I 'I til ; A.-; th .,, j Bullet Whizzes Over Children Dallas, July 1 A .22 rifle bullet that whizzed over the heads of some playing children and imbedded itself in the bath room wall at the home of H. E. Regier, Orr's Corner road, after , crashing through a window, is '' believed to have come from a rifle in the hands of a careless boy. The home is located just out side the city limits, and Regier believes that the shot came from boys target shooting. He states that if he had been in his cus tomary shaving position in the bathroom, the bullet would have hit him in the neck. Police request that parents in the area check with their boys and inform them of the danger involved in shooting the rifles in such a thickly-populated area. Similar trouble with boys shooting rifles was investigat ed across town near the city park about two months ago. Parents and city police succeed ed in eliminating the difficulty and no further incidents have been reported in that vicinity. Quads in Pairs Quadruplets of two British families win attention at a vacation camp in North Wales. Held by their parents, the children are, left to right: Annette, Robert, Paul and Kevin Taylor; and Bridget, Francis, Jennifer and Eliza beth Good. JOHNSON STRESSES TEAMWORK Defense Secretary Reveals Plans for Military Unity Secretary of Defense Johnson in the July American Magazine toeing published Friday gives a blueprint for achieving greater unification of the armed services through a process of regulated competition with emphasis onf team-work rather than rivalry. The main emphasis at all levels of military service will be on working together," writes Mr. Johnson in a signed article in which he gives re-assurance that "the navy will continue to be an indispensable part of our first line of defense." In revealing that he intends to press for an overhauling of West Point and Annapolis as well as the construction of a third officer's training school, the defense secretary reports that "we are also inaugurating cross-education for the admirals and generals at the Very top of the three services." "I have ordered," he states, the three chiefs of staff (Ad miral Denfeld and Generals Bradley and Vandenberg) to BUSINESSMEN GIVE SOME POINTERS Advice to Secretaries On Relations With Boss Chicago, June 30 UP) A group of men who do the dictating to secretaries said today that next to marriage, the boss-secretary relationship is one of the most delicate human relations problems facine men. They came up with some pointers to the 1,000 white col lar girls here for the National Secretaries' association convention. Some of them are: Be compatible, but not too compatible. When the boss' wife calls, be diplomatic. , Keep the tired businessman's pills straight. No baby talk to beaux re member the telephone Is for business. Dress with decorum, not de collette. The boss wants to keep his mind on his work. Correct the boss grammar and spelling, but do it tactfully. Reach the office at least as early as the boss. Take the details off his shoulders. Skip the flowers, but not the dust. And take messages that won't need the decoding of a top secret. The suggestions came from a panel of businessmen which in cludes General Jonathan M. Wainwright, national command er for the Disabled American Veterans; James W. Alsdorf, president of an appliance manu facturing concern; Ernest L. By field, hotel president; Wallace O. Oilman, general manager of Chicago s largest office build ing; Ned H. Dearborn, president of the national safety council; Philip Wyman, vice-president of a piano company, and Ray Ire land, an airlines vice-president. Officers. Installed By Aumsville Post Aumsville The Aumsville American Legion installed offi cers for the coming year with Past Commander R. L. Mickey installing officer. New officers are commander, Hugh Webb; first vice comman der, Robert Trader; second vice commander, Richard Ball; adju tant, Archie Roshe; chaplain, Jack Sphoon; sergeant-at-arms, Dean Roberts; service