LUT0MOBILES f Shrock 'Sez' The Heat Is On! We luUrn FrZJen afse!s int0 coId hard cash- The "hot" reception of the New HUDSON has caused us to have too many used cars. I tell you that I will get "Hotter" under the collar and redder in the lace If my salesmen don't give you Bargains this Month end. "Firecrackers "HOTTERN" Blazes or a Pistol" Tin lollowlni RED HOT Sedan will thaw n rroatn Aaaata Into food transportation lor you and eaah to U. 1948 Ford Coach, R&H, Sharp 1948 Ford Coach, Heater 1947 Pontiac Sedan, R&H, Clean 1942 Buick Sedanet, R&H 1947 Chev. Convert., R&H 1941 Chev. Sedan, New Paint 1947 Frazer Sedan, O'Drlve 1941 Chev. Club Coupe, R&H 1946 Hudson Coupe, R&H, GOOD 1941 Hudson Sedan, R&H, O'Drive 1946 Plymouth Sedan, One Owner 1940 Ford Sedan, A Good One TRY THESE PRICES FOR VALUES On Down Town Lot On Highway Sales Lot 1946 Ford Super Deluxe Coach $995.00 1934 Ford Sedan $175.00 j 1941 Stude Sedan, R&H, O'Drive 895.00 1934 Chev. Sedan 125.00 1941 Buick Spec. Sedan, R&H The First Person One Dollar Bills but good. SHROCK MOTOR CO. This Tim It's Hudson Highway Sales Yard Downtown Sales Lot 3020 Portland Road Phone 27023 Let's Make This It's Time For Fireworks!! WE ARE NOT AFRAID 1949 MERCURY 8 PASS. COUPE. ONE OWNER Radio, Heater, Overdrive. 1946 LINCOLN SEDAN. ONE OWNER Radio, Heater, Overdrive. Dark green. Sold lor 13400. ThU la one of thoM 1046 MERCURY SEDAN, RADIO, HEATER Very clean. Light green. You will be proud to own this. 1B FLEETM ASTER CHEV. TUDOR Radio, Heater, Defroster. Dark blue. You must see to appreciate. 192 PLYMOUTH SEDAN RADIO, HEATER one owner, black 1042 DODGE COUPE, NEW PtiNT JOB 1941 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANETTE 1911 FORD SEDAN, RADIO. HEATER ' Has 46 motor, hood. Brill and front fenders. Looks nice. . 1941 OLDS SEDANETTE. Ha lots of appeal. Hydramatlc, radio, heater Motor reconditioned to five many mllea of service at little expense. 1940 FORD COUPE 1939 FORD TUDOR ' 1939 INTERNATIONAL P.A. M TON, long W.B. Only 1939 LINCOLN SEDAN. RADIO St HEATER. Reconditioned Motor 1937 FORD 5 PASS. COUPE. NICE SHAPE 1935 PONTIAO SEDAN. RUNS GOOD. Only WARNER MOTOR CO. YOUR LINCOLN 845 CENTER ST. WANTED TO RENT YOUNG COUPLE, well educated, having 4-year-old boy and neauwui Hemic uu, lo.if- o flv In tlv rnnm home to rent, Will pay up to $60. Home need not be modern, may be In country if served ay bus. May also dc part oi o uupi. v. hnth r-nm- irnm hiirhlv regarded families on Grays Harbor. Wash. We are non-drinkers, serious, ambitious, lionest. Husband la employed as watch repairman. We would take care of some rental home as though it were our own. If you would like to talk to us. call Snlem 2-7904. jbidt Local buslnew man wishes to lease tor one year or Ion iter 6 rm. mod. unfurn. home. Must be south side of city. Adults. Might consider option to buy durlnt lease If desirable. Call 3-4016. Eve. 3-8213. JalSS' Bus i vp si rmiPi.F west nm nil furn. apt Preferable court or apt. house. Ph. 23896 auer 5 p.m. jim MODERN a or 3 bdrm. unfurn. hse. ur ! gently needed by representative national company, ten year daufthter. Will lease. References. Write Capital Journal. Box 419. Jal58 LOST AND FOUND LOST ON 27th betw. 17th St Center Sz Lancaster Dr., 1 set sold plated cuff links. Tr.lMnli.rf .1 A. Keeosake. Ph. 26351. LOST: BLACK leather key container. Lost last Tues. eve. Ph. 17F5 or leave at 8a- LOST. Coin purse. Containing Elaln watch. tr..