12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, July 1, 1949 1 1 ' ""lii """i Rev. M. C. Cuthbertson Cuthbertson New Minister .J Rev. M. C. Cuthbertson, who has completed your years with "'Central church of Amarillo, Tex .. as, has assumed the pastorate of ' the Central Church of Christ, Chemeketa and North Cottage ' streets, where he will preach his first sermons Sunday morning and evening. His sermon subjects will be "The Work of the Lord" -and "Looking Forward." Rev. Cuthbertson is a native '.' of Dallas, Texas, where he worked with two congregations " seven years with Sears and Summit and more than six years with Highland Park. In addition he has held pastorates with Den ver, Colo., Clovis, N. M., and Pampa, Texas. ." Central church has a congre gation of approximately BOO '. who occupy a modern church structure. Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbertson have two daughters, living in - Dallas, and a son. Woodburn Churches Christian K. Lincoln and Doud. Don .Priest, paMor. Sunday achool, 10. Service, ,. 11, Christian Endeavor, 7. Evening aerv lee, 8. Assembly of God Second and Lincoln. LeMer Olbaon, paMor. Sundny school, 9:45. Preachlnji, U a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Youn people, 6:45, , Free Methodht Younv and Oaten. Mr. Rozella B. DourIu, pastor. Sunday school, d:45. Preach! ni. 11 a.m. and 1;45 p.m. Foursquare 1197 E, Lincoln. Arthur On ble, paalor. Sunday school. 11:45. Worship, 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Youna people, 6:45. Fit. Presbyterian Garfield and Third. K;M K. Fenton, pastor. Sunday school. :45. Divine worship, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Youni people, 6:30. Chureh at Jesui Christ of Latter Day "Saints I. O.O.F. hall. Sunday school, 10. "Sacrament meetlni, 11:30. The Reorganised Chureh of Jesus Chrlsl of Latter Day Saints Corner of Second and Oarfleld. George Omans, pastor. Church school, 10. Preaching, 11. Zlons league, 7. Lecture study, 8. Bethel Presbyterian 3 ' miles east on Onion school road. Earl K. Fenton, pas tor. Worlislp, 10. Sunday school, 10:45. Church of God Third and Orant. Rny mond W. Hood, pastor. Church school, 10. Worship, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.. Young peo ple. 7. St. Mary's Mission (Episcopal) E. Lin coln at Cupid's Court. William Van Me ter, vloar. Holy communion, 8:30 a.m. Bible Baptist Grange hall, Settlemler and Hnrrlson- Earl Baiter, pastor. Sun day school, 0:45. Worship service, 11 a.m. and 7:45, p.m. Young people, 6:45. Immanuel Lutheran Harvln N. Chrls tensen, pastor. Doud and Oswald. Sun day school, 10. Worship service, 11. Lu ther league at 7:30. nervals Presbyterian Ernest Tremblay, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Worship serv . Ice, 11. Christian Endeavor, 7:30. Methodist High school auditorium. Or tnai B. Trick, pastor. Church school, 10. Worship, 11. St. Luke's Cathnlle V. L. Moffenbrler, pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th. Sunday services 6 00 a m., 8:30 a.m., and i 10:30, a.m. Benediction after 10:30 anas Sundays. Nldaros Lutheran (Monitor) Services 9:30. Sunday school, 10:45 a.m. Methodist High school auditorium. Or val B. Trick, pastor. Church school, 10 p'clork. Worship, 11. Amity Churches HapttM Bruce Wakemnn, pastor. Sun day ach ool, 10. Morning worship. 11. To- Elr, "Temptation." Youth Fellowship, 7. venlng service, 6. Topic: "The Golden Mean." Chureh of Chrlat William F. Morse. minister, nible school. 10, Morninit wor ship, 11. Junior meet Inn, 7. Young peo ple's meeting, 7, Evening service. 8. Methodist Rev. Frermont Faul. pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wotithtp. 11. Junior fellowship, 6. Youth fellowship. 7. Assembly or God Willtain N. Bearhv, pastor, buudny school, 0:45. Morning wor ship. 11. Children's service. 7:30. Evening service, 8. Saiem 5 Clturcli eJ Johnson Memorial Seventh-Day Adven llst Summer and Hood. A. J. Gordon, pas tor. A. D. Chilson, aslstsnt. Sabbath .'chool 9:30. Morning services, II. Service, 3.30 p.m.. Young People's Missionary Volunteers, Kalem Heights Community Non-denom-Inalluiial Liberty road at Madrons ave nue. Rev. T. C. Brown, pastor. Sunday school, 10, Preaching, 11. Irnlted Pentecostal 445 Ferry, Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school. 