Spinsters Club Plans Party Next Friday Evening honored at a dessert party- and miscel laneous shower for which Mrs. Fred H. Thompson and Mrs. Harris Lietz are to be hostesses next Wednesday at the Thompson home. Some 30 guests are invited, the des sert to be at 1 o'clock. Miss Janice Myers is to be wed July 17 to Lloyd V. Lewis of Eugene, and Miss Jeanne Myers will be married in the early fall to Ensign Henry B. John son, USN. By Marian Lowry Fischer ISSES Janice and Jeanne Myers, twin sisters, both of whom will be brides this summer, are to be Y: If if HI V. J'KiJ jLj Jl,.-j.... ijL. WED LAST SATURDAY evening at a ceremony in St. Paul's Episcopal church was Mrs. Irwin Scott Adams, Jr., the former Elizabeth Winn Nelson. Khe is the daughter of Air. and Mrs. George William Nelson and Mr. Adams Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Scott Adams of Milwaukee. (Jcstcn-Millcr studio picture) rONORING Miss Boula Arnold, who is to be wed August 21 to James Williams, a kitchen show er and party will be given next Wednes day evening by Miss Josephine Caughell and Miss Janet Lindley at the Caughell home. The evening will be spent in formally and a late dessert will be served. In the group will be Miss Arnold, Mrs. Lloyd Arnold, Mrs. Harold Dickey, Miss Jean Pickens, Miss Irene McLeod, Miss Crystal Huntington, Miss Nnncy Snyder, Miss Joan Hoerclh, Mrs. Robert Wagers, Miss Ruth Holtzman, Miss Ruth McCall, Mrs. J. C. Lindley, Miss Mary Arnold, Miss Marian Carson, Mrs. Carl ton J. McLeod, Mrs. John R. Caughell, and the two hostesses. Mrs. Edna M. Olson and Miss Hester Hillpot are leaving July 10 on a vaca tion trip. They will leave here on the '. new Shasta train and will stop 'in San Francisco, taking the daylight route from there to Los Angeles to spend two weeks. v , f 'I . ,f W V H ; y 7 , 4 Vv if '" v. 'i'v V A RECENT BRIDE who will make her home In Salem Is Mrs. William Carson MeCammon, the former Barbara Corey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Corey of Seaside. .Mr. MeCammon Is the son of Mrs. 11. C. MrCammon of Salem and of the late Mr. Slo Cammon, The wedding wu June 18 In The Dalles. (Bolton studio, The Dalles) w v A V i. J 9 R. AND MRS. H. G. Cocking are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Constance Louise (Connie) Cocking, to James Paul Woodroffe, son of Mrs. F. N. Woodroffe and the late Mr. Woodroffe. The wedding is planned for late Au gust. The bride-elect is a former student at Oregon State college and a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Mr. Wood roffe, who was in the navy for two years will be a senior at Willamette uni versity next year. Miss Cocking told the news to a group of friends at an informal bridge party Thursday evening. A sign noted the party was an announcement one and during the evening Miss Cocking made known the news. Mrs. Norman Cook and daughters, Misses Paula and Norma Cook, of Ju neau, Alaska, have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Cook's brother and sister law, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I, Paulson, and also are visiting in Corvallis- and Eu AMONG the many parties being given to fete Miss Margaret Jane Coolcy, preceding her marriage to John Phillip Maulding of Tillamook on August 6, will be the luncheon and mis cellaneous shower for which Mrs. James H Nicholson, Sr., and Mrs. C. B. Mc Cullough are to entertain next Wednes day at the Nicholson residence. Guests will include Miss Cooley and her mother, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mrs, James T. Brand, Mrs. George Croisan, Mrs. W. I. Needham, Mrs. A. L. Adolphson, Mrs. Wheeler English, Mrs. Richard L. Cooley, Mrs. Eugene I. Foster, Mrs. Ervin Smith, Mrs. George L. Arbuckle, Mrs. U. Scott Page, Mrs. E. J. Scellars, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard, Mrs. George H. Swift, and the two host esses. . Two Entertain Thursday Next Thursday evening Miss Carroll Gragg and her mother, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, will be hostesses at a party and shower for Miss