officer, Robert Mickey, and historian, Bud Killinger. This was the last meeting un til September. The Legion will hold a picnic for their wives and auxiliary members July 6. Convict Needs Compass San Quentin, Cal., July 1 U.ra Convict Manuel Fernandez vowed today he would get a compass before trying to escape from San Quentin prison again. He was picked up after spending all night walking only three miles. "1 must have been walking around in circles," he complain ed when guards caught him. Woodburn Facing Quiet Celebration Woodburn Most of Wood burn's stores and public offices will be closed Monday, July 4. No local celebration is planned and local residents will attend nearby celebrations, motor to the beaches or picnic in Settle- mier park. The new cooking units and Softball diamond have been com pleted at Settlemier park for the use of picnickers. Tables have been refinished, the grounds put in shape for visitors and ample parking space provided. The swimming pool will be operated Monday from 12:15 to 8:45 p.m. Union County Cherries To Bring in $120,000 LaGrande, July 1 Sale of the 1949 Union county cherry crop is expected to bring grow ers $120,000 for 900 tons of the fruit, it was estimated today. Officials of the Pumpkin Ridge growers association an nounced sale of 450 tons of cher ries to Paulus Brothers cannery, Salem. Harvest of crops grown by members of Cove and Union association is expected to pro duce another 450 tons at the same figure. Cherry picking was expected to get underway about July 6. with pickers being paid 2 xh cents a pound, Chase Bohnenkamp, Pumpkin Ridge association of ficial, said. get out of Washington together, every sixty days, and stay away for at least four days. . . . Furthermore, I have ordered them to spend no more than three to four hours each day, while away, at work. "They must spend the rest of the time relaxing together. . . . In this way they can coma to know and understand one an other still better. . . . During the latter part of each trip I will join them. In this way I may be able to get a little cross education myself. When the time comes in the future to relieve a chief of staff or a vice-chief of any one of the three services, his successor will be ordered to duty three months sooner than has heretofore been the practice. During these three months he will spend six weeks in the other two services, learn ing what makes the wheels go round." It is the secretary's plan to build a third national academy, because West Point and An napolis are overcrowded, and to have a common curriculum in all three schools for the first two or three years. "Under this cross-education program our future officers, at the very start of their careers, will be installed with a common purpose and a common goal, he says. After each has finished his basic undergraduate study he will take advance work in his specialty ( Army, Navy, Air Force at one of the academies." As for the older military men, Johnson states that "we hope to permit an interchange of officers between services" and "we have already launched a unified, service-wide program of troop in formation and education for our enlisted men." While enunciating his plans for unity, the defense secretary makes it clear that he s for en couraging pride in service which, he holds, "can be a great national asset. "It is only suspicion, ignor ance, jealousy, sneering rivalry, and stiff-neckism that should be dispelled," he states. "They stand in the way of the kind of teamwork we need to keep America's forces vigilant and ready for, any emergency. "I have told the civilian and military heads of the three ser vices that my office will arbi trate all quarrels and claims be tween services, that we will hear all sides before making a decision, but that once a de cision is made it is to be carried out without any : dragging of feet." Commissioners Court The following la tht official publica tion of the records of claims before the Marlon County ComtnlMloners' Court for the Mar term for 1949, with the amount allowed, bill continued, etc., according to the records In the of nee 01 tne uouiwy Clerk. Larfd ftt Biuh Salem Br. U.S. Nat'l Bk of Portland, withholding, 2.822.25; Pub lic Employees Retirement Bystem, retire ment, S.75B.88; Frank Rada, Co. property, 150.00; State industrial Accident tonrai., Ins.. 743.66. County Assessor: C. A. Lewis, deputy, 208.20; Ray Lick, deputy, 174.73; ; J. L. Siesmund, deputy, itj.w. urace . Babcock, deputy, 159.78; Ida M. Baiuie deputy. 