11:45. Morning service, 11. Sermon, "The Merk and the Lowly," Evening service, "When Israel Crossed Jordan." Court Street Christian 17 and Court. W. H. Lyman, pastor, Bible school as sembly, 9:45. Morning worship and Com munion, 10:50. Sermon by Ed Farrell. as sociate pastor, "So Great Faith." Chris tian endeavor hour. 7. Evening service, a. Message by W. H. Lyman, "Recogniz ing God." Calvary Chapel, Full Gospel 1143 N. Liberty, near Belmont. Pastors: Rev. Claude C. and Mary W, Bell. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11, Eve ning service, 7:45. Christ Lutheran State street at 18th. C. R. Schulz, pastor. Divine worship at 8:45 and 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 9:50 a.m. Grace Lutheran ! !.C.) Luther S. Boruen, pastor. Worshipping In Engle wood school. North 19th and Nebraska streets. Divine worship at 11. Sermon by the Rev. O. F. Bran ten. First Evangrllcal United Brethren Where Marlon crosses Summer. Rev. Wll mer N. Brown, pastor, Sunday school, 9:45. Morning service, 11. Evening serv ice, 8. Message by Rev. Clark Robb. First Christian Center and High, Dudley Strain, minister. Walter Naff, Asst. Min ister. Bible school, 9:45 a.m. Morning wor ship and communion, 10:50. Sermon by guest speaker from the Slate Convention at Turner, Oregon. Evening worship, 7:45. Foursquare Gospel 490 18th (Between Chemeketa and Center on 19th) James H. Taylor, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, Morn ing service, 11, Crusaders service at 6:45 Evening service, 7:45. Jason Lee Memorial Methodist North Winter at Jefferson. Louis C. Klrby, D. D., pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning -service, 11. Sermon, "The Radiant New Testament Church." Evening- service, 7:30. S-rmon, "The Book of Life." Musical Party Due at Church Woodburn The Mourer Johnson party of Portland will present a musical program at the Woodburn Foursquare church Sunday evening at 7:45 o'clock. The group includes Rev. and Mrs. Roy H. Mourer and Rev. and Mrs. L. Robert John son. They will feature vocal so los, duets, trios and quartets with accordion, piano and vibra harp accompaniments. Also the singing of the "Pear son Sisters," well known gospel radio duo, will be a feature of the program, including the sing ing of six-year-old Karen. The party. has just completed a tour of preaching and singing in over 28 states and Mexico, traveling 30,000 miles. Rev. Mourer is the dynamic speaker of the party and Rev. L. John son is chairman and song leader. The Bible Baptist Sunday school picnic will be held Mon day, July 4, at Settlemier park in Wnnrlhurn starting at 10 a.m. There will be games, swimming and a ball game. Those attend ing ,ra nsltpH tn brine their lunch and table service. Rev. Earl Baker of Salem will preach at the regular services Sunday. Rev. Clark Robb will be the guest speaker for both the morn ing and evening services at the First Evangelical United Breth ren church, Marion and Sum mer, on July 3 and 10 in the ab sence of the pastor, Rev. Wilmer Brown. The morning worship service is at 11 o'clock and the evening service at 8 o'clock. Rev. Robb just recently returned from Grand Rapids, Mich., where he was a youth advisor in the Central Reformed church. Silverton Churches W..L.JI.I Anriraw T.iniftl- dorf, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Worship, 11. XOUng people iiiv, Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter n.. a.i,,i. (Mormon) K. P. Hall. Oak and Mill. Sunday school, 10, service, 7. Evening First Baptist Marion and Liberty Sts. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Hev, C. E. Brlckwpdcl, assistant pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. "The Experience of a New Lite." Dr. Lloyd Anderson. Youth meetings, 8:45. Evening gospel service, 8. "The Parable of the Sower." II albert Memorial Baptist Loraled one mile north of city limits on Hinhwav 99-E. Rev, C. E. Brlckwetlel, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning worship, 11. "What Will Happen When Jesus Conies Aaln?" Hcv. Brickwedel. Young people's .entitle, 6:30. Evening evangelistic service, 7:30. faint Paul's Eplsropal Church and Chemeketa streets. The Rev. George H. Swift. B.D., rector. Holy Communion (In the chapel), 7:30. Nursery school In parish house, 11. Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11. Institute of Rellglnus Hclenca Salem Woman'H club, 460 North Cottaue street. Rev. William Byron Charles. "Let Your Light Bhlne for Freedom," 11. "How to Use the Science of Mind." (Part II "Start Where You Are," 8. Central Lutheran Gaines and North Capitol. O. B. Rundstrom, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning worship, 11, Truth Center 2(12 N. Cottage. Evening service, B o'clock, Tursday, July 8. Sub ject, Prosperity." Library, 12 noon to 3. West Salem Methodist Third and Gerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church school. 9:45. Worship. 11. Sermon, "A Higher Patriotism." Youth fellow ship, 6:30. First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win ter, Chester W. Hamhlln. nastor. Jnhn L. Goodenbcrarr, assistant pastor. Church school, 9:45. Morning worship. 10:65. "For i-amois unasnamed," sermon by the pastor. First Chureh of Christ. Scientist Lib erty and Chemeketa Sts. Sunday srhool at u a m. Mornine service at 11. Ser mon Sllhlect. "Onrt" NliFrv nrnvlrinri ror cnnnren up to 3 years of age during the morning service. No evenlnir anrvl uui Kiuy nun AURUAl, St. John's Lutheran Mo. Synod) North lflth and A Sts. Hev. H. W. Gross, pastor. Morning service at 10. Sunday school at 9. KnUht Memorial Cnngresatlonal Nine teenth and Ferry Sts. Louis K. White, minister. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Sermon, "The Freedom That Endures." First Knlrltuallst nn Nnrth ."a clal. Rev. Thomas and Minnie Gaxeley, Volley Churches Monitor Community Full Gospel Chureh Monitor, Oregon. Rev. Si Mrs. K. O. Schilling, pastors. Sunday school, 10. Sun day morning service, 11, Young people's meeting, 7. Sunday evening service, 6. Landscaping Approved Amity At the rcKiiIar meet ing of the Amity high school board, plans for lnnriscaping the athletic field was approved. As soon as the town team is through with the field, work wilt begin Christian Science Sunday school, 9:45. Service, 11. 81. Paul's Catholic Father John J. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses. 8 and 10. Week days, 8. a hi. r r.nA nurrel H. Scott. Pas tor, Sunday school, 9:45. Divine worship. Young people's society, o.-iu. ....- gellstlc, 8. rhrPh f find Rev. E. E. Nix. pastor. Sunday school. 10. Worship hour, 11. Evening service, 8. Pilgrim Holiness -Carl Mansfield, pas tor, sundny school. 10. Worship nour, Evening service, a. s.v.nlh nnr Arivrntlil Elder A. D. Chilson, Snlem. and Harold Johnson, local elder In charge. Sabbath school. Satur day. 9:30. Morning worship. 11. Satur day. Sunday evening evangelistic service. First Christian Chureh Arthur Charles Rates, minister. Bible school. 9:45 a. m., M n. Ford. siiDt.. Lvnn Neal. assistant. Communion and sermon hour. 11, topic to ho resented bv M. B. Ford. Evening service. 8 o'clock, sermon by the minister. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. for Junior and senior groups. Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr. pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes. 10 a. m. Morning worship hour. 11. sermon sub ject: "Thev That Are Sick." , Luther League meetings to oe resumea aunuay. July 10. Immanuel Lutheran Sunday school and Bible classes, 10 a. m. Divine worship 11. sermon: "The Father's Love." Special music, solo by Ernest Byberg. Luther League meeting 7:30 p. m.. subject: "Our Country to Cherish and to Change." Calvary Lutheran James A. Tofte. pas tor. Sunday school and Bible class, 10 n. m. Miss Olgft Johnson, sunt. Sermon. worship hour, 11 a. m., pastor speaking. Reports given of the national conference of the Free Lutheran church attended by Hev.