Cooley at their home. . Bridge will be in play and a late supper will be served. In the group will be Miss Cooley, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. James A. Mauld ing of Tillamook, Mrs. Richard L. Cooley, Miss Jean Maulding of Port land, Mrs. George C. Alexander of Eu gene, Mrs. Donald Preiss, Mrs. Wayne Struble of Eugene, Mrs. Scott Adams, Mrs. Douglas Armstrong, Mrs. Leonard Odom, Miss Marjorie Tate, Miss Mariann Croisan, Miss Charlotte Alexander, Miss Addyse Lane, Miss June Young, Miss Betty Jean Manolcs, Miss Shirley Lu kins, Miss Phyllis Schnell, Miss Marylou McKay, Miss Edith Fairham, Miss Ro berta Meyer, Miss Jane Carson and the two hostesses. A group of family friends has arrang ed an informal dessert party next Thurs day evening complimenting Mrs. Fran cis T. Wade and her daughter, Miss Cor inne Wade. The affair will be at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. George W. Neuncr. A dozen will be in the group. Miss Wade is to be married July 15 to Richard H. Kuhn of Portland. A "good host party" honoring visiting groups here for the Cherryland Festival parade, Friday, was given Friday after noon at the Golden Pheasant by several local business firms with the Salem Cherrians acting as hosts. Some 200 at tended the buffet. Among the guests were the uniformed Rosarians of Portland and Cherrians of Newberg, as well as members of several sheriffs' posses and groups from the Stayton Bean Festival and Mt. Angel Flax Festival associations. h .i . '- . -ii '' . r jj y ) , 4 WED AT A Jl'NE U CEREMONY were Mr. and Mrs. William Loren Ready, the service being in the garden at the home of the bride's parent, Dr. and Mrs. Noble H. Logan, Oakland. Calif. The bride is the former Marilynn Beldeene Logan. Mr. Ready Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin W. Ready of Salem. (Edwards studio, Oakland, Calif.) Several Salem friends will be in Rose burg, July 10, for the open house for which Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kohlhagen will entertain in observance of their golden wedding anniversary. The affair will be between 2 and 5 o'clock at the Kohlhagen residence, 901 Military' street, Roseburg, where the couple have lived continuously since 1899. Invita tion to friends is extended through the press to attend. Former Roseburg residents and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Kohlhagen who will go from Salem to assist at the open house will include Mrs. R. W. Marsters, Misses Ruth Ann and Janie Pcarcy, Mrs. W. F. Poorman, Mrs. Josephine Fred rickson and Miss Zelma Busch, in addi tion to the Kohlhagens' daughter, Miss Bertha Kohlhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Kohlhagen were mar ried July 12. 1899. They have three daughters and one son, Mrs. Glenn E. Devenpeck (Vernita) Wellington, Nev., Mrs. Howard Zimmer (Elza), Sherwood, Ore., Miss Bertha Kohlhagen, Salem, and Louis S. Kohlhagen, Rose burg. There is one grandson, George F. Zimmer. liALA EVENT FOR THE early summer for Spinsters club members will be the basket social and square dance party planned for next Friday evening at the Salem Golf club for members and invited guests. Some of the members are shown here getting materials assembled for the fancy boxes, proceeds from the auction of the supper baskets to go to the club's philanthropic funds. Left to right are: Miss Mariann Croisan, Miss Patricia Larson, Miss Margaret lane Cooley, Miss June Young and Mrs. Charles A. Barclay. (Jesten-Miller studio pctlure) jK PINSTERS 'club members will meet next Tuesday evening at the home of Miss June Young. At this time plans will be discussed for the basket social and square dance party to be given next Friday evening, July 8, at the Salem Golf club. Misses Mariann Croisan and Margaret Jane Cooley will be co-hostesses for Tuesday's meeting. The Friday event is for all members and invited tuests. Proceeds from the auction of baskets will be used for the club's philanthropic fund. Charles A. Barclay is to be auctioneer. ' Miss Margaret Lovell is general chair