16 Capilal Journal, Salem, ClaABSTFIED ADVERTISING. Ptt Line l&c Per Una 1 time 40e Per Lint 4 times .oc Per Line 1 month ,. 12.00 Outside of Salem lSe per tine per day. Mia. IOci I tlmee mln .60o tlra!j mln II JO. No Refund KEADYBb In Local News CoL Ooln . Per une jOc To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER: Large nouse, 6 rms. down, 1 up. 4 lota, fruit It nut trees. Could be made Into apt. Price $4800. Mr. Sack Schell. P. O. Box 225, Gervais. a; 59 FOB SALE BY OWNER: New ', bdrm Phone al60 home.F.HA. term. 8750 down. 3-2880. EaNDALARIA,' 3 bdrm. name. By owner. 220 Candalarla Blvd. Ph. 31241. al61 WALNUT PARK BY OWNER Nearly new home. Full basement. Fire place in basement Se living rm. Large lot. Plenty shrubs Se flowers. Over 1,400 ft. floor space. Besides garage. Immed. poss. Price low. For appointment Pb. 1-3734. fewNED LEAVING. Sacrifice 3 bdrm. home. Fall-mount Hill close to Leslie. Bus to Bush, Basement, fireplace, oil floor fur nace. Corner lot. 16950. Ph. 8-9605. 1595 Saginaw St. BT OWNER: 3 bdrm. furn. home. Oood location. Close to school St bus. 978 Pine. Ph. 2-7BIM. aI56 EINGWOOD HTS. 2 Ddrm. home, base ment, rumpus room, oil neat, two nre places. New carpeting. F.H.A. Call own er 8-8542. a $700 DOWN 150 per month. Clean 2 bdrm., living t rm., kitchen Se dinette. Bungalow with part basement. Shady corner lot with garage. Paved on both sides. Close to school Se bus. Immed. poss. Price 15500. Gall Bon Clcary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edge water Ph. 8-5109. Eve. 3-9039 B158 fcNGLEWOOD DtST. NEAR HI SCHOOL Leaving town, must sell. 3-yr. old 3- bdrm. home, F'place, V. blinds, screens, hdwd. firs. Flowers At shrubs. Kit. you should see. Don't delay I 730 N 16th Owner. elfifl BEAUTIFUL new home, perfect loca Hon, well built, see to appreciate. Ph. 2-5438 or CRM 809 N. Cottage. ai&H' BY OWNER: Must be sold within 15 days. 2 bdrm., plus finished attic. Furn. or unfurn VA bnth, automatic heat, F.H.A. loan, 17,3001 Open house anytime. 868 8. Liberty. al57 BY OWNER: 2 bedroom home, lot 50x100, B-arpge St floor oil furnace. Price 14800. 2330 Hyde St. Snlem. al57 BY OWNER: 2 BDRM. house at Wood burn. Lot 60x60. Wired for elec. range. Bee. water heater. Price 12450. Call at 2330 Hyde St.. Salem. alS7 ENOLEWOOD 116,000 I Jr. br. home all on one floor, ol piped fur., 3 car ga., big bath all Colo- tile, nice din. rm., nook, lots of closet space, oversize utility rm., lot 80x125, pvd. St., well located. Ph. 2-6680. BP. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. a 159 1 i TEAR OLD 2 bdrm. house, corner lot. itofl DOWN, small house, unfinished but livable. Vacant, move right In, lh acre 12250, owner. Phone 2-3303. a 156 St OWNER: 3 Bd. Rm. completely" fu rn . house, Including electrle stove, refrig. A: water heater. Bus service. 14200. 14R Abrams. al59 A NEW 2 bdrm! house. Hardwood floors At yen. blinds thruout. Fully modern kit chen. Very nice utility. Must he seen Inside to appreciate. Alno 12x20 gamfc? At concrete nnveway. ti loo down, run price 17500. Ph. 2-8301 or 2-6832. a!57 BT OWNER: 2 blocks west of Salem Gi eral Hospital. 2 bdrm.. late built, piped oil heat, attached garage, hardwood floors, full basement. 635 Calterlln Ave. Fb. 35289 or 26740. Immediate possesion. R15B gTOUSE for sale. Rcns. 1156 Ruge St., West Salem. a 156 FINISH YOURSELF Plumbing St wiring roughed In. 2 bdrma. Alt gar. Well. V, A. Good soil. $500 down. Pull price $.1250. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 46 8. Oom'l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-0530. al58 Leaving state, muni sen 2 bdrm house. Hardwood flonm, utility room, some furniture for sule. 2288 Clnude. Ph. 28037. nlflO Kingwood View One of Salem's loveliest home. 3 hdrms. I baths, 3 lots.jglant oak tree. You will want to see this. Price $17,500. Walter Musgrave Realtor till Ed se water Ph. 3-5109 al5B' ENOLEWOOD $10,500 Builder will do well to make wages on this new 3-br. home all on one floor, lg. llv. rm., din. rm.. fplc., full plast., ga.. pvd. at. and walks, close to ach. Ph. 2-flGflo. ED. LUKTNBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. at59' $850 DOWN 180 per month buys new 5 room house with oil furnace, 2 bedrooms, laundry room, garage, extra modern kitchen. On large corner lot. Owner leaving 8a lem. Phone 3-9090. a 156 EoTS OF room in this s b r, home on No. 31st street. Double plumbed, fireplace, basement, auto heat. May we show you through, Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Ph. 34707 4M Court Eve. 24773, 27283 M5fl' $9,750 - Here It Is - $9750 New 1 bed rooms. 1170 sc. ft. Can't be duplicated for 19.750. Hardwood through out. Ftrcplnce, lap. utility, lawn. 11,750 handles. $55 per Mo. F.H.A. 4. Phone Builder eves, for appt. 37028. a 156 CASH If you are paying cash for a home and want a real bargain call Ac see me about this new suburban home. C. W. Reeve, Realtor ft B. Oom'l. Ph. 3-4590. eve. 3-9536 156 SALE: I Bd. ltm. House, flreilacr. hardwood floors, furnace, 1' garage Jned baok yard with fireplace, pool Mid Ilfht. 