- Tofte. Christian and Missionary Alllann Gordon T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday srhool, 10 a. m.. special classes lor an age groups. Oscar Satrum, supt. Worship hour. 11 a. m., 0.car Sat rum in charge in the absence of the pastor. Junior young people, directed by Mrs, Art Peder sen, meet at 1 p. m. Evening service, I o'clock, special speaker. Methodist Ben F. Browning. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Norman Naeaell. sup I., classes for all age groups, nursery ior nine iois. wenerai worsmp nour, ll sermon by pastor, subject: "On the Way to Dreamland." Special summer song service. Nursery for children to the age of four. Youth Fellowship service 7:30 m. niair Ftmny. president. Mrs. Har- rhou Fisher, counsellor. Mill Cirv Churches Preshvterlan Dr. David J. Ferguson, minister. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor smp, u. Srayton Churches raptlst Rev. Wlllard Buckner, pastor Sunday school, 10. Morning worship, 11 Training hour, 7:15. Evening service, 8. New Pastor Named; Classes 16 Start Aurora Rev. Robert Hampel of California is the new Presby terian minister for the Aurora and Butteville churches. He will conduct young people's meet ings Tuesday evenings, Bible study Sunday evenings at 7 o'clock, mid-week service of prayer and Bible study each Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, and the usual Sunday school at 10 a.m. and morning worship service at 11. At Canby, Bethany Evangeli cal Free church and the United Brethren church have joined 1 forces to start a daily vacation Bible school beginning Wednes day, July 6, and continuing for a week. Miss Eleanor Ellis will be su perintendent. She has been teaching similar classes recent ly at Jefferson, Ore, Classes will be divided into beginners, primary, juniors and intermediates, ranging in ages from 2 to 15 respectively. In charge will be instructors, Mrs. Harry W. Alkire, Mrs. John Hinderlie, Duane Gorbett, Har ry Howard, . Rev. Bob Bennett and Mrs. Whetmore. Musical program and games will be su pervised by Mrs. R. M. Swanby, Mrs. Elmer Pagh and Mrs. Max Bent. Evangelical United Brethren R. Wil liam Elmer, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, Morning worship. 11. Sermon bv Rev. Carl Wackerbarth. Evening service. 7:45. Quest speaker, Miss Helen Bier, dean of women 01 tne uascaae college, Portland. Church of Christ Clyde Freeman, pas to. Bible school, 10. Worship service. 11. Youth Fellowship, 8:30. Evening worship. 8 Church of Christ L. M. Seld. minister Bible study. 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve ning worship, 5. Methodist John Morange. pastor, Bible school, 10. Worship service, 11. Youth Fel lowship, 8:30. Evening worship, 8. Assembly of God Rev. Melvin Stock- w 11, pastor Sunday school, 10. Morning service. 1 1. Young people's meeting, 6:45 Evening evangelistic service 7:45. mmaculate Conception Cathode Rev V.th. Jonas, pastor. Sunday services: Masses 8, 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. t. Partlck's Catholic Lyons) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule. 1st, 2nd and 5th Sundays, mass 10.30 a.m.: 3rd and 4th Sundays mass at 8:30 a.m. Our Lady of Lourdes (Jordan) Father Leander Schneider, pastor. Winter sched ule. 1st. 2nd and 5th Sundays, mass 8:30 a.m.: 3rd and 4th Sundays, mass 10:30 Baptist Bruce Wakeman. pastor, Sun day school 10, morning worship 11, Youth reiiowsmp t, evening service . Church of Christ Wm. F. Morse, min ister. Bible school 10, morning worship 11, Junior meeting 7. Young People's meet ing 7, evening services 8. Methodist chureh Rev. Fremont Faul. pastor. Sunday school 10. morning wor ship 11, Junior Fellowship 8, Youth Fel lowship 7. Assembly of God William N. Beachv. pastor. Sunday school 9:48, morning wor ship 11, children's service 7:30. evening service 9. Highberger Honored AumsviUe Ed Highberger was honored with a surprise birthday party. Games on the lawn and a late supper was serv ed by Mrs. Lee Highberger and Mrs. Joe