man for the party, others assisting in cluding Miss Young, Mrs. William R. Shinn, Miss Croisan, Miss Cooley, Mrs. Charles A. Barclay, Miss Esther. Baird, Mrs. Gale Besse, Mrs. Maurice Fitz simmons, Miss Patricia Larson., Mr. and Mrs. Don Seeley and children, Donette Stephanie and Glen Herbert, will visit with his mother, Mrs. Glen Seeley, over the Fourth of July. Mr. Seeley is one of the four owners of the new radio stations KWIE at Kennewick, . Wash. Mr. Seeley was manager of the Pasco station before taking over his du ties as commercial manager of the new station which opened in February. James L. Pruitt and his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Weiss of Pierce City, Mo., were visitors during the week as guests of Mr. Pruitt's sister, Mrs. Dan Thomas. The visitors were taken on several tours in the Salem area and a luncheon for a family group was given at Silver Creek Falls lodge. Miss Jane O'Reilly of Seattle, and an aunt, Mrs. W. W. Percy, who is visiting in the States from Wailuku, Hawaii, will be here for a part of the week-end to visit Miss O'Reilly's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Kromer. They are also visiting relatives in Port land. Among visitors here this week were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hancock and twin daughters, Corinne and Christine of Boiw, Idaho, who visited Mr, and Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard. Wednesday brings the regular weekly golf day for women of the Salem Golf club, play to start at 9 a.m. Soroptimist club's regular luncheon and business meeting will be next Wed nesday at noon in the Golden Pheasant. Credit Women's Breakfast club is to hold its regular meeting next Tuesday morning in Nohlgren's restaurant. Sam-. wf "V .. M Weddings Listed July's calendar reveals several wed dings, and a number of the brides elect are this week-end announcing plans for the ceremonies. Scheelar-Holmes A bride on July 10 will be Miss Dessa Lee Holmes, who is to be wed to Don Scheelar, the ceremony to be at 4:30 o'clock that afternoon in St. Mark Evan gelical Lutheran church with the Rev. M. A. Getzendaner officiating. Miss Gladys Quesseth is to be soloist for the ceremony and Maurice Brennenv will play the organ. Lighting the tapers will be Lawrence Scheelar, Jr., brother of Mr. Scheelar, and Buz Covalt. Mrs. Donald Sommer (Jacqueline Torgerson) will be matron of honor. The bridesmaids will be Miss DeeLores Schulmerich of Portland and Miss Shir ley Lukins. Miss Diane Smith of Port land, a cousin of Miss Holmes, is to be flower girl. Elmer Scheelar will be best man for his brother and ushering will be Joe Healy of Portland, Robert Strebig, Don Farnum and Harold McCauley. ' The reception following the service also will be in the church. Miss Holmes is the daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Everett Holmes, Mr. Scheelar the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Scheelar, all of Salem. Morris-Williams Also to be wed on July 10 are Miss Velora Venlta Williams and Gordon Morris, the ceremony to be at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in the Jason Lee Me morial Methodist church, Rev. S. Dar low Johnson of Pendleton to officiate, assisted by the Rev. Louis C. Kirby of the Jason Lee church. Miss Betty Mann of Portland is to be maid of honor. Lighting the tapers will be Alice Mae Lovejoy and Lloyd Lovejoy of Albany, cousins of the bride-to-be. Don Schmidt is to; be best man. Mrs. Gordon Leonard of Cave Junc tion, sister of Mr. Morris, will be solo ist and Mrs. John Lovejoy of Albany, cousin of the bride-to-be, will play the piano. The reception following also will be at the church. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Williams, Mr. Morris the son of the late Rev. C. G.. Morris and Mrs. C G Morris of Cave Junction. Kuhn-Wade A wedding for July 15 will be that of Miss Corinne V.'ade and Richard H. Kuhn, the ceremony to be at 8:30 o'clock in the evening in the First Congrega tional church. Lighting the tapers will be Miss Louise Lister of Portland and Mrs. Stanley Kinne (Evangeline McKinlay) of Cor vallis. . Mrs. Harold Gardner (Jeanne Demytt) is to be matron of honor and brides- . maids will include Miss Patricia Viesko, Mrs. Reed Vollstcdt (Maryana Bollin- ' ger) of Albany and Mrs. John Spease of Corvallis. James Meece, Jr., of Portland is to be best man. The u?hers will include HAV den Fisk and Edward Locke, both of Portland, Eugene Henderson of Baker and Fred Zwahlen of Beaverton. Mrs Robert Dawes (Jean Sechrist), now of Eugene, will be soloist. The reception following wil be at the Chi Omega sorority, 345 North 17th. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Francis T. Wade, Salem, Mr, Kuhn the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry V Kuhn of Portland. Lewis-Myers Plans for her wedding are being told by Miss Janice Myers, who is to be mar ried Sunday, July 17 to Lloyd V. Lewis of Eugene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Lewis of Merrill. The ceremony will be a garden one at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at Terrace Farm, country home of the bride-elect's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers, with Dr. Chester W. Hamblin of the First Presbyterian church as officiating minister. Miss Jeanne Myers is to be maid of honor for her twin siaUr. Mrs. Gerald Robison and Mrs. Harold Gardner are to be the bridesmaids. Young Miss Sharon McNall will be flower girl. Best man for Mr. Lewis will be Wil bur Haskins of Merrill, Ore. The reception following the service also will be in the garden. Mann-Davis Miss Mary Carolyn Davis, who recent ly announced August 6 as date for her for July marriage to Norman E. Mann of Walla Walla, is telling plans for the ceremony. The service is to be at 8 p.m. that date in the First Baptist church, Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson officiating. William Fawk is to be the organist and soloists will be Miss Beverly Kenney and Da vid Lawrence. Lighting the tapers will be Miss Nan cy Buren and Mrs. James Duval. Matron of honor will be Mr. Mann's sister, Mrs. Donald Breakey. The brides maids are to be Miss Jean Hatfield, Miss Shirlee Reimann, Miss Ellen Reynelds. Daryl Willecke will be the best man and ushers are to be Donald Breakey, Raymond L. Guthner, and Walter Judd. Miss Davis is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey F. Davis of Salem, Mrs. Mann the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mann of Walla Walla. DANCE CLUB SETS PICNIC Slated for Tuesday evening, July 12, is the annual picnic gathering for the ' Monday Night Dance club members. The affair will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice with the officers of the club on the committee. David H. Cameron has served as president this year, Chester Zumwalt as vice president and Mrs. Paul Lardon as secretary. The marriage of Miss Shirley Darlene Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones of Agate Beach, to Charles Duane Burt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burt of Salem, was solemnized Thursday eve ning, the simple rites being held at 7:30 o'clock in the St. Mark Lutheran church, the Rev. M. A. Getzendaner officiating. Only members of the families and a few friends attended. : Miss Joann Greene and Duane Erts-. gaard attended the couple. The bride wore a two-tone gray suit with gray accessories and a corsage of sweet peas. Miss Greene wore a powder blue suit with white accessories and cor sage of sweet peas. The reception following was at the Burt home. The couple will make their home in: Salem. Mrs. Ersel Mundinger and daughter,": Lola Anne, leave Monday for a trip to.', Los Angeles where they will visit Mrs.. Mundinger's sister, Mrs. Ray W. Met- . calf. They plan to be gone until the first s of August, THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Phyllis Cutler, daughter of Mrs. Opal Cutler, to Richard VanOsdol, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Van Ofdol, was announced recently. No date has been set for the wedding. (Kennell-EUls luuio picture) . Li