433 S. 23rd. Ph. 35754, by pwnar a 157 LIKE TREES? Drlva by our home 1 mils east of Keiscr Mhoel. S bdrm. housa Ac 8 acres, double arar, poultry house, large shaded Jwn. ramlly orchard ft barrier.. We would tak It with us If we could. Geo. A. Fletcher, owner, Rt. 2, box 49F. Ph. 1-4398. SNAP 14780. Owner leaving. Will let furni ture go it thai price. Nearly new. LH, K. DR, on bdrm. down, room for iwo hp. Utility rm. ft A. Oood elec. wtr. sys tem, aarden In. Near stort At city bus. Horth. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 45 S. Com. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9536, 156 BY OWNER Dandy 6 acres In Hate! Green, close In with nice modern house, 13500 will handle. Ph. 257BO. al57 BY OWNER . If you are Interested In a modern 5 BR home, come out and make us an offer, Plastered, carpeted, weatherstrlpped. In sulated, near school & store, bus by door. Imm. poss. No reasonable otter refused. Terms. Garden Rd., Ht. ft. box 116. Ph. 2-1119. 157 4 A, New 2 bedroom home with bathT living room, dining room, kitchen, nook. Attached garage, insulated and weather stripped. Close to new school and good chopping center. 18500 or will trade for 3 bedroom house In town. P. H. BELL, REALTOR Ml Ohmeklt 81. Pb, 1-ttM, lrlS M. I K1), 1-MM. UH 80 18 WE Oregon, Friday, July 1, 1949 Win a Guest Ticket to See "Flamingo Road" Plus "Down to the Sea in Ships" AT WARNERS CAPITOL THEATRE HERE ARE THE RULES: Read the Capital Journal Want Ads and find the title of this picture coming soon to Salem. Clip out the want ao In which the picture title annears and ac company It with a simple state ment oi words or less on "Why I Read The Canital .Jour nal Want Ads," with your name and mailing address, and deliver or mall to the Capitol Theater boxoffice. Contestants will ho InriopH mi sincerity and originality. The THREE best statements received each day will each re ceive a pair of guest tickets to see "Flamingo Road" plus "Down to the Sea in Ships" comins soon to the Capitol theater. au entries become the proper ty of the Canital Journal. nnH decision of the .fudges Is final. FOR SALE HOUSES THREE BEDROOMS A good value, full basement, furnace, electric water heater, large living room, flrcploce, hdw. floors: big lot, paved street. Priced at 19500. Call Mr. Beckett. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 H High 81. Phone J-760 Eve. Ph. 2-4591 - 2-6606. al56 LITTLE DREAM HOME Drive by 2325 Laurel Ave., and see one of the best buys In the city In a one B.R. home, fully Insulated, elect, heat, close to schools, bus At stores. The price Is 16,300. Please don't bother occupant. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 33255 Eves. 31778 al58 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS CLOSE IN S room partly furnished home. &&oo. 10 ACRES CLOSE IN. Year around creek. Fruit, shrubs. 4 bedrm. house. Furnace. warn: cnicKen house. Price 111,000 Terms. IDF A I, HOME. Practically new. ft large rooms, rirepjncp; lull cement basement; forced air furnBce. Large floored attic. -'lose to McKlnley school. Price 113,000. LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Evenings call: Ph. 2-3flfi3 2-4007 or 3-6769. alBB TRADE TRAILER! Almost new 33-foot Liberty trailer, elec tric water heater, brakes and refriger ator, oil floor furnace. Four rooms. 9 closets, Tandem dolly, etc. Sleeps six. Will tRle on home up to (8,500, city or suburban. No. 16 NEAT AND CLEAN! 3-bedrooms on one floor, new roof paint, paper in perfect condition. Paved street, nice neighborhood. Excellent ren tal property. Only (5.800. Will trnde for 2-brdroom home south. No. 333 PLENTY OF ROOM! 3 bedrooms with additional unfinished room. Large living room. One acre with lots of berries, fruit and nuts. Located north. Price (7,000. No.40ft-A FIIA Loans - Multiple Listings Reimann for Real Estate HOI 8. High SI. Ph. 3-9203 Sun. it Eve. 2-3T38, 3-9713, 2-8241, 2-2532 a!58 NEW 2 BEDROOM Close to Catholic School In nice Dis trict. L.R. with fireplace, D.R.. Kitchen, separate utility room. Hdwd. Moors, oil hent, Attached mirage. Corner lot. J9750.00. F.H.A. terms. For appointment cnll Len Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 ChemekeU 8t. Ph. 30271 Eves. 23983 OPEN HOUSE Dally Unit) 9 p.m. By owner-bulldrr New 2 bdrm. F.H.A. built home with built-in Thennador Elec. range. Bendix, fireplace, picture windows, V. blinds, hardwood firs., copper lube plumblnii, Insulated, weather-slrlpped, auto, oil heat, pntlo. city wnter, ige. lot, nice view. A sncrifice at $10,900. Come south on ODE to 91) Cafe. Turn right up Ewald Ave. to Welty Ave. (First street left). Second house on right. a 161 SMALL NEW house, bnth. -larnge, paved street. Some Irult, J3000.00. 