Daugherty. Misses Shirley Ann Kent, Marlene Frank, LaVetta Dozler, Marilyn Palmer Hosella Highberger. Morita Zuber, Coral O'Connor, Elaine DeJardin, DeVeta Night ingale and Don O'Connor, Mar vin Zuber, Franes Reiser, Chuck Morgan, Jerry Roberts, Jack Gries and Teddy Highberger. Youth Rally Slated Woodburn A Woodburn Youth for Christ rally will be held at the local Presbyterian church Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. A good program of mu sic is being arranged and the Braughton Sisters will sing. Willis Geyer is director. Pioneer Day Church Scene for Reunion Aumsville The Pleasant! Grove Presbyterian church south of Aumsville was the scene of a picnic and reunion. The church, the oldest standing church in northwest was built In 1856. The St. Paul church was built earlier but later razed. C. C. Condit donated the four acres of land on which the church and cemetery stand. The Neal Bros brought the rough lumber by ex cart from Oregon City. It was then planed by hand on the site. The Bible that was first used is still in use as is the hand hewn pews and the store installed at that time is still in use. No reg ular services have been held since the Rev,. Steward died ten years ago but Sunday School i,s conducted regularly. The old foot pump organ is still in use in the building. It has re cently been painted and elec tric lights installed. In 1900, according to esti mates, there were 1,527,000,000 people in the world. Dallas Churches Mennanlte Brethren O. H. Jantsen, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor ship, 10:45. Message by the pastor, com munion. Christian fellowship group meet ings, 7. Gospel service, 7:45. Aoostolle Faltb Loyce Carver, pastor. No service In this church until after con clusion of camp meeting July 34. Chureh of God Henry Lobs an. pastor. Sunday school. 9:49. Morning worship, 11. Young people s meeting, o;. cvangcua tlc meeting, 7:45. Assembly ef God L. Otis Trlplett. pas tor. Sunday school, B :45. Morning wor ship, 11. Vesper service, Christ's Ambas sadors, junior church,. 8:45, Evangelistic meeting, 7:46. . First Christian Kenneth Johnston. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor ship. 11. Sermon, "Freedom's Price." Christian Endeavor. 7. Evening worship. Sermon, "The Imperative One." Christian and Missionary Alliance A. Hoenlsch, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45. Morning worship. 11. Sermon. "The Au thority of the Believer Helps and Hin drances." Pre-prayed, 7. Evening revival service, 7:46. First Presbyterian Earl Willi tun n.n bow. D.D.. Dftstor. Sundav schnnt. on Morning service. 11. Sermon. "Long May vui uuu dc origin wun .rreeaom s Ho ly Light." icui.i larniiuuiic nremren A. y. Toews, pastor. Sunday school. 9:30. Morn ing worship, 11. Sermon. "Conclave and Conquest." Young people's fellowship, t.jv. Evening service, 8:15. Sermon, "The Queen of Bheba." Flrat Mdhnrilit rh,ii,.t. .... Morning worship, ll. Sermon by Rev. Clark 8. Enz, pastor, "As One Having Authority." No evening services. liter. Morning service. 8:48. Church wor- ,nip toiiows. Metnoaist youth Jellowsh d each Sunday evening. Eola Sunday School Sunday school. 9:46. Morning worship, 11, Union Missionary Baptist W. A. Heard, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Ser mon, 11. Falls City Methodist James H. Royer, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor ship. 11. St. Philips Catholic Father H. Herman, pastor. Mass, 10:15. Falls City Christian Charles Knox, pas tor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship. 11. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Chureh of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Elder Miller presiding. Sunday school, 10. Sacrament meeting, 11:49. Bridgeport Sunday School H. Schmidt, supt. Sunday school, 10. Free Methodist R. W. McCormick. pas tor. Sunday school, 9:45. Preaching, 11. Evening service, 7:45. St. Thomas Episcopal Cyril P. Hanney, vicar, Church school, 10. Morning prayer, 11. Holy baptism, 12:30. Full. ni. r. m.ii iji.i i Johnson, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morn- "uuiig peopie s meeting, 7:30. Evangelistic service, 8. First Baptist' Sunday school, 945 Morning worship, ll. Training union. 