i Naval Training Center Here To be Dedicated July 26 Dedication ceremonies for Salem's new Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center have been set -for the evening of Tuesday, July 26 Here for the occasion will be cthe commandant of the 13th Naval district, Adm. H. H. Goode, USN, who is to be the speaker for the occasion, and Gen. William Lake McKitrick, U. S. Marine Corps. The program for the dedica tion, as now planned by Lt. r Fred Fortmiller Dies in Hospital ,Fred Fortmiller, 81, of Al bany, for many years one of the owners of, an Albany mortuary tiied at a local hospital early Friday afternoon. He was hos pitalized here after a fall at his home in Albany on Father's day in which he received a frac tured hip. He was the father of Dr. Edward V. Fortmiller, of Salem. Fortmiller had lived in Al bany since 1890 and with his brother, the late William Fort miller, established an under taking and furniture business the first licensed morticians in Linn county. After the death of hs brother he and Edwin Fort miller, a nephew, continued the business until his retirement from the firm four years ago. B "He was a member of the Ma sonic order and held a 50-year rtfembership jewel. He also held Membership in the Knights of Pythias and was a charter mem ber of the Albany Rotary club. Every since locating in Albany he held office in the Presbyter ian church. a:.Fotmiller was born in Ne wark, N. J., March 23, 1869. He was married to Annie Lee at Junction City, Dec. 3, 1896, who survives with two other child ren,, Mrs. Clarence (Lee) Wiles, Newpprt and Dr. Hubert Fort miller, Boston, Mass. Funeral services will be held from the Fortmiller - Fredrickson funeral home in Albany Tuesday. I 1 June Volunteer Lark Makes Dairy Record I June Volunteer Lark, a regis tered Jersey cow owned by Mr aijd Mrs. John E. Lindow of In dependence, has completed production record of 7818 pounds njilk and 486 pounds butterfat which has qualified her for the srlyer medal award of the Ame rican Jersey Cattle club, with )fiadquarters in Columbus. O. rffhe record of June Volunteer iirk was made on 304 day ac hl production at the age of 2 years and 11 months. All her lasts were verified by both Ore ton State college and the Ame rican Jersey Cattle club. ' In compiling this record she produced more than two times as Jnuch butterfat as the average pairy cow in the United States. This Jersey has been officially Classified for type by the club jvith the high rating of good plus. 3" rain Is Sentenced Silverton Judge Alf O. Nel lon ordered a fine of $50, costs bf $4.50 and a 30-day Jail sen fence on a charge of illegally ofjtaining grain sacks, for Borge Francis Train, when he Jppeared in justice court Fri ftiy. The sentence was suspend W providing fine and costs were gaid, but failing to do this, the tefendant was committed. 'OLD TIME DANCE Every Saturday Night Over Western Auto v 259 Court St Join the crowd and have a good time. Music By BEN'S ORCHESTRA PDBMC DANCE Admission 60c, Inc. Tax Cmdr. David Morey, Jr., officer in charge of naval facilities in both Salem and Eugene will be held at the south side of the armory and is to start at 8 p. m Band music is slated to begin at 7:45 o'clock and at 7:55 o'clock reserves from the marines, the navy surface unit, the seabees and the naval air unit will fall in directly in front of the plat form to be constructed against the south end of the building. At 8 o'clock Adm. Goode and Gen. McKitriclc and their party are slated to arrive at the train ing center and precede imme diately to the platform. In the party with the general and the admiral will be Capt. G. F Galpin, district director for the Naval Reserves; Cmdr. W. Bow er, organized reserve planning officer under Capt. Galpin; and Lt. Cmdr. Joseph Philippar, aide to Adm. Goode, the director of the marine corps reserve for this district and the inspector in structor for the marine corps reserve units in Portland and Salem. Following the ceremony, "open house" will be held at the training center with the public shown through the structure and also shown the equipment and training aids used by the men. Refreshments are to be served during the evening with the Salem Navy Mothers' club in charge. Albany Location Offered State Board Albany The Albany Cham ber of Commerce is inviting the Oregon state board of education to move its headquarters office to Albany on the chance that Portland may yet be definitely decided. The local organization, through its president, Raymond Barrett, addressed a letter to Edgar W. Smith, president of the state board, apprising him that the Albany chamber has learned of the prospective change and would like consider ation as the future site of the office. The letter states that "there could not be a more convenient location than Albany as it is near the two state institutions and is conveniently located as to the population of the state. Also, the homelike atmosphere of the community would make Albany attractive to those of your staff who would make their homes here." Silverton Realty