r 10 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Pet Una l5o Per Lint I time 40c Per tint 4 timet 60c Pat Line 1 month (2.00 Outside of Salem 15a per line P day. Uln. lOei l time mlrr See 9 times mln II JO. No Refund ftEADVRS In Lock) News CoL Only. Per use To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Two-Bedroom NEW HOUSE 1976 NO. 20th St. $8500, $1500 Down, 4 Key at 1990 No. 20th. a!60 OWNED LEAVING. 8acrlllce 3 bdrm. home. Falnnount HIU close to Leslie. Bus to Bush. Basement, Ilreplace, oil floor lur. nace. Corner lot. 16950. Ph. 3-9S05. 1595 Batman St. UNGWOOD IITS. S txrrm. home, base ment, rumnua room, oil heat, two lire, placei. New carpeting. F.H.A. Call own- er 3-Btm. . BEAUTIFUL new home, perfect loca tion, well built, ae to appreciate. Ph. 2-543H or call 809 N. Cottage. a!5B' BY OWNER: Mint be sold within 15 days. 3 bdrm., plus finished attic Furn or unlurn. H bath, automatic heat. F.H.A. loan, (7,9001 Open house anytime. BOB Liberty, ii?! av OWNER: 2 bedroom home, lot 50X100, "w.. floor oil furnace. Prlc. .4800 1339 Hyde Bt. Balem. BY OWNER: 2 IIDUM. house at Wood burn Lot 0xSO. Wlrrd for elcc. range Bee water heater. Prlc. 13450. Oil u,,. tat Rnlem. 0131 M.T.-.T ctunntl lift 000 oil 1 IK. Dr. nome- 7. ' . . . Mr, hnth nil Colo- tile nice "din. rm .. nook, lot of closet Pace. oversize utility rm, 'Anlluxl" pvd. at., well located. Ph. 2-6680 EP LUKINBEAL HEAL ESTATE 440 N. 14tU St. n159' Y OWNER: 2 Bd. Rm. completely furn house, lnciuami -. 148 water neater, dub wmw al59 Abrams NKW 7 barm. nou. -r.: !. TerJ nice utility- Must he en lnilde to appreciate. Also 12x20 garie & concrete driveway. U00 down. f price $7500. I'll. z-ow?JJJziZl-1Y OWN Kit: 3 blocks west of Salem Gen- In heat, attached gunnc hardwood floors, lull Dasfiiiuiu. -- Ph. 35289 or 26749. Immedlnto P0886, ravino 8TATF.! must sell 2 bdrm. house. Hardwood floors, utility room. some furniture ior u.e. ou Ph. 26037. $Y OWNER: Lame nouse, 6 rms, down. 3 up i Iota, fruit St nut trees. Could be made Into aPta. Price $4800. Mr Zack SchelL P. O. Box 225. G"VB. TOR SALE BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm home.PHA. terms. $750 down. Phone 3-2BB0. 3 AND AL ARIA, 3 bdrm. tiome. By owner 220 Candalaria Blvd. Ph. 31241. a!61' WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Nearly new home. Full basement. Fire place In basement ft living rm. Lame lot Plenty ahruba flowers Over 1,400 It floor space. Besides garage. Immed poss. Price low. For appointment Pn S-S734. ' Kingwoocl View n a.lAm', tnvrtlioRt home. 3 hllrmR, 3 baths. 2 lots, giant oak tree. You will want to see this. Price $17,500. iValter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edgcwater i'n. J-Q'" ft'- KNflLEWOOD $10,500 Builder will do well to make wages on this new 3-br. home all on one floor. Ig. Ut. rm., din. rm., fplc, full plast., ga.. pvd. t. and walk, close to ch. Pn. a-OBMii. ED. LUKINDEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. B159 fOR SALE: 3 Bd. Rm. House, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, 1 Vt garage. Fenced back yard with ftreplnce. pool and lights, 425 8. 23rd. Ph. 35754. by owner a!57 LIKE TREES? Drive by our home 1 mile east of Ketzer school. 3 bdrm. house V 5 acres, double erase, poultry houne, InrRf shaded lawn. Family orchard St berries. We would take H with uit If we could, dro. A. Fletcher, owner, Rt. 2, box 49F. Ph. 2-4298. aj" BY OWNER Dandy B acres In Hazel Green, close in with nice modern house. 13500 will handle. Ph. 257MJ. a!57 BY OWNER If you are interested in n modern 2 BR home, come out and make us an offer. Plaatered, carpeted, weathrratrlpped. in sulated, near achool Ac store, bus by door. Imm. poss. No reasonable offer refused. Terms. Garden ltd., Rt. 5. box 115. Ph. 2-1119. n!57 4 A. New 2 bedroom home with bath. HvinB room, dlnlim room, kitchen, nook, attached saraee, Insulated and weather stripped. Clo.se to new school and Rood shopping center. I8S00 or will trade for 3 bedroom house In town. ?. H. BELL, REALTOR 161 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-4H96, 2-1545 Eves. 3-"565, 2-66B6. a!58 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS fLOSE IN 6 room partly furn Lhcd home 15500. 0 ACRES CLOSE IN. Year around creek. Fruit, ahrulw. 4 bedrm. house. Kurnnce. Barn: chicken hnu.se. Price f ll.ooo Terms. DEAL HOME. Practically new. 5 lnmr rooms. Fireplace; full cement baM'mriit: forced air furnace. Large floored attic. none to McKinley school. Price H3,ono. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 144 State St. Ph. 3-m3 Even In (a call: 2-4007 or 3-67H9. al5R OPEN HOUSE Dally until p.m. By owner-builder. New 2 bdrm. KH.A. built home with built-in Therm ad or Elee. rnncr. Rendlx. fireplace, picture windows. V. bllnd-v hardwood firs., copper tube plumblna. Insulated, weather-stripped, nuto. oi heat, patio, city water. In, lot. nice Tlew. A sacrifice at 1 10.000. Come xoutli on 99R to 99 Cafe. Turn right up Ewald Ave. to Welly Ave. Fmt street left Second house on right. altil MAIX NEW house, bath, aura nr. paved street. Some fruit, 1 2100.00. 