147.59; May Holtorf. deputy, 154.90; Helen Snyder, deputy. 132.31; Leon Henderson, clerk. 53.05; Alice V. Cum mings, clerk, 103.57: Gordon E. Tower, laftsmnn. 220.00. Circuit court: a. a. Richards, Sec. for court, 195.90; Ruby Hughes, deputy. 179.10. County Clerk: M Reznlcjwk, deputy, 188.15; P. Crosby, de puty, 175.50; R. Howard, deputy, lse.oo D, Barrett, deputy, 160.48; V. Windsor, deputy, 201.69; Helen L, Mulkey, deputy, 174.20: wanda M. Qllford. deputy. 153.97; R. J. Stanton, deputy. 55.00; Donna Brown, deputy, 74.50; D. W. Ramseyer, deputy, 113.85. County Court ft Comm. M. Reznicsek, clerk, 45.00; D. L. Brown, Stenog., 85.00. Court House: Edw. Brash er, Janitor, 158.65; W. A. Grltton, Janitor, 152.59; Wm. Morlarty. Janitor, 143.79; Ed win Booth, Janitor, 147.50; Ruth Hutchlns, Elev. Opr.. 71.90; M. E. Llndsey, Elev. Opr., 76.40. District Attorney: Gordon Moore deputy. 222.55; Doris M. Albin. Stenoc., 142.50. District Court: Gloria Robinson, deputy clerk, 61.33; Clurus Brown, deputy clerk, 163.71. District Court Constable: Gloria Robinson, deputy constable, 90.00. Health Department: W. J, Stone Co. health officer, 567.65; F. R. Coleman, Co, sanitarian, 376.70; I. G. Lermon, Co. sanitarian, 248.33; Batty Cooper, Co. sanitarian. 281.2o; W, Quinn, Co. sanitarian, 256.60; Bernlce Yeary, nurse fiupr., 251.80; Leslie L. Stone, Co. P. H. N 148.20; Mermyn Darby. Co, P.H.N., 199.74; Evelyn L. Schradcr, Co. P.H.N., 205.70; Joan Schneider, Co. P.H.N., 202.90; Jane Domkowskl, Co, P.H.N., 216.- 70; Erna Berstecher. Asst. Co. P.H.N. 181.90: Helen Steyaert. Co. P.H.N.. 31.12 Helen Wangsgard, Co. P.H.N.. 214.00; Jean M. Wright, Co. P.H.N., 197.25; Vera Wood, clerk-steno II. 1B2.60; Helen Wall lie li clerk-Bteno I, 150.90; Odessa Melby, clerk typist I, 144.80; Alice Bergmann, clerk- typist i, m.w. uariei Let, curs-typist l, 138.35; Alice H. Stone. Co. P.H.N.. 117.40; Mona Davis, clerk-typist I, 155.55; Fran cis r. Reierson, health educator. 255.55; Lawrence M. Cheney, Co. sanitarian, 19.50. Jefferson Justice Court: E. E. Howell. Jus tice of peace, 121.55; Geo. F. Armstrong, .unstable, 14.85. Mt. Ansel Juitlce Court N. M. Lauby, justice of peac, 9.90; Peter J. Burger, constable, 9.80. Silverton Juitlce Court: Alf O. Nelson, Justice of peace, 39.38; F. N. Burch, olerk. 49.60; E, Jackson, constable, 74.25. Woodburn Jus tice Court: T. O. Gorman, justice of peace, iH3.lo; w. C. Miller, constable, 49.50; Mary V. Gorman, clerk. 34.65 Juvenile Court: Nona White, probation officer. 217.62; D. J. Jensen. Assist, pro bation Off., 206.18; L. M, Johnston, stenog, 102.70. Recorder's Office: Aden a Dlckman, deputy, 162.60: Virginia Grltton, deputy, 138.63; Ramon a Evans, clerk, 15120; Irene Johnson, clerk, 151.20. Her. ft Election: Oladys White, deputy, 178.17. School Su perintendent's: J. F. Remington, deputy, 182.48; Vivian S. Hoenig, supervisor, 200.00; Marguerite R. Burton, supervisor, 214.00; Christine V. Morley, secretary, 142.25. Sheriff-Legal: A. I. Johnson, de puty, 207.20; B. R. Smith, deputy, 202.80; Wm. Do Vail, deputy, 203.30; John Har ger, deputy, 210.90; Murel Wood, deputy, 202.60; E. G, Scott, deputy. 180.45; Law rence Wright, deputy, 198.40; Glenn Conk Hn, deputy, 178.20. Sheriff-Tax: Harold F. Domoealla, deputy, 234.80; Howard T. Evans, cashier, 213.64; Vlolette West, bkkp. mach. oper., 181.68; C. Hammang, deputy, 162.28; Lydla Mattson, deputy, 1 70.90. Surveyor's Office: Nella Slmms, .ecretary, 146.80, Treasurer's Office: Au drey H, Ewing, deputy, 143.04. Veterans Service Offlee: Lillian Kllppert, secretary, 62.24; H. C. Saalfeld, service officer, 282. 