8 Capital Journal, Salem, Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN (Chapter 22) Noon came. At one side of the trail between cougar ana uriscoe 1 stood the wagon. Behind it, out ol the traces but still wearing their harness, the two horses munched oats irom a box on the lowered tailgate. A little distance away a lire burned In a horseshoe ol flat stones, and on the lire was a steam ing coffee pot. Beside the fire . stood an iron kettle containing ' beans and bacon. Jeff went to the basket and dis tributed plates and cups and knives. Itorks were luxuries which had been deliberately left Behind. "Help yourselves to the beans, boys," he invited. "Jake, how about carving the bread for us." His four companions helped them selves to the beans and bread and squatted on the ground, their plates on their laps. Their rifles were within reach, and their six-guns were belted about them. "Shore is flrnod bread." said Wllks. "Jake, that woman of yores knows how to cook, and that ain't no mistake. Ain't got a sister, nas sne that's heart-whole and fancy free?' "She has," answered Jake. "Name is Matlldy. Six feet high and can throw a yearlin' steer with one hand." Wllks shook his head. "Sounds right masculine to me. She'd never be able to bake bread like this. Bustle the ooffee, Jeff: it shore smells good." They ate with the gusto of healthy men, shoveling the beans and ba con with their knives and wash ing It down with the hot coffee. "You shore know how to make java," Deem complimented Jen. "How about another shot?" Again the coffee made the rounds; then Jeff wentto the water keg on the wagon, reiiuea me pot, and from the bag In the basket threw In a couple handfuls of cof fee. They talked casually while they ate, about Slug Benjamin's escape, about the murders of Sam Tolson and John Stover, and finally about the attempt to rob Hank Wolf anger. At their prompting Jeff gave them a first-hand account of the latter aiiair. He sat erect and vigilant as he talked, his eyes flitting about the horizon. This was his responsi bility and he was taking no chances. They finished the dried-apple pie and voted it the best they had eaten, and by the time the pies had vanished the coffee was boiling again. "One more cup," said Wilks, "and then we'd better be hoppin' along." Jeff refilled the cups and set the pot beside the fire. He sat down on the ground and sipped thought fully. Conversation lagged. "Ho. huml" yawned Wilks, and stretched out on his back. Jeff was watching the trail. Sup pose, he was thinking, a rider came over that ditsant ridge. It was too far for recognition. He knew just what he would do. His horse stood close beside him; he'd warn the boys, mount up and ride to inter cept the stranger. He yawned and blinked his eyes. Never thought he'd feel sleepy on a lob like this. Must be the hot coffee and the heat from the fire. SUDDose a bunch of them bobbed suddenly into sight. The boys would make for the wagon while he rode out to meet them. Couldn't afford to take chances. Jeb King was depending depending What ACROSS 1. Romots 4. Blunder 7. Pino Tree atat 12. American Indian 18. Golf mound 14. Bird life of a region It. Unit of work 16. Favorable position 