88 7th t . Independence, Ore. al67 BR NEW Mod home, Ue lot. dble Karaite, shrubs, dead eud street, td loc for chil dren, clos eto school and bus. Sale or trade for 3 BH hse or income property. Write box 414, Capital Journal. a!58 FOR SALE, BY OWNER Four acres lolnlntf city park, six room house, modern barn, chicken hoiu.e. fruit. Priced rlshl. Further Information phone 76WX or write J. I). Permeutcr. Independence, Ore., Gen, Pel. al(t 1 f ARE US AN OFPKR. 3 Bdrm house on H acre Klnswood Heights. Ph. 2-7241. alfll Don't Miss This Nearly modern 4 bdrm. home. On 1 or north. Choice rolling garden soil Assorted fruit, berries A; nuts. Owner work requires move. $7,000 for Quick sale. Terms. STROUT REALTY t5 South 13th. Ph. 3-5323. alSs IT OWNER Excellent 6 rmi'modThome att. tar., ut II rm. Lge. lot, garden M.000. 41 Abrams. Ph. 2-3379. alfll Oregon, Saturday, July 2, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Flamingo Road" Plus "Down to the Sea in Ships" AT WARNERS CAPITOL THEATRE HERB ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want aa in which the picture title appears and ac company it with a simple state ment of 25 words or less on "Why I Read The Capital Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mail to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will be Judged on sincerity and originality. The THREE best statements received each day will each re ceive a pair of guest tickets to see "Flamingo Road" plus "Down to the Sea in Ships" coming soon to the Capitol theater. All entries become the proper ty of the Capital Journal, and decision of the judges is final. FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: 2 Dd. rin. home. Centrally located. Poss. In 2 wk.s, 622 N. 17th. a!61 four bedrooms. Large l.r., fireplace, D.R., den, reception hall; all hdwd. firs., excellent location. A bargain at 112,600. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Ll.it Inn Personal Service 164 S. Commercial St. Phone 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440 al66 THREE BEDROOMS A goQd value. Full basement, furnace, electric water h enter, la rue living room, fireplace, hdw. floors. Big lot, paved street. Priced at $0500. Call Mr. Beckett. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 North High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Ph. 2-4591, 2-6005 al58 BY OWNER: Lovely 2 bdrm. home, Engle wood dist. 3 yrs. old. Living rm., dining rm., V. blinds. Hardwood floors throughout. Full basement. Auto. heat. Phone 3-7172. al58' TRADE TRAILER! Almost new 33-foot Liberty trailer, elec tric water heater, brakes and refriger ator. Oil floor furnace. Four rooms. 9 closets. Tandem dolly, etc. Bleeps six. Will in do on homo up to $8,500, city or suburban. No. 16 NEAT AND CLEAN ! 3-bedrooms on one floor, new roof, Paint, paper In perfect condition. Paved street, nice neighborhood. Excellent ren tal prowrty. Only $5,800. Will trade for 2-bedroom home south. No. 333 PLENTY OF ROOM! 3 bedrooms with additional unfinished room. Lnree living room. One acre with lots of berries. Trult and nuts. Located north. Price $7,000. NO.405-A FHA Loans Multiple Listings Reimann for Real Estate iu; S. High St. Ph. 3-9203 Sun. As Eve. 2-3738, 3-9712, 2-8241, 2-2.V12 ; al!6' a 157 LOTH OF room In this 3 B.R. home on No. 21st street. Double plumbed, fireplace, basement, auto heat. May we show you through. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Ph. 34707 484 Court Eve. 24773, 27283 aliVJ BY OWNER: For sale or trade for Salem properly, 2 bedroom modern home, Irs than 1 year old, landscaped, fireplace, oil Jiat, utility room with automatic washer, In choice location near park. Phone Sllverton. 3203 or write Mr. M. McMillin, 230 Jerome St., Sllverton, Ore. n ISO NEW e ill) KM., living rm. Si dlnTngrnv combined, kitchen St nook, coved lino leum with feature strip. Large utility room, flreolace. Lot 73x150. 4040 Wolf St. One block from stores Si bus. 2 blocks from school. Ph. 3-7520 If no answer Ph. 2-31IC9. a!57 OPEN HOUSE 2 TO 8 P. M. SUNDAY Want a lovely small two bdrm. home only 2 years old? U acre fine soil. 11200 down. $50 per month, 5 Interest. Drive out Cherry to Shady Lane, turn E. 6 blks. Stop at No. 1575. RAWLINS REALTY (Hollywood Dlst.) Ph. 2-46(14. al57 NEW 2 BR HOUSE, elec. heat, large LR with rireplnce. 1)11, plenty of cabinets in kitchen. New Zenith stove Si refrigerator with this house if bought within the next week. Open Sunday. 3455 D St. or Phone 3-711(10. nlR? FOR SALE LOTS LOT on Mill creek, in city limits. Phone ;muu aami CHOICE VIEW LOTS ON FAIKMOUNT HILL In Hie Fail-mount View Addition Priced at Only $2500 Each These choice view lots are all restricted and within the city limits with city facilities. Come in and let us show you the most exclusive building sites in Salem. LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO Exclusive LisltiiKs Personal Service 164 S. Commercial St. Phone 3-8389 Eve. 3-7440 aallltt FOR SALE FARMS George W. Hubbs Co. J. ZEEB, Mgr. 1853 N. Capitol Phone 33031 HO ACHES unimproved, located near Pva- tum. JS acres In cultivation, good soli llHlnnce in pasture and timber. Spring St stream year round. 18 ACHES good for sub-dlvLilon. Close in nt edge of city limits on well traveled hlwiiy. 