30, Dog Control Board: Ervln A. Ward, dog cont, officer, 194,11; R. J. Stanton, clerk, 100.00. Engineer's Office: H. 8. Swart, Co. Engineer, 330.50; A. M. Pres nall, secretary 143.19. Co, Property: H. Wm. Thlelsen, land agent, 166.06: L. M. Johnston, aUnflf., 41. M, lUrlitratka A i Eleetlon: Ramona Evans, clerk, 12.11; Mu riel Push, clerk. 141.52; Alice J. Balllle, clerk. 146.31; Wilson J. Wilt, clerk, 142.56. Breltenbush Justice Court: J. c. rowier. constable, 24.75; Edison Vickers. justice ol peace. 89.10. Stsyt Justice Court: W. H. Bell, Justice of peace, 123.75: Henry Smith, onstable, 19.80; Leon a Peterson, ateno., 29.70. Surveyor's Office: Nella Slmms, clerk, 12.60: J. P. Asplnwall. labor, 214.26; Delbert J. Balr, labor, 200.50; J. A. Burns, labor, 136.58; Wm. H. Ficke, labor, 63.90; Harry H. Lawrence, labor, 265.64; H. A, Martin, labor. 208.12; Harold L. Martin, labor. 203.34; Edward Schmltt, labor, 193.90; Frank Woelke, labor. 241.69; O. D. Bines a r, labor, 237.92; Henry Bower, la bor, 157.75; Lawrence Bower, labor, 170.00; Wm. P. Croker. labor, 208.81; Orvllle L. Dunlgan, labor, 228.44: S. K. Ely, labor, 226.10; Harvey M. Qirod, labor, 203.08: Roy Hatfield, labor. 197.20; Harold K. Keppinger, labor. 217.26; John Kinney, la bor. 211.77; R. w. Kinney, laoor. z.7o: Barney J. Kropp. labor, 192.93: Laurel Lamb, labor, 220.00: Floyd Lauber, labor, 216.59: E. A. Lawrence, labor, 239.00; W. R. Mauey. labor. 211.91; John McAllister, labor, 192.41; Ralph McAllister, labor, 178.40: D. P. Scharf. labor, 247.95: August Smith, labor, 234.41; Robert Smith, la bor, 195.78: G, L. Spencer, labor, 196.56: Earl D, Standley, labor, 203.40: Lloyd E. Taylor, labor, 224.05; Raymond Titus, labor, 187.Q0; or vine i,. -rrusseu. labor. 226.50: Hugh Webb, labor, 255.79; Lee Wells, labor, 231.03; Sam Weese, labor. 184.3a: Tony woe me, laoor. a 13.33; Tneo- dore Kuenzl, labor, 265.35; Wm. R. Bren ner, labor. 221,36: Menno Dalke. labor. 200.48; Lloyd Jarman, labor, 207,13; Tom Rltchey, labor. 215.28: Jos. A. Robl, labor. 217.52; W. Shelley, labor, 213.62; Gene Shilling, labor, 212.12; Arthur Tackmler, labor, 125.72: Ted Wagoner, labor, 199.46: L W. Webber, labor. 200.29; w. o. wii-1 liamson, labor, 201.78: J. C. Curnutt, la-' bor, 212.55; J. Anderson Jr., labor, 224.85; L. R. Cooper, labor, 216.22; E. J. Coover, labor, 189.30; R. L. Gingrich, labor, 129.33; Axel Johnson, labor, 189.30; J. R. Patten, labor, 197.60; H. J. Peterson, labor, 224.85; C. G. Ross, labor, 208.05; A. B. Rostad, labor, 216.22; m. j. Mcoormics, laoor, 204.01: David DuBols, labor, 188.34; Virgil Fa hey, labor, 197.70; P. H. Hostetler, labor. 201.11; H. E. Lenhardt. labor. 180.43: S. M. Martin, labor, 207.05; Wm. Nattiger. labor, 207.40: Cecil R. Royston, labor. 177.63: Delbert C. Shelltto. labor, 203.36: Ricnards. labor, zie.si; Artnur Blackburn, labor. 199.01: Gilbert Brosig. labor, 172.96; A. A. Richards, labor, 204. 01; Chas. Tucker, labor, 21B.26; E. H. Busoy, labor, iss.os; c. A. comne, laoor, 182.79; Tom Bowden, labor, 204.44; George Frauendlencr, labor, 200.94; B. R. Mc Farland, labor. 25.95; Floy Mudd. bailiff. 9.10; Gertrude F, Lobdell, bailiff, 29.40: John Hanna, survey, 9:45; Florence Young, emergency labor, 2.67; Ray Lick, T.E., 55.20; Robert H, Scott, assessing. 