J 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Only the Brave By PAUL EVAN LEHMAN 12 :'t Chapter Zl cm Monday morning he went to Glenn's place and had over i breakfast with him. Glenn was 'li-i. I.I,. In .U1KU WU1M "I was going to look you up If fcrou rudn I come over, ne wjiu jt?ii fc'.rh Kino asked me to tell you ta case he didn't see you first, to top at the bank the first chance sfou get. I think they're going to imp some goia on inursaay. ne wants to talk it over with you. I'm heading for Briscoe right now. Be fcback Wednesday afternoon unless tomethlng unexpected happens.' "How's Connie?" "Pine as silk. We had lots of fun. You should have been there. Well, make yourself at home here; I've got to De or, my way. We rode breezllv off. and Jeff ' (rent aown to the bank. Jeff told Jeb. "There's big thance that the rustling of your I Hock is going to stop. ' He went on to tell of his investi gations and his interview with Chuck Gale. "I think he saw the fthandwriting on the wall. If It I Iner un with him." JRU liSLCIlCU 111 UUltlClllCllb. "Jeff." he said, "that was the sllck u.tsl piece of business a feller could -null. That lust siinnosin' didn't c leave Chuck any Rrounds to get afmad on, but it told him plain as ttday where you stood. I'd say you rjusea rare judgment,. , r,ow WIlUb uuvuu uiab buiu aiuir 8'ment?" fi "Sure. We're goin' to ship on BiThursday and you can start getting ..ready. Jake Wheeler, down at the Wl, . 1 f..l,rl ,V.n ...nnnn UVC1J IAII1H1, lUllliOIICO MIC nHfiUll Band team. Tell him to have 'em readv. and before vou start voud nDeiter give me wnoie ouuit a gooa goln' over. We can't afford to have Ba breakdown between here and -Briscoe." S "How about the men to go oalong?" V Tl 111 J- IV. JI..IH , I H, jhucii uu ilie uiiviii, nnu mic "feller that generally rides with him vis Todd Stone. Stover generally took Syd Deem and Ollle Wllks as guaras insine cne wagon, xou can uao jruui vwi, juukiiiciii,, uu, viicj Sail good men. Whoever you select , to take with you, tell 'em It's all set s for Thursday and to report here at tne DaiiK at Jive 111 me iiiuimii . .There's nobody about at that time. and all we have to do Is tote the WA ""in uiic vtvuiv w unc nnhun. "'There's about twenty-five thousand dollars' worth ot dust and nuggets, and it'll welch over a hundred , pounds." . Jeff whistled. "That's a lot of .money." "You bet It Is. and If it gets I away from us before we turn it over to Wells Fargo It's my loss. liBut no need worryln' about that; . the way we handle It, a dozen men couldn't get it. Somewhere around moon you'll have to camp for din iner. Gives the hosses a rest and ithe boys a chance to stretch their legs. Pick a place out In the open. John used a different one each time. It might be a good idea to ride over tne trail sometime De tween now and Thursday and pick your location." "I've already done that. This gold shipment has been on my mind ver since you told me about it." "Good. You ought to make Brls eoe by sundown, and the train tops there about eight. Drive . straight to the express office if right in the