3 acres berries some grain. WE HAVE many other farms with good improvements at bargain prices. EVENING PHONE: 2-5481 M5 HOWELL PRAIRIE 46 A. Will. Clay loam and Amity Silt lonin. all in crop, some stock, milking machine, tractor and all machinery, ranch type home, all furnished, at tached 2 car garage, on school bus and milk route. Pudding river water right, all goes with farm. 3 miles west of Sll verton on old Silver Ion -Salem highway. Turn north on Pudding River bridge, a mile in. 1mm. Poms. Owner. Rt. 2, Box 175 Sllverton. Oregon. bl57 1.1 ACRE Ili ni.UT ranch. 15 miles 8E ilem, Ry owner. Ph. 2-3952. blA7 0 ACRES nenr Falls City. Chicken houses fully equipped. City water At lights, $3,000. Small down payment. Call 3-9003 alter 5 p.m. b!57 4SG ACRES ! ISO cultivated. Very good. sotl. Year round crerk. Beautiful setting. Creek bottom, all tiled. See the crops now rowiii''i Only $30,000. No. 1009 YOUR CROPS! Your croiw if purchased in ttme to har VrM. 31 acres In Howell Prairie. Good 4 bedroom home with basement. Irriga tion rights on Pudding River. Only 13,000. No. 845 Reimann for Real Estate 301 S Hltth St. ph. 3.9203 Evt. St Sun. 3-3532, 2-8241, 1-9713, 3-37.t telft? IFOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 4th OF JULY SPECIALS 325 South view Place, 3 bedims., NEW 709 Hoyt Street, 2 odrms., corner lot 2370 South 13th Street. 2 bdrms.. creek lot...., 1750 North Cottage Street, 4 bdrms.. good ... 2020 South Hitch Street, 2 bdrms., line district., 995 Terrace Drive, 3 bdrms., VIEW , CALL ROY FERRIS TWO OF SALEM'S FINEST HOMES 1285 Court St. Home In excellent condition, sprinkling system In yard, 4 bdrmu., fireplace, lge. corner lot. Ideal for con version to apartments. 360 North 13 Lh St. Beautiful family home, 4 bdrms., plus sleep ing porch, auto, oil heat, finished In excellent taste thruout. Double garage, sprinkling system. CALL EARL WEST GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street office Phone 2-2471 Sundays and Evenings Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 Pewr H. Gelser 3-9368 Earl West 2-1232 all FOR SALE FARMS 90 A. FARM! SALEM SUBURBAN on western sky-line! GLORIOUS HILL-BILLY TYPE COUN TRY HOME! SALEM HI school bus, Sa lem mall. Salem 24 hour dial phone in quaint mosN-covered, fully plumbed, old ma rise! Orand fireplace! Entrancing great native tree-clad, high, homes ite with breath-taking view of Snlem St a MILLION ACRES! FIELDS! PASTURE! WOODS! BIG SPRINGS! Full Price ! $8500 274 A. FARM 12 miles out! DAIRY OR STOCK! Sa lem mall, etc. 175 A. lusty crops! 2 great trout streams cross! Irrigate! Modern Cape Cod dwelling! 2 excellent big modern barns! 8 smaller bldgs! 3 finest wells! 3 electric pumps! Full Price! $30,500 IRRIGATED 50 A. FARM Every acre Will. St Chehalls soils! FRONTS major highway! Borders mous river 2 sides! Intensively farmed! Excellent bldgs! Close to towns I WORTH 30 MINUTES FOR A LOOK-SEE! Only $20,000, inc. equpt, C. W. STULLER, Broker. Salem, Oregon WiLLACE ROAD. k ml. N. of Bridge. bl57 FOR SALE ACREAGE HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 9UE south 2Vj miles to Salem, 4'j acres. 1 bedroom home, other bldgs. Garden, nice trees. $0500. Terms. Owner. Ph. 2-8110, Rt. 4, box 41)0. bblOO REAL ESTATE $7i!AI. NICE 3-BR. house, loc. on 1 A. of good soli, north, basm., fplc. nice trees and garden. $7200 NORTHEAST New 3 br. home on A. good soil. Drilled well, house fully Insulated. $9500 3 MILES EAST T.'x A., 3 br. house, barn, chix house, pump and fruit house, nice fruit and nut trees. Wil. soli, all cult. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. Cl59 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2 TO 8 Candalaria Heights View Home 3 bdrm., liv. rm., din. rm., kit. St nook. Oil furn. Dbie. gar. Must be seen to be appreciated. $3500. Terms. 245 Alice nvo. Out S. Corn'l., turn sight at Dairy Queen, 1st house. cl57 WILL TRADE business, brick building, and exceptionally nice homo In good Iowa County seat town, for exceptional ly nice ranch Ac country home near good town in Oregon. It has to be good. G. D. Freeman, EmmetHburg. la. cl58 BEST BUYS $600 DOWN 2 bdrm. home. Very close In. About 12 yrs. old, Immed. poss. Paved street, 'b A. lot. Well worth $4500. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. LARGE FAMILY HOME 5 bdrm. older type home In good con dition. Choice location. One block to school. Owner leaving city. Attached garage. V. blinds. $2000 down. Total price 18750. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY Here is one we are really proud of. Double plumbing. Full basement with party rm. Auto. heat. 3 blocks to school. Helect location. Spacious rms. Well worth $16,000. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. FARMS $500 DOWN 3 A. modern home. Large barn. No waste land. Only 15 minutes from downtow Total price only $4500. Eve. 3-9403 or 3-35511. lfi ACRES Willamette silt soil. Modern. Almost new. Several good out bldgs. Will trade for smaller farm. Total price $13,000. Terms. Eve. 3-9403 or 3-35.'8. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4596 C157" SALE OR TRADE 6l acres with an older style 3-bedroom home, located about 6 mlle.t south of Salem: barn At chicken house; some timber Will sell for $7500 with terms or trade for city property of equal value. Excellent Neighborhood Here is a nice 2-bedroom remodeled home loniled on E. Le telle St. Base ment with now auto, furnace: nice fenced yard. Will .sell or trade foi acreage. Price Is $9500. See Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phone 3-5838 331 North High Eve. Ph. 3-7534. 