Deals Completed Silverton Mrs. Lars Opeda has sold her residence property in East Hill to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sears. Mrs. Opedal is moving to Portland to be at the home of a daughter. Reported locally is the pur chase of business property by Rolfe Bentson, proprietor of the "Bright Spot, Goldie's Place." The deal is said to include the building in which his business is located, the store occupied by Givens' Barber Shop, the Raw leigh's Products, and the larger building in which the Ames Furniture Exchange is housed. NOW PLAYING the EARL WHITNEY TRIO CLUB COMBO 3057 Portland Rd. Dining - Dancing Entertainment Center of Salem : t 1 I'll I 1 mm Historic Flag Is Displayed by George Simons of -Lebanon, son of wagon train pioneers. Handmade by his mother in the winter of 1862 on their Linn county donation land claim, it is raised by him on Independence day and also on Memorial day at the Sand Ridge cemetery where his parents are buried. There are 36 stars sewed to the field of blue. Simons believes that the 36th star was placed there by his mother for the territory of Nevada whose admission to the union was then a foregone conclusion. (Photo by Miner studio) Historic Flag Displayed by George Simons of Lebanon Lebanon, July 2 As has been his custom for many years George Simons, son of one of Linn county's first families, will dis play on Independence day at his Lebanon home, one of Oregon's historic flags. It was made by his mother during the winter of 1862, eight years after their covered wagons- made its final stop in the bouth Santiam valley near Scio. Fash ioned of fine cotton, it has re tained to a remarkable degree its original colors. There are 36 stars in its field and every tiny stitch is hand sewed. This flag was first publicly displayed at a Fourth of July celebration l n Brownsville l n 1863. Unaware of the epic dra ma being played to its end on the distant Gettysburg battle field, George Simmons' father, Emmet Simons, with his- own family and that of his brother, David, set out that day for the frontier celebration. The flag, attached to a long pole, was fash ioned to the front of their wag on, as was the custom of those days, all men of the party were armed. To reach Brownsville trail, it was necessary for the Simonses to drive through the field of a neighbor, well known for h i s strong Confederate sentiments. As David alighted to lay down the fence rails, the neighbor. well armed, rushed toward them shouting, "pull down that 'ab- Hops of Possible Value in Treatment of Tuberculosis Independence, July 2 Hops, longtime adjunct to the brew ing industry, may find a new use in the treatment of tubercu losis. If federal research work now in progress continues to prove successful, best quality Oregon hops may find new market out lets through the medical in dustry, G. R. Hoerner, OSC ex tension hop specialist, believes. He bases his belief on the fact that two complex organic color less acids, not found elsewhere in nature, lupulon and humu lon, have been extracted from hops at the USDA's western re gional laboratories in Albany, Santiam Sunday School Meeting The Santiam Sunday School district will hold a quarterly conference Sunday, July 10, in the Mill City Christian church. The morning program will in clude the customary Sunday school and worship service of the Mill City Church of Christ. A basket dinner will be served at 12:15. The afternoon program will consist of a song service at 1:45, led by Frank Fernn of Aums ville Bethel church; devotions by Fred deVries, county Sunday school superintendent; special numbers by the Mill City Pres byterian and Lyons Sunday schools and an address by Rev. O. A. Jewell. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, July 2, 1949 3 Calif., by a former OSC student, Dr. J. C. Lewis. The two riHs antihintine eimilai in naninil. ( lin have been used experi mentally to control tuberculosis in mice. Work thus far in California has been encouraging and lupu lon appears to have definite possibilities in the treatment of the dread disease. Incidental to the research, it was learned that both lupulon and humulon re act to ultra violet radiation in direct relationship to the amount of the substances present in the hops. This offers possibilities of speeding hop grading by chemical analysis, Hoerner states. Hoerner believes this new use for hops could easily develop into a market outlet for the hop resin, lupulin. Lupulin is the substance from which lupulon and humulon is extracted. Large quantities of the substance are now wasted in hop drying oper ations because it is mixed with sand. It is emphasized, meanwhile, that the possible new market outlet offers no hope for poor quality hops. Work thus far carried out by the laboratory dictates that high, best quality hops are required. olition rag, or I'll shoot the lot of you. No man will cross my land with those colors." Ernmett Simons said mildly, Lay down the rails, David. He can't get but one of us. We are going across with the flag." ) David laid down the rails. The