station and keep the - boys on the job until the box is in the express car. Then give 'em tne night off to celebrate and drive ' back the next dav. Got it?" 1 "I think so. As you say, I don't tee where we can go wrong. I'm to be here at live on Thursday ' morning?" "That's right." The business finished, Jeb took p another matter. "Glenn told us about Slug Ben jamin tryln' to crnck Hank Wolf anger's safe Saturday night. You sure took a chance, Jumpin' him In the dark." "I didn't Jump him," said Jeff ruefully, "I jumped the snfe. Never knew Hank kept so many stars in his store. When tills gold shipment is out of the way I aim to go after Blug in earnest. Glenn tell you about the broken calk?" "Yes. Findln' It was another bit Of good work. Jeff." "It was right there for anyone to see. Now I'll, be on my way. I'll have everything in shape by Tnurs ay." 1 R2649 iMzf -&J I ijfailwaysSi, I yJl '.P I lions I Oregon, Friday, July 1, 1949 On Wednesday afternoon he went again Dack to Glenn's place to find that young man had returned from Briscoe shortly after noon. "Can't entirely neglect Cougar,1 Glenn said. "But there's absolute. ly nothing doing here. Guess I'll go Dack to Briscoe tomorrow." "Why not ride along with the gold 8ninment?" "To slow, Jeff. I'm a busy lad these days. And I'd hate to get un at four o'clock. As it is, I can leabe at eight and pass you long before you get there. Say I How about grub for your dinner?" "I've cooked uo a mess of bacon and beans and Jake Wheeler's fetching along a coupla loaves of his wife's bread and some dried ap ple pies, I could use your coffee pot, cnougn. ' "Take It. And I'll grind some coffee for you. Also there are plenty nlates and cups and eating tools, u you need mem." He got a sack of coffee and the coffee mill, and sat down with the latter between his knees and be- aan to grind. Jeff busied himself getting together plates and cups and knives. The articles were packed In a basket, the big pot of oeans set oesiae it on tne taDie, and all was in readiness. They ate dinner then, and later took a walk about town, stonnlnc: at the hotel for a couple drinks. When thev had returned to Glenn's place, Jeff said. "We'd better move your cot Into the office: then I won't wake you up getting break fast." They set up the cot In the front room, then sat down on its edge to chat and have a last smoke be fore turning in. Bv ten o'clock thev were both sound asleep. It was lust four o'clock when Jeff opened his eyes the next morning, squinted at his watch by the light of a match, and got quietly out of the bunk. Some two hours later, five courageous and well armed men with a specie box containing twenty-five thousand dollars worth of gold were on their way to Briscoe. llo Be continued) Hartleys Are Hosts For Family Affair Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. J. C Hartley of near Jefferson were hosts to a family gathering in honor of four of the family hav- ing birthdays In June. A picnic dinner was served on the lawn in honor of the occasion. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pope and daughter Janet of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs E. J. Hartley and sons, Harry and James of Grass Valley, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Moody Bonner, Virginia, Glen and Carol Ann, Dearale Petterson of Salem, C, Hartley of Ncwberg, Mrs. Gene Hartley and Jim and Judy of Portland and the host and host esses, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hart ley. Show Date Postponed Dayton The flower show among the members of the Day' ' in Garden club has been post poned until the August 8 meet ing, which will be at the home of Mrs. Lynn Williams. The July 11 meeting will be with Mrs. Sina Christenson as plan ned. The change is being made because of the busy season. Degrees are Received Mt. Angel Mrs. E. G. Un ger and daughter, Miss Marian Unger, student nurse at Provi dence hospital, Portland, went to Spokane earlier this month, to attend the graduation exer cises at Gongaza University. Richard J. Unger, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Unger received his B.A. degree In philosophy at that ceremony. PATTERN No. R2649 Shrll-SCUch Favorite Here Is flattering summer bonnet you can crochet at little cost. Versatile, gay and easy to crochet, make it In straw yarn which comes In Ice cream pastels or rich tropical hues Pattern Envelope No. R3649 con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions, material requirements, stitch ana nnisiung airec- To obtain trie pattern send 20c IN COINS giving pattern number. your name, address and zone num ber to Peggy Roberts, Capital Jour nal. 828 Mission Street, San Fran Cisco 3. Calif. I Clothes mny I I A clwoed haircut bvl I r- ami nut nf a Ffifler Prison's 2Mtvwm7iAmrpA JJill J alumnus I IV m WWXz Ji r: -.1 Uann iS L xn & ten Ok 7a W SWIMMIN' POOLS-POMES TO Rip6! S" WO. rTUL BE f WE CAN IJVE ' IT'S UKE A WONDERFUL DREAM. THflT'S 1 EVERY ORPHAN CAN HAVE A PET WSjO V EfllB FOR AND VI HERE "KQ, CAhrT w R COMINQ TRUE-THE CHURCHSCHOOlr4rroRES- I A9 MANY AS THEY WANT AND wft'l IT'LL BE THggS- W WE ANNIE ? WE'RE ( - -0 p PAS.-PLftSROUNOSAND THE REAL UTTLE B "T0Y8. FOR TH LITTLER ONESrPU- M B ALL, THEIRS J2. ORPHANS-" XH 0:ls HOUS-RDE-SreEES- IbE ALMEEARTH "J WU jSS I-" r. Nnl l-rr, . v.r- IT,ni PfJ r W - - - I v . r-TTTT-il O ' T Cn , (kWLIhlT POrtS INtoVP10 IT' 4 9 ME VtAB WITHOUT J?EVER FAILED J I CAN DO AMYTHIMS! 1 An LsmNSMEaVieTfS-) WILUE7l'D BUILD OMTUEl LmONE fMOO BEFORE K-T-i A hm?& rmwi 'fenTZ ml Himrm ? &wZMfo yA 3 mii xmt cdai jLKSt&mr kex I SHORE-YORE. Vr-a. I l-BUi; HOW 'BOUT HAH lYOKUM.r I BE A GOOD FELLOW ISHOREf-f" ? II WE'LL POT YOU ON TOP II ISTATCHOOO'ME R I I PRE-DOM-MINT? 1 YOU J AND-ASSUME THEVBUT.HOWLLl lOF THE. BUILONQ, WHERE ) I CAIMT DEE-LIVER 700 C, NIKt' AH'LL BE. SAVE. ) STATUE AS (HELP -TO? POSED TO GO.T STONC ) IT TOMORRV rJCj r trX TURNED T'SOLID ) I ME? J YOU HARDEN J gZjfa, l STOHUL.'T'-NOBOOY'LU MAWNiKf -J r r sr0Nl:;1i'3rv 7 VO?' know the wrrxRtNCEr XMM lc Tv iGOSH. THIS IS SIR 1 ( CALL OPERATOR.10PERTORS S. OPERATOR!