-..i.. i-. i tiv. ioiflfi Itl.lfi MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bids. State & Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewlni machine repaired by a quai'Iied Singer represen-ta"-e. Ph 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on ai makes of ma chines Pre estimate given before work Is started Sinter Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com'l m' LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 4S4 Court We close Saturdays 12:30 m!56 BUILDING MATERIAL SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards live you complete IN STALLED price on youi roofing needs Wide rame of colors Call our outside salesman for free animate Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON ALUMINUM ROOFING 3 ft width ia the foUowini leofthjt II 74 r 3.32 10" 3.90 IT 3.41 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD CO SALEM OREGON ma CEMENT MIXES (or rent. Pa. J-MW. saaiw lAUTOMOBIl.ES HOTTER IN 695.00 1929 Ford Sedan 95.00 on the HIGHWAY Sales Yard with Twenty-six' can have a 1935 Graham Sedan that runs, a SAFE Holiday Weekend By TO QUOTE PRICES! cara. 11395 11295 .1195 .S895 .1695 .1195 .1905 .H95 .H9S .1399 .1695 1345 ..26 MERCURY DEALER PHONE 33013 qlSS' BUILDING MATERIAL HARDWOOD flooring, ah trades, from (95 thousand up. Keith Brown, Front Xr Court bts.. Salem. ma SPECIAL: Cedar siding, VxB". Random length. C-srade, 185 thousand. Keith Brown, Front St Court Sts., Salem. ("Flamingo Road" St "Down to the Sea In Ships") mB NEW WINDOWS and frames. Hundreds of sash. New first quality doors, J6.50: screen doors 6.50 up. In. flrtei 5c ft. Osed window screens, your choice 25c. OaR flooring and ill thicknesses of plywood. Used toilets and lavatories. C. G. Lone. Ph. 3-5821. 1 ml. N. of Kelzer. maioa CEDAR SHAKES 112.80 per sq. Combine tlon screen stormdoors 110. New ,door 3 At 5 panes 16.75. Mahogany front doors, Bargain. Hard waterproof wall board Tic ft. C. G. Long, Rt. 3. box 31. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kel zer. mal5B Schwab Timber Co. Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-8611 Finish at WHOLESALE Price . BorBTR C U 1X4 J165 3162 $125 1x8 $169 1168 9125 18 1173 H5B 1130 PRICES SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND tLUMA LOCK - ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer or Call Dlst 3-6401 maI56' NEW SHIPMENT piast board H" 840. A' fle aq ft Rock lathe 43 ft 11.75 MONTOOMERT WARD 81LEM ma V SHEET ROCK, 4c ft. Slfcc ft. i" root lath solid sheets, 31c yd. C. O Long, Ph. 35821. 1 mile north of Kelzer. maiaa AETNA STEEL Door Frames, assembled. one unit. Low Installation cost. PUM- ILITE - West Salem. maias- REINFORCING STEEL! Bl ok-Mesh in 4". 6. 8"' St 12 widths. ruMiwiB, west Salem. mal55 CHIMNEY BLOCKS 6s Foundation Blocks. PUMILITE, West Salem. maiaa- Cedar Shingles - Shakes May we supply you with Tillamook Coast, Grande Ronde Inland, and Cas cade High mountain No. 1 shingles, 98.25 sq. No. 3, 15.00. Sldewall 18-ln. shakes painted with undercourse 912.80 sq.. unpalnted 93.00 sq. Ted Muller Building Supplies, Ph. Salem 3-1166. ma' NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS See them In bloom. 180 varie ties. Mrs. r. e. wara, eo unerry Ave. mblV FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OOG HOUSE: Well built, solid, big enough for smau a mates 10 use pny t.Ai.i tin. Two 30-cal. salvanlied wa ter tanks. Make excellent porch flower boies. 1 each. 955 oarnet at. nisa SHETLAND CART, rubber tire, very nice. Woodburn lm. niaa L'RGE refrix-, Ideal for store or res taurant. Inquire alter a p.m. kw Cottage, J nilea Borth of Brooks en 0S I AUTOMOBILES Where Chemcketa Goes to Church Phone 37922 Safe Driving FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS iARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock Shovel St drag-line excavating. WALL ING SAND Ai GRAVEL CO Ph 1-9249 BALE TIES t 9 ft. 6 in. 10 ft. 3 in. LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN Interstate Tractor & Equip. 