Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 30, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 30, 1949
;To be Feted
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Barham
will observe their golden wed
ding anniversary next Monday,
July 4, and in honor of the oc
casion a reception will be given
that afternoon and evening at
the home of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al
len A. Love, 195 Park Lane,
who will be assisted by the cou
ple's son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bar
ham. Guests are invited between 2
and B in the afternoon and be
tween 7 and 9 o'clock in the
Besides the son and daughter
here, there is another son, El
win M. Barham, now in Alaska,
and another daughter, Mrs. El
mer Kapphan, who lives in Ber
tha, Minn. Mrs Elwin M. Bar
ham, however, is to be here for
the reception and will assist at
the event.
The couple have 12 grandchil
dren and three great grandchil
dren. Mr. and Mrs. Barham were
married at Burtrum, Minn. 50
years ago and have lived in Sa
lem for 23 years.
Family Reunion
The Jungwirth family reun
ion was held Sunday at Silver
ton park with 56 members pres
ent, a cousin, Mrs. Lydia Jung
wirth of Visalia, Calif., and 11
Family members attending
were Mr. and ,Mrs. Ray Jung
wirth and IllaVey of Salem; Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Jungwirth; Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph P. Jungwirth,
Bill and Shirley; Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Jungwirth and Tom
my, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Lacey,
Sharon and Bobby Joe, all of
Newberg; Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Jungwirth, St. Paul; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Jungwirth and
George, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Simpson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Westley Krocher, all of
Woodburn; Mr. and Mrs. John
Jungwirth and Gale, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Jungwirth and
Dicky, Mr. and Mrs. Frances
Jungwirth and family, Peter B.
Jungwirth, Mr. and Mrs. Dock
Jungwirth, all of Lyons; Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Jungwirth and
family of Gervais; Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Porter and Stanley, Leb
anon. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Murphy, Salem; Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Fink, Lyons; Mr. and
Mrs. Lou Doeffler, Mehama; Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Kitchum, Vis
alia, Calif.; Miss Blanche Mun
son, Hubbard; Don Gosset, New
berg; Ed Octrofski, Redmond.
The marriage of Miss Doloris
Lau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Lau of Wolsey, S.D., to
Merle Wagner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Wagner of Bristol,
S.D., was solemnized last Satur
day afternoon at a simple serv
ice held in the St. Mark Luther
an parsonage, the Rev. M. A.
Getiendaner officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sadler at
tended the couple.
The bride wore a white en
aemble with matching hat, and
corsage of orchids.
The couple will be at home at
118 Marion street, Salem.
RILVERTON Ramona chap
ter members will be social host
esses for the annual family pic
nic for the Willamette Valley
Matron and Patrons associa
tion Order of Eastern Star, Sun
day, July 17, at the Silverton
citp park. A basket dinner will
be served early in the after
noon. The hostess group is to
furnish coffee and cream. Chap
ters from all towns in the val
ley through Cottage Grove to
Woodburn are included in the
association. The picnic com
mittee are Mr and Mrs. W. P.
Scarth, Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark
Bachman, Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Chldsey and Mrs. Ronald Asboe.
given a surprise shower Monday
noon at the Chcmeketa street
home of Mrs. Sarah Tennis. Mrs
Ball and those honoring her are
employes of the State Industrial
Accident commission in Salem.
Those present were the Mcs
dames Glen Stewart, Louis Ra
mers, M. R. Savage, Laura
Macklin, Mildred Hadley and
John Branson; Misses Joanne
Baxwell, Helen Walker, Mary
Feskins, Theresa Hess, Mary
Jane McCall and Esther Trues
ohel. MR. AND MRS. O. F. Coffel
nd children have returned
from a vacation spent with rela
tives at Nampa, Idaho. '
Vacation Plans
Mrs. Ralph H. Campbell
leaves Friday on the start of
an interesting summer away.
She will go first to San Fran
cisco ihen to Los Angeles to
visit a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Schenk, former Sa
lem residents.
In Los Angeles, Mrs. Camp
benn will be joined by Mrs. A.
L. Adolphson, who is to leave
Salem July 9. From Califor
nia they will go east together
and on July 28, Mrs. Adolph
son will sail for Europe. Mrs,
Campbell will spend the rest of
the summer visiting relatives
along east coast and in the mid
west. She is planning to return
to Salem in September.
Visitors Honored
A picnic dinner in the gar
dens o fthe V. E. Bursons at
their new home near Macleay,
this week honored Mrs. J. Tho
mas Lewis and children, Kath
leen and Stephen of Eureka,
Calif., who are visiting relatives
and friends in Salem.