2-7423 t-158 FhiTisirThTs Yo'urself " West Salem. 3 BRs on one floor. Plumb ing In. Needs plastering St some floor Inn. $6300. Consider suburban home In tradr. Wallace Road Special 2 Acres Corner lot. Modern home. !5 minutes from town. A good buy. $6800 Terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor :007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 3-3882. Eves. 3-2147 or 2-aR3t Cl57' FOR VOI R SAVINGS invprn.cnt buy a first mortgage on real estate Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts $500 to several thousand dou lars. net investors 5 We make al) col lections for you If desired STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 High e WANTED REaTTsTtT WE ARK In need oi good houses to sell In or near Salem It rou wish to ilsi your property for isle sr GRA BENIIORST HKOS. KFAI.TOHS 134 S Liberty St. -Phone 3-3471 ca N'OTUKI If your property Is lor tale rent or exchange, list U with us Wr have nil kinds of ensh buvert STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 S Hlab Bt ea WILLPAYCASH In lull or cash for equity In modest 3 bedroom home. Norlh Salem. If bargain' Address my broker. Box 463. Salem, Ore or see C, W, ATUIiLER. Broker, Salem. Oregon Rt. 1, box 37. Wallace rd. ml. N. brtdtt . elT IFOR SALE HOUSES 7.400.00 7.50000 7.850.00 , 12,900.00 , 11.000.00 ... 15,000.00 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE use of 3 bedrm. Salem bunga low for 2 or 3 bedrm. house In Port land. Phone 3-9766. cb!59 WILL CONSIDER rural or coast property on iraue on exccncmiy locaica new i BR house, 265 E. Lcfelle St. cb!57 TO TRADE 5 acres fine soil, close in; house with three small bedrooms, bath, laundry trays, elec. water system. Take house In north Salem in exchange. Value about -?fi000. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 North High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Ph. 2-4591, 2-6605 cbl58 BUSINESS OPPORTlJhiTnES SERVICE station for lease with Inven tory and equipment. Hollywood district United Petroleum. Call EAat 1106. Port land. Ask for Mr. Moore or Mr Sykes cd NICELY FURN. Duplex. Excel. Income In vestment. Prlv. baths Si entrances, elec. heat, garage, nice neighborhood. Ph. 25463. cd!57' LUNCH COUNTER $100 DOWN WILL HANDLE 10 STOOLS - 2 BOOTHS B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. CAPITOL ST. Office Ph. 2-3862 - Eves. 2-3147 or 2-8836 cdl58- BY OWNER Want a home and business combination? We have that location. Phone 30395 cd!62 Bakery and Coffee Shop No competition good business, long lease, liivng (luartcrs. fountain and equipment. Ask Mr. Bean to tell you about this one. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Ph. 3-7660. cdloB' SERVICE Station, good location in Salem. pumping around 10.000 per month, to responsible party at Inventory. Write Box 341, Capital Journal. cdl62 New Motel Bargain 4 lovely units, close Salem, all furn. Elec. heat. hdwd. floors, a 7 bed rental. 293 ft. ODE. 116.000. 5 UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE No. 3 zone, close in, good location, easy $200 mon. income. $12,000. Low down Payment to right party. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Com'l Ph. 34649 - 25497 cdl58 Distributor Business Dad's Root Beer in Marion Ss Polk counties. Business well established. This will make you $6,000 to $8,000 per year. Priced at $3700 which includes one '48 Chev. 2 ton truck. Call Salem 2-7111. cdl57 CONVALESCENT HOME for sale or lease. Fully equipped. Inquire 1144 Center St. cdl59 $5500 SERVICE STATION Pumping over 13,000 gal. mo., down town location, long lease. $25,000 GROCERY STORE Downtown loc, meat mkt..- good fix tures, clean stock, grans $200,000 yr., cash business. Ph. 2-flfiflO for appoint. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. Cdl59 COMBINATION business and living quar ter, excellent location, suitable 'as is" for home and office. Can be cheaply rcmodleed for mast any small business. 50 ft highway frontage. Full price $8500. Easy terms. Ph. 3-5109. cdl59 FURNITURE FOR SALE UNI'AINTEll furniture, cmseout WOODROW'S. 450 Center St. prices CUSTOM Bt'ILT good as new Davenport ana unair, rase color. Mohair material. $165.00. Call 2-5723 or 4160 Garden Rd. Browning Ave. dl57 AUCTIONS CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK AND EQUIPMENT OF THE FASHION LOUNGE DRESS SHOP AT AUCTION TUESDAY, JULY 5th Absolutely going out of business. Every item sells. All goes with abso lutely no reserve. For your con venience sale will be held inside spacious Glenwood Ballroom, 4'i miles N. of Sjilem on Hiwny 99E, 200 yds. N, of Drtvetn Theater. 7:30 p.m. sharp. As follows: wear, dresses. 