150.00; R. Shelton, postage, 9.00i J. L. Slegmund. T.E., 46.15; W. T. Bonnell, Misc., 5.50: J. H. Samples, Sheriff, Misc., 3.00: Salem Insurance Agent Assoc., Ins., 37.50; Leston W. Howell, per diem, etc., 63.29; Manton Carl, T.E., 8.90; D. B. Hill, T.E., 11.40; Hotel senator, meals, 15.40; Jno. W. Ramage, T.E., 6.00; Ameri can Brush Company, sups., 3.19; Graber Brothers, repairs, 9.8B; Otis Elevator Com pany, malnt., 8.50; Ritchie and Fagg, Inc.. Repairs, 4.13; Sanlpro Corporation of Ore gon, ex p., 5.25; Henry W. Scott, repairs, 5.50: Vlbbert Electric, repairs, 19.00; Mc Ewans Photo Shop, misc., 10.00: T. J. Brabec, wit., 2.10; Capital City Bindery, sups., 46.00; Sybil C. CatUn & Frank H. spears, rent, iou.ua; a. e. uragg, post master, postage, 15.00; A. A. Richards, reporter's fees, 10.00; Earl Adams, T.E., 137.26; Dr. D. L. Celltcrate, exam., 5.00; John Schmld, exp 100.00; Denver Young. Tax Collector, exp., 15.52; American Jour nal of nursing, off. sups., 4.00; American Medical Assoc., off. sups., 25.50; Bramble Hardware, off. sups., .76; Capital City Laundry ie Cleaners, off. sups., 19.77; The Capital Drug Store, med. sups.. Charles H. Derthlck, child guidance, 90.00; Jane Domkowskl, trans., 9.00; Hen- drle Medical Laboratory, lab., 12a.00 Henry's Photo Shop, off. sups., 1.50; Johnson, Slewert tt Aldrlch, printing. ''2.40; Dr. Robert E. Joseph, med. serv., 24.00; Kay Typewriter Co., off. equip., 218.00; Kubi-Howell, off. sups., 0.24; L. G. Lermon, trans., 13.00; McKesson & Rob- bins, med. sups., 63.92; National Safety Council, off. Sups.. 2.00; Dr. Virgil E. Pettlt, med. serv.. 15.00; Francis F, Reier son, transp., 23.50: Mary Rice, transp. 15.00; Burl Richardson, transp., 13.10; Roen Typewriter Exchange, oil. sups. 7.50; Salem Masonic Temple Assoc., rent, 190.00; saiera Medical Laboratories, mea. serv. Sc lab.. 40,25; Leon J. Scheideman. off. sups., 42.57; School Dist. No. 4, off. sups., 1.15; Dr. W. J. Stone, M.D., transp., 23.54; w. J. stone, M.D.. oil. SUPS,. 38.! A. B.C. window Cleaners, oil. sups., i.fio; Vera Wood, T.E., 14.00; Wynkoop Blair Printing, printing, 10.46; John W. Han rahan, fees, 391.50; Fred W. Lange, fees, 398.50; A. W. Simmons, fees, 419.50; Mil ton F. Hoyser, indemnity, 8.00; James V. Jackson, Indemnity, 16.00; Raymond A. Mlnten, indemnity, 16.00: Poepplng Bros., indemnity 12.00; Skiller Bros., indem nity, 8.00; Paul R. Townsend, Indemnity, 20.00; Homer Smith, Commander, Indi gent soldier. 25.00; Dr. Wm. O. Orothers, exam, 30.00: Dr. Arthur Fisher, txam, 5.00; Dr. Harmon T. Harvey, exam, a.oo: Dr. Stuart Laneefield, exam, 5.00; Dr. Kenneth Power, exam, 5.00; Dr. Ralph Purvine, exrm. 5.00; Dr. Harold Schnei der, exam. 6.00; Dr. Paul Wolfe, exam. 5.00; Sanitary Service Co., sanl. serv., 1.90: Unruh Knapp Printing, sups., 13.35; Denver Yount. board of prisoners. 480.53: Abrams ft Skinner Inc., bond, 25.00; M'A u. newon. rent. 10.00: Emery j. jaexson T.E., 38.28: W. H. Bell, rent. 30.00; T. C. uorman, rent, oir. sups., 33.60; woodburn Independent, sups., IB. 85: W. O. Miller, T.E., 8.87: The Boys & Girls Aid Society of Oregon, court comm., 30.00; Catholic Charities Inc., court comm., 62.58; Ohil drens Farm Rome, court comm., 30.00: Oregon Protective Society, court comm., 14.03: J. H. Turnldge, court comm., 40.00: Albert O. Grag, oast ate, sups., 28.60; Addreasograph - Multfgraph Corp.. sups.. 95.74; Remington Rand Inc., equip., 397. 30; Marck ft Company, Inc.. rodent con trol, 136.50: Pratum Coop. Warehouse, ro- dent control, 82.50: Chester A. Boyle, coy ote, 10.00: Agnes C. Booth, postage, 65.00: Agnes C. Booth. T.E., 64.30; Marguerite R. Burton, T.E., 30.30; Department of Rural Education, Misc., 3.00; Vivian 8. Hoenig, T.E., 28.75; J. F. Remington, T.E., 22.90; Department of Agriculture, sealer, 5.25: Blumental Uniform Co., mlAC, 8.08; Burke's Camera Shoo. misc.. 3.26: Cltv of Salem, radio. 6.00; Red Star Transfer Co., transp., 6.50; Chas. E. Weisenhaus. transp., 1.20; Murel Wood, T.E., 3.40: Lawrence Wright, transp,, 1.25; Capital Office Equipment, office equip., 19.50; Pitney Bowes Inc., postage. 