3055 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-4181. M57' SALEM SAND Si GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer it Basement Equipment Renial 13 B 'A yds 12.00 per hr 10 B H yds S-60 per hr D-7 Cat St Dozer 10.50 per BT D-6 Cat St Dozer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat Sz Doaei 7.00 per br Phone Days 3-9408 Eves 3-826 or 2-4400 balem Oregon n USED sewing machine. Ph. 33139. n!88' USED Washing machines, ranges, refrig erators, water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl80' WIIIZZER bike for sale. Excellent condl tlon. Ph. 2-0424. nl57 NO WAXING required when you use Plastt- Kote, the cellophane-like finish tor your floors or linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nlBO' HOTrLATES, fans, pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nlBO' FARMERS: Attention-Fence Controllers, milk pasteurizers, close-out prices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!80- ELECTRIC Sewing Machines. Free-Wes ting house. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. nl80' EXHAUST funs. Close out price. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. TllSO' DEEPFREEZE Home Freezers $129.95 St up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. n!80' 7 FT. DELUXE Cold Spot refrigerator. Cheap for cash. Ph. 3-7092. nl57 FENCE POSTS, poles, all types. Shingles. fertilizer St flat rock, Phillips Broa.,.Rt 8. Box 118. Ph. 68F22, n' FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph, 38357 nl56 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson and Montai Appliance at Gevurta 14 CU. FT. CHEST irvezer New 3330 00 Ph 3-4284 n' NEED A cheap battery? Six months guar, rebuilt. Grp. 1 size, 95.95 exchange Retread Tire Service, 320 So. Lancaster nl72 DAVENPORT Sz Chair (20. Ph. 38485. nl67' ONE VEGOMAT vegetable Juice machine. 16 pt. per hr. Fred Nottingham, 790 S Lancaster Dr. nl57 U.S. GOVERNMENT inspected horse meal your guarantee. None better, the wnt food for man's best friend. Write Equine Packing, 1335 State St., Salem. Phone 35072. nl35 USED HOT POINT eiec. range 930. 1885 Market. Ph. 39023. nl55' EVINRUDE 5 H.P. outboard motor. Win chester 20 gauge Ahotgun, pole St reel. 1635 N. 20th. Ph. 24700. nlBO WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK foi road and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand Bulldozing drainage and ditching i-jd hovel and drag line Ph 3-9240 JOHNSON J-80 outboard motor. A-l con dltlon. 364 S. 24th St. M55 FOLDING LAWN Chairs. 384 8. 24th St. n!55 PEAT MOSS: Full bales, 33 95. N. W Poultry. 1505 N. Front. nl70' 45 POINT DIAMOND, 9300. Part down, bal. by arranged payments. Write Cap ital Journal, box 417. nl55' ALMOST NEW super-drluxe Maytag, 9149 Call 3-889S after 5:30. nl55 ONE DIAMETRIC precision wheel bal- inncer, nearly new, verj re avion d is. mud Broadway. nlii 199 MODEL A motor 125. 3'6"Xfl'8" door with large glass. Also glass counter par titlons. Ph. 27358. nlS! WORLD DELUXE bicycle, like new. 953 Ph. 36725 eve. nl56' " SKILL SAW. 3 blades and metal car rying ease. Excel, condition. 9100. 