Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 01, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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For Sunday
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 1, 1949
Tea Thursday
Honors Two;
Many Call
A highlight social event of the
week was the tea for whicn Mrs.
James T. Brand and Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague were host
esses Thursday afternoon at the
Brand residence to compliment
two of the popular summer
brides-elect, Miss Marylou Mc
Kay, who is to be wed July a
to Lester D. Green of Eugene,
and Miss Margaret Jane Cooley,
who is to be married August 6
to John Philip Maulding of Til
lamook. Some 150 guests were
bidden to call between 3 and 5
Greeting at the door during
the different periods were Mrs.
Robert W. Gormsen and Mrs.
Richard L. Cooley.
Receiving with the two host
esses were Miss McKay, Miss
Cooley and their mothers, Mrs.
Douglas McKay and Mrs. Ralph
H. Coole", respectively.
Striking flower arrangements
featured the tea. In the living
room were a large bowl of mag
nolias, a basket of Varied pastel
colored flowers before the fire
place and an arrangement of
blue hydrangeas and purple
irises on the stair landing. The
tea table, covered with an cm
broidered cloth, was set with a
centerpiece of white snapdrag
ons and pink roses and candles,
Another bowl of the magnolia
blooms was on the buffet. Also
catching the eye in the dining
room was the array of Meissen
plates on the ceiling.
Assisting about the living
room were Mrs. Floyd W. She
pard, Mrs. George H. Swift, Mrs.
George Alexander, Miss Dora
thea Steusloff, Mrs. George
Croisan and Mrs. E. M. Page.
Miss Katherine Karnopp of
Portland was in charge of the
dining room.
Pouring were Mrs. Harry V.
Collins, Mrs. E. J. Sccllars, Mrs.
G. Frederick Chambers and
Mrs. A. A. Schramm.
Assisting in the serving were
Mrs. George C. Alexander, Miss
Charlotte Alexander, Miss Ma
riann Croisan, Mrs. Richard
Green of Corvallis, Miss Jean
Maulding of Tillamook, Miss
Valda Wold of Corvallis.
EXPECTED to arrive this
week-end for a visit at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Burdettc
will be Mrs. Burdette's brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs
Stanley R. Cornell, and their
little daughter, Nancy, of Long
Beach, Calif.
AMONG those home from vi
sits away is Miss Mabel P. Rob
ertson, who has returned from
Tacoma where she spent 10
days as guest of Mrs. George
B. Guyles, who has frequently
visited in Salem with Miss Rob
RETURNING Thursday from
the American Red Cross aquatic
school at Wildcat Creek in Wash
ington were Miss Ann Carson
and Miss Donna Lou Lambert
Miss Lambert is to be a life
guard at one of the pools here
and Miss Carson will be a check
Wedding is
Thursday Event
The marriage of Mrs. Minnie
G. Hartsell to John S. Harper
was solemnized Thursday morn
ing as a simple service held at
10:30 o clock in the Jason Lee
Memorial Methodist church par
sonage, Dr. Louis C. Kirby of-
Mrs. Elsie Bell was soloist,
singing, "O Promise Me."
Mrs. Irene Payne and Robert
M. Harper attended the couple.
The bride wore a navy blue
suit and matching accessories
and a corsage of orchids.
Only members of the immedi
ate families attended the wed
ding. A breakfast was served
at the Golden Pheasant follow
ing the service.
Following a trip to the coast
the couple will be at home at
1363 Court street, Salem, after
July 15.
Miss Rothrock Is
Wed at Newberg
Dayton Miss Jeanne K. Roth
rock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson K. Rothrock and L. Lee
Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo
S. Perry of Newberg, were mar
ried Sunday, June 28 at 3:30 in
the afternoon, at the home of
the bride's parents in Newberg.
Rev. Floyd Sartwell of Port
land, officiated at the ceremony
performed in front of an arch
made of fern and red and white
The bride wore a two-piece
dress with navy blue and white
accessories. She wore a white
orchid corsage.
The matron of honor, was the
bride's sister. Mrs. Richard
Twenge, who wore a gold two
piece dress with navy accessor
ies and carried a nosegay of mix
ed flowers.
The best man was the bride
groom's brother, Rodney Per
ry of Newberg,
The bride's mother wore a
black afternoon dress with a
gardenia corsage.
