A WEDDING this morning was that of Miss Virginia Carda and Donald Meithof, the ceremony being at 9 o'clock in St. Joseph's Catho lic church, the Rev. T. J. Bernards of ficiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carda and Mr. Mei thof is the son of Mrs. Marie Meithof and John Meithof, all of Salem. Pink and white gladioluses decorated the church for the service. Mrs. Ray mind Barton played the organ music. The bride wore a pink gabardine suit with navy blue accessories and she car ried a white prayer book topped with an orchid. Miss Doris Meithof, sister of the bride groom, was honor attendant. She wore a light brown suit with white accessories and she carried a nosegay of sweet peas. Benny Braun was best man. The bride's mother was attired in na vy blue suit with white accessories and the bridegroom's mother wore a brown suit with white accessories. Both had corsages of gardenias. The reception following was at the home of the bridegroom's mother on South Cottage. Mrs. Jeff Borter cut the cake and Mrs. Jack Reimann poured. Assisting were Mrs. Kenneth Keyte, who served the punch; Miss Lora Tiger, who passed the guest book; Miss Merna Combs and Miss Joanne Corbett who had charge of the gifts. Following a trip to the beach the cou ple will be at home in Salem at 557 North 21st street, Salem. a MISS GILBERT BRIDE. At simple rites performed this after noon at 2 o'clock in the Knight Memorial Congregational church, Miss Helen Jean Gilbert, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Gil bert, was married to Donald Nyswaner, son of Mrs. Ollie F. Nyswaner, all of Salem, the Rev. Louis E. White reading the service at 2 o'clock. Gladioluses and other summer blooms decorated the church for the service. Bertram Sturm was soloist, Mrs. Louis Mitchell at the organ. Roswell Gilbert gave his sister in marriage. The bride wore a dusty rose pink dressy suit of wool gabardine with navy blue and white accessories and a corsage of Rubrum lilies and sweet peas. Miss Audrey I.yswaner, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. She wore a navy blue gabardine suit with navy and white accessories and a cor sage of sweet peas. Raymond Bones of Hebo was best man and ushers were Andrew Baker and Edward Saunders. The reception following was in the church fireplace room. Miss Beulah Gil bert, sister of the bride, cut the cake, Mrs. Wesley Wilson assisting. Mrs. Earl Morgan was at the coffee urn, Mrs. L. A. Hereford at the punch bowl. Assisting were Mrs. E. George Clark Jr., and Mrs. Roswell Gilbert. Mrs. Orland Cox and Mrs. Edward Saunders had charge of the gifts table and Miss Linda Gilbert, niece of the bride, passed the guest book. Following a trip to the Oregon beaches the couple will be at home at 3010 Nebraska after July 11. A successful day camp program for Salem Girl Scouts concluded Friday at Crestwood Acres. During the period, 125 girls between the ages of 8 and 12 years enloyed six days each in the program. There were six units. Miss Dorothy Wil son, Santiam Girl Scouts area council field director, was in general charge. Overall purpose of the program was to give training in democracy, training to work together cooperatively, and teaching self reliance as well as appre ciation and respect for the outdoors. The girls learned a variety of camp fires, did outdoor cooking, and enjoyed many varieties of arts and skills, including potato prints, spatter and finger paint ing, making of plastic plaques, making of objects from tin, as well as skill in lashing, such as with tents, stretchers, etc. Also there were folk dancing, group games and fire drill work. On the staff with Miss Wilson were Mrs, P. W. Fletcher, Mrs. Gilbert Stein, Mrs. Deral Jones, Mrs. K. E. Wilkinson, Mrt. Hilliard Hanson, Mrs. Paul Bale, Mrs Sam Sims, Mrs. Edgar Morris, Mri. D. K. Griffith, Mrs. G. R. Boatwright nd Mrs. R. P. Crossland as the regis tered nurse. Assisting with the pro gram for four days or more were Mrs. H. A. Tipton, Mrs. J. R. Zajic, Mrs. Fran cis Jernigan, Mrs. John R. Wood, Mrs. Charles Klingler. Other mothers and friends of scouting assisted from one to three days. t f RECENTLY ANNOUNCED was the enptse ment of Miss Dc lores Hathaway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Iiathsway. to William W. Tremaine, son of Mrs. Estella T.emalne of Woodburn, the wedding to be July 30. (Ken . nell-Ellls studio picture) x i. iff.