884 7th St.. Independence. Ore. al67 HR NEW Mod home. Ige lot, dole garage, shrubs, dead end stnet. gd loc for chil dren, clos eto school and bus. Sale or trade for 2 BR hse or income property Write box 414, CHpital Journal. al58 FOR SALE: 5 room modern cottage, J3.250" o;u italcliri Dr. a 156 FOR SALE BY OWNER Four acres Joining city park, six room hou.se, modern barn, chicken house, fruit. Prlcrd right. Further informnMon Phone 7fiWX or write J. D. Permenter. Independence Ore., Gen. Del. al5R MAKE I'S AN OFFER: 3 drm housr oin ' acre Kingwood Heights. Ph. 2-7241. al61 BY OWNER Excellent 6 rm. moil, home! alt. gnr.. mil rm. Lge. lot. garden, n.ifouL ih rturnms. Ptl. 2-227B. al61 BY OUNK.R located. Po I Bd. rm. home. Cenlrallv in 2 wks. 622 N. 17th. a!6l Don't Miss This Nearly modern 4 brtrm. home. On 1 iw-re north. Choice rolling garden soil. Assorted fruit, berries A mils. Owner requires move. 17.000 for quick sale. IV STROUT REALTY 859 South 13th. Ph. 2-53:3. i!58 Two-Bedroom NEW HOUSE 1176 No. Ul at. $8500, $1500 Down, Arc Key t 1990 No. 10th. FOR SALE LOTS SItoO 63x100 Eriglewood lot. Ph, 36930. aal56 if LOTS N. Oood location. Near bus and (tore cneap. Ph, 2-9201, 760 N. Church St- aal56 LOT on Mill creek, in city limit. Phone J.MK1H ..IS, FOR SALE FARMS George W. Hubbs Co. J. ZEEB, Mgr. IBM N Capitol Phona 3S031 ACRES unimproved, located near Pra- tutn. as acres In cultivation, tood soil. Balsnce In pasture and timber. Spring A stream year round. ACRES good for sub-dlvUion. Close In ai eoge oi city limits on well traveled hlway, a acres berries At inma rin HAVE many other farms with good improvements at birgain prices. EVENING PHONE: 2-5481 MM f FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 325 SOUTHVIEW PLACE 2 bdrm. located close in off Liberty Road, first class condition thruout. 1 yr. old. Price $7,400. Call Roy Ferris. SELL OR TRADE Owwr will take 11.000 down and $75 per mo. or a late model car in good condition, a small Income property or a lot. Here Is a fine 2 bdrm. home less than 2 yrs. old. llv. rm., din. rm.. kitchen, fireplace, b basement, bath, garage, ort furnace, large lot. Call Peter H. Geiser. LOCATED NORTH 30 acres located North of Hopmere. 0 acres in orchard consisting mostly of peaches. 4 ac. of boySenberrles, S ac. in grain. Bal. pasture A; timber A very well kept place. Best of soil. Nice 3 bdrm.. smaU barn St chicken house Price with crop S15.000, Call C. H. Orabenhorst, Jr. FINE HOME FOR LEASE This li a large 4 bdrm. and den home, llv. rm., din. rm.. full basment auto heat, automatic sprinkling system in yard. Close to StateBldgs and city , center. Owner will lease for 1 yr. at $100 per mo. I yrs. at $85 per month Call GRABENHORST BROS. ' GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Office Phone 2-2471 Sundays and Evenings Call Roy Ferris 2-8010 Peter H. Gelser 3-9908 Earl West 2-1232 gjjg. FOR SALE FARMS REDUCED TO $14,000.00 34 acres Cultivated and cleared. II acres oats, 11 acres nuts, 4'A acres ber ries, garden, pasture. Very nice 5 rm, home. Barns, chicken coop, machine shed, hoe house. All machinery, live stock and furniture goes. For appoint ment call Len Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39371 Eves. 23983 i150 HOWELL PRAIRIE 44 A. Will. Clay loam and Amity Silt loam, all in crop, some stock, milking machine, tractor and all machinery, ranch type home, all furnished, at tached 2 car garage, on school bus and in Ilk route. Pudding river water right, all goes with farm. 3 miles west of Sll verton on old Sllverton-Salcm highway. Turn north on Pudding River bridge, 'i mile in. Imm. Poss. Owner. Rt. 2. Box 175, Silverton, Oregon. b!57 486 ACRES! 150 cultivated. Very good soil. Year round creek. Beautiful setting. Creek bottom, all tiled. See the crops now rowing! Only 120,000. No. 1009 YOUR CROPS! Your crops if purchased In time to har vest. 31 acres In Howell Prairie. Good 4 bedroom home with basement. Irriga tion rights on Pudding River. Only (13,000. No. 845 Reimann for Real Estate 301 S. High St. Ph. 3-9203 Eve. St Sun. 2-2532, 2-8241, 3-9712, 2-3738 bl56 90 A. FARM! SALEM SUBURBAN on western sky-line GLORIOUS HILL-BILLY TYPE COUN TRY HOME I SALEM HI school bus. Sa lem mall. Salem 24 hour dial phone in quaint moss-covered, fully plumbed, old mansei urana iirepiace l Entrancing great native tree-clad, high, homeslte with breath-taking view of Snlem St. a MILLION ACRES! FIELDS! PASTURE I WOODS! BIO SPRINGS! Full Price ! $8500 274 A. FARM 12 miles out! DAIRY OR STOCK! Sa lem mall, etc. 175 A. lusty crops! 2 great trout streams cross! Irrigate! Modern Cape Cod dwelling ( 2 excellent big modern barns! 8 smaller bldgs! 3 finest wells! 3 electric pumps! Full Price! $30,500 IRRIGATED 50 A. FARM Every acre Will. At Chehalls soils I FRONTS major highway! Borders fa mous river 2 aidesl Intensively farmed! Excellent bldgs! Close to towns! WORTH 30 MINUTES FOR A LOOK-SEE! Only $20,000, inc. equpt. C. W. 8TULLER. Broker. Snlem. Oregon WALLACE ROAD. ml. N. of Bridge. bl57- i FJLHERT ranch, is miles SE. By owner. Ph. 2-3952. bl57 10 ACRES near Falls City. Chicken houses fully equipped. City water A: lights, $11,000. Small down pnyment. Call 2-90113 after S p.m. bl.VJ FOR SALE ACREAGE '4 A. on Evergreen Ave., J600. Ph. 2-3797. bb!56 HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 09E south 2't miles to Snlem. 4',a acres. 1 bedroom home, other bldgs. Garden, nice trees. 16500. Terms. Owner. Ph. 2-8110. Rt. 4, box 496. bbl60 ACREAGE NORTH Right acres close In on paved rd. Just N. of SBlem. All Willamette silt loam Ar all cleared. About 1'i acres of Bartlett Pears, bnl. In grain with l'i crop to purchaser. Full price only $3. 