aJEast Salem People Spend 'Holiday in Quiet Manner East Salem, July 5 The week-end holiday was celebrated by most East Salem residents, who took the day off, with family .picnics in parks close to Salem, a few to the coast and several K attended the Timber festival at Albany. The Charles Norton family of East Garden road took a week- ( end trip to "Hum Bug" parkf- Inear Breitenbush Springs. In the party were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norton, Mr. and Mrs. ' Harold Norton and two children; ' Mi. W 17 F.lllc onH I. I" Ellis their family of Brown road, Al- ""vera Purcell and Eleanor Berry. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brandt of Swegle community were in Port ' land on Sunday and with Mr. , and Mrs. Charles Johnson and f Mr. and Mrs. Olof Anderson ...i of Silverton for a picnic dinner , on Monday at Silverton park. ! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder of . Lancaster drive spent the holi-5-day week-end at Richland, (Wash., with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. i Arthur Case a nd family. Ruth ' Snyder 1 s spending most of her . I summer vacation with the JCases. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stowell rahd daughter, Hazel, returned Jast week to their home in Au burn community from a three jweeks' vacation trip to the orth. They first visited at ruitland, Idaho, with former eighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Alvi aro and in Walla Walla. Wash.. ivitTI Mrs. Stowell's sister and family. They then drove north ito the summer resort of Banff in Canada , where they spent .three days driving on to Calgary 'Ho visit Mr. Stowell's sister whom he had not seen for 22 v years, his brother and family : and several homes of his nieces .and nephews. They came home l through Glazier park and stop " ped for a visit with another ? sister of Mrs. Stowells at Grand : view, Wash. 1" ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lappen of Swegle district, Mrs. Myrle :Giersch and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mandenhall and son, Neil of 1 Liberty attended the wedding 1 on Saturday of Miss Verna Mar- shall of Estacada and Mr. Wal- ter Mendenhall of Salem at the J Springwater First Presbyterian church near Estacada. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mendenhall of Liberty and the brother of Mrs. Kappen and Mrs. Giersch. The newly weds will make their home in Salem. Miss Alvera Purcell was host ess for a bridal shower Friday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1 Norton on East Garden road. Drinks Flow Despite Strike Reno, Nev., July 5 W.R) Mil lionaires, card dealers and cow boy crooners took off bar aprons and went back to their own oc cupations today after the wack iest Fourth of July celebration on record here. The city's bars and restaurants were struck by the AFL Bar tenders and Restaurant Workers' union Sunday as an estimated 25,000 tourists thronged the na tion's widest-open city during three-day rodeo celebration. The strike closed the town's 150 restaurants. But as tourists departed today the strike became serious. The Reno Central Trades and Labor council, representing 8,000 members in 36 unions, pledged "fullest support" and told mem bers not to cross picket lines. Halvorson Company Offers Only Bid The Halvorson Construction company of Salem was the only bidder on a bridge construction and grading project in central Idaho, with an offer of $117,800 according to W. H. Lynch, divi sion engineer in Portland. The bid was opened at Mis soula, Mont., Friday. The work consists of grading and con structing a small timber bridge on a concrete foundation on the Elk City highway, a forest road in Idaho county about 30 miles east of Grangeville. Award of the contract to the Halvorson company has been recommended, 250,000 Attend Rites Of Korean Leader Seoul, July 5 W) Some 250,- 000 South Koreans tourned out today for the funeral of assassin- honoring her cousin, Jackie Ellis whose wedding to Melvin Coun tryman has been announced as a soon to be event. n GRAIN INSURANCE Don't take the chance of losing your grain or grass seed In the field. Call our office and we will give you Immediate coverage at a cost of only 45c per $100. Fred E. Mangis Agency 121 Pacific Bldg. State and High Phone 8-7171 AAiti--- ----- --- - TTTTTTTtTTTtTTTtTT Beulah Overell to Wed Heiress Beulah Louise Overell, 20, and Policeman Robert Cannon, 28, take out marriage license at the Hall of Records in Los Angeles. Miss Overell and George R. Gollum were acquitted of charges of murdering her parents in 1947. Officer Cannon was recently granted a final divorce decree from his wife. (Acme Telephoto) ated Rightist Leader Kim Koo. Feared disorders did not de velop. The 73-year-old leader of the Korean independence party was shot to death in his home June 26. Police allege he was killed by one of his own followers who became enraged upon learning Kim was plotting against the UNDERGROUND LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS COMPLETE INSTALLATION FREE ESTIMATES