Shasta Daylight Will be on Display Here Friday, July 8 Southern Pacific'! new streamliner, Shasta Daylight, which will go Into daily lervice between Portland and San Francisco, Sunday, July 10, will be on public display at the Salem S. P. passenger station Friday, July 8, from 12 noon to 4 p.m., ac cording to information received by C. A. Larson, ticket agent Viprs 4 Residents of Salem and vicin-,throu8h"t; Pressurized air con- ity are invited to go through the train during its stay here, Lar son said. Visitors will entrain through the rear door at the end of the parlor-observation car and proceed through the train seeing the beautiful Timberline Tavern car, the tri-car diner, kitchen and coffee shop and sev eral of the chair cars. Built at a cost of $5,000,000 the two Shasta Daylights are declared to be the newest and most beautiful streamlined trains in America. Each carries 15 cars with a seating capacity of 442 passengers. Features include "Skyview" windows, six inches taller and wider than ordinary train win dows and equipped with "brea ther" sash which prohibits fog ging; "feathertouch" doors that open and close automatically at a gentle touch; radio and public address systems throughout the train; zone heating that keeps cars at the same temperature ditioning that excludes dirt, dust and drafts; fluorescent lighting; baggage elevators and new hammock suspension seats cushioned in foam rubber and individually adjustable, The train was custom built for the route it serves with the Interior colors reflecting the col or of the highly scenic route the train traverses. The train is pulled by 6,000 horsepower diesel-electric locomotives The train is pulled by 8000 horsepower diesel-electric loco motives. The exhibition train will ar rive here shortly before noon after being on display in Al bany Friday morning. From ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT IN ONE HOUR IF NOT PLEASED, your 40c .back. Ask anr drasalst for thti STRONG funslcid., T-l-L. Made with 90 percent alcohol, It PENETRATES. Rcachel and kills MORE serins faster. Today at J. C. Perry Druss. here it will proceed to Portland where it will be on display Sat urday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. before the inaugural southbound run Sunday. The inaugural runs, both north and southbound, will carry capacity loads, according to advice received here. Includ ed on the southbound run will be a delegation of approximate ly ISO from the Portland Cham ber of Commerce who will meet with the San Francisco chamber at a luncheon Monday noon. Included among the company officials who will be aboard the exhibition train will be C. E. Peterson of San Francisco, vice president in charge of system passenger traffic. Although Nevada is the sixth state in size, it is smallest in population. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tnursday, June 80, 1949 9 PLUMBING J; CONTRACTING K Featuring Crane :; and Standard Fixtures t, jj Call 3-8555 jj ! Salem Heating & Sheet Metnl Co. 5 1085 Broadway '' I FREE ESTIMATES ! Phone I v I 7 k i ll I . il 1288 3-6489 P ' Vw' I State St. Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry Again this week we are privileged to offer wholesale quality that can not fail to please These Prices Good Thursday, the finest meat values to be found. Prices at you. Shop our market and see for yourself.. Friday and Saturday Only Freshly Ground Hamburger ib. 33c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF A,m Cuf Blade Cut ROAST Rump Ib. 39c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD SHORT RIBS, 33c Milk Fed Veal Roast ib. 49c Tender Lean Beef Cubes it, 49c Tender Skinless WIENERS ib. 39c Fresh Country Sausage ib. 33c RIB L STEAK Tender .lb. 49c EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD BEEF STEAK Round T-Bone 59c Milk Fed Veal Steak ib. 59c Swift's Sugar Cured. Picnic Ham ib. 45c Sugar Cured Sliced Bacon ib 39c LOCKER BEEF Eastern Oregon Hereford Young Lean Tender The very desirable small sizes. Half or whole ib. 35c BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street In the University Shopping Center WATERMELONS SET: , 4c ORANGES Sc3;; ch 1c Potatoes .33c LETTUCE Heads, each 5C APRICOTS Can,219c MARSHMALLOWS 3 pfc ,25 KLEENEX 2 boe, 35c Friskies ia 2 can. 25c CATSUP 'p:'0"' 25c Salmon ,0., 35c PORK AND BEANS HI 2,.,. 