Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 01, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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Woodburn Mr. and Mri. Roger E. Moen of Woodburn,
married June 19 at the Woodburn Immanuel Lutheran
church. Mrs. Moen Is the former Paula Walter, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Walter, and Mr. Moen is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Moen. They will make their home at
Westfir, near Oakridge. (Alyce Studio, Woodburn)
Brazea I e-Rand
Solemnized at
stnvtnn In a setting of ocean
ninlc ind candlelight. Miss Georgia Ellen Rand, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James Rand, Jr.,
Robert Lee Brazeale, son of Mrs.
Sunday afternoon, June 26, at 2
church. Rev. Willard Buckner,
pastor of the church, officiated
in the double ring ceremony.
Mrs. Robert Schroeder of Sa
lem played wedding music and
accompanied Miss Margaret
Speer of Aumsville, who sang.
Mrs. A. C. Van Nuys was in
charge of the church decora
tions. For her wedding the bride
chose a gown which had a fitted
bodice of lace, a sheer yoke and
buttons down the back. The
full sleeves of lace terminated
in ruffled cuffs. Angel skin
satin fashioned the skirt which
had a long train. The lace
edged fingertip veil fell from a
sweetheart headdress which was
trimmed In orange blossoms.
The bride carried a shower bou
duet of white sweet peas, cen
tered with a pink orchid which
had a throat of deeper pink.
A strand of pearls, a gift of the
bridegroom, was her only orna
i Matron of honor was Mrs.
William Rand of Boise, Idaho,
an aunt of the bride. She wore
"a nue green organza guwn
1 1 which was buttoned down the"
front to the waistline where it
flared away In a long draping
peplum over the full skirt. She
carried a nosegay of garden
; Miss Aletha Stewart of West
Stayton, cousin of the bride, and
Miss Lorene Brazeale of Port
land, cousin of the bridegroom,
were bridesmaids. They were
gowned alike in gowns of pink
sheer over taffeta, which had
fitted bodices with high neck
lines and full sleeves above the
full skirts. Each carried a nose
gay of old-fashlqned flowers.
i Serving as best man was War
ren Kelly of Crabtree and ush
ers were Harry Rand, brother
of the bride, Lee Baughman
Lyle Vogt and Johnny Baugh
man. Harry Rand and Johnny
Baughman lighted the tapers
" For her daughter's wedding.
Mrs. Rand chose a two-piece
dress of navy faille crepe with
white accessories. Mrs. Braz
eale, mother of the bridegroom.
wore a beige gabardine suit
with brown accessories. Pink
rosebuds were used in corsages
for both mothers,
, A reception was held in the
church parlors following the
ceremony. Misses Marg Ware,
Marie Fery and Sharon Gehlen,
all of Stayton: Betty Jo Keith-
j ley of North Santiam; Patsy
" Tbmlinson of Turner and Chris
tine Brazeale of Bradwood,
served. The wedding cake was
cut by Mrs. A. C. Van Nuys;
chef Make your dressing!
...lot tangy Duchess Salad Dressing is made
the way famous chefs make that dressing
from costly ingredients expertly seasoned
and skillfully blended. That's why it tastes
so good. And only 10 V4 minutes after each
batch is started it's on its way to your store
... guaranteed fresh. Enjoy Duchess todayl
spray, gladioluses and roses in
of West Stayton, was wed to
Pauline Brazeale of Crabtree,
o'clock in the Stayton Baptist
Mrs. Donald Maddux of Siletz,
cousin of the bride, poured, and
Mrs. Seymour Stewart, aunt of
the bride, presided at the punch
bowl. Mrs. Paul McClellan of
West Stayton was In charge of
the guest book. Assisting at the
gift table were Misses Birdeen
Smith of Stayton and Esther
Keudell of West Stayton.
The couple left on a wedding
trip which will take them down
the coast highway through the
redwoods in California and re
turning via Crater Lake. The
bride wore a dress of salt and
pepper rayon sharkskin with a
green suede belt and matching
bag. She wore a black picture
hat with shoes and gloves of
black and a white checkered
short coat. She pinned her
bridal orchid to her coat.
Mr. and Mrs. Brazeale will be
at home in Albany after July
1. The bride graduated from
Stayton high school with the
class of 1948 and has been em the Paris Woolen mills
of Stayton for the past year.
She was a princess of the 1947
Santiam bean festival. The
bridegroom graduated from Al
bany high school in 1947 and
employed with the Stanton
packing plant at Albany,
Attending the wedding from
a distance were Mr. and Mrs
William L. Rand of Boise, Ida
ho: Mr. and Mrs. James Rand
Sr., Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Ham
mond, Sr., and Dorothy Lee, Mr,
and Mrs. C. L. Brown, Kenneth
and Nancy, all of Yakima,
Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Brazeale and daughter, Chris
tine, of Bradwood.