500. J cellent terms. Sullivan Realty Co. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN A 2 B R. Home with V.t Acres. House finished except siding, full plumbing and furnace, garage St small barn. A wonderful gnr den, berries, yountt fruit trees. Price J6000. J3000 down, Bnl. 130 per mo. li ACRE Home has combination living rm. At DR., kicthen with built-in., lull Plumbing, elect, hot water heater, gar den A berries. Shack on Place for gar age A! utility rm. Price Mfl.iO. Can be piirohn.se cl on payments of 1300 dn., Bnl 35 per mo. BURT PICHA, Realtors Office 23049 Cl5fi $50 Per Month I bedrooms, all on 1 floor, elec. cook and water henter, grade school 4 blocks. run pnee M.730. si.uuo uown. Home With Income Grand locution. 3 bedrooms, living quitr ters with 3 room apt. that will almost make . the payments on the building. Full price 16.750. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood Ptst. Open Eve. lill 8 p.m. Ph. 24664, Eve. Ph. 38013, 37138, 2.1757 C156 KltAO. NICE 3-BR. house, loc. on 1 A. of good sol), north, basm., fplc, nice trees and garden. J7200 NORTHEAST New S br. home on M A. good soil. Drilled well, house fully Insulated. $9500 3 MILES EAST 1W A., 3 br. house, barn, chlx house, pump and fruit house, nice fruit and nut trees. Wll. soil, all cult. Ph. 2-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. C139 NORWAY ST. 1030. If you can pay.... 13.500 ctsh you can buy this com fort able small home fur only 14.5U0 In the next few days. Ideal for elderly couple. Living room, Dinette, large bedroom, and small room suitable lor den or sewing room or child's bedroom. Well equipped kitchen wired for El. "me. El. hot water. Lame gar ate with room for shop. There is a lovely room in the garage done In knotty pine that coult be rent ed out. Utility room with Bendix washer. The rear yard is fenced. Do not disturb occupants. Call for appointment to inspect. SEVERN REALTY CO. lit N. High St. Dial 3-4016. Kre. 3-6213 C156' WML TRADE business, brick building, and exceptionally nice home In tood vjjti y feat town tor exceptional ly nice ranch A country home near tood town In Oreioo. It has to b ood. Q. D. Freeman, Immtuburc ! IFOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $600 DOWN 2 bdrm. home. Very close In. About 12 yrs. old. Immed. poss. Paved street. A lot. Well worth 84500. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. LARGE FAMILY HOME 5 bdrm. older type home In good con dition. Choice location. One block to school. Owner, leaving city. Attached garage. V. blinds. 12000 down. Total price 18750. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or 3-3558. 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY Here la one we are really proud of Double plumbing. Full basement with party rm. Auto. heat. 3 blocks to school. Select location. Spacious rms. well worth $16,000. Eve. Ph. 2-0473 or FARMS $500 DOWN 3 A. modern home. Large barn. No waste land. Only 15 minutes from downtown Total price only J45O0. Eve. 3-9403 or 16 ACRES wiuamette silt soil. Modern. -Almost new. Several good out bldgs. Will trade for smaller (arm. Total price 112,000. ierms. r,ve. or 3-355H. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Ph. 3-7820 or 3-4596 C167' Finish This Yourself West Salem. 3 BRa on one floor. Plumb ing In. Needs plastering & some floor ing. 16300. Consider suburban home In trade. Wallace Road Special 3 Acres. Corner lot. Modern home. 15 minutes from town. A good buy. J 8800 Terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3882. Eves. 2-2147 or 2-8836; Cl57 eOK VOUR SAVINGS investment buy a first mortgage on real estate. Salem ft vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts 1500 to several thousand dou lars, net investors 5 We make all col lections for you If desired STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 6 High WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need oi good houses to tell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property fpr sale ace GRARENIIORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St.-Phone 3-2471 ca- XOHCEI If your property is tor sale, rrnt oi exchange list it with us We hnvr at. kinds ol cash buyers STA E FINANCE CO REALTORS 153 8 High St caa WILL PAY CASH in full or cash for equity in modest 2 bedroom home. North Snlem, If barnaln! Address my broker, Box 483, Salem, Ore. or see C. W. STULLER, Broker. Salem, Oregon. Rt. 1, box 37. Wallace rd. i ml. N. bridge ' en 157 RESORT PROPERTY TRADE IP A Hyway nnd bay property at Taft. Wonderful views. What have you? H. Lattln, 1760 John St., Salem. ccl56 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TO TRADE 5 acres fine soil, clone in. house with three smnll bedrooms, bath, laundry trays, elec. water system. Take house In north Salem In exchange. Value about 18000 SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. Ph. 2-4591, 2-6605 cbl56 WILL TRADE 31 acres. Good ft bdrm. hse. for 3 bdrm. home in Salem. Year around creek. Fam ily orchard. Variety of berries. Barn, other bldgs. Hse. has large L rm.. fire place, din. rm., B.N.. dble. pdumbing. Approx. 