The bridegroom's mother
wore a green suit with gardenia
The reception followed at the
home a three tiered wedding
cake centered a beautifully ap
pointed table. Mrs. Walter
Jacobsen, Jr., cut the cake; Mrs.
James Webb served the ices, and
Mrs. Ralph Willson was at the
coffee urn. Mrs. Webb and Mrs.
Willson are aunts of the bride
groom. Mrs. Mabel Jackson as
sisted with the refreshments and
decorations. Miss Penny Jack
son had charge of the gifts while
Calla Dee Perry, sister of the
bridegroom, was in charge of
the guest book.
The bride is a graduate of
West high school in Aurora, 111
Both of the couples have served
their country, she in the Waves
and he in the Marine Corps.
After about ten days at the
beaches, they will make their
home in Newberg, temporarily,
until their new home is com
pleted on the Neck road near
Both Mr. and Mrs. Perry arc
employed with the Portland
General Electric Co. at New
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Krueger
arc to entertain a group Sunday,
guests being invited to come at
4 o'clock with an informal pic
nic dinner following on the
patio and in the garden.
About 35 will be in the group.
Party for
A group of 18 was entertained
last evening by Mrs. Hubert
Williamson at her home to hon
or Miss Miriam Shellenberger,
who is to be married August 17
to Theodore R. Flock.
The group honored Miss Shel
lenberger with a shower of gifts
Late refreshments were served.
Attending the party were Miss
Shellenberger, Miss Barbara
Sundet, Miss Harriett Huston,
Miss Margaret Newton, Miss
Jane Carson, Miss Mariann Cro
isan, Miss Suzanne Small, Miss
Patricia Brock, Miss Gloria Mc
Clintock. Miss Joanne Fitz
maurice, Miss Barbara Causey,
Mrs. James R. Phillips, Mrs.
Ernest Hobbs, Mrs. Edward Sal
strom, Mrs. Courtney Jones,
Mrs. William Pettit, and the
Miss Gregory Is
Bride at Lebanon
Lebanon Miss Mary Gene
Gregory, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Gregory of Leban
on, and Charles Sevey, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sevey of
Stayton, were wed Monday eve
ning, June 27 at the First Metho
dist church with Rev. Carl Ma
son reading the double ring
Miss Eloise Groves played the
wedding marches and accompa
nied the soloist, Mrs. Marion
Peters of Portland, cousin of the
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore white sat
in with an overskirt of mar
quisette. Her veil was fastened
by a heart-shaped crown of
orange blossoms, and she car
ried a white Bible topped with
orchids and stephanotis.
Betty Burlingame of Gresham
was maid of honor. Her gown
was of orchid marquisette over
taffeta. Margaret Howe and
Dian Edes, the bridesmaids, were
attired in similar gowns of yel
low. All carried nosegay bou
quets. Little Susan Peters in
pale green organdy, was flower
girl, and Helen Jorgenson of
Corvallis, lighted the altar ta
pers. Best man was Jerry Pollock,
and ushers were Julius and Stan
ley Sevey of Stayton, brothers
of the bridegroom.
At the reception in the church
parlors, Mrs. Dennis Cormier
cut the cake and Mrs. Ed Guy
presided at the punch bowl.
Judy Swanson and Ann Bell
served, and Louella Hackett
passed the guest book. Helen
Jorgenson had charge of the
gift table.
For her wedding trip, Mrs.
Sevey wore an aqua suit with
white accessories. She is a grad
uate of Lebanon high school and
after attending Oregon State
college became dental assistant
to Dr. H. M. Whelan.
The couple will make their
home in Lebanon where Mr.
Sevey is employed in the lumber
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Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Arbie Gene Irwin of Hubbard were
married June 12 at the Hubbard Community church. The
bride is the former Bonnie Louise Sims. (Alyce studio picture.)
Silverton Couple Wed
At Church Rites Wednesday
Silverton In a beautifully planned wedding Wednesday eve
ning at 8 o'clock at the First Christian church, Miss Lucille Car-,
penter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Carpenter, was married
to Arthur H. Dahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dahl, in a double
ring ceremony. The vows were read by the Rev. Arthur
Charles Bates before the altars
decorated with three tall baskets
of white and pink gladioluses,
pink larkspur white delphiniums
ana fcsmer neea aaisies bhnu
potted palms, ferns and ivy
greenery, lighted by cathedral
The Misses Joyce and Janice
Herigstad in identical pastel
gowns, lighted the tapers. John
Enckson sang accompanied
by Miss Joyce Martin who also
played the wedding music.