208 N. Lancaster, pn. 33941. n i asj SMALL TRICYCLE, good cond., IS, Fire place screen (wire metn) 12. bos oar net street. nlflo To place classified ads Phone 2-2406 AUTOMOBILES CAR AND TRUCK AUCTION WE EXPRESS OUR THANKS TO THE PEOPLE OF SA LEM, ALBANY, CORVALLIS, PORTLAND, OREGON CITY, SWEET HOME AND OTHER CITIES, FOR MAKING GUR FRIDAY NIGHT CAR & TRUCK AUCTIONS A SUCCESS. SELLERS ATTENTION: 111 THE FEW SHORT WEEKS SINCE WE BEGAN THE AUCTIONS, WE HAVE SOLD MORE THAN 50 CARS AND TRUCKS TO SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. MORE BUY ERS ARE NOW ATTENDING THESE AUCTIONS THAN W.E HAVE CARS FOR. IF YOU REALLY WANT TO SELL, DELIVER YOUR CARS AND TRUCKS FRIDAY, BE TWEEN 10 A.M. AND 7 P.M., TO THE AUCTION LOT. SUDTELL'S AUCTION 4315 Silverton Road 1 Mile East of Fairgrounds Come Early and Look the Cars Over It Will Pay You to Shop at the Valley Motor Co. Truck Lot for Your New or Used Truck Equipment DUMP TRUCKS 194ft FORD 4-5 YD. 2 SPEED. 825x20 TIRFS 1941 CHEV. 4 YD. 2 SPEED. 825x20 TIRES 1340 CHEV. 4 YD. 2 SPEED. 825x20 TIRES CHASSIS AND CAB 1946 FORD 2 SPEED. 825x20 TIRES 1948 CHEV. 2 SPEED. 5 SPEED CLARK. 825x20 TIRES 1942 FORD WITH STOCK RACK , PICKUPS 1947 rHEV. 4 SPEED TRANSMISSION. i TON n '4 TON TRAILERS 119 FT. SEMI-TRAILER. 5TH WHEEL LANDING GEAR: LUMBER ROLL AND APRON. Valley Motor Truck Dept. UNION AT LIBERTY 49 Chevrolet 49 FLEETLINE DELUXE SEDAN 49 STYLELINE DELUXE SEDAN 49 STYLELINE DELUXE CLUB COUPE TRADE AND TERMS ORVAL'S (THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE) Center & Church St. Ph. 3-4702 q!56' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS! HOYT ST. SURPLUS 46,'x7 outside doora, new, with framri $12.50. i HP ball bearing new repul alon induction AO motors 937.50. Wards Oaa water heater 917.50. Toilets and toilet tanks, soil pipe, special on V Galv. Pipe 17c. Elec. Water Heaters. Young DeLux Washer. Apt. size Elec. Refrlg, 4'. new 9160. Hay Tarps. Ice Boxes 910.00. Swivel Chairs. Folding Me tal Chairs 12.48. Oak Bedside Tables 94.00. Sinks, lavatories, laundry trays. 1"ST 1947 G.M.C., 16' Bed. 1943 Int. K5 I'-jT 9925.00. Elec. Bakery Oven. Spud Peeler. Large Dish Waher. 11 Cu. Ft. Steam Chests. Paint Locker. Laundry Dryer. 9 HP Wisconsin 9100.00. Irriga tion Pump with Wisconsin teas motor. Hot Air Furnace w blower 950.00. Hot Water Furnace 980.00 Bus Seats. Oh Circulators. Everything priced for CLOSE OUT. Come south on 12th to large HOYT SION. Turn East one block. Tel. 37916. nl57 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WANT strawberries Market price in cash Contact Jory Packing Co at Ter minal Ice, 249 D St Phone 3-4590. na SPANISH fpref. electric) Guitar. Good make. 695 S 251 h Ph. 3-8200. nal55 WE NEED junk bntteries Paying BOc. Retread Tire Service, 320 So. Lancaster. na!72 WANTED man's bicycle good condition reasonably priced. Call 33961. na!55 WANTED furniture to glue St -epatr Let Bros Furn Reflnlshlng Co Ph 2-7001 USER FURNITURE Phnne 3-9185 WILL PAY 4,,4rr Interest for private loan of 15.000 to build grade A barn to hold 40 cows. John Whlttcn, rt. 1, Turner. Ore. na!55 PERSONAL STANLEY nOME products. 555 Cross St. Ph. 2-5446. pi 66 ALCOHOLICS Anonvmoux Box 724 3-5234 P18S PROFESSIONAL advice. Mrs. Phillips. 330 8. 14th. Prlv. ent. south side of hon e. AUTOMOBILES 1948 Chev. SEDAN. RADIO. HEATER. DEFROSTER. ONE-OWNER. 24.000 ACTUAL MILES. TRADE AND TERMS ORVAL'S (THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLEt Center and Church Sts. Ph. 3-4702 ql56 CARS & TRUCKS 1 AUCTION Every Friday 7:30 P.M. WE HAVE THE BUYERS BRINO YOUR CARS & TRUCKS AND WE'LL SELL 'EM 3rint Them Before 7 p.m. SUDTELL'S AUCTION 1S Silverton M I mile cut of rlr troundx. Com. eirlr .nd look them over. qlfiS" lIO CHF.V. Pleetmnter dr. Sdn.. under eet healer, dfrrMter, redlo. Good con dition. 1219 Columbia, SI. Ph. 33:92. IAUTOMOBILES PH. 3-3147 AUTOMOBILES LET'S CELEBRATE WITH A BETTER USED CAR WOW! 1946 BUICK SUPER SEDAN $1575 WHEW! 1946 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE ... $1625 . HMMMM! 1947 OLDS 76 SEDAN ..$1695 1947 DESOTO SEDAN ..