'q Over $1,000 stock of Ladies Ready-to-Wiar, Dresses. Suits. Sweaters. Blouses, Stockings, Jewelry, Person- etc. 9 Large De.ks Swivel Chairs 0) Filing Cabinets Singer Electric Sewing Machine 20 Chairs 6 Large Plate Mirrors 0 Shelving 41 1 Lot Chests Lis hi Fixtures 2 Occasional Clin Irs m Cnrpets 6) 12 Dress Racks Hoover Vacuum and Altaehntrnts to 4 Wardrobes HomiiKtou Adding Machine 0 2 Desk Lamps Extension Cords 12-Step Ladder Brooms A Mnnnequini (D Flood Llghls 8 Display Stands 49 Paper Rack 2 Ladder Chairs a) Oval Counter Straight Counter 2 Cash Boxes O 3 Oval Rues Telephone Table and Chair 0 11 Jewelry Trays D 3 End Tables t 4 Folding Screens Ct Draperies and Rods Dozens of Additional Items LOT NO. 2 Hair Dryers Ladiyj, Bicycle 0 Pool Table LOT NO. 3 Sold home, leaving state. Sell all with out reserve. A Coldspot Refrigerator $ Apartment Electric Range (2 months old. deluxe 0 4-Pc. Period Mahogany Bed Suite, including Beautyrest Mattress 9x15 Rug Record Cabinet 0 3 Occasional Chairs Child's Desk and Rocker 0 2 MalmRany Sleigh 3, 3 Beds, complete Mirror Breakfast Table 0 Lamps 0 Dishes 2 Bird Caccs 0 Lawnmoucr 0 Electric Tram Other Mtsrellanfous Lcrf NO. 4 0 New Davrno Set 0 Man New Items GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER Phone 3-5110 to Buy or Sell ddUT WANTED FURNITURE FI'RNITURE WANTED. Ph. 38558 for ap praisal. TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Rd. daI58 HinilEtT PRICES paid Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 3-5110. da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHOICE WHITE weiner pigs, $12 each. Elton Watts, 1 ml. south of Central Howell. Ph. 31025 el57 GOOD JERSEY-GUERNSEY heifer and calf, $200. Saddle and light work horse with bridle, saddle, harness St light Plow, 175. Mrs. William Rowe, Rt. 8, Box 780 Ph. 24260. e!57 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. K C. McCandlish, 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-8147. cal79 RABBITS WING'S RABITRY needs fryer rabbits. Top prices. 3985 State St. 109F5. ebl77 PETS FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. 18 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St., West Salem- ee FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 2253 Dalles collect, Summer rates, eelOO PHILLIPS BROS. Old fir, oak. Ph. 68F22. ee TR1-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust Prompt delivery. Ph 27442. We give 8 At H GreeD Stamps. Green 16 In. mil) wood. ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Otis. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends St Block Wood, Ph. 36444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 3-1298 f 161 TURKEY FRYERS rtresed or alive. Doyle Sutter. Rt. 6, Box 855, "Lancaster Drive. Ph. 25708. 1157 RED FRYERS for sale. Reasonable. Ph. 454 Jefferson, Ore. Rt. 1, Box 35. f 161 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day, Ph. 2-2R61. Lee's Hatchery. f PRODUCE ROYAL ANNE Cherries 2c U-Pick. 1 mile east of Lancaster Dr. on Auburn ltd. Wutch for sign. ffl57 RASPBERRIES He, Loganberries Sc U-plck. Brini; own containers. 2 miles souin oi Rosedale on Liberty Rd. A. W. Plant. Rt. 9 BOX 416. If 157 LGE. DARK red raspberries $2 3745 BrOOKH SC. fn, 24379. RASPBERRIES $2.00 crate. Rt. 2. Box 390, north Chemawa. Ph. 2-1386. ff 169 KALE St late cabbage plants now ready Any quantity. Puritan Cider Works. Ph. 3-5426. II157 rlG, LUSCIOUS Raspberries delivered any where in Salem, $1.90 a crate. Ph. 23935. If 157 RASPBERRIES, U pick. Rt. 2. Box 259. 1st hse N. on Clear Lake Rd. ff 157 STRAWBERRIES, U Pick, 10c lb. Still lots of nice berries left. Stanley Sneed. Rt. 2. Box 450. la mile west of Portland highway on Chemawa cutoff Rd. ff 1Q0 YOU PICK raspberries, $1.25 crate. Green Apple Market. Hopkins, Box 377. 'a mile east. ml. PRODUCE FRESH RASPBERRIES. Delivered in city for $2. Cherry. Ph. 21532. fflBT RASPBERRIES, U Pick. 10c lb. 'j ml. of 91) E on Chemawa cutoff. Rt. 2, Box 442. ffl58 HELP WANTED BEAN PICKERS register. Picking about July 13. Heavy yield. 4 miles to Keizer. turn left 4 miles on paved road to farm. H. L. Pearcy Nursery Co., Phone 3-1355. g!63 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN OR GIRL for housework. 695 N. Liberty. Call mornings. gb.57 WANTED: Middle"aged lady for light housekeeping and care of 2 children. Board and room, wages. Call evenimrs 497 S. Capitol. gbl58 WANTED: Middle aged woman In north part of Salem to care for 2 yr. old child in my home from 3:30 p.m. to 12:00 Monday thru Friday. S1.00 per day and evening meal and drive you home. Inquire July 2nd. 3rd or 4th at 2555 Brooks St.. Salem. gbl57 IIOo'k KEEPER and a secretary. Wlllnm ette University business office. Ph. 392C6. gbl57 WANTED: Experienced waitress at once. Salem Home Bakery, 1380 N. Church. gblSfl- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St pn I.14SS tf WANTED POSITIONS CI'LTIVATING Ss tilling with M.E. Tiller, Fh. 3-6037. hl5B CARPENTER, A-l. fast. Ph. 3-8825. hl7T PI'MICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 2-8825. hl77' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov Ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 h!75' LAWN CARE Si Landscaping. after 5. Ph. 23074. INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6796 hl75 IKM'SE WORK by 8 a.m. CKMKNT WORK warned. Ph. 2-4850. h CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 3-6876. IU71' TYPING In my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or aves. IU70 PRACTICAL NURSE wishes employment, day or night. Ph. 2-4469. h!57 WILL CARE for children In mj From h to 5 daily. Ph. 3-0515. home. hl78 Mimeographing-Typing POF'S 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3641. MBl BABY SITTING. Call 3-1211. PRACTICAL NI'RSE wishes full or part time caring for Invalid or elderly per son. Write Capital Journal Box 418. M5B Rt'I.IAIlI.E woman with housekeeping position. Sslem. 