- Eg5S)PERATOR:- Uocil- ' Vuc:T., .,1 M SIDMES BIRTHDAyAND) HIM YOU GAVE IBUSHWAl YEH! j WILL YOLlJRRvfsiRTTHrM RINGIN "ELLO-GlvE I we HAD TO PUT J . kviTOSENDA PHONE Xtf&lJlmtmZ fePADDEOffll WWW WgP hello foWro7 ovEkeToWor 'well.StS5 Y wotY?-- .eMijfl' j tMi V ltn-P BUSHWAWydCr bushwaV gimmeI bebop ,the-- YlcXrgli ' ' ' ' ,'WA HAHK (llllljyLJdj'1' I lAnLLVTDnn'TiNnwwuTT' vFg-icwFrM ma,whi.e,ov A tj?an Feau we COAST rTl , . SCENERY.' WHAT IT'S FOR, BUT I THINK WE K GET OUT TO OUR V ' LOOK, PATTyTWlS PARTITION BNT I PCOUS'FOSE 0U6HT TO 6ET BACK TO HOUSES PONT OU MUST LIKE THAT OH, I PO.' WE WADE " ! SOLID. ITS CANVAS CLOTH V IT'S FOR? J THE RANCH W TELLTEX I F0R6ET WE HAVE CANYON A LOT, TATE, OUR PICTURE "THE U K BrfTPlTl(Vws. f ANP BILL WHAT WE FOUNP ID 6ET PAST THAT TO WANT TO BUILP A 6LITTERINci TRAIL' IN 1 TCI, r4-Tff!jJ Wi.'TSSr H 4, MAN.' vSTUPIOTHERE THERE, ANP IT'S 6REAT s il 1 1 i,l H 'iiV1 WvS! 1 iiW I rlSP.MK B BIIlrTnrTSP3r- SL Jn fact, i made up mv minp f7"ffttL3 II 1 fvou SAID T!Tboy. VES, itI I "1 If ONE' TWO.' THREE' ) WFvT?,'R,rrFl Du V G0T AAOReJJ LOOKS LIKE Z-l O.CU , IHKtfc DWEX H,l3 V BIGGER, KHOOtE'l THAN BOTH Ic AAT FVFI5ESTI I I OLV J DISH'S AJt'S SAAAlLErTJ QF USai I '1 TN ( 5 ) v , bps? r? I an, II A r V- -T 1 n -1 . II I I X I I At II I II Hiar1 I 1 fjo I 1AJF' Jt3 X-l rt-i."-- ' 1 o iSP pi l lvniivnAunn,m. u. U ft ! V I . - I T I I THEENK TOUR. PAPA -,'i"yy"' lu lcL- I fll BE HAPPY WHENWECAN 1 ,aFFf- , I THAT'S THE QUITTING WHI5TLE,pMK1 , nwf,l. J junuk: J' ''i." '" w,w, , i I OPEN ILL BUY A K No WITH , Tir uuinu uuwn ruK A uik win aprp ' M jTnirir E-:anotheooksheoiv" J Viwmmn KvF before you drive me xcooo.BEBEy A ' . "... Z. J 'J. UOW VOU f TUAT IC LIFTS I 1 ALiMniiBiinnWiiil nve i HAvEvlixl kAVUIIIIBlT N I I V J 1 t I I I . . RADIO PROGRAMS fRIDAT KSLM ty'KGW ;BoiKOCO r'KOIN 5:00 Pulton LewU, Jr. Woman 'b Secret Htaythm Bsneh Cart Miner IB Frank Hemlonray Sunny Side Rhytbm Bsoeh The Little Shew -SO PsHini Farede Newi Slug Oroefar , Clab 15 tW Carmen CTllero H. V. Raltenborn Sport Paco Edward Marrow 6:00 Ted Drake Al Gajrle Oreh. Candle LJht Knox Hanninj 14 Ted Drake Al Oarle Oreh. Sliver Bealah 0 Adr. of Cbanp. Paletta at Piano News Chet Bnntler Cnrlcr Bradley Elmer Peterson Flsneastcr News 7:00 Gabriel Heatter Webiter Bars Pat O'Brien Theatre of tha Air :l Northwest Newa Webster Says Bandstand Theatre of the Air :0 Flshlnt, Huntlnc Mr Good Wife Duiont Dope Theatre of tha Air M Flshlnt, Hunting Mr Good Wife Bandstand Theatre of the Air 8:00 old Barber Shop Dr. I Q Baseball Plarhottso 10 This Is Muilo Dr. I Q Baseball ' Playhouse :S0 Cisco Kid BUI Stem Baseball Favorite Husband J Cisco Kid Rbrtbm Time Baseball Favorite Hnsband 9 '00 Stralsbt Arrow Sapper Clab Baseball Lowell Thomas slS straight Arrow News of World Baseball Jack Smith Show : Mails Jnmmla Daranta Baseball Jck Carson Show l4ft Mnsie Jnmmle Daranto Baseball Jack Carson Show W'Jf e.W,A . . N'WI BasebaU Fire Star Final :1ft Select Local Nsws Sports Pact Pinal News Sports SpotlUht Si"? BiK Town Stodlo Partr1 Daneo ls M"a Bic Town Studio Partr Let's Dance ntM Falton Lewis. Jr. Sam Hare. Studio Partr Serenade 5? !!00,e 8how W" M""m Studio Partr You A