18.00; A. D. Graham, T.E., 31.55; Simmons Carbon Co., sups., 6.0S; H. C. Saalfeld, T.E., 7.60; arvin a. ware, t.b., 58.: Thelma Lip- i pencott, lie, refund, 1,00; Mr. Ed Doerf ler, lamb, 10.00: Reuben Eftgimnn, ewes, 15.00; Mr. A. R. Flske, lamb, 10.00; Mrs. Roy C. Gasso, ewe, 15.00; The American Law Book Co., law books, 35.00; The Bobbs Merrill Company, law books, 18.00; Law Outlines Company, law books, 12.00; " v ruoiuuiing company, law Dooxs, 12.00: George E. Allen Hardware, sups., 19.30; Ames Hardware ft Furniture Co.. exp., 4.60; Anderson Motors, reps,, 2.00; B. R. Logging Co., sups.. 198.00; J. c. Balr ft Sons, reps., 68.00: BaUou ft Wright, reps., 67.93; Luther Barnes, hauling gra vel. 268.00: Harry Becker, hauling gravel. hih.bu; Birxemeier and Saremal, exp 7088.99; Fred J. Blake, hauling gravel 309.75: Bradfield Lumber Co.. reps.. 135, 47; E. H. Burrell, reps., 63.66; Capital Auto Parts, reps., 45.60. Capita! Journal, adv., 67.26; L. M. Case, hauling gravel. 1.008.00; Monroe S. Cheek, transp., 91.83: W. Cheney, hauling gravel, 425.25: City Water Department, water, 57.38: Art Clin ton, exp., 153.00; O. A. Coffey Insurance Agency, Ins.. 11.00: Colyear Motor finiM sups,, 72.96; The Commercial Bnolc store sups., 270.71; Commercial Sand ft Gravel uo., gravel, ia.33; cooke Stationery Com pany, sups., 14.05; J. W. Copeland Yards, sups., 11.50; C. H. Coyle, rent, 165.00: ur, m. ft., urotners, exam, 56.66; Doollttlc Master Service Station, reps., 102.50; Downs Glass Shop, reps., 4.10; E AC RO Materials Co., sups.. 2.918.50; Eoff Electric Company, exp., 38.81; Ray L. Farmer Hardware. eXP.. 1.03: Feenamhtv iin. chlnery Co., reps., 47.84; Firestone Stores, sum., .au; nne nrst National Bk. of Portland, exp.. 982.45; W. Fossholm, sups., 18.05; Free's Garage, reps.. 10.60; General Petroleum Corporation, transp., 9.81; The J. K. Gill Company, sups., 36.34; The Golden Pheasant, meals, 23.20: Dr. John Goldsmith, exam, 80.00; Dr. H. A. Guef froy, exam. 10.?0; The Haloid Company, sups., 371.50; Kenneth Hanson, hauling gravel, 303.75; John Harms, exp., 15.00: J. u. nan weu, exp., s.uu; Herrold Phlllppl Motor CO.. reps.. 1.50: Ted Hnhnrk retary, Jersey cattle, 1,000.00; August E. Holtorf, hauling gravel, 346.20; Howard Cooper Corporation, reps., 50.34: Ohns. H Hoyt, gravel, 12,403.99; Chna H. Hoyt, gravel. 8.197.28: Industrie finimw r.n m Salem, sups., 11. IB; Interstate Tractor Co., reiw., i.tu.Hs; n. w. Johnson, reward, 35.00; Ira Jorgenscn, reps., 136.04: Jor-gensen-Stelnke, reps., 20.00; Judson's Plumbing, exp., 17.10: Jungwirth Sand ft Gravel Co., gravel, 139.22; Kelzer Sand ft Gravel Co.. gravel, 122.38; Clco Keppln- ner, namina travel, l, 164.00: Kraps ft Long Printers, sups., 116.30; C. J. Lewis, gas, 15.46; James H. Maden Co., reps., 71.32; Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co., reps., 4.93; A. B. McLauchlan Co., reps., 28.35: Kenneth Miller, hauling gravel. 194.25; Margaret Miller, Secretary, fat lninb. 700.00: B. J. Minden Lumber Co., lumber, 693.45; Montgomery Ward Co., sups., 82. 50; Carl L. Morrison, hauling gravel, 60 00; Mountain States Power Co., light ft power, 51.23; John Nag, hauling gravel, 1,194.25; Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 1, 1949 13 Needhanu Book Store, sups., 184.17; Nel-1 son Equipment Company, equip., 3.590.00: i Newberg Sand ft Gravel Co., gravel, 17.50: j Een Newell. Guernsey cattle, 75.00; Nor ris ft Walker Chemical Co., Sups., 1.75; Northwest Industrial Laundry, exp., 3.00; Oregon Gravel Company, gravel, 363.91: Oregon Physician Service, dues, 366.50; Oregon State Highway, exp., 6,33; Pacific Huuaing, rent. z.50; Pacific Tele, ft Tele. Co., tele., 350.43; Panther Oil ft Grease Mfg., sups., 61.89; Peck Brothers, sups., 211.35; Henry Pfennig, hauling gravel, 355.20: Phlllppl Tire Service, reps., 4.15; rortiana uenerai Electric, L.ftP., 194.84; Quonset Garaae, reps., 30.81; Red Cross Pharmacy, med. sups., 3.04; Richfield Oil Corporation, sups., 127.66; J. H. Rladon, gravel, 256.00: Saffron Supply Company, sups., 35.01; A. Sahli, wood, 750.00: A. Sahll. wood. 410.00: Salem Blue Print Company, sups., 24.92; Salem Concrete Pipe ft Products Co., sups., 24.48; Salem Hardware Company, sups., 42.00; Salem Iron Works, reps., 431.25; Salem Memor ial Hospital, x-ray, hasp., 116.85; Salem Navigation Co., sups., 6.75: Salem Steel ft Supply Co., Exp.. 8.75; Salem Tent ft Awning Co., sups., 18.00; Santlam Garage, reps., 23.85; Shell Oil Company, gasoline, etc., 149.91; H. A. Simmons, transp.. 