7 miles fro mSalem on oiled rd, A reallv nood buy $10,000. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4690. Eve. 3-9536. Cbl56 WILL CONSIDER rural or coast property on irnne on excellent ly loraten new 2 BR house. 265 E. Lefelle S;. cbl57 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE station for lease with inven tory and equipment Hollywood district United Petroleum Call EAst 1106. Port land. Ask for Mr Moore or Mr Sykes cd NICKI.V W UN. Duplex. Excel. Income In vestment, friv. Diuns entrances, elec. heat, tt&"8e, nice neighborhood. Ph. 25463. cill57 LU N C II C 0 U NT E R B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. CAPITOL ST. Office Ph. 2-3862 - Eves. 2-2147 or 2-8831 Cdl58 BY OWNER Want a home and business combination? We hive that location. Phone 39395 cdl62 New Motel Bargain 4 lovely units, close Salem, ill furn. Elec. heat, hdwd. floors, a 7 bed rental. 393 ft. 99E. 116.000. 5 UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE No, 3 tone, close In, tood location, easy auo mon. income, iia.ooo. low down payment to rliht party. B. M, HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 8. Com! Ph. 24649 25497 Cdl58 Distributor Business Dad's Root Beer In Marion At Polk counties. Business well established. This will make you 16.000 to $6,000 pet year. Prlcrd at S3700 which Includes one '48 Chev. 2 ton truck. Call Salem 2-71 U. cd!57 Bakery & Coffee Shop No competition tood business, lone tease llvlnt quarters, fouuntatn and equipment. Ask Mr. Bean to tell you about this one. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14P N. HUh St. Ph. 3-7660. CdlS6' CONVALESCENT HOME for sale or lea.xe. Fully equipped. Inquire 1144 Center St. cdl59 IS50O SERVICE STATION Pumplni over 13.000 tal. mo., down town location, Ions less. $25,000 GROCERY STORK Downtown loc.. meat mkt., tood fix tures, clean stock, gross 1200.000 yr., cash business. Ph. 2-6M0 for appoint. SD. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 44 M. 14 a. t41H AUTOMOBILES This Week-Ends Car On The Corner 146 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR SPECIAL DELUXE. RADIO. HEATER. ONE OWNER. EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN. LOW MILEAGE .... OTHERS TO IM1 FORD COUPE. NEW MOTOR & NEW RUBBER 1745 1S39 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR. CLEAN "....I5J5 OTHER MAKES AND MODELS PRICED RIGHT 1948 FORD 4 DOOR SUPER DELUXE. EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN 1939 PLYMOUTH COUPE. RADIO & HEATER 1938 DODGE 4 DOOR. COMPLETELY OVERHAULED. Clean as new Inside. WB HAVE A 38 FORD 3 WINDOW. SEE TO APPRECIATE WATCH FOR THE CAR "ON THE CORNER Western Motors CORNER 12th & MISSION 49 Chevrolet 49 FLEETLINE DELUXE SEDAN 49 STYLELINE DELUXE SEDAN 49 STYLELINE DELUXE CLUB COUPE TRADE AND TERMS ORVAL'S (THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE) Center & Church St. Ph. 3-4702 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COMBINATION business and living quar ter, excellent location, suitable "as is" for home and office. Can be cheaply remodleed for most any small business. 50 ft highway frontage. Full price $8500. Easyterms. Ph. 3-5109. cdl59 FURNITURE FOR SALE""" UNPAINTED furniture. prices WOODROW'S. 450 Center CUSTOM BUILT good as new Davenport ana unair, rose color. Mohair material. J165.00. Call 2-5723 or 4160 Garden Rd. Browning Ave. dl57 WANTED FURNITURE FURNITURE WANTED. Ph. 38558 for ap praisai. TRADER LOUIE 3055 Portland Rd. HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Glenn at wooary Auction Market. Ph 3-6110 da FOR SAIE LIVESTOCK HIGH SPIRITED 5-yr. roan mare with 8 wk. bay colt. Ph. 2-1303. 156 TWO FINE saddle horses for sale or trade for unimproved property, building lot. baled hay or what have you. 2395 5. Cottage or phone 3-B820 evenings or Saturday. e!56 CHOICE WHITE weiner pigs, $12 each. Elton Watts, 1 ml. south of Central Howell. Ph. 31025 e!57 GOOD JERSEY-GUERNSEY heifer and calf, 3200. Saddle and light work horse with bridle, saddle, harness St light Plow, 175. Mrs. William Rowe, Rt. 8. Box 780. Ph. 24260. e!57 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer, fc C. McCandlish. 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-8147. eal79 RABBITS WING'S RABITRY needs fryer rabbits. Top prices. 3985 State St. 109F5. ebl77 PETS ROLLER, CANARY birds. 110 00. Ph. 25929. ecl57 PUREBRED COLIJE puppies S20 each. Silverton Rd. at McCain. Box 404. Ph. 25153. ecl56 FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. 16 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1535 Edgewater St., West Salem ee FRESH CLEAN sawdust. Phone 2253 Dallas collect. Summer rates, eel60 ' phTllTps" bros' Old fir, onk Ph. 68P22. . ee TR1-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust Prompt delivery Ph 27442 We give 3 At H Green Stamps Green 18 in mill wood ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Otis. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slnb Wood Dry Plainer Ends St Block Wood. Ph. 86444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY l 111 WHITE LEGHORN'" pullets," 3 mos", tl.25 en. 1 ml. E. of N. Howell school. Rt. 1, Box 113, Brooks, eves. f 156 COLORED FRYERS. Ph. 3-2198 fist Tl'RKEY FRYERS ttresed or alive. Doyle SnUer. Rt. 8. Box 855, Lancaster Drive. Ph. 25708. 1157 RED FRYERS lor sale. Reasonable. Ph. 434 Jefferson, Ore. Rt. 1, Box 35. (161 NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Ph. 2-2681. Lee's Hatchery. t FOR SALE: choice R.I. red fryers. Jen nines Poultry Farm, Olcnn Creek Rd. and Klntwood Dr., West Salem. fl56 PRODUCE CHERRIES CHERRIES Royal Anns, Bint St Lamberts. Fine crop, tood ptckint, 2c lb. You pick. Brlnt your own containers. F. O. Muck ridge, Rt. 2. box 42. Salem. 1 mile E. of Ket.ter school. I1156 ROYAL ANNE Cherries 3c U-Plck. 1 mile eHst or Lancaster Dr. on Auburn Rd. Watchfor sign. ff 157 RASPBERRIES 8c, Loganberries 5c U-plck. tiring own containers. 2 miles south of Rosedale on Liberty Rd. A. W. Plant. Rt. 9 Box 416. Jf 157 LGE. DARK red raspberries 82 a rn 3745 Brooks St. Ph. 24379. ff 1 RARPHERRIES, Frlgaard's Fruit Stand. i mi. n. tvener acnooi. rn. miKsi. imi RASPBERRIES $2.00 crate. Rt. 2. Box 390, north Chemawa. Ph. 2-1J86. ffl69 KALE St late cabbage plants now ready Any quantity. Puritan Cider Works. Ph. 3-5426. lfI57 lO, LUSCIOUS Raspberries delivered any where in Salem, $1.90 a crate, Ph, 23935. If 157 FOR SALE: Royal Anne Cherries. U pick. ac per o. Ladders lurnished. 3855 Mid way Drive. Ph. 25621. f 156 RASPBERRIES. U pick. Rt. 2, Box 259. 1st hse N. on Clear Lake Rd. ffl57 STRAWBERRIES, U Pick, 10c lb. Still loU oi nice berries left. Stanley Sneed. Rt. J. Box 450, a mile west of Portland highway on Chemawa cutolf Rd. f f 160 YOV PICK raspberries. 31.25 crate. S ml. Green Apple Market. Hopkins, Rt. ?. Im $7L mil aasU Hill (AUTOMOBILES Special. $1295 CHOOSE FROM STS. PH. S-9622 ql56' PRODUCE FRESH RASPBERRIES. Delivered in city for $2. Cherry. Ph. 21532. ff!57" RASPBERRIES, U Pick. 10c lb. 'A ml. of 98E on Chemawa cutoff. Rt. 2, Box 442. ff!58 HELP WANTED WANTED Cherry pickers: 5 ml. W. of Salem Orchard Heights Rd. 8tart June 20 Phone 17F12. James Best, Rt. 8, Box 622, gl56 FRY COOK wanted night shirt. Black & vviiue uonee anop. gise1 HELP WANTED MALE CANADA DRY has opening for Ad vance Route Salesman, 26 to 30. to sell, advertise and merchandise BeveraRes In Salem and surrounding territory. Must own late model car. Salary, commission, car allowances. Do not phone, apply by letter giving- complete background to P.O. Box 5078, Rose City Station. Port Iandl3. (tal56 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN OR GIRL for housework. 695 N. Liberty. Call mornings. gb!57 A GIRL with some shoe selling experience. vjaiiaiiM w. High st. gbl56 WOMAN OR girl for light house work ana care ol 3 children. Room, board St salary. Ph. 33621 before 3 p.m. gbl56 WOMAN BAKER. Apply at Salem Home unncry, uou w. i-nurcn. Rbl56 i GIRLS for office work In Willamette vauey leaoing appliance St furniture store. Typing Se short hand. 1 for gen eral office work, 1 for appliance survey work. Permanent position. Apply Hogg Bros., 260 State. gbl56 WANTED: Middle aged lady for light noust'Keeping ana care or 2 children. Board and room, wages. Call evenings mi o. t-apuoi. gblaB' WANTED: Middle aged woman In north part of Salem to care for 2 yr. old child in my home from 3:30 p.m. to 12:00 Monday thru Friday. $1.00 per day and memng mcai ana drive you home. Inquire July 2nd, 3rd or 4th at 2555 Brooks St., Salem. gb!57 BOOKKEEPER and a secretary. Willam ette University business office. Ph. jwoo. gb!57 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICI AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St Ph. 3-1488. gf WANTED POSITIONS CULTIVATING Sz tilling With M.E. Tiller. BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-0823. CARPENTER, A-l, fast. Ph. 2-8825. hl77' PUMICE BLOCK expert. Ph. 2-8825. hl77 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAUls- ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1406. hl75 LAWN CARE A; Landscaping. Reas. Call after 5. Ph. 23074. hl80 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. 3-6798. h!75 HOUSE WORK by hr. Ph. 29901 before hl79 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. h' CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 2-6876. hl71 TYPING in my home. Neat work guaran teed. Call 3-3911 day or eves. h!70 WILL CARE for children In my home. From b to 5 dally. Ph. 2-0515. hl7B TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. scrv. tee. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. hl78' PAINTING & DEC, Expert color harmonlzlnt, 3-7552. h 166 BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580. CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924. hl66 CLSTOM HAT balelnt. rake with lob. also will mow. Ph. 27103 hl62 WANT HR. WORK. Ph. 3-4767 after 5. hl74 PLASTERING. PATCHWORK and chlnv ncj bmldint- Ph. 2-4389 Free estimates. hl61 CARPENTER WK. New. repair. Ph. 2-2093. nisi- POE'S mimeotraphini, typing service. Prompt service, quality work, lower prices. 