18. Fathers 20. Sheep 81. Back of the foot 82. Waste allowance; 28. Steer wild 26. Tapestry 28. Mexican fiancake cker stem 82. Handles 83. Oriental ruler 84. Single thickness SB. Spread 86. Among 88, Levol 41. British states man 42. Apart 43. Inherent 47. Friendly brownie 48. Resources 49. Salamander 60. Receive 61. Small bird 62. Affirmative 63. Petition DOWN L Newly gathered i la. 13 rcpw iff u may a f o ii --'WZZMZZZZZ 3Tjj pa zzzwjzzm 3s - - mrrsf Ww f WMWM W' wmMm, wk 43 144 Ltf I - U W,"7 Sweet and Saucy This sweet and saucy sunsult requires less than two and a half yards ol 39-inch material for sites up to 4. It is simple to make and little girls will love the cute canary and cage em broidery. Pattern Envelope No. R3883 con tains tissue pattern (or sizes 3, 3. and 4 Included. Tracing of em- Oregon, Saturday, July 2, 1949 was wrong with him? Hot coffee heat from lire He looked dully about him Wllks was snoring; Deem had sagged to an elbow, his head hang ing; Wheeler was on his side, an arm doubled under his cheek. Only roaa stone was sitting erect, and he was staring at Jeff, his eyes oiank like those of a ound man, A wave of alarm swept over Jeff. He tried to get up, but his legs were numD oeneatn nim. tie want ed to say sharply, "Boys! What's wrong with you? Wake upl" His hps framed the words but the sound which came from them was thick and meaningless. With a groan he rolled to his side and managed to get his knees and hands beneath him. He heaved to his feet and stood swaying, his back to them. The water Keg: douse nis nead witn water that would wake him up. He turned slowly, staggering, and took a feeble step toward the wagon. Then he was down on all fours again, the cool earth seeming to beckon to nim. Sleep! How ne wanted to sleep! Just for a minute or two. Slowly his legs straightened, moved weakly and were still. "Jeffl Jeff!" The words reached his conscious ness as though coming from a great distance. "Jeff! For Pete's sake wake up! Jeff, damn you, what's wrong with you? Wake up, I tell you!" He felt himself shaken, felt the slap of a hand against his cheek. His nead roued to tne impact put he felt no pain. He groaned. "Jeff! Snap out of it! Where's the wagon? Where's the gold?" Gold! The word was like a bucket of ice water In his face. He forced his lids apart, tried to focus his gaze on the man who was shaking him. Everything was blurred, but through the haze he recognized Glenn. "Wh-wh ?" he said thickly. "The wagon the gold where is It?" Jeff staggered to his feet. Glenn supporting him. His vision cleared pit and ne looxeo aoout mm. Wilks was still snoring. Dean was on his face. Wheeler still lay on his side. Todd Stone's body had sagged at the waist and he was sleeping with his head In his lap. Just a few seconos- Seconds I Jeff glanced at the sun: it was close t othe western horizon. They had slept the aft ernoon away suddenly wide awake. he sent his gaze toward the place where the wagon had been. Then ne swore a wild, bitter, understand ing oath. The wagon with its preci ous cargo was gone! (To Be Continued) Amity Population Showing Fine Gain Amity Unofficial returns from the city census just taken in Amity gives the population as 