$1575 1946 PONTIAC STRMLNR SEDAN $1580 WELL! WELL! 1941 BUICK SPECIAL "A" SEDAN $1200 1940 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN $850 1940 BUICK ROAD MASTER SEDAN ...$790 1939 NASH COUPE t $495 LIMPING SLIGHTLY 1937 PONTIAC SEDAN (As Is) $275 OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commercial at Center I1MR STUDEBAKER Commander Convert ible. Like new. Fully equipped. Sold new at S3300. Our price 12195. WESTERN MOTORS Cor. 12th St Mission Sts. Ph. 3-9622 q!50" PICK-UPS 1941 Chev. i ton $695.00 1939 Chev. k ton 495.00 1937 Dodge V4 ton .... 295.00 ORVAL'S (THE LOT WITH THU TURNTABLE) Center St Church SU, Ph. 1-4702 qlSfl' 'If IIVDRAMAT1C OLDS 2 door, excel lent condition. Oood paint. 1800. 441 8. Hish St. Ph. 39993. Ql57 FOR SALE 1946 Dodffl panel. Oood con dition. Jl 125. See at 2455 8. Hlfh. ql60 If. in CHF.V. Special Detdxe 5 pass, coupe, New paint, excellent condition. Price 1850, Rt. 2, Box 390BB. Oeo. W. Clse bier. Close to Chrmawa. q!57 FOR KALE by owner: 1940 Chrysler sedan, radio, heater, clean and la food cond. 1215 N. 21st St. Q1S7 25 PAKSENCiER bun, Flxlble. Tires, body & motor very food condition, 12100. Oil! At Chrlatenson. Ph. Taft 145, Taft, Ore qlflO IKW FORD CPE. 2 new tires, sealed beam 111 h Li, 80. PO. 15800. 157 AUTOMOBILES DECLARATION INDEPENDENCE Clean Up 1946 Chev, 2 door. h(r. very clean.. 91295 1941 Chev. Special Deluxe Sedan, Radio Sz Heatrr. clean 995 1939 Buick Club Coupe, radio St htr 5fiS IPrtS Old Club Coupe 395 1938 Plymouth Coupe, new Dodge motor, radio St heater ........ 425 1938 Ford Club Coupe Deluxe "85." Heater, fender nktrt 445 1938 Packard Conv., radio St heater . 395 TRUCKS 1941 Chevrolet ton Pickup, Completely overhauled. 1937 O.M.C. Pickup 9395 1937 Ford Pickup 395 CHEAPIES 1934 Chev. 2 to chooae from. Aa low ai 150 down. 1034 Pontiac 1938 Chev. Panel 935 Ford Panel 1937 DeSoto Coupe with pickup box, radio and heater. Guaranteed Satisfaction With Every Deal RON'S MOTOR CO. 240 S. Hiah Pr, block below EMInore theatre. 3-459(1 ql58 MODEL A coupe. 9150. Also '36 Chev. srdnn, $295. Good cond. See at 2258 Trade St. Ql57 '.1ft DODOE sedan. Motor very cood. 9175. Ph. 2-0019. Q.157' . coupe. By owner. ql56 FOR SALE by owner, 1941 Deluxe Stude baker 4 dr. Sedan, over drive, excellent body, new motor. Rest reasonable offer lakes it. 11)05 Maple Ave. tl57 (iOOD 'Hi FORD. Inquire after 5 P.m. Ph. 21836. 1700 N. 19th. ql57 Tft DELUXE FORD 4 door. R4eH, 6 to 7 p m. 1922 N. Commercial,, qlRO SPECIALS 1940 STUDE. CO U Pit. READY TO GO. ONLY 1395 1938 OLDS SEDAN, new motor. ThU one La really aood 595 1936 BUICK SEDAN, a real buy 195 1937 DE SOTO COUPE, new motor . , 495 1936 CEV. SEDAN, here la a dandy.. 195 1942 PONTIAC SEDANET, R&H. You can't ml ..,.! 795 1942 PONTIAC ST A. WAOON, R&H. Excellent mechanical cond 595 1934 STUDE. SEDAN, rum iood 76 1940 FORD DE LUXE SEDAN R&H, skirts 695 1936 CHRYSLER SEDAN 295 1937 FORD SEDAN 195 1937 PONTIAO, R&H, good 395 1938 CHEV. COUPE, A-l mechanically 395 1936 TERR A PLANE PICKUP COUPE. 8 etpoeeateerL. .Rp See to appreciate 150 SEE ART HANSON Eisner Motor Co. Lot 010 N. High Salem, Ore. qlfiB PONT1ACS 47 Sdn. cpe $1445 '41 Spt. cpe 895 47 Ford D.L. spt. cpe. 1345 '36 Chevrolet sdn 29.t '40 Pontiac 2-dr 595 TERMS TRADEf Herrall-Owens Co. 660 N. Liberty Ph 94113 T 1 n 17 PONTIAC 8 Strnninllner 2 dr. ardnn. Excel, cond. Low milcnBe, Sell this week for 1475. Ph. 3-6B49. ql5B Tills Time ltd llUDSONI Service Sales Parts Home oi Qooa Use Cara SHROCK MOTOR CO Church & CtwMm-kcta SU Pb 1-910) a Eisner Motors Fine Cars 103(1 FORD 2 dr Jtedan. Good condition. (250. 1157 N. Capitol. ql55 MOIH-X A er, 1175. Mechanically aood, tires fair, top excellent. 