-' , ;. . . v ',. i . n 'V ; ' V . v . ANNOUNCEMENT Is made by Mr. and Mrs. George W. Schneider, Sr., of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Joan Kathlyn Schneider, to Jim H. Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy Davis of South Bend, Wash. The wedding is planned for early Sep tember. Miss Schneider is on the nursing staff of the Marion county health department in Salem. Mr. Davis is a student at Wil lamette university law school. Word has come to Salem relatives of the birth of a daughter, Catherine Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. Wlnser Paul Acton in State College, Pa., Thursday, June 28. The baby is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Acton of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sinkola of Ho quiam, Wash., Mrs. Winser Acton being the former Betty Louise Sinkola The father is taking graduate work in chem istry in Pennsylvania. Silverton Mrs. P. A. Loar, president of the Silverton Woman's club, will te hostess for the Silverton group and guests on Wednesday afternoon, July 6, from 3 to 6 o'clock, at a silver benefit tea at the gardens of the Lowell Brown and the Earl J. Adams homes. Contribu tions will be applied on the library funds to which the club donates annually. BRIDE AT A CEREMONY solemnized last church was Mrs. Robert Leonard Schroeder. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Nickens. Leonard G. Schroeder of Portland, (McEwan Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Ramseyer were honor guests at an informal after noon affair at their home on North Sev enteenth street, Sunday, the occasion being the couple's silver wedding anni versary. Calling hours were between 3 and 6 o'clock, during which approxi mately 125 guests called to extend their congratulations. The rooms were decorated with bas kets and bouquets of flowers sent by friends. In the center of the mantel was an arrangement of double white larkspur, Esther Reed daisies and silver ribbon, flanked on either side by white cornucopia vases filled with while del phiniums and Esther Reed daisies. The serving table was covered with a lace cloth, with the centerpiece a low ar rangement of white Calla, Croft and Regal lilies. Cutting the wedding cake during the afternoon were Mr?. Albert Pavnseyer, Mis. W H. Mills and Mrs. Harry W. Savage. .Pourina v re Mr?. Elizabeth Savage end Mrs. Anna F.pr.ircyor, nioth ers of the honor guests, and Mrs. David C. Ramseyer, Sr. Assisting in the serv ing were Mrs. Albert Rasmussen, Mrs. Ellis Von Eschen, Mrs. David C. Ram seyer. Jr., Mrs. Fred W. Taplin of Port land and Miss Mabel Savage. Miss Bev erly Savage passed the guest book. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. J. Dale Taylor of Coos Bay, Mr and Mrs Robert Travis of McMinnville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Taplin and Mr. and Mrs Thomas Alway, Susan and Nancy of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Savage of Albany. For the occasion, Mrs. Ramseyer wore a dress of pale pink linen, with clusters of flowers in deeper shades appliqued on the shoulder and on the flared skirt. Her corsage was of gardenias, bouvardia and silver leaves and ribbon. Mr. and Mrs. Ramseyer were both born in Salem, were married here on June 25. 1924, and have spent their en tire life in this city. Woodburn Prizes were awarded in the women's play at the Woodburn Golf club Thursday to thoe having the most sixes on their card. Winners were Mrs. Edgar Tweed in Class A; Mrs. Carl Mag nuson in Class B. Hostesses at the luncheon hour were Mrs. Magnuson and Mrs. Tom DeAr mond. For next Thursday the commit tee will be -Mrs. David Cavett and Mrs. George Timm. i - A ,' 'J - fyA " AT A CEREMONY this afternoon in St. Joseph's Catholic church, Miss Lila Lee Stevens, daughter of Mrs. E. C. Smith of Salem and Ken neth G. Stevens of Vista, Calif., was married to Curtis L. Bach, son of Mrs. Joseph Bach, the vows being read at 1 o'clock by the Rev. T. J. Bernards. Given in marriage by Mr. Smith, the bride wore a white satin gown and fin gertip lace veil. Her flowers were a bouquet of white roses and an orchid. Miss Reva Elaine Stevens was honor attendant. She wore blue and carried a nosegay of pink and blue flowers. Mrs. Joseph Bach, Jr., was bridesmaid. She wore a pink gown and carried a nosegay of blue and pink flowers. Both wore short veils matching their gowns. Joseph Bach, Jr., was best man. George Bach was usher. An informal reception followed at the Mayflower hall. Miss Beth Morinsky cut the cake and Mrs. Eva Bach poured. Assisting were Mrs. Harlan Ennis and Margaret Bach. For going away the brid? wore a gray dress with white accessories and a cor sage of orchids. Following a wedding trip to the coast the couple will be at home at 1710 North Capitol, Salem. Sunday afternoon In St. Paul's Episcopal She is the former Patricia Jean Nickrns, Mr. Schroeder Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. studio picture) " j -4 1 ' 1 - i iwtm ii iiiiffWiiri ii ' iT 'S Y Imrir .. mjwt.