669 N. 18th. Ph. 3-3643. hl81 PAINTING, repair work. Price reasonable. work guaranteed. No jobs too small, Ph. 27546. hl61 LAWN maintenance Rebuilding and put ting In new onea. Ph 2-2608. hi 58 GRADER WORK by the hr. or Job Streets, roads, subdivision Ph 29315 or 23897 eve. hl5R FOR RENT ROOMS NICE sleeping rooms. 1157 N. Capitol. Ph. 29344. jkl58 SLEEPING RM., private entrance. Gentle mn. 635 N. Summer. Ph. 27779. Jkl58 MODERN SLEEPING rooms for men. Priv. en;. s teiepnone. Day or month. 1505 N. Capitol St. Ph. 33425. JkI58 SLEEPING ROOM. Kitchen privilege. La dies only. 530 Stateman. Jkl57 ONE WITH private ent.. bath, hot plate es nrepiac. Business lady or employed couple. Also one room, gentleman pre ferred. 638 N. Church St, ' Jkl57 HOLLYWOOD rms. 2035 McCoy. Phone J-MHB. Jkl73 SLEEPING ROOM. Ph. 3-4335. NICE FIRST F1.R. sleeping rm. HC water. 441 N. Bittt. U1M AUTOMOBILtS BOOM! BANG! BOOM CELEBRATE THE 4TH OF JULY WITH ONE OF OUR GOOD USED CARS AT BANGED DOWN PRICES 1948 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN. Radio, heater, overdrive. Don't pass this one at $1495.00 EXTRA SPECIAL 1946 HUDSON SUPER 8 SEDAN. Radio, heater, overdrive. Very clean. M'ery clean. Try this out $1223.00 DON'T OVERLOOK THIS SPECIAL JUST BECAUSE THE PRICE IS SO LOW. 1947 FORD DELUXE TUDOR, NEW PAINT $1295.00 JUST THE ONE YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. A REAL CLEAN 1946 FORD SUPER DELUXE COUPE SEDAN. Radio, heater, sportlight, seat covers. Words will not describe this. You will have to see & drive it to know how good it is .$1295.00 TAKE THE FAMILY ON AN OLD TIME 4TH PICNIC IN THIS ONE. Room lor all, no crowding and plenty of room for your grub. 1946 FORD STA TION WAGON. A real buy. A joy to own. Come and see it at $1495.00 ABOVE CARS CARRY VALLEY MOTOR DEPENDABLE GUARANTEE Good, Dependable Work Cars ' 1938 Chev. Coupe $395 1939 Chev. Tudor $565 1941 Ford Sedan $795 Valley Motor Mart CENTER AT HIGH FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT, sleeping rooms, 804 N. 14tli. SLEEPING RM. PH. 31282. Jkl57 ROOM IN private home. Cooking privil ege. All conveniences of home. Ph. 39460 or 34372 or call In person, 645 N. Winter St. jklSO VERY NICE room. Prlv. home. Gentleman. 985 N. Summer. Ph. 36368. jkl56 GROUND FLOOR, sleeping room with kit- cnen privilege, on bus line, ft minutes to State Sz Com'l. Ph. 23928. Jkl56 NICE SLEEPING room In modern home. Ph. 3755B. Jkl60 CLOSE IN. Basement room. 658 Center. 820 month. Jkl56' CLOSE IN attractive sleeping room for empioyea woman, rn. 38662. Jkl57' ATTRACTIVE Sleeping rm. Clean and llRht. Private bath adjoining. On bus une. ibo o. itn. Jkl60' FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURN. APT. Adults only. Ph. 20392. Jpl58' sPACIOUS APT. In beautiful court. Un furnished except for refrig. and range. Automatic laundry. Call at 907 S. 13th after 10 a.m. Jpl56' S RM. furn. apt., upstairs, with bath and outside entrance. To a middle aged couple, no drinking, pets or children. 4sa ooutn lfltn. jpi5B' SINGLE RM. furn. apt. 640 S. Capitol, JP156 2 FURN. Apts. Priv. baths. 2459 State. JP159' MODERN FURN. Ant. 3 rm. Prlv. bath ah eiec. sou. Adults. 965 Cross. Ph. 25463 lor app't. Jpl56' UNFURN. APT. Living room, bedroom, Kitchen St bath. Very nice. In Holly- wood. Ph. 2-4526. Jpl58 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Apt. Refrig. 1 or a empiqyca gins, jzo o. Winter. Jpi56' ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. furn. apt. Private Jpl58 bath. Utility. Ph. 29138 Eve. SLEEPING ROOMS for 2. Also 1 rm. Apt, for gentleman. Ph. 34335. 790 N. Church. Jpl68' MODERN 1st floor 3 rm. apt. Prlv. bath & ent. 63 union. Jpl&B' FURN. APT. for 1 or 2. Clean. Close In, Ph. 29201. 760 N. Church. Jpl56 ATTRACTIVE 3 rm., & bath court apt. Elec. range, refrig., laundry rm. in cluded. S. 13th St. Apply 1555 McCoy. Jpl58 NEW BEDROOM apt. for rent. Ph. 3-5862. Jpl56" 3 RM. FURN. apt. $45. Hollywood Dlst. Ph. 3-6058 or 2-8667. Jpl56 PARTLY FURN. 3-rm. apt. Prlv. ent. St oam. rn. 3-8953. Jpl57' SMALL FURN. apt. Private bath. Close in. 1 quiet lady. 335. 549 N. Cottage. Jpl57 2 RM. basement apt. Also light housekeep ing rm. lor working lady. Close In. 1309 Court. Ph. 3-5925. Jpl57 FOR RENT HOUSES FURN. COTTAGE. 3215 Portland Rd. Jml71 RM. MODERN borne fnrn., for lease. 367 N. High. Jml59 WHY PAY RENT? NEW 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES H.w floors, furnace, B&rage, Urge lot. paved at., city water, sewer, bua. LOW A3 S300 DOWN L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate 180 N. Church. Ph. 3.7643, Eve. 30128. Jml60 MODERN 3 bedroom home, barn, large chicken house. Garden spot, etc. miles from Salem on Newberg-Salem hlKhway. Second house east of Eldriedge school, contact J. H. Mendenhall, Auro ra. Phone 5705. Jml5B 44 B.R, HOUSE CROISAN CREEK RD., family orchard, creek, sprint, 4 miles out Sout.h River Rd. Acreage available for cultivating. Ph. 2-5684 or 3-4279. J ml 58 3 ROOM unfurnlsned modern home. In quire 99 Cafe. Jml57 NEW TWO bdrm. suburban Ph! 3-8561. home. $70. Jml58 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS RENT Sinter electric sewing machine by month In your home. No extra charge for delivery St pickup of machine 16.00 per mo. Ph. 33512. J166 OFFICE ipaces and desk ipacei. Pb. 2M92. 