VISITORS at the home of Mr
and Mrs. H. A. Simmons have
been Mrs. Simmons' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Cornelius Makelaar,
Sr., of Portland, who were to
leave for their home, Friday.
Arriving this week-end to visit
at the Simmons home will be
Mrs. Simmons' brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Riepl of Portland.
' mm
In Portland
Of Interest In Salem is account
of the recent wedding of Miss
Phyllis Ann Howard, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Albert
Howard of Portland, and Dewey
Allyn Rand, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Dewey A. Rand of Salem,
the ceremony being solemnized
June 20 at Mount Tabor Presby
terian church, Dr. Robert K.
Russell officiating.
The bride chose an ivory slip
per satin gown fashioned with a
heartshaped neckline with clus
ters of seed pearls, a rippled
peplum and a full-length train.
Her illusion veil was trimmed
with imported lace and was held
in place by a satin coronet. She
carried a prayer book with orch
ids and was given in marriage
by her father.
Mrs. John Leslie Scheele was
matron of honor and wore an
aqua moire gown with matching
mitts. She had a coronet and
carried a crescent-shaped bou
quet of salmon carnations and
roses. Miss Beryl Darby, Mrs,
Richard P. Simmons, Mrs. Mar
lowe Garrettson and Miss Jo
anne Miller were bridesmaids.
They wore yellow moire taffeta
gowns with matching mitts and
their coronets and bouauets
were of blue delphiniums and
salmon roses. Flower eirls
were the Misses Sharon Marie
Booth and Ann Marie Sutton.
Harry J. Thomas was best
man and ushers were Paul An
derson, John L. Scheele, Wayne
t-oiiocK ana Kichard P. Sim
A reception was held at the
church. Pouring and assisting
were Mesdames Elizabeth
Thompson, Allen T. Anderson,
ivan natciin, Stuart Moir, Pay
son Sammis, Lucille Dench
Henrietta McCutcheon, Edward
Sutton and Frank Woldrich, Jr.
and the Misses Norma Lund-
strom, Harriet Kelty, Caroline
uriesel, Ueotta Stendal. Lor
raine Miller and Iris Burton.
Following a weddine triD to
California, Mr. and Mrs. Rand
will live in Portland after July
25th Anniversary
Is Recent Event
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Ro
land Gottsacker celebrated their
25th wedding anniversary June
19 at their home between Wood-
burn and Mt. Angel with more
than 400 relatives and friends
attending during the afternoon
and evening. Special guests
were the Rev. Fathers V. L. Mof
fenbeier of Woodburn, Hllde
brand Melchoir of Mt. Angel
and Martin Doherty of Gervals.
Guests were present from Port
land, Eugene, Salem, Harris
burg, Stayton, Sublimity, Wood
burn, Mt. Angel, Aurora, Ger-
vais, Silverton, other cities in
Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
in the receiving line at the
reception were Mr. and Mrs.
Roland Gottsacker, Mrs. C. N.
Gottsacker and Mr. and Mrs.
William Frichti, the latter three
being the parents of the honored
couple. Mrs. Joseph LeDoux,
LaVelle and Darlene Gottsacker,
daughters, cut the large tiered
wedding cake. Their son, Del
bert, and daughter, Judy, open
ed tne gifts. Miss Jacqueline
Nuss of Seattle passed the guest
book, assisted by Miss Yvonne
Williams of Woodburn. Pour
ing were Mrs. Frank Altenhofen
of Portland, Mrs. Leo Schwab,
Phillip Morris
Stars on
Horace Heidt
Dick Contino Accordion
Ralph Sigwald Baritone
Vic Valenti Piano
Joe Schirmer Banio
Harry ee Harmonica
Downstairs Oregon Bldg.
State and High 3-8632
I I A i IM I '
.4, vov ,v I
'm'v- '.'
Iff M.
Wed Recently The mar
riage of Mrs. Marvin Lowen,
who was Betty Loewen, was
solemnized re e en tly. The
bride is the daughter of Mrs.
Nettie Loewen and Mr. Lowen
is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Lowen. (Jesten-Miller
studio picture)
Mrs. J. J. Penner and Mrs. Al
Lulay. Serving were Mrs. J.
L. Wachter, Mrs. Joseph Butsch,
Mrs. John Bigler, Mrs. Alfred
Aicher, and Mrs. L. P. Nuss,
with Mrs. Louis A. LeDoux in
Children of the honored cou
ple are Mrs. Joseph LeDoux of
Mt. Angel, Miss LaVelle Gott
sacker, Delbert, Darleen, Judy,
Mel and Billy at home.
AURORA Plans have been
completed for a shower of sil
ver coins, honoring Mr. and Mrs.
Carl H. Hoffman of Aurora, on
their twenty-fifth wedding an
niversary, Sunday afternoon
July 10, In the Knights of Pyth
ias hall.