1740 S Winter. q!55 .W V-B 4-DOOIl, all ftood tires, 2 new. Rr built motor. Very clean In and out. 1840 Grant. qirB 17 CHEV. Fleetmastrr aport coupe. R&H, extras. Owner. 791 N. Commercial. (Evrs.l. ql55 VACATION SPECIALS Come in and get that good used car. One you are not afraid to start out in, sold by a DEPENDABLE DEALER. Thoroughly recondi tioned, backed by our written guarantee. 1948 FRAZER SEDAN 1946 MERCURY 2 DOOR 1947 FORD SEDAN 1946 CHEV. STATION WAGON 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1946 HUDSON SEDAN 1947 FORD CONVERTIBLE 1941 OLDS COUPE 5 PASS. 1942 OLDS 5 PASS. 1941 NASH 5 PASS. 1941 FORD 5 PASS. 1940 FORD 5 PASS. 1939 CHEV. COUPE 1938 CHEV. COUPE 1931 MODEL A SEDAN 1935 PLYMOUTH SEDAN TWO LOCATIONS 151 N. Com'l 2840 Portland Road TEAGUE MOTOR CO. Phone 2-4173 ql56 '41 PLY. 5 pass. 1800 or reasonable offer 3297 N River Rd. ql58 MODEL A Tourlnf. Oood shape. 2372 State St. Anytime before 7 p.m. ql57 FOR RALE OR TRADE '36 ford. R&H Ph 2-4389 1245 ql58 WANTKD7LeIt ironl tender for '36 Ford Ph. 3-4888, 15 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, AUTOMOBILES 4TH OF JULY SPECIALS AT STATE MOTORS, INC. '49 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN. 400 MI. 48 FORD PICKUP ' TON. R. A- HTR. '46 CHEVROLET FLEETM ASTER SDN. 46 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN. '46 FORD SUPER DELUXE TWO DOOR 8EDAN. '42 PACKARD CLIPPER CLUB SEDAN. '41 CHEVROLET BEPCIAL DKLUX SDN. '41 DODOE CUSTOM SEDAN. R. & HTR. '40 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN. R&H. 43 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM THE ABOVE CARS ARE ALL GUARANTEED BY STATE MOTORS, INC. 340 N. HIGH ST. 23 yrt. in Salem ql55 "TRUCK BARGAIN '39 Diamond T 2's ton truck, 90 900 t i r m . 18.000 Eaton 2 apeed. 18 ft. flat bed stock rack. Very food xhape. W. MrKcnney, Cutler City. Oreen Oablrj Cotlnue 7. $1000. qlft6 Hlitt "PONT 1AC CliihConp. Radio. "heater and extras, $850, 745 Judaon, 12n to 3:10 only. ql35 USED TRUCKS LOWEST PRICES 1036 CM EV. PANEL, very clean ....137S 1937 FORD PICKUP, exc. clean .... 450 1938 OMC N TON LONO W.B. STAKE 525 1941 DS 3.i INT.. hol.'t & (lat body.. 375 1946 DUAL AXLE SEMI 26-U. Make 1500 1947 3 TON DODGE & Loft ft hit Trailer Low mileage 2495 1940 OMC 4 Yd. DUMP, a money earner 9"0 1944 K7 INT. LOGGER 1S75 1937 CHEV. SEDAN, new paint, ttreii 325 1941 CHEV SEDAN A bnrjtuln 650 G.M.C. TRUCKS TRUCK SALES & SERV. CO. Phone 3-9131 555 N. Front St. Snlem. Oreaon nl58 'Sfl CHEV. Body, ttrrs lair. Motor excel. Trans, dtrr.. Dr. slinrt, axle, brakes, new. $250. 773 Oerth Ave. W. Salem. Ph. 33316. 0.155 Won or beat older ear take equity In '47 Eraser, R&H. overdrive. Ph. 28186 after ' P.m. oi 2880 Peck Ave. ql55 CON VERT ABLE M9 Ford. Radio iTnd heater, with coolln equip., undercoat, apotltftht back-up light., wheel shield. and other equip. Immaculate cond. 1384 8. 12th. ql55 EQUITY In '41 Pontiac 8 Torpedo custom 5 pa., coupe. Priced to sell. Rt. 2. Box 48R, Chrmawa Rd. ql55 sTTheT Oood motor & paint. CaTl Dallas 2987 daya and Monmouth 3143 VW. ql.lfl Eisner Motors to Buy mmiii 104(1 CHEV. 5 paxa. Ope. Good. Ph. 268B0 or aee at 2325 Maple Ave. after 7 p.m. AIM MUST si: 1,1, clean '36 Dodge Sedan, 1325. Ph. 246B0. ql5fl 'M G.M.C. 6i. Equipped with Bauah man lime spreader. Ph. 2-0594. ql8l Eisner Motors to Sell I!) lit FORI) CONVERTIBLE 8 completely equipped. 