7. Evening worship, 8. Divine service, 11. Sunday school, 10. Seventh Day Adventtst Ralph Gladden, pastor. Sabbath school, 9:45. Sermon, 11. Grt Uannnnli. f I 9:50. Sunday school. 10. Morning wor R Irk r al1 unriaw a. i. i u sen, supt. Sunday school, 9:30. Falls rllv n . . : Hnawr. oaooatn scnool, 9:30. Preaching, ll. communion, ll. Bi ble study, 10. Sunday evening study, g;3o. Oak Grove Chapel Fremont Faul. mln- CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Invites You Two Worthip Services Every Sunday 8:45 a. m. 11 a m. Sunday School 9:50 a m. C R. Schulz Pastor State St at 18th Christian Science Sunday school, 9:46 Morning service, 11. Farewell Arranged For Mrs. Ole Satern Silverton Mrs Oapar Sit.m entertained in an afternoon fare well party for a group of rela tives and friends, complimenting her mother-in-law, Mrs. Ole Satern, who plans to move to iiuisooro to make her home. Present were Mrs. Arthur Gottenberg, Mrs. Elmer Johnson Mrs. Marie Hiveness. Mrs Mai-. tin Hatteberg, Mrs. Ingeborg urmDrecK, Mrs. Harold Satern, Mrs. Victor Madsen of Hillsboro, and Mrs. Mabel Lvons of Hons Bay. Summer Education Session Increases Oregon College of Education. Monmouth Final registration figures for the summer session at Oregon College of Education released today show 642 students in attendance for the eight-week term. A small number of additional registrants are expected for a special workshop in the teaching 01 elementary science due to start at the Monmouth school July 15, under the direction of Mr. Kenneth Wanless, Science specialist in the Detroit, Michi gan, public school system. Of the 642 already registered. there are 157 men, including 106 veterans, and 485 women, in cluding ten veterans. OCE is offering a course list including more than ninety sub jects in six major fields of study, with a resident and visiting facul ty of fifty. The earth's population in 1940 was over two billion, or more than double that in 1800. 1 JUcuW so tnucV Btiu-.... fce no.- . ... Taylor Returns , To Own Pulpit Rev. James Taylor of the Foursquare church will return to his pulpit next Sunday, July 3, after an absence of four weeks, which he and his family spent in the north. Unionvalle About 40 mem bers of the Uniovalle Evangeli cal United Brethren Sunday school attended the annual pic nic held at the McMinnville park. Games and swimming were the pastime. Dinner was served at noon. Sms like everybody who TRIES IT love, BEVERLY I The peanut butter that', STABILIZED to it spreads like a dream, taste, fresh at fresh-roaited peanuts, AND NEVER GETS LOOSE OIL ON TOPI Beverly ii a food high in body-building protein and energy valuei. Let your young onei enjoy plenty I Tatle without rltkl Unt, y'r. delighted with lh Beverly you buy, Clmrrh of Chrl.t Thonmn Courtney, Jr.. mlnlst.r. Bible itrhool, 8:4V Mornlns worship.- It. chrlMtnn Kndeavor hour, 0:30. Evening wor5htp. 7:45. rethollr Rev. Mel, pastor. Mornlns service,, 9. Free Melhndl.t Donald Hlnklr. pastor. Sunday srhool, 10. Mornine. service, 11. Kvenlng service, 1:30. Community Rev. Wayne Watlclns, pas. tor. Sunday school. 10. Mornlns services, 11. Evcnlntr worship. 7:30. ' School teachers in New Eng land once were generally paid wo hams In exchnnge for a year's tuition in arithmetic. First Baptist Church Invites You to hear L. T. Anderson, D.D., Sun. 9 00 a. m. "FIRST CALL" over Station KSLM. 11:00 a. m. "The Experience of a New Life." Morning Worship broadcast over KOCO. 8:00 p. m. "The Parable of the Sower." (First in a Sunday evening series on the Parables) 7:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY. The Male Quartet from West mont College, Simla Barbara, Calif., will present an hour of sacred music. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor Marion and Liberty Have You Seen Our Large Assort ment of Low-Priced, Certified Rebuilt Washers? 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