4 yr. bo: wishes Box 276. hi 59 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 34 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hl78' PAINTING & DEC. Expert color harmonising. 3-7552 hies BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph 3-9934 h!66 CrsTOM also wil HAY balelng. rake 1 mow Ph. 27103 with Job. hl62 WANT II K. WORK. Ph. 3-4767 after 5 M74 PLASTERING. PAlfcmvORK and chim ney building. Ph. 3-4389 Free estimates hl61 CARPENTER WK. New. repair Ph. 3-2093 M61 PAINTING, repair work. Price reasonable Work sr.mrsnteed. No Jobs too small Ph. 27546 hlftl Journal Want Ads Pay WANTED POSITIONS LAWN maintenance. Rebuilding and put ting In new ones. Ph. 2-2608. hl58 GRADER WORK by the hr. or Job Streets, roads, subdivision Ph. 29315 or 23897 eve. h!58 FOR RENT ROOMS i NICE sleeping rooms. 1157 N. Capitol. Ph. 28344. Jkl58 SLEEPING RM.. private entrance. Gentle man, 635 N. Summer. Ph. 27779. JkI58 MODERN SLEEPING rooms for men. Prlv ent. St telephone. Day or month. 1505 N. Capitol St. Ph. 33425. Jlcl58a SLEEPING ROOM. Kitchen privilege. La dles only. 520 Stateman. Jkl57 ONE WITH private ent., bath, hot plate couple. Also one room, gentleman pre ferred. 638 N. Church St. jk 157 HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy. Phone 3-6093. jkl73 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4335. FOR RENT, sleeping rooms, 804 N. Htn. Jkl57 SLEEPING RM. PH. 37282. NICE SLEEPING room In modern home. Ph. 37558. Jkl60 CLOSE IN attractive sleeping room for empmyea woman. Fti. 38662. Jkl57 ATTRACTIVE Sleeping rm. Clean and u urn. mime oam adjoining, on bus line. 180 S. 19th. Jkl60 FOR RENT "ar'tMENTS FL'RN. APT. Adults only. Ph. 20392. Jpl58 FURN. AptS. Prlv. baths. 2455 State. Jpl59 MODERN FL'RN. apt. 3 rm. Prlv. bath, all elec. $60. Ph. 2-5463. Jpl57 RM. FURN. ground floor apt. 2 adults. $40. Cor, 18th Si Chemeketa. Inq. 280 N. 18th or Pli. 2-6878. Jpl57 APARTMENT, all modern, nicely lurn lscd. Cool, attractive and close in. For 1 or 2. 468 N. Winter. Jpl59 ROOM furnished apt. Clean, comfortable close in. 674 N. Church St. Jpl59 3 RM. furnished apt. $45. Hollywood dlst. in. 3-B058 or 2-8667. Jpl59' UNFURN. APT. Living room. bedroom, kitchen St bath. Very nice, wood. Ph. 2-4526. n Holly. JplS8 SLEEPING ROOMS for 2. Also 1 rm. Apt. mi guHneaiun. rn, jujo. ivv a, unurcn Jpl58 MODERN 1st floor 3 rm. apt. Prlv. bath Si ent. 643 Union. jpl58 ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. St bath court ant. Elec. range, refris.. laundrv rm in cluded. S. 13th St. Apply 1555 McCoy. JplKH' PARTLY FURN. 3-rm. apt. Priv. bath. Ph. 3-8953. ent. & JP157' BDRM. large unfurn. apt. Plv. bath. eiec. range ei auto, neat included. Will lane children. Inquire at 1437 N. 4th. Jpl62 RM. basement apt. Also light housekeep ing rm. for working lady. Close In. 120! Court. Ph. 3-5925. Jpl57' FOR RENT HOUSES COTTAGE. 3215 Portland Rd. Jml71 5 RM. MODERN hom furn.. for lease, Jml59 367 N. High. WHY PAY RENT? NEW 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES H.W floors, furnace, garage, large lot, paved st.. city water, sewer, bus. LOW AS $200 DOWN L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate (80 N. Church. Ph. 2-7642. Eve. 2-0126. Jml60 MODERN 3 bedroom home, barn, large cnicKen nouse. Garden spot, etc. miles from Salem on Newberg-Salem highway. Second house east of Eldriedge school. Contact J. H. Mendenhall, Auro ra. Phone 5705. Jml58 414 B.R, HOUSE CROISAN CREEK RD.. family orchard, creek, spring, 4 miles out South River Rd. Acreage available for cultivating. Ph. 2-5684 or 3-4279. jinl58 ROOM unfurnLsncd modern home. In quire 99 Cafe. Jml57 NEW TWO bdrm. suburban home. $70. Ph3-8561. Jml58 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS KENT Singer electric sewing machine by month in your home. No extra charge for delivery Si pickup of machine $6.00 per mo. Ph. 33512. J166" OFFICE spaces and desk spaces. Ph. 3.M192 J' GROUND FLOOR rooms, mi liable for of fice or stores. Also alley warehouse with elevator. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 V DRIVE trucks cars Ph 2-9103 I POWER TOOL rentals tor home St in dustrlai use Bowser Bros Ph 3-3646 P TRAILERS. $2.00 per day Howser Bros 1410 S. 12th, West Salem j BUSINESS RM for rent H L Stiff. 1 GOOD USED PIANOS H L Stiff. J" FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgomery Ward j TO DO a good lob rent a good floor sand- er. We ell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS. Ph 3-3646 1 SKIL-TOOL rental service. Farm J178- Phone i 157 Store. 