angry man did not shoot, and the wagon rumbled across the field with the stars and stripes proudly waving from its head-gate. The father of George bimons recorded another episode during the Civil war years when the flag was raised at an Independ ence Day celebration in Water loo, then a lusty frontier post a few miles southwest of Lebanon. On that day another Battle of Waterloo was narrowly averted when a roistering celebrant drew his gun and loudly proclaimed his intention of shooting down the "abolition flag." Instantly a score of men's hands flew to gun belts or moved toward ri fles, and the boaster quickly changed his mind and slunk back into the crowd. It's Disgusting fg yjff Ml My brains the few I've aot re fuse to function this week. I watched the parade yesterday, trying to get an inspiration for this week's adv. Being " in the restaurant business, I was es pecially interested to see if there were any horses left saw lots of them so my mind is ot rest on that score. About the only idea I aot out of the parade was if the whole kit and caboodle of them would parade out to my restaurant and have a dish of our FAMOUS ROYAL FISH 'N' CHIPS, or any of the other DELICIOUS MEALS we serve, how much happier they would be. Monday is the glorious 4th the day for picnics, fun and frolic. We are going to work. Charles and myself will attend to the liquid end of the business until 5 p.m., at which time we'll open the kitchen. . Wotta heck of a way to spend a holiday! So long until next Saturday, CLAUDE Stevenson's Restaurant ,2535 Portland Rood r Phone 2-9004 Hear! Hear! Hear! Here at Sloper Hall In Independence, Ore. JOE LANE and His Western Dance Gang Celebrating the 3rd year at the same location. Record crowds every Saturday night. For a nite of fun you' won't forget come on down to Inde pendence. Pass Out Privilege Sponsored by American Legion Post 33 DANCE TONITE CRYSTAL GARDENS Old Time and Modern Music by Pop Fdwards t Admission 60c including tax 14th ANNUAL ST. PAUL DEO JULY 2-3-4 ST. PAUL, ORE. Thrills! Spills! Dancing Nightly! $7,000 PRIZE MONEY Top Cowhand Tickets Now on Sale STEVENS & SON DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Aumjville Pavilion Music by The New Wonder Valley Boys In Aunisville 9:30-13:30 DST 10 Ml. S. of Salem 3,000 Catholic Priests Held Vatican City, July 2 (IP) An unofficial Vatican informant es timated today nearly 3,000 cath olic priests and members of re-1 ligious orders are imprisoned in Soviet orbit countries. He said he obtained his figures by canvassing sources in Rome who have been in contact with Romania, Hungary, Czechoslo vakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Bul garia and the Soviet incorpora ted countries of Lithuania, Es tonnia and Latvia. The Vatican source, gave the following breakdown: Romania, 800; Poland, 500; Hungary, 450; Czechoslovakia, 200; Yougoslav ia, 200; Bulgaria, about 30; Lith uania, Estonia and Latvia, 1,000, most of them in Lithuania. Columbus discovered the Vir gin islands in 1493 and named them for St. Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins. -COOL- DANCING TONITE to Wayne Strachan's Music VFW HALL Hood and Church Stt. Enjoy the Best Dance Floor in Salem DANCE JULY4TH Aumsville Pavilion Music by Tommy and His West Coast Ramblers In Aumsville 9:30-12:30 DST 10 Miles South of Salem i ST. PAUL RODEO 5j I DANCE S with the new A 5 "TOPHATTERS" p. 5 Popular A Oregon Swing Band $ FRIDAY, JULY 1st p. and Dancing Nightly A July 2nd, 3rd & 4th ST. PAUL RODEO 8 5 PAVILLION g Cottonwoods PRESENTS IN PERSON Eddie Kirk and His" WESTERN ALL STARS Saturday, July 2 Dancing 9 to 1 UNDER NEW Management The Snack Shop 17th at Center Home Cooked Meals at Reasonable Prices! OUR HOURS ARE: Week Days: 8:30 a.m.- 1a.m. Sundays: 10 a.m.-l a. m. e Dance July 4th Aumsville Pavillion Featuring Tommy Kizziah and Hii Westcoast Ramblers Stars of KSLM Every Thursday 7:30 to 7:55 P.M. Sponsored by Sears Store of Salem For Your Holiday Dinners - SALEM SUPPER CLUB Nick Marino, Chef, Suggests Piedi Di Maile Bragiola (Braised pig's feet in Italian sauce, served with spaghetti) Pallo Alia Cacciatore, with Spaghetti (Chicken Hunter's Style, served with fresh mushrooms and Italian Wine Sauce) Catalette Alia Parmigiana (Baked veal cutlets parmeson served with spaghetti) Vitella Con Pepperonl (Veal with peppers) Above Orders Served with Italian Relish Plate, Minestrone Soup, Spumoni Ice Cream Also Chicken Fried Golden Brown and Tender Steaks Beverly Gay, Entertainer Salem 2-9242 Reservations Full Club Privileges Open July 4 Just West of Salem on Dallas Highway CHUCK'S STEAK HOUSE WILL BE OPEN MONDAY, JULY 4th We will close Tuesday of this week Only 3190 PORTLAND RD. Ph. 3-3991 at Night The HERRYL-AND .-''FESTIVAL To M usic by Claude Bird and His Orchestra Featuring the Lilting Songs of Kay Acoff Dancing starts at 10 p. m. under fairgrounds grandstand . . . Adm. 50e mi FIRST SHOWING IN SALEM THE DEATH DEFYING S) L m in the ireus MONDAY th of Thrills July 2:30 P.M. STATE SALEM Admission $1.50, inc. tax FREE PARKING