695. It is expected that when ne late enumerations are counted, final figures will reach the 700 mark or over. The last census was 550. U E A D E R ALC OVt T L tH I S T Ha N T eBh I C E R AJ L E D mBsnow A I nQi- a C U OplE T toMbrs 8olutlon of Yesterday's Puzzla 2. EaHlo's nest 8. Was sorry 4. Greek letters 6. Color 8. Lapsl 7. Fertntnlng to money S. Branches of learning 9. Feminine niyn 10. Dren ston with a hammer 11. Compass point 17. Solemn wonder 19. Flush with SU0C081 22. Metal 23. Animals a year old 24. Ukety Eft. Existed 27. Kdoti 29. Taken In Mil 30. Rodent tl. Ancient ham mering form 32. Urchin 34, Coarse linen and wool cloth 87. Chess piece 80. Goodby 40. Witnessing clause or a writ 41. Sea entile 42. Minuter) of meeting 43. Demon 44. Born 45. Make Into lenther 49. African how itrlng hemp 7-3. 2682 broidery, material requirements, stitch illustrations and complete jewing and finishing directions are also enclosed. To obtain trie pattern send 30c IN COINS olvlnn pattern number, your name, address and rone num ber to Pcffy Roberts. Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street, San Frail Cisco 3, Calif. PlLlUlN 6EB R C P E fe t,lj i wpe pTTs hM M BE Dpf no no eJr 8 Y N O PiSjR PJOREC L A C l Nhsl ELL aJHR A A L tQRAM V tBc O N T E 8 OJS T H SEN a esJ : fix XUidddrk old house outside bixi& City T & KM VCW BLUNDER And in the dimnsr cr of II H SIM:-- IC'AN STAND IT IF ) . a a 5 like T m n twvav mvn.RA, nv gl . "H? ira W .we-P 1 VTHE PAME CAN 3 ' RADIO PROuKAVlj fKWODULDI KNOW THENAME IS S7000 ,N LUNCHEON?-YES SIR' WOULD I J&Z- "Z J J I c THE SPARKLER FROM 'mm mfj ''U" I SAP PEAR E D WITH THE YOUNG LADY, SIR?-.! TVf3 V3 WOULD SPOT THE C-NCJTESjC!3l fP&J$, SERIOUS r--S ttWmM mA r,iSJtimK norr soft i7mAmxrri tm s I A I n ii I if I h.? Tnl irwi 91 y ill s i r '"iw JWin E I 5.JJ III h C " A? ' -0 iA 191 ii!" O ylfc,"-:!aa-'ia" rt'yzM W WHICH REMINDS MEB 7 you bbt; lissa-ebe euqible TO uve t B thisthinc, IS RUNNIN' I WELL. WE ii I K HER6.WEBg ORPHflNS BUT! WE'LL BE INTO MONEY JOW-BETTER J KNOW WHERE II 'I H&ROLb , p I ouai m SHtvie H HLL TM" KfcSTWrT U. ( THINK "BOUT BRIIiGIN' OUT IT IS.AND 11 l H f ( YOU LOOK -J UPSET. AMBV. x- ARE VOL STILL ( pining for rosetta . STONE 7S G O fa E to? To liflwr Li -r &e-WExrENsioN?;il7 X SVHATS THE fMVWIFE SHES ROn VSUREJ HERE SHES GOSH. THATS TOUGHjPONTTAKE 1 rfj My CAR SHES GOT KlATTER.TONy?AWAy IN My CAR M ( NO! ) LEAVE NOTES.I BUT DONTTAKE IT SO HARD? 7fDUH Ot ANn whs'm. ' ff N ' J WHY MOT ? 11 YparT )'7's0rHlCH WOOUD ,OW,AH DRUTHEB BE. L- I I II r . . VO"AIMS YOU'RE J C. S I VOU RATHER BE- A STATCHOO, NATCHERWV I StyprX. - f" T' PUT ME ON TCP 1 GOING TO Rfe J. A STATUE, ON TOP -LIKE GAWGE WASHlN'TOHr -j" I SlSflO - 7 'l (J OPTHET BUILDIN,' A.TURN TO ) 1 "r 1 OFA BEAUTIFUL r AM' ANDREW UACKSOH ? Ol? . " - I ( M ?0 i 1 : f " INSTEAD O' THET STONE, "r. Y BUILDING OR A AM' ALL THEM OTHCFt C0URIE I V 2V ""S Vl T TATCHOO, WHICH ANVHOW.7 -v J J HVltABLM. MWS Of GREAT AMERICAMS7-)J!l!Zi lV,W V ChSTTdOH'T KNOW, RATTY. BUT I I KNOW BILL SUSPECTS WE'RS 60N6 TO-SOON JEEPERS RUSTy t B I r WE DO KNOW ALL THAT 6HOST SOME KINP OF CROOKEP I AS WE 6ET OUR HORSES. OUR HORSES tr;Jk WHATDOVeuFK3URAI-LTHISSTUPFISAFAIE AND WORK. SO DOES TEX. ) QUIET NOW. WE'VE ARE GONE ' iBKisii. R BUSINESS IS ABOUT, RUSTY J I THOSE TWO MOVIE MEN WE OU6HT TO TELL THEM 60T TO 6ET PAST THAT L t Vwa i y IT POESN'T MAKE SENSRE IN ON IT.y W6HT OFF WHAT V ' -u rrp. I M. Wit rMai tEsJ CONTENT TOGOFOR u& UN PACING OMt PVlffl 1 I ' 'TT PRIZE IN THE ART - 1 ' A5WEEM,MEE5TAIr VERY INTERE5W& .rVVdZI I . CONTEST! OUR JACKPOT iv JUt .. 