4345 Sllverton Rd. RM. HOUSE, 2-8778. furnished, adults. WANTED TO RENT OR 8 B.R. house furn. or partly furn. for Aug. 15. Write Box 427, Capital Journal. Jal59 CPLE. with 10 m os. ofd son want 4 rm. hse, unfurn. Ph. 39589 Jal57 EMPLOYED COUPLE want to rent 1 or 2 bdrm. house with stove and re In p. furn. on or before July 5th. Ph. 37829. la 157 WANTED: Mod. 2 B.R. furn. or partly furn. hse. by Sept. 1. Cple. with 10 mos. old boy. Guarantee exc. care. Ph. 3-8648 Jal58 WANTED: Furnished apt. by mature cou ple. Man is minister of a local church. Phone 3-3690. Jal57 i BDRM. USE. on one fir. Ph. 3-6315. Jal57 HOME for Christian famllr of 4. Around 50 a mo. Call 2-0053. Jal57 YOUNG COI'PLE. well educated, having 4-year-old boy and beautiful gentle clog, desire a five to six room home to rent. Will pay up to $60. Home need not be modern, may be In country If served by bus. May also be part of a duplex. We both come from highly regarded families on Grays Harbor, Wash. We are non-drinkers, serious, ambitious, honest. Husband Is employed as watch repairman. We would take care of some rental home as though it were our own. If you would like to talk to us. call Salem 2-7904. Jal57' MODERN 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. hse. ur gently needed by representative national company, ten year daughter. Will lease. References. Write Capital Journal. Box 419. Jal58 MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST AdolPh Bldg. State St Commercial fits SALEM Phone 3-3311 m' HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qua 1! fled Singer represen ta" e Ph 3-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on al. makes of ma chines Pre- estimate given before work If started Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'l m LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. ml82 BUILDING MATErYal''""' CEMENT MIXER for rent. Ph. HARDWOOD flooring, all grades, from $95 thousand up. Keith Brown, Front ft Court &ts., Salem. mi1 SPECIAL: Cedar siding, Vxir. Random length. C-arade. $85 thousand. Keith Brown, Front St Court Sts., Salem. ma CEDAR SHAKES $12.80 per sq. Combina tion screen stormdoors $10. New doors 1 St 5 panels $5.75. Mahogany front doors, o-trgain. Hard waterproof wall board 7'tc ft. C. G. Long. Rt. 3. box $1. Ph. 2-3821. One mil norm of Ke. er. maise f AUTOMOBILES PONTIACS '47 Sedan Coupe $1395 '41 Sport Coupe 845 '40 Pontiac 595 '47 Ford D.L. Sport Coupe 1295 '42 Olds Sedan 995 '36 Chevrolet Sedan 245 Herrall - Owens Co 660 N. LIBERTY BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors Call our outside salesmen for free estimate. Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM. OREGON ALUMINUM ROOFING 2 ft width In the following lengths: 8 $1.74 g- 2.32 10- 2.90 12- S- Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM. OREGON ma NEW SHIPMENT plast board. H". Sttc; 6o sq. ft. Rock lathe. 45 aq. ft $1.75. MONTGOMERY WARD SUjEM ma ' SHEET ROCK, 4aiC ft. 5C ft. V rocK lath solid sheets. Sic yd. C. G. Long. Ph. 25821. 1 mile north of Keizer. mal58 BUILDERS attention. Two 14-ft. ladders $10 each. One extension ladder, 19 ft. sections, $25. In good condition. If all are taken, $37.50. Ph. 3-0146. ma!62 Cedar Shingles - Shakes May we supply you with Tillamook Coast, Grande Ronde Inland, and Cas cade High mountain No. 1 shingles, $8.35 sq. No. 2, $5.00. Sidewall 18-ln. shakes painted with undercourse $12.80 so., unpainted $9.00 sq. Ted Muller Building Supplies, Ph. Salem 2-1196. ma' NURSERY STOCK fuchsias See them In bloom. 180 varie ties. Mrs. F. E. Ward, 4380 Cherry Ave. mbl77' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS r.iRDKN sand, gravel, crushed rock shovel St drag-line excavating. WALL ING SAND St GRAVEL CO Ph 3-9249 WESTERN Holly gas range with Robert Shaw oven. '48 model. For sale or trade. Ph. 3-9029 or see at 2235 N. 5th. rrnstvr. ni!T the entire stock, fixtures, equipment of me rasnion Lioungc ur shoo. Tues.. July 5th. 7:30 p.m. Held inside spacious Glenwood Ballroom, I miipc n nf Snlem on 99E. (Office fur niture, clothing, fixtures.! ALL GOES. GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER , GOOD kitchen sink with new faucet from remodeling job. Reasonable. Ph. 3-3206. 1157 COMPLETE Stock Si equipment of the Hubbard Appliance St Electric Co. goes at auction Thurs., Juiy an, i:nu p.m., at the Glenwood Ballroom, 5 miles N of Salem on Portland Hiway 99E Hundreds of new and used Items. Own er, R. L. Phillips, Is leaving the state and says to sell the works regardless of price. GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER Phone 3-5110, Salem. n: ENGAGEMENT St wedding ring set, reas onable. Phone 3-7995. niDtf- FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 3-8357, nitsn- GOLF CLUBS, laundry tray complete. man's bicycle. All reasonable. ihbs North 24th. nl59' LARGE antique mahogany sofa. Family heirloom. Reasonable. Phone 2-4607, n!59 i. S. GOV'T. Inspected horse meat. Your animals deserve the best. Fit for hu man consumption. Guaranteed fresh, Write Equine Packing. 1335 State. Ph. 3-5072. nl58 BALE TIES, 9 ft. 6 in. 10 ft. 3 in. LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN Interstate Tractor & Equip. . 3055 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 2-4161. nl57' SALEM SAND A GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer Si Basement Equipment Rental 15 B A yds 12.00 per hr 10 B H yds 8.60 per hr D-7 Cat St Dojer 10.50 per br D-6 Cat St Dozer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat A Dozei 7.00 per hr Phone Days 8-9408 Eves 3-836 or 2-4400 balem Ores on n USED sewing machine. Ph. 33139. n!6B USED Washing machines, ranges, refrig erators, water heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. nlB0 WH1ZZER bike for , tion. Ph 2-0424. Excellent condi nl57 NO WAXING required when you use Plastl Kote. the cellophane-like finish for your floors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!80 HOTPLATES, fans, pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nt80' USED CROSLEY refrig. New finish. A dan dy and a bargain. $89.50. Gevurtz