1 GROUND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of fice or stores. Also alley warehouse with elevator. STATE FINANCE CO Ph. 34121 V DRIVE trucks ears Ph 2-9103 POWER TOOL rentals lor bom tt in dustrlai use Howser Bros Pb $-3646 J' TRAILERS $2 00 per day Howser Bros 1410 S. 12th. West Salem j BUSINESS RM for rent H. L. Stiff. ! GOOD USED PIANOS H U Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for Ward rent Montgomery J TO DO a good job rent a good floor land er We ell everything to complete the lob HOWSER BROS. Ph 8-1648 ! SKIL-TOOL rental service. Vally Farm J178" Store. 4345 Silverton Rd. WANTED TO RENT REP. FOR Schillings Spice St Extracts transferred to Salem. Would like nice clean house or court. Best of ref. furn. Write Capital Journel Box 283. Jal56 1 OR B.R. house furn. or partly furn. for Aug. 15. Write Box 427, Capital Journal. Jal59 WANTED TO RENT by July 3rd. 2 or 3 Bdrm. furn. house or duplex. Reason able rent. Call 33621 before 3 p.m. JalSfl CPLX. with 10 moa. old son want 4 rm. s. anfurn. Ptt. 19889. Jal87 IAUTOMOBILES 1941 Packard 6 Cpe. . . $645 1941 Studebaker Sdn. .$665. 1Q3R ITni-H Carlon fin.' PH". 3-3147 qlss. WANTED TO RENT EMPLOYED COUPLE want to rent 1 or 2 bdrm. house with stove and refrlg furn. on or before July 5th. Ph. 37828.' Jal57 WANTED: Mod. 2 B.R. furn. or partly furn. hse. by Sept. 1. Cple. with 10 mo-s. old boy. Guarantee exc. care. Ph. 3-8648 Jal58 YOUNG CPL. expecting child wish warm. vicu, i urn a rms. ana oath. Good refs. Ph. 3-5852. Jal56 WANTED! Furnished apt. with private bath or small cottage. Close in. By em p. middle-aged woman. Ph. 2-8528 evenings Jal56 IOUNO COUPLE, well educated, having 4'year-old bov and heautifnl o.nti. M desire a live to sll room home to rent. Will pay up to 160. Home need not ba modern, may be In country If served K.b;!-.May al, be "" l duplex. We both come from highly regardad families on Grays Harbor, Wash. W. are non-drinkers, serious, ambitious, honest. Husband Is employed as watch JSSfT"- We wrld uke c"r ol " rental home as though It were our own If vou would Ilk. ..: .... MODERN 3 or 1 bdrm. unfurn. hse. r gently needed by representative national company, ten year .lati.h.d. win i References. Write Capital Journal. Box Jal5 LOST AND FOUND LS1' ON 37th betw. 17lh & CenUr & Lancaster Dr., 1 set fold plated .utf ''"J". Initialed J.s. Keepsake. Ph. LOST. Coin purse. Containing Elgin watch. t , jT'. P,h. . j3f A1. V, MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR " 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg State & Oommerolal stg. HAVE 1TOUB SINGER Sewing maohuM .vfu..u u, quajuioa uinger represta ta! e. Ph J-S613 tor Ire. pick mp and delivery service on All makes of ma. chines. Prej estimate given before work Is started, singer Sewing Maehtoe Co. 130 N Com'l. LEi SPRINGER, men', hatter. Mi Court.' - - - J. . . ot"-uraaya ja:au, ml66 BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complet -STALLED price on jour roofing needs, wide range ol colors. Call our ouUlde "Jit?" t0T 'r Mtlmat' Phon MONTGOMERY WARD OO. SALEM. OREGON ma ALUMINUM ROOFING 1 ft. width in tit .following lentthai ' 11.74 2.32 1.90 r 1.48 Ask about Installation aerrlce MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM. OREGON CEMENT MIXER for rent. PhT 3-9409. maic HARDWOOD flooring, all trades, from ... WIVW.IM MJ. crown. Front St Court bts., Salem. ma SPECIAL: Cedar aldinr, VW. Random jwiB.n. c-graoe. 85 thousand. Keith Brown, Front At Court Sts.. Salem. ma CEDAR SHAKES J12.80 per sq. Combina tion screen stormdoors $10. New doors 3 Se 5 panels $5.75. Mahogany front doors. Darn a in. Hard waterproof wall board 74c ft. C. G. Long. Rt. 2, box 31. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kel "r : maiSBr . Schwab Timber Co. Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-8611 Finish at WHOLESALE Price B&BTR C D 1X4 165 $162 $125 1x6 $169 $106 $125 1"8 $178 158 $130 PRICES SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND . ma 158" ALUM A - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing Sea your dealer or Call Dlst 3-6401. mal5- NEW SHIPMENT piast board W . 6c sa ft Rock iftth sx fttte; q. rt. 11.75 MONTGOMERY WARD SILEU Dg H" SHEET ROCK. 4c ft. H" gife ft. S" rocx lath solid sheets. Sic yd C a" Long, Ph. 25831. 1 mile north of Kelter. ma!58 Cedar Shingles - Shakes May t supply you with Tillamook Coast, Grande Roo.de Inland, and Cas cade High mountain No. 1 shingle. 8.J5 sq. No. J. 15.00. 8ldewall 18-lri. shakes painted with undercourse S12 80 sq unpamted 19.00 an. Ted Muller Buuding Supplies, Ph. Salem 2-1196 NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS See them In bloom. 180 varie ties. Mrs. P. E. Ward, 4380 Cherry FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LARGE refrig.. Ideal tor store or res taurant. Inquire after 8 p.m. Rose Cottage. 3 miles north of Brooks on GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed ract shovel A drag-line excavating. WAL.tr INO SAND a GRAVEL CO. Ph 1-93.9. ROOFING Will. melt. Valley Roof Co, 10 Una afj. (Continued on Page 17)