35c COFFEE Brands, Ib. . . . 53c I Soap Lux, bath size 2 for20C Super Suds 2 Pkg, 39c FAB Y. . . 2 Pk9.. 39c PINEAPPLE Del Monte Crushed No. 1 Flat Cans . . . 2 , 29c D D C A s" Enriched Sliced White f Q DKEAU 1 Vt lb. loaf, each I 7C Dl ITT ED G,ad A DU I I CIV Sweet Cream, lb. kill If Armour's fVllLUI.Tall cans, each 67c 10c Prices Effective Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. June 30, July 1,2 Shop and Save at LT J JlZ h & A A A A .11 TT TT TT ?f Benthha for A Wo?deM fkeknol Picnic Supplies - Ready-to-eat Foods - Beverages - Melons - Everything in Food for aneasier more pleasant Holi day Week-end. PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Stores Closed Monday, the 4th Portland Road Store Open Evenings until 10 P.M. PORK Cr BEANS Vuc.m 3 33c No. 2Vi can, 2 cans 43 C Dennison's 3 ta" cons 29 C Chicken Cr Noodles 25c CORNED BEEF HASH cn 29c (Ilormel's 1 lb. can 39c) DEVILED MEAT5rrcL 2c-27c DEVILED HAM Horn. el's. , . , 2 cails33c Sphagetti Cr Meat Balls 2 cans 35c Chef Boyardee MORRELL'S SNACKS MH.H. 33c Spiced Luncheon Meat lORMEL'S HAM ,D,. ca 2.49 FIREWORKS 5 on $5.00 Orders BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE .....33c Jr.'.. 65c MAYFLOWER MARGARINE Lb 23 c Nalleys Tang : Salad ' Dressing r 27c Nalley's Champion Salad Dressing Qt. Jar 49c Shady Oak PRESERVES 19c 27c Seedless Boysenborry 1 Ib. jar Strawberry Preserves lib. jar PEANUT BUTTER Skippy nr 1 Ib. jar 53C RIPE OLIVES Mt. Whitney Large Pint can Large Pitted Ripe Pint can DILL PICKLES Del Monte Large 24 oz. jar. . . 25c 31c 33c RMEL'S SPAM .r" "-: 37c EETA CHEESE 79' IAT0 JUICE as- 23' No. 300 can, 3 can 29e A FISH 25c (White Star Grated, No. Vi can, 33c) lY'S PICKLES sr. 10c (Rosedale Sweet Pickles, No. 2'i jar, 35 () frpsv Fruits WATERMELON im-., Vit NEW POTATOES Shafter, U. S. No. 1 10 lbs. 39c CABBAGE Local firm green heads Ib. 4C ORANGES California, sweet and full of juice 3 doz. TOMATOES Field grown, firm, red, ripe 2 tubes 25c RADISHES, GREEN ONIONS 3 14c Quart Jar. . . . 45c fDCeiDEMT) l FAMILY FLOUR f EASTERN BEER BALLANTINE Case 24 12-oz. Bottles Plus Deposit 3.79 Coca Cola Case of 24 Plus Deposit 1.00 m 6 rf 7 . 25 lb. bag l.V DUZ WASHING POWDER Giant Pkg. 62c Coupon at Store to Sign Shoestring Potatoes Blue Bell "if Large No. 2'j can IDC Chopped Mushrooms Shady Oak 1f 2 oz. can I UC ASPARAGUS Center Cuts No. 303 Q Garden Grown cans ZC CORN No. 303 cans . . . af cons 33c Mission cream style Bocanco whole kernel TOILET TISSUE T"P M-D TISSUE 4 Roiis 23c 2 Roiis 23c by makers of M-D Finest Quality Tissue Canned Shrimps 5 ca 29c Smoked Salmon tt 29c Canned Salmon can 29c Good Quality Columbia River Salmon Canned Rock Fish 10c Grape Juice iTrltZ... 39c Apple Juice S'can.. 33c Bartlett Pears Sr:u2Tca. 29c VEL Soap Suds Large package . 26c Giant package . 63c FAB Soap Suds 2 X9.' 39c Palmolive Soap 3 bar's 23C 2 Bszeh 23c Cashmere Bouquet Finest Toilet Soap 3 Bars 25C mt "inn nwmtr vMM8 tot ougarnrHrra PICNIC PICNIC HAMS Armour's-Swift's-Hormel'a mild tlavored-Hickory smoked. Just the thing for your Holiday menu or buy a few for your Home ireezer or locker. Lb. FRANKFURTERS Cascade quality ideal for a picnic lunch. Large size 39c 39c ARMOUR'S, SWIFT'S CASCADE LUNCHEON MEATS Large Variety .lb. 45c LARGE, COLORED FRYERS Hundreds to choose from each BABY BEEF POT ROASTS Lean shoulder cuts from yearling beef U. S. Inspected Ib. 1.49 49c ill PRICK Are Down All regular prices have been reduced from 5c to 10c per pound from last week's prices BASINGER'S 13th & STATE STS. NUCOA 2,b, 57c 3060 Portland Road 3720 East Stat