday. The big Negro infielder was operated on at Cleveland clinic by Dr. James Dickson for a chip in his right knee. He was brought here for surgery by the Cleveland Indians, who hold title to his services. A Tribe spokesman said Eas ter would be "back playing" in about five weeks but there was no word whether the Indians YOUNGSTOWN KITCHENS! Free Estimates Phone 2-5643 Pumilite - West Salem ROOFING Now is the time to order that new roof before the busy summer season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Salem Phone 38478 C. H. Gemmell Dies in Hospital Funeral services will be held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock for Chester Hugh Gem mell, foreman at the receiving department of the California Packing company, who died at the Good Samitan hospital in Portland Monday night. Inter ment will be in Belcrest Me morial park. Gemmell, a late resident of 460 North 24th street, had been ill since February. He has been hospitalized in Portland about a week. Born October 4, 1887, at Lex ington, Ore., Gemmell came to Salem to live in 1935. Prior to that he had lived at Helix, Ore. Surviving are the widow, would keep him here with the team. Kathryn 73. Gemmell of Salem; two daughters, Loma D. Eees of Helix and LaVelle Schannep of Portland; five sons, Ronald A. Gemmell of San Francisco, Gordon G. Gemmell of Portland,;W anrl Wflllnrs, M flpmmpll Dar- r rell V. Gemmell and Alan Gem mell, all of Salem; his mother, Mrs. Emma Gemmell of Salem; three brothers, Paul M. Gem mell of Salem, Walter Gemmell of Portland and Arthur Gem mell of Eugene and four grand children. Doomed Columisf Dies in His Sleep - San Diego, Calif., July 5 (JP) Forrest Wairren met death un afraid just as he said six weeks ago he would. The 72-year-old newspaper man, columnist for the San Di ego Daily Journal "just went to sleep" at 5 a. m. yesterday at his home. TODAY! AND WHILE STOCK LAST... mm V cSjue I (ji'U ,89 MLB ARROW PATTERNED SHIRTS! AT REDUCTIONS UP TO 50! Never, never has there been such a sale! Up to 50 off on America's favorite patterned shirts by America's top hirtmaker, Arrowl And what shirts these are! Every one is a brand-new creation, specially styled for tfie Spring '49 season mads to sell at far more than this drastic sale price! There's a fabulous variety of colors and patterns a wide, wide selection of the famous Arrow Collar styles, designed to flatter every face! Each has the Sanforized label that means not-a-chance of shrinking out of fit! Each has Mitoga, Arrow's form following fit. Anchored buttons. The reason for this great sale is an overstocked condi tion. But the sale is for a limited time only. So don't miss this chance of a lifetime to get Arrow Patterned Shirts at these remarkable savings! Come in todayl SALE ARROW TIES 55c 95c Arrow Ties formerly $1.00 to $2.50 This Sale only 55c and 95c. The American Male's most-wanted neckwear! Hundreds of unique Arrow Patterns ingenious designs, perfect blending colors. You've bought many, many of these perfect-knotting beauties at their regular, prices. Now come in and select several at these great reductions!