tbo World :S0 Bob Pools Show Wax Museum Studio Partr Orchestra t :fa Mni' W Museum Studio Partr Orchestra KiOo'sign Off Sim Off 1:00 A.M., sW" Silent SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. News Hodse Podre Dawn Patrol Ilodre Podre NW Farm News News KOCO Klock March Time Hodge Podre KOCO Klock Dawn Patrol Now Hear This Tex Rltter Dawn Patrol Now Hear This News Dawn Patrol The Old Sonrs Farm Mkt. Rep. Ngws News ' Extension Service New Mind Manners Science Excursion Breakfast Gini Mind Manners Popular Varieties Breakfast Gang Jerry Marlowe The Stars Sim Top Trades Sam Hayes Western Melodies Barrain Counter Frank Merrlwcll Haven of Rest News Frank Merrlwcll Haven of Rest Sons of Pioneers Ed McConnell Musio Without Maslo Ed McConiyil Words Northwest Newa News Cycle of Sons Musis Public Affalri Cycle of Song Pastor's Can Orchestra Rhapsody In M"'e Orchestra Rhythm News Farm-Home Hour Saturday Serenade Garden Gufda Farm-Home Hour Saturday Serenade Klwanls Choir Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serenade Klwanls Choir Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serenade Top Tradea Younr Oreronians At the Opera News Young Oreronians At the Opera Doo, Platter Jock Newt .v Snorts Doe, Platter Jock Report on Europe Ted Dale Presents Doc, Platter Jock TBA Review in Doe, Platter Jock TBA Rhythm Northwest News TBA Kiddles Matinee Bob Eberly Show TBA Kiddies Matinee Smoker Mt, Your Health Sat. Matinee Hayrlde Bits of Hits Sat. Matinee News Contrasts Sat. Matinee Blng Sings Contrasts Sat. Matinea Proudly We Hall TBA Chin-Up Corner Proudly We Hail TBA Chin -Up Corner Coast Guard Orchestra Chin-Up Corner Coast Guard Orchestra Chin.Up Comer Bob Poole Show News Little Bit or Jacx Bob Poole Show Guest Star Little Bit of Jaix March Time Universltr Theatre Spotllte on Musle NtWM University Theatre Spotllte on Music DIAL LISTINGS: KEX, 1190; KOAC. 550 rnaay p. m ft.oo. Squirrel Caret 5:80, Yukon Challenge! 0:00. Keeping up With Sports t 6:15, Home Edi tion Newsi 6:80, Modern Romance.; 7:00, Edwin C. Htllj 7:15, Elmer Davlst 7:30, The Sheriff) 8:00, Bernle Green; 8:90, Your FBIt 0:00, Fat Mant :80, 'Neath Western Skies i 10:00, Richfield Reporter! 10:15, Intermexxo; 10:30, Concert Houri 11:30. Memos to Tomorrow) 12:00, Xtra Hour: 1:00, Sign Off. 1 rV Saturday A. v L. beati TiOO, Round-up Bore; 7:15, Time Tempos! 7.45, Adventures In Re searchi 8:00, Deep River Borsi 8:15, Mar tin Agronskri 8:30, Homo Demonstration Agent i 8:15, Frank I e Carl; 9:00, Johnny Olsen Get Togetberi 9:30, Toyland Tunesi 10:00, Stars of Tomorrow t 11:00, Girls' Corps t 11:30, American Farmer 17:00, Treasury Show; 12:30, Fascinating Rhythm t 1:00, Ballad Boxt 1:15, Horse Racest 1:80, Band Boxi 8:00, Tea and Crumpets i 8:00, 101 Ranoh Boysi 1:80, Meet tho Bandi 4:00, Junior Junction. 