Those enjoying the outing
were F. J. Tucker, Gordon Tuc
ker, Mrs. Adin Blakley, Miss
Marilyn Blakley, Mr. and Mrs,
I. A. DeFrance and children,
Mary and John, Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Blakley, Ralph Blakley,
Kermit Burson, Miss Shirley
Sonderman, Mr. and Mrs. Morse
Stewart and children, Gilbert
and Roger, Dick Burson, C. T.
Burson of San Francisco, Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Endicott of Eu
gene, Mrs. A. C. Hoover of Ray
mond, Wash. Mr.and Mrs. V. E.
Burson and daughter, Carol, and
Mrs. J. Thomas Lewis and child
ren, Kathleen and Stephen.
1 Wi. " X mornings at the club, for home 1
- , X.. " muuer in town. I
I) 'If!
Wed at June Kites The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Hanson (Evelyn Halvorson) was solemnized June 18 in Cen
tral Lutheran church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Elling Halvorson of Salem, Mr. Hanson the son of Mrs.
Amelia Hanson of Portland. The couple will be in Idaho for
the summer. (Kennell-Ellis studio picture.)
Wednesday by plane for her
home in San Francisco follow
so cool ... so crisp . . .
so appcalingly comfortable the .umroer
long. In an enticing new group of
frocks . . . flatteringly fashioned for
mornings at the club, for home
ing three weeks' visit here as
guest of Lt. Comdr. and Mrs.
Wallace Hug.
Here's a special sale of the smartest cotton
frocks in town. Just received from style
headquarters is this special purchase to
save you nearly half!
Made of fine shirtings in marvelous pat
tern's of men's wear stripes. Sanforized . . .
washable ... a frock you'll enjoy wearing
all summer!
Mothers Are
Sigma Kappa mothers were
honored at a tea given by the
sorority alumnae yesterday aft
ernoon at the country home of
Mrs. Fred Viesko.
Receiving the guests were
Mrs. Vern McMullen, president
of the newly formed mothers'
club, Mrs. Viesko and Mrs.
Thomas G. Wright, president of
the alumnae group. Mrs. Bert
A. Walker introduced the guests
to the line.
Attending the tea were: Mrs.
C. Lester Newman, Mrs. Claude
H. Murphy, Mrs. G. A. Reeher,
Mrs. Asahel Fish, Mrs. Winston
Burris, Mrs. Forrest Holmes,
Dallas, Mrs. H. J. Eastman, Dal
las, Mrs. R. J. Davey, Mrs. Ar
thur Holden, Mrs. Vern McMul
len, Mrs. A. F. Marcus, Mrs.
Robert Schroeder, Mrs. Delmer
DeSart, Mrs. Fred Viesko, Mrs.
Thomas G. Wright, Mrs. B. W.
Stacey, Mrs. George Robinson,
Mrs. Bert A. Walker, Mrs. Jo
seph Franko of Aberdeen, Wash.,
Mrs. Allan Johnson, Mrs. Stuart
Compton, Mrs. Earl Cooley, Mrs
Leon Everitt, Mrs. Luther Jen
sen and Mrs. E. E. Beckman.
JOANNE COOLEY celebrated
her fifth birthday Saturday aft
ernoon when her mother enter
tained at her home on North
16th street. She is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Coo
ley. After an informal after
noon out of doors, refreshments
were served.
Guests included Janice and
Linda Drakeley, Sandra John
son, Mary Ann Rempfer, Lucm-
da Henshaw, Mary Margaret
Smith, Mary Lou Surgeon, Billy
Geibel, Vonah Richards, Mi
chael Cooley, Jimmie and Ste
phen Ross, Diane and Ross Coo
ley, Tommy Deibert. Additional
guests were Mrs. Glenn Baiilie,
Mrs. William Drakeley, Mrs. E.
W. Cooley, Mrs. Willard Gritton,
Mrs. Adam Deibert, Mrs. E. M.
Rulifson and the hostess, Mrs.
Byron Cooley.
14 to 20
14Vito 2AVi
Salem Girls Attend Special
Summer Session Course at UO
In Eugene for a three-weeks
summer session at the Univer
sity of Oregon are' three Leslie
junior high school girls work
ing in a trio in the special music
They are Sidney Kromer,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Syd
ney Kromer, who is playing the
cello; Carol Lee, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Lee, violin
ist; and Laurel Herr, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Herr, play
ing the piano. The three won the
rating of I in both instrumental
and vocal trio classifications at
the state music contest in Klam
ath Falls and received scholar
Rebekah Meeting
Miss Dorothy Butts was tak
en into Salem Rebekah lodge
No. 1, by transfer, at the regu
lar meeting in the IOOF tem
ple, Monday.
