Car$forSludenisl?Penin9,e!tes ton, Dallas, and other valley I Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 30, 1949 19. i .' WMk .,ifV f . ft,. it.-' i ; 1 i It ftwBfli Needless Luxury Moscow, Ida., June 30 U.PJ J. E. Buchanan, president of the University of Idaho, termed the student automobile "a needless luxury" and urged less spending by students in an article publish' ed today in "University of Idaho Reports. "During the past school year," President Buchanan wrote "more than 1,100 students at the University of Idaho had cars. That meant there was a car for almost every third student. Some of these were needed . . . but perhaps a thousand of them were only hazards to pocket books, pedestrians and the pur suit of knowledge." President Buchanan said the academic council of the univer sity recently had issued a ruling that said the university does not look with favor upon student automobiles. "It is not that the adminis tration of the university is op posed to fun for youth," Presi dent Buchanan said. "I myself look back upon my undergradu ate days at the University of Idaho as the most pleasant in my life, but I not only went through those four years without a car, but without a topcoat as well." Store Brings Crowd Gates More than 400 people attended the formal opening here of the Garrison Variety store and cafe. Refreshments were served by the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrison, and their assistants to all who came. Many beautiful floral pieces complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Garrison were received. A large stock was on display and soft drinks and meals are now being served at the fountain and lunch counter. Gates is proud of this new store, just completed, which is of stucco finish on the outside and outlined in van-colored lights and a large neon sign; the interior walls are finished in harmonizing pastel shades. Many of those attending the opening were from Salem, Stay- towns, as well as the vicinity. Filberts Included in Marketing Agreement Washington, June 30 U.R President Truman today signed a bill bringing the almond and filbert industries under the agri cultural marketing agreements act. I Dayton The 8-16 club met with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Co burn, for no-host supper. Spe cial guests were Mr. and Mrs. i Clare Heider and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Willert. There were four tables of bridge at play during the evening and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mitchell held the high score, and Mr. and Mrs. Heider (Advertisement) Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't be embarrassed by loose false teeth slipping, dropping or wabbling when you eat, talk or laugh. Just sprin kle a little PASTEE7TH on your plates. This pleasant powder gives a remark able sense of added comfort and secu rity by holding plates more firmly. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. It's alkaline (non-acid). Get FAS TEETH at any drug store. Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall, use out Chinese remedies. Amazing success tor 5000 years In China. No matter with what ailments you are afflicted disorders sinusitis heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, gas, constipation, ulcers, diabetes, rheumatism, gall and bladder, fever Kin, female complaints. CHARLIE CHAN CniNESE HERB CO. Office Hours 9 lo J Tues and Sat. Only 284 N Commercial Phone SALEM. ORE. fit SALEM, OREGON FACTORY CLOSEOUT PURCHASE Cherryland Entertainers Two of the entertainers ap pearing on the Thursday night program for the Cherryland Festival. Above, Lyle Lo rentz, who is to give radio impressions. Below, Judy Graen, nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Graen, one of the four dancers from the Merlain Dancing school participating in a specialty revue. The science of geography is due largely to developments started by Alexander von Hum bolt, a German scholar born in 1769. is teiHMa tilwitiiiH t c - FTH1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 Get Prompt Relief Eczema?Psoriasi8?Rec tal? Get prompt re lief from irritation with r.uririira Ointment. Contains Oxyquinoline and Sulphurated Petro- 1. rWt& r.rnm. mended by doctor! ana nurses, ouyaiyuur druggist today. Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights When disorder of kidney function permits fioisonous matter to remain in your blood, t may cause nagging1 backache, rheumatic pains, lee pains, loss of pep and energy, get tins: up nights, swelling, puffiness under th eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or Scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong With your kidneys or Diaoaer. Don't wait 1 Ask your druggist for Doan'd Fills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 60 years, Doan's give hnrmv relief and will helo the IB miles of kidney tubes flash out poisonous waste from your djooo. uet iroan a rius Don t Be FAT! Z? R.D.X. helps you reduce Take R.D.X. Tsblea be fore meals to help you nub your appetite for unneeded foods. Between meais.R.D.X. Tablets help you save off hunger that causes you to overindulge in fattening snacks. Reducing becomes mote pleasant, a more en joyable way of earing. if your doctor has told you to take off weight, ask him about the wonderful new R.O.X. Tablets and Re ducing Plan. R.D.X. Tablets contain no birmfmt drugs. Let The Scales Show You. You do want to lose weiahf. don't you? Then buy a pack age of R.D.X. Tablets and tOUOW UK K.LA&., Reducing Plan. 1 YouloitWtljht During this Sale aWewLowPrice on the tire that built reputation for high mileage and safety m f (J) lJ vli W FRESH - NEW - WANTED - DRESSES II liillllwW II AND YOUR OLD TIRE V' w JS 4m, im GeneraVs General's Lifetime Guarantee! Come in Compare all these General Tire Quality Features LONG MILEAGE EXTRA STRENGTH DOUBLE GRIP TREAD SAFETY TRACTION EASY RIDING COMFORT FAMOUS MAKES NEW CAR TAKE OFFS Traded in on newGeneral Super Squeegees. Seme :: driven afewblocks,some afewmiles. Yours nowat sensational savings. Alto guaranteed used tires. i W Ct? OFF NEW JJ0 TO TIRE PRICES 33ic32KD WBfi BARGAIN SPARES it: and used tubes: Just what you need in an emergency. Plenty of them here with plenty of miles left in them. FROM 3.00 STATE TIRE SERVICE Ph. 2-2459 State fir Cottage St. COOL COTTONS BUTCHER RAYONS RAYON CREPES YOU'D SNAP UP BUYS LIKE THESE AT THE END OF THE SEASON, BUT TRUST PENNEY'S TO HAVE THEM FOR YOU NOW AT THIS LOW PRICE Summer's most wonted styles and fabrics! And here they are now, right at the peak of the season when you want them most . . . those cool, rayon crepes . . . tubbable cottons . . . embroidered butcher rayons . . . every one a fresh new style, every one a top value! SECOND FLOOR AND DOWNSTAIRS STORE EACH SPECIAL PURCHASE SPECIAL PURCHASE 500 RAYON CREPE DRESSES Yes, ladies it's another big Penney money-saving value! Smart new rayon crepe dresses made of our regular Sorority quality rayons. The prints stand out clear and fresh on pastel backgrounds . . . styles are the latest. Hand washable, too! DOWNSTAIRS STORE ONLY 98 or Monty-lock t Tan