CfuiA PL UMBING -HBA TING m COMMtftCtAt PHOM 3 Korean republican government of President Syngman Rhee. Tonto Natural Bridge, near Payson, Ariz., is formed of white -limestone and red coral and is 185 feet above the stream bed. (Advertisement) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin is irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitone Ointment. Itching stops prompt ly. Smarting disappears imme diately Sanitone Ointment is also wonderful for Itching feet, cracks between toes and Ath lete's foot. For Sale at Willett's Capital Drug Store state at Liberty Plione 3-3118 KAISER-FRAZER Invades New Price Field See the BIG BIG New Kaiser Drastic Low Prices 24 Months to Pay Teague Motor Co. 355 North Liberty, Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173 Early July Sky Read and Reviewed by Astronomer By J. HUGH PRUETT Though strange it may seem with summer heat here, our earth is now at its greatest distance, 94,500,000 miles, from the sun. This is 3,000,000 miles farther away than af the closest approach early last January Despite our relative remote ness, our northern hemisphere is now tipped sunward and re ceives more direct solar heat than when tipped away six months ago. This inclination far more than offsets the effect of greater distance. Venus is now brilliant low in the west northwest not long af ter sunset. This planet sets well toward the northeast over an hour after the sun. Saturn, still near the bright star Regulus, but somewhat far ther from it than a month ago, is well above the western point of the horizon in the deepening twilight. Gorgeous Jupiter comes over the skyline in the southeast a little over an hour after sunset. Three weeks hence, it will rise before sunset. Mercury and Mars are now Capifal Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, July 5, 1949 close together in the dawn sky. They rise around 1 ',4 hours be fore the sun somewhat north of east. Mercury, the lower of the two, is decidedly the brighter. Mars thas a distinctly ruddy ap perance. By the middle of the month the two will be considerably separated. At no time this year will Mars, the "blood-stained" god of war, be near enough to be outstandingly bright, but dur ing the first half of 1950 it will be a conspicuous object in the evening sky. For the location of the bright er fixed stars, let us observe around 9 p.m. standard time (10 p.m. DST). Low in the south Antares, the throbbing heart of the Scorpion, is flashing its red rays with real vigor. Antares is very distant and has over 400 times the dia meter of our sun. In the south west and somewhat higher than Antares, white Spica is easily located. On July 3 the half moon will appear a little above this star. Very high above Spica and in line with it and the zenith, orange Arcturus shines at the lower end of a kite-like figure. Regulus, the brightest star in Leo, the Lion, was located earli er in relation to the planet Sat urn. Yellow Cappella is now twinkling near the horizon only a little west of due north. Where skies are clear, hills Best answer when the open road calls... t The oil that stops 80 of engine wear Summer vacations are tough on motors. There's the harmful grind stone effect of road dirt. And there's the threat of internal rust, (cause of 80 of engine wear), when your car stands idle. RPM Motor Oil is especially compounded to keep dirt dispersed between oil drains and to prevent harmful internal rust. When the open road calls, go with "RPM" it's first choice in the West. 1: JjsHmm Bellows & Co., New York 86.8 Proof 60 Grain Neutral Spirit! do not interfere, and the ob server's latitude is greater than 44 degrees north, this star does not set at all, but at around 10:30 p.m. (standard time) skims the northern point of the hori zon going east in its counter clockwise encircling of the North Star. Later in the night Capella will be in the northeast. Very high in the northeast we find Deneb. Still higher and nearly due east, Vega shines brilliantly. Much lower than either of these, bright Altair is conspicuous a little south of east. 0' yi'viviMi 'I'll1 ALL R I I I l l I i M H shoes HERE'S WHERE on your favorite model of ALL CASUAL SHOES $2-3 0ff Whites Reds Greens GLAMOUR VITALITY PHYSICAL CULTURE SHOES! BE SURE YOU GET YOUR SAVINGS SHARE! BUY NOW! ACKLINS B00TERY 105 N. High 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 FIRST TIME . . . A Complete Sell-out! SECOND TIME ...A Complete Sell Now we are fortunate in being able to obtain for you, for the THIRD TIME This Spectacular if 350 SUMMER DRESSES You'd expect to poy $5 or $6 for these styles Junior sizes 9 to 15; Misses' sizes 14 to 20 Another Ward scoop ... on the same type dresses that created a sensation last two times they were offered! Specially purchased, the repre sent today's "more for your money" values in price, style, fabric. Cool rayon sheers, spuns, butchers! Prints and solids! Expensive-looking trims! And many have passed Wards rigid stan dards of washability! They'll sell but in a flash, So"hurry. We take better care off your car I 1