5500 in lien COST 12800. Best offer over $2000 takes. Call 20476. ql57 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL TRADB TERMS 232 Fairgrounds Road Phone 3-6454 WANTED clean used cars Bob Marr 310U 6 Com'l q FOR SAM: by OWNER: 1040 Pontiac In vrry good condition. Ph. 2-0318. ql55 I:INANCIAL FARM Alili CITY LOANS 4't and ftr. VOilR OWN TERMS ol repayment within , reason Cash for Real Estata Contract ano Second Mortcaitra capitol sEcunrriBS co 201 Pioneer Trust Bids Ph 3-7162 r MORTGAGE LOANS F. H. A. & Conventional Low cast. Quick Service Rex Sanford, Inc. 164 S. Com'l. Ph. 3-8383. rl58 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Car loans up to 1500 Come in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from Dank No Parklnt problems Phone 270H2 -Lie N M388-S291 Floyd Ken yon, Mar T Buy Real Estate Mortgages for Your Savings Investment 5 net Properties Salem & Vicinity See State Finance Co. 153 S High St. OENEItAl FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie S-i38 and U-328 . and ROY R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commprclh St Tel 3-9181 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 182 S Church Parkins a Plenty Ph 3-3457 Lie No M-159 S-I54 i PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms on 1 1 reoi loans long and .short tlma paymrnta ROY H SIMMONS 136 oth Commercial St Phont 3-0181 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY A"t OR 4"J; INTEREST S to 40 Years and No CommIion Leo N Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 StuTf S Phon" 2-3663 r' VACATION LOANS Your Way and Fast Oet a vacation loan from Personal Finance Co. whert it's "ys" to 4 out of ft. Cash on salary, furniture, or cnr. No co-flaiiTH nTPssary. hone nr visit thf YKS MAN TODAY. You'll apprrclate the consideration he'll show you. PERSONAL Finance Company 51fl SI., Rm. 125 Ph. 2-24B4 L:c. S-122-M-165, C. R. Allrn. Yta M r DIRECTORY 4DIJINC MACHINES"" All make used mr chine cold, rented repaired Rnn 468 Court Phnnr 3-8773 ALTERATIONS DrensmakinR St alt. 360 State St. ol88 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Free estimates Tiada-lna accepted on new appliances Vlnce's iiectrlc Phone 3-9230 157 S Liberty St ' vr rn "liorni nniNMNh .pwnmowrr harprnlni and repalrlnx Dexier'a, Pa. 16831, t Thursday, June 30, 1949 23 DIRECTORY U'TO RADIOS Authorlied Warrant) Repair Station ;. tor ail make of Auto Radio Morrow ' Radio Co., 153 S Liberty Ph 8-6955. o . MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE row in i aervic day phone l9280 Nlifit -2-1804. 335 Center. o Mike Panek. 275 S. Com'l Ph. 3-5161. Brake and Wheel aliening specialists. 0158 Ht' CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment. Phone 2-4850. o nUll.niNG CONTRACTORS Alt Bro. AUo hoii.fji raised New foun dations. Phdne 33909. ol87 nui.i.nozixo Denn Robinson. Ph. 38537 Biilldorlne. levellim, road bids,, clear Ins, tcelh for brush VirtU Huskey. 1010 Fairvtew Ave. Ph. 2-3148, Salem. o-180 Lie In crawler dozlnf. Ph. 2-3320. plea CASH REGISTF.RA Instam delivery of new RCA cash reilslet Al , makes sold, rented, re pa. -ed Roen 456 Court Ph 1-6773 o KM ENT CONTRACTOR General cement cont. Honest work at honwt prices. Ph. 2- 15S5 or 3-74B7. 0184' CEMENT WORK Let us do your cement work NOW. Driveways, sidewalk., patios, etc. Ph. ' 13- 0175 For export luaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walls, etc. Call 2-4850. ,. CHIMNEY SWEEP 1'iirnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensiej 771 8. 21st. Ph. 3-7176. ol56 KLI.CTRK'AP. CONTRACTING. Vince Electric for electrical wlrlnt, contract ma repairlni 157 8 Liberty. Ph 3-9239 o EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth, Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3056. Lee Cross. 1555 Pearl. o!56 Bre.thaupt'f for flowers Dial 3-S179 p HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Watkins Co products. Free de ivery 1717 Center Ph 3-5395. o NAN DSC A Pr Nl'RSFRY P A. Doerfler St Sons. Ornamentals. 