1.601.46; Smith Bros. Sand ft Gravel Company, gravel, 1,200.00; Snap-on Tools company, exp., 2.75; BouLe Steel Company, Supa., 1,471.60; Southern Pacific Com pany, exp.. 519.05: Ed Spenner. hauling gravel, 14.56; Stan Baker Motors, reps,, 36.03; Standard Oil Company, sups., 139. 20; Statesman Publishing Company, adv., uti.ii ; state Tire service, sups.. 6.40 Stayton Gravel Company, gravel. 538.30 Stayton Parts Service, sups., 685.20; E. a. syron Ac Ronald H., sups., 594.37; Thorn ton stationery ft Printing Co., sups., 80, 96: Gordon Tower, exp., 1.80; Truck Sales ft Service Co.. reps.. 2.21; Union Oil company o California Co., sups., 795.24, union oil Company of California Co. sups., 24.76; Union Oil Company of Cali fornia Co., sups., 126.54; Valley Motor Company, transp., 231.63; Valley Motor Company, reps., 60.48; Valley Sand ft Gravel Company, gravel, 1,802.00; Valley Welding Company, reps., 8.00; Valley Welding Supply Company, sups., 24.90; Walling Sand ft Gravel Co., gravel, 284.20; Gil Ward. sups.. 451.76; West Coast Fast Freight, sups., 6.97: The Western Union .e Co. tele, 11.76; Willamette Valley Tr aimer Co., exp., 2.40; woodburn Lum ber Compnny, exp., 7.90; Woodbury Com pany, sups., 76.51; R. D. Woodrow Co., sups., 1.01: Denver Young, sups, ft T.E., 23.20; Denver Youns, tax collector, exp., 5.49; Zellerbach Paper Company, sups., 20.72; Walter H. Zosel Company, sups., 38.34. PROCEEDINGS May 2, 1049 Indemnity claim of Al Rubens, final hearing 53149. May 3, Approval of Plat of "Mclson Addition." May 4, Regulation No. 3 by Oregon Li quor Control Commission; Permit to haul loss, J. M. Sobrero, A. A. Rhoades, Schott uolieier Transportation Co., Geo, Jung' wirth, Oregon Pulp and Paper Co.; Indem nity claim of A. Melvin Lien, final hear ing 53149; Pole line permit. Pacific reiepnone ana Telegraph co. May , Bond of T. C. Gorman as Justlc of Peace; Approval of Plat, "Davis and Park subdivision '; Quit claim deed to Cecil H. Davis et ux. May 8, Permit to haul logs. C. R. Follon; Quit claim deeds to John Jncobsen, -Gladys M. Mceks; Petition to name certain Streets, "Leo, Arnold, Gary, Batting. Seeburg, Bcbee and Bonneville. May 7, Indemnity claim of Ambrose C. Jones, final hearing 53149. May 9. Fin al hearing on Indemnity claims, James V Jnokson.-Poepptng Bros. Permit to haul Ions. Dwight Wood; Permit to move bull dozer, L. V. Petersen: Dance Hnll license to Monitor I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 247; May 10, Resolution by State Highway Commis sion lifting reduced load llmlu on High ways: Quit claim deed. T. Kay Lord, et ux. May 11, Permit to haul logs, Gael Cutsforth, Dean W. Morris, Ral S. Kauff man. May 12, Permit to haul piling, Phil- ps Bros.; Permit to haul logs, Cruson Bros. May 13. Resolution by Court to ex tend Broadway St. to connect with Mar ket road 24; County Clerk ordered t draw warrants to pay for right-of-way tor Broadway extension and have deeds recorded; Permit to haul logs, DeSantts and Fantz Logging Co.; Road Proc. 784, portion of road accepted as part of County road 801, other portion of road vacated; Indemnity claim of Lawrence A. Edwards, ilnal hearing 53149. May 14. Order vacating Gates-Niagara portion of County road 071; Order accepting County road connecting Broadway Street and Market road 24 as a part of Market road 24; Petition of John Zurawskt et al to oil Walker road. May 16, Permit to haul logs, Mike Schwlndt, Dsnforth Bros.. Francis Mack, Wayne C. Smith, Capitol uumoer Fuel Co. May 11. Indemnity claim of Peter M. Spirup, final hearing 53149. May 18, Permit to move combine, J. 8. Turnbull; Permit to haul logs, Donald S. uranam, wanner and Bevler, Schotthoe- ter Transportation Co., Lowell O. Cree; Indemnity claim of Joseph G. Ezzell, fin al hearing 53149. May 19, Permit to haul logs, John s. Zolotoff, James Brown, Lawrence Bergerson; Pipe line permit, W. R. Ransom; Pole line permit, Portland General Electric Co. May 