Fur niture Co., 275 N. Liberty. nl61 USED NORC.E refrig. A dandy and a bar gain at $99.50. Gevurtz Furniture Co., 275 N. Liberty. n!61' USED SPARK oil heater. Gevurts Furni ture Co.. 275 N. Liberty. M61 1'SED MO XT AG wood circulator, $59.50. Gevurti Furniture Co., 275 N. Liberty. nl61 FARMERS: Attention-Fence Controllers, nvlk pasteurizers, clase-out prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl80 ELECTRIC Sewing Machines. Free-Westing house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl80 EXHAUST fans. Claw out prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!80 DEEPFREEZE Home Freezers $129.95 Ss up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nI80 FT. DELUXE Cold Spot refrigerator, Cheap for cash. Ph. 3-7092. nl57 FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shinglei. fertilizer St flatrock. Phillips Bros.. Rt . Box 118. Ph. 6BF22. n GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson and Mootag Appltanc at Gerurtg. CU FT CHEST trwr Ph 3-428 BRAND NEW Pacific Apt. ize electric range. $129 50. Gevuru Furniture Store. 371 N. Liberty. nt61 AUTOMOBILES PH. 24113 FORJALE MISCELLANEOUS LATE MODEL G.E. Range. Like new". Guaranteed. (124.50. Gevurtz Furniture Store. 275 N. Liberty. nl61 USED WESTINGIIOUSE Washer. A-l cond. $39.50. Gevurtz Furniture Store. 276 N. Liberty. nll" USED CRAWFORD Electric Range. A beauty. $65.00. Gevurtz Furniture Co. 276 N. Liberty. nl61 NEED A cheap battery? Six months guar, rebuilts. Grp. 1 size, $5.95 exchange. Retread Tire Service, 320 So. Lancaster. nl73 DAVENPORT St Chair $20. Ph. 38485. nl7 USED KITCHEN SINK, complete, $iT 525 Locust. Ph. 37864. nl58 SMALL BUNGALOW PIANO. Reflnlshed rosewood case. Reconditioned trhough out Sc restrung. An instrument you will enjoy. $250 cash or terms. Stone Piano Co.. 1540 Fairgrounds Rd., Salem, Ore nl61 0Njf VEGOMAT-vegetable juice machine. -v. ,,r. riea wouingnam, 790 8. Lancaster Dr. nij EVInrude 5 H.P. outboard motor. Wln chester 20 gauge shotgun, pole St reel 1635 N. 20th. Ph. 24700. n "so PEAT MOSS: Full bales. $3.95 K w" Poultry. 1505 N. Front. ni, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WAi.i.n q i Mr rr CRUSHED BOCK for roaL. and drlv.w.,. cement read, mil concrete, tardea sand Bulldosln, dralna. and dnchlna. - uiiw una. fix. s-9249. HOYT ST. SURPLUS a?j'",n' t!?r'u new' "lh ' VL ; .P bal1 bearlnB "e "Pul sion Induction AC motors J37.50. Wards Oas water heatjr n.50. Tolleu and Oalv. Pipe 17c'. Elec. Water Heatejs. Your,, Dctux Washers. Apt. size a," Rorrls:, 4', new 1180. Hay Tarns Ici Boxes ,10.00. Swivel Chairs. Foldlni Me! 4 00 CbSSL ";48-1'"t Bedside Tall,. !'lM? r'J'r""?."; ",Und" tr"- Lir..' ? - Sec- Bskerr Oven. Spud PMler. Large Dish Washer. 11 6u Ft Drv'e? ,0hHptaW.P,,nt. L0Ck"- L'""d" "ryer s HP Wisconsin 1100.00. Irrlaa- Ho? ST'" Won5,n " " nrV.-. . Un,,c w b,wer WO-00. Hot ril, ,Furn 80 00 Bus Seats, oil WANTED MISCELLANEOUS tve..h A?J,i'r.aw.?"r1"' "'' one. "IS mini l jm n .'",1"?! Ter- riiuun J-IDtHJ. na uc,,lue a4V O0 Lancaster. nal72 ..u i-Q a-7001. USED FURNITURE, Pboae a.fllaT S7oAodLE.D Jlf lnl maclJine ""ail , UWJl Jja,( stayton. nal58 PERSONAL "Vh"'?!..?0' t,""'t.. .55 cross st. pia ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Box 734. J-S234. P185 TST1 d.Tte.V 330 m wan oi nouse. pi 58 AFTER JULY 1, 1949. I will , v. " op.ruo,iaioL"cori' othw -! NOT RESPONSIBLE lor any debts other" ; ' neroy AlUlea, BOX 474 .'dependence, Oregon. p,"j AUTOMOBILES 1946 CHEV. Fleetmaster 4 dr. Sdn., und ... vcuuaier, racuo. Good con dition. 1235 Columbia St. Ph. 25292. Ql57 4lenVYDR2M.ATIC LDS 2 d0Or' -" o mi 7. uwu paint-, jboo. 441 8. High St. Ph. 39993. ,,157 FOR Cttr 10 Jo n-- . i I iiir panel, aood con- oee be map o. High. ql60 Pickups Commercials 1947 DODOK !4 TON, like new. 1 owner, 1941 INTERNATIONAL i TON. Recond. St Ouaranteed. 1941 CHEV. . TON. a bargain I59J 1940 FORD "4 TON. A Honey. Guaranteed. 1931 CHEV. A good farm rig. Only t SO 1948 JEEP PANEL. Like new. You can really save on this one. NEW AND USED JEEPS. PICKUPS STATION WAQONS WILLYS 8ALES sc SERVICE Eisner Motor Co. 352 N. High Balem, Ore. If.lO CHEV. Special Deixe S pass, coupe!" .Bsn S,'.' CA,;,-'"e condition. Price $650. Rt. 2, Box 390BB. Geo. W. Case- oier. Close to Chemawa. qi57 F0R ' f ALf by owner: 1940 Chrysler sedan, 13n: aut at. m ,00d S??. H.:to FORD CPE. 2 new tires, sealed beam MODEL A Touring. Good shape. 2372 ocaic ot. Anyiime oeiore 7 p.m. ql57 FOR SALE OR TRADE 36 rord. R&H. Ph Eisner Motors to Buy CLEAN HI 10 PONTIAC "8" club coupe. u.u oi ncmrr. extras, B3U. 745 Jud son. Ph. 20634 from 12 n. to 3:30. All day Sat. St Sun. oiS7 1910 FORD 2 Door Sedan. Fair condition. aoj. rn, ;MB3g titer 3:30 p.m. ql5 LATE 1947 PONTIAC a. Fully equipped. ...uuv uiiiea. on a pie 01. ln. 393J Al bany. Ore. qI5g WILL SELL equity or outright, '36 Ford 2 oor sen. mac h,, .250. Brownie Foun-. tain Lunch, 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 39344. q!56 19S6 DESOTO Sedan. R&H. overdrive. Best taju purr. 1,1 . uotiage. q!58 '42 G.M.C. x. Equipped with Baugh- iimg apreaoer. v n. 2-0594. ql61 Eisner Motors to Sell 1949 FORD CONVERTIBLE 1 completely riiuiDpra. oouu mue cost $2600. Best offer over $2000 takes. Call 20476. qi57 GOOD MO FORD. Inquire after 5 P.m. 1 " lain. qi57 (Continued on Page 11)