150 N Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor Ph 2-1323 o I.AWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and nand mowers. Call Harry W. Scott, 147 So. com'l St. ol55 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING At you: door lawnmower sharpening. Dexter the lawnmower man Ph 36833. Fireplaces, chimneys St block laying. Ph, 35968. o MATTRESSES Capita, Beddlue. Phone 3-4060. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar. Mando lin, Banjo, etc. 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-7569. 0162 Nl'RSKS RKfilSTRY Practical Nurses, day-nUht. Ph. 35072. 0173 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, flics and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, deslc lamps typewriter stands, brief cases, . ?lerce Wire Recorders. Roen. 456 Court. SHstrom's are equipped to do your painting Phone 2-2493 o" PAFUKHANCINO Expert PnperhBiiglng nnd pnintlng. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-586B, Free est. ol76 paTnt inganii paper ii"ANnnwd Call 22608 for your PalntlnR St Paper hanging. Attractive rates. 0171" PnintSntr tt payerhanalng Don Lucero, Ph. 3S522. . ol67 Pnintlng and papr-rhanjiinft Free estl ntote. h. 3-0513. C57 SliipplnB. ol62" I'ltril'ltK FKA51INO " PLIuMllINO Fislvr, 844 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. PR I IN IN (i - SI' it A YIN C. Ph tlip'w. Be I lk Ph. 2-V2QB. L. W.Cauillerpli71"-79no 0177" ol71 ItADIO HEIVMIt Oenrrnl Elec. home appl. repnlrlng, also radio rrpalring Drnndwny Appl Co 453 Court St. Snlrm. Ph. 2-1565. ol63 . RADIATOR ItlirAIR Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Hair & Sons. Ph. 21103 By Drive-In Theatre. Since 1917. ol75 SAND Ai GRAVKL Oarden Soli crushed rock Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand At Gravel Co Ihone 3-B249 o Valley Sand Si Orave, Co Silt, sand St t II dirt Excavating 10B ihovel St cats. Tractor scoop At trucks for dtrl moving, Ph office 34002. res 37146 o Salem Saw Wrks. Ph. 3-7603. 1203 N. 6th. 0177" .SEWERS AND SEI'TIC TANKS Elect ilo Ritto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Raeor .'harp Steel Cutting Blades. Clean Hewers or Drains Septle TankJ Oleaned Peas Ph 1-5327 or 1-9468 SEPTIC TANKS K F. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine jirrvire on sewer and drain lines, (iiiaraiiteerl work. 1143-8th St.. West finlein. Ph. 3-7404. ol71 Mike's Heptic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Srwers. 1079 Elm St., W Salem. Ph. 6-9468 3-5327. ol5 TOOLS I OR KENT Howser Bros. Your power tool rental head uuartrrs. New address 1410 S. 12th. Ph. 3-3846. ol62 I'YI'KW PITERS Smith Corona. Rcmlnaton Royal, Under wood portables All makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen. 458 Court, o TRANSFER 4 XTORACK ocal St Distance Transfer, storage. Burner oils, coal At Drlquets Trucks to Portland daily Anent for Bekins House hold goods moved to anywhere In US. 0 Canada Larmer Transfer St Storage. Ph 3-3131 VENETIAN ni.fNDS Made li Salem Frre est Phone 37338. Klmer the Blind man oa WELL Dltll.I.INfi FrW'Wymore-Rt3. Box 317 Ph 2-5138". 0158 J A Snced A: Sor..".. will drilling 2505 Brooks St.. Snlem. Ph. 3-6809. ol68 W E ATHEIlSTIt NT I N ( i Frea estimates T PULLMAN, Ph 3-5965. Q156 tV INIM)WsTl APES Whable Roller Made to order 1 Day I1 Keinlidldt Si Lewis Ph 23G39 o" ni.NDOH ( LtANINO Acme Indow Cleaners Windows, watl At woodwork c:raned Floor. cleaned, waxed and pollahrd Ph 3-3337 147 Court La n doc LuloerLon and Untrter 0 tvo ( iTis wise i AUIruTi Cross. Ph. 3-8674 or 3-8178. ol 61 WOOD A SAWDUST West SiiIpi Furl Co Ph 2-4031 (Continued on Page 21)