The bride, accompanied to the
altar and given in marriage by
her father, wore white slipper
satin fashioned with beaded
yoke, long sleeves, court train.
full length veil held in place by
a coronet of beads. Her flowers
were a white delphinium-trim
med lacy fan centered with
baby orchid corsage, from which
fell satin streamers with tiny
For her attendants the bride
chose Miss Joan Neal in orchid
and Miss Ruth Rossell wearing
green sheer identically modeled
gowns, Miss Neal carrying a
lacy fan trimmed with green.
and Miss Rossell's flowers, a fan
of orchid trim. They wore
matching berets of lace.
Henry Ulvin of Salem was
best man. Ushers and bride
groom's attendants were Kieth
White, Vincent Neal, Fred Dahl
and Lynn Neal.
Mrs. Carpenter wore a blue
gray two-piece, sheer print with
white accessories for her daugh
ter's wedding, Mrs. Dahl, mother
of the bridegroom, wore a brown
sheer print, each wore a corsage
of deep red rosebuds.
A reception was held in the
church social rooms for the 150
guests, Mrs. Dolph Heater cut
ting the bride's cake and presid
ing at the urns and pouring
punch, were Mrs. Vincent Neal
of Salem, and Mrs. Theodore
Opsund and Mrs. Eugene Riches
both of Portland.
Assisting about the rooms in
serving, passing the guest books
and at the gift table were Mrs.
Perl Bye, Mrs. Walter McEl-
haney, Mrs. I. L. Stewart, Mrs.
Marion Fischer, Miss Annis Jo
Miller, Miss Louise Hoblitt, Miss
Ruth Jeffrey, Miss Beverly
Brady, Mrs. Ray Lehr, Miss
Pauline Herigstad, Miss Ann
Peters, Miss Frances Fox, Miss
Phyllis Lively and Miss Shirley
For traveling the bride wore
powder blue suit with navy
blue top coat and red accessories
After July 11, the young couple
will make their residence at
Longview, Wash.
The bride is a graduate of the
Silverton schools, completin
her clerical work at business
college. The bridegroom has re
ceived his degree from Oregon
For Wedding
Invitations were received
Thursday for the marriage of
Miss Marylou McKay, young
er daughter of Governor and
Mrs. Douglas McKay, to Lester
D. Green, son of Lester M.
Green of Eugene.
The wedding, an important
event on Salem's summer social
calendar, will take place the
evening of Saturday, July 23, at
8 o clock in the First Presbyte
rian church. i
The reception following is to
be at the Jerris avenue home of
the McKays.
WELCOMED ho m e from
three weeks trip to South Dako
ta are Mr. and Mrs. Conrad
Paulson. They visited in Dell
Rapids with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Paulson, and in
Sioux Falls with other relatives.
Their son, Tom Steeves, accom
panied them, and they went to
Faribault, Minn., where Tom re
mained to attend the Shattuck's
Boys school summer camp. He
will be there until August 1 af
ter which he will go to Dell Ra
pids for a visit before returning
home. The Paulsons also visited
in Evanston with his brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Paulson, before return
ing home.
AUMSVILLE The Aumsvllle'
Woman's club met at the E.
Towle home for its last meeting
of the year. Mrs. Hugh Craig
presided over the business meet
Officers for the coming year
were elected. Mrs. Charles
Wright was elected president;
Mrs. Mae Lamb, vice president;
Miss Minnie Peterson, secre
tary, and Mrs. George White,
Refreshments were served by
the hostess to Mesdames Mary
Hein, Hugh Craig, Mae Lamb,
Glenn Munkers, Ethel Wright,
Ivan Putnam, George ' White,
Luta Fuson, Charles Wright and
Bland Spears and Miss Minnie
State college in mechanical engi
neering as is affiliated with Phi
Kappa Tau fraternity.
son of Mrs. Nina Stesney, Sa-i
lem, and Miss Dorothy Gep-
hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Cornelius Gephart of Farmers-
ville, Ohio, were married May
28 in Norfolk, Va.