The community service com
mittee, Mrs. Lloyd Pepper, Mrs.
Howard Hunsaker and Mrs. Co
lene Lounsbury, announced the
purchase of a hearing aid for
a child at the deaf school. Funds
for the hearing aid came from
the Salem Rebekah lodge and
the Salem FL club.
Committee appointments in
cluded: July reception commit
tee, Mrs. Lulu Wilson, Mrs. Sa
die Henderson, Mrs. Margaret
DeLaney, Mrs. Irene Bowes and
Mrs. Alta Scott. Refreshment
committee for installation, Ju
ly 11, Mrs. W. H. Gardner, Mrs.
Fred Barker, Mrs. Rhoda Na
gle, Mrs. Estella Hess, Miss Lot
tie McAdams, Mrs. Jennie
Knight and Mrs. Walter Brad
ley. Decoration committee for
July 11, Mrs. Lulu Wilson and
Miller's Jewelry Department presents:
Special Purchase of
y pins
Amazing Holloware Values.
Crystal and Sterling Relish
Dishes. Reg. $T69
Sterling Baskets.
Reg. $11.93. $Q89
' Now '
Sterling Tall Compote.
Reg. $9.95. $T89
Crystal and Sterling Salt
Peppers. Reg. $189
ships to take the special sum
mer session work.
The three have played togeth
er since they were in the sixth
grade, Sidney and Carol having
played together since the fifth
Roberta Graham, violinist, is
at the summer session, doing
special work, the other three
working together in a trio. Ro
berta is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Graham, and she
likewise won a scholarship for
her work with a quartet and in
solo work. She will be in senior
high next year.
Miss Hazel Price.
Announcements i n cl u d e d :
Team practice on July 5 at 7:30
p.m. at the IOOF temple. Grand
officers practice, for installation,
July 7 at the IOOF temple.
Following the lodge meeting
cards and refreshments were en
joyed. FINAL meeting of the season
for the Daughters of St. Eliza
beth of St. Paul's Episcopal
church was held Tuesday as a
no-host picnic luncheon at the
home of Mrs. W. H. Burghardt.
Twenty - five attended. The
group will resume meetings in
HOME from a trip to Seattle
are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon O.
Leonard and daughter. Mrs.
Leonard went first to attend the
national convention of the Am
erican Association of University
Women, Mr. Leonard and
daughter joining her there at
the week-end to visit relatives.
69c t3.69
We offer a crisp and brand
new group of manufactur
er's samples. Costume
pieces usually priced much
higher. Now at unbeliev
able low prices! Beautiful
designs. Some are one of
a kind. Come early!
Others to go at 1 .69 - 249
Compacts and Cigarette cases,
Lockets, Cameo Necklaces,
Crosses and many other beauti
ful items.
Combs 69 c
Many other lovely Holloware pieces drastically reduced,
Buy for yourself and take advantage of these marvelous
savings for a gift to the bride.
Surprise Given
For Armstrongs '
A surprise party for Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin P. Armstrong on
the occasion of their 25th wed
ding anniversary was given last
evening, a group of friends ar
ranging a no-host dinner in the
American Legion club.
Decorating the dinner table
was a centerpiece of regal lilies,
pink, wmte ana yellow blooms,
and white tapers. A wedding
cake also was featured and the
group presented the couple with
silver dollars wrapped as a gift.
In the group were: Mr. and
Mrs. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hauk, Dr. and Mrs.
George S. . Hoffman, Mr. and
Mrs. Bertram Thompson, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Rex, Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick S. Lamport, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl C. Schneider, Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Knox, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Ivan Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Karl W. Heinlein, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Bonesteele, Mrs.
Ralph H. Campbell, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Charlton, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Riches, Dr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Power and Mr. and
Mrs. John Minto.
Credit Women
Credit Women's Breakfast
club met Tuesday evening at.
the home of Miss Lena BluroJ
21 attending, also three guests'
from the Portland club.
Report on the international
consumer credit conference held
in Boston were given by Mrs.
Henry Kayser, delegate from
this district, and Mrs. Lloyd
Myers. Francis Smith, who had
been on the east coast and at
the meeting, also gave a re
port. A buffet supper was served.
Announcement was made the
next meeting will be July 5, a
breakfast at Nohlgren's.
Pearl Chokers
and Necklaces
in Bronze,
Gun Metal,
Topaz, Emerald
and Ruby
Tea pot Salt and Pep
pers. Reg. $119
$1.75. Now I
Bread Trays.
Reg. $3.49. $4)89