4:80. Jazzy Concert. Reid Going East Lebanon Dr. David E. Reid will leave Sunday for St. Louis, where he will attend the Ameri can Osteopathic association con vention and a meeting of the AOA board of trustrees, of which ACROSS 1. Dive 7. Commander 13. Rescind 14. Recess 15. At home 16. Letter 18. Takes place 19. Affectedly shy: dia lectic 11. Prepares for publication 22. Insect 23. Short Jacket 26. Rather than 26. Rodents 27. Church councils 29. Scoffed 31. Native metal 32. Tree IS. Draw Ins together 56. Small Islands 39. Feminine name 40. Strike vio lently 4X. Crystallized rain 43. Beverage 44. Inclined pas sageways 4. Cravat 47. Norse god 45. Hold 60. Note of the scale 51. Self-centered person 63. Small storage room 55. Faculties of perception 7 A 3 4 Z 57 a I? lo in 13 . j ?f " pi2 SI 11 53 54 H 1 1 1 1 Bl I 1 1 1 ROOM AND BOARD ji WHEN THE EARL MADE A HOLE Hff,,,. irr4 (f Hf M TURU THIS POTATO HE IDEA IS TO Ep m PROVIDED ME WITH THE PLACE A V INSPIRATION FOR A UNIQUE FRANKFURTER -s 'Z AND SENSATIONAL IDEA ) IN THE CORED-OUT V VVHICH WILL SELL ALU OF SnSN-JAJE -V MV 999 CORING f T'M am tuc Jv GADGETS t I i LL CALL THE f OAUtotij J CULINARY DELISHT " " -.,.Lt7 REC,PE' P.M. News KOIN Klock K01N Klock KOIN Klock Koln Klock News News Consumer News Musio for Yoa Muilo for Yob Green Lama Green Lama News Let's Pretend Junior Mi as Junior Mlsa Theatre of Today Theatre of Today Grand Central Station Stars Over Hollywood Give and Take Give and Take Newa Driver's Playhouse Meet the Mlasus Meet the Missus Mother Knows Best Dance Orchestra Dance Orchestra Newspaper of All Newspaper of Ail Sat. at Chase Sat. at Chase News Bandstand War for Youth War for Youth Griffin Bareroft Columbia Feature Columbia Feature Lorrr LaSueur (KOAC Standard Time) HAP Friday P.M.-Jt:00, On tha rWn Upbeat) 5:50, 550 Sports Clubi 6:00, New) 6:15, Dinner Melodlest 6:30, Musle of Czechoslovakia t 7:15, Evening Farm Houri 8:00, Research Report i 8:15, Here's to Veterans) 8:30, Great Sonrs 8:45, Lorrers' Fire Weather Forecast! 9:00, Musle That Endures) 9:45, Lift Up Thy Voice; 10:00, Adventures In Research) 10:15, Serenade) 10:45, News) 11: M, SlrB , (KOAC Standard Time) KOAC A.M. 10:00, Newai IWAW io:i6, Especlallr for Women i 11:00, The Concert Hall) 12:00, News; 12:15, Noon Farm Houri 1:00, Ride 'em Cowbori 1:80, Voice of tho Armri 1:45, Melody Lane i 2:00, Musio or tba Masters! 8:80, Science Newsi 8:45, Spirit of tho Vikings) nver-s riaynousoi 4:15, Songs of tho West) 4:45, Children's Theatre. he is a member. Mrs. Reid and their two children left Thurs day for Big Stump beach nea! Waldport and will be joined there by Dr. Reid in mid-July. The family will return to Leba non on July 25. lAlpqTleWMTelpUATvl ft P B T E AWE DM A V E S E A R E PE3N P P E R H E R E S vfs POOLS Solution of Yesterday', Puzzle It. Tall bulldlnn DOWN 1. Instructs be forehand 1. Mercy t. Aloft 4. Bom 6. Yawn 6. Ignores 7. Second of two mentioned I. Measures of length t. Card with one spot 10. Answer tha purpose 11. Exhibit 12. Refreshed 17. Title of a knight 20. Eyeglass for one eye 22. Slight sickness 24. Water wheel 26. Factories 28. Snug room 30. Roman bronxe 33. Foliage 84. State 35. Concedes 36. Force of a blow 37. Laborer 3S. Perspires 41. Norwegian county 44. Flower 45. iFarm building 48. Ton this side: prefix 4D. At once 62. Alonjr 64. Compass point 7-' Bv Gene Aherr