6REENWOOD!..8UTl)pEWAMOM Att-. WILL GROW- AND r R GROW--AND GROW--! NO.l AlMT! 1 JUST WAD A SESSION WITH RUCrS COUSIM WILtJUK AND THE LONGER I KNOW THESE NEBBS.THE LKAtl EK. THEY SEEM TO SIT rw . 1 II. lil I rx.un a, l. . ,77 a. . SONKWStMBta I 1 WILBUR CAN'T MAKE HIS PAYMENTS ON A VACANT LOT HES 3tJ1 AND WHEN 1 TOLD UIM I'D x AND DID FORECLOSE HE SET YOU GIVE .KcLL dUILD ON IT HIM AN rrr 1 EXTENSION?, IwELUNOT EXACTLY 1 JEST SAID MEBBE, ID WAIT A LITTLE AMD HE SAYS 1 WE NEBBS AREl CRATl r SATURDAY l.M. KSLM KGW Driren PUyhome University Theatre University Tneatr Frank BcminKwr Snake Blnri Smoke filar Bands of Bands of Land Land HkWkll Call! Hawilt Calla Bands of Land Bands of Land Here's to Vets Elmer Peterson Comedy Playhouse Comedy Playhouse Mnafe Tabernacle Echo Guy Lombardo Guy Lombardo Hit Parade Hit Parade T B A T B A Take a Number Take a Number Voice of Truth Voice of Trulb T B A T B A Grand Ole Grand Ole Opry Opry Life Berlin at SO Life Berina at 80 Meet the Pren Meet the Pren Vlo Damon e Vlo Damone T B A T B A NBC Theater NBC Theater T B A T B A It'a the Top Jerry Sky Mnsle Open none Open House Open House Open House Wax Museum Wax Museum Wax Museum Wax Museum I Sim Off Sim pit SUNDAY 7:" I New News :1 Story to Order Birrs, Oranlst :0 Cameos of Music Birrs, Oranlst 'y Cameos of Music Trinity Choir 8:00 Muslo Bible Hlrhlirhts Deep Blver Boys Church of the Air :16 Mus e Bible HIrhllrhti News Church of the Air :30 Musle Church in Home Fellowship Volee Church of the Air C"t. Lutheran Church In Home Fellowship Voice Church of the Air 9:00 1st Baptist Ch. Newi Chape, of Ar :15 1st Baptist Ch. Morn. Serenade Clark Dennis Howard Smith :80 Voice of Prophecy John Doe's Ave Maria Hour Gallery Gossip : Voice of Prophecy Music Ave Maria Hour News !: 1l&lQ Bible Class Llvlnr 1919 Church In Wild. Invitation lfl:ia Badlo Bible Class Llvlnr 1949 Ernest White to Learning II1JJ:S0 Lutheran Hour Eternal Light Wayne Klnr People's Platform J ' :ifl Lutheran Hour Eternal Light Wayne King People's Platform ' mm :0 Newi Glenn SLcIley First Baptist Jb Salt Lake Taber. :18 Orchestra Glenn Shelley First Baptist Oh Salt Lake Taber. I 1 :80 News Chicago Round First Baptist Oh. Treas. Bandstand '!8 Milt Herth Trio Table Firm Bnmlat nh. Treas. Bandstand aj :00 Tone Tapestries News Serenade for Sympbonette Tone Tapestries David Rose Orcb. Strlnrs Symphonette Sunday Favorites TBA . News Magic In Mail. Canary Pet Show TBA Guy Lombardo News 1:00 News TBA Words A Muslo CBS Symphony ;1B Vole of Army TBA Words A Music CBS Svmphony :80 Juvenile Jury Man's Family Words A Musle CBS Symphony JPTgnile Jury Man's Family Words Si Musle CBS Symphony 7:00 House of Mystery TBA Sammy Kaye CBS Symphony ' :1B House of Mystery TBA Sammy Kaye CBS Symphony :S0 True Detective News Sunday Musle Muslo for You M True