-t JMiMMMdtafea3.fj' mriTu hi VISITORS BEING ENTERTAINED In Dalian and In Salem Inrlude Mrs. Karl N. Retier and three children, mil. Mike and Jere, who are visiting Mrs. Relwr's parents Mr. and Mr. C. L. Crider, and with Major Kct7rr mi'. her, Mrs. Ruth Rtier, In Dallas. They will leave here lor Montgomery, Ala, Major Rctier to be at the air university there. (Jeiten-MUler tudia plcttrn) rEMBERS of Chemeketa chap ter. Daughters of the American ' Revolution, will be hostesses Sunday at the DAR cabin at Champoeg, Each Sunday during the summer mem bers of some DAR chapter act as host esses at the cabin. All members of the local group are invited to be at Champoeg for the day and to take a picnic luncheon. On the committee from the Chemeketa chapter are Miss Ruth Rulifson, Mrs. W. E. Hanson, Mrs. Carey Martin, Mrs. A. A. Underhill, Mrs. David Looncy, Mrs. A. E. Austin, Mrs. E. B. Bosatti and Mrs. Ruth Herndon, local regent. a Arriving this week from Gainesville, Fla., to spend the summer here were Mr. and Mrs. Edmond M. MacCollin .(Frances Kells). They are at the home of Mrs. MacCollin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kells. Mr. MacCollin has been teaching at the University of Florida. Janzen-Kent A wedding for this evening will be that of Miss Barbara Jean Kent and Jacob Janzen, Dallas, the ceremony to be solemnized at 8 o'clock in the First Congregational church with Dr. Seth R. Huntington officiating. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rollo D. Kent of Salem, Mr. Janzen the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Janzen of Dallas. ?or the music, Miss Lena Janzen, cousin of Mr. Janzen, will be soloist, Jean Hobson Rich to play the organ. Lighting the tapers will be Miss Dona Henderson, wearing pink, and Miss Ro berta Keefcij, wearing blue. The wedding dress is of white slipper satin, designed with a bertha trimmed in lace, long sleeves, a peplum and a train. The fingertip veil of illusion is to be arranged from a band of the net ting and flowers. For her bouquet the bride will carry pink roses and a white orchid. Mrs. Frank E. Imper of Oswego Is to be matron of honor. Her gown in lav ender is designed with bertha and gath ered skirt. She will wear a bandeau of flowers in her hair and will carry a nose gay. The three bridesmaids are Mrs. Lyle Atkinson of Newport, cousin of the , bride, wearing yellow; Mrs. Blaine T. Hanks, whose gown is light blue; and Mrs. Montie McCarger, who is to be in pink. ' All three gowns are fashioned similarly to that of the matron of honor and each of the attendants is to carry a nosegay, Alan B. Kent, brother of the bride, is to be best man. Ushers will be Francis Romig, Clar ence Derksen and Edward Janzen, all of Dallas and cousins of Mr. Janzen. The reception also will be in the church. Cutting the cake will be Mrs. James Gorton of Woodburn, Miss Irene Lough to serve the bridegroom's cake. Miss Kathryn Haskins is to be at the punch bowl and presiding at the coffee urn will be Miss Ella Janzen of Dallas, cousin of the bridegroom. Assisting in serving will be Miss Barbara Keener of Woodburn, Miss Catherine Cooper. Miss Marjory Smith of Mapleton and Mrs. Harry Poole will have charge of the gifts table and passing the guest book will be Miss Patricia Kent, cousin of the bride. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Kent has chosen a navy blue dress to be worn with white accessories and cor sage of pink roses. The bridegroom's mother is to wear a flowered dress with white accessories and corsage of yellow roses. For going away the bride is to wear a burgundy suit with white bonnet type hat and all-white accessories and her corsage of orchids. Following a trip to Yellowstone park the couple will be at home in West Salem, M v; j 1, , i 1 7 i I i , v ?! ' I i -"v 1 r v..'; j iL":i.J AT A CEREMONY In St. Joseph's Catholic church last Sunday was solemnized the mar riage of Mrs. Donald James Sommor, the former Jacqueline Louise Torgerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Jorgerson. Mr. Sommor is the son of Mrs. Clara Sommer of Salem. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Holiday Comings and Goings With a three-day holiday for many, this Fourth of July week-end will bring many visitors to Salem as well as being occasion for many local folk to go to the beach or elsewhere. Among groups who will be at the beach, at Neskowin, will be Mr. and Mrs. James R. Humphrey and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clarke and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Myron H. Soupene, who are visiting from Galesburg, 111., Mrs. Soupene being a sister of Mrs. Humphrey and Mrs. Clarke; also Mrs. John W. Scott, mother of the three wo men. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chambers and family are to spend the next few days at Pacific City on the coast. Here for the holiday week-end from Madras arc Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sullivan and two daughters who arc guests of Mrs. Sullivan's mother, Mrs. James W. Mott. The family group will be at Os wego on Monday to spend the holiday with Mrs. Mott's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Stewart. Annual Picnic Among the larger picnic gatherings for the Fourth holiday on Monday will be the annual one given by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, some 50 to be in the group. Among out-of-town guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Macdonald and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott of Portland, Mrs. F. J. Griffin and daughter, Miss Tona Griffin, of San Francisco; Mrs. Anderson M. Cannon and Mrs. John Wlthycombe of Carmel, Calif. Mrs. Can nor and Mrs. Withycombe are sisters of Mr. Jones and are house guests at the Jones' home a few days. Mrs. Griffin and daughter are here to visit Mrs. Grif fin's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Maison. Another picnic group on the Fourth will be the one to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Smith, the event to be in their garden. The affair Is an annual one. Several out-of-town guests will be here. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Buslck and daughter, Miss Jeanne Busick, also are giving a picnic at their Croisan Creek home "Stone Bridge," 18 to be in the group. Dr. and Mrs. John, J. Griffith and daughters, Mary and Joan, are spending the week-end at Mt. Hood with Mrs; Griffith's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gustafson and their son, Steven, planning to return Monday. Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom will leave Monday afternoon for a two day fishing trip on the McKenzie out of Eugene. Among picnic gatherings for the hol iday, Monday, will be the family one for which Miss Josephine Baumgartncr is entertaining. In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. JohrrR. Caughcll and son, John, and daughter, Miss Josephine Caughcll, Dr. and Mrs. John J. Griffith and daughters, Mary and Joan; Mrs. Harry Waile. Kenneth Caughcll, Mrs. H. H. Stanlcton nf RoFCburg, and Miss Baumgartncr. Mrs. Staplcton arrived Friday to visit her nieces, Mrs. Caugh cll and Miss Baumgartncr. At the Beach Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding and daughters, Doris Helen and Jean, left this week-end for Neskowin to spend the month of July. Also at Neskowin for the holiday week-end are Mr. and Mrs. Werner Brown and sons, John and Clifford. Here for the holiday week-end from Medford are Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Olson and children, Bobby and Elea nor guests of Mrs. Olson's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Craig, and her mother, Mrs. W. M. Savage. Miss Elise Schroeder plans to spend the holiday week-end at Eugene with her father, William Schroeder, and her sister, Mrs. Frances Ncwsom. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Lietz and family will be in Portland for the holiday and will attend the barbecue to be given at the country place of Mr. Lietz' broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Liclz. Visitor in Salem Friday was Mrs. Hazel B. Pague of Scio, In Brookings this week-end are Miss Elizabeth Lord and Mrs. Theodore Adams, the latter of Portland, to attend dedication and opening of the new Myrtlcwood park there. They represent the Portland Garden club.