Use fresh snap beans for a
delicious and nutritive lemon
delicious and nutritive lunch
eon dish for school days; Just
serve them in a cream or cheese
sauce with slices of hard-cooked
egg as a garnish. Buttered car
rots are good with this dish.
Dessert might be raisin-oatmeal
cookies and milk.
for every type of service
Yes, a national survey shows
J-M roofing preferred by owners
8 to 1 over other brands. We
are proud to offer this quality
line for every type of service.
Ask for a free estimate.
10-Year Guarantee
Nothing Down and
. Up to Three Sears to Pay
164 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-4642
llT'S Johns-Manville
Miss Gates and
Mr. Jones Wed
Woodburn The marriage of
Miss Lorraine Gates, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gates of
Woodburn, to Robert E. Jones,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Jones of Portland, formerly of
Woodburn, was an event of June
18 at 2 p.m. in the Methodist
parsonage at Vancouver, Wash,
with Rev. Dan Taylor officiat
The bride wore an oyster
white suit with navy blue ac
cessories and orchid corsage.
Attendants were the bride's sister-in-law,
Mrs. Mary Cumm
ings, and her brother, Arthur
A wedding trip to Canada and
eastern Washington followed
the ceremony.
Mr. Jones graduated from
Woodburn high school in 1938
and spent 3 V4 years in the navy
as aviation mechanic. Mrs,
Drop everything and hurry to Wards
Exciting Sale of
Values to 8.98
while they last!
A spectacular special purchase to
which we've added many dresses
from our regular stock at drastic
markdowns, makes this an event
you can't afford to miss. Every
dress in this large group is 'way be
low regular price. Get first choice!
Juniors . .
Misses . .
Vomen's . .
. 9-15!
. 12-20!
Hardwood frame, sturdy
olive drab canvas cover.
Folds compactly to save
space. Save now!
Our regular 2.79 blanket
priced lower for your holi
day outing. 66"x76" size
in dark, soil-resisting patterns.
WHITE ANKLETS ... were 29c
Snug elastic tops! Sizes 6
to SVi only. Save while
they last!
GIRLS' 83c
Here is your chance to stock
up at o BIG saving. Color
ful stripes, crew neck, short
sleeves. Small, med., large.
Jones has been employed as sec
retary in the personnel office
of Birds Eye-Snider for (he past
one and one-half years.
Reception Fetes
Mr. and Mrs. Dunn
The Salem Heights home of
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaffer
was the scene Sunday afternoon,
June 26, of a reception honor
ing Mr. and Mrs. Hubert M
Dunn of Portland, formerly of
Salem, on their silver wedding
anniversary. Miss Marjorle
Dunn of Portland, sister of Mrs,
Shaffer, was co-hostess.
Arrangements of pink and
white painted daisies and pink
candles were used about the
rooms. Miss Beverly Matlock
greeted guests at the door and
also passed the guest book.
Mrs. Shaffer cut the cake and
Miss Dunn served the punch.
Among the guests calling to
honor the couple were Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Fasching, Mr. and
N. Liberty
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 1, 19497
Mrs. Eric Butler, Mr. and Mrs.
Myron Butler, Jane and Myra
Bell, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Carleton, Mr.
and Mrs. Blaine Hanks, Mrs.
J. M. Dickinson, Mrs. O. W.
Gorton and Dale, Mrs. Leora
Matlock, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mor
ris, Mrs. Esther Edler, Armella,
Willet, Winona and Buddy Ed
ler. Out-of-town guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Murrell Gilkey of
Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Winkel, Mrs. Shirley Peder
sen and Jan of West Linn, and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Reinke
of Stayton.
Sharing honors with her
grandparents was little Miss
Cheryl Lyn Shaffer, two-months
old daughter of the Russell
A small amount of leftover
meat may be put through the
food chopper, mixed with a little
tomato catchup or salad dress
Phone 3
Here's the radio for your
outing AND for home. Op
erates on its own battery (in
cluded) or on AC or DC cur-
Sale priced!
Wide mouth one-gallon pic-
nic jug that keeps liquids
hot 6 hours or cold 8 hours. I W M
Buy now at this low sale J
Fine quality Sport King M44
salt water reel at a new low
price! Star drag, free spool,
250 yd. capacity. Chrome
plated brass, bakelite trim.
92.50 3-H.P.
Speeds up to 9 m.p.h., slow
trolls without a sputter!
Full 360 degrees reverse, un
derwater exhaust. Weighs
28 lbs. O.B.C. rated at
4000 r.p.m.
ing and used as a filling for
French - toasted sandwiches.
Along with a bowl of soup and
dessert of fruit and cookies
the sandwiches will make an ex
cellent quick meal.
$$ MONEY $$
4VJ Real Estate Loans
Farm or City
Personal and Auto Loans
State Fiifance Co.
1S3 S. High St Lie. 621 1-5221
To Place Classified Ads
Phone 2-2406
- 3191
Outboard Motor