Detective Jane Plcken Sunday Muslo Musle for You 3:00 Under Arrest Music of Masters Warwick Theatre Chora Hen " :1 Under Arrest Music of Masters Warwick Theatre Choralfcrs :S0 Mr. Fix-it Hollywood Calls Sunday Serenade News :I6 Con r rem Report Hollywood Calls Sunday Serenade My Serenade 4:00 Roy Borers Hollywood Calls Donald Stewart Family Hour :S0 Roy Borers Hollywood Calls Donald Stewart Family Hour :10 N ck Carter TBA Donald Stewart Ozxle A Harriet 'M Nick Carter TBA Donald Stewart Oisle A Harriet 5:0U Muslo for Sunday Dick PoweU Dallas Ministerial Hit Parade ;1B Music for Sunday Dick Powell Land of Free Hit Parade :SU For Christ Orchestra Music for America Call the Pollc For Christ Orchestra, Music for America Call the Police 6:00 Wlnro of Healing- TBA Baseball Rocky Jordan :18 Wlnrs of Healing TBA Baseball Rooky Jordan :S0 VD Radio ProJ. NBC Symphony Baseball News : News ' NBO Symphony Baseball Georre Fisher 7:00 Seor Mission NBC Symphony Baseball Earn Vaoatlon :1B Secret Mission NBO Symphony Baseball Earn Vacation !80 r,m lr The Album Familiar Bandstand Our Miss Brooke :4B Fmly Theatr Musle News Roundup Our Miss Brooks 8:00 Mayor of Town Take or Leave It Baseball Columbia Feature 15 Mayor of Town Take or Leave It Baseball Columbia Featorl :S3 Medical Hllltea Horace Heldt Baseball Hit Parade M NorthwMt News Horace Heldt Baseball Hit Parade i00 Twenty Questions TBA Baseball Columbia Feature IB Twenty Questions TBA Baseball Columbia Feature :80 Walter Wlnehell Symphony Hour Baseball The Whistler :45 Lonella Parsons Symphony Hour Baseball The Whistler jaiM Newt Symphony Hour Sunday Reverie Five Star Final lff:lB Musle Symphony Hour Sunday Beverle Sam Spade fll 1:30 Musle Catholic Hour Sunday Reverie Sam Spade 7 t4B News Cathollo Hour Sunday Reverie Hr. of St. Francli J -00 NewB Sign Off Serenade 1 :1B Mary Ann Mercer Orchestra B f :S0 Wax Museum Orchestra m :44 Wax Museum Orchestra IgTob 81m Off Sign Off Slrn-Off ICV Saturday F.M. 0:00, It's in the M.A Family) 5:15, Ut Freedom Rlnr; 5:80. Dixieland) 0:00, Here's to Vets; 6:15, Home Edition Newsi 6:30, Modern Ro mances) 7:00, Musical Etchings) 7:30, John ny Thompson; 7:45, Bert Andrews) 8:00, Lone Ranger; 8:30, The Eye; 0:00, Break the Bank) 0:30, Pat Novak for Hire; 10:00 News: 10:15, Some Like It Hott 11:30, Bev erly Hills Orch.i 13:00, Extra Hourj 1:00, Sim Off. ICV Sunday A.M. 7:00, Morning Mel lU odles: 8:00, Fine Arts Quartet) 8:80, Muslo Time; 9:00, Revival Houri H'iOO, Paradtf of Hitst 10:30, Voice of Prophecy t 11:00, James Roosevelt; 11:15, Romance of the Hlrhways) 11:30, National Vesperst 12:00, Constnat Invader 1 12:16, Guest Start 12:80, Piano Playhouse) 1:00, Editor at Home; 1:15, Society Newsj 1:30, Hour of Faith; 2:00, Opera Album, 3:80, Messare of Israeli 3:00, This Cbanrlnr Worldt 3:15, Song Salesman; 8:30, Sunday Construction Permits Boost Year's Total Albany Permits for con struction In Albany during June represent values totaling $205, 580 and bring to nearly $1,000, 000 the total for the year thus far, further insuring the previ ously predicted all-time high records, it is announced by City Engineer Harold Poling. The actual total of estimated new construction here for the first six months of this year is $973,792, which is within less than $300,000 of the previous all-time high for any full year. According to Poling 38 per mits for new construction were issued in June, 35 for residential and three for non - residential projects. ' The residential units included 30 homes now being erected by Jeff Causbie in Rosemont addi tion. The commercial construc tion totals but $13,850 but resi- ROOM AND BOARD JOVE, PINKY. I HAVE A tffii WELL "'I'LL say iou gZf SENSATIONAL IDEA WHICH US? BUNTED A HOME RUN,' it WILL SELL ALL OF MY jP( -HMTHIS IS WHAT k J CORING GADGETS--THE SSl THE SANG OP VOU ; HOUSEWIFE SlMPiy CORES ) '. V WILL HAVE FOR. : 4 THE CENTER OF A POTATO. 7 DINNER. TONIGHT ) Ipk THEN PUTS IN A FRANK- V FURTER. AND BAKES ) iv- t-l THE POTATO-" VDILA-. J V,V' A IM CALLING- I 21 V r m tat NBO Bound Up Time -, Calls Curtain Calls Air Forces Columbia feature Dancer Ahead Orchestra Canmeitsht and Silver News Columbia Feature Columbia Feature Orchestra News Bound Up Time Driver's Playhouse Tropfcana Tempo Time Top Band Top Band Philip Marlowe Philip Marlowe Muale Memerle Columbia Feature Sine It Again Sine It Asain Sine It Aram Slnr It Araln Voice of Army Voice of Army Time Waa Bandstand Show Show Vaurfcn Monroe Vanrbn Monro Gene Aatry Gene Autry Bandstand News Duaout Dope BsHeball Five hiar Final Baseball Baseball Baseball Ganr Bustera Gang Busters Jantzen, Beach Baseball Baseball Danelnt Party Daneln Party Jantzcn Beaeh Serenade Orchestra Orchestra Sign orr Slra-OJf (Listed at Pacific Dayllrht Time) lAAT Saturday P.M. 5:00, On the INWMV Upbeat; 5:50, 550 Sports Clubt 6:00, News; 6:15, Look at Australia) 6:80, London Letter) 6:45, Holland Today and Tomorrow) 7:00, Light Opera Tonlrhtf 8:45, Loggers' Fire Weather Forecast! 9:00, Dance Parade; 10:45, Newst 11:00, Sign Off. (Listed as Standard Time) With Tout 4:00, Musle Moods) 4:80, Betty Clarkt 4:45, Honeydreamerst 5:00, Stop the Music t 6:00, Little Herman; 6:30, Think Fasti 7:00, Walter Wlnehell; 7:15, Louella Parsons) 7:30, Go for the House) 8:00, Jimmie FIdleri 8:15, Ted Malonet 8:80, Dick Todd) 8:45, Roadside Chapel; 0:00, Drew Pearson I 9:15, Monday Mornlnr Headlines! 9:30, Walter Wnchellt 9i45, Intermezsot 10:00, Richfield Reporter; 10:15, Drew Pearson; 10:80, Jantzen Beach Orcb.) 11:00, Nocturnei 11:30, Claremont Orch.i 13:00, Xtra Hour; 1:00, Sign Off. Visiting in Valley Silverton Mrs, Raymond Mc Gee and two daughters, Betty and Virginia of Nevada, Mo., are visiting at the home of cous ins, the Earl Conklins, the Fred Evanses, the Loyall Timms, and Mrs. Maude Timm of Brooks. McGee, an electrician, Is coming later to spend a fortnight here on his vacation, with his family planning to return to Missouri with him. Mail Carriers Meet Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Lee Weatherbee of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis of We natchee, Wash., were guests of the E. Jay McCalls. The men were former associate mail car riers in Garretson, S. Dak., and had not seen each other for more than 30 years until the visit here this week. dential construction is placed at $182,475, including the Causbie project, of $150,000. Bv Gene Ahern SIKOCO '.'."IKOIN