Mr. Bradley attended Salem
schools before enlisting with the
navy. Mrs. Bradley was with
the McCall Corp. of Dayton,
Ohio, before her marriage.
Wedding June 26
Hubbard Miss Sophia Ardell
Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
S. S. Miller, was married to
Perry Galen Schrock, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schrock of
Scio, Sunday, June 26, at 2:30
o'clock in the afternoon by Rev.
C. I. Kropf In the Zion Men-
nonite church east of Hubbard
The bride wore the tradition
al white satin gown and was
given in marriage by her father
She carried a single orchid sur
rounded with small white blossoms.
Miss Norma Jean Wayre was
maid of honor. She wore a
blue satin gown and carried a
nosegay of sweet peas and yel
low rosebuds.
The bride's niece, Miss Peggy
Jane Miller, was flower girl and
wore a pink gown and carried
a nosegay of pink and white
sweet peas.
Eldon Schrock, brother of the
bridegroom, Albany, was best
man. The ushers were Don
Stutzman of Sweet Home and
Bob Jancie of Albany.
Music was provided by a quar
tet, including Ed Kenagy, Daniel
Widmer, Misses Alene and Pearl
Widmer. Miss Hazel Myers was
The bride's mother wore a
light blue street length dress
with a corsage of white carna
tions. The bridegroom's mother
wore a navy blue street length
dress with a corsage of pink
A reception immediately fol
lowing the wedding was- held at
Kropf s hall. Mrs. Leonard Mil
ler, sister-in-law of the bride,
cut the bride's cake. Assisting
in serving were Mrs. Uriah Roth,
Mrs. Roy Evers, Ralph and Leon
ard Miller, brothers of the bride
Miss Faye Hooley, Miss Madine
Picnic for
Lions Groups
About 140 attended the picnic '
for the members of the Salem
Lions club and auxiliary last ;
evening at the beautiful country
home of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Janz
out Turner way.
Following the supper served j'
on the patio, installation of of- j-
ficers was held for both tne -;
club and auxiliary. "",:
Mrs. L. J. Stewart installed"-
the new officers for the auxil- c.
iary who include: Mrs. Wayne !
Doughton, president; Mrs. John
Ramage, vice president; Mrs.
Rollin Lewis, secretary; Mrs.
Robert Davidson, treasurer. -'.
Merrill Ohling, district gover
nor for the Lions, installed the ;
club officers who include: Ed
Schreder, president; Leo Rei- ,
mann, first vice president; Fred i
G. Starrett, second vice presi- ;
dent; Wesley E. Stewart, Jr., ,
third vice president; Harry W.y.j
Scott, secretary-treasurer; La!
Verne Young and Carl Aschen-i
brenner, new directors; Lee '
Haskins, lion tamer; Mr. Rei
mann and Mr. Aschenbrenner,
tailtwisters; Stanley S. Smith
and Lee Haskins, hold-over di
Mr. Stewart presided at the
meeting. Victor Palmason led
community singing. On the
committee in charge for the
supper were Mr. and Mrs. ''
Janz, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L.
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. E. Burr .
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Can
field, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
PicKell, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe
Cheek, Mr. and Mrs. Evert Gi-. '
vens, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Doughton, '
Widmer, Miss Alice Garber and
others. Miss Dora Schrock,
sister of the bridegroom, was in
charge of the guest book.
Mr. and Mrs. Schrock left on
a honeymoon to Glacier Nation
al park. The bride wore a gray
suit for traveling. They will be
at home near Albany in the near
future. Mrs. Schrock attended
grade school at White and the
Canby Union high school, and
has been employed at the state
house in Salem. Mr. Schrock
works at the Nafziger seed and
cleaning plant in Lebanon.
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It's all plastic nil -in -one ! Grips
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FASTER process
New Photo Method Dire
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Guaranteed to Rive you the most
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$18975 .' v
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Look at all the features of this great new Frigid-""",.,
Look al all the features of this great new Frigid-
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Exclusive 5-Speed Radiantubs Cooking
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Matic Oven Control assures even, accurate
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Deep-Well Cooker ... for soups and stews, or
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Appliance outlet. Life-time porcelain
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9 P. M.
PH. 3-9148