21, Pole Una permit, Portland General Electric Co., Sa lem Faitleld Telephone Association; Per mit to move combine, Carl V. Booth; Beer license. E. Vickers: Permit to logs, Blelenberg Bros., Everett Osterberg order naming several atreets, "Leo, ting, etc." in Arnold Subdivision. May 23, Bond of Peck Bros, for Issuance of duplicate warrant: Permit to move cater pillar. Paul Helmlck; Permit to haul lotts. Dwight Wood. Robert S. and Chas. W. Pants: May 24, Permit to haul logs, Tom Burton. T. A. Schneider. May 25, Re gulation 10 by Oregon Liquor Control Commission; Permit to move combine, Harold Homann; Quit claim deed to David Oroshaw et ux; Permit to operate 2 pool tables, Carl Manosco; Order for cancel lation of personal property taxes per Schedule "A"; Order RE: Lnnd Sales dis tribution. May 26, Resolution by State Highway Commls,-ton reducing speed lim its on portions of North santlam High way; Indemnity claim of Ernest A. May hew, final hearing June 9. Pole line per mit, Portland General Electric co.; per mit to haul logs, Ray Kauffman; Permit to move caterpillar, Paul Helmlck. May 27. Quit claim deed to Geo. and Frank Seniles; Resolution by State Highway Commission reducing speed limits on North Santlam Highway; Order for loan of cash from general fund to market road fund; Order continuing hearing on Vacation of Portion Sunnyslde Fruit Farms No. 10. May 28, Beer license, ueo. Mnnolis; Application for bathing re sort license. Otto R. Nation et ux; Beer li cense, Roy and Hazel Howard. May 31, Final hearing on Indemnity claims. Al fred J. K us. Al Rubens. A. Melvin Lien. Ambrose C. Jones, Lawrence A. Edwards, Peter M. Spirup, Jos. G, Ezzell; Transfer Order; Indemnity claim of Arthur C. Scott, final hearing 63049; Minutes of Board of Equalization meeting. Booth; to haul IN terberg; j !0, But i Thousand, now chew steak, corn, apples without fear of slipping plates! They usa 8TAZB, amazing new oraant in a handy tubel 8TAZB seals edges TIQHTI Helps keep out annoying food particles) Money -back guarantee. Get 35 STAZSl STAZE HOLDS PLATES TIGHTER. 10MO Palmistry Readings Will tell your past, present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business. Answers all questions. Are lyou worried? Whv be in doubt? Special Readings. .UXVJA sw Na ' - upen ,.m. , trr to 10 p.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial Bus Driver Obliging Bremerton, Wash., July 1 (U.PJ When a woman passenger com plained to bus driver L. L. Morey that a man sitting beside her was annoying her, Morey obligingly drove to a police sta tion where officers booked the man on a disorderly conduct charge. We Guarantee if TODD'S Septic Tank Service Phone 2-0734 Save Those Precious Hose! Hncc kAcinri'mi f Good nylons ore expensive! tylr ( Why not. hove your nylons menoed? Have them repaired DOWNSTAIRS HI IffQpi BEFORE YOU GO! jLOQKrr ; , HURRY! OFFER ENDS . j JULY 8th! I Ll U State Motors 340 N. Hifth CHIN-UP STORE Has added more stock to their grocery department Fresh Vegetables, Country Eggs, Ice Cream, Candy and Pop. The Gift Department has gifts suitable for all occasions. HAND TIED FISH FLIES FOR FISHERMEN. Good quality rummage on SALE every Friday and Saturday. 1275 N. Church St. Ph.3-3088 Open 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. 's easier to find the RIGHT BEEF!! 1 Bohemian Club EjrtLt jer-Bee r J Let our expert optometrists examine eyes without charge, recommend glosses and help you choose the frames best suited to your features. Vision Aids to Fit Your Features w Optometrists "s t nnsiNR npnrii Dr. E. E. Boring 383 Court ; Dignified Credit Dr. Sam Hughes Phone 1-6501 ' IFVOU'RBLOOWG-fORA RELIABLE PLACE TO BUY OR SELL A CAR COMEDOWN TO Hi Mans g-ctiiii BREMMER S MARKET 2497 State St. Phone 3-6997 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEATS Custom Cure Sliced Min. Ham 29c Weiners 39c Beef Roast 33c Ground Beef 35c Rib